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Course: BS Food Technology 2B Date Performed:

Group # 5 Date Submitted:

Members: Willie Borromeo Cariño
Ma. Jessica Cerilo
Lourdelyn Malate
Ella Mae Manuel
General Biochemistry
Experiment No. 1
Properties of Water

Water is a chemical compound consisting of two hydrogen atoms and one oxygen atom. The
name water typically refers to the liquid state of the compound.
The main properties of water are its polarity, cohesion, adhesion, surface tension, and high
specific heat, and evaporative cooling. The water is the chemical substances with chemical
formula H₂O. One molecule water has two hydrogen atoms covalently bonded to a single oxygen
atom. Water is a tasteless, odorless liquid at ambient temperature and pressure.
1. To demonstrate the properties of water and explain how important water is to us
Apparatus: dropper, graduated cylinder, beaker, test tubes, test tube rack
Samples: coin, paper clip, ice cubes, 70-90% ethanol, vegetable oil, sugar, salt, margarine,
A. Surface tension, Adhesion and Cohesion
1. The coin was dry. Started estimating the numbers of drops of water that can be
piled on the penny before it spills over (four estimates was done). Gently placed
drops of water on the penny until the water was spilled over on the surface. The
results was recorded.
2. 50 ml of distilled water was placed in the beaker. With the help of a steady hand,
the paper clip was placed on the surface of the water in such a way that it didn’t
B. Water as Solvent
1. Nine test tubes were labeled from numbers 1 to 9
2. 10 ml of water was poured in test tubes marked 1,2 and 3
3. 10 ml of alcohol was poured into test tubes marked 4,5 and 6
4. 10 ml of vegetable oil was poured in test tubes 7, 8 and 9
5. A pinch amount of sugar was placed in test tubes 1, 4 and 7
6. A pinch amount of salt was placed in test tubes 2, 5 and 8
7. A small amount of margarine was placed I test tubes 3, 6 and 9
8. The test tubes were shaken and the solubility in each test tubes are observed and
the results was recorded.
C. The Magnets
1. Got two magnets
2. Two magnets with the same ends was put together. Observation was done and the
results was recorded
3. Two magnets with the opposite ends was put together. Observation was done and
the results was recorded
Table 1.1 Properties of Water:
Estimations and Actual Result of the Ability of Coins to Hold Water

Coins Estimate 1 Estimate 2 Estimate 3 Estimate 4 Actual Result

25 cents 3 2 1 3 28

1 peso 4 3 2 5 38

5 peso 5 6 7 7 46


Adhesion similar to cohesion, but adhesion is when the hydrogen bond in water allow for
the water molecules to hold to another substance.
Cohesion hydrogen bonds hold water molecules together.
Surface tension is the tendency of fluid surfaces to shrink into the minimum surface and
possible. Surface tension allows insects, usually denser than water, to float and slide on a water

Table 1.2 Solubility of Sugar, Salt and Margarine in Water, Alcohol and Vegetable Oil

Sample Solubility of solvent as

Water Alcohol Vegetable oil

Margarine It stick at the top It goes down and up It is slowly going up
then the water gets
blurred on the

Solubility is a chemical property referring to the ability for a given substance, the
solute, to dissolve in a solvent. It is measured in terms of the maximum amount of solute
dissolved in a solvent at equilibrium. The resulting solution is called a saturated solution. Water
is called the universal solvent because it is capable of dissolving more substances than any other
liquid. This is important to every living thing on earth. It means that whatever water goes, either
through the air, the ground, or through our bodies, it takes along valuable chemicals, minerals,
and nutrients.

Table 1.3 Magnets


Magnets with the same ends placed It can’t stick together

Magnets with the opposite ends placed It can stick together



VIII. DOCUMENTATION (Pictures with labels)


Course: BS Food Technology 2B Date Performed:
Group # 5 Date Submitted:
Members: Willie Borromeo Cariño
Ma. Jessica Cerilo
Lourdelyn Malate
Ella Mae Manuel
General Biochemistry
Experiment No.2
Biuret Test for Protein

Protein Biuret test is given by all substances containing two or more peptide linkages i.e.
proteins and their hydrolytic products (proteases and Peptones). Dipeptides and amino acids do
not give this reaction. The name “Biuret” was given to a compound which was produced after
urea was heated at 180°C. This compound on reaction with the dilute solution of copper sulphate
gave a violet colour. Both biuret and peptides contain -CONH- (peptide linkages) and give
positive biuret reaction, though biuret is not a protein in nature.

