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Breast Imaging Reporting and Data System (BI-RADS) breast composition descriptors:

Automated measurement development for full field digital mammography

E. E. Fowler, T. A. Sellers, B. Lu, and J. J. Heine

Citation: Medical Physics 40, 113502 (2013); doi: 10.1118/1.4824319

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Published by the American Association of Physicists in Medicine

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Breast Imaging Reporting and Data System (BI-RADS) breast
composition descriptors: Automated measurement development
for full field digital mammography
E. E. Fowler, T. A. Sellers, and B. Lu
Department of Cancer Epidemiology, Division of Population Sciences, H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center,
Tampa, Florida 33612
J. J. Heinea)
Department of Cancer Imaging and Metabolism, H. Lee Moffitt Cancer Center, Tampa, Florida 33612

(Received 12 July 2013; revised 17 September 2013; accepted for publication 20 September 2013;
published 21 October 2013)
Purpose: The Breast Imaging Reporting and Data System (BI-RADS) breast composition descrip-
tors are used for standardized mammographic reporting and are assessed visually. This reporting is
clinically relevant because breast composition can impact mammographic sensitivity and is a breast
cancer risk factor. New techniques are presented and evaluated for generating automated BI-RADS
breast composition descriptors using both raw and calibrated full field digital mammography (FFDM)
image data.
Methods: A matched case-control dataset with FFDM images was used to develop three automated
measures for the BI-RADS breast composition descriptors. Histograms of each calibrated mammo-
gram in the percent glandular (pg) representation were processed to create the new BRpg measure.
Two previously validated measures of breast density derived from calibrated and raw mammograms
were converted to the new BRvc and BRvr measures, respectively. These three measures were com-
pared with the radiologist-reported BI-RADS compositions assessments from the patient records. The
authors used two optimization strategies with differential evolution to create these measures: method-
1 used breast cancer status; and method-2 matched the reported BI-RADS descriptors. Weighted
kappa (κ) analysis was used to assess the agreement between the new measures and the reported mea-
sures. Each measure’s association with breast cancer was evaluated with odds ratios (ORs) adjusted
for body mass index, breast area, and menopausal status. ORs were estimated as per unit increase
with 95% confidence intervals.
Results: The three BI-RADS measures generated by method-1 had κ between 0.25–0.34. These mea-
sures were significantly associated with breast cancer status in the adjusted models: (a) OR = 1.87
(1.34, 2.59) for BRpg ; (b) OR = 1.93 (1.36, 2.74) for BRvc ; and (c) OR = 1.37 (1.05, 1.80) for BRvr .
The measures generated by method-2 had κ between 0.42–0.45. Two of these measures were signif-
icantly associated with breast cancer status in the adjusted models: (a) OR = 1.95 (1.24, 3.09) for
BRpg ; (b) OR = 1.42 (0.87, 2.32) for BRvc ; and (c) OR = 2.13 (1.22, 3.72) for BRvr . The radiologist-
reported measures from the patient records showed a similar association, OR = 1.49 (0.99, 2.24),
although only borderline statistically significant.
Conclusions: A general framework was developed and validated for converting calibrated mam-
mograms and continuous measures of breast density to fully automated approximations for the BI-
RADS breast composition descriptors. The techniques are general and suitable for a broad range
of clinical and research applications. © 2013 American Association of Physicists in Medicine.

Key words: mammography, breast density, BI-RADS, calibration, differential evolution optimization

1. INTRODUCTION both a qualitative description and an estimate of the percent-

age of fibroglandular (glandular) tissue content of the breast
Mammographic density is an important breast cancer risk defined as follows:3 “1. the breast is almost entirely fatty
factor.1 Due to measurement difficulties and the lack of mea- (<25% glandular); 2. there are scattered fibroglandular den-
surement automation, breast density is mainly used in re- sities (approximately 25%–50% glandular); 3. the breast tis-
search studies of breast cancer etiology, and not for breast sue is heterogeneously dense, which could obscure detection
cancer risk applications in the clinical environment.2 The of small masses (approximately 51%–75% glandular); and 4.
Breast Imaging Reporting and Data System (BI-RADS) the breast is extremely dense. This may lower the sensitiv-
lexicon,3 developed to standardize clinical reporting in mam- ity of mammography (>75% glandular).” These ratings are
mography, includes a breast composition classification sys- reported by the attending radiologist by visual assessment.
tem. This system is a four category ordinal scale comprised of As indicated by the upper two categories, as breast density

