The Pharmacological Management of Vertigo in Meniere Disease

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Expert Opinion on Pharmacotherapy

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The pharmacological management of vertigo in

Meniere disease

Juan Manuel Espinosa-Sanchez & José A. Lopez-Escamez

To cite this article: Juan Manuel Espinosa-Sanchez & José A. Lopez-Escamez (2020): The
pharmacological management of vertigo in Meniere disease, Expert Opinion on Pharmacotherapy,
DOI: 10.1080/14656566.2020.1775812

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Published online: 15 Jun 2020.

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The pharmacological management of vertigo in Meniere disease

Juan Manuel Espinosa-Sancheza,b and José A. Lopez-Escameza,b,c
Department of Otolaryngology, Instituto de Investigación Biosanitaria Ibs.GRANADA, Hospital Universitario Virgen de las Nieves, Universidad de
Granada, Granada, Spain; bOtology & Neurotology Group CTS 495, Department of Genomic Medicine, GENYO. Centre for Genomics and
Oncological Research: Pfizer/University of Granada/Andalusian Regional, Government PTS Granada, Granada, Spain; cDepartment of Surgery,
Division of Otolaryngology, Universidad de Granada, Granada, Spain


Introduction: The term Meniere disease (MD) gathers a set of rare diseases involving the inner ear Received 15 February 2020
characterized by episodic vertigo associated with fluctuating auditory symptoms. Five clinical sub­ Accepted 26 May 2020
groups of patients have been defined, including familial MD, autoimmune MD, and MD with migraine. KEYWORDS
The diagnosis is based on clinical criteria as no biomarker is available, but genetic factors have Betahistine; corticosteroids;
a significant contribution in familial and non-familial MD. diuretics; gentamicin;
Areas covered: In this review, the authors summarize the pharmacological treatment for vertigo in MD, Meniere´s disease;
providing evidence from preclinical and clinical studies. However, evidence supporting the efficacy for treatment; genetics; vertigo;
betahistine, diuretics, and intratympanic administration of corticosteroids or gentamicin is limited. hearing loss; tinnitus
Expert opinion: Randomized clinical trials should consider stratification by MD clinical subgroups. The
treatment plan should be personalized according to the clinical subgroup, hearing stage, duration of
the disease, vertigo attack profile, and comorbidities. The treatment should include therapeutic coun­
seling, sodium-free diet, high-water intake, and a diary of vertigo attacks with symptoms during the
episodes to improve phenotyping. Migraine or autoimmune comorbidities will also require pharma­
cotherapy. Genetic testing by exome/genome sequencing should be discussed with the patient for
familial MD and individuals with an early onset for genetic counseling and future gene therapies.

KEYWORDS Betahistine; corticosteroids; diuretics; gentamicin; Meniere´s disease; treatment; genetics; vertigo; hearing loss; tinnitus

1. Introduction Autoimmune disorders, migraine, anxiety, and depression

are comorbidities frequently found in MD. By using hierarch­
Meniere´s syndrome is a set of chronic inner ear disorders
ical cluster analyses, five clinical subgroups of patients with
with a low prevalence characterized by recurrent episodes
MD have been described, which anticipates different mechan­
of spontaneous vertigo, associated with fluctuating sensor­
isms of disease, such as genetic factors [3], autoimmunity [4],
ineural hearing loss, tinnitus, and ear fullness. The vertigo
or autoinflammation [5] (Table 1).
attacks are typically random and the clinical diagnosis may
The accumulation of endolymph in the membranous
take months or even years until the temporal association
labyrinth, leading to an increased pressure in the cochlear
between hearing loss and vertigo is confirmed [1]. The
duct, is termed endolymphatic hydrops, and it is considered
natural course of hearing loss in Meniere disease (MD) is
the pathological substrate of the syndrome, but it can be also
usually progressive and vertigo attacks may improve or not
found in other conditions or even in healthy subjects [6]. In
over time. Because of this, the first goal of the treatment is
any case, the endolymphatic hydrops would be the common
to reduce the duration and frequency of vertigo attacks,
denominator of a series of inflammatory processes in differ­
and secondly to prevent hearing loss and to relieve tinni­
ent parts of the cochlea (lateral wall, endolymphatic sac)
tus [2].
leading to cochlear damage with autoinflammation or auto­
The prevalence ranges from 3.5 to 513 cases per 100 000
immunity responses resulting from multiple causes (allergy,
inhabitants, according to the definition and geographic area
viral infection, genetic variants) that affect the inner ear
in the world, with a light female predominance. This syn­
homeostasis, lead to the accumulation of endolymph and
drome usually begins between 30 and 50 years of age, and
manifest with a common core phenotype (episodic vertigo
the prevalence increases with increasing age. Most patients
with fluctuating auditory symptoms) that defines a clinically
report cochlear symptoms in one ear, but bilateral involve­
heterogeneous syndrome. Classically, when this set of symp­
ment varies between 10% and 40% of cases, according to
toms cannot be attributed to a specifically identified cause,
the duration of the disease. Family history is found in
the syndrome is considered idiopathic, and then it is referred
5–15% of sporadic cases, usually with an autosomal-
to as MD.
dominant pattern of inheritance with incomplete pene­
The diagnosis of MD is made by clinical symptoms, as no
trance and partial syndromes in the families [3].
biomarker is available for clinical practice. The current

