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Use of


1 Introduction
Use of Technolgy has been
increased day by day. With this
increase of technolgy we get many
advantages in our daily life, which
is useful for us and made our lives
easier but using technology at its
most stage can be harmfull for us.

2 Comunication
Technolgy has made our
communications easier by today as we
can talk to people overseas with
smartphone and can video call a person
which we havent seen for a long time. E-
Mail are there today from which we can
mail texts, pics, videos, etc to anyone
and anywhere.

3 Education
Technology has made education easier
and convenient as children can have
online sessions at home. Children can now
get homework online and many learning
platforms are available from which a child
can get his learning content . Children can
gather content from online websites
which helps the child in his studies.

4 Healthcare
Technology has much imprroved in
healtcare as if there is some condition at
which patient cant come to doctor for advice
he cn have a tele meeting with him and
doctor can guide him. Many health devices
have been launched which help the patient
in his treatments and can help cure him and
check his medical state
5 Entertainment
Technology today provides us many thing for
fun and for that there is entertainment part
like we can watch movies, series, etc with
technology. This spends our time and we
could just get fun with it and today many
social media platforms are there for us to
chill. With these social media platform we
can get socially active among peole.

6 Business
Technology gives many businesses profit
today as it is helpful for them. technology
provide businesses to sell there products
online and there can be many online bussiness
meetings. Technology provides many
employment for people in big companies from
one country to another as they can work from
there home through laptops and computers.

7 Transportation
Technology has upgraded itself in
transportation as electric vehcles are
being launched which saves environment.
GPS is available to all which gives us the
whole location of world and also it guides
us to our location where we want to go.

8 Lifestyle
Technology has helped us more in our daily lives as it
provide us with smart home devices live TVs, CCTV
cameras and many more things like this. Technology
provide us today with our personal assistants which
can control our house on our commands . We have
smartwatches which is very useful in our daily lives
and helful as it is most convinent thing which can
also be caled mini smartphone

9 Future
Technology is our future as there is many
AIs being launched today as they are very
helful to us. The new technology is the green
technology as everything is electric amd this
is good for our environment and no pollution
is cause and with this we save make our
surroundings more beautiful. Thats why
technology is our future which is safe for us.

Made By - Vedant Thank

you !
Class - 9A

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