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If no fap is a myth, then why do famous people like Mike Tyson, Nikola

Tesla, Dalai Lama, Isaac Newton, Swami Vivekananda, etc., advocate in its

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4 Answers

Eugene Mormon, BTh./PhD program Theology, Cypress Bible Institute (1997)

Answered March 24

Like many, many myths, they have some truth in them. The benefits are often wildly exaggerated, and not
doing something like no fap is either hinted at as detrimental or actually harmful. Because of the fact that
there are “some” benefits, it is easy to go from one extreme to another. I tell people, I think it’s horsepoop,
but if you enjoy doing it, go for it.

The thing is, “no fap” is an idea for those people who spend all their lives masturbating and lusting and
watching porn and wasting tons and tons of time and energy in this, and really waste their lives. Five, six
hours a day masturbating and watching porn is a waste. I don’t care how pro-masturbation I am, I can
agree that there is so much else to life than masturbating and porn.

So a person like that who bewails the fact that they have no friends and no girlfriend (or boyfriend) could
benefit from washing their hands and going outside the house and meeting other humans and interacting
with them. It is not the extreme of “no fap”, it is simply that you realize that other things are more
important and healthy than masturbating. You can still do it once in a while, daily if you wish, but if you get
a partner, you don’t need to as much.

The other kind of person that might benefit from “no fap” are the kinds of people you cite. They are totally
dedicated to a craft, art, sport, area of study, or project that they set aside their physical lusts for a time to
concentrate their energies and time on it. For example in the bible it says that a husband and wife can
refrain from sex for a while in order to focus on prayer or some other worthy project. It is a temporary
thing. Sexual needs are not ignored or neglectedOpen in Applife; it is part of normal life.
in normal
The problems begin when wanna-be “psychoanalysts” on YouTube and other places create an entire
bizarre fantasy about the “benefits” leading up to the idea of “superpowers” and “great energy” and all this.
One person I watched (and I did watch some of them) droned on for over an hour about how one gets
caught up in a cycle of self-pleasure. So? Unless you end up like the above people who spend hours
romancing their crotch, every day, why not set aside a little time daily to self-pleasure? Without going to an
extreme, what is wrong with that?

Then people want to dredge up old, outdated ideas from Oriental medicine about “losing you chi (or
prana)” therefore you drain yourself of life-force. Horse poop. The entire universe has the “life force”,
according to THEM, so how exactly are you going to run out? They have techniques of drawing chi or prana
or your life force back into your body, and re-circulating it during sex, if that was really a problem. But it
isn’t. In reality, people masturbate and have sex their whole lives and are not “drained of their life force”.
It’s horse poop. No one dies early from masturbating and no one is harmed in reality. In fantasy, people are
like, oh my God, my life force! it’s slipping away! eeeeek! Stop it man. Snap out of it. You’re FINE. They just
have to face the fact of reality that this particular aspect of oriental medicine, whether Chinese or
Ayurvedic, is not correct. Many other things might be true (and are), but in this, it is bullshit. Modern
medicine has to adapt to new knowledge, why not ancient medicine? It is NOT infallible. Especially when it
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Vishvaraj Sinh, Human behaviour, Relationships, Wildlife, Space science.

Answered March 25

This will forever stay a myth for those who never tried it. This isn't something which could be solved. It is
the matter of choice: which way you want to feel.

If such questions are arising in your mind, the one you just asked, that means most probably NoFap is for

Do it and if you like it, feel good, then keep doing it. No one can justify your feeling as a myth.

If you feel good about something, how can you prove that? You can't.

For me, this is not a myth. For someone, it is.

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I have been on 40th day NoFap. Earlier steaks in my pocket: 30 days, 63 day (where last 13 days were
“corrupted a bit,”) 30 days. Not to mentions 10 days steaks.
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Vikram Zaveri, Mechanical engineer, Cosmology researcher

Answered June 18

Swami Vivekananda’s Guru Sri Ramakrishna used to say, “one who is able to practice perfect
Brahmacharya for 13 years develops a special spiritual nerve with the help of which he can comprehend
many subtle spiritual matters.”

Newton and Tesla may have been inspired by teachings of Jesus.

In Matthew 19:12 Jesus says:

“For there are some eunuchs, which were so born from their mother’s womb: and there are some eunuchs,
which were made eunuchs of men: and there be eunuchs, which have made themselves eunuchs for the
kingdom of heaven’s sake. He that is able to receive it, let him receive it.”

Sri Krishna says in Bhagavad Gita, desires destroy kowledge and realization (of God), therefore be free
from desires.
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Other Answers

Jay Ford, Observer of life, and people of all kinds

Answered August 3

Most of these people lived in a time when we had far less ability to monitor the body’s functions. Anti-
masturbation myths abounded. People believed it would damage eyesight or make you infertile. Boxers
and other athletes were told to stay away from women, as well as masturbation.

Mike Tyson spent time in prison, once bit off a portion of an opponent’s ear during a match, and has said
plenty of nutty things.
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