CONTACT José A. Lopez-Escamez Otology & Neurotology Group CTS495, GENYO, Centre for Genomics and Oncological
Research: Pfizer/University of Granada/Andalusian Regional Government, PTS Granada, Avenida de la Ilustración, 114, 18016, Granada, Spain
© 2020 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group

Article highlights
and the limited number of studies, the treatment of hear­
● MD is a set of rare inner ear disorders characterized by recurrent ing loss or tinnitus in MD has not been included in this
episodes of spontaneous vertigo, associated with fluctuating auditory review.
● MD pharmacotherapy should be personalized, according to clinical
subgroup, stage of the disease, years from onset, number and profile 2. Treatment of acute crisis
of vertigo attacks, degree of hearing loss, and other comorbid
conditions. Vestibular suppressants and antiemetic agents are the pre­
● Vestibular suppressants and antiemetic agents are the preferred
drugs for the treatment of the acute phase, whereas the main goal ferred drugs for the treatment of the acute phase in
of pharmacological treatment is to reduce the frequency, duration, patients with MD [19]. Most medications share antivertigi­
and severity of vertigo attacks. nous and antiemetic effects to a greater or lesser degree.
● The pharmacological options include betahistine, diuretics, intratym­
panic administration of corticosteroids, or gentamicin in a stepped Diphenhydramine and its derivative dimenhydrinate, mecli­
approach. Nevertheless, evidence supporting drug therapy is lacking zine, and cyclizine are H1-receptor antagonists that are use­
or limited. ful for treating milder attacks orally. The association
● The heterogeneity of the disease makes it necessary to investigate
the efficacy of these drugs in different clinical subgroups. Long-term cinnarizine plus dimenhydrinate may be also beneficial
multicenter, randomized, placebo-controlled clinical trials are [20]. Antidopaminergic drugs including metoclopramide,
required in different clinical subgroups of MD. sulpiride, promethazine, and prochlorperazine are com­
This box summarizes key points contained in the article. monly used for severe nausea and vomiting. Setrons are
serotonin 5-HT3 antagonists, they are mainly used when
severe vomiting is a prominent symptom. A short course
of steroids, commonly oral dexamethasone or methylpred­
nisolone, is used to reduce vomiting and vestibular symp­
diagnostic criteria were established in 2015, based on clinical toms, especially when hearing loss is prominent [21]. Finally,
symptoms [7]. The impact on health-related quality of life may benzodiazepines can be also used for acute crisis of MD
be high, since the uncertainty of vertigo attacks and the poor because they act as vestibular suppressants enhancing the
speech discrimination restrict daily routines [1,2]. Although inhibitory action of GABA in the vestibular nuclei; never­
some consensus and guidelines have been released, there is theless, long-term administration should be avoided, since
a lack of high-level evidence for efficacy of MD treatment [8– they induce tolerance and drug addiction. They are also
14]. This absence of evidence is explained by both the relap­ effective as antiemetics and to reduce the anxiety often
sing nature of the disease and the overall quality of studies. associated with the episode of vertigo. The use of diuretics
There are some excellent reviews for the treatment of vertigo (mannitol, glycerol, acetazolamide, hydrochlorothiazide) in
in MD [15–18], including a clinical practice guideline [2], but most acute phase is a common practice in some countries [22].
of them consider MD as a single disorder. In fact, MD is very
heterogenous, and comorbid conditions, stage of the disease,
3. Treatment to reduce the frequency and duration
years from onset, and mean number of vertigo spells are factors
of vertigo attacks
to be taken into account in the design of clinical trials. Likewise,
sample size, study design, outcome measures, and duration of The main goal of pharmacotherapy in MD is to reduce the
follow-up time are important issues. frequency, duration, and severity of vertigo attacks [23].
The primary aim of this review is to summarize the best The second aim is to avoid the progression of the hearing loss
available scientific publications to recommend the pharma­ and to reduce impact of tinnitus in daily routines. Unfortunately,
cological treatment for vertigo in MD. Because of the no drug can slow or halt the progression of the hearing loss or
fluctuating course of auditory symptoms in the first years suppress tinnitus at the present time.