1. To know the presence of proteins in food samples using biuret test

Apparatus: test tubes, test tube rack, wash bottle, graduated cylinder, beaker, stirring rod,
paper/masking tape, reagent bottle, medicine bottle, test tube brush, gloves
Reagents: 10g NaOH and 5g CuSO₄
Samples: vegetable oil, glucose (zest-O tetra pack), cornstarch, milk, egg white, distilled
A. Biuret Solution Preparation:
1. Wore gloves to prepare the reagents for biuret test. All glass wares are clean and
washed with distilled water.
2. Prepared 10% of sodium hydroxide (10 grams dissolved in 100 ml of distilled water)
3. Careful. NaOH pellets are corrosive and hot. As the pellet dissolved, the solution gets
hot. DO NOT HEAT the solution of dissolved pellet. Stirred the solution until it was
4. Prepared 5% of Copper II Sulfate solution by dissolving 5 grams in 100 ml of
distilled water.
B. Testing for Proteins:
1. Labeled 6 test tubes with the samples: vegetable oil, glucose, starch, egg white, milk
and water.
2. Placed 2 ml of the samples in the labelled test tubes.
3. Added about 2 ml of water, stirred until the substance was mixed with water.
4. To test the protein: 1.0 ml of NaOH solution was added to each sample and 5%
copper II sulfate was also added drop by drop on the samples til the color change.
Observations and results was recorded.
5. The color of each solution was recorded in the data table. Positive or negative were
inputted if there’s a change of color in the sample.
Table 2.1 Biuret Test for Protein

Sample No. of drops Change in color Resulting Color

(positive or negative)
Starch 23 N
Milk 18 P
Water 11 N
Egg white 7 P
Vegetable oil 10
Glucose 10


Significance of biuret test for protein: This test is used for the detection of all proteins
and peptide linkage.

VIII. DOCUMENTATION (Pictures with labels)


Course: BS Food Technology 2B Date Performed:
Group # 5 Date Submitted:
Members: Willie Borromeo Cariño
Ma. Jessica Cerilo
Lourdelyn Malate
Ella Mae Manuel
General Biochemistry
Experiment No.3
Iodine Test

Carbohydrates are sugar and provide energy when consumed. Our bodies breakdown
carbohydrates to extract energy. Carbon dioxide and water are released in the process. Glucose is
the most primary carbohydrate our bodies use to produce energy. Carbohydrates are important to
living organisms because it provide energy and storage of energy. Carbohydrates known as
sugars and starches also include cellulose and glycogen. Made up of monosaccharides
(monomer) which can be put together to form disaccharides and polysaccharides.
Principle of Iodine test for Starch: Iodine forms a coordinate complex between the helically
coiled polysaccharide chain and iodine centrally located within the helix due to the adsorption.
The color obtained depends upon the length of the unbranched or linear chain available for
complex formation.
1. To establish test protocols for the detection of starch and sugar, and to understand the
limitations of each test
Apparatus: test tubes, mortar and pestle, test tube rack, dropper, graduated cylinder, beaker,
Reagents: Bench Iodine
Samples: cornstarch, syrup, apple, vegetable oil, egg white, potato
A. Solid Sample
1. Apple and potato’s skin was peeled off because the sample are open permeable
and was cut into pieces and were placed in the watch glass.
2. Clean spatula was used to remove samples of powdered food and was placed in
labelled tubes.
B. Liquid Samples. The iodine test for starch cannot be performed on a very dark liquids
which do not permit the observation of a colour change.
1. 2 to 3 ml of liquid samples was placed in the test tubes.
2. Avoid cross contamination of food samples.
C. Iodine Test
1. A few (2-3) drops of bench iodine solution was added to the solid samples.
Observation of the color change was recorded. Positive or negative was indicated
in the presence of starch.
2. About 5 drops of iodine solution was added to the liquid samples. Color change
was recorded. Positive or negative was indicated in the presence of starch.


