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The State of User Research

A Multidimensional Perspective

Ripul Kumar + Param Venkataraman at RoohSearch: User Research Conference | May 3, 2023
Research Killer
Research Killer
Killer Research
Ripul Kumar + Param Venkataraman at RoohSearch: User Research Conference | May 3, 2023
Research Killer #1: Off-Roading

If product roadmaps are already frozen, and if researchers were not part of that
process of roadmapping, then we’ve missed a major opportunity. Then what’s
remaining to be done is only evaluative research or ‘tick-in-the-box’ research!

Roadmaps are the ‘source of truth’ for many organisations to strategize, plan
and prioritize their focus and capacity. User research must be fully baked in, to
create meaningful impact.

Ripul Kumar + Param Venkataraman at RoohSearch: User Research Conference 2023 | May 3, 2023
Research Killer #1: Off-Roading
Killer Research #1: One Big Insight
One big insight is the lethal injection, not dozens or hundreds of insights. Focus
on getting one key insight injected into the roadmap before it is made. Socialize
it so much that it makes it to the next roadmap.

Socialize It

One Big Insight Next Roadmap

Research Survives &

Ripul Kumar + Param Venkataraman at RoohSearch: User Research Conference 2023 | May 3, 2023 Grows
Research Killer #2: Patience Capital
Organisations and stakeholders are getting more impatient and restless. They
are looking for insights, answers, solutions and measurable impact, sooner
rather than later.

What used to be a 12 week project is now a 6-week project.

What used to be a 6 week project is now a 3-week project.
What used to be a 3-week project is now a 1-week sprint.

‘Patience Capital’ is impacted by:

● Time it will take (end-to-end + perceived time),
● Perception of the value to be gained from the user research,
● Downstream milestones that are ‘critical’ (dev handover, go-live, etc)

Ripul Kumar + Param Venkataraman at RoohSearch: User Research Conference 2023 | May 3, 2023
Research Killer #2: Patience Capital
Killer Research #2: Drip-feed of Insights
1) Drip-feed of insights: Create a mechanism for your
stakeholders to receive ongoing and regular supply
of insights, to eventually add up to an exponential
2) Proactive research: Identify topics and areas of
business interest that might be worth proactive
‘skunkworks’ projects. Also, explore ways in which
previous research could be leveraged in areas
beyond what it was originally conceptualised for.

Ripul Kumar + Param Venkataraman at RoohSearch: User Research Conference 2023 | May 3, 2023
Research Killer #3: Perfect Research
We’re often guilty of thinking of ourselves as ‘specialists’ and not as
‘consultants’. Specialists focus on ‘outputs’. Consultants focus on ‘outcomes’.

We need to avoid the ‘hammer in the hand, looking for a nail’ syndrome;
Focus on generating better insights, not on doing more research.

Stakeholders’ expectations and mental models of ‘perfect research’ can weigh

down on us (“sample size is too small”).

Ripul Kumar + Param Venkataraman at RoohSearch: User Research Conference 2023 | May 3, 2023
Research Killer #3: Perfect Research
Killer Research #3: Balance Your ‘Portfolio’
Over the course of a year, a user research team or department needs to
have ideally chosen a set of projects that are a right mix of Strategic,
Operational and Tactical problems to solve*.

Having a diversified set of projects and problem statements, ensures that

stakeholders and researchers aren’t unconsciously expecting a ‘magic
bullet’ to come from just one or two projects, and therefore, avoid
subsequent disappointment.

Strategic: How can we increase our market share by 10% within the next three years?
Operational: How can we improve the search functionality on our app to improve engagement by 30%?
Tactical: How can we improve the checkout process to reduce cart abandonment rates by 20%?

Ripul Kumar + Param Venkataraman at RoohSearch: User Research Conference 2023 | May 3, 2023
Research Killer #4: ‘Henry Jobs’
The popular misconception out there is that Henry Ford and Steve
Jobs are the poster boys for not asking users what they want!

Asking users what they want is a stupid isn’t a good question! That
just means we need nuanced and better ways of building empathy
with our users. [Steve Jobs and his team built prototypes of the new
Apple retail store and brought consumers to come in and
experience it; the final store concept and its success was a direct
result of this ‘feedback’ and iteration.] The answer is not NO
RESEARCH. ence/features/henryford/ Jobs_%28book%29

There is a thin line between tacit knowledge, gut feeling and ‘guess
work’. Sponsors can often fall into this trap, and conclude there is
no need for research. This is especially true for ‘legendary’
(‘self-made’) entrepreneurs and wannabe disruptors.
Ripul Kumar + Param Venkataraman at RoohSearch: User Research Conference 2023 | May 3, 2023
Research Killer #4: ‘Henry Jobs’
Killer Research #4: Get the MVP* out
*MVP = Most Valuable Person (in your circle of influence)

In your circle of influence at work, pick the ‘Most Valuable Person’ (as high up
the ‘food chain’ as possible) and have them get out of the office, and spend
time with real users / consumers. Having them experience and ‘get’ the value of
being in the consumer-trenches is priceless. They could become your -driving-for-uber-5bef5023

champions for the voice of the user for life!