Table 1. Clinical subgroups and observed frequency in patients with Meniere disease.
Unilateral Meniere disease
Type1 53% Sporadic MD (if concurrent migraine, autoimmune disease, or familial MD is observed, patients do not belong to this subgroup). Elevated levels of
proinflammatory cytokines are found in 70% of patients.
Type2 8% Delayed MD (hearing loss precedes vertigo attacks by months or years)
Type3 13% Familial MD (at least two patients in the first or second degree with complete MD phenotype). Partial syndromes are frequently observed (episodic
vertigo or isolated sensorineural hearing loss).
Type4 15% Sporadic MD with migraine (temporal relationship not required)
Type5 11% Sporadic MD plus an autoimmune disease
Bilateral Meniere disease
Type1 46% Unilateral hearing loss becomes bilateral
Type2 18% Sporadic, simultaneous hearing loss (usually symmetric)
Type3 13% Familial MD (most families have bilateral hearing loss, but unilateral patients may coexist in the same family)
Type4 12% Sporadic MD with migraine
Type5 11% Sporadic MD with an autoimmune disease

We propose a personalized approach according to the heteroreceptors [34]. Thereby, in MD patients betahistine
characteristics of the patient, including comorbidities would reduce endolymphatic pressure by achieving
(migraine, autoimmune diseases), hearing stage, and duration a reduction in the production of, and an increment in the re-
of the illness [1,2,23]. Genetic testing by exome/genome absorption of, endolymph. But betahistine also acts blocking
sequencing should be discussed with the patient for familial the presynaptic H3 autoreceptors on the histaminergic nerve
MD and individuals with an early onset for genetic counseling terminals originating from the tuberomammillary nuclei of
[3]. This approach begins providing information to the patient the posterior hypothalamus, thus increasing the synthesis
about the natural history of the disease, discussing the ther­ and release of histamine in the vestibular nuclei [35].
apeutic options and their potential adverse effects (Figure 1). Likewise, betahistine may participate in the mechanisms of
Then, the first step is dietary and lifestyle modifications, histaminergic modulation of glycine and gamma-
even though the efficacy of these measures has not been aminobutyric acid (GABA) release in the vestibular nuclei
demonstrated in randomized-controlled trials [24,25]. The that may contribute to rebalancing the spontaneous neuro­
most important recommendation is a high-water intake (2 L nal firing at vestibular nuclei on both sides [36]. Furthermore,
per day) and a very low sodium diet (no more than 1,500 mg experimental data also suggest a decrease in the sensory
per day) [26]. A low-salt diet may facilitate an increase in the input from the vestibular receptors [37,38]. These actions
plasma aldosterone concentration that can activate ion trans­ on the histaminergic system may promote and facilitate
port and absorbing endolymph in the endolymphatic sac. The central vestibular compensation after an acute unilateral
elimination of migraine food triggers, including monosodium vestibular loss [39]. Finally, experimental data suggest that
glutamate, is advocated especially in MD patients with the upregulation of the histamine caused by the betahistine
migraine. would induce excitatory effects on the neuronal activity of
Avoidance of alcohol and tobacco, and caffeine restriction cortical and subcortical structures. This arousal effect would
is recommended as they could decrease blood supply to the facilitate sensorimotor and cognitive activity, necessary for
inner ear [27]. Glucose-intake control has also been proposed recovery after vestibular function loss [40].
[28,29]. The use of specially processed cereals, that increase Adverse effects are rare, mild, and reversible after drug
the synthesis of endogenous antisecretory factor, to reduce discontinuation. A cutaneous hypersensitivity reaction, with
the frequency of vertigo spells is still controversial. mild and self-limiting rash, pruritus, and urticaria, is the most
frequently reported complaint. Nausea, vomiting, epigastric
pain, and headache are occasionally reported, especially with
3.1. Betahistine
higher doses [41,42].
Betahistine is a structural analog of histamine that acts as
a weak partial postsynaptic histamine H1 receptor agonist 3.1.1. Clinical trials with betahistine
and presynaptic H3 receptor antagonist [30]. Histamine The clinical efficacy of betahistine has been evaluated in two
receptors have been identified in the inner ear, and specifi­ systematic reviews and two meta-analysis and there is con­
cally in the endolymphatic sac [31]. The action of betahistine flicting evidence. This limited evidence could be explained
depends on several mechanisms. Experimental models have not only by methodological bias, but also may be related to
demonstrated that betahistine improves cochlear microcircu­ the clinical heterogeneity of MD. A first Cochrane review
lation by vasodilation of the arterioles of the stria vascularis, concluded that there was not enough evidence to say
and also in the posterior semicircular canal ampulla whether betahistine has any effect on the frequency or dura­
[32,33]. This increase in labyrinthine blood flow appears to tion of the episodes of vertigo in MD [8]. Subsequently,
be mainly mediated by two metabolites, aminoethylpyridine a meta-analysis was performed supporting the therapeutic
and hydroxyethylpyridine, that act on histamine H3 benefit of betahistine for both MD and vestibular vertigo

