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Supersedes GEH-5860

ST2000 Toolkit

User's Manual
ST2000 Toolkit
User's Manual


Original Issue Date: August 1991

Revision A: February 1996

These instructions do not purport to cover all details or variations in equipment, nor to provide for every possible
contingency to be met during installation, operation, and maintenance. Should further information be desired or should
particular problems arise that are not covered sufficiently for the purchaser's purpose, the matter should be referred to
GE Drive Systems & Turbine Controls.

This document contains proprietary information of General Electric Company, U.S.A. and is furnished to its customers
solely to assist that customer in the installation, testing, and/or maintenance of the equipment described. This document
shall not be reproduced in whole or in part nor shall its contents be disclosed to any third party without the written
approval of GE Drive Systems & Turbine Controls.
© 1991, 1996 by General Electric Company, U.S.A.
All rights reserved.

Printed in the United States of America.

ST2000 Toolkit GEH-5860A



Commands attention to an operating procedure, practice, condition or statement, which, if not strictly
observed, could result in personal injury or death.


Commands attention to an operating procedure, practice, condition or statement, which, if not strictly
observed, could result in damage to or destruction of equipment.


Commands attention to an essential operating or maintenance procedure, condition, or statement that must
be highlighted.

GEH-5860A ST2000 Toolkit


This equipment contains a potential hazard of electrical shock or burn. Only personnel who are
adequately trained and thoroughly familiar with the equipment and the instructions should install,
operate, or maintain this equipment.

Isolation of test equipment from the equipment under test presents potential electrical hazards. If
the test equipment cannot be grounded to the equipment under test, the test equipment's case
must be shielded to prevent contact by personnel.

To minimize hazard of electrical shock or burn, approved grounding practices and procedures
must be strictly followed.


To prevent personal injury or equipment damage caused by equipment malfunction, only

adequately trained persons should modify any programmable machine.

ST2000 Toolkit GEH-5860A


Chapter/Paragraph Page Chapter/Paragraph Page


1-1. Definition And Scope . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1 5-1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-1
1-2. Customer Support . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1-1 5-2. Configuration Strategy . . . . . . . . . . . 5-1
5-3. Main Menu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-1
CHAPTER 2. INSTALLATION 5-4. Getting Started . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-3
2-1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1 5-4.1. NO PATH ESTABLISHED Header . . . 5-3
2-2. Equipment Requirements . . . . . . . . . . 2-1 5-4.2. THIS PATH OK? Header . . . . . . . . . 5-3
2-2.1. Hardware . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1 5-4.3. EE2000 Menu (EEPROM Management) 5-4
2-2.2. Software Requirements . . . . . . . . . . . 2-1 5-4.4. EDIT2000 Menu (Parameter Editor) . . 5-4
2-3. System Hardware Setup . . . . . . . . . . 2-1 5-4.5. BLKEDIT Menu (Block
2-4. Installing ST2000 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-2 Editor/Diagrammer) . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-7
2-4.1. Subdirectories Created . . . . . . . . . . . 2-2 5-4.6. HDWARE Menu (Hardware/Software
2-4.2. Installation Steps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-2 Revision) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-8
2-4.3. Revision Description . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-2 5-4.7. RAMALYZE Menu (RAM Variable
2-5. Installing Optional Software . . . . . . . . 2-3 Analyzer) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-8
2-6.1. Installation Errors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-3 5-4.8. REPORT Menu (Drive Documenter) . . 5-9
2-6. Project Database . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2-3 5-4.9. READTXT Menu (Text File Reader) . 5-10
5-4.10. NOTES Menu (Note Database Editor) 5-11
CHAPTER 3. FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION 5-4.11. LNUP2000 Menu (Process Lineup
3-1. Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-1 PASS1.PASS2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-11
3-2. Operational Steps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-1 5-5. File Names . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5-12
3-3. Configurable Item (CI) . . . . . . . . . . . 3-2
3-4. Product Descriptions Database APPENDIX A. PROBLEM REPORT
(CI Table) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-2
3-5. Hardware Or Firmware Modifications . 3-2 APPENDIX B. UPGRADES
3-6. Application Description Database
(Parameter Table) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-2
3-7. Application Rule Sets . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-2
3-8. Toolkit Executable Programs . . . . . . . 3-3
3-9. Target Configuration File . . . . . . . . . 3-3
3-10. Configured Drive Database
(Project Database) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3-3


4-1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-1
4-2. EE2000 (EEPROM Management) . . . . 4-1
4-3. EDIT2000 (Parameter Editor) . . . . . . 4-1
4-4. BLKEDIT (Block Editor/Diagrammer) . 4-1
4-5. HDWARE (Hardware/Software Revision) 4-2
4-6. RAMALYZE (RAM Variable Analyzer) 4-2
4-6.1. RAMALYZER Instructions . . . . . . . . 4-2
4-7. REPORT (Drive Documenter) . . . . . . 4-2
4-8. READTXT (Text File Reader) . . . . . . 4-3
4-9. NOTES (Note Database Editor) . . . . . 4-3
4-10. LNUP2000 (Process Lineup
PASS1/PASS2) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4-4

ST2000 Toolkit GEH-5860A



1-1. DEFINITION AND SCOPE This manual includes the following chapters:

The Super Tools 2000 (ST2000) Software Toolkit is Chapter 1 (Overview) – defines the ST2000 and the
microprocessor-based software used to configure and organization of this manual.
maintain GE's AC/DC2000 drives. It consists of a
collection of programs (tools) running under a Chapter 2 (Installation) – describes the type of hard-
command shell. ware required to use the ST2000, and how to install the
program into that system.
ST2000 is used both to originally configure and test a
drive system, and to fine-tune and maintain that system Chapter 3 (Functional Description) – defines the com-
in the field. Additionally, it can be used with optional ponents of the ST2000 program and their function.
AC/DC2000 modules for real display of control vari-
ables and communications data. ST2000 includes an Chapter 4 (Tools Definition) – defines the different
extensive database, accessed and manipulated by fol- tools (programs) available from the menu item.
lowing program rules.
Chapter 5 (Using the Toolkit) – guides you through the
For drive system configuration during manufacture, different tools and the options available under these
ST2000 serves as a post processor to set up primary tools.
automation programs in the AC/DC2000 drive. Outside
the factory, it serves as an installation and maintenance
tool to adjust that drive's software. It enables GE's 1-2. CUSTOMER SUPPORT
field engineers and other trained personnel to customize
the AC/DC2000 drive to the specific hardware and Although the ST2000 Software Toolkit simplifies the
application, as well as to fine-tune the drive's software process of configuring, tuning, and maintaining
for optimal performance. AC/DC2000 drives, it is a complex software package.
GE has thoroughly tested the programs and expects
them to function as intended. However, if system error
messages occur or your system misoperates when using
ST2000, please contact GE Product Service, Salem,
VA using the form located in Appendix A of this man-

