Old Testament Final

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Elmar B.


Introduction to the Old testament

The old testament is the compilation of peoples writing regarding the

history of Israel. It is the story of the Israelite's captivity and rebellion before

God. The compilers or editors of the old testament uses these materials to

encourage the Israelite’s that God is able to save them from captivity. Further,

they are inspiring them that a midst of their rebellion and unfaithfulness God is

merciful and is willing to save them from their enemies. They emphasize that

God is preparing a place for them. A place where perfect freedom and

abundance is present. But in the midst of God’s promises they were warned

that God has standards and principles to be followed such as the laws,

traditions, rituals, and worship. They were conditioned that if the people of

God, the Israelite’s were going to follow the statutes of God they will receive

the promises. On the other hand, I understand that the editors had intentions

to prevail their cultures and traditions.

In my instinct, God is revealing Himself in certain nations, languages, and

cultures. What I mean is we cannot fully adopt the way of the Israelite’s

because they teach and reveal God in the way they understand and

experienced. Every nations and race has a different encounter with God. The

Jews reveal and worship God in their own way and understanding. There

were part of the old testament wherein they highlighted patriarchal and rituals

in the way they understand God. But the ultimate emphasis of God that they

reveal is that God is love. Those who believe the stories and events of the old

testament received changes, miracles, and salvation. Love is the true

existence of God. When we love each other we are revealing God and

teaching them that God exist to the people who believe in Him. He is the God

that heals, provides, protects, and delivers. He is powerful and almighty. Evil

could not defeat God. When we do what is right, we do the righteousness of

God. That righteousness of God leads us to love one another and emphasize


We should not take the Old Testament literally because we have different

context. As what I learned that the Bible is full of myth and legends so

therefore we cannot take it literally but we can learned through it’s stories that

teaches us the principles of God. There were stories of the Bible that were

highly favored with other characters. Other characters were hated and not

mentioned in details because they’re not really interested in. These are their

biases because of traditional conflicts.

My impression of God’s action through the Old testament materials in the

building up as our faith in this time of the pandemic is that it teaches us to

trust and call the Lord. There were histories in the bible that is happening in

our time. The pandemic that is happening today is also happening in the bible.

The materials are real and powerful. Although, it is just a record of some

events and histories but it points us and leads us to God. The writings of the

story relates to human needs, weaknesses, politics, traditions, and success. It

portrays the design of God’s plans and principles to humans. The records

shows the existence of God and His sovereignty to His creation. I observed

that the old testament records discrimination, favoritism, immorality,

wickedness, deliverance, salvation, sin, and love

The significant changes that happen to me after the lectures and

discussions is that I feel in mixed emotion.. I feel bad when I learn that there

were characters highly emphasize by the traditions. On the other hand, The

intention of the writer is to show that God is dwelling in the hearts of His

people. He speaks freely and warns His chosen people when they are in the

wrong side.

The Bible is the record of God’s plan and intentions to His chosen people.

It teaches us to know and believe God in our lives. Also, it records the

redemption and deliverance of His people.For me the effect of this teaching

and lectures is that it will deepen my understanding I preaching and teaching

the word of God to His people. It helps me understand fully the ways of God

more than what I think and know. God is continually speaking to me and

showing His plans for me. If God blessed the people in the Bible so do I.

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