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4th written task

Write the Ethical dilemma, stakeholders and alternatives of your chosen ethics case.
Pinky Amador's viral video about their condominium's circular concerning
OFWs and quarantine facility designation

In the video, an enraged Amador is seen cursing at a woman inside what appears to be an
office, as the actress demands for a supposed long overdue
"circular." Amador, who is wearing a face mask in the video, mentions numerous times her
life being endangered, referring to overseas Filipino workers supposedly being allowed to
check in at the building where she lives.

In Amador's statement, released by her management ALV Talents, she narrated the events
leading up to the recorded confrontation. She said that on May 4, the condo- tel, which has
units for residents and hotel guests, accepted returning 59 OFWs without informing
homeowners. Amid the coronavirus pandemic, OFWs returning home undergo government-
Basic Facts of the Case sponsored quarantine at designated venues, such as hotels, where they will stay until they are
cleared of the disease.
Amador once shared an elevator with two of the OFWs she claimed were allowed to be
billeted at the condo-tel, she recalled, saying her neighbors have had similar experiences.
The emotional distress over their safety, Amador said, was what "fueled my ire" when she
demanded for the circular from the condo-tel administration. The circular, she explained, is
supposed to detail plans involving the quarantined OFWs, as well as safety protocols in
place — but despite repeated demands, it has yet to be released.d-up nurse has gone viral
after she took to Facebook to quit her job after being placed on a floor with patients being
tested for COVID-19.

Considering the situation of Pinky Amador, what should she have done?
Should she have acted the way she did? Does she have a right to demand the

Pinky Amador's viral video about their condominium's circular concerning OFWs and
quarantine facility designation - zm9nxN4
Reference for the case
1 other reference is available on a separate file

Ethical Dilemma
An Ethical dilemma is an experience where a person is confronted with competing values. The choice or solution in an
Ethical dilemma is the strongest or the most important value that the person holds. Remember, values are beliefs or ideas
that motivate someone to act or behave in a particular way; values dictate how we act, why we act or do not act.

Values Principles/Explanation
Write the 1st competing value here What does the first value represent or mean to the moral agent?

VALUE OF HONESTY Pinky Amador is seeking an honest reply. She wants to know everything about the OFW for
her safety and the safety of her neighbors. Pinky Amador has been asking hotel staff members
for information regarding the OFW for the past three weeks and is baffled as to why they are
unable to provide her with the necessary documents. Pinky Amador is eager to learn every
detail about the OFW.

Write the 2nd competing value here What does the first value represent or mean to the moral agent?

VALUE OF RELIABILITY Pinky Amador seeks protection. She merely wants to know how everyone is doing. The
returning OFWs have been quarantined at the hotel where they are staying. For the safety of
everyone staying at the hotel as well as for her personal protection, she needs to review their

Write the 3rd competing value here What does the first value represent or mean to the moral agent?

VALUE OF LIFE Pinky Amador took the precautions she did to defend herself from the COVID-19 virus and
avoid infection because she still wanted to live and do more in her life. She is just operating in
this manner in order to avoid the spread of a contagious illness. She did it not only for herself
but also for everyone else staying at the hotel.

These are the people who have a stake in the issue. These are the people who have the most to gain or most to lose.
These are the people who are directly affected or involved.
Stakeholde Principles/Explanation
Name of the 1st stakeholder Why is the identified person a stakeholder? What will he gain or lose in the dilemma?

Condotel Staff
Pinky wanted to review the OFW's information in order to have peace of mind. Pinky
Amador acted in this manner because the staff was unable to provide her with the information
she sought. What should have transpired may have been avoided if the employees had met
their responsibilities to present Pinky Amador with the necessary paperwork.

\Name of the 2nd stakeholder Why is the identified person a stakeholder? What will he gain or lose in the dilemma?

Pinky Amador’s neighbor

Pinky Amador's action is to keep everyone safe, particularly her elderly neighbors and a
family with children.

Name of the 3rd stakeholder Why is the identified person a stakeholder? What will he gain or lose in the dilemma?

Pinky Amador
Pinky inquiries about the information provided by the returning OFW based on the hotel's
paperwork for PUM and PUI since she is concerned about catching the COVID virus. This is
done to keep them safe and to prevent the virus from spreading around the hotel where they
are staying.
Name of the 4th stakeholder Why is the identified person a stakeholder? What will he gain or lose in the dilemma?