113502-1 Med. Phys. 40 (11), November 2013 0094-2405/2013/40(11)/113502/9/$30.00 © 2013 Am. Assoc. Phys. Med. 113502-1
113502-2 Fowler et al.: Automated measurement development for full field digital mammography 113502-2

increases the sensitivity of mammography may decrease. In was achieved in combination with logistic regression (LR)
epidemiologic research, these descriptors have been used as modeling by estimating the parameters of the LR model and
a discrete measure of breast density for breast cancer risk determining the ordinal variable within a continual looping
assessments.1 Although extremely useful, evidence shows vi- operation; and (ii) optimization method-2 attempted to repro-
sual assessments of breast density are inaccurate and reader duce the known quantities when generating a new measure.
dependent.4 Additionally, manual methods are often not cost- In this second scenario, the error between the reported assess-
effective when applied en masse. ments and the predicted categories was used as the endpoint
Various calibrated (i.e., standardized) measures of breast and minimized. The two optimization strategies are similar
density are under investigation,5–15 which may provide sev- in implementation but vary in the endpoint fitness function.
eral benefits. Such quantitative measures may facilitate the We used differential evolution (DE) optimization24 for both
use of breast density in the clinical setting because they are strategies. We considered these two optimization methods to
automated, which can support large-scale epidemiologic stud- potentially broaden the applicability of our methods, essen-
ies more efficiently, and can be used to develop a measure of tially forming two sets of three approximations (i.e., six new
the BI-RADS breast composition descriptors.16, 17 The need measures) for the BI-RADS composition descriptors serving
for an automated measure for use in the clinical setting is also different purposes.
supported by legislative mandates. Many states have either re- We present findings from calibrated mammograms, as well
cently enacted or are considering legislation to inform women as from raw images. When calibrating a given mammogram,
at screening if they have dense breasts because of the associ- each pixel is mapped into the normalized percent glandular
ated breast cancer risk and potential negative impact on mam- (pg) representation, accounting for acquisition technique dif-
mographic sensitivity,18 although the type of breast density ferences across images.20, 21 The pg theoretical dynamic range
measurement has not been specified. is 0–100 measured in pg quantities (unitless). The pg format
The calibration techniques used in this report were devel- is a normalized effective x-ray attenuation coefficient repre-
oped previously19–21 for FFDM. Briefly, the calibration ad- sentation, making pixel quantities comparable across images.
justs for the x-ray acquisition technique differences across The first new measure was derived from the pg (pixel) repre-
mammograms resulting in standardized images. The approach sentation by integrating the histogram for each image giving
produced validated measures of breast density,12–14 one of an approximation for the respective cumulative distribution
which captures variation in the mammogram referred to as Vc for each image in the dataset. In this capacity, each normalized
(i.e., variation measured from calibrated mammograms). We histogram represents the probability distribution function for
also showed that the variation in raw mammograms (i.e., Vr ) the respective image. Our optimization procedure determines
was a valid breast density measurement using images from critical/cut-points (we explain in detail below) using the cu-
FFDM (Ref. 14) and digitized film.22 In the current report, we mulative distribution for each image; this four-state variable
present new techniques for converting both calibrated mam- is referred to as BRpg . (BR is short for BI-RADS). We also
mograms and continuous measures of breast density varia- developed BI-RADS composition descriptor approximations
tion, individually, into a four-state ordinal measure as auto- using the Vc and Vr measures by determining cut-points from
mated approximations for the BI-RADS breast composition their respective sample population distributions. We refer to
descriptors. these new measures as BRvc and BRvr , respectively.

2.B. Patient population and data

The study population, inclusion criteria, and data collec-
2.A. Design overview
tion methods for the original study were described in de-
An overview of the study design is provided to facilitate tail previously12–14, 23 and are summarized here. This was a
the description of the methods before relaying the specific matched case-control study developed to quantify risks asso-
details because the work incorporates multiple endpoints, ciated with breast density measures. Cases are first-time uni-
evolutionary optimization strategies, and new techniques for lateral breast cancer patients attending the breast clinics at the
creating ordinal measures, in addition to calibration. The im- Moffitt Cancer Center. The mammograms of the noncancer-
age data and participant information were obtained from an ous breast of the cases define the study image laterality. Con-
established case-control study of breast cancer risk.12–14, 23 trols were individually matched (1:1) to cases on age, hor-
For comparison purposes, we used the radiologist-reported mone replacement therapy usage/duration, screening history,
BI-RADS breast composition descriptors abstracted from the and breast laterality. All mammograms were acquired with the
patient records as known quantities. We used two optimiza- same General Electric Senographe 2000D FFDM unit used
tion strategies to develop automated approximations for the for screening in this Center. For a given patient, the image
BI-RADS descriptors: (i) optimization method-1 used the dataset includes the standard four-view screening mammo-
case-control status of the patients as the endpoint without grams. We used the raw images for all analyses in this current
considering the radiologist-reported assessments from the pa- report. This system has a 19.2 cm × 23 cm detector field of
tient records. In this first scenario, the cancer/no-cancer status view, produces images with 100 μm spatial resolution, and
(case versus control) was used to generate a new ordinal mea- the raw images have 14 bit dynamic range per pixel. Our
sure that provided maximum case-control separation. This analysis was restricted to cranial-caudal (CC) views and to

