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to Small
Group Bible
Study Prepared by:
Elmar B. Sanchez

Historical (Exegetical) Study

Prayer: Father we thank You for giving us this day. We glorify Your name and
receive our praise and thanksgiving. Thank You for the opportunity for
gathering us together. We ask Your Holy spirit to continue open our hearts
and minds as we study Your word. Help us understand the message that You
wanted to bring into Your people. These we ask in Your Holy name. Amen.
Luke 4:18,”The spirit of the Lord is on me, because He has anointed me to
proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the
prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free,”

Themes and Arguments of the text: Proclamation, freedom and Recovery

What spirit that comes from the Lord Jesus that makes Him proclaim the good
news to the poor?
Who sent Him?
How will He give freedom to the prisoners?
Why there were oppressed people?

Author: Luke

Time of writing: A.D. 59-63

Purpose and concern of the writings: The writings is addressed to Theophilus.

Probably Theophilus is a wealthy Roman with high position and Luke’s
supporter in publishing and distribution of his writings. The purpose of the
gospel is to answer and strengthen the faith of all believers and to answer the
interrogation of the unbelievers.

My Insights: Jesus is the only way that can give freedom and complete
Kind of writing: Gospel of Luke

What does the text represents?

1. Jesus is the fountain of grace and gift without limits.
2. Jesus can takes away the guilt of sins through His Spirit and grace from the
slavery of ungodliness.
3. He gives sight those who are blinded through His gospel those who live in
the darkness or sinfulness.
4. Everyone is invited.

Authorship and context: Luke demonstrated that the position of the gentile
Christians in God’s kingdom is anchored in the teaching’s of Jesus Christ.

1. Luke consider those who do not belong to religious participation as poor.

2. Faithful disciples of Jesus Christ who abandoned their belongings for
Christ’s sake.
3. Those who are in need.
4. The persecuted disciples of Jesus Christ.
5. The nation of Israel.
6. The chosen people within Israel.

Theological perspective and concern of Luke

1. Luke quoted from Isaiah 55-66 in pertaining “poor” is equal with Isaianic
2. When Luke mention, “the favorable year of the Lord” he is relating to the
septuagint that emphasizes the year in which God has chosen to demonstrate
His salvation. This statement is anchored to the jubilee wherein prisoners
were to be released.
3. It is the act of God in letting Israel to enslaving nation. Thus, God also can
bring His people back in His hands.
4. Jesus is the fulfillment that proclaim God’s kingdom.

1. The Spirit of truth comes from the Lord Jesus that enable the hearers to set
2. God the Father send the Lord Jesus in this world to give us eternal life.
3. He give freedom to His people in His time that no one can stop. It is His
well to give peace and direction to His chosen ones.
4. It is sin that bind the people in the darkness. The choice of sinning will lead
us into destruction.

What the text may be saying to us?

1. The Spirit of the Lord is able to lead us and empower us to set us free. The
whisper of the Holy Spirit in our hearts directs us to do the right decisions.
2. Our Lord God in heaven loves us so much that’s He wants us to come to
Him and repent of our sins.
3. God knows our greatest struggles and bondage. He wants us to live in
peace. That peace of God leads us to become fruitful.
4. Let us live in the light.


Heard W. (2020) Luke’s attitude toward the rich and poor. Reformed theology
at a puritan’s mind.

Book-by-book Approach to Teaching/Leading Bible Study

Epistle to the Ephesians

Prayer: Lord Jesus, thank you for calling us today in Your presence. We pray
that You will guide us in studying this Book of the Bible. Help us understand
the message of the scripture as we reflect on the lives of the early Christians.
Guide us and teach us on the way You wanted us to be in Jesus Name.

After two years of Paul’s third missionary journey, he tend to the church of
Ephesus. Amid of opposition, Paul witnessed many converts in this city
particularly in opposition with the Greek goddess Artemis. Demetrius a
silversmith, his business on worshiping Artemis was interrupted because
people were converted into Christianity. Although, Paul was driven to leave
the city because of near-riot still the growth and stability of community
conversion continues. Probably written in A.D. 60-62.

Author’s historical context and theological commitment

1. Paul ponder the true meaning of Christian in faith and practice in the midst
of the community’s problem.
2. Paul emphasizes the first three chapters of the letter by demonstrating the
gift of grace through the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
3. Those who belong in this community were accepted as sons and daughters
of God through Christ’s redemption.
4. All believers whether Jews or gentiles were considered dead in their sins
and made alive because of Christ’s being and work.
5. Paul wanted believers to become mature in their faith.
6. Paul is hoping all believers to walk in eternal calling.
7. Christians must follow disciplines in their commitment to the church, family
and community.

