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Child-centered education in today’s world is based on the thinking that students must be encouraged to

learn at their own pace. Their study exercises should be tailored in accordance with their specific needs
and with an inclination toward their interests.Children love to learn when they enjoy their lessons. The
history of children-specific education began in the twentieth century with ideas from John Dewey, Jean
Piaget, Lev Vygotsky, and Maria Montessori.

Child-centred education was advocated by John Dewey. John Dewey is a Pragmatist. According to Dewey
mind is a product of activity and develops through activity. There must be some stimulus to mind for
thinking. A child engages himself in various types of activities that are inspired by his own urges and
inclinations, he faces certain problems which arise spontaneously out of his own like situations. The child
then thinks of possible solutions and then tries to put his plans into action. Dewey describes the school
as a unique social institution that should basically emphasize through and in relation to living on the
whole, thus including and connecting principally every aspect of human life on earth, he recommended
‘learning by experience or learning by doing rather than rote learning and instructions.This learner-
centred approach is based on constructivist learning theory that put

Emphasis on learner’s role in constructing meaning from new information and prior

Experiences. In this approach, the focus is on the learner. The aim is to develop the

Independence of the learner by making learner active in his learning path. Stress is laid on

Skills that enable lifelong learning and independent problem-solving. Students choose what

They will learn, how they will learn and how they will assess their own learning. Students

Take a more active role. It calls for students to be active, responsible participants in their

Own learning and with their own pace of learning. Here the teacher acts as a facilitator of

Learning for individuals rather than for the class as a whole.

Hence, learner-centred approach considers the following aspects

• Respect for the child

• Freedom of action

• Activities divided into units of work

• Recognition of the need for using and exploring many media for self-discovery

And self-direction is embraced.

Katle Martin observes that “When we focus on learners,

Connect to their interests, needs, and goals, we can create experiences that ignite curiosity,

Develop passion, and unleash genius.

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