Terms and Conditions

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Annex A


This is to grant the request of the intern referred underneath relative to his/her request for work-from-
home internship (virtual internship program) in lieu of the physical on-the-job training for the period
covering the _4th_ Quarter of AY 2022-2023.

In view of the requirement of the said virtual internship program, it is directed to consider his/her
request, subject however to the condition that the he/she shall comply accordingly with the following
terms and conditions:

a. That the total number of hours required for the intern to complete his/her virtual internship
program is equivalent to _200_ work hours;

b. That the intern shall abide by the Host Company’s rules and regulations and comply with those
imposed for the virtual internship program, otherwise he/she shall be excluded from further

c. That the intern may have access to information that may be of confidential nature and
proprietary to the Host Company, for which he/she may be required to execute a confidentiality
and non-disclosure agreement as a pre-requisite for his/her my participation in the virtual
internship program;

d. That the Intern will deliver the project/s assigned to him/her during the course of the virtual
internship program regardless if he/she was issued a certificate of completion or any of its
equivalent and that Mapúa shall not be made liable in the event he/she will not be able to
deliver such;

e. That the Host Company reserves the right to discontinue the intern’s training on reasonable
grounds upon written notice to Mapúa;

f. That the intern allows the Host Company and Mapúa to use his/her personal information, which
may be disclosed for legitimate purposes, specifically for monitoring his/her participation in the
virtual internship program, and allow the processing of that information only by authorized
personnel in accordance with the Data Privacy Policy of the Host Company and Mapúa.

*Note: the Host company may revise the provisions stated herein subject to review and approval of


Patrick B. Pascasio_______ _____________________________

Annex A

Signature over printed name Signature over printed name


Juliet B. Pascasio____________
Signature over printed name


School DEAN
Signature over printed name

Director, Int’l Career and Exchange Programs
Signature over printed name

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