Issues and concerns from the epistle of Ephesians through its summary
1. Chapter 1-3, Paul is celebrating considering believers as chosen by God’s
before the foundation.
2. Chapter 4-5, Paul urged the believers to “walk in a manner worthy of the
3. Chapter 6, Paul directed believers ready to face spiritual battle by wearing
the “full armor of God”. Further, he stated the importance of prayer as
christian soldier.

Group response:
1. What is God’s intention for choosing us from the beginning before the
foundation of the world?
2. How should we live the grace of God?
3. How can we imitate God?
4. Why the husband oath to love his wife?
5. What is the best weapon of Christian soldier?

Community interactions
1. How can we demonstrate God’s intervention in our workplace, family and
2. How can we emphasize God’s grace to the unbelievers?
3. Why prayer is important to the believers?
Thematic approach to teaching/Leading Bible study

Text: Matthew 19:23-24, Then Jesus said to His disciples, “Truly I tell you, it is
hard for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of heaven. Again I tell you,
it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone
who is rich to enter the kingdom of God.”
Why Jesus said it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than
for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God?
Is it hard for the rich people to enter heaven?
What is the relationship between the camels eye and the rich man in regards
to the kingdom of God?
What did Jesus mean when He says eye of the needle?

According to Benson commentary it is the habitual proverb among the Jews to

demonstrate the hardest things to happen. The phrase “a camel’s passing
through a needle’s eyes is authored from rabbinical writings to emphasizing
things which is impossible to happen. Furthermore, riches if not properly
managed have misery effects in two ways:
1. Many wrongful decisions and evil deeds are committed by men to gain
2. It contradicts piety and will lead to covetousness which is the main reason
of evil, luxuriousness, drunkenness, lust, pride and slothfulness.

Riches also is a trap:

1. It will turn us away from loving God and make it as the main source of
2. It can make self as highly respected above all.
3. Make us abusers of position. We are stewards of God’s properties and we
will give accounts on whatever we do. We are not to use God’s properties in
our own selfishness rather as an opportunity to do good and give good gifts to

Group tasks:
1. Is richness good or bad? Why?
2. What is the opposite of selfishness? Then how can you do that?
3. Whether rich or poor what would be the greatest position in the sight of
God? How can you demonstrate that position?

1. The statement “It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle”
denotes impossible things to happen. Further, Henry stated it’s difficult for rich
man to become responsible Christian and be saved. The way to heaven is
narrow and the gate that leads to. Lots of duties are demanded if we follow
2. The work of salvation depends wholly on the power of almighty God.
3. The love of money is the root of all evil things.

Lectionary Approach to teaching

Opening prayer:
Father in heaven enlighten us with Your word. Speak to us through the
whisper of Your still small voice in our hearts. Amen.

Sharing of important events:

1. What are the important events of your lives that challenges your faith?
2. How did you overcome

Opening prayer:
Father in heaven enlightens us with Your word. Speak to us as we study Your

Sharing of remarkable events:

1. What are the significant events of your lives that challenge your faith?
How did you overcome those circumstances?
What did you learn from those trials?
From those events in your life what God is telling you about it?

Matthew 9:57-62
57 As they were going along the road, someone said to him, “I will follow you
wherever you go.” 58 And Jesus said to him, “Foxes have holes, and birds of
the air have nests, but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay his head.” 59 To
another he said, “Follow me.” But he said, “Lord, let me first go and bury my
father.” 60 And Jesus[g] said to him, “Leave the dead to bury their own dead.
But as for you, go and proclaim the kingdom of God.” 61 Yet another said, “I
will follow you, Lord, but let me first say farewell to those at my home.” 62
Jesus said to him, “No one who puts his hand to the plow and looks back is fit
for the kingdom of God.” 
Questions and Insights:
1. Why Jesus is saying, "Foxes have holes, and birds of the air have
nests, but the Son of Man has nowhere to lay his head?"
2. Did Jesus never cares about burying dead bodies especially if it is our
family? Why Jesus urged his follower to rather follow him immediately?
3. Did Jesus teach us to abandon our own family and follow him? Why?
4. What are the necessary things in following Jesus?

Exploration of the text:

After Jesus performs miracles and healing, this man was probably star-struck
at him. He is eager to follow Jesus but he was challenged with his response.
Jesus is homeless. He does not have a comfortable place. He works all the
time and found no place to hide or retreat. Foxes and birds had a better place.
Will this young man lay his life to faithfully follow Christ anywhere?
Following Jesus is not measured in any place. It requires our whole
commitment even to our last breath as what the other apostles did.
What did Jesus notice in this man's heart?