Figure 1. Stepped approach for the treatment of vertigo in MD.

ITC, intratympanic corticoids; ITG, intratympanic steroids

[43]. Later, a second Cochrane review found that, although and carbonic anhydrase inhibitors (acetazolamide) have all
there was significant variability in the results of the studies, been used for decades in MD. Nevertheless, the evidence
a low-quality evidence suggests that in patients suffering supporting their efficacy in this indication is scarce [52]. The
from vertigo from different causes betahistine reduces vertigo effects of diuretics in patients with MD were analyzed by the
symptoms [14]. Finally, a meta-analysis concluded that beta­ Cochrane Collaboration, concluding that there were no trials
histine could reduce the frequency and intensity of vertigo of high enough quality to meet the standard [9]. Later,
attacks in MD although the certainty of evidence is low [44]. Crowson et al. carried out a systematic review with
These systematic reviews did not include a later long-term, a broaden inclusion criteria [53]. They found multiple low
double-blind, placebo-controlled randomized clinical trial evidence–level studies concluding that oral diuretic therapy
(RCT) using 48 or 144 mg/day betahistine for 9 months [45]. may reduce the frequency of vertigo attacks. More recently,
This study shows that, although treatment with high- and a meta-analysis concludes that it is not clear whether diuretics
low-dose betahistine reduces the frequency of the vertigo lead to a symptomatic improvement of vertigo or an objective
attacks in MD, there was no difference as compared with decrease in hearing loss in patients with MD, because the
placebo. Further long-term placebo-controlled RCT with certainty of the evidence is very low [54].
higher dosages of betahistine is warranted to confirm these Glycerol, an osmotic diuretic, improved hearing thresholds
results. temporally in patients with a suspicion of MD, so that it is
In any case, it would be desirable to identify clinical pre­ sometimes used as a confirmatory test [55].
dictors or biologic markers for betahistine treatment success
(i.e. an allergy background) which could explain the benefits
3.3. Oral corticosteroids
of betahistine reported in some studies.
On the other hand, a Cochrane review concludes that there The use of corticosteroids is mainly supported by the high
is an absence of evidence to suggest that betahistine has an prevalence of autoimmune disorders in MD [56] and the role
effect on subjective idiopathic tinnitus when compared to of the innate immune system and inflammation in the patho­
placebo [46]. physiology of MD [57]. Glucocorticoids receptor have been
found in the inner ear, mostly in the spiral lamina, outer and
3.1.2. Methods to improve betahistine efficacy inner hair cells, spiral ligament, and spiral ganglion neurons,
Several methods have been used to improve the biodispon­ but also in the non-ampullated end of the semicircular canals
ibility of betahistine in the inner ear and CNS, including a dose and the cristae ampullaris [58]. The highest concentration of
increment, the inhibition of its metabolization, and the intra­ these receptors in the cochlea is within the stria vascularis.
nasal formulation. The mechanism of action of the corticosteroids in MD is
The effects of betahistine are dose- and duration- based on their anti-inflammatory and immunosuppressive
dependent [30,47]. The standard dosage is 48–96 mg/day, effects, as well as their role in the regulation of inner ear
although a higher dosage between 288 and 480 mg/day is homeostasis. The action of the corticosteroids in the inner
sometimes used [48,49]. ear appears to be related to the nuclear factor kappa β (NF-
Betahistine is fastly metabolized by the monoamine oxi­ κβ) family of transcription factors. Aquaporins are a family of
dase a/b. In this sense, selegiline, an inhibitor of the mono­ membrane proteins that selectively transports water mole­
amine oxidase b, increases the plasma biodisponibility of cules and play a crucial role in the maintenance of inner ear
betahistine [50,51]. Thus, the combination of betahistine and water homeostasis [59]. Glucocorticoids increase aquaporin
selegiline could be an alternative to a high dosage with beta­ expression at both messenger RNA and protein level, stimulat­
histine. Equally, an intranasal formulation of betahistine (AM- ing endolymphatic water reabsorption [60]. Corticosteroids
125) is being investigated to bypass the effects of first-pass also may participate in the control of the composition of
metabolism found with oral intake and thus increasing beta­ endolymph by upregulating genes responsible for transcrip­
histine concentrations in blood. tion of epithelial sodium channels and K+.
Few studies have investigated the effect of oral steroids in
MD [21,61], and there are no randomized clinical trials show­
3.2. Diuretics
ing any benefit from oral steroids in MD in the long term.
Most diuretics act by inhibiting the reabsorption of sodium at However, comorbid systemic autoimmune disorders, long-
different segments in the nephron, thereby increasing urinary lasting recurrent episodes of vertigo, or a sudden drop in
sodium and water losses. This reduction of extracellular hearing thresholds are situations that could be managed
volume is supposed to decrease endolymphatic pressure and with high doses of oral steroids during few weeks.
volume, either by increased drainage of endolymph or
a reduction in its production at the stria vascularis.
3.4. Intratympanic corticosteroids treatment (ITC)
Diuretics are commonly considered as a first-line treatment
when lifestyle and dietary modifications do not achieve to After intratympanic administration, corticosteroids reach the
stop the vertigo attacks. Thiazides (hydrochlorothiazide, labyrinth fluids via passive diffusion through the round window,
chlorthalidone), loop diuretics (furosemide, torasemide), the oval window annular ligament, the bony otic capsule micro­
potassium-sparing diuretics (triamterene, spironolactone), fractures as well as the small lacunar mesh in the bony wall

