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Teaching Scenario

Discovery Learning

On the other hand, Dedikbud (2014:45) identifies six stages in implementing Discovery
Learning, namely:

1. Stimulation: The teacher initiates the learning activities by asking questions,

recommending reading materials, and other learning activities that prepare for problem-
solving. This stimulation stage aims to provide learning interaction conditions that can
develop and assist students in exploring the subject matter.

2. Problem statement: At this stage, the teacher provides opportunities for students to
identify as many relevant problem agendas as possible related to the subject matter. One
of them is then selected and formulated in the form of a hypothesis (a temporary answer
to the problem question).

3. Data collection: This stage is intended to answer the questions or prove the validity of the
hypothesis. Students are given the opportunity to collect various relevant information,
read literature, observe objects, interview sources, conduct their own experiments, and so

4. Data processing: All information obtained from reading, interviews, observations, etc., is
processed, organized, classified, tabulated, and even calculated in a specific manner and
interpreted at a certain level of confidence.

5. Verification: At this stage, students carefully examine and verify the accuracy of the
previously established hypothesis with alternative findings, connected to the results of
data processing (Syah, 2004:244).

6. Generalization: The generalization or drawing conclusions stage is the process of

drawing a conclusion that can be used as a general principle applicable to all similar
events or problems, considering the verification results (Syah, 2004:244).

Application of Discovery Learning in the subject of Economic Science Concepts.

Learning Objectives:

1. Appreciating resources as a gift from the Almighty God in fulfilling needs.

2. Demonstrating honesty, discipline, responsibility, care, creativity, independence, critical
thinking, and analytical skills in addressing economic problems.
3. Describing the concept of economic science.
4. Presenting the concept of economic science. Main Topic: Economic Science Concepts

Learning Objectives: After completing this lesson, students will be able to:
1. Explain the concept of economic science through reference study.
2. State the divisions of economic science through discussions and reference study.
3. Explain the concepts of descriptive economic science and applied economic science
through discussions and reference study.
4. Differentiate between microeconomics and macroeconomics through discussions and
reference study.
5. Prepare a written analysis report on economic science concepts through discussions and
group work.
6. Present observations on economic science concepts orally through discussions and group

Time Allocation: 2 x 45 minutes (2 hours)

Lesson Steps:

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