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Neurocrit Care


Therapies for Delayed Cerebral Ischemia

in Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage
Vishank A. Shah1*  , L. Fernando Gonzalez2 and Jose I. Suarez1

© 2023 Springer Science+Business Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature and Neurocritical Care Society

Delayed cerebral ischemia (DCI) is one of the most important complications of subarachnoid hemorrhage. Despite
lack of prospective evidence, medical rescue interventions for DCI include hemodynamic augmentation using
vasopressors or inotropes, with limited guidance on specific blood pressure and hemodynamic parameters. For DCI
refractory to medical interventions, endovascular rescue therapies (ERTs), including intraarterial (IA) vasodilators and
percutaneous transluminal balloon angioplasty, are the cornerstone of management. Although there are no rand-
omized controlled trials assessing the efficacy of ERTs for DCI and their impact on subarachnoid hemorrhage out-
comes, survey studies suggest that they are widely used in clinical practice with significant variability worldwide. IA
vasodilators are first line ERTs, with better safety profiles and access to distal vasculature. The most commonly used IA
vasodilators include calcium channel blockers, with milrinone gaining popularity in more recent publications. Balloon
angioplasty achieves better vasodilation compared with IA vasodilators but is associated with higher risk of life-
threatening vascular complications and is reserved for proximal severe refractory vasospasm. The existing literature
on DCI rescue therapies is limited by small sample sizes, significant variability in patient populations, lack of standard-
ized methodology, variable definitions of DCI, poorly reported outcomes, lack of long-term functional, cognitive, and
patient-centered outcomes, and lack of control groups. Therefore, our current ability to interpret clinical results and
make reliable recommendations regarding the use of rescue therapies is limited. This review summarizes existing
literature on rescue therapies for DCI, provides practical guidance, and identifies future research needs.
Keywords:  Anuerysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage, Delayed cerebral ischemia, Rescue therapies, Endovascular
rescue therapies, Intra-arterial vasodilators, Cerebral angioplasty

Introduction phenomenon has received variable nomenclature, often

More than 20% of the survivors of aneurysmal suba- labeled as symptomatic vasospasm, delayed ischemic
rachnoid hemorrhage (SAH) have long-term disability neurological deficit [7] or delayed cerebral ischemia
and cognitive impairment [1–3]. Delayed neurological (DCI) [4]. An international multidisciplinary consensus
deterioration in the acute phase, often a consequence of committee, further endorsed by the National Institute
focal or global cerebral ischemia [4], is the single most of Neurological Diseases and Stroke common data ele-
“remediable” factor contributing to the prolonged mor- ments, agreed on DCI as the most appropriate termi-
bidity associated with SAH [3, 5, 6]. Traditionally, this nology for delayed neurological deterioration related
to cerebral ischemia after SAH [8]. Early detection and
timely treatment of DCI are an important component in
*Correspondence: improving outcomes after SAH. Aggressive monitoring,
Division of Neurosciences Critical Care, Departments of Anesthesiology early treatment of DCI, and the advent of endovascular
and Critical Care Medicine, Neurology, and Neurosurgery, The Johns
Hopkins University School of Medicine, 1800 Orleans Street, Zayed 3014A,
rescue therapies (ERTs) have been associated with > 50%
Baltimore, MD, USA reduction in SAH case fatality and morbidity over the
Full list of author information is available at the end of the article past decades [2, 4, 9]. This review article will discuss
available evidence, provide practice guidance, and iden- to macro- and microvascular spasm, microthrombosis,
tify future research needs in rescue therapies for DCI, blood–brain barrier disruption, impairment of cerebral
particularly ERTs. autoregulation and waves of cortical spreading depolari-
zations, culminating in cerebral ischemia and infarction
Definitions [20]. The volume of subarachnoid and intraventricular
Delayed cerebral ischemia is a clinical phenomenon blood are the most important predictors of DCI [22, 23].
defined as the appearance of focal neurological defi- Despite significant evolution in the understanding of DCI
cits (motor limb weakness, aphasia, hemineglect, and/ pathophysiology, vasospasm affecting cerebral vessels of
or hemianopia) or a global neurological deficit (Glas- large and moderate diameter, and consequent perfusion
gow coma scale decline by ≥ 2 points) related to ongoing deficits on CT perfusion imaging, remain the only clini-
cerebral ischemia, lasting or fluctuating for a minimum cally measurable components of DCI, and thus, the pri-
of 1  h, and/or appearance of new cerebral infarcts on mary targets for intervention.
neuroimaging not explained by other clinical, radio-
logical, or laboratory abnormalities, and not occurring Available Evidence
immediately after aneurysm occlusion procedures [8, Medical Management of DCI
10]. Contrarily, “angiographic vasospasm” is a radio- The primary goal when managing DCI is to optimize
logical phenomenon, defined as greater than two thirds and maintain adequate cerebral perfusion and prevent
reduction in intracranial vessel diameter on neuroimag- cerebral infarction. Interventions that have been used
ing [7]. Based on degree of narrowing on angiographic in DCI prevention [15, 24, 25] include oral nimodipine
imaging, vasospasm is graded as grade I (0–25%), grade (supported by randomized controlled trial [RCT] evi-
II (26–50%), grade III (50–75%), and grade IV (> 75%). dence) [15–17], reduction of subarachnoid blood volume
“Sonographic vasospasm” is defined as mean blood flow by aggressive drainage of cerebrospinal fluid [26–28],
velocities ≥ 120  cm/s and Lindergaard ratio ≥ 3 [11] on optimization of intravascular volume status [29–31] and
transcranial Doppler ultrasound (TCD). “Symptomatic hematocrit [32, 33]. Medical rescue interventions for
vasospasm” is defined as focal neurological deficits local- DCI that have been described in the literature include
izing to the vascular territories with vasospasm. hemodynamic augmentation by inducing hypertension
[34–36] or enhancing cardiac output [37], continuous
Pathophysiology of DCI intravenous milrinone infusion [38, 39] and intraven-
Historically, DCI was considered a direct consequence tricular nicardipine [40–42] (Fig. 1).
of large-vessel vasospasm [4]. However, angiographic
vasospasm occurs in up to 70% of patients with SAH, Hemodynamic Augmentation
but only 30% develop clinical signs/symptoms and cer- Hemodynamic augmentation using vasopressors and
ebral infarcts [12–14]. While angiographic vasospasm inotropes is considered the first line medical rescue
is not linked to poor outcomes, DCI is an independent intervention for DCI [24, 25], despite limited evidence
predictor of poor functional and cognitive outcomes [5, supporting its use [43] and significant variability across
6], making it an important therapeutic target [15]. Cla- different centers [9, 44]. The HIMALAIA trial, the only
zosentan, an endothelin-receptor antagonist, was shown RCT assessing efficacy of blood pressure augmentation,
to improve angiographic vasospasm but did not improve failed to demonstrate improvement in functional out-
clinical outcomes [7]. Conversely, nimodipine improves comes, with more complications in the induced hyper-
functional outcomes, without substantially improving tension arm [45]. However, 30% of the patients in the
angiographic vasospasm [16, 17]. Moreover, infarcts and control arm had spontaneous resolution of symptoms
perfusion deficits related to DCI occur beyond vascular and the trial was terminated early prior to target enroll-
territories with vasospasm [18, 19]. These findings indi- ment, limiting interpretation [45]. In a recent cross-sec-
cate that angiographic vasospasm is not entirely a reliable tional observational cohort study of > 100,000 patients
indicator of DCI and suggest that other pathophysiologic with SAH, vasopressor use was associated with worse
pathways may contribute to DCI [20, 21]. discharge outcomes, after adjusting for clinical severity
Leakage of arterial blood in to the subarachnoid space upon admission and hospital complications, although
after aneurysmal rupture triggers a transient acute eleva- the indication for vasopressor use was not specified [9].
tion in intracranial pressure and consequent transient Given the potential for complications and limited sup-
global ischemia leading to early brain injury (EBI). EBI, porting evidence, clinicians should exercise caution with
in conjunction with leaked endothelin-1 and oxyhemo- hemodynamic augmentation, as recommended by the
globin, activate cell-death pathways, releasing inflamma- current Neurocritical Care Society (NCS) guidelines on
tory mediators and reactive oxygen species [1, 4], leading SAH management [46].
Fig. 1  Available bedside medical interventions for delayed cerebral ischemia (DCI). The figure shows available bedside critical care interventions for
prevention and treatment of DCI that have been described in the literature. Yellow bars represent early strategies that may potentially help prevent
DCI and blue bars represent bedside strategies for medical management after DCI onset. Most of the described therapies are based on retrospec-
tive observational studies with limited evidence on impact on outcomes, and, except for nimodipine, none of the other strategies have randomized
controlled trial evidence supporting their use. EVD, external ventricular drain, SAH, subarachnoid hemorrhage