surrounding the inner ear, achieving higher inner-ear drug con­ frequency and severity of vertigo. Later, other systematic
centrations than with systemic administration [62,63]. This con­ reviews included only the same RCT [82–85].
centration of corticosteroids is higher in the endolymph than in Since the publication of that Cochrane review, two others
the perilymph, and it exhibits a gradient from basal to apical, RCT have appeared, both using a suspension of dexametha­
with potentially insufficient levels at the basal regions. sone for sustained release [86,87]. A systematic review has
Thus, compared with systemic administration, intratympa­ joined together these two RCT with the study of
nic delivery yields higher inner ear drug concentrations, with Garduño-Anaya with a total of number of 220 patients [88].
minimizing the risk of systemic side effects (osteoporosis, The authors of this new review conclude that there is still
diabetes mellitus, hypertension, erosive gastritis, glaucoma, a lack of solid confirmation that ITC has a positive effect in MD.
and cataracts). Furthermore, although Eustachian tube contri­ Recent consensus documents and clinical guidelines
butes to clearance, intracochlear uptake is higher and more recommend ITC as a second echelon pharmacological therapy
prolonged with intratympanic injection [64]. when previous treatment interventions have been unsuccess­
Intratympanic injection is a low-cost and safe technique, ful [16,23,89,90].
with very few complications. The main advantage of corticos­ This option is especially indicated in patients with bilateral
teroids over gentamicin is the absence of risk of hearing involvement, with only hearing/vestibular ear or who declined
loss [65]. risky procedures. Equally, corticosteroid injection may be
The corticosteroids more commonly used for tympanic a first and safe option in patients who suffer from Tumarkin
administration are dexamethasone and methylprednisolone, crisis (vestibular drop attacks) [91].
although triamcinolone is also an option [66,67]. A subset of patients does not respond to corticosteroid
Experimental studies have demonstrated that methylpredni­ treatment. As with betahistine, an improved phenotyping of
solone yields higher concentrations in endolymph and peri­ MD patients could contribute to the use of clinical predictors
lymph than dexamethasone, but the latter drug may be more (i.e. MD type 5) or biologic markers to forecast treatment
efficacious as it is absorbed more rapidly by endocytosis into success with corticosteroids.
the stria vascularis and surrounding tissues, where it acts
intracellularly [68,69]. A RCT showed no statistically significant
3.5. Intratympanic gentamicin treatment (ITG)
difference between dexamethasone and methylprednisolone
with regard to control of vertigo, although pure tone average Fowler in 1948 was the first author that proposed the
improvement was statistically significantly higher in the intended administration of streptomycin to produce
methylprednisolone group [70]. a chemical labyrinthectomy and in that way reduce vertigo
Various retrospective and several non-randomized or not- attacks in MD [92]. Nevertheless, the intramuscular aminogly­
placebo controlled prospective studies have evaluated the coside injections had several major disadvantages: nephrotoxi­
vertigo outcome after ITC [71–74]. These studies are hetero­ city, hearing loss, and bilateral vestibular hypofunction, with
genous and differ in study design, delivery protocol, type, and disequilibrium and oscillopsia. As compared with systemic
concentration of steroids. These and other factors may explain administration, intratympanic therapy avoids damage in the
that the reported success of ITC for vertigo control in MD contralateral ear and kidney, yielding a higher concentration
varies widely. In any way, ITC appears to be effective in con­ of drug in the inner ear.
trolling vertigo avoiding ablative procedures, even though in Animal models suggest that permanent ototoxicity appears
some patients, the injection should be repeated as needed when the aminoglycoside enters into the hair cell causing
[75–77]. Equally, it appears that vertigo control rates get apoptosis. Death cell result from overproduction of reactive
higher as drug concentration rises. oxygen species, including oxygen ions, free radicals, nitric
Nevertheless, the natural history of the disease, with oxide (NO) and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2); moreover, mito­
a decrease of vertigo attacks of 60–70% over 2 to 8 years chondrial stress can result in the production of highly reactive
[78,79], makes necessary to include a placebo group when ana­ oxygen species, including free hydroxyl radical (·OH), peroxy­
lyzing the effects of ITC. In fact, some studies have demonstrated nitrite (ONOO−), and hypochlorite (−OCl) [93]. There is also
that the decrease in the frequency of vertigo episodes is signifi­ increasing evidence that programmed cell death is
cant in the first 6 months after a single injection, but the long- a consequence of aminoglycoside interference with mitochon­
term outcome is unsatisfactory [73,74,80]. For this reason, the drial protein synthesis, stimulation of N-methyl-D-aspartate
AAO-HNS recommends that evaluation of vertigo control should receptors, and activation of the caspase pathway.
be performed more than 2 years after therapy start. Concerning Streptomycin, gentamicin, and tobramycin are more vestibulo-
hearing and tinnitus, most studies found no significant change. toxic whereas neomycin, kanamycin, amikacin are more
A systematic review from the Cochrane included only cochleo-toxic.
a high-quality RCT [10]. The authors of this RCT found 82% Gentamicin is the more common aminoglycoside for intra­
of complete control of vertigo over placebo (57%) [81]. Thus, tympanic injection, and it appears particularly toxic to type 1
the Cochrane review concluded that, although a single trial vestibular hair cells because they concentrate more aminogly­
provided limited evidence, ITC had demonstrated coside [94]. Histologic studies have also shown atrophy of the
a statistically and clinically significant improvement of the neuroepithelium of the semicircular canal cristae ampullaris

