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Một số phrasal verbs thông dụng

Verb Meaning Vietnamese Example

The terrorists tried to blow up the

blow up Explode nổ
main Hall

mention a My mother brought up that little

bring up  
topic matter of my prison record again.

Her uncle brought him up after his

bring up raise children nuôi nấng
parent died.

They called of the meeting

call off Cancel trì hoãn

do over repeat a job làm lại Do this homework over.

complete a Fill out this application form and mail

fill out điền đơn
form it in.

tìm ra, khám phá Some experts found out the reasons

find out Discover
ra of water pollution

My friend borrowed my books. I have

return an
give back trả lại a feeling he's not about
to give them back.

Leave st/ Not include so I’ve made a list of names- I hope I

bỏ sót
sb out or sth haven’t left anyone out.

To quickly Could you quickly look over these

look over
examine, kiểm tra figures for me and see if there are
check st any mistakes?

call attention She was quick to point out that it

point out nhấn mạnh
to wasn’t her fault.

Our boss will put off the meeting until

put off Postpone trì hoãn
put clothing
put on mặc quần áo I put on a sweater and a jacket.
on the body

Read st
I read over the research, but couldn't
over/ Peruse đọc kỹ
make any sense of it.

They set up the conference exactly

to arrange,
set up sắp xếp, thiết lập the way their manager wanted it.
They set it up.

We get some troubles. We need

talk over discuss Thảo luận
to talk them over.

throw US consumers throw away around

discard Vứt bỏ
away 100 billion plastic bags annually.

put clothing
She tried on fifteen jeans before she
try on on to see if it Thử quần áo
took the one.

Test to see Thử, xem xét, kiểm

how useful or tra ( tính hữu ích I tried out five cars before I could
try out
effective st or và hiệu quả của take one that pleased me.
so nó)

turn Please turn  down the radio. I want

lower volume Vặn nhỏ tiếng lại.
down to sleep.

turn He turned down the application for a

reject Từ chối
down (2) promotion twice this year.

switch off Please turn off the light before

turn off Tắt thiết bị điện
electricity leaving the room.

The film
turn off
repulse Làm mất hứng really turned me off because of its a

turn on switch on the Bật thiết bị điện It gets dark, please turn on the light.

➣ Inseparable Phrasal Verbs (Transitive)

Verb Meaning Vietnamese Example

The Prime Minister called on the

call on visit thăm
disabled in the hospital.

recover from sickness Vượt qua, I got over the flu, but I don't know if
get over
or disappointment qua khỏi I'll ever get over my broken heart.

The students went over the

go over review Ôn tập material before the exam. They
should have gone over it twice.

The proposals for the new

use up; consume Thông qua shopping centre will be likely to go

look Grandpa will take care of me when

take care of Chăm sóc
after I get sick.

We are looking into the possibility

look into investigate Điều tra
of merging the two departments.

run I ran across some old friends when

find by chance Tình cờ gặp
across I went back to my school.

Carlos ran into his English

run into meet  
professor in the hallway.

take Giống với ai My first son seems to take after his

after đó father.

It seemed strange to see my old

wait on serve  
boss wait on tables.

➣ Three-Word Phrasal Verbs (Transitive)

Verb Meaning Vietnamese Example

break in interrupt (a Something broke in on my call

Làm gián đoạn
on conversation) when I was phoning my brother.

We need to catch up with the

catch up Bắt kịp với, theo sát
keep abreast neighbors and the news around
with với
town after a long trips.

to contribute The charity was able to come up

come up
(suggestion, Quyên góp with a thousand-dollar donation
money) after many years of nothing.

come up Suggest or think Steve came up with a new way

Nảy ra, nghĩ ra
with (2) of an idea or plan to use up cold chicken.

We tried to cut down on the

cut down
curtail (expenses) Cắt giảm, hạn chế money we were spending on milk
tea each month.

drop out He dropped out of school and

leave school Bỏ học
of found a job.

Có mối quan hệ tốt

get along have a good It’s hard for her to get along
với ai đó, hòa đồng
with relationship with with new colleagues.
với ai đó

The government tried to get rid

get rid of eliminate Loại bỏ, xóa bỏ of their corrupt mayor in the
recent election.

anticipate with Mong chờ , hy vọng I am looking forward to receiving
pleasure điều gì đó your presents on my birthday.

look They always look down on her

despise Coi thường
down on because she doesn’t have a job.

look in visit (somebody) Thăm ai đó Nowadays, older people don’t

have a nearby relative who
will look in on them.

look out be careful, Look out for him while you’r

Xem xét, chú ý
for anticipate there.

look up Anna always looked up to his

respect Tôn trọng ai đó
to uncle.

I can put up with the classroom

put up
tolerate Chịu đựng being messy, but I hate it if it’s
not clean

We are running out of time- the

run out
exhaust supply Cạn kiệt flight has to take off two hours

walk out The parents walked out on  their

abandon Bỏ, từ bỏ
on three children.

➣ Intransitive Phrasal Verbs

Verb Meaning Vietnamese Example

My car has just broke down for a

stop functioning Bị hỏng week and I has had to take a taxi
to go to office.

catch The game will catch on with

become popular Trở nên phổ biến
on young people.

come After a long trip, they come back

return to a place Trở về
back to their hometown.

come Try not wake anyone when

enter vào
in you come in.

come regain Tỉnh lại She sat by the child’s bedside

to consciousness until he came to.
come The children came over for
to visit Thăm nhà ai đó
over dinner the other night.

I dropped in on Anna on my way

drop visit without
Ghé qua home from the office but she
by/in appointment
wasn’t at home.

dine in a We love eating out together at

eat out Ăn ngoài
restaurant the weekend.

Tồn tại, sống qua, Many families now try to get by

get by survive
vượt qua without health insurance.

grow They grew up together and

get older Lớn lên
up became the best friends.

pass He was hit on the head and
consciousness, Bất tỉnh
out passed out.

show demonstrate Thể hiện, muốn gây He only bought the sport car to
off haughtily chú ý, khoe khoang show off and prove her wealthy.

show Gorge didn’t show up although I

arrive Đến, tới
up invited him.

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