GEH-5860A ST2000 Toolkit


ST2000 Toolkit GEH-5860A



2-1. INTRODUCTION The following enhancements are recommended:

This chapter provides information on installing the 80286 microprocessor or 80386 microprocessor,
ST2000 Tool Kit. The information includes definitions of running at 16 MHz or faster
the equipment required to run the software and proce-
dures for installing the software into a Personal Computer 2 MB to 4 MB RAM
(PC), setting up communications parameters, and con-
necting the PC to the DC2000 drive. Disk cache software

EGA or VGA color graphics with color monitor

Hard disk drive large enough to house all configuration
GE provides the ST2000 software on either 1.2 MB, files
5.25-inch double-sided, high-density diskettes or on 720
kB and 1.44 MB, 3.5-inch microdisks. This software
must be run on the type of equipment listed below. 2-2.2. Software Requirements

The ST2000 software requires the following additional

2-2.1. Hardware Requirements software included on the PC:

The ST2000 is designed to operate on an IBM PC AT® MS-DOS® or PC-DOS Version 3.0 or later
or compatible PC. The PC requires the following mini-
mum features: An additional command statement in the
AUTOEXEC.BAT file in the hard disk root directory,
Hard disk drive, 40 MB minimum (10 MB of this as follows:
required to load ST2000)
PATH = x:\ACDC2000\EXE
640K RAM minimum or
set ST2K = x:\ACDC2000\EXE\
5.25-inch or 3.5-inch disk drive (for software
installation) (where x is the disk drive)

CGA graphics An additional command statement in the

CONFIG.SYS file in the hard disk root directory, as
Monochrome monitor (multiple shades of gray) follows:

RS-232C serial port FILES=50

Centronics printer compatible parallel port


The hardware used to run the ST2000 tools must be set

up as follows:

1. Cable connected from the PC's COM1 or COM2 to

the drive's RS-232C port. Offline use of the tools is
also possible.

GEH-5860A ST2000 Toolkit

2. Security Key inserted into the LPT1 port. 4. At the prompt, enter the floppy disk drive selected to
install the ST2000 Toolkit where the floppy is.
3. Power on the PC.
For example: A
4. Power on the drive.
5. At the prompt, select the destination drive where you
5. The project directory must be in the root directory want the files installed to. This should be the hard
of this disk drive. The drive subdirectory must be drive For example: C
under the project directory.
6. At the prompt, confirm the source and destination
disk drives selected.
2-4. INSTALLING ST2000 Y yes
N no
2-4.1. Subdirectories Created <ESC> escape/abort

The install process for the ST2000 Software Toolkit The installation program now unzips the ST2000 toolkit
creates three subdirectories under the AC/DC2000 root software to the specified drive and proper subdirectories.
directory: It creates the directories if they do not exist:

BIN Application Rule Sets (rules that make the software \ACDC2000\EXE
function as intended) \ACDC2000\DBF and
DBF Product Descriptions Database
Strike any key when ready...
EXE ST2000 Program Files (the actual software for each
tool) The PC's setup software must include additional parame-
ter statements, as instructed in 2.1.2 Software Require-
These subdirectories include all the software needed to ments above. At this point in the installation, make sure
maintain a user-configured drive database. However, the of the following:
type of drive configuration determines which capabilities
are used. In the CONFIG.SYS program, there's a statement

2-4.2. Installation Steps
ST2000 needs a minimum of 45 file handlers to run, and
The following steps guide you through the installation of this is a good starting point.
the ST2000 Software Toolkit onto the hard disk.
In the AUTOEXEC.BAT program, there's a PATH
As mentioned, the complete ST2000 program is on a set statement:
of diskettes. Each diskette has its own install program;
however, you must load the disks in sequential order x:\ACDC2000\EXE
using the following steps: or
set ST2K = x:\ACDC2000\EXE\
1. Insert the first diskette (as marked on its cover) into
the selected drive. (x = disk drive specified in step 5 above.) This tells
the PC where the tools are loaded.
2. Set the default drive to the floppy disk drive where
the disks will be loaded from. For example,
2-4.3. Revision Description
The file REV-XXX.TXT (where XXX is the revision
3. To start installation, type number) describes the enhancements to this particular
revision of the ST2000 program. They can be found in
INSTALL<Enter> the X:\ACDC2000\EXE directory.

ST2000 Toolkit GEH-5860A

2-5. INSTALLING OPTIONAL SOFTWARE The installation program now unzips the software to the
specified drive and proper subdirectory. It creates the
In addition to the standard ST2000 program software, subdirectory if it does not exist:
there are two optional software packages available:
RAMALYZER Toolkit \ST300
RAMALYZER (RAM Variable Analyzer) enables you to
display and plot field measures or related computations. For stand alone installation, it creates the directories if it
It is provided as an option on the ST2000 Main Menu does not exist:
(see Chapter 5 for more information.) LANALYZER
(LAN Variable Analyzer) lets you do the same with LAN \RAMALYZE
variables, but is typically used with another GE software \LANALYZE
package. It is, therefore, covered more thoroughly in
other documentation. For ST2000 or ST300 installation, the directories must
already exist, possibly from previously installing these
RAMALYZER and LANALYZER are provided on tools (\ACDC2000\EXE or \ST300).
different disks and have their own installation programs.
However, you can install either one as follows:
2-5.1. Installation Errors
1. Set the default drive to the floppy disk drive where
the disks will be loaded from. You may run out of environment space during installa-
tion. To prevent this, do not run INSTALL from a shell
For example: A:<Enter> program such as path-minder.