Condotel Administrative
Pinky has permission to contact hotel management regarding the hotel's policy or the COVID-
19 process because she lives there and owns a unit there. As a guest or owner of a hotel unit,
you have the right to be informed so that you can keep healthy and avoid getting sick.

The alternatives pertain to the possible choices or options.
The choices or options pertain to the decisions or solutions that may be chosen, done or taken by the person (moral
agent) who has the dilemma.

Alternatives, Options or Principles/Explanation

What is the explanation?
Write the 1st solution here

Pinky should be able to keep her rage in Pinky Amador may seek out OFW information again if she believes her concerns have been
check, considering how she handled the ignored in the preceding days. Pinky should be mindful of what she says before becoming
staff. enraged with the staff members. She may injure the person to whom she is speaking as a
result of her behavior, which may cause complications.

What is the explanation?

Write the 2nd solution here

Pinky has to look into why the circular Pinky Amador has to figure out the precise reason why the hotel is suppressing the
or memo is being ignored by the hotel. information she has requested at a time when her concern is being ignored.
What is the explanation?
Write the 3rd solution here

Pinky must need to talk to the hotel Pinky ought to speak with the condotel manager and make sure she gets a copy of the
manager. documentation she requested. Pinky Amador must have needed to clarify her side to the boss
because all she wants is a safe life, like we all do.

Grade Comments of the professor

AOS (Areas Of Strength)

AFI (Areas For Improvement)


Refer to the SAMPLE CASE AND OUPUT below:

Anna (the moral agent) and several co-workers are under a two-month leave (no- work,
no-pay) status. Her company is under the non-essential sector of the Philippine economy
and so, their operations had to be cut down to manage the cost.

Anna is grateful that, despite the challenges, she still has a job compared to some people she
knows who already suffered retrenchment/termination. However, being on leave for two
months is not easy for Anna and her family. She is the breadwinner with two young siblings
and senior citizen parents to take care of.
They survive only through the social amelioration program of the local government plus her
20k savings.

When Anna learned that she will be a part of the skeletal workforce of their company, she
felt excited. Reporting back to work means she will have money for her family and will no
longer need to rely on the government support. The HR officer of their company reached
out to her and informed her that she needs to report for work in 1 week and will need to
submit a PCR result confirming that she is negative of the virus.

Anna has a problem:

Basic Facts of the Case
- She does not have the money for the PCR test and knows no one who has the financial
capacity to lend her money.
- Their city is prioritising people who are infected of the virus as well as the PUI
(persons under investigation) and PUM (persons under monitoring).
- She knows that she is not infected; no one in her family is infected.

Anna learned that there is a shop that produces fake PCR test result. It is affordable and
quick. She can get it within the day and only costs Php700. However, she does not want to
get a fake test and lie at work. Being honest is important to Anna. She has always believed
that lies are all the same; big or small - they are still a lie and lies to lead to problems.

Anna needs to work because they have no more money left. But, in order for
her to work, she will need to get a PCR test. She does not have the money for
it. She also needs the PCR test result to be available right away because her
work starts in one week. What should Anna do?

Ethical Dilemma
An Ethical dilemma is an experience where a person is confronted with competing values. The choice or solution in an
Ethical dilemma is the strongest or the most important value that the person holds. Remember, values are beliefs or ideas
that motivate someone to act or behave in a particular way; values dictate how we act, why we act or do not act.

Values Principles/Explanation
What does the first value represent or mean to the moral agent?
Write the 1st competing value here
Anna loves her family. She is the bread winner and will do everything she can to provide
VALUE OF RELIABILITY for her family. Her family cannot rely on her if she cannot work. She needs to go back to
work to earn money for their daily needs.

What does the second value represent or mean to the moral agent?
Write the 2nd competing value here
Anna is honest. She believes in telling the truth. She wants to get the PCR result the right
VALUE OF HONESTY way - the legitimate way.
What does the third value represent or mean to the moral agent?
Write the 3rd competing value here
Anna is greateful to her company for not terminating her or removing her from the
VALUE OF GRATEFULNESS company. She understands the 2-month leave no-work, no-pay status. She wants to return
to work as soon as possible, so she could also help the company.

These are the people who have a stake in the issue. These are the people who have the most to gain or most to lose.
These are the people who are directly affected or involved.
Stakeholde Principles/Explanation
Why is the identified person a stakeholder? What will he gain or lose in the dilemma?