Jesus knows the exact condition of his followers. The second follower is
asking him to consent to bury his father. The request is urgent and honest for
burial is a refutable culture of the Jewish. But, Jesus takes no hold of it. He
rather honors God than tradition. He is God's service priorities.
In our present situation, we cannot escape the demands of life. Regarding the
fact stated above, how are we going to deal with the hectic schedules
concerning our jobs, career, family bonding, and personal interests in
connection to God's service?

The reason for the third man is simply a brief farewell to his family. But saying
goodbye to a family is a hard thing. It is a difficult thing to decide because
there is no place like home. Home is the perfect place for anyone wherein you
feel secure, love, care for, and support. When we are committed to Jesus we
are no longer to live our former life. Family is a gift from God but we must
seek Him first. Family can be our support in following Jesus or hindrance.

The message of the text for you and the community:

Share your experience in your service to Christ. What instances have you
encountered after you follow Christ?
Have you felt insecure and unsafe in following Christ? Why?
What is your greatest struggle in following Christ?
In your encounter with Christ, what are the difficult things you are struggling

Closing prayer:
Father we thank You for Your word today. May You guide us always in doing
Your service. Help us to follow You always. Make us a faithful followers no
matter how hard the path we are going through. In Jesus name. Amen.

Praying the scripture approach to teaching bible study

Psalms 19:14
May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing to
you, O LORD, my rock and my redeemer.

Keywords: words, meditation, pleasing, rock, and redeemer

What words should come out from our mouth and meditations that pleased

Ask some insights from the group in regards to their prayer and devotion to
In what way you meditate on God?
How should we meditate?

Lord teach us today on how we speak that glorifies Your name. May our
devotion and our meditation be pleasing to You.

May the words of my mouth-this is a prayer asking God to keep us from sinful
deeds. Also, it asks God to purify the words that come from our mouths. Our
sayings begin in our thinking so that our mind must be in the right condition

Be pleasing to you-not destructive and disorder. Good to hear and uplifting


O Lord, my rock-this statement acknowledges that God is the firm foundation

of our faith wherein our feet are firmly standing.

My redeemer- this statement is relying upon God as the savior from our sins,
trouble, and problems.

What frequent words would you utter in pleasing God?
How do you acknowledge God in your own words?
Have you experienced God redeemed you in certain troubles? Share your

Contribution of the Story-Linking Approach

Matthew 5:16, 'Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your
good works and glorify your Father in heaven.'

Prayer: Father, we acknowledge Your word today. Spoke to us and taught us

to understand what you want us to do. In Your name, we pray. Amen.
Have you experienced an event in your life wherein you felt God is working on
that particular situation?

What does it mean, 'Let your light so shine before men, that they may see
your good works and glorify your Father in heaven?'
1. The acts of doing what is right in the sight of the people a midst the
2. Overcoming evil with good.
3. Invest the goodness of God in the hearts of the people.
4. Worshiping God in all circumstances. 

Engagement and making decision:

1. How can we make our lives light in the people?
2. Do you think our righteousness may glorify our Father in heaven?

List the things you wanted to do this week that glorifies our Father in heaven:

Theology for daily living

1 Samuel 15:22
And Samuel said, Has the Lord as great delight in burnt offerings and
sacrifices, as in obeying the voice of the Lord? Behold, to obey is better than
sacrifice, and to listen than the fat of rams.
Write questions on a piece of paper. Make five groups, and they draw lots.
Each group will formulate answers through the selected questions they have
1. What is Samuel's position in this text that caused him to get angry with
King Saul? Explain.
2. Is king saul had the right to make the sacrifice? Why?
3. Why king Saul perform the sacrifice? Mention some possible reasons.
4. Do you think Prophet Samuel has a failure in this scenario? Why?
5. Identify what political conflict is happening between Prophet Samuel
and King Saul?
Opening Prayer:
Dear Lord, You know and heard the struggles and conflicts within our hearts.
Please lead us through Your word that we may find answers. Amen.

Have you experienced conflicts this week? 

Have you found yourselves engaging in political issues that lead you to
How did you solve the problem?

Reading of the text: 1 Samuel 15:22

1. What did you notice in the text?
2. What did Prophet Samuel trying to confront King saul?
3. What political issue is engaged in this text?
4. How can they solve this conflict?
5. What is God trying to say in this text in our lives?
Share your thoughts in connection with the text:

What are the conflicts that you usually involved in inside the family, church,
and workplace?