2. Insert the diskette into the selected floppy drive. You may need to increase the environment space defined
3. To start installation, type:
For example: SHELL=...\E:512

4. At the prompt, enter the floppy disk drive selected to 2-6. PROJECT DATABASE
install the program (where the floppy is, for exam-
ple: A<Enter> The project database contains component values for the
configured drive. This software must be installed into the
5. When prompted, choose the type of installation to customer's system in addition to the ST2000 Toolkit
perform, by letter: software. GE provides the Project Database software
separately in either 5.25-inch or 3.5-inch disk format.
2 ST2000 only
3 ST300 only Use the following steps to install the project database
B Both ST2000 and ST300 software:
A Stand alone
1. Using DOS, make a project directory on the root
6. At the prompt, select the destination drive where you directory of the hard disk called pppppp. (This is an
want the files installed. This should be the hard drive arbitrary name; it is usually the name of the project).
for example: C
2. Change directories to the newly created project
directory by typing


GEH-5860A ST2000 Toolkit

3. Place the diskette containing the project database into EXAMPLE:

the floppy drive.
Installing project database software onto the hard disk
4. Copy the project database to the destination drive (Drive C), assuming TDJ143 is the project name:
using the XCOPY command for example:
1. Make a directory named TDJ143 and change to that
5. Type: pppppp<Enter>
2. Place the diskette containing the project database into
where pppppp is the project name on the factory Drive A.
shipped diskette.
3. Type:


This creates multiple subdirectories named for the core

drive or inverter number within the project directory and
places a .ZIP file in each one.

ST2000 Toolkit GEH-5860A




The ST2000 Toolkit sent from the GE factory includes The following represents the operation, or flow, of the
four sets of computer files, which are required for the ST2000 software in relation to input and output files (See
software to execute: Figure 3-1):

1. Product descriptions databases (contains customer 1. The User inputs information into the parameter value
equipment parameters) file.

2. Application rule sets (rules that make the software 2. The application description database identifies inputs,
function as intended) described in application terms, that relate to drive
components and builds the parameter table.
3. Toolkit executable programs (software for each tool)
3. The product description database contains a valid
4. Target configuration files component description, which is matched with the
parameter table.
Optional software (such as RAMALYZE and LANAL-
YZE) is available and may be included with the ST2000 4. The application rule set operates upon all inputs to
software distribution. produce specific component values for the drive.

Figure 3-1 represents the flow of ST2000 software. 5. The program places the output from the application
rule set is placed into the configured drive database
to transfer to the drive EEPROM.

6. Hardware settings are made available for manual

setting and verification.


(Parameter Value File)
(Parameter Table) SET DATABASE
(CI Values
(CI Table)

Figure 3-1. Software Flow

GEH-5860A ST2000 Toolkit


A Configurable Item (CI) is any component in an If a different hardware or firmware is used

AC2000 or DC2000 drive that may be different from in a drive, a new set of CI Table files must
one application of the drive to another. Listed below be used and those files must be informed of
are the characteristics of the CI. the version changes being made to the
Either a hardware or software component.

For example, hardware CI are jumpers, switches, 3-6. APPLICATION DESCRIPTIONS DATABASE
potentiometers, or wire jumpers on one of the (PARAMETER TABLE)
The applications descriptions database describes all
A software CI is a value in the EEPROM of a possible values a user may enter into a parameter value
drive, such as one or more bits in a single file for a drive application (usage). This database has
EEPROM address. the following characteristics:

The product descriptions database describes each One parameter value file for each drive.
CI, hardware and software.
The parameter value file is the source for the ap-
Values can be overridden, in which case they ac- plication rule set for that usage.
quire an override status.
A variety of applications may be defined; however,
Recalculation of CI values by the application rule they must comply with pattern definitions (only
set cannot change values with an override status. certain types are allowed).
Before the application rule set can compute a CI
value, the override status must be cleared. User inputs are placed into the parameter value
file. The parameter table describes and constrains
each input.
(CI TABLE) It is closely linked to product descriptions.

The product descriptions database is a collection of It defines parameters in application terminology

database files describing all possible configurations for that relate to the drive's configurable items. A
each CI in a drive. The file describes each CI, and single application parameter can describe several
defines all possible values of each CI. CIs.


An application rule set is a collection of rules specifi-
Each CI is revision sensitive. Its possible values must cally based upon a drive application. Rule sets are used
be changed to reflect hardware or firmware modifica- to configure the target drive. A rule set contains the
tions allowing the user to choose different features. For following characteristics:
example, if a drive has new firmware placed into one
of its boards, creating a new feature, a corresponding It uses the application description database and
addition is be made to the descriptions database. user inputs to configure the target drive.

The user must implement this update by entering the It converts user inputs from application terminolo-
correct revision status of all drive components into the gy into drive terminology for drive configuration.
product descriptions database. Then, the drive's hard- (The user needs only to know application terminol-
ware and firmware filters this database and changes it ogy, and not the more complex drive terminology.)
automatically to reflect the new revision.

ST2000 Toolkit GEH-5860A

It contains a list of equations – both mathematical 3-10. CONFIGURED DRIVE DATABASE

and conditional. (PROJECT DATABASE)

These equations process inputs from the parameter The configured drive, or project database contains the
value file along with the static product and application output results of the application rule set task. It has the
descriptions from both the CI and the parameter tables. following characteristics:
This produces the values for all the drive's configurable
items. Each value in this database has a one-to-one corre-
spondence to a drive CI (including hardware).
The application rule set used is based on the par-
ticular application for which the drive is being Each non-hardware value in this database can be
configured. sent to the corresponding CI stored in the drive's

3-8. TOOLKIT EXECUTABLE PROGRAMS Each value stored in a CI in the drive EEPROM
can be sent to the corresponding value in this data-
Toolkit executable programs are the routines that pro- base.
vide the ST2000 Toolkit's capability. These routines
also enable the user to examine and modify various A user can directly access and override CI values.
ST2000 system components.

3-9. TARGET CONFIGURATION FILE The CI values in this database must be

equal to the corresponding CI in the drive's
The target configuration file refers to the configured EEPROM and hardware settings.
drive database, described below.