Intravenous Milrinone Infusion Intraventricular Nicardipine Injection

Intravenous (IV) milrinone promotes hemodynamic aug- Serial intraventricular nicardipine injections into an
mentation through its inotropic effects and also leads external ventricular drain for prevention and treatment
to cerebral vasodilation by its action on intracranial of DCI has been described in retrospective observational
phosphodiesterase-III receptors. Multiple case series case series and small cohort studies [40–42, 53, 54]. In
have shown successful resolution of SAH-related vasos- a recent systematic review including 377 patients with
pasm with intravenous milrinone infusion [47–50]. In a SAH who received 6,596 injections of intraventricular
study conducted by Lannes et  al. [51], 88 patients with nicardipine, the most commonly described dosage was
SAH who developed DCI were treated with a protocol 4  mg injected every 8–12  h for a variable duration [55].
combining continuous IV milrinone infusion, with res- Intraventricular nicardipine appeared to be safe, with an
cue intraarterial (IA) milrinone as needed for refractory overall infection rate of 6%, similar to expected exter-
DCI. Favorable functional outcome (defined as modified nal ventricular drain–related infection rates described
Rankin Scale [mRS] 0–2) occurred in 75% of the patients. in prior literature [55]. TCD velocities improved by a
However, majority of these patients had low-grade SAH mean of 26.3  cm/s after intraventricular injections and
and also received norepinephrine for induced hyperten- the duration of effect lasted for > 24  h with serial injec-
sion, making it difficult to delineate if improved outcomes tions [40]. However, microvascular cerebral blood flow
were related to milrinone alone [51]. In a follow-up study response to intraventricular nicardipine is variable and
involving 322 patients with predominantly high-grade a robust improvement in microvascular cerebral blood
SAH, who received IV milrinone infusion (dosage 0.25– flow on diffuse correlation spectroscopy is associated
2.5 mcg/kg/min) after DCI onset, only 21% developed with reduced occurrence of DCI [56]. In a retrospec-
DCI-related cerebral infarction and only 19% needed tive, propensity score matched analysis of 422 patients
ERT [52]. Although, this was an observational study treated with intraventricular nicardipine, TCD veloci-
without a control group, this cohort, that was comprised ties improved by 77%, and intraventricular nicardipine
of a majority of patients with high-grade SAH, also expe- use was associated with reduced odds for DCI as well as
rienced favorable functional outcomes in 65%, highlight- increased odds for good functional outcomes (mRS 0–2)
ing the potential benefit of IV milrinone. In a before-after in the long term [42]. However, no prospective clinical
controlled observational study, in which patients with trials have evaluated safety and efficacy or the impact
SAH treated with IV milrinone infusion were compared on clinical outcomes, limiting its routine use in clinical
with historical controls that did not receive milrinone, a practice.
significantly lower need for ERT, lower occurrence of cer-
ebral infarcts and higher proportion of good functional Medically Refractory DCI
outcomes (mRS 0–1) were noted in the IV milrinone Persistence of neurologic deficits despite hemodynamic
group [39]. However, findings were confounded by lack optimization is known as medically refractory DCI [15].
of adjustment for temporal improvement in SAH care The prevalence of medically refractory DCI is unknown.
between historical controls (2014) and the intervention Nonetheless, ERT plays a significant role in the manage-
group (2020). ment of these patients [15, 24, 25, 57].
Endovascular Approach to Management of Medically Table 1  Triggers for ERT in DCI
Refractory DCI
Triggers for ERT for DCI:
Although no RCTs have assessed the impact of ERTs on (Must meet A and B or A and C)
outcomes after SAH, they are used ubiquitously in clini- (A) Evidence of ongoing cerebral ischemia (I, or II + III)
cal practice and have been recommended by the Amer- I. Clinical:
ican Heart Association (Class IIa, level B) [24], and the Drop in GCS by greater than 2 points, not explained by other factors
New focal neurological deficit (aphasia, motor weakness, neglect, hemia-
NCS [25] (moderate quality of evidence, strong recom- nopia, gaze deviation)
mendation) guidelines a decade ago. These recommen- II. Neurophysiological (in absence of a reliable clinical examination):
dations are based on expert consensus, largely stemming Sudden asymmetric decline in alpha-to-delta ratio and/or alpha variabil-
ity on quantitative EEG
from reviews of retrospective cohort and case–con- TCD with elevated velocities (mean flow velocities > 150 cm/s)
trol studies. ERTs target macrovascular vasospasm and Decline in P ­ btO2 to less than 15–20 mm Hg
include transcatheter IA infusion of vasodilators and per- Rising lactate:pyruvate ratio (> 40) and/or low cerebral microdialysate
cutaneous transluminal balloon angioplasty (PTBA) [24, III. Radiological: (confirmatory: needed if relying only on neurophysiological
25, 57, 58]. assessments to confirm DCI):
CT angiogram with evidence of vasospasm
CT perfusion study with perfusion deficits (low CBF, increased MTT and
Triggers for ERT for DCI TTP)
The 2011 NCS guidelines for SAH management recom- (B) No sustained neurological improvement with maximal medical man-
mended ERTs for DCI in patients that are refractory to agement (as outlined below):
medical management [25]. They did not provide specific Induced hypertension (MAP or SBP raised by 20 mm Hg; SBP up to
220 mm Hg, MAP up to 140 mm Hg)
recommendations on the timing of intervention [25] and Cardiac output augmentation (Cardiac index > 4.0 with inotropes)
recommended against prophylactic use of ERT [25]. The Euvolemia and hemoglobin optimization (goal > 10 g/dl)
2023 NCS guidelines for the neurocritical care manage- OR
(C) Inability to tolerate medical therapy:
ment of aneurysmal SAH indicate that there was insuf- Congestive heart failure, particularly if decompensated
ficient evidence to provide a recommendation on the Acute renal failure with oliguria
optimal trigger for ERTs in DCI treatment (change in Severe pulmonary edema/ARDS
Unsecured aneurysm
neurological exam plus findings on advanced neuroimag-
ARDS acute respiratory distress syndrome, CBF cerebral blood flow, CT computed
ing versus change in examination alone) [46].
tomography, DCI delayed cerebral ischemia, EEG electroencephalogram, ERT
Due to the lack of specific guidelines, there is incon- endovascular rescue therapies, GCS Glasgow Coma Scale, MAP mean arterial