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participants that had the BI-RADS breast descriptor assess- population distribution. The solution to this problem gives the
ments available in their medical records, totaling 163 case- BI-RADS descriptor approximations, BRvc or BRvr , depen-
control pairs (163 dataset). We refer to this collection of dent upon the process input. The four-state ordinal variable
radiologist-reported BI-RADS breast composition descriptors for the ith observation is determined from these four condi-
below as the case-report assessments (or case-reports). Before tions, also paralleling the BI-RADS classification:
analyzing or calibrating the mammograms, the breast image
(1) Vi ≤ a, the sample belongs to group 1
area is eroded by 25% in a radial direction. The reduced breast
region approximates the image area related to the portion (2) a < Vi ≤ b, the sample belongs to group 2
of the breast that was in contact with the compression pad-
(3) b < Vi ≤ c the sample belongs to group 3
dle during the image acquisition as outlined previously.13, 20
This is an approximation to restrict the analysis to the por- (4) Vi > c, the sample belongs to group 4
tion of the image area corresponding to where the breast was
uniformly compressed to reduce unwanted variation. The
study was approved by the University of South Florida In-
2.E. Optimization procedures
stitution Review Board.
The DE optimization24 was used to determine the pa-
rameter vectors defined in Secs. 2.C and 2.D. Our DE meth-
2.C. Descriptors derived from calibrated pixel
distribution: BRpg
ods were described in detail previously.25 For reference, we
used the abbreviations for the DE parameters provided by
The BRpg measure uses the histogram for each calibrated its founders:24 the vector field population is NP = 40 (rule
image (i.e., for each patient). We let an arbitrary pg pixel value of thumb population size) random vectors; the crossover
= x and let the normalized histogram = p (probability dis- CR = 0.1; and the evolutionary amplification factor F = 0.5.
tribution) for an arbitrary image. Although we have discrete The maximum number of generations was fixed giving
pixel quantities, we define the cumulative distribution using a G = 1000. In brief, DE incrementally finds the parame-
continuous approximation for ease of notation and methodol- ters by either maximizing or minimizing the fitness function
ogy development giving (whichever is applicable) by repeated processing of 100 im-
x age case-control dataset (100 pair subset described below)
P(x) = p(x)dx. (1) with NP parameter-vector competitions at each generation to
determine the vectors that populate the next generation, where
the process then repeats. This process was initialized with 40
When evaluating x = z, P(z) is the probability of x ≤ z. We (i.e., NP) random vectors [uniformly distributed random vari-
generate P(x) for each image labeled specifically as Pi (x), ables with values defined in this range (0, 1)] for a given BI-
where the subscript, i, is the patient index. When using either RADS approximation (i.e., pv as well as β where applicable).
optimization strategy, we determine four unknown parame- The number of generations could terminate earlier than G =
ters: xc is the critical pg pixel reference value and three func- 1000 when a preset convergence condition was met. For op-
tion (cut-points) values of P(x) given by s, q, and r such that timization method-1, the process was terminated early if this
s < r < q, which are used to make comparisons with P(xc ). condition |Azmaximum − Azminimum | ≤ 0.01 was reached within
For an arbitrary observation, the four-state ordinal breast den- a given generation. For optimization method-2, the process
sity measure, BRpg , is determined by these four conditions was terminated early if this condition |maximum − minimum |
paralleling the BI-RADS classification: ≤ 0.001 was reached within a given generation.
(1) Pi (xc ) ≥ q, the sample is in group 1 To introduce variation and mitigate overtraining effects,
we developed each new measure by repeatedly choosing ran-
(2) r ≤ Pi (xc ) < q, the sample is in group 2
dom samples of 100 case-control pairs (bootstrap subdatasets)
(3) s ≤ Pi (xc ) < r, the sample is in group 3 from the 163 dataset with replacement as the inputs to the op-
timization process. Cases were selected randomly (i.e., non-
(4) Pi (xc ) < s, the sample is in group 4
cancerous breast) and an arbitrary breast side of their matched
control was selected randomly. The final comparisons and
analyses were based on the 163 dataset discussed in Sec. 2.F.
2.D. Descriptors derived from the breast density
The BRpg formation process is used as an example to illus-
variation measures: BRvc and BRvr
trate the implementation of the optimization procedures and
The process for creating the BRvc and BRvr measures starts strategies. For optimization method-1, we apply DE for two
with two existing variation breast density measures, calcu- purposes within a sequence. First, DE determines the param-
lated from calibrated and raw images referred to as Vc and eter vector pv = [xc , r, q, s], creating the new ordinal breast
Vr , respectively. Either measure is calculated as the standard density measure. This measure is then passed to conditional
deviation of the pixel values within the eroded breast region. LR modeling. In the second application, DE then determines
The optimization procedure (both strategies) determines three the LR coefficient vector β = [β 0 , β 1 , β 2 , β 3 , β 4 ], where β 0
unknown parameters such that a < b < c. These are cut-points is the offset that factors out of the analysis in the matched
from the respective V (i.e., using V generically) measurement case-control application, β 1 is the ordinal breast density