GEH-5860A ST2000 Toolkit


ST2000 Toolkit GEH-5860A



4-1. INTRODUCTION 5. Equalizing CI values in the drive's database and

This section describes the various tools available using
the ST2000 Toolkit. The user selects these from the 6. Interrogation of original calculated CI values from
ST2000 program's main menu. Chapter 5 covers the the configured drive database's rule set (does not
main menu and guides you through the tools and op- change these values)
tions available. These tools include:

EE2000 EEPROM management 4-3. EDIT2000 (PARAMETER EDITOR)

EDIT2000 Parameter editor The EDIT2000 tool program provides the following
BLKEDIT Block editor/diagrammer
Editing parameters (CI values) in the configured
HDWARE Hardware and software revision drive database

RAMALYZE (Optional) RAM variable analyzer Editing of source file parameter values for the
configured drive database's rule set
REPORT Drive documenter
Search utility for finding parameters
READTXT Text file reader


LNUP2000 Process lineup pass1/pass2 The ST2000's block memory is a special area with no
fixed meaning. It includes the rule set with the blocks
required for the application. The block definition deter-
4-2. EE2000 (EEPROM MANAGEMENT) mines the drive's configuration and firmware proper-
The EE2000 tool program provides the following fea-
tures: Other parameters function in support of block defini-
tions (for example, tuning parameters).
1. Transfer of drive EEPROM CI values to the con-
figured drive database (changing the existing CI The BLKEDIT tool program provides the following
values in the database) features:

2. Transfer of configured drive database CI values to Interrogation of blocks in the drive's configured
the drive EEPROM (changing the existing CI val- drive database and EEPROM
ues in the drive)
Schematic display of these blocks
3. Comparison of the configured drive database's CI
values with calculated CI values (does not change Displays parameters and rules of internal block
these values) processing

4. Comparison of drive's EEPROM CI values with Displays internal computational values for each
CI values in the configured drive database block during processing

GEH-5860A ST2000 Toolkit

4-5. HDWARE (HARDWARE/SOFTWARE In the offline mode, identification of a specific

REVISION) time and measure for all selected fields displayed
for that point in the time history
The HDWARE tool program provides the following
features: In the offline mode, ability to save a plot for fu-
ture use
Comparison the drive's firmware revisions with the
product description CI Table In the offline mode, ability to load and examine a
previously saved plot.
Verification of the hardware definitions with the
drive's hardware components
4-6.1. RAMALYZER Instructions
Definitions for board, group, revisions, and de-
scriptions 1. To set up a pen channel – Using tab and shift tab,
position the cursor box below one of the lettered
Displays which firmware revisions and hardware channels (A,B,C,D). Hit the change point function
components should be in the drive. key <F1> and either type in a RAM address
manually or hit the <F2> key to pick the RAM
If firmware revisions or hardware components do not address from a list. After defining the pen address,
agree with those in the definitions, contact GEDS Prod- the pen scale factor, high limit and low limit may
uct Service. be defined. Enter the high and low limits in terms
of the value as scaled by the scale factor.

4-6. RAMALYZE (RAM VARIABLE ANALYZER) 2. To define the trend period – Tab to the period
[OPTION] data entry position and hit the change point func-
tion key. The period may be entered as a number
RAMALYZE applies only if you have the optional immediately followed by either an H, M or S
RAMALYZER toolkit. RAMALYZE provides the (hour, minute or second).
following features:
3. To trend live data – After setting up the comport,
Screen display and/or plot of selected field mea- baud rate, protocol, period and pens, hit the
sures (or related computations) ONLINE function key <F2>. Protocol mode
requires that /CTS be tied to DCOM on the drive.
In the online mode, display of active field mea-
sures within a drive 4. To analyze the data – Left, right, up and down
arrow keys move a graphic cursor across the graph
In the offline mode, freezes on screen and allows area. The values of the plots at the cursor may be
processing of previously displayed field measures viewed at the bottom of the screen. If the cursor is
from a drive upon an actual data point an asterisk will appear.

Display of one to four selected field measures,

which can be viewed simultaneously; 4-7. REPORT (DRIVE DOCUMENTER)

Optional plot of the selected field measures (the This program provides the following features:
plot is a time history of the displayed measure)
Reports of information contained in various data-
– Field measures may be scaled for closer inspec- bases:
a. Project (configured drive database)
– The plot's time period may be scaled for faster
analysis b. Drive values

– The plot's left and right coordinates may be c. Project database (CI table)
defined to represent designated field measures

ST2000 Toolkit GEH-5860A

Several report formats 4-9. NOTES (NOTE DATABASE EDITOR)

The general procedure to create a report is to select a The NOTES tool program is used to build a history of
report from a menu, make the report, and then display actions performed on a drive during its preparation for
or print the report. usage. The user makes entries to a notes database.
These entries are special comments about certain as-
To select a report: pects of the drive to be retained for future reference.

1. Move the cursor to the desired report listed on the The NOTES tool has the following features:
menu. Use the arrow keys to move up and down.
Entries are comments that represent a change-by-
2. Tag it by pressing: <F1> (tag for report). change, day-by-day activity

3. Press: <F2> (make report). Entries can be added, edited, and deleted

This creates a file (DXXX_RPT.TXT where xx is the The comment is entered in free-form
drive) that contains the report.
Only one comment line can be added at a time (at
Several reports can be tagged at one time for multiple the bottom of the window)
reports. To do this:
A window displays entered comments; it enlarges
1. Move the cursor to the desired report listed on the to show all entries until it reaches its maximum
menu. size,then one can scroll through the remaining
2. Tag it by pressing: <F1> (tag for report).
Notes can be viewed by scrolling up or down with-
3. Move the cursor to the next desired report listed in the window
on the menu.
The database cannot be printed
4. Repeat steps 2 and 3 until all desired reports are
selected. Reports may be selected in any order. Each drive has its own notes database
(DXXXNOTS.DBF where xx is the drive)
5. Press: <F2> (make report)
To edit a note (line), move the cursor to the line by
This creates a file (DXXX_RPT.TXT where xx is the using the arrow keys.
drive) that contains all the reports in a single file.
To delete a note:

4-8. READTXT (TEXT FILE READER) 1. Move the cursor to the line

The READTXT tool program provides the following 2. Flag it by pressing: <F4> (delete)
3. Press: Y<Enter> to confirm the deletion
Processing of any text file built by a tool routine

Access to, scroll through, or print of any text file

Screen display of any specified text file

Browsing of report files generated by other tools

GEH-5860A ST2000 Toolkit

4-10. LNUP2000 (Process Lineup PASS1/PAS- GE sends diskettes containing these databases to the
S2) field.

The LNUP2000 tool program is primarily for factory Other LNUP2000 functions are available in the field:
use. The PROCESS SIDEFL and PASS2 options are
used exclusively at the GE factory to prepare drive Mark Zip zips (compresses) drive databases for
system databases, and are not available in the field. shipping purposes or to conserve disk space

PASS1 is used to prepare the drive configuration files Mark Calc identifies the drives that need to be
and sidefiles. PASS2 is used to input the primary pa- recalculated.
rameter values into the individual drive databases.