Table 3.

Solid Samples Color change Positive or Observations

Potato Blue black Positive Potato pieces turned to color
dark blue and black when
iodine touched its skin
Apple No change of Negative The color of the apple did not
color change but it mixed with the
iodine’s color which is brown
Liquid samples

Cornstarch with Blue black Positive Cornstarch constantly changed

water to dark blue – black color. It
only means that starch itself is
present in the sample
Vegetable oil No change of Negative The drops of iodine was visible
color on the top of the oil and some
were under it. The color did not
change so it was negative.
Syrup Red Negative Drops of iodine was mixed with
syrup but the sample did not
turned to blue – black color
which indicates its presence of
starch but it only gets a little
dark red that’s why it’s still
Egg White No change of Negative Drops of iodine did not mix
color with the egg white, it remained
its color brown red and it was

The iodine test is use to test for the presence of starch. Starch turns into an intense “blue-
black” colour upon additions of aqueous solutions of the tri-iodide anion, due to the formation of
an intermolecular charge-transfer complex. On this lab experiment, we have observed that potato
and cornstarch contain starch. Iodine was mixed and the color of potato and cornstarch from
white turned to blue-black which indicates its content having a starch. Apple, vegetable oil, egg
white which was also added with iodine, did not mix and the color was the same. Syrup however,
was mixed through iodine but the color did not change to blue-black color. It remained the same.
Food samples either positive or negative is to check whether they contain something that
is not visible in the eye and can help discover of what mainly that food contains. In this
experiment, the food samples were tested to prove if they contain starch. In this case, potato and
cornstarch resulted positive and it only means that starch is present on them. In the absence of
starch, the brown colour of the aqueous solution remains. This interaction between starch and tri-
iodine is also the basis for iodometry.
Principle of Iodine test for Starch: Iodine forms a coordinate complex between the
helically coiled polysaccharide chain and iodine centrally located within the helix due to the
adsorption. The color obtained depends upon the length of the unbranched or linear chain
available for complex formation.
In this experiment, we have proved that potato and cornstarch contain starch, with the
help of iodine and the principle behind it. Potato pieces turned to color dark blue and black when
iodine touched its skin. Cornstarch constantly changed to dark blue – black color. It only means
that starch itself is present in the sample. Other samples; apple, vegetable oil, syrup and egg
white was also tested however, the result was negative because first, they did not mix with iodine
and secondly the color did not change which is the most particular sign that they contain starch
and is positive.
The color of the apple did not change but it mixed with the iodine’s color which is brown
red. The result is negative and the color is red orange. The drops of iodine was visible on the top
of the oil and some were under it. The color did not change, no change of color in oil and iodine
the result, it was negative. Drops of iodine was mixed with syrup but the sample did not turned to
blue – black color which indicates its presence of starch but it only gets a little dark red that’s
why it’s still negative. Drops of iodine did not mix with the egg white, it remained its color
brown red and it was negative. The color change is the same brown red of the iodine and blurry
white for the egg white. Therefore, it was clear that cornstarch and potato is positive in the
presence of starch with the iodine test.
VIII. DOCUMENTATION (Pictures with labels)


Course: BS Food Technology 2B Date Performed:
Group # 5 Date Submitted:
Members: Willie Borromeo Cariño
Ma. Jessica Cerilo
Lourdelyn Malate
Ella Mae Manuel
General Biochemistry
Experiment No.4