and fibrosis and edema of the stroma, whereas the utricular must be given with caution as the risk of bilateral involvement
macula is relatively spared. Damage to the vestibular dark cells increases as the disease progress. Likewise, sustained-release
also has been observed. With regard to the cochlea, outer hair formulations, although advantageous in the case of corticos­
cells are more damaged than inner hair cells, and the basal teroids, pose a high risk of hearing loss [105].
turn is the region most susceptible to permanent loss of hair Two RCTs have compared ITC and ITG. Casani et al. found
cells and replacement by supporting cells, resulting in high- that complete vertigo control was achieved in 43% in the
frequency hearing loss. methylprednisolone group compared to 83% in the gentami­
Although original protocols intended to ensure cin group after 2 years of follow-up [106]. On the other hand,
a complete ablation of vestibular function, the aim of cur­ Patel et al. also compared methylprednisolone with gentami­
rent ITG protocols is to obtain a partial vestibular ablation cin over 2 years, in the first group complete vertigo control
with a long-lasting, nonfluctuating, peripheral vestibular was achieved in 90% compared to 87% in the gentamicin
hypofunction capable of being centrally compensated. In group. This study showed no significant difference between
this way, the severe ataxia and imbalance often observed methylprednisolone and gentamicin for the control of vertigo
following complete ablation are minimized. On the other frequency over the final 6 months (18–24 months after injec­
hand, low dosing has a lower risk of hearing loss. Moreover, tion) compared with the 6 months before the first injection,
if patients have a familial history of maternal high-frequency but better speech discrimination after methylprednisolone
hearing loss, the mutation A1555Gdel in the mitochondrial [107]. The same cohorts were examined over 48 months in
DNA should be screened before considering ITG. a later study from the same research group [108]. The results
Treatment schedules for ITG can be categorized as fixed- showed an overall reduction of vertigo attacks at long-term
dose protocols, titration techniques, and instillations on follow-up compared to the 6 months prior to initial treatment
demand [1]. The dose is preset in the fixed-dose protocols, of 95% for both methylprednisolone and gentamicin. Thus,
which differ depending on the amount of drug delivered and although there is a lack of placebo-controlled RCT, the
the frequency and number of doses. Dosing may be daily, absence of significant difference between both treatment
multiple daily, weekly, monthly, or continuous. In the titration groups for the number of vertigo attacks at long-term follow-
protocol, gentamicin is administered until a certain goal is up provides a robust evidence to support the use of ITC in MD.
achieved, such as the appearance of hearing loss or clinical A systematic review with network meta-analysis does not
signs of vestibular hypofunction, including spontaneous nys­ have found significant differences between gentamicin and
tagmus, head-shaking nystagmus, or a positive head impulse methylprednisolone in terms of efficacy when the outcomes