ST2000 Toolkit GEH-5860A



5-1. INTRODUCTION the various tools and options (functions) in the upper
center of the screen. The bottom of the screen displays
This chapter discusses how to use the toolkit, and eight boxes defining the eight function keys. Their
guides you through startup, options, and tools available. definition can change according to the tool and option
being used. The bottom middle area displays the project
and drive.
The Main Menu is the starting point for using tools
There are five basic steps to use the ST2000 Toolkit: within the ST2000 Toolkit. It displays the following
1. Start up the ST2000 by typing: ST2000<Enter>
OPEN/CHANGE THE date & time
2. Select the correct disk drive, project, and drive.
3. Run the HDWARE tool to confirm that the drive
components and firmware revisions agree with EXECUTE RULE ENGINE (QUICK CALC)
those defined in the product descriptions CI table.
EEPROM MANAGEMENT EE2000 date & time
(If there are changes, FULL CALC must be run
next.) PARAMETER EDITOR EDIT2000 date & time

BLOCK BLKEDIT date & time

4. Run the REPORT tool to create a hardware report
to verify the hardware settings.
5. Run the EE2000 tool to confirm that the drive's REVISION
EEPROM CI values agree with the configured
drive database CI values.

These tools are described in detail in Chapter 3. DRIVE DOCUMENTER REPORT date & time

Once you run the HDWARE and EE2000 tools satisfac- TEXT FILE READER READTXT date & time

torily, other tools may be used to adjust the drive sys- NOTE DATABASE NOTES date &
tem to desired specifications. time
If new hardware or firmware is provided to (PASS1/PASS2)
the customer, new CI values are needed.
The above steps must be repeated and the The following function key options are displayed:
configuration must run through a FULL
CALC. <F1> ENTER SELECT – Selects the highlighted
5-3. MAIN MENU <F3>
When you start the ST2000 program running (as de- <F5>
scribed below), the Main Menu appears (see Figure <F6> EQUALITY DISPLAY ON
5-1). A screen caption identifies this screen. It displays <F7> EQUALITY STATUS
<F8> QUIT – Exits the ST2000 Software Toolkit

GEH-5860A ST2000 Toolkit

The program then executes the selected tool. The

To select a function represented by a function key, screen displays identification for this tool.
press that key.

To select a menu item, position the cursor to the de-

sired item and press: <F1>


This area contains

for the tool being used

This area contains

ST-2000 Messages

F1 F2 F3 F4 ----- F5 F6 F7 F8

Figure 5-1. Main Menu

ST2000 Toolkit GEH-5860A

5-4. GETTING STARTED 7. When the DRIVE CONNECTED ? header ap-

pears in the middle section, enter Y(es) or N(o).
These sections guide you through getting started using
the ST2000 Toolkit. They provide examples of the The prompt WHICH COMM PORT (1/2) ? [1]
various options and screen messages and how to re- then appears and you must enter the appropriate
spond to them. Note that a function key is represented number.
as <Fx>, where the x represents the number of that
key. The prompt WHAT BAUD RATE
(3/12/24/48/96) ? [96] appears next, and you must
1. Type: ST2000<Enter> enter the appropriate number.

2. Examine the middle section of the screen. The 8. The INIT SERIAL PORT header appears in the
submenu procedure is identified here. middle section .

You see displayed either NO PATH ESTABLISHED The message ATTEMPTING TO INITIALIZE at
header or THIS PATH OK ? header. nnnn BAUD appears.

9. If the ST2000 project and drive matches the con-

5-4.1. NO PATH ESTABLISHED Header nected drive, this information is displayed and you
are prompted to press any key to continue.
If the NO PATH ESTABLISHED header is displayed
in the middle of the screen, you must: Control then passes to the ST2000 functions
1. Press any key to continue.
10. If the ST2000 project and drive does not match the
2. Press <F5> to select the appropriate disk drive. drive project and drive, a message appears in the
middle section of the screen and you must select a
3. Enter disk drive letter. choice:

4. Position the cursor to the desired project directory ENTER CHOICE (R/A/I):
and press <F2>.
where R= Reinitialize the connection
5. Position the cursor to the desired drive in this A= Abort connections
project and press <F1>. I= Ignore

The screen then displays the THIS PATH OK ?

message in the middle section, and shows the disk, 5-4.2. THIS PATH OK ? Header
project, and drive specifications.
If the screen displays THIS PATH OK ? header in the
6. You must respond by entering either Y(es) or middle section, the disk, project, and drive specifica-
N(o). tions are shown.

If a new project is selected, a software prep- 1. You must enter Y(es) or N(o) in response to these
aration of needed files takes place. specifications.

You are prompted then to CLOSE OLD 2. If you select Y(es) to THIS PATH OK ?
then appears in the middle section, a message
Answer Y(es) to conserve disk space appears as follows:

Answer N(o) if space is not a concern

GEH-5860A ST2000 Toolkit

IS THE CORRECT DRIVE CONNECTED VIA The following function key options are displayed:
ENTER Y OR N: <F1> DRIVE TO FILE – Copies CI values from
EEPROM to the database file
You again must enter Y(es) or N(o)
<F2> FILE TO DRIVE – Copies CI values from
If you enter Y(es): the database file to EEPROM

The INIT SERIAL PORT header then appears in <F3> COMPARE CVAL-ORG – Compares the
the middle section. current values in the database file with the
computed factory values in the database file
The prompt WHICH COM PORT (1/2) ? [1] for this drive. The result miscompares will be
then appears and you must enter the appropriate put in a text file called DRXXFIL.TXT. This
number. file may be viewed and/or printed by the
The prompt WHAT BAUD RATE (3/12/24/48/96)
? [96] next appears and you must enter the appro- <F4> COMPARE FILE-DRV – Compares the
priate number. EEPROM or mirror values from the connect-
ed drive with the values in the database file
The message ATTEMPTING TO INITIALIZE at for this drive. The result miscompares will be
nnnn BAUD appears. put into a text file called DRXXCMP.TXT.
This file may be viewed and/or printed by the
If you enter N(o): READTXT tool.

