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A graph of data about further education of men and women in The United Kingdom is

shown as of above. We can see statistics regarding the matter where it is shown data of full
time education as well as part time education between 1970 until 1991. The graph is divided
into two parts where one is for Men’s data and the other is for Women’s Data.

As displayed above, Men in 1970/1971 part time education numbers in 1 million and full
time numbers in around a hundred thousand, in 1980/1981 part time education numbers in
nine hundred thousand and full time numbers in around a hundred thousand but slightly
higher than 1970/1971, and in 1990/1991 part time education numbers is in nine hundred
thousand and full time numbers in around three hundred thousand. We can conclude the
data for men that full time education has increase over the years while part time education
experiences increase and decrease over the years.

Continuing to Women’s data, it is shown in 1970/1971 part time education numbers in

seven hundred thousand and full time numbers in as low as a hundred thousand, in
1980/1981 part time education numbers in eight hundred thousand and full time numbers
in around two hundred thousand, and in 1990/1991 part time education numbers is in a
million and fulltime numbers in around three hundred thousand. We can conclude the data
for women that both full time education and part time education gradually increases over
the years.

The conclusion of the graphs overall is women are more consistent in education growth
while men tends to increase and decrease over the years. It is shown the data is somehow
relevant since the 1980s is the peak where the cold war happened. The decrease of
education in 1980’s for men may be the result of casualties of war in the cold war.

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