sistency in triggers for ERTs in DCI. International and pressure, MTT mean transit time, PbtO2 brain tissue oxygen tension, SBP systolic
blood pressure, TTP time to peak
national surveys reported that > 90% respondents pur-
sued ERTs only in patients showing clinical signs in com-
bination with sonographic/angiographic vasospasm and (signs of energy failure such as rising lactate:pyruvate
only after failure of maximal medical management [59, ratios and/or low interstitial glucose) may be used to
60]. However, use of ERT based on angiographic findings identify DCI [25]. However, signs of cerebral ischemia
alone was more common in the United States [59, 60]. on multimodality monitoring is often confirmed with
Thus, in general, ERTs are instituted when patients with sonographic/angiographic evidence of vasospasm and
SAH meet the definition of DCI and have failed to dem- evidence of hypoperfusion on CT perfusion [21]. Recent
onstrate sustained neurological improvement with medi- case series have demonstrated successful patient selec-
cal management (Table 1). ERTs may be pursued earlier tion using such tools and improvement in multimodality
in patients unable to tolerate vasopressors/inotropes, markers of cerebral ischemia after ERT [61, 62].
such as with underlying heart disease, decompensated
heart failure, myocardial ischemia, arrythmias, pulmo- Clinical Practice Variability
nary edema and unsecured aneurysms. In patients with Intracranial vasorelaxation using IA vasodilator infusions
high-grade SAH who have a poor neurological examina- are a prevalent approach for refractory DCI, despite the
tion at baseline, detection of DCI by clinical examina- lack of RCTs [63], leading to significant practice variabil-
tion is limited. In these patients, the use of multimodality ity across the United States and the world [9, 64]. Based
monitoring tools such as TCD (rising velocities, veloci- on an intercontinental survey, ERT use was far more
ties ≥ 180–200  cm/s, Lindergaard ratio > 6), continuous common in the United States compared with other coun-
quantitative electroencephalography (asymmetric decline tries (91% vs. 60%) [64]. In another survey from 32 coun-
in alpha:delta ratio and alpha variability), braintissue oxy- tries, IA pharmacotherapy was the most common first
gen tension (­PbtO2) monitoring (asymmetric decline in line ERT for refractory DCI; however, there was signifi-
­PbtO2 below 15–20  mm Hg) and cerebral microdialysis cant variability in the choice of agents, with IA verapamil
(56%) being most common in the United States and IA of outcome varied by rescue type (ERT or noninterven-
nimodipine (74%) outside the United States [59]. A tional). For example, lower blood pressures and a greater
national survey of neurosurgeons also confirmed signifi- number of postoperative days until vasospasm treat-
cant variability, with the most common IA vasodilators ment were more important for predicting good 3-month
being verapamil (55%), nicardipine (26%), fasudil hydro- Glasgow Outcome Scale (GOS) scores (defined as 4–5)
chloride (7%) and milrinone (4%) [60]. There are no high- following ERT compared to noninterventional rescue.
quality studies that compare the efficacy of these agents In propensity score-matched analysis, which included
or the appropriate dosage, leading to additional dispari- cohorts of 385 patients each, rescue therapy was asso-
ties in dosage, frequency of interventions, and conse- ciated with higher odds of 3-month GOS scores of 4–5
quently, degree and durability of response [59, 60]. (OR 1.63, 95% CI 1.22–2.17) [65]. Despite these encour-
PTBA, a more durable therapy for DCI, involves aging results, this study has important limitations that
mechanical dilation of stenotic vessels using a balloon. are worth highlighting. (1) Although drawing from mul-
Similar to IA pharmacotherapy, lack of guidelines has led tiple sources of high quality clinical data may increase
to significant variability with respect to PTBA use in DCI the power of the analyses, most individual studies had
[9, 64]. In an international survey, 91% U.S. and 83% non- defined inclusion criteria, which could limit the external
U.S. respondents, reported using PTBA as ERT for DCI validity of these findings. (2) Limiting the analysis to only
[59] and 95% used it as a second line intervention, after data available within the clinical data sets could prevent
IA pharmacotherapy [60]. PTBA is generally reserved for detection of other factors that influence ERT decisions
proximal vasospasm, however PTBA for distal vasospasm and outcomes. (3) The included studies were conducted
(A2, M2, P2 branches and beyond) has been reported across many years, which could mean that temporal
more commonly in the United States [59]. Nonetheless, changes in SAH management and clinical practice over
majority survey respondents across the world agreed that time may have influenced the results. (4) A selection bias
PTBA is the most effective ERT, providing superior out- may have impacted the results of these studies based on
comes, particularly in combination with IA vasodilators indications for which the patients received rescue thera-
[59, 60]. pies for DCI.
Additional evidence supporting ERT was reported by
Clinical Benefit from Rescue Therapy the largest cross-sectional observational cohort study in
The best evidence on the impact of diverse patient risk SAH to date, spanning 10 years (2009–2018) and includ-
factors on functional outcomes and the benefit of ERT ing > 100,000 patients with SAH included in a multi-
stems from a recent analysis of the Subarachnoid Hem- center health care analytics database comprising data
orrhage International Trialists (SAHIT) data repository from > 95% of U.S. academic medical centers [9]. In this
project [65]. The SAHIT data repository contains patient- study, ERTs were associated with reduced odds for hos-
level data from nine clinical studies [66–75], and investi- pital mortality as well as poor functional outcomes at
gators applied game theory-based methods in explainable discharge after adjusting for age, clinical severity upon
machine learning (ML) and propensity score matching admission, year of admission, comorbidities, hospi-
to determine whether ERT was associated with better tal complications and aneurysmal repair methods [9].
3-month outcomes following post-SAH vasospasm [65]. There was significant variability in ERT use across differ-
Rescue therapy was documented as either ERT (PTBA ent U.S. regions and IA pharmacotherapy (8–12%) was
and IA pharmacotherapy) or noninterventional (includ- significantly more common when compared to PTBA
ing induced hypertension, hypervolemia, or hemodilu- (3%) [9]. While admission clinical severity was taken
tion). In this analysis, that included 1532 patients with into account, it is important to highlight that this study
