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Gamification: The use of game elements and mechanics in educational settings to

increase student engagement and motivation.
2. Adaptive Learning: A personalized learning approach where software adapts to the
individual needs of each student.
3. Interactive Whiteboard: A digital touch screen display that can be used to project and
interact with educational content.
4. Learning Management System (LMS): A software application that helps teachers manage
and organize educational materials, assignments, and assessments.
5. Blended Learning: A combination of online and offline learning activities that allows
students to learn at their own pace and in their own style.
6. Augmented Reality (AR): A technology that overlays digital content on the physical
world, enhancing the learning experience.
7. Virtual Reality (VR): A technology that creates a simulated environment, allowing
students to explore and interact with educational content in a realistic way.
8. Educational Apps: Mobile applications designed specifically for educational purposes,
often incorporating gamification and other interactive features.
9. Digital Citizenship: The responsible and ethical use of technology, including social media,
online communication, and digital devices.
10. Coding: The process of writing computer code to create software programs, games, and
other digital applications.

1. How to use various types of educational technology tools and resources to create
engaging and effective learning experiences for your students
2. How to integrate technology into your curriculum to support learning goals and
3. How to use learning management systems and other digital platforms to manage
student progress and assessments.
4. How to use gamification and other strategies to motivate and engage students.
5. How to create and implement interactive and multimedia-rich lessons using tools such
as interactive whiteboards, digital projectors, and educational apps.
6. How to incorporate virtual and augmented reality experiences into your lessons to
enhance the learning experience.
7. How to teach digital citizenship and responsible use of technology to your students.
8. How to assess student learning using various types of EdTech tools and resources.
9. How to use data and analytics to monitor student progress and adjust your teaching
approach as needed.

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