Enzymes are proteins that increase the rate of reaction by lowering the energy of activation.
They catalyze nearly all the chemical reactions taking place in the cells of the body. Enzymes do
not altered or consumed during reaction and it is reusable. Toxins damage enzymes and thus
undermine countless bodily functions – inhibiting the production of hemoglobin in the blood, for
example, or lowering the body’s capacity to prevent the free radical damage that accelerates
aging. Most people know enzymes as an ingredient in detergents. In our bodies, enzymes are in
charge of decomposing everything we eat, so that our bodies can absorb the nutrients. But they
also decompose ingested toxins, ensuring that our bodies survive the encounter.
When you dab, hydrogen peroxide on a cut, that white, fizzling foam is actually a sign that
the solution is killing bacteria as well as healthy cells. Hydrogen peroxide a compound made up
of two hydrogen atoms and two oxygen atoms, begins to breaks apart as soon as it contacts blood
and most living cells contain the enzyme catalase, which attacks hydrogen peroxide and converts
it into water and oxygen
1. Answer the question what would happen to your cells if they made a poisonous
2. Define enzyme and describe the activity of enzyme in cells.
3. Discuss the effect of varying enzyme concentration on the rate of enzyme activity.

Apparatus: test tubes, test tube rack, test tube holder, graduated cylinder, stirring rod,
scissors, forceps, cutter, thermometer, watch glass
Reagents: 3% Hydrogen Peroxide
Samples: fresh liver, chicken meat, apple, vinegar, NaOH

Reaction Rate: 0 – No reaction 1 – Slow 3 – Medium 5 – Very Fast
Part A. Observe normal catalase reaction
1. 2 ml of the 3 5 hydrogen peroxide was placed in a clean test tube.
2. Scissors was used to cut a small piece of liver that was then added to the test tube.
Stirring rod was used to push the liver to the hydrogen peroxide on the test tube. Reaction
rate was recorded.
3. Formation of gas and temperature was observed in the solution. The reaction is either of
the two; exothermic and endothermic
4. The resulting solution on step 2 was poured into another test tube. The liquid is composed
of water and oxygen.
5. Another 2 ml of hydrogen peroxide was added in the remained liver on the test tube (step
2). The reaction rate is 5.
6. Is catalase reusable? Explain.
Catalase is an enzyme that breaks down hydrogen peroxide into oxygen and water.
Enzyme itself is not consumed during reaction, which means that enzymes are reusable.
Catalase acts as a catalyzing enzyme in the decomposition of hydrogen peroxide. Nearly
all living things possesses catalase, including us. This enzymes, like many others, aids in
the decomposition of one substance into another. Also, in step 5, we observed that
catalase is reusable since it still reacts on with the hydrogen peroxide though the liver is
already been used.
Part B. What tissues contain Catalase?
1. 2 ml of hydrogen peroxide was placed in 3 clean test tubes labeled with apple, potato and
2. Small samples of potato, apple and liver was added on the test tubes. Observation and
reaction rate was recorded.
Guide questions: Based on your observations, what tissues contain catalase? Do some contain
more catalase than others?
Part C. What is the effect of pH on catalase activity?
1. 2 ml of hydrogen peroxide was placed on each 3 clean test tubes. The pH of each test
tubes was measured.
2. pH of the vinegar was measured first and 4 drops of it was added on the test tube with 2
ml of hydrogen peroxide. The pH of the solution was also measured.
3. pH of the NaOH was measured first and 4 drops of it was added on the test tube with 2
ml of hydrogen peroxide. The pH of the solution was also measured.
4. 4 drops of water was added on the test tube with 2 ml of hydrogen peroxide. The pH of
the solution was also measured.
5. Same amount of liver was added to the solutions at the same time. Comparison,
observation and reaction rates was recorded. Explain the difference in pH and reaction