1st stakeholder Anna needs to work for her family. She has limited options. She does not have the money for
the PCR and needs the PCR result quickly. If she does not report to work as scheduled with
the negative PCR result, she might lose her chance to earn and essentially, get her job back.

Why is the identified person a stakeholder? What will he gain or lose in the dilemma?

2nd stakeholder If Anna does not get a negative PCR report, she will not be able to go back work. Her
family will go hungry. The government support and Anna's 20k savings are both depleted.


Why is the identified person a stakeholder? What will he gain or lose in the dilemma?

Anna's company needs to have their skeletal workforce employees to free of the virus. If
one person is infected (with or without symptoms), it will put the company operations at
3rd stakeholder risk. If one person gets the virus, it can easily spread to the whole team. If one person gets
sick, operations will need to stop. If operations stop, the company will not earn and it will
put not just the operations at risk but the livelihood or employment of the workers as well.
ANNA'S People might lose their employment if the company does not create/sell products/services.


Why is the identified person a stakeholder? What will he gain or lose in the dilemma?

Anna's co-workers will be affected if ever she decides to report to work without the PCR
negative test result. And if ever:

1) she reports to work without the PCR test, they will be afraid to go near her. Even with
4th stakeholder
social distancing, discrimination and paranoia lives. The PCR negative test is an assurance of
safety and security.
2) ever she reports to work with the PCR test but fake, Anna's co-workers can still be
WORKERS affected. The co-workers might feel safe and secured because of the PCR test that she
would show. However, what if Anna is asymptomatic? She might be exposing her co-
workers to the virus without knowing it.
The alternatives pertain to the possible choices or options.
The choices or options pertain to the decisions or solutions that may be chosen, done or taken by the person (moral
agent) who has the dilemma.

Alternatives, Options or Principles/Explanation

What is the explanation?

Anna values her family and by telling the truth, Anna can find another way to get the PCR
test and secure her job - for her family. If Anna tells the truth, the HR of their company
will learn that:
- She does not have the money for PCR test
- She will not be able to get the PCR test result in time for the start of skeletal
Write the 1st solution here
Without the report or feedback from Anna, the HR will not know that there is a problem or
ANNA to tell the HR the truth and challenge. Knowing the problem of Anna, therefore, will allow the HR to provide support.
ask for help. Maybe the company can shoulder the PCR test? Maybe the company can extend the return-to-
work order for Anna and allow her to get the PCR and the result first before allowing her to
go back to work.

Also, if Anna is caught by the company lying about her PCR result -- if they find out that it is
fake, she might be terminated from work. Losing her job by lying is not aligned to her values.

What is the explanation?

Anna values her family and it is important that she return to work right away. The sooner
she could return the work and earn money, the better. Anna is the bread winner of her
family. Both of her parents are Senior Citizens already. They are not employed; same goes
for her siblings. No one in the family works except for her. Since she was not able to work
for about 2 months because of the pandemic and the condition of their company, she did
Write the 2nd solution here
not have any income.

ANN to get a fake PCR negative

It is not just Anna who is under leave or no work, no pay status. She has co- workers who
are under the same status. If does not provide a negative PCR result or report right away, her
slot under the skeletal workforce might be given to other employees. If she does not get that
slot, she will not be able to provide money for her family. They do not have money
anymore. She cannot risk not having money to put food on the table.

What is the explanation?

Write the 3rd solution here

RUBRIC for 4th Written Output: Basic Case Analysis
Percentage Description
Applicable values, stakeholders and alternatives have all been identified and
accordingly explained:

3 values
3 stakeholders
3 alternatives, options or solutions
Applicable values, stakeholders and alternatives have been identified and
accordingly explained:

3 values
3 stakeholders
2 alternatives, options or solutions
Applicable values, stakeholders and alternatives have been identified and
accordingly explained:

3 values
2 stakeholders
2 alternatives, options or solutions
Applicable values, stakeholders and alternatives have been identified and
accordingly explained:

2 values
2 stakeholders
2 alternatives, options or solutions
Applicable values, stakeholders and alternatives have been identified and
accordingly explained:

2 values
2 stakeholders
1 alternatives, options or solutions
Applicable values, stakeholders and alternatives have been identified and
accordingly explained:

2 values
1 stakeholders
1 alternatives, options or solutions
Applicable values, stakeholders and alternatives have been identified and
accordingly explained:

1 values
1 stakeholders
1 alternatives, options or solutions

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