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measure coefficient, β 2 is BMI coefficient, β 3 is the breast tributions, zero indicates the distributions are disjoint, and the
area coefficient, and β 4 is the binary menopausal status coef- lower κ bound indicates perfect negative agreement. Because
ficient. These two applications of DE are linked in a contin- the assessments from the patient reports were made by mul-
ual looping mechanism (described below). For the conditional tiple radiologists, the κ agreement is best interpreted as com-
LR modeling we coded the appropriate maximum likelihood paring a given new measure with an averaged or composite
estimators26 and validated the application. The area under the effect.
receiver operating characteristic curve (Az), estimated from In the final analyses, logistic regression modeling and κ
the LR model output, was used as the optimization’s fitness analyses were performed with SAS 9.3 (SAS Institute Inc.,
function to drive the pv determination process (i.e., the Az is Cary, NC).
passed back to the first DE application). That is, the sequence
is driven by maximizing Az.
For optimization method-2, the problem is set up simi- 3. RESULTS
larly (i.e., the four-state variable conditions cited above are 3.A. Approximations for the BI-RADS
the same) with a modified fitness function without the simul- composition descriptors
taneous LR modeling. We let the predicted, or estimated, BI-
RADS description for the ith patient = BRpgi (i.e., using pv For optimization method-1, we found xc = 23.0 (pg units)
components from the optimization procedure) and let the cor- and [q, r, s] ≈ [0.987, 0.700, 0.228] for the BRpg develop-
responding case-report assessment for the ith patient = BRi . ment. For illustration purposes, we provide an explicit exam-
The fitness function for optimization method-2 is defined as ple to describe the BRpg process because it is a new and more
involved methodology. Figure 1 (top) shows clinical display

images (surrogates for the raw images for viewing purposes
= |BRi − BRpgi |, (2)
only) from four representative patient examples correspond-
ing to the four BI-RADS categories (i.e., 1 through 4 from
where n = 100. The reason for using a 100 case-control sam- left to right). The bottom row shows the respective calibrated
ple data subset is to prevent overfitting, as discussed above. images after the erosion process, and Fig. 2 shows the corre-
In this situation, the optimization procedure is driven by min- sponding distributions [i.e., pi (x)]. Figure 3 shows the corre-
imizing  to match the case-report assessments. In contrast sponding cumulative distributions [i.e., Pi (x)] determined by
with optimization method-1, the resulting ordinal measure is integrating the probability distributions shown in Fig. 2 with
evaluated with LR after the optimization process is termi-
nated. The corresponding optimization procedures for BRvc
and BRvr are analogous to those used for BRpg with the proper
substitutions: we let pv = [a, b, c] and substitute BRvci or
BRvri in Eq. (2) for BRpgi as appropriate using the same in-
dexing and optimization strategies.