Table 4.1

Sample and Solution Reaction Rate Exothermic or Observation

The liver
Test tube 1 (liver 5 Exothermic The liver reacts very fast on the first
added to 2 ml of dip to the solution, after a few
hydrogen peroxide) seconds it stops reacting but the
bubbles formed was still moving and
the temp. of the test tube is hot.
Also, the color of the liver from dark
red turns to pale pink. The enzyme
catalase is fast catalyzing the
hydrogen peroxide.
Test tube 2 (solution 1 Endothermic The liver is slowly reacting with the
from test tube 1 solution from the test tube 1. It did
added with small form gas and the bubbles created
amount of liver) were very visible on top of the liver.
The catalase slow react with the
solution since it’s already been
catalyzed most likely it is water and
Test tube 1 (remained 5 Exothermic The liver here reacts faster than in
liver without the the first one. Its gas formation was
solution, added with moving up to the mouth of the test
another 2 ml of tube. The enzyme catalase is fast
hydrogen peroxide) catalyzing the hydrogen peroxide.
Chicken meat
Test tube 1 (chicken 5 Exothermic When the chicken meat was added
meat added to 2 ml to the solution, the meat reacts fast
of hydrogen and its color is getting whiter and
peroxide) pale. It formed gas and bubbles.
Also, the test tube is a little hot. The
enzyme catalase is fast catalyzing
the hydrogen peroxide.
Test tube 2 (solution 3 Exothermic The chicken meat reacts a little fast.
from test tube 1 Formation of gas is slower than the
added with small first one. Maybe because the
amount of chicken solution is already used or the meat
meat) has been catalyzed. The enzyme
catalase is fast catalyzing the
hydrogen peroxide.
Test tube 1 (remained 1 Endothermic Slow reaction. The catalase slow
chicken meat without react with the solution since it’s
the solution, added already been catalyzed most likely it
with another 2 ml of is water and oxygen.
hydrogen peroxide)

Experiment 4, Table 4.1 the sample with the solution which is hydrogen peroxide, the
reaction rate, the indicators exothermic and endothermic as well as the observations of each test
were shown above. Food sample were chicken meat and liver. The solution used is hydrogen
peroxide. Both samples was tested but done separately with the solution.
For the liver, as shown above, the liver poured with 2 ml of hydrogen peroxide reacts very fast
on the first dip to the solution, after a few seconds it stops reacting but the bubbles formed was
still moving and the temperature of the test tube is hot. The remaining liver without its used
solution is added with another 2 ml of hydrogen peroxide, the liver again reacts fast and fizzling
bubbles was seen on the tube. The first two tests is found to be exothermic because the tube is
hot it means it releases heat outside. Lastly for the third test for the liver, the liver is slowly
reacting with the solution from the test tube 1. It did form gas and the bubbles created were very
visible on top of the liver. This time it’s endothermic.
For the chicken meat, most alike to the test for the liver (the color of the liver reacting with
the solution is more likely to be observed because of its dark color that turned to pale pink, while
the chicken is slightly pink originally so the color of it reacting with the solution is not that
observable unless otherwise indicated to be observed). On the last test for the chicken meat,
there was a slow reaction happened. Maybe because the solution is already catalyzed it was just
water and oxygen left.
Table 4.2

Samples Reaction rate Observation

Potato 3 Potato fast reacts with the hydrogen peroxide. There’s
a formation of gas just enough to cover the sample with
bubbles on the test tube.
Apple 1 Apple slowly reacts with the solution
Liver 5 The liver reacts very fast once touched the solution.
The gas formed went up to the mouth of the test tube
and overflows a little.

All the food samples reacts with hydrogen peroxide whereas hydrogen peroxide is oxidized.
The three food samples; potato, apple and liver reacted with the solution that creates bubbles but
there are differences between the three. In the first test, potato fast reacts with the hydrogen
peroxide. There’s a formation of gas just enough to cover the sample with bubbles on the test
tube. Second, apple slowly reacts with the solution. It created bubbles around it and the
formation of gas is slowly formed around the sample. Third for the liver, the liver reacts very fast
once touched the solution. The gas formed went up to the mouth of the test tube and overflows a
little. Overall, the fast reaction rates goes to the liver medium is the potato and the slowest
reaction is apple.
Table 4.3

pH of With With Reaction Observations and comparison
Sample hydrogen
the liver Rate

Vinegar 3 4 5 3 The color of vinegar with

hydrogen peroxide is blurry
white. When the liver was added,
there’s a formation of gas and its
fast reacting. The bubbles formed
went up to the middle of the test
tube. Test tube is hot.

