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MODULE 4 How to write a research paper? Learning Outcomes Atthe end of this module, you are expected to: + Hesra data preparation and anabsis techniques ~Transcribe org tsar ales mm the research participants es discussed in this module ~ ati act rare On coe on earn | + Submit al versio ofthe research paper according tothe ‘timeline and publishing guidelines set by the adviser or instructor Portfolio Output Va ifheend ofthe module, you ar expected to accomplish an submit he + Completed research pape, wit the following: ‘© Transcribed, tabulated, and organized data set © Godel dra for anaes all relevant sections, including all outputs from the previous modules Writing, spelling, |+ No spellingor grammar |+ Minimal spellingand —_| + Has alotof spelling and aed grammar | mistakes | ggnpe ural: " gasimar males + Encellont wting style slvwvitne serie igoy waiting ttyle which + Con nsible and ‘Understandable batmay |" prevents the reader fom: Hirsight to the point bbe wrowdy ‘Sinderstanding the ideas + Adbire: to proper + Agheret te atation styles | properly Steen ste + Bogiy adheres to nniting and citation styles «+ User words and jargon that are irrelevant Integration of * Concepts Ieamed in «The author has applied, | + The submitted paper mowledge the course were fully for the most part the does not demonstrate integrated nt the concepts discussed in the | that the author was able « Eisights of the waster lessons, butsome parts | to grasp most of the were integrated into of the paperhaveflaws | concepts discussed in the conchision and the lessons secomanendation Citations + Follews the relevant + Follows the relevant + Doze not follows the citation style sitation style relevanteitation style, or + Thevelerence sectionis [+ The reference section swith glaring mis complete and correctly | is adequate withmuner | + The seference section is formatted austales in the form simadlequate or has plenty sSourcesandueferences [+ Sourcerandasfezences | of missing citations are all properly cited aie all properly aited DataSet + Data gathered is ely trancenbed | + Inaccurately tansexibed Reustlely Conse, |” and Ebulated with of tabulated, resulting tabulated, and coded for few inaccuracies which im inaccurate coding and analysis may sequive further analyse + Dat is mouped into, wallgation befoathey, + Fulton may notomeage: tems that are ea canbe propaly coded or | due to impr dling Ecunected te the Gnaipeld Sais hypothesis + Mod data are grouped into pattems Hat ase commcted t the hypothesis Analysis and + Cohesive discussion of [+ Adequate discussionof | + Poor discussion of the results results the results of the analysis | analysis of data and the + Aconsistent connection | of dataanditsrelevance | results ismade between the to the thesis| + Ne connections made gathered data andthe | + A connections made between the data thesis between the gathered gathered and the thesis + Excellent analysis of data | data and the thesis + Poor, missing ox + Tables, graphs, charts, | - Good analysis of data incomplete analysis andfigures are dlealy _| + Acceptable use of tables, | « Poorly presented tables, and accuzately used to graphs, figures, and graphs, chazts, and present data chazts to present data figures [Conchusion ~ The conclusion is waitten |+ The conclusion is written | The conclusion is written ina clear language ina dear language ina lear language + Short and eoneise tee « Werdy and long + Excellent discussion, + Discusses the of the. of + A good summary of the significance of the fenpisandsnampact, | sera tesgniicance, | etuleancste pact, on = and its anpact on en iy Bow the general body of Krowidige + Nonew ideas or + Ingoduced new ideas or information are knowledge information sformaticr + Nomnew ideas or information are inteduced Final draft = Draws theinterestof the | + Easy to read and follow, | Poor writing may reader with the depth witha few interesting hinder the reader's ‘of analysis and the discussions and ‘understanding and i ewpeint discussion of results w Snub elie aequately | appreciation + Sections are logically organized Y | 4 Sections lack logical owganized + Allsectons are included, | organization + Allsections are included | but some may have + Major sections + Ideas flow smoothly from Eee care missing or are paragraph to paragraph |" betweenparsgraphs and | incomplete fandsecton'to sectinof | sectons bat some ideas | Ideas are incoherent wath thepaper hay not flow te | no logical progression unpolished writing between paragraphs and sattone of the paper Presentation + Presentation slides + Presentation slides «= Presentation slides are are clear, precise, and are adequate and unclear informative informative + Graphics and tables are +Relevant graphics and | Graphies and tables presented impropenly tables were used to wereused butmay be | Presentation is delivered support the ideas and unpolished in an unorganized conclusions | + Delivery of the manner, leading «Presentation is delivered | presentation is adequate | to confusion or confidently and ina clear sunappreciation by the manner audience LESSON 16 Rae Coe Se ibensres ene a Freee ae poems bene OW IS DATA PREPARED FOR ANALYSIS? G@RD Explore Browse through the Philippine Soctal Scionces Review, the online archive ofthe oficial publication ofthe Univers of he FiippnesCallge of Social ‘Sciences & Philosophy (URL: ly di i) Explore the ste and read the published auticles there, Review the data and their analysis, See ifyou can apply these in your research. @ EXAMINE After collecting information from the participants of the study, the researcher should now