The ST2000 Functions header appears. <F5> INIT COMM – Serial communication initial-
ization process
You then position the cursor to the desired func-
tion and press: <F1> to use that tool, or <F6> TERMINAL MODE – Terminal emulation
mode; establishes direct communication to the
You can press: <F8> to exit the ST2000. A drive
window menu appears that prompts for a Y(es) or
N(o) response to exit. <F7> EQUALITY STATUS – Drive to File Equali-
ty Status
3. If you select N(o) to THIS PATH OK ?
<F8> ABORT/QUIT – Returns to ST-2000 Main
Press: <F5> to select the appropriate disk drive Menu

Enter the disk drive letter. When a function is selected, the screen displays identi-
fication for this tool.
Position the cursor to the desired project directory
and press: <F2>
5-4.4. EDIT2000 Menu (Parameter Editor)
Position the cursor to the desired drive in this
project and press: <F1> The EDIT2000 screen caption identifies this tool. The
tool displays the headers:
Continue as in step 2 above.
INITIALIZE DATA BASES as its first operation

5-4.3. EE2000 Menu (EEPROM Management) CONFIGURABLE ITEMS/PARAMETERS as its

next operation
The EE2000 screen caption identifies this tool. When
selected, the tool displays INITIALIZE DATA BASES
header as its first operation.

ST2000 Toolkit GEH-5860A

The following selections can be made: <ALT F8>

Root applications parameters <F2> SEARCH FOR ITEM

EEPROM Menus <F2><F1> ENTER SELECT – Search for listed

<F2><F8> ABORT - Return to previous menu
Variables Menu
<F3> EEPROM Override
Fault information menu
<F3><F1> CHANGE VALUE – Change high-
The following function key options are displayed: lighted value

<F1> SELECT MENU –Selects highlighted Menu <F3><F2> SEND TO DRIVE – Send highlighted
item value to drive EEPROM

<F2> SEARCH FOR ITEM – Allows a search for <F3><F3> COMPARE TO DRIVE – Displays
any item drive EEPROM value and prompts the
user for permission to save the value
<F3> EE PROM OVERRIDE – Displays all over-
ridden EEPROM CI values <F3><F4> COMPARE COMPUTED – Displays
computed value and prompts the user
<F4> PARAMETER OVERRIDE – Displays all for permission to save the value
overridden parameter values
<F3><F5> CLEAR OVERRIDE – Removes over-
<F5> EEPROM DIFFRNCE – Displays EEPROM ride on highlighted item
<F3><F6> ITEM HELP – Displays help screen
<F6> HARDWARE DIFFRNCE – Displays unver- for highlighted item
ified hardware settings
<F3><F7> SHOW RULE – Displays software
<F7> SHOW ALL PARAMS – Displays all used rule for highlighted item
and usual parameters
<F3><F8> BACK 1 MENU – Go back one menu
<F8> QUIT – Returns to ST2000 main menu
<F3><F1><F1> ACCEPT CHANGE – Accepts
<ALT F1> changes

<ALT F2> <F3><F1><F2> PICK RAM ADDRESS – Pres-

ents pick list of possible RAM
<ALT F3> addresses

<ALT F4> LOG OUT USER – Exit Change and <F3><F1><F8> ABORT CHANGE – Aborts
Control Tracking change

<ALT F5> Check the <ALT> key for more options.

<ALT F6> SEARCH FOR ITEM – Allows a search <F3><ALT F2> SEND ALL TO DRIVE – Send
for any item all values shown to drive

<ALT F7> EQUALITY STATUS – Current Drive <F3><ALT F4> LOG OUT USER – Exit
to File Equality Status change and control tracking

GEH-5860A ST2000 Toolkit

moves override on all CI values computed value and prompts the user
for permission to save the value
<F3><ALT F6> SEARCH FOR ITEM – Allows a
search for any item <F5><F5> CLEAR OVERRIDE – Removes
override on highlighted item
drive equality status <F5><F6> ITEM HELP – Displays help screen
for highlighted item
<F5><F7> SHOW RULE – Displays software
<F4><F1> CHANGE VALUE – Change high- rule for highlighted item
lighted value
<F5><F8> BACK 1 MENU – Go back one
<F4><F4> COMPARE COMPUTED – Displays menu
computed value and prompts the user
for permission to save the value <F5><F1><F1> ACCEPT CHANGE – Accepts
<F4><F5> CLEAR OVERRIDE – Removes
override on highlighted item <F5><F1><F2> PICK RAM ADDRESS – Pres-
ents picklist of possible RAM
<F4><F6> ITEM HELP – Displays help screen addresses
for highlighted item
<F5><F1><F8> ABORT CHANGE – Aborts
<F4><F7> SHOW RULE – Displays software change
rule for highlighted item
Check the <ALT> key for more options.
<F4><F8> BACK 1 MENU – Goes back one
menu <F5><ALT F2> SEND ALL TO DRIVE – Send
all values shown to drive
<F4><ALT F4> LOG OUT USER – Exit change
and control tracking <F5><ALT F4> LOG OUT USER – Exit
change and control tracking
ves override on all parameter <F5><ALT F5> CLR ALL OVERRIDE – Re-
moves override on all CI values
search for any item <F5><ALT F6> SEARCH FOR ITEM – Allows
a search for any item
drive equality status <F5><ALT F7> EQUALITY STATUS – Curr-
ent drive equality status
<F5><F1> CHANGE VALUE – Change high-
lighted value <F6><F1> CHANGE VALUE – Change high-
lighted value
<F5><F2> SEND TO DRIVE – Send highlighted
value to drive EEPROM <F6><F2> SETTING VERIFIED – Verify hard-
ware setting is the same as the cur-
<F5><F3> COMPARE TO DRIVE – Displays rent database value
drive EEPROM value and prompts
the user for permission to save the

ST2000 Toolkit GEH-5860A

<F6><F4> COMPARE COMPUTED – Displays <F1> ENTER SELECT – Select highlighted line
computed value and prompts the user
for permission to save the value <F2> EDIT TRAJ – Allows selection of the multi-
ple motor group
<F6><F5> CLEAR OVERRIDE – Removes
override on highlighted item <F3> EDIT OUTER – Allows selection of the mul-
tiple motor group
<F6><F6> ITEM HELP – Displays help screen
for highlighted item <F4> EDIT INNER – Allows the selection of the
multiple motor group
<F6><F7> SHOW RULE – Displays software
rule for highlighted item <F5>

<F6><F8> BACK 1 MENU – Go back one menu <F6>

<F6><F1><F1> ACCEPT CHANGE – Accepts <F7> SCREEN HELP – Not used

<F8> QUIT – Returns to the ST2000 main menu
<F6><F1><F8> ABORT CHANGE – Aborts
change Once the selected operation executes, the tool displays
Exclude background (Non run list) blocks from dia-
Check the <ALT> key for more options. gram (y/[N])?