Baking soda 10 7 10 5 Hydrogen peroxide turned to

transparent yellow when mixed
with baking soda. When the liver
was added, the liver was very fast
reacting. The bubbles formed
through gas formation were really
small and clearly white, were very
close and compact to each other
nearly reached the mouth of the
test tube. Test tube is rather hot.
Water 5 5 5 5 Hydrogen peroxide with water,
gas was formed through bigger
bubbles than the baking soda.
Test tube is rather hot.

The test for catalase activity and effect of pH on it was done by vinegar, baking soda and
water with hydrogen peroxide. The pH of the test tube with hydrogen peroxide only is 5.
Vinegar’s pH is 3, baking soda is 10 and water is 5. With hydrogen peroxide the pH of vinegar is
4, baking soda is 7 and water is 5. pH of hydrogen peroxide with liver and vinegar is 5, with
baking soda is 10 and with water is 5. Reaction rates of baking soda and water is 5 because its
fast reacting with liver and the fizzling foam went up high to the mouth of the test tube, while for
the vinegar, reaction rate is 3 because it’s not so fast reacting with liver. But for all the three, the
enzyme catalase is fast reacting with the solution hydrogen peroxide (which is oxidize to water
and oxygen).
In this lab experiment, we learnt that enzymes are built of proteins folded into
complicated shapes; they are present throughout the body. Enzymes speed up chemical reactions;
in some cases, enzymes can make a chemical reaction millions of times faster than it would have
been without it.
Enzymes can only work in certain conditions.

VIII. DOCUMENTATION (Pictures with labels)


Course: BS Food Technology 2B Date Performed:
Group # 5 Date Submitted:
Members: Willie Borromeo Cariño
Ma. Jessica Cerilo
Lourdelyn Malate
Ella Mae Manuel
General Biochemistry
Experiment No.5
Emulsion Test
An emulsion is a mixture of two liquids that would not normally mix together. Emulsions
can be “oil-in-water” emulsions that consist of oil droplets dispersed in water or some other
aqueous dispersion. The word emulsion comes from the Latin word meaning "to milk" (milk is
one example of an emulsion of fat and water). The process of turning a liquid mixture into an
emulsion is called emulsification. Emulsions are dispersions of droplets in an immiscible solvent
that are widely used in the food, pharmaceutical and chemical industries.
The Ethanol Emulsion Test is a food test which determines the presence of a broad group of
naturally occurring compounds known as lipids. Lipids consist of fats and oils. Other lipid tests
include the Grease Spot Test and the Sudan Stain Test. The Grease spot test is performed on fats
- lipids which are solid at room temperature. Sudan stain colors lipids red, but is a less common
bench reagent than ethanol. The Ethanol Emulsion Test is the most common test amongst the
three. Ethanol is an organic substance and so dissolves other organic substances; it is frequently
used as an organic solvent.
1. To explain the formation of emulsions
2. To observe the solubility of lipids in a polar and non-polar solvents

Apparatus: dropper, graduated cylinder, beaker, test tubes, test tube rack
Samples: ethanol, distilled water, vegetable oil

1. Labeled four test tubes from 1 to 4.
2. 2 ml of alcohol was poured on test tube 1 and 2.
3. On test tube 1, one drop of vegetable oil was added and shake sideways until dissolved.
4. On test tubes 3 and 4, about 2 ml of distilled water was poured.
5. The contents of test tube 1 was poured to test tube 3 and the contents of test tube 2 was
added to test tube 4
6. All observations was recorded in the data table.

Solutions Solubility Reaction

2 ml of Alcohol with one Insoluble When we drop the vegetable
drop of vegetable oil oil in the 2ml of alcohol the
(test tube 1) vegetable oil is curdle
2 ml of Alcohol with 2 ml of Soluble When the alcohol added of
water water they mix.
(test tube 2 to test tube 4)
Alcohol with one drop of Insoluble After adding the water with
vegetable oil added to water alcohol we drop vegetable oil
added to 2 ml of water and they form tiny dispersed
(test tube 1 to test tube 3) droplets.
Table 5 Solubility of Lipids through Solvents like Water and Alcohol Data Table

Lipids are a set of chemical molecules resulting from fatty acids and exhibit high
solublity in a polar solvents (


VIII. DOCUMENTATION (Pictures with labels)


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