angiographic vasospasm or DCI, predictive, explainable did not adjust for SAH-specific severity grades (such as
ML models revealed that shorter time from SAH onset the World Federation of Neurological Surgeons grade or
to admission, White race, diffuse thick SAH, lack of cer- modified Fisher scale). Additionally, functional outcomes
ebral edema, greater number of medical diagnoses in were assessed using a previously validated nationwide
the medical record and prophylactic phenytoin use car- inpatient sample-based outcome measure (nationwide
ried the highest relative importance rankings in predict- inpatient sample-SAH outcome measure [NIS-SOM])
ing whether rescue therapy was administered, reflecting specifically designed for patients with SAH; however,
practice patterns and not necessarily specific indications the study did not evaluate traditional outcome measures
for ERT. Younger age and absence of cerebral ischemia/ such as mRS or GOS. Nonetheless, NIS-SOM has been
infarction were invariably linked to better rescue ther- shown to have excellent correlation with poor functional
apy outcomes, whereas the other important predictors outcome when defined as mRS 4–6 [9].
Transcatheter Intraarterial (IA) Vasodilator summarize in Table  2 the commonly used agents along
Pharmacotherapy with their mechanisms of action, durability of effect, and
Indications for IA Pharmacotherapy adverse events.
Based on survey studies, IA pharmacotherapy is regarded
as the first line ERT in medically refractory DCI, due to Clinical Response to IA Pharmacotherapy
its relatively lower risk of complications [60]. Patients Several observational studies have described radiologi-
with clinical signs of DCI along with sonographic/angio- cal response, and some have also described the degree
graphic evidence of vasospasm are generally considered of neurological improvement after IA pharmacotherapy.
for IA pharmacotherapy, after failure of medical man- Rates of radiological response, clinical response, delayed
agement [59, 60, 64]. Specifically, IA pharmacotherapy cerebral infarction, good functional outcome with indi-
is preferred in patients with mild ormoderate proximal vidual IA vasodilators are summarized in Table 2. In the
vasospasm (grade I [0–25% narrowing] and grade II [26– largest and most recent meta-analysis of 55 observational
50% narrowing]), vasospasm involving distal vasculature studies describing response to IA pharmacotherapy (total
(beyond the first branching point of major intracerebral sample = 1571 patients), the mean weighted probabil-
arteries), proximal segments of anterior (ACA) and pos- ity of immediate angiographic improvement across all
terior cerebral arteries (PCA) and in patients with diffuse vasodilators was 89% [80]. Of the 55 studies included in
vasospasm [76]. this meta-analysis, 33 reported on neurological improve-
ment and 37 reported clinical outcomes. The probabil-
General Technique ity of neurological improvement, defined as resolution
There is no specific guidance on appropriate techniques of “vasospasm-related neurological deficits” within 24  h
for IA pharmacotherapy in DCI. The Society of Neuro- of IA pharmacotherapy, was 57% [80], indicating that
interventional Surgery (SNIS) provides general recom- while angiographic response to IA pharmacotherapy
mendations on the standards for neurointerventional is robust, it may not always translate into neurologi-
procedures [77]. General anesthesia or conscious seda- cal improvement. This may be due dissociation between
tion may be used, depending on patient tolerability, but angiographic vasospasm and cerebral ischemia described
patient immobility may be important for better visualiza- above [18]. More recent observational studies have also
tion of cerebral vasculature [78]. Transarterial approach demonstrated neurological improvement after IA phar-
using a micro-puncture technique, with the smallest macotherapy in more than 50% [81, 82]. Very few studies
sheath possible, through the femoral, radial or rarely have compared IA pharmacotherapy with control groups,
carotid arteries may be used [77]. Often, intraproce- and in pooled analysis of a small number of such studies,
dural anticoagulation with intravenous heparin may be outcomes did not differ between IA pharmacotherapy
used prior to accessing intracranial vessels [79]. A flex- and medical management [80].
ible guiding catheter is often threaded through the sheath With respect to individual vasodilators, observa-
to first obtain a diagnostic angiogram to assess the loca- tional studies have shown most robust angiographic
tion and degree of vasospasm. Based on location, an improvement with fasudil, verapamil and nicardipine
over-the-wire guide catheter may be advanced into the (mean probabilities: 96–99%) [80]. This contrasts with
proximal carotid or vertebral arteries, and the vasodila- survey studies, in which clinicians reported observing
tor medication may be infused into the vessels. For select angiographic improvement in a lower proportion of
cases of distal middle cerebral artery (MCA) or ACA patients overall (60–70%), with the best response with
vasospasm, a microcatheter may be advanced through IA nimodipine (not available in the United States) and
the guide catheter and parked proximal to the stenotic worst with IA verapamil [59, 60]. In a meta-analysis,
segment to infuse the pharmacological agent. While the highest probability of neurological improvement
vasodilator agents are being infused, strict monitoring within 24  h of infusion were seen with nicardipine
of the blood pressure may be warranted to avoid sudden (74%), nimodipine and fasudil (60–65%), while for good
hypotension. If an intracranial pressure (ICP) monitor clinical outcome, best results were seen with milrinone
is available, monitoring ICP may also be helpful, given (72%), nicardipine, nimodipine and fasudil (65–67%)
the risk of transient intracranial hypertension after IA [80]. New ischemic lesions on delayed neuroimaging
pharmacotherapy. were most common with IA papaverine (52%) and least
common with nimodipine (23%) and verapamil (25%)
Mechanism of Action [80]. Although verapamil promoted good angiographic
All IA pharmacotherapeutic options for DCI are arterial response, the mean probabilities of neurological
vasodilators that target different receptors on the vas- improvement (38%) and good clinical outcome (46%)
cular smooth muscle cells, promoting vasodilation. We were significantly lower [80]. In another observational
Table 2  Comparison of intraarterial vasodilators for delayed cerebral ischemia
Vasodilator Mechanism of action Angiographic Clinical Delayed cer- Durability of response Side effects Good
response (%) response ebral infarction ­outcomea
(%) (%) (%)

