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“The end of a journey means the start of another one.

My respect to the higher ups especially to our Unit Manager, Mr. Ken Gabrielle Seco, to all the AUMS,
agents, achievers, my fellow rookies and the graduates of rookie academy batch 6, a pleasant evening to
one and all.

First and foremost I would like to congratulate my fellow rookies for making it this far and for
conquering the challenges in managing your time despite of your busy schedule, prior commitments and
other responsibilities. We deserve a tap on the shoulders. Indeed, a warm congratulations!
Looking back to the journey that I have started, I consider it as both a blessing and a coincidence. Being a
part of the academy was not a part of my plan this year but with just one mention of a friend on facebook,
never thought that I am now here journeying with you to celebrate and commit in the making of more
financially free Filipinos.
It was the 6th of March, were we start our classes here in the Academy. And it is also the start of my
journey in working out my first ever job in DSWD after graduation. May kasabihan tayo You cannot
serve two masters at the same time, my take on this You can possibly serve two masters but in a different
time. I juggle work morning to afternoon and in the evening Rookie Academy of Pru Life UK.
Looking back with the journey it wasn’t easy for me. Why? Because there are moment that we came
home late often, UM Ken knows that. Laging over time wala namang additional pay (may sabay ganun)
charot lang.
However, attending sessions in the acdemy was not just an option for me but a priority. I try the
It was just a month ago, where we started our journey here.

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