2.F. Statistical analyses

Conditional logistic regression was used to evaluate a
given measure’s association with breast cancer. In the final
analysis we used the noncancerous breast side for the 163
cases and the matched side of the controls. Each measure-
ment was treated as a four-state ordinal variable. The breast
density measurement odds ratios (ORs) are estimated per cat-
egory increase in the ordinal scale in unadjusted models and
models with simultaneous adjustments for body mass index
(BMI) measured in kg/m2 , breast area (BA) measured in cm2 ,
and menopausal status (MS). ORs are presented with 95%
confidence intervals (CIs). The area under the receiver oper-
ating characteristic curve (Az) was used to evaluate a given
model’s ability to separate cases from controls (i.e., predic-
tive capability).
We compared the distribution for each of the new measures
with the case-report assessments using a joint frequency anal-
ysis. To summarize the agreement (similarity/dissimilarity) F IG . 1. Image examples: The top row shows four clinical display mammo-
grams. We refer to these as examples 1–4. We use these as surrogates for the
and make comparisons, we used the weighted kappa statis-
raw images for viewing purposes only because they are more easily displayed
tic (κ), presented with 95% CIs, due to ordinal nature of the than the raw images. From left to right, the case-report BI-RADS categories
measures. The value of κ varies over this range [−1, 1]. The are 1, 2, 3, and 4. The bottom row shows the corresponding images in the
upper κ bound indicates perfect agreement between two dis- calibrated percent glandular format with 25% erosion.

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0.15 0.14







0.00 0.00
-40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100 0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400 450 500 550
x Vr

F IG . 2. Calibrated histogram examples: This shows histograms from the F IG . 4. The Vr population distribution for the entire case-control dataset and
four calibrated mammogram examples shown in Fig. 1: (1) example 1 with BRvr measurement cutoffs derived with optimization method-1: The vertical
a solid line; (2) example 2 with short dashes; (3) example 3 with dashes and dashed lines from left to right show the cut-point parameter values for the
dots; and (4) example 4 with long dashes. The x-axis represents calibrated BRvr measure with [a, b, c] ≈ [71.9, 151.1, 207.5].
pixel values (x = percent glandular quantities) and the y axis is the relative
normalized frequency. These normalized histograms approximate the proba-
bility distributions for each image. in theory. In practice, the presence of negative x values may
be due to both a mismatch between the x-ray attenuation of
xc denoted. The BRpg measure classified these images in the the adipose calibration phantom material and that of adipose
same categories as the case-report assessments. The key to breast tissue and possibly inaccurate compressed breast thick-
this measure’s operation is noting where Pi (xc = 23) is situ- ness estimations as discussed previously.13, 20 For BRvc , [a, b,
ated with respect to [q, r, s] for a given patient. Example 4 c] ≈ [4.8, 8.5, 14.5], and for BRvr , [a, b, c] ≈ [71.9, 151.1,
patient, with Pi (x) denoted with the long-dashes in Fig. 3, has 207.5]. The BRvc measure placed these examples in the 1,
Pi (xc ) ≈ 0.0 indicating that 100% of the pixels have values 2, 3, and 3 categories, respectively, whereas the BRvr mea-
greater than xc and the image was placed in group 4. In con- sure placed these examples in the 2, 2, 3, and 2 categories.
trast, example 1 patient, with Pi (x) denoted by a solid line in Figure 4 shows the population distribution for Vr and the
Fig. 3, has Pi (xc ) ≈ 0.99 indicating that 99% of the pixels have [a, b, c] quantities marked with vertical dashes. The method
values less than or equal to xc = 23, and the image was placed for converting Vc to the ordinal variable is analogous to that
in group 1. Also noted in Fig. 2, x < 0 in p(x) should not exist of converting Vr and is, therefore, not shown (no examples
For estimates derived with optimization method-2, the
same interpretation used for method-1 applies. For BRpg , we
found xc = 19.0 (pg units) and [q, r, s] ≈ [0.99, 0.98, 0.03],
and the examples were placed in the 1, 3, 3, and 4 categories.
For BRvc , [a, b, c] ≈ [2.3, 5.7, 16.5], and the examples were
cumulative distribution

placed in 2, 3, 3, and 3 categories. For BRvr , [a, b, c] ≈ [32.0,
97.3, 326.1], and the examples were placed in the 2, 3, 3,
and 3 categories (same as BRvc ). The similarity between the
variation measures is expected because of their correlation.14
The differences between the measures are further assessed
by the magnitude of their respective association with breast
0.2 cancer.
Table I provides the associations with breast cancer for
-40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 100
the case-report assessments (top) and for each new measure
x derived with optimization method-1 (left-side) and method-
2 (right-side). In the adjusted models, the findings from BRpg
F IG . 3. BRpg measure examples from optimization method-1. The x-axis
represents calibrated pixel values (x = percent glandular quantities). This (OR = 1.87; Az = 0.648) and BRvc (OR = 1.93; Az = 0.663),
shows the cumulative distributions determined from the histograms shown derived from calibrated mammograms using method-1, pro-
in Fig. 2 for the four patient examples. The BRpg processing with optimiza- vided significant OR associations and greater Az in compar-
tion method-1 categorized these examples as follows using xc = 23 (vertical ison with the case-report findings (OR = 1.49; Az = 0.632),
dashed line) and [q, r, s,] ≈ [0.987, 0.700, 0.228]: (1) example 1 was placed
where the OR was not significant. The BRvr findings
in category 1 denoted with a solid line; (2) example 2 was placed in category
2 denoted with short dashes; (3) example 3 was placed in category 3 denoted (OR = 1.37; Az = 0.639) were similar in scale to that of
with dashes and dots; and (4) example 4 was placed in category 4 denoted the case-report measures, although the OR for BRvr was
with long dashes. significant in the adjusted model. For optimization method-2,