Papaverine Nonselective vasodila- 87 46 52 Short; 12-h?; re- ICP elevation 66

tor; acts by inhibiting treatment needed in Hypotension
cAMP and cGMP in 34–54% Mydriasis
smooth muscles Papaverine crystalliza-
tion with heparin:
distal embolism
Neurotoxicity from BBB
Cardiac toxicity
Nimodipine Dihydropyridine 70 60 23 24–48 h Hypotension 65
Calcium channel Bradycardia
blocker; lipophilic,
thus crosses BBB
Nicardipine Dihydropyridine cal- 96 74 30 Longer; up to 96 h? Hypotension 67
cium channel blocker Tachycardia
Verapamil Nondihydropyridine 96 38 25 Shorter, re-treatment Hypotension 46
calcium channel needed in 34–54% Bradycardia
blocker Transient ­ICP elevation
(with higher doses)
Milrinone Phospho-diesterase 100 76 21 Unclear; 23% may Hypotension (15%), 75
III inhibitor; inhibits require re-treatment severe hypotension
cAMP and myosin in 48-h (2.4%)
light chain kinase Myocardial ischemia
Fasudil Rho-kinase inhibitor 99 66 31 Unclear Transient Hypotension 66
(involved in cerebral Mild ICP elevation
vasospasm); inhibits
action of free intracel-
lular calcium ion,
myosin light chain
kinase and protein-
kinase 3 leading
to smooth muscle
BBB blood–brain barrier, cAMP cyclic adenosine monophosphate, c-GMP, cyclic guanosine monophosphate, ICP intracranial pressure, mRS modified Rankin Scale
  Good outcome was defined as mRS 0–2 or Glasgow Outcome Scale of 4–5