<F6><ALT F3> VERIFY ALL – Verify all hard- Select N or <Enter> to get background blocks, Y to
ware settings are the same as the exclude background blocks.
current database values
<F1> BLOCK INFO – Displays information for the
<F6><ALT F4> LOG OUT USER – Exit change highlighted block (inputs, parameter, outputs)
and control tracking
<F2> DISPLAY NAME – Displays names on block
<F6><ALT F5> CLR ALL OVERRIDE – Remo- diagram
ves override on all HW values
<F3> DISPLAY ADDRESS – Displays addresses
<F6><ALT F6> SEARCH FOR ITEM – Allows a on block diagram
search for any item
<F4> DISPLAY VALUE – Displays drive values
<F6><ALT F7> EQUALITY STATUS – Current on block diagram
drive equality status
<F5> REDRAW DIAGRAM – Redraws the block
diagram after changes
5-4.5. BLKEDIT Menu (Block Edi-
tor/Diagrammer) <F6> TERMINAL MODE – Establishes direct ter-
minal communication to the drive
The BLOCKEDIT screen caption identifies this tool.
This tool displays: <F7> BLOCK HELP – Displays software informa-
tion for the highlighted block
INITIALIZE DATA BASES header as its first
operation <F8> EXIT DIAGRAM – Exit BLKEDIT and re-
turn to motor group selection
header as its next operation Check the <ALT> key for more options

This tool provides the following function key options:

GEH-5860A ST2000 Toolkit

<ALT F1> BLOCK MANAGER - Add, delete, Group number usually follows the G or M in the
modify blocks and send block EEPR- board catalog part number.
OM to drive
For example: 531X301DCCCG# or
<ALT F2> PRINT DIAGRAM – Send block dia- DS200SDDCG#ruu where # is
gram to printer or file (DXXBLK.LAS the group number.
or .EPS)
Revision number may be 2, 3, or 4 alphanumerics
<ALT F3> EDIT2000 – Go to EDIT2000 menu (usually alphabetic)

<ALT F4> RAMALYZER – Go to RAMALYZER Revision number usually follows the board mne-
menu monic in the board catalog number

<ALT F5> For example: 531X301DCCCG#ruu where r is the

revision number.
<ALT F6>
The HDWARE tool has the following function key
<ALT F7> EQUALITY STATUS – Current drive options:
equality status
<ALT F8> status (ACTUAL or CALCULATED) for the
highlighted component

5-4.6. HDWARE Menu (Hardware/Software <F2> CHANGE GROUP – Edits the GROUP status
Revision) for the highlighted component

The HDWARE screen caption identifies this tool. The <F3> ADD ENTRY – Adds an entry to the hard-
tool displays: ware data table

INITIALIZE DATA BASES header as its first <F4> DELETE ENTRY – Deletes the highlighted
operation entry in the hardware data table

HARDWARE DATA TABLE header as its next <F5> GET SW REVISION – Obtains the firmware
operation REVISION numbers from the drive

Board, group, revision (ACT and CALC), and <F6>

description of the firmware and hardware for drive
components. (The CALC revision is used for rule <F7> HELP – Describes capability of function keys
<F8> QUIT – Returns to the ST2000 main menu
This display uses the following conventions:
Two letter board (card) entries ending with the Drive equality status
letter P are firmware

The board/module list must be verified against the 5-4.7. RAMALYZE Menu (RAM Variable
actual drive Analyzer) [Option]

Revision and group status must be checked The RAMALYZE screen caption identifies this tool.
The tool displays:
Group number must be an integer value between
0–99 RAMALYZER INSTRUCTIONS as its first opera-

ST2000 Toolkit GEH-5860A

A TOPOLOGY SCREEN for RAM mapping as its <ALT F3> PRINT SMALL – Prints portrait
next operation (small) format

<ALT F4> FORM FEED – Form feeds the

This tool uses the following conventions: printer

<TAB> and <SHIFT TAB> to move the cur- <ALT F5> HELP – Displays RAMALYZER in-
sor box structions

Arrow keys to move the graph cursor (slow and <ALT F6>
<ALT F7>
Values of parameters are displayed for the graph
cursor position <ALT F8>

The time in the graph is displayed for the graph <F1><F1> ACCEPT CHANGE – Accepts the
cursor position changes

Only prints to an IBM/EPSON compatible printer <F1><F2> PICK 300 ADD – Displays DC300
pick list
This tool has the following function key options:
<F1><F3> PICK 2K ADD – Takes user to the
<F1> CHANGE POINT – Edits selected parameter EDIT2000 VAR list

<F2> ONLINE – Begins capturing and graphing <F1><F4> DELETE PEN – Removes pen from
selected values RAMALYZER

<F3> LEFT AXIS – Toggles the scale on the left- <F1><F5>

<F4> RIGHT AXIS – Toggles the scale on the
right-axis <F1><F7>

<F5> SAVE GRAPH – Saves the current graph to <F1><F8> ABORT CHANGE – Aborts changes
<F2><F2> OFFLINE – Changes status to off
<F6> LOAD GRAPH – Loads a saved graph from line (stops trace)
<F2><F3> 1 MORE PAGE – Stop trace after
<F7> TERM EMULATE – Enters direct communi- one more screen of data is collected
cations with the drive

<F8> QUIT ALT=MOR – Returns to the ST2000 5-4.8. REPORT Menu (Drive Documenter)
main menu
The REPORTS screen caption identifies this tool.
<ALT> MORE – Shows more functions
The tool displays the REPORT GENERATOR screen
Check the <ALT> key for more options as its first operation.

<ALT F1> It provides the following types of report summaries for

<ALT F2> PRINT LARGE – Prints landscape
(large) format

GEH-5860A ST2000 Toolkit

Hardware summary – summary of hardware com- <F7> SCREEN HELP – Help screen for report
ponents and settings of jumpers, pots, switches, generator
and such
<F8> QUIT – Returns to ST2000 main menu
EE from field tool summary – list of all EEPROM
with address, name, value
5-4.9. READTXT Menu (Text File Reader)
EE from menu summary – list of all EEPROM by
EDIT2000 menus. The READTEXT screen caption identifies this tool.