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TABLE I. The associations of BI-RADS composition descriptors with breast cancer and their case-control predictive capability. Findings are presented for both
optimization methods. The case-report findings are duplicated on the top row for easy reference and comparison.

Optimization method-1 Optimization method-2

BI-RADS variable OR (95% CI) a Adjusted OR (95% CI) BI-RADS variable OR (95% CI) a Adjusted OR (95% CI)

Case-report 1.21 (0.85, 1.72) 1.49 (0.99, 2.24) Case-report 1.21 (0.85, 1.72) 1.49 (0.99, 2.24)
Az 0.519 0.632 Az 0.519 0.632
BRpg 1.27 (0.99, 1.61) 1.87 (1.34, 2.59) BRpg 1.26 (0.87, 1.82) 1.95 (1.24, 3.09)
Az 0.557 0.648 Az 0.527 0.634
BRvc 1.35 (1.03, 1.76) 1.93 (1.36, 2.74) BRvc 1.10 (0.72, 1.70) 1.42 (0.87, 2.32)
Az 0.559 0.663 Az 0.510 0.626
BRvr 1.19 (0.94, 1.50) 1.37 (1.05, 1.80) BRvr 1.50 (0.93, 2.42) 2.13 (1.22, 3.72)
Az 0.542 0.639 Az 0.538 0.639

Note: OR: Odds Ratio (for one category increase in ordinal scale). CI: Confidence Intervals. Az: Area under the receiver operating characteristic curve.
The final models are simultaneously adjusted for BMI, breast area, and menopausal status.

the BRpg (OR = 1.95; Az = 0.634) and BRvr (OR = 2.13; 4. DISCUSSION
Az = 0.639) measures provided significant ORs, whereas
Two types of automated ordinal breast density measures
the BRvc (OR = 1.42; Az = 0.626) association was not
were generated for approximating the radiologist-reported
In summary, for optimization method-1, BRvc was most
predictive of breast cancer status (across all measures) and TABLE II. The joint frequency distribution of the four-state ordinal variables
derived from optimization method-1 and the case-report assessments. The
the BRpg and BRvc (calibrated measures) provided stronger
weighted κ statistic is provided below each respective comparison with 95%
OR associations than given by the BRvr (raw image) measure. confidence intervals. For reference and comparison purposes, the percentages
For optimization method-2, both BRpg and BRvr measures of observations in each of the BI-RADS categories (category 1 thorough cate-
provided comparable predictive capability and stronger OR gory 4) for each of the measures are provided: (a) case-report BI-RADS gave
associations than BRvc and the case-report measures. The 1.8%, 30.4%, 55.8%, and 11.9%; (b) BRpg gave 31.9%, 32.5%, 21.5%, and
14.1%; (c) BRvc gave 16.3%, 35.6%, 37.7%, and 10.4%; and (d) BRvr gave
new measures all compared well against the predictive ca-
15.9%, 42.6%, 25.1%, and 16.2%.
pability and OR associations provided by the case-report
measures. Case-report BI-RADS

