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Revision of Communicative English Text Books for Class X

The Central Board of Secondary Education is in the process of revising the
Interact in English textbooks for Communicative English for class X.
Constructive feedback is sought from practicing teachers and students so as
to revise the books as per the requirements of the stakeholders and end users
of the books i.e. teachers and students.
Heads of schools/ Principals are requested to download the feedback forms
and get them filled by the teachers teaching Class X (Communicative
English) and by students of Classes X and XI of their school and post the
forms to Ms. Menaxi Jain, A.E.O, CBSE, Shiksha Sadan, 17, Rouse Avenue,
New Delhi-110002 or email at latest by March
31st, 2010.
The forms can be downloaded from the CBSE website

Feedback Performa for English Communicative

- Secondary Level (Code No. 101)
Dear Principal,
The CBSE is in the process of revising the textbooks for Communicative
English for Class X and would welcome constructive feedback based on the
field experience of practicing teachers.
You are requested to get the enclosed feedback forms duly filled by your
teachers and students and send to Ms. Menaxi Jain, AEO, CBSE, Shiksha
Sadan, 17, Rouse Avenue, New Delhi-110002.
Details about the school:
Name of the
Complete Address_______________________________________________________
Affiliation Status (Secondary/Senior Secondary)____________________________
Contact Number Tel (O)_______________ (R )____________Mob_______________
Email id: School________________________________________________________
Email id: Principal __________________________________________________
Total number of:
a. Sections in Class X_____________________________________
b. Students in Class X____________________________________
c. Teachers teaching English in Class X_______________________________

Names of teachers teaching Communicative English at secondary level and their


Feedback from Practicing Teachers

English Communicative
1. Content / Theme:
1.1. a. Are you satisfied with the themes/topics covered in the book?
1.1. b. Do you think any of them need to be excluded? If yes, please give
1.1. c. Would you like to suggest any other theme/topic that should be
included? If yes, please mention the theme/topic here and attach the
relevant selection with the form.
1.2. a. Are you satisfied with the texts chosen for the theme?
1.2. b. Do you think any of the texts should be excluded? Please mention the
text and give reasons.
1.2. c. Can you suggest some texts that can be included under the same
theme? If yes, please attach a copy or provide the source.
1.2. d. Do you think that the prescribed texts are interesting for the
students to read? Please mention the texts which are not interesting and
give reason.

2. Language
2.1. Are you satisfied with the general level of the language used in the
different texts? If not, please specify.

3. Activities
3.1. Do you think that most of the activities for the listening, speaking,
reading and writing skills and literature texts can be used for formative
assessment also? Please elaborate.
3.2. Do you find that activities of some text(s) are inadequate or
inappropriate? Please list the text(s) and give reasons?
3.3. Is the language of instruction clear and understandable? Mention those
activities where language of instruction lacks clarity or needs some
3.4. Would you like to suggest some activity that can be included in the text
4. Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation
4. Is Continuous and Comprehensive Evaluation (CCE) being followed in Class
X? If yes, how?

Feedback from Students studying

English Communicative
Name of the Student: ______________________________________
Email ID:
1. Content / Theme:
1.1. a. Are you satisfied with the themes/topics covered in the book?
1.1. b. Do you think any of them need to be excluded? If yes, please give
1.1. c. Would you like to suggest any other theme/topic that should be
included? If yes, please mention the theme/topic here and attach the
relevant selection with the form.

1.2. a. Are you satisfied with the texts chosen for the theme?
1.2.b. Do you think any of the texts should be excluded? Please mention the
text and give reasons.
1.2.c. Can you suggest some texts that can be included under the same
theme? If yes, please attach a copy or provide the source.

2.d. Do you think that the prescribed texts are interesting for the students
to read? Please mention the texts which are not interesting and give reason.


2. Language
2.1. Is the language used in the books to your liking?

3. Activities
3.1. Do the activities cover all the areas of learning?

3.2. Is the language of instruction clear? Mention those activities where

language of instruction lacks clarity or needs some modification.

3.3 What activities/assignments/projects are you asked to work on as part

of CCE? Are these activities enjoyable and learner friendly? Are these
activities useful? What activities can you suggest for inclusion in the

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