Sharing and commitment as a result of the study:

Closing prayer:
Lord, we thank You for word. Lead us in dealing with conflicts and arguments.
May Christ be glorified in our lives amidst the circumstances. Amen.

See Judge-Act Approach to Bible Study

Luke 7:11-17
11 Soon afterwards he went to a town called Nain, and his disciples and a
large crowd went with him. 12 As he approached the gate of the town, a man
who had died was being carried out. He was his mother’s only son, and she
was a widow; and with her was a large crowd from the town. 13 When the
Lord saw her, he had compassion for her and said to her, “Do not weep.” 14
Then he came forward and touched the bier, and the bearers stood still. And
he said, “Young man, I say to you, rise!” 15 The dead man sat up and began
to speak, and Jesus gave him to his mother. 16 Fear seized all of them; and
they glorified God, saying, “A great prophet has risen among us!” and “God
has looked favorably on his people!” 17 This word about him spread
throughout Judea and all the surrounding country.

Father God in heaven, thank you for gathering us today. Thank You for
allowing us to study Your word. May You open our hearts and understanding
as we dig deeper into Your teachings. These all we ask in Jesus' Name.

What did Jesus felt when he saw the widow?

What else the widow felt aside from her son's death?
What was Jesus' most concern regarding the widow?
What do we feel when we meet a widow in our church and community?
What picture can we see if we meet this kind of situation?
How can we intervene with people who are in this same situation in our

What would Jesus is teaching us from this text?

1. Be compassionate who are in this situation.
2. Give hope by trusting Jesus.
3. Find ways and give what you can.
What are other possible strategies we can do with other people? For example,
people with disabilities, jobless, and poor.

Jesus saw the very need of this widow. He understands how hard it is to lose
his only son. The widow is so much troubled and weary because the one she
was hoping to supply her needs passed away. Jesus feels her sorrows and
uncertainties. The widow would think, where she would go, who will provide
her needs, how would she do the heavy task, and who will protect her?
The ultimate way that Jesus did with the woman was He rises her son back to
life. Although, we could not make what Jesus did with the widow's son one
thing we could do is to become compassionate to those who are in grief and

Jesus, You are the perfect giver of life and hope. We pray that You use us as
the channel of Your hope to those people who are in need and sorrow. In
Your Name, we pray. Amen. 

The way of Jesus approach to teaching

Matthew 6:19-21
19 “Do not store up for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust
consume and where thieves break in and steal; 20 but store up for yourselves
treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust consumes and where
thieves do not break in and steal. 21 For where your treasure is, there your
heart will be also.

Lord Jesus, thank You for guiding us. Speak to us today through Your word
and lead us the way where we can follow You. Help us to become faithful and
obedient disciples of Yours, in Your name we pray. Amen.

Jesus is warning us not to focus on temporal things on this earth that would
be lost and steal. He is concerned with the eternal things that would not die
and be damaged. The treasures that Jesus mentions are legacies that pass
from generation to generation such as wisdom, love, giving, and help.

Jesus teaches us how we interact in our community, church, and family by

laying our best contribution and how we sow great things by doing His service
us building up the lives of less opportune people. 

Our treasure is our love and commitment to God's service. 

1. When we are faithful to God we give our best to make Him happy.
2. We live Christ's centered life.
3. Above all, we live love and seek to glorify God.

Lord, truly that You are our perfect treasure. You are precious in our lives like
what you did to us. We are Your property, in return, we want to give our best
service and dedication to glorify Your name. Amen.

Interfaith Approach to Teaching and Leading Bible study

James 1:27
Religion that is pure and undefiled before God, the Father, is this: to care for
orphans and widows in their distress, and to keep oneself unstained by the
Father God in heaven, here we are gathering together in Your presence. We
pray that You unite us with Your love and hope. In Jesus' name. Amen.

What the text is saying to us?

1. True religion is measured on how they care for others.
2. Keeping oneself from evil and disengaged corruption.
1. How should we care for the orphans and widows?
2. Should we care for the orphans and widows only to fulfill the pure
3. What are the other factors to consider pure religion?
4. How religion keep unstained in this world? 
1. Pure religion is a burden bearer in society, not a burden giver.
2. Not accusing others, not hiding wisdom, and restrain piety.
3. Works on purity and love.
4. Doing everything in the presence of God.
5. Fair with each other.
6. Work faith through love, pure heart, not manipulated by lust, and obey
God's commandments.
Is religion can be the basis of our salvation?

Closing prayer:
Thank You for guiding us, Lord. Thank You for Your word that teaches us how
to do our goal, task, and service in this corrupt world. Amen

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