study, 76% of patients receiving IA milrinone experi- Adverse Effects of IA Pharmacotherapy
enced neurological improvement within 24 h [52]. Most adverse effects of IA pharmacotherapy are transient
Studies have suggested better results with a more and represent a direct consequence of the pharmacologi-
aggressive approach to IA pharmacotherapy. Using a cal effects of the medication. Common adverse effects
combination of multiple IA vasodilators simultane- of IA vasodilators are summarized in Table  2. Intrapro-
ously, rather than a single agent infusion, provided cedural hypotension shortly after the IA infusion is the
superior response with respect to functional outcomes most common adverse effect, but is often short lived and
at discharge and 90 days in a small observational study can be corrected with vasopressors, although refractory
[83]. A large retrospective cohort study of 1057 patients hypotension has been reported with IA nicardipine and
with SAH, compared a conservative versus liberal ERT IA nimodipine. In a case series of 25 patients treated with
approach for DCI treatment [84]. Despite no differ- IA nimodipine, the mean systolic blood pressure (SBP)
ences in baseline characteristics, the group of patients dropped by 18  mm Hg during the procedure [85]. In
who received more frequent ERT (25% vs. 14%) with another series of 11 patients treated with IA nicardipine,
early initiation (defined as the first treatment on post- SBP dropped by > 21% in up to 50% [86]. Similar findings
bleed day 6 vs. first treatment on post-bleed day 9), had were noted with fasudil and verapamil. IA milrinone may
significantly lower rates of DCI (21% vs. 30%) and unfa- have less effects on BP [87], although severe hypotension
vorable outcome (44% vs. 51%) [84].
may occur in 2.4%, and may increase risk of myocardial Pros and Cons of IA Pharmacotherapy
ischemia, and arrythmias [52]. IA pharmacotherapy has several benefits, requiring lesser
IA vasodilators may also lead to intracranial hyper- skills, lower risk of life-threatening complications such
tension due to cerebral vasodilation in the setting of as vessel rupture, and better access to distal vasculature
impaired cerebral autoregulation and reduced intrac- (Table 3). However, durability of the therapeutic response
ranial compliance due to blood volume and cerebral is limited, and varies depending on the vasodilator. In
edema. This may be particularly relevant in patients most studies, durability has been measured using surro-
with an elevated ICP at baseline. In patients receiving gates of cerebral blood flow, such as TCD velocities, or by
IA papaverine, those that had a baseline ICP of < 15 mm the need for repeat endovascular interventions. In stud-
Hg prior to IA infusion, did not develop significant ies using IA papaverine or IA verapamil, repeat endovas-
ICP elevation after vasodilator infusion [88]. ICP ele- cular intervention was required in 34–54% [90, 91]. Older
vation is particularly more common with IA papaver- age and initial use of angioplasty in combination with the
ine, given its nonselective vasodilatory effects leading IA infusion were associated with reduced odds for repeat
to increased intracranial venous blood volume, and is ERT [91]. Thus, while IA pharmacotherapy may be the
therefore associated with worse outcomes [87]. There preferred first choice due to its safety profile, contin-
are reports of transient ICP elevation with other arte- ued monitoring after IA pharmacotherapy is warranted,
rial vasodilators, but clinical significance is unclear. A as repeat endovascular infusions may be needed. Some
higher dose of IA verapamil (> 20 mg) is associated with studies have suggested maintaining a microcatheter in
sustained ICP elevation and cerebral perfusion pressure the cerebral arteries with continuous vasodilator infu-
reduction for up to 6 h after the procedure, but this did sions to prevent recurrence [92]; however, this strategy
not translate into brain tissue hypoxia or energy failure, may be associated with arterial thromboembolic events.
suggesting that despite ICP elevation, brain metabolism
is preserved due to improved cerebral perfusion after Percutaneous Transluminal Balloon Angioplasty
IA pharmacotherapy [89]. (PTBA)
IA papaverine has several other side effects, including Indications for PTBA
mydriasis, visual disturbances, cardiotoxic effects, and In survey studies most clinicians agree that PTBA is the
thrombocytopenia. Additionally, papaverine may crys- most effective therapy for medically refractory DCI, but
tallize when infused along with heparin, which can lead due to associated risks it is often reserved as a second
to distal embolism and cerebral infarcts. Papaverine line intervention, if no response is noted to IA pharmaco-
may have neurotoxic side effects and can disrupt the therapy [59, 60]. PTBA is used in severe focal vasospasm
blood–brain barrier. Due to these reasons, along with (grade III [50–75%] and grade IV [> 75%]) [76] involv-
availability of newer agents with better tolerability, IA ing proximal intracranial vessel segments, such as dis-
papaverine has fallen out of favor [87]. tal internal carotid (ICA), MCA (M1segment), proximal
ACA, proximal PCA, vertebral and basilar arteries [93].
A minimum vessel diameter of 2.0–2.5 mm is considered
appropriate for PTBA [94, 95]. However, observational

Table 3  Differences in features of treatment between intraarterial pharmacotherapy and cerebral angioplasty

Factors Intraarterial vasodilators Cerebral angioplasty

Mechanism of action Pharmacological dilation of vessels by promoting vascular Mechanical dilation of vessels with balloon, by promot-
smooth muscle relaxation ing disruption of internal elastic lamina and altering
Type of vessel targeted Can be used for proximal and distal vessels; less benefit Reserved for proximal vessels; may be used in distal ves-
with severe vasospasm in proximal vessels sels with caution; more beneficial in severe proximal
Angiographic response Variable, depends on agent; ranges from 70 to 100% Good in nearly 100% of reported cases
Clinical response Variable, depends on agent; ranges from 40 to 76% Variable, around 60%
Favorable functional outcome Variable, depends on agent; Reported in 70–80%
Ranges from 46 to 75%
Durability of response Low May last entire vasospasm period
Safety Transient complications may occur, but low likelihood of Good, but 5% chance of severe vascular complications that
life-threatening complications can be life-threatening
studies have also demonstrated excellent response with its tip without moving the balloon from its location [98].
distal vasospasm, with an overall low risk of vascular After the catheter is advanced past the stenotic segment,
complications, particularly with the use of calibrated stepwise graded inflations may be performed. Prior pub-
balloons that decrease risk of vessel rupture [95, 96]. lications have suggested a maximum of three inflations
The Balloon Prophylaxis of Aneurysmal Vasospasm for ≤ 10  s each per vessel segment [93], and have sug-
study, a phase II trial randomly assigning patients with gested submaximal inflation, targeting dilation smaller
SAH to prophylactic PTBA within 96  h versus standard than the prevasospastic arterial caliber, to prevent ves-
medical care, demonstrated a trend toward reduction sel rupture. For long segment stenoses, the balloon may
in DCI-related infarction and neurological deficits [97]. be inflated in the distal portion of the stenotic segment,
However, four patients had catastrophic vessel rupture, then deflated and withdrawn proximally and then rein-
of whom three died [97]. Based on these findings, pro- flated again until the entire vessel segment is mechani-
phylactic PTBA is not recommended per the 2011 NCS cally dilated [94]. Follow-up angiograms can provide into
guidelines [25]. It is important to note that this study was the angiographic response to the procedure after each
conducted more than a decade ago, and newer balloon treatment (Fig.  2), to determine whether second line
designs may be safer, although this needs further inves- interventions such as another vasodilator or angioplasty
tigation. In summary, PTBA may be indicated primarily may be needed [76, 77, 79]. General anesthesia may be
in DCI related to proximal focal vasospasm, that does more preferable in patients receiving PTBA, given risk
not improve with IA pharmacotherapy, or recurs soon of intraprocedural vascular complications. Limited evi-
after, and can be used cautiously in patients with distal dence guides physiologic goals during PTBA similar to
vasospasm. IA pharmacotherapy, but after successful angioplasty, the
SBP may be lowered to prevent reperfusion injury.
General Technique
Generally, PTBA follows IA pharmacotherapy, which Mechanism of Action
may be needed to dilate severely spastic vessels before PTBA is believed to promote vasodilation by mechanical
inserting the balloon catheter into the vessel. The size stretching of the vascular endothelium, internal elastic lam-
of the balloon chosen may be contingent upon the tar- ina and alteration of vascular myocytes. In an experimen-
get vessel diameter, which is often assessed using imaging tal SAH primate model, post-angioplasty vessel histology
prior to vasospasm onset [94]. Oversized balloons can revealed endothelial denudation, dehiscence of the internal
lead to vessel rupture. elastic lamina and deformation of myocytes [98]. Canine
Additionally, single lumen balloons are more compliant models demonstrated functional alteration in tunica media
and carry less risk of vessel rupture, but double lumen myocytes after PTBA, that lasted for up to 3  weeks after
balloons provide technical advantage when maneuvering treatment, supporting the clinical observation that PTBA
the wire and balloon into vessels with acute angulation, induced long lasting vasodilation [99]. In post-mortem
as in such cases, the wire may be withdrawn to reshape pathological analysis of human cerebral vessel walls after