Once you get that foot-in-the-door, it will open up several opportunities. It is

critical to springboard from there and strike while the iron is hot.
PS: Don’t f*&$-up that opportunity!
Ripul Kumar + Param Venkataraman at RoohSearch: User Research Conference 2023 | May 3, 2023 hod-six-months-training-as-barista-starbuc
Research Killer #5: Data Science, Analytics & Generative AI

In the the world of diminishing ‘patience capital’, stakeholders are now in a

situation where the default is: to develop hypothesis and insights derived from
data that is real-time / instantaneous, scaled, behavioural, and traceable. And
it’s quantitative! It’s the perfect choice! Almost.

With increasing use of complex analytics models and the upcoming / emerging
role of Generative AI, the entire workflow of product development and business
decision making could change (e.g. competitive analysis could be done during
ideation using Generative AI tools, and the outputs of that could be instantly fed
into user feedback sessions). And therefore, the role and influence of user
research within that lifecycle could radically change.

Ripul Kumar + Param Venkataraman at RoohSearch: User Research Conference 2023 | May 3, 2023
Research Killer #5: Data Science, Analytics & Generative AI
Killer Research #5: Big Data, meet Thick Data
Data Science / AI is like the new Electricity. We need to not just embrace this
new world, but work with these tools and with a new mindset. It’s not just a new
way of doing, it’s a new way of thinking. Design Thinking + Data Science. And
that’s the new reality.

● ‘Big data’ is great to understand what went wrong, where something went
wrong, how much is wrong.
● ‘Big data’ needs ‘Thick data’ (i.e. observational / ethnographic / behavioral
science led insights) to understand ‘why.’
● ‘Thick data’ needs ‘big data’ to convince stakeholders.

Big Data + Thick Data = Focused Solutions and higher chance of impact.

Match made in Hawaii!!

Ripul Kumar + Param Venkataraman at RoohSearch: User Research Conference 2023 | May 3, 2023
Research Killer #5: Data Science, Analytics & Generative AI
Killer Research #5: Big Data, meet Thick Data
Research Killer #6: Democratization
‘Democratization’ is a megatrend at large. The medical profession is getting
democratized by Google search. Other professions have got democratized by
YouTube (interior designers, architects, software engineers, etc) and other tools.

In the world of Design and User Research, following trends have led to a deluge in
design and user research democratization:
- Design Thinking training and toolkit proliferation
- Availability and mass adoption of tools (like Figma, Miro)
- Growth of the Product Management discipline and its overlap with Design and
user research

The impact of this is:

● false sense of belief that non-practitioners can replace practitioners in a
like-to-like manner
● Inability to differentiate the ‘skills’ vs tools / methods
● quality of insights & outcomes suffer, and belief in the discipline (of user
research) goes down among stakeholders.
Ripul Kumar + Param Venkataraman at RoohSearch: User Research Conference 2023 | May 3, 2023
Research Killer #6: Democratization

Increasingly, Product
Managers are learning
User Research and
Design methods &
tools. This is via formal
& informal practice.
Ripul Kumar + Param Venkataraman at RoohSearch: User Research Conference 2023 | May 3, 2023
Research Killer #6: Democratization
Killer Research #6: Love thy EBITDA
Product Management and User Research share an overlap. Right now, the
overlap is being initiated from PMs towards User Research. Perhaps the effort
needs to be both ways. User Researchers need to deeply understand what
drives business and the product / project — topline, bottom line, and EBITDA.
User insights and business impact are two sides of the same coin — our job is
to be able to connect and showcase its value. That begins with learning the
language of business.

We also need to work on ourselves, on these dimensions:

● Higher Competence (the T-shaped bar is higher, deeper & wider); not just
in our craft but ability to connect the dots with the business.
● Collaboration with wisdom, ability to manoeuvre the ‘control’ issues
● Confidence & Clarity; pushback without conflict

Ripul Kumar + Param Venkataraman at RoohSearch: User Research Conference 2023 | May 3, 2023

Research Killer #1: Off-Roading Killer Research #1: One Big Insight

Killer Research #2: Drip-feed

Research Killer #2: Patience Capital
of Insights

Research Killer #3: Perfect Research Killer Research #3: Balance Your
Research Killer #4: ‘Henry Jobs’ Killer Research #4: Get the MVP* out

Research Killer #5: Data Science, Killer Research #5: Big Data,
Analytics & Generative AI meet Thick Data

Research Killer #6: Democratization Killer Research #6: Love thy EBITDA
Ripul Kumar + Param Venkataraman at RoohSearch: User Research Conference 2023 | May 3, 2023
Thank you


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