BRpg 1 2 3 4 n

3.B. Agreement with the case-report assessments 1 5 60 38 1 104

2 1 27 73 5 106
The comparisons and concordance of the new measures 3 0 9 50 11 70
derived from optimization method-1 with the case-report as- 4 0 3 21 22 46
sessments are provided in Table II. All three measures are re-
n 6 99 182 39 326
lated to the case-report assessments with κ = 0.25 for BRpg ,
κ: 0.25 (0.19, 0.31)
κ = 0.34 for BRvc , and κ = 0.27 for BRvr . The BRvc measure
Case-report BI-RADS
provided the closest agreement with the case-report classifica-
tion. There are relatively few observations in the first category BRvc 1 2 3 4 n
(n = 6) and many in the third category (n = 182) accord- 1 6 38 9 0 53
ing to the case-report classification. In contrast, the new mea- 2 0 42 70 4 116
sures spread the patients across the categories more generally 3 0 18 86 19 123
due to the optimization fitness function. The corresponding 4 0 1 17 16 34
comparisons and concordance for the new measures derived n 6 99 182 39 326
from optimization method-2 are shown in Table III. All new κ: 0.34 (0.27, 0.41)
measures provided similar agreement with the case-report as- Case-report BI-RADS
sessments with κ = 0.42 for BRpg , κ = 0.45 for BRvc , and BRvr 1 2 3 4 n
κ = 0.42 for BRvr . When considering the diagonal elements of 1 5 35 11 1 52
Table III (method-2), the agreement between BRpg , BRvc , and 2 1 47 78 13 139
BRvr with the reported assessments was 63%, 68%, and 68%, 3 0 12 63 7 82
respectively. In contrast with optimization method-1, the mea- 4 0 5 30 18 53
sures derived from optimization method-2 tended to cluster n 6 99 182 39 326
the patients into the second and third categories attempting to κ: 0.27 (0.21, 0.34)
match the case-report classifications.

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113502-7 Fowler et al.: Automated measurement development for full field digital mammography 113502-7

TABLE III. The joint frequency distribution of the four-state ordinal vari- percentage of density component with increased risk with
ables derived from optimization method-2 and the case-report assessments. increasing breast density category, as defined by the logis-
The weighted κ statistic is provided below each respective comparison with
95% confidence intervals. For reference and comparison purposes, the per-
tic regression modeling interpretation. Although optimization
centages of observations in each of the BI-RADS categories (category 1 thor- method-2 required existing BI-RADS assessments for end-
ough category 4) for each of the measures are provided: (a) Case-report BI- point matching purposes for this specific application, the ap-
RADS gave 1.8%, 30.4%, 55.8%, and 11.9%; (b) BRpg gave 4.3%, 18.7%, proach could be modified to incorporate some other estab-
69.4%, and 8.6%; (c) BRvc , gave <1%, 26.1%, 69.0%, and 4.6%; and (d) lished endpoint as well. As demonstrated, the measures gen-
BRvr gave 0%, 28.5%, 69.9%, and 1.5%.
erated by optimization method-2 provided closer agreement
Case-report BI-RADS with the case-report assessments, whereas the measures gen-
erated form optimization method-1 produced stronger pre-
BRpg 1 2 3 4 n dictive capability. When considering the performance met-
1 2 9 3 0 14 rics (i.e., κ, ORs, and Az), we conclude the new measures
2 3 38 20 0 61 are at least equivalent with the case-report assessments. The
3 1 51 150 21 223 strength of our methodology is that no assumptions are re-
4 0 1 9 18 28 quired within its framework other than the four-state vari-
n 6 99 182 39 326 able imposition, which can also be modified easily. Moreover,
κ: 0.42 (0.34, 0.50) the fitness function and endpoints can be modified easily as
Case-report BI-RADS demonstrated.
There are several characteristics of our work worth noting.
BRvc 1 2 3 4 n Because the patients were selected over a five-year time span
1 1 0 0 0 1
(2007–2011), the case-report assessments were provided by
2 5 56 23 1 85
multiple radiologists that may have various levels of experi-
3 0 42 155 28 225
4 0 1 4 10 15
ence, which could add interoperator variability into the devel-
opment and impact the derivation of the new measures. More-
n 6 99 182 39 326
over, the clinical display images were used by the radiologists
κ: 0.45 (0.37, 0.54)
Case-report BI-RADS
for the clinical assessments, whereas our methods operated on
either the calibrated or raw images. The differences between
BRvr 1 2 3 4 n these image formats could contribute additional variability in
1 0 0 0 0 0 the comparisons. However, limited by our sample size, we
2 6 61 24 2 93
were unable to evaluate the impact of reader variability on the
3 0 37 157 34 228
new measurement developments. Related work29 in FFDM
4 0 1 1 3 5
shows that the percentages for the BI-RADS descriptors are
n 6 99 182 39 326
9.5%, 45.6%, 35.3%, and 9.6% for the first through fourth
κ: 0.42 (0.34, 0.50)
categories, respectively, as estimated from a relatively large
study population. We note the percentages from the case-
report assessments for our dataset (i.e., 1.8%, 30.4%, 55.8%,
BI-RADS descriptors. The first type was derived from the and 11.9%) differ considerably in the first and third cate-
cumulative distribution of each calibrated image without re- gories in comparison with this larger study. In comparison,
quiring an established, or pre-existing, breast density mea- the percentages were 16.3%, 35.6%, 37.7%, and 10.4% for
surement. The cumulative distribution approach applies to the 1–4 categories based on BRvc estimated with optimization
calibrated data only and illustrates a benefit from establishing method-1 in our study, demonstrating the closest agreement
a calibration system; initially, we attempted to use a similar with this related report.29 The current work was restricted to
formulism with histograms from the raw images but the ap- the CC views to eliminate interference from the chest wall
proach produced little and was not pursued further (data not and pectoral muscle. Algorithm modifications are required to
shown). The second type was derived from continuous mea- include either the mediolateral (ML) or mediolateral oblique
sures of breast density, with or without calibration, as demon- (MLO) views in future studies. We used randomness in the
strated with Vr and Vc . We used DE optimization by con- training to mitigate overfitting. Because only a few parame-
sidering two dissimilar endpoints (i.e., different fitness func- ters were estimated in the measure generation, overfitting is
tions) for developing both measurement types. Optimization likely not a concern in our study. However, validation with
method-1 used case-control status as the endpoint and does independent datasets is required.
not require a priori BI-RADS assessments, making it a de- Calibration is a more recent approach for estimating breast
sirable approach in situations where either more or less cate- density with relatively few published studies evaluating its
gories are suitable, or where matching previously determined merits. Potential benefits derived from calibration in our study
descriptors is not appropriate. We note, increasing categories are exemplified through (a) the demonstrated agreement be-
in the observer based BI-RADS assessments correspond with tween the new BRpg and BRvc measures and the conven-
increased breast cancer risk, although with some degree of tional descriptors in the case-reports, (b) improved efficiency
ambiguity.1, 27, 28 Optimization method-1 creates a new mea- from automation, and (c) the consistent and significant as-
sure that shares characteristics of the BI-RADS composition’s sociations of the new measures with breast cancer. Previous