test. For this purpose, vHIT has been shown to be a valuable obtained from studies with a follow-up equal to or more than
tool in assessing vestibulo-ocular changes after ITG [95]. This 24 months were analyzed [109]. A later systematic review
approach takes into account that ototoxic effects of gentami­ comparing symptom effectiveness of ITG versus ITC found
cin usually appear 3 days after injection. When instillations are a significant decrease in vertigo in only three studies, slightly
performed on demand, a low dose is given, which is repeated favoring ITG [110].
only if vertigo spells persist or recur. Several studies have
shown that ‘on demand’ low-dose protocols yield a lower
3.6. Other drugs
risk of hearing loss and post-treatment instability with good
long-term vertigo control [96–98]. Calcium antagonists are commonly used in Europe for the
This variety of schedules and protocols makes it difficult to treatment of vertigo. Calcium-channel blockers of the dihydro­
compare results among different studies. A meta-analysis pyridine family, such as nimodipine, nicardipine, and nifedi­
noted an 87.5% substantial vertigo control rate with signifi­ pine, are not recommended due to the lack of efficacy in MD.
cant tinnitus improvement, and minimal hearing deterioration Nevertheless, verapamil and flunarizine may be helpful as
[99]. Two systematic reviews concluded that ITG seems to be prophylactic medication, especially in patients who also com­
an effective treatment for vertigo complaints in MD, although plain of migraine headaches [111]. Nevertheless, controlled
it emphasizes the risk of hearing loss [12,82]. These systematic studies to support this indication are needed.
reviews included only the two prospective placebo-controlled Latanoprost is a prostaglandin F2α analog widely used for the
RCT that are available, both using the titration method treatment of glaucoma. Since the prostaglandin F receptor has
[100,101]. A very recent meta-analysis has evaluated the effi­ also been found in the inner ear, it was hypothesized that
cacy and safety of ITG [102]. Pooled data from 2185 MD latanoprost could also reduce endolymphatic hydrops. It was
patients revealed an overall rate of substantial vertigo control administered by intratympanic injection once daily for 3 days in
(classes A and B) of 89% and that of complete control (class A) a pilot study with MD patients [112]. Authors found a significant
of 71%. On the other hand, the overall PTA increase was found reduction of vertigo/disequilibrium on visual analogue scale and
statistically but not clinically significant. a significantly improved speech discrimination; nevertheless, the
After years of vertigo control, a recurrence rate of 16–30% very small sample size prevents the results to be extrapolated.
after ITG has been observed [103]. Middle ear exploration with Based on histopathological findings, some authors have
direct application of gentamicin to the round window using sustained that MD is a viral neuropathy and claimed a 90%
gelatin sponges is an option to be considered in patients who control of vertigo episodes and 38% of improvement of hear­
have failed ITG [104]. Intratympanic gentamicin treatment ing with antiviral treatment [113,114]. Two small-sized