process the data for further analysis. Since the data collected (eg. talk, text, images, videos, notes) for qualitative research can be broad and unstructured, preparing qualitative data for analysis requires us to be gtematic and fog opal in our approach. There are several steps we can follow to prepare the data for analysis. Equipment There is a handful of equipment that may be used in preparing the data. The researcher may use audio and video recording equipment during the interviews, and nofedooks, tablets, and computers for taking down notes during observations. Cameras may also be used during the observation. Aportable digital voice recorder could come in handy during interviews and could be utilized for transcription purposes. Video recordings may be played using a computer, a medha player, or a tablet during the transcription process as well. Whatever equipment you decide to use, make sure that you first get the consent of the participant. They should be aware and consent to be audio-recorded or filmed during this step. While most people find no disagreement ‘with being audio recorded uring interviews, come people arerailerapprenensive sboit being filmed, Remember that it should be the participant's choice to agree or disagree A ‘with the use of these pieces of equipment during interviews. i Hy iy Transcribing the data Simply put, tranzeription is converting collected data from the field into textual form. This is the first step in analyzing data. ‘The audio recordings must be played repeatedly for the researcher to become familiar with the recording and the auditory clues that may emerge, as these can help in interpreting the responses. The transcriber should fake note of vocal cues and utterances, which could have local context and can aid in a deeper understanding of the responses. HURQ Likewise, ifthe data to be transcribed include video recordings, the transcriber should take note of the visual cues, non-verbal interactions, mannerisms, facial expressions, and gestures of the participants. These cues may also give farther context and meaning to what was said that could further contribute to a better perception of the responses. ‘Things to take note of: « Highlights of the interview + Date and time details + Other observations, such as gestures or unusual body language ‘Transcribing the recordings may also take some time, especially if the data is from a focus group or a semi-structured interview. There are several participants or overlapping conversation threads that the researcher may have to observe and examine further. The time needed for ‘transcription should also be taken into account in the project timeline, An hour of interview typically takes up to about four hours to transcribe, Responses given in local languages or dialects, such as Kapampangan or Tisavan, may need to be translated in English later if necessary. Transcription Software ‘There are free software systems available, either as online applications or individual software packages, for transcribing recordings. However, these may not be effective in the Philippine setting, mainly if the participants converse in their native languages or speak with heavy accents, Errors in transcription may affect the final analysis of the data athand, Organizing the data After transcribing the data, the researcher is likely to end up with mountains of uncatezorized information. These need to be organized into something le. Unorganized data may initially look challenging to make sense of and could be overwhelming, Without a clear plan for data analysis, the researcher might miss some important details because of the volume of available data. Organizing data well will make it easier to analyze. THE HAV LEAF ASA Beverage TRAC Manager wore. — [Rueschiaghotcd | Atechang leashes hotel is place suds what | where the on thes need | thesjob raining the standards services under food and beverages. I is Foodand | Front Office round foe them to lex | scenario, The hotel Dinteal operations. | Inamuros teaches the skill PU inal nowledge (Organising the dats on 2 table for easy analysis at done by a ‘We can follow several strategies to place them in order. First, we need to check if the data can be grouped according to the research objectives and questions posed for the stady. We may also arrange and categorize the data according to a specific question, respondent, or sub-topic. ‘We can then render the data visually by encoding them into a table or matrix, similar to Raymundo’s research on the Bayleaf Hotel managers, ‘The transcribed responses were organized into a table, making it easier ‘to glean information from them. UMMARY LESSON 16 TRANSCRIPTION the proceet ef converting ecleted “F Hignight: ofthe newacton “dee nt tatu arm Z- ‘a STEPS OF DATA ANALYSIS See 2 = 2. Uses tr 2 Transcibe the data janscription 1, Check the equipment tapes ote tppuconen mecodngdasce Daayong ses pas Sareoibapine ca ake we that you fest get the comanial he pariepant y ones 4. What pieces of equipment are needed in preparing and processing the collected data? 2. Why is it important to organize the collected data? 3. What are the things to observe when transcribing the recorded interviews? 4. What are the disadvantages of using transcription software in the Philippine setting? Cite some scenarios. F Dat and te details ¥ Gerures wc boo language By 4. Organize the data 3 BUILD « Begin to transcribe the data that you have collected from your participants. Make sure that you have ample time ta do this activity. + Organize your transcribed data according to the guidelines discussed inthis lesson,

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