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Second Term 2022-2023

QUIZ No. 2 (Wednesday, 26 - 29 April 2023)

Name: Moe Myint Myat Student ID: 1155165771


[Please do not write more than 700 words]

South Africa is an emerging political and economic leader not only in Africa but
globally as well. Discuss what are the advantages that South Africa has? When was
democracy secured? What are the business opportunities? What is the role of China
and what is the role of South Africa in the BRICS? What is the role of the South
African heritage and what can people learn from it?

The event was absolutely culturally immersive, and it was a great opportunity for me to learn
more about Africa directly from African-born Citizens. Africa, specifically South Africa, is a
resourceful place with potential, shaping the global order as part of the BRICS. South Africa,
being the most industrialized and technologically advanced in Africa overall, has several
advantages to be a leading force of Africa. 

The advantages of South Africa can be underlined upon their acceptance into BRICS. The
value that South Africa brings is imminent, ranging from the vast natural resources such as
gold, diamonds and platinum, to its advanced infrastructure: banking systems and accessible
financing. According to the Minerals Council South Africa, the nation ranks as one of top 10
diamond producers worldwide. South Africa is also home to 75% of the world’s the Platinum
Group Metals reserves, which are used in several industrial processes, technologies and
commercial applications.(Mineral Resources and Energy 2021-22,7) In terms of
infrastructure, South Africa has several large banks and corporations such as Standard Bank
Group and ABSA Bank, and mining companies such as Anglo-American and BHP Billiton.
South Africa’s access to finance has, in fact, prompted HSBC to establish a branch there
which, in extension, creates a financial gateway to Africa (Andreasson,2011) and it plays a
huge role in creating alternatives- BRICS Banks- to Western Banks that issue finances to
developing countries with hard conditions.(Asumiline,2018) Last but not least is that South
Africa, has a wide range of ethnic, linguistic, and cultural diversity. World-class events such
as FIFA World Cup 2010, have also been held in cities such as Cape Town.

South Africa also has a long colonial history that involves apartheid from 1948 to 1994, and
the struggle for democracy. Defying the racial segregation and separate development, the
negotiations to end took over 4 years from 1990 to 1994. 

Furthermore, for its abundant natural resources and the growing demand for sustainable
power, South Africa’s renewable energy sector has tremendous business potential.(Mordor
Intelligence) The tourism sector in 2018 experienced 11% growth, well above the global
average of 8%. South Africa ranked 82nd place out of 196 in the world (World Bank, and
Doing Business, 2021)  for ease of doing business. The South African economy consists of 3
different sectors: primary (including agriculture, fishing, mining), Secondary (manufacturing,
construction, and utilities), and tertiary (trade, transport, and service), each of them making
up 10%, 21% and 69% respectively.("South Africa - Market Overview") All of these sectors
especially tourism and renewable energy offer business potential.

Moreover, South Africa has 25 years of formal relationship with China, contributed by
BRICS. To understand the role of China in BRICS, it is important to note that BRIC first
emerged when China established its first Special Economic Zones (SEZs). Among BRICS
countries, China has played a huge role in establishing the New Development Bank(BRICS
Bank) which provides funding for infrastructure projects in developing countries. China has
also become a strategic trading partner in BRICS whose purchases increased 24 times in
Brazil, 25 times in India and 4 times in Russia in 1999. China’s growth and trade will serve
as a binding force for BRICS.(Oropeza García,2016) South Africa is recognized as a gateway
to the continent for BRICS. South Africa’s membership has expanded BRICS' global
representation and intercontinental reach. South Africa, being one of the largest trading
partners with BRICS members, plays the role to view the global shifts in economy and
directly influence key decisions from an African Perspective which will benefit both BRICS
and Africa.  

Finally, “I am African not because I was born in Africa. I am African because Africa is born
in me.” This quote from the event shed light on South Africa’s history and amazing heritage.
We have to be aware that as a colonial country, Africa is at a crossroad with its values and
western values on the modernization journey. The manifestation of modernization concepts is
diluted with western culture, but Africa can be born in all African Natives only when
modernization lies on the indigenous community, with the diversity of ideas, and coexistence
of culture. Also, learning from the historical “scramble of Africa”, in her contact with the
powerful countries, Africans have to be aware of “the new scramble of Africa”. If they are
managed by the interest of other powerful states, Africa will not shape the global order but
instead will remain marginalized by other external exploitative forces.

Works Cited

 ANDREASSON, STEFAN. “Africa’s Prospects and South Africa’s Leadership

Potential in the Emerging Markets Century.” Third World Quarterly, vol. 32, no. 6,

2011, pp. 1165–81. JSTOR, . Accessed 29 Apr.


 Asuelime, Lucky E. "The Pros of South Africa's Membership of BRICS: A Re-

Appraisal." Journal of African Union Studies, 2018, pp. 129-150. ProQuest,


 "Mineral Resources and Energy Budget Vote Speech 2021/22." Government

Communication and Information System, Official Guide toSouth Africa ,29 Apr


 Mordor Intelligence. "South Africa Renewable Energy Market - Growth 21, Trends,

and Forecast (2020 - 2025)." Mordor Intelligence, 2020,


 "South Africa Market Overview.",


 World Bank, and Doing Business. "Ease of Doing Business Ranking in South Africa

from 2011 to 2020." Statista, Statista Inc., 3 June 2021,


 Oropeza García, Arturo. "The Role of China and the BRICS Project." Mexican Law

Review, 2016, pp. 133-150, DOI: 10.1016/S1870-0578(16)30010-5.


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