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(Azuh Chambers)
Suite 35, Corporate Plaza, 256, Old Lagos-Asaba Road, Agbor, Delta State.
Phone: 08131054236
The Inspector General of Police,
Nigeria Police Force,
Police Headquarters,
Louis Edet House, Abuja.

The Acting-Chairman
Economic & Financial Crimes Commission,
EFCC, F.C.T. Abuja.

Dear Sir,


We are Solicitors to Ms. Wendy Priestman, a Canadian Citizen and Permanent Resident of Canada and we write this
petition on her behalf and instructions. Same shall be called our Client.
It is our Client’s words that sometime between May, 2019 and January, 2020 Our Client was stalked online over the
internet by some persons with the following Aliases;
- Fredrick Hilton,
- Dan Hong Wei,
- Patrick,
- National BOI.
Our Client was conned by these persons operating under these aliases to the tune of over $130,000.00 Canadian Dollars
within the said period, Our Client fell for an Online Dating scam from the above mentioned persons and was duped until
she realized it was a Scam, They stated that they were going to deliver a certain undisclosed sum in a Safe Box, Our Client
was made to send different sums of Money at Different Times to different Bank Accounts, Western Union and Money
Gram Addresses and Bitcoin Addresses.
According to our Client, Her Royal Bank of Canada Bank Account, National Bank of Canada Bank Account and One Other
Bank Account were hacked and Monies totaling over $50,000 Canadian Dollars were stolen from them and used to
Purchase Bitcoin Cryptocurrency through a Proxy.
Sir it is shocking to state that our Client’s life has been threatened at different times by these persons who have resorted
to calling her at odd hours and sending her unsolicited text messages and emails.
Sir, while all these happened our client hired a private Digital investigator who was able to track and trace the identities of
the phone numbers, emails, bank accounts and Digital Addresses used in defrauding Our Client, It is important to note
that all these have been duly compiled and attached to this petition and will be presented upon submission.
Sir, from all these antecedents, our Client feels and believes she has been a victim of Advanced Fee Fraud and that the
Identities of the Persons Operating under the earlier named aliases be investigated and brought to book with your keen
Our Client as a Law abiding citizen, does not want to take the laws into her hands especially now, hence she decided that
as the custodian of the Security Conscience of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, that this matter should be brought to your
notice with a view to bringing the culprits to book so that our client can recover her hard earned money that has been
unlawfully stolen from her.
Attached herewith are copies of evidence in this matter and the identities of all the suspects involved in this crime.
Thanking you Sir for your cooperation in this regard.

Yours faithfully,


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