EE blocks only summary – list of block area only The tool displays: SELECT FILE OR A FUNCTION
first operation. To select the highlighted entry, use the
EE tree summary – EDIT2000 EEPROM tree <Enter> key.
This tool displays the following function key options:
PARM menu summary – list of all parameters by
EDIT2000 menus. <F1> CHANGE DRIVE – Changes to another disk
PARM tree summary – EDIT2000 parameter tree
structure. <F2>

Hardware menu summary – List of all hardware <F3>

items by EDIT2000 menus.
Hardware tree summary – EDIT2000 hardware
tree structure. <F5>

EE overrides summary – list of all EE overrides. <F6>

PARM overrides summary – list of all parameter <F7>

<F8> ABORT PICK – Returns to the previous
Hardware overrides summary – list of all hardware screen
If you select <F1> to change the drive:
The Report tool displays the following function key
options: 1. Enter the drive letter of the disk drive to switch to.

<F1> TAG FOR REPORT – Marks highlighted 2. Select the project directory.
report for <F2>
3. Select the drive file.
<F2> MAKE REPORT – Prepares report for print-
ing 4. Select the .TXT file, if necessary.

<F3> This brings up the following function key options:

<F4> DISPLAY REPORT – Displays report on the <F1> LOAD FILE – Allows a new selection of text
screen files

<F5> PRINT REPORT – Prints report <F2>

<F6> EE MENU 0 FILTER – EEPROM defaults <F3>

of zero not included in the report

ST2000 Toolkit GEH-5860A

<F4> PRINTER TYPE – Selects printer type <F4><F8> ABORT CHANGE – Aborts changes


<F6> PRINT DOCUMENT – Prints loaded file

<F7> PRINT SCREEN – Prints screen contents

5-4.11. LNUP2000 Menu (Process Lineup
<F8> QUIT – Return to ST2000 main menu PASS1/PASS2)

The LNUP2000 screen caption identifies this tool.

5-4.10. NOTES Menu (Note Database Editor)
The tool displays:
The NOTES screen caption identifies this tool.
The DRIVES IN REQUISITION pppppp header as its
The tool displays the DRIVE NOTES screen as its first first operation (where pppppp is the project)
The footer, which tells you the amount of:
A window message: DATABASE IS EMPTY - AP-
PEND RECORD TO CONTINUE ? (Y/N). You must Disk space used by this requisition:_____KB
respond by entering Y or N.
Disk space available on disk drive:_____KB
This tool has the following function key options:
This tool has the following function key options:
<F1> EDIT FLD NOTE – Edit the highlighted line
<F1> PROCESS LINEUP – Processes drives as
<F2> shown on screen

<F3> ADD NOTE – Add a new note at bottom of <F2> PROCESS SIDEFL – FACTORY OPTION
list/window ONLY

<F4> DELETE NOTE – Delete highlighted note <F4> VIEW LOGS – Go to READTXT menu


<F6> MARK CALC – Mark for recalculation (Full
<F7> SCREEN HELP – Help screen for drive Calc)
<F8> QUIT – Returns to the ST2000 main menu <F7> MARK ZIP – Mark for zipping the files

<F1><F1> ACCEPT CHANGE – Accepts chan- <F8> QUIT ALT=MOR – Returns to ST2000 main
ges menu or <ALT> key shows more function
<F1><F8> ABORT CHANGE – Aborts changes
Check <ALT> key for more options
<F3><F1> ACCEPT CHANGE – Accepts chan-
ges <ALT F1>

<F3><F8> ABORT CHANGE – Aborts changes <ALT F2>

<F4><F1> ACCEPT CHANGE – Accepts chan- <ALT F3>

<ALT F4>

GEH-5860A ST2000 Toolkit

<ALT F5> PASS2 ALL – Mark all for PASS2 Full Calc

<ALT F6> CALC ALL – Mark all for CALC DXXXERRS.TXT – Full Calc messages

<ALT F7> ZIP ALL – Mark all for ZIP Compare file to drive, <F4> under EE2000
<ALT F8>
DXXXCMP.TXT – Comparison/Show differences
1. EEPROM vs. Mirror
ST2000 uses the following conventions for file names 2. EEPROM vs. Database
(xxx = drive number): 3. Undefined EEPROM
4. EEPROM vs. Database Blocks
Custom Hardware Summary
Compare CVAL to ORG <F3> under EE2000
DXXXRPT.TXT – Report generator output menu

Printer files from BLKEDIT DXXXFIL.TXT – Lists all overridden parameters

in the database
DXXXBLK.LAS – LaserJet print file for block

DXXXBLK.EPS – Epson print file for block dia-



Name Company Name

Phone ( ) - Street

Date City/State

Original GE Requisition No.

Software Identification (from diskette label):

Name Part No: DS Revision (Version)

PC Hardware Identification:

Brand DOS Version

Class: 8088 186 286 386SX 386 486 Speed (MHz)

Display Type: Monochrome CGA EGA VGA

Portable Desktop

Error Message Number (if applicable)

Describe your problem thoroughly. Include the sequence of events leading up to the
GEH-5860A ST2000 Toolkit

Detach, fold, and mail.

......................................................................................Fold here & close with staple...............................................................


Industrial Systems–
Drive Systems & Turbine Controls
General Electric Company
Manager, Product Service, Rm. 191
1501 Roanoke Boulevard
Salem, VA 24153 USA

..........................................................................Fold here first...............................................................................



To upgrade the ST2000 from an earlier version the NOTE

following procedure must be followed.
If the difference is BLKSTART, go to
For each drive: EE2000 do a COMPARE FILE TO DRIVE
<F4>, go to READTXT and examine the
1. Using the old tool make sure the drive and file are compare (CMP) file and determine which is
equal. correct, the drive of the file.

2. Upgrade ST2000 to the new version.

3. Using the new tool and the old requisition data-
base, just made equal in step 1, run FULLCALC To keep ALL drive values, go to EE2000, do a
on this drive. DRIVE to FILE transfer <F1> and accept all dif-
ferences into the file. The drive is now the same as it
4. Resolve any miscellaneous changes that might have was when it started in step 1.
occurred to FULLCALC. In EDIT2000 do a show
which one is correct, the drive or the file. Transfer
the correct one to the other. When in doubt, ask
for help or keep the drive value.
GEH-5860A ST2000 Toolkit


Industrial Systems–
Drive Systems & Turbine Controls
General Electric Company
1501 Roanoke Boulevard


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