Fig. 2  Angiographic response to percutaneous transluminal balloon angioplasty. a Catheter angiogram, showing severe focal spasm supraclinoid
ICA. b Roadmap while angioplasty (single lumen balloon) is performed showing homogeneous inflation with an elongated balloon. c Catheter
angiogram immediate post balloon angioplasty, showing significant improvement at the stricture. Good outcome was defined as mRS 0–2 and/or
GOS 4–5. ICA, internal carotid artery, mRS, modified Rankin Scale
PTBA, findings confirmed stretching of extracellular In a study that compared PTBA to IA papaverine, re-
matrix, tunica media, disruption of internal elastic lamina, treatment was needed only in 1% of the vessel segments
intramural hemorrhages and increased collagen and myo- treated with PTBA, but in 42% of those treated with IA
cytes in the extracellular matrix [100]. This alteration in papaverine [108]. In a small study of 32 patients receiv-
vascular tunica media and tunica adventitia is responsible ing PTBA for distal vasospasm, re-treatment was needed
for the more definitive and durable response noted with in only 8% [96]. Likewise, when PTBA was compared to
PTBA, and it also contributes to the associated vascular IA milrinone for distal vasospasm, delayed infarction
complications, such as dissection and vessel rupture. (2.2% vs. 7.5%) and re-treatment were significantly less
common with PTBA (8% vs. 19%), but outcomes did not
Clinical Response to PTBA differ significantly, with up to 80% achieving good func-
PTBA is associated with favorable radiological and clini- tional outcome in both groups [95]. Other studies have
cal results in most reported uncontrolled case series. reported higher rates of re-treatment after PTBA, in up
In a case series of 14 patients with SAH with refractory to 20% [93, 102], although vascular segments re-treated
vasospasm, xenon-enhanced CT imaging demonstrated distal to the previously vasospastic segments were also
a mean increase in cerebral blood flow by 31  ml/100  g included in the definition of re-treatment [94]. Likewise,
brain tissue/minute after PTBA and 92% patients had some other studies suggest that up to 16–40% of the same
neurological improvement, with 58% showing com- vessel segments treated with PTBA may need re-treat-
plete resolution of neurological deficits [101]. In a larger ment for recurrent vasospasm [93, 109]. Need for repeat
observational study of 116 patients with DCI receiving ERT (IA pharmacotherapy or PTBA) is more common in
PTBA and IA nicardipine, nearly all patients demon- patients with higher SAH grade, ACA vasospasm, distal
strated immediate angiographic improvement, 60% dem- vasospasm, multivessel vasospasm, and in patients who
onstrated neurological improvement within 24–48  h of only received IA vasodilators as initial treatment [102,
procedure, 73% had a favorable functional outcome at 109].
discharge, and only 26% had radiographic cerebral infarc-
tion [102]. Other case series and observational studies Adverse Effects/Complications
have also reported similar response rates with PTBA [93, Several potentially life-threatening and debilitating com-
103–105]. Figure 2 shows an example of excellent angio- plications may occur in in up to 5–6% of patients treated
graphic response to PTBA. with PTBA [109, 110]. The most dangerous is vessel rup-
Factors independently associated with poor functional ture, that is directly related to balloon inflation, and often
outcome after PTBA include higher SAH grade, presence fatal. Vessel rupture with PTBA has been reported in 1%
of hypodensities prior to the procedure, posterior circu- of patients [103, 104, 108, 110] and can be prevented by
lation aneurysms, and lack of neurological recovery after using appropriate balloon size, calibrated balloons and
PTBA [102]. Timing of PTBA after DCI onset may also avoiding PTBA in smaller diameter vessels that have a
influence the clinical response. In a retrospective case– thin tunica media and higher risk of rupture. Thrombo-
control study of patients with SAH with refractory DCI, embolic complications directly related to PTBA may also
70% of those that received PTBA within 2 h of symptom occur in 5% of patients [105]. However, overall, occur-
onset had immediate neurological improvement, ver- rence of vascular complications in majority of small
sus only 40% in the group that received PTBA > 2 h after cohort studies evaluating PTBA was very low [96]. Other
symptom onset [106]. Another factor contributing to complications, bedsides vascular access site-related com-
successful resolution of angiographic vasospasm may be plications, include reperfusion injury, intracranial arterial
the location of the stenotic segment. Among 75 patients dissection, displacement of surgical clips, and aneurys-
with severe refractory vasospasm, PTBA resulted in suc- mal rupture [87].
cessful resolution of angiographic vasospasm in 100%
patients with distal ICA vasospasm, 94% with proximal Practice Guidance
MCA vasospasm, 73–88% with vertebrobasilar vasos- Medical rescue therapies and ERTs are an important
pasm, but only in 34% with ACA vasospasm [105]. Simi- component of DCI management in patients with SAH,
larly, delayed cerebral infarction was far more common in despite lack of randomized clinical trial evidence. Based
ACA territories than MCA territories treated with PTBA on available evidence and common practices, we sum-
(38% vs. 7%) [107]. This may, at least in part, be related marize a reasonable approach to management of DCI.
to the acute angulation of the ACA, making it difficult to Patients with aneurysmal SAH should receive continu-
achieve good mechanical dilatation. ous neurological monitoring and patients with a poor
Response with PTBA may last through the entire neurological examination to follow may also benefit
vasospasm period in the treated vessel segment [94]. from ancillary testing such as serial TCDs or continuous
quantitative electroencephalogram monitoring to detect cortical spreading depolarizations, may be associated
DCI. In patients who have a reliable clinical examination with improved outcomes among patients with SAH [111,
to follow, DCI therapies may be instituted when there is 112]. A phase II RCT evaluating the safety and efficacy
a clinical change, characterized by global neurological of cilostazol plus nimodipine versus placebo on DCI in
decline or a new focal neurological deficit, coupled with patients with SAH is underway (NCT04148105). Addi-
either sonographic or angiographic evidence of vasos- tionally, optimizing cerebral autoregulation using person-
pasm. In patients who have a poor neurological exami- alized blood pressure targets derived using continuous
nation at baseline, DCI may be suspected when TCD autoregulation data appears promising [113–116]; how-
velocities are markedly elevated or if quantitative electro- ever, feasibility studies and RCTs are warranted before
encephalogram monitoring for patients with high-grade incorporation into clinical practice.
SAH reveals an asymmetric decline in alpha: delta ratio Thus far, there has been no RCT that has confirmed
or alpha variability. In this patient population, however, it the efficacy of ERTs leading to significant variability in
may be prudent to pursue a CT angiogram and CT per- their use across the United States and the world, possibly
fusion study to confirm the diagnosis of DCI. Once DCI impacting outcomes after SAH [9]. Centers offering ERTs
is confirmed, hemodynamic augmentation with vaso- may have superior outcomes when compared to centers
pressors may be pursued as a first line rescue interven- that are unable to offer ERT [117]. In the largest cross-
tion. There is limited evidence to support specific blood sectional cohort study of > 100,000 patients with SAH,
pressure target during the DCI period, and these may be ERT use was associated with reduced odds for poor dis-
tailored to the patient’s clinical response (possibly rais- charge outcomes and propensity score–matched analysis
ing SBP by ≥ 20 mm Hg, until clinical improvement or a of the SAHIT repository data indicates that ERTs may be
maximum of 220  mm Hg). In those patients in which a associated with higher odds for a good clinical outcome
poor baseline clinical examination does not allow detec- at 3  months [9, 65]. Future research in ERTs for DCI
tion of an improvement with hemodynamic augmenta- needs to answer several important clinical questions,
tion, ERT should be pursued early. In patients with a poor including the optimal triggers for intervention, timing
neurological examination at baseline, where there are no of treatment, role of prophylactic IA pharmacotherapy,
parameters to follow for improvement, pursue ERTs may the most effective agent, appropriate dosage, and fre-
be pursued early. IA pharmacotherapy, using calcium quency of interventions. We also need to understand the
channel blockers or IA milrinone may be preferred as true impact of these therapies on short and long-term
the first line, particularly in patients with diffuse or dis- functional outcomes after SAH, and associated adverse
tal vasospasm. PTBA may be pursued in patients with effects. Given the lack of any other effective treatments
severe proximal vasospasm, such as MCA M1 segments for DCI and the significant clinical benefit perceived by
or distal ICA, if a limited or no response is noted to IA clinicians in survey studies and numerous small observa-
pharmacotherapy. After treatment, patients should be tional studies, an RCT may not be feasible. Comparative
closely monitored in the neurocritical care unit through effectiveness research using multicenter large prospec-
the entire DCI window. Provided there are no contrain- tive observational cohorts, with common data elements
dications, hemodynamic augmentation may be contin- and serial standardized measurements of short-term and
ued intraprocedurally and after the procedure until DCI long-term functional outcomes as well as patient-cen-
resolves. It may be reasonable to maintain euvolemia and tered outcomes, may help answer these important ques-
target a hemoglobin level of at least 8 g/dl or more, prior tions and further help streamline ERT in DCI.
to and after ERT. Serial re-treatments with IA pharmaco-
therapy could be pursued if there is a new clinical change, Conclusions
rising TCD velocities and/or CTA/CTP with perfusion Despite no RCT data showing benefit, hemodynamic
deficits in patients with a poor neurological examination. augmentation remains the first line medical rescue ther-
In patients who need repeated ERT or in those that are apy for DCI and ERTs are the mainstay for management
medically unstable precluding repeated transport to the of medically refractory DCI, based on retrospective and
endovascular suite, serial intraventricular nicardipine observational studies. IA vasodilator therapy is the first
injections may be considered as an alternative (Fig. 3). line intervention in medically refractory DCI and PTBA
is reserved for refractory vasospasm involving proxi-
Future Directions mal arterial segments. Several questions regarding ERTs
With respect to medical DCI therapies, targeting other remain to be answered, including triggers, timing of ini-
mechanisms of DCI beyond vasospasm, such as cortical tiation, role (if any) for early prophylactic IA pharmaco-
spreading depolarizations and autoregulation, is gaining therapy, and their impact on outcomes after SAH.
interest. Cilostazol, which has been shown to suppress
Fig. 3  Algorithm for endovascular rescue therapies (ERTs) in DCI. The figure shows a suggested algorithmic approach to utilization of ERT for DCI in
clinical practice. *In patients with poor neurological examination at baseline, triggers for initiating treatment can include alterations in neurophysi-
ological parameters on multimodality monitoring tools. DCI, delayed cerebral ischemia, IA, intraarterial, ICA, internal carotid artery, ICU, intensive
care unit, IV, intravenous, MCA, middle cerebral artery, PTBA, percutaneous transluminal balloon angioplasty

