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), who took possession of the throne of Mycenae and

cultivated. Rye-grass was now sown along with it. Turnips were

the city and held some of the highest offices. The contact

paper barrier. As regards Spanish America, England was

their own, not only upon the main river but upon many of its

marling, chalking, paring and burning, draining, watering and

life, and a few extracts from his graver compositions.

reserved for the deacon who sang the gospel (facing the

of Botany (vol. xi., Oxford, 1897); M. C. Cooke, British

changes in progress showed no sign of absolute finality.

Navigation Company. In addition to its excellent fleet there

CL. Clarissimus, Claudius, Clodius, Colonia.

FIG. 6.--Anterior region of two pelagic larvae of A.

founder. In 1795, on behalf of the state, he purchased from

quality of half-bred horses. The annual show of the Royal

and customs, essentially in Irving's vein, was pleasingly

solution of tyrosin, obtained a black pigment. From the blood of

enterprise, and which men will estimate differently according

are steam flourmills. Wheat, flour and silk are exported.

alleys under the municipal government. She became widely

far as it marched with Abyssinian territory, by an agreement

teaching. In 1867 he became professor of ancient languages

architect in the service of Shah Jahan, is probably incorrect.

the consulship (37). At this time Sextus Pompeius, with whom

not appear to have long survived the death of its founder.

in their leathern breeches, the stickiness of the ``residue

correlations have to be dealt with, which seem hopelessly

of Robert Owen, founded the International Working Men's

458 in. at Cherrapunji, in Assam. The two distinct rainy

the predominant population of the towns on the littoral,

devised by Klebs, and indicates the inter-relationships

that the gases are over and over again subdivided into many

Frederick, Count Schomberg, the re-organizer of the Portuguese

needed. A group of abodes, however joined together, constituted

climate, and is pleasantly situated about midway between the

petals in a flower before expansion in the summer, contrasted

affair was greeted with mingled ridicule and indignation,

See Buddhist Psychology by Caroline Rhys Davids (London, 1900),

Abyssinians inflicted a crushing defeat on the Italian

in the eyes of the Romans and Carthaginians alike, the country

that he was hampered in his movements by the presence with

CVR. Cura, Curator, Curavit, Curia.

Lycians and the adherence of the Greek cities of the Pamphylian

promises, he was chosen at Frankfort on the 27th of July

synod held at Soissons in 1121, they procured by irregular

Latin as to be able to publish an elaborate address in that

itself. In order that the poster may leave any impression

haunts is anything but easy, as few regular records have been

high seas but to the great lakes and the rivers connecting

much alarm, except in some of the cardinals who knew him, and

and which seized upon any excuse for postponing measures the

power thus confided to it with moderation. Its general

Mycenae, until they were deposed by Agamemnon on his return

or Khen-min, in Coptic Shmin, known to the Greeks as Chemmis


Domestic Exports,

of sculpture, is an emotional one is certain, and ingenious

of the whole body, corrected many of its abuses, added to

and, when unsuccessful in this, he persistently urged upon

as against the master or person who has himself signed the

the agricultural distress, to inquire into which a royal

So far the British navy had stood on the defensive, without

coil ammeters can be made in various portable forms, and

partitioned Africa between them was due, as has been seen,

assistants. An interesting account of this expedition,

parodies and satirical poems, of which the best examples

of influence in north Central Africa, was viewed with some

The speeches in Acts deserve special notice. Did its author

generation of Mexican and South American history had not been

and succouring Livingstone, started again for Zanzibar in

AMALRIC, the name of two kings of Jerusalem. AMALRIC I.,

whether it would not be justifiable to turn the Academy out

by the legislature of 1826, but it was not provided until

demolished. Throughout the central part of Alexandria the

the greater proportion of his works, vocal and instrumental,

was a strong palatal s, though in name it corresponds to

have attracted adverse criticism, and have led some minds

rows, where the intervals are very narrow, as 16 or 18

up to a line from Say on the Niger to Barrua on Lake Chad, drawn

name, by which the subject is now universally known.

statues are immersed in a bath of water and gradually heated

force, with orders not only to resist the approach of the

the queen-mother; and on occasion wore the ram's horns of

The altar is a board on four wooden pillars having upon

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