RCTs have investigated the role of antiviral pharmacotherapy familial MD, suggesting multiallelic inheritance [127].
in MD. The results indicated that although oral famciclovir may Moreover, the genetic model of sporadic MD is more complex
suppress hearing fluctuation, it has no statistically significant and it involves multiplex and novel rare variants in several
effect on the frequency of vertigo spells [115]. Equally, intra­ SNHL genes such as GJB2, USH1 G, SLC26A4, ESRRB, and
tympanic ganciclovir did not show differences compared with CLDN14 [122] and ‘axonal-guidance signaling genes’ such as
placebo [116]. Recently, a systematic review and meta-analysis NTN4 and NOX3 [123]. Moreover, singleton and rare variants
have not found any association between herpes simplex virus have been reported in non-familial cases in ‘familial MD genes’
1 nor 2 and MD [117]. such as FAM136A, DTNA, and DPT in East Asian popula­
tion [128].
According to the genetic architecture of MD, we should
4. Future perspectives
consider this condition as a set of rare genetic disorders
The therapeutic approach for MD will be more complex, since with a core phenotype showing clinical heterogene­
each clinical variant will have a differential treatment accord­ ity [121].
ing to the cytokine profile and comorbidities. So, the combi­ The genetic model in sporadic cases points to a polygenic
nation of clinical and genetic data will define a personalized condition that include singleton and rare variants with a large
profile to guide the pharmacological and non- effect size in coding regions and common non-coding variants
pharmacological treatment. such as rs4947296 with regulatory effects in the inflammatory
response that may explain the variable expressivity in the
phenotype [4]. This regulatory variant is found in 15% of
4.1. Drugs and devices under clinical investigation
individual with bilateral MD and regulates the expression of
Ebselen (spi-1005) is a small molecule that acts as a mimic and several genes in the TWEAK/Fn14-NFκβ pathway. The variant
inducer of glutathione peroxidase (GPx). GPx reduces reactive could be used to tag individuals with an increased inflamma­
oxygen species by the binding of free radicals to its selenium tory response and develop chemical drugs able to block the
moiety. Ebselen, by mimicking the actions of GPx, has strong Fn14 receptor and the expression of NFκβ in MD.
anti-inflammatory, anti-oxidant, and cytoprotective activity. It A second area of research is autoinflammation in sporadic
has been used for the prevention of noise-induced hearing MD. So, 20–25% of individuals show high basal levels of
loss [118], and an unpublished phase 2b study has shown that several proinflammatory cytokines such as IL-1β, IL-1RA, IL-6,
after oral administration Ebselen improves tinnitus and hear­ and TNF-α when they were compared to healthy controls.
ing loss in patients affected by MD (https://www.clinicaltrials. Most patients have no familial history of MD, or migraine
gov/ct2/show/NCT03325790). and they could be classified as MD type 1 [5]. Ongoing pro­
A further step into local therapeutic delivery to the inner spective longitudinal studies will demonstrate if this autoin­
ear is intracochlear administration into one of the cochlear flammatory status is persistent or relapsing and will setup the
scalae, or even intralabyrinthine injection directly into peri­ background work for cytokine blocker treatments.
lymph or endolymph into the cochlea, vestibule, or semicircu­
lar canals. However, the opening of perilymphatic or
5. Conclusions
endolymphatic spaces increases the risk of severe deafness.
Different approaches can be considered: round or oval win­ The pharmacological options to treat the attacks of vertigo in
dow, cochleostomy, canalostomy, or even endolymphatic sac. MD have a weak evidence including betahistine, diuretics, intra­
In addition to injection, other delivery methods are micro­ tympanic administration of corticosteroids, or gentamicin. So,
pump, catheter, or even a cochlear implant electrode used the heterogeneity of MD makes it necessary to investigate the
as a carrier of a drug delivery system. Drug formulations efficacy of any drugs in multicenter, randomized, placebo-
include nanoparticles, magnetic nanoparticles, liposomes, or controlled clinical trials in the different clinical subgroups of MD.
polymersomes [119,120].
6. Expert opinion
4.2. Genetic and cytokine testing in MD
MD is not a single disease; it is a set of rare disorders and
MD has a strong genetic contribution and exome and genome the treatment of MD should be personalized. First, the
sequencing will become an essential tool to develop gene assessment of age of onset, clinical subgroup, and asso­
therapy in MD. The genetic underpinnings of MD include ciated comorbidities are key factors to plan an individua­
some rare monogenic forms in isolated families and lized treatment.
a polygenic contribution in most familial and sporadic cases There is a lack of high-quality RCT in MD. The clinical
[121–123]. So, familial MD has been reported in 6–8% of heterogeneity of the condition leads to the inclusion of
sporadic cases and several genes have been described in patients with different comorbidities and probably different
single Spanish families with MD including FAM136A, DTNA mechanisms of disease. So, future clinical trials should select
[124], PRKCB [125], SEMA3D, and DPT [126], suggesting genetic patients for a particular clinical subgroup (i.e., MD with auto­
heterogeneity. Multiplex rare missense variants [minor allelic immune background, MD with migraine or MD with autoin­
frequency <0.05] in OTOG gene have been reported in 33% of flammation), preventing a selection bias in RCT. Moreover,

inclusion criteria should consider the selection of patients in Reviewer disclosures

a specific period of the disease, since the natural history of MD Peer reviewers on this manuscript have no relevant financial or other
in terms of number of vertigo attacks is different at 5 years or relationships to disclose.
at 15 years since the onset of the condition.
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history of MD or an early onset (<35 years old) should be a red References
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