Author details Conflicts of interest

 Division of Neurosciences Critical Care, Departments of Anesthesiology VAS does not report any conflict of interest for this publication; disclosures
and Critical Care Medicine, Neurology, and Neurosurgery, The Johns Hopkins include being a member of the Editorial Board of the journal Neurohospitalist.
University School of Medicine, 1800 Orleans Street, Zayed 3014A, Baltimore, LFG does not report any conflicts of interest for this publication. JIS reports no
MD, USA. 2 Division of Cerebrovascular and Endovascular Neurosurgery, conflicts of interests for this publication; disclosures include being a member
Department of Neurosurgery, The Johns Hopkins University School of Medi- of the clinical events committee for the REACT Study, which is funded by
cine, Baltimore, MD, USA. Idorsia; member of the Editorial Board of the journal Stroke; ex-officio member
of the Board of Directors of the Neurocritical Care Society.
Author Contributions
VAS conceptualized the manuscript structure, conducted the literature search, Ethical Approval/Informed Consent
wrote the first draft of the manuscript, and prepared figures and tables. LFG We confirm adherence to ethical guidelines. No institutional review board
reviewed and edited the manuscript, wrote the sections on techniques of approval was required for this narrative review article.
intraarterial pharmacotherapy and percutaneous transluminal balloon angio-
plasty, and prepared Fig. 2. JIS conceptualized the manuscript, supervised
the literature search, and performed critical review and editing of the entire Publisher’s Note
manuscript. The final manuscript was approved by all authors. Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in pub-
lished maps and institutional affiliations.
Source of Support
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