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calibration studies have shown mixed results in developing is most often obtained with operator-assistance. Establishing
measurements that produce breast cancer associations a calibration framework may be the cost (i.e., the required
stronger than provided by the operator-assisted percentage effort) for breast density measurement automation. We posit
of breast density (PD) measure,9, 10, 12–15 which is often used that with the added benefit of automation, calibrated mea-
as a standard. The close similarities between our approach surements may not have to produce stronger associations with
and other calibrated breast density techniques were discussed breast cancer than the operator-assisted approach but provide
in detail in our previous work.20 Our continuous calibrated near equivalency.
measures presented previously produced breast cancer as- The BI-RADS breast composition descriptors defined in
sociations at least equivalent with those provided by PD the lexicon include percentage categories as well as a qual-
(Refs. 12–14) and are generally similar to those presented itative description related to overall image-texture. There is
in this report for the new measures, although different anal- arbitrariness to this definition because one type of measure-
ysis methods were used previously, precluding one-to-one ment may not capture both components simultaneously in all
comparisons. situations. Additionally, the density percentage component of
Creating discrete measures from continuous variables may the BI-RADS descriptors may be an artificial construct. As
be one approach to develop an automated measure for clini- indicated by related calibration research, the average breast
cal purposes. The new techniques and the ordinal measures is comprised of approximately 19% fibroglandular tissue,31
presented in this report are parallel developments with our which is remarkably similar to the critical values determined
previous calibration work and may be useful for addressing in this report for the BRpg measure (i.e., xc = 23 and xc = 19).
the current mandatory breast density reporting requirements. Despite a different formulism used in this related work,31 we
For example, this clinical application may require some type have shown previously20 that their measure is similar to our
of more easily interpretable binary yes–no measure to inform average percent glandular measure. We evaluated two types of
patients whether they have dense breasts18 because additional measurements that capture breast density or texture content,
screening may be appropriate30 or whether they have a high which are different image characteristics. The BRpg measure
risk for breast cancer in contrast with providing a specific is related to breast density content but does not capture tex-
probability figure of merit derived from a continuous mea- ture or variation. In contrast, the variation measures (BRvc and
sure. A related calibration study converted a continuous breast BRvr ) capture a broad range of texture information as defined
density measurement to the BI-RADS composition descrip- by their descriptions from Fourier analysis, but not the degree,
tors and then to a binary (high vs low) density scale with vi- or amount, of dense breast tissue explicitly. At present, it is
sual assessments to determine the breast density cut-point,16 not clear whether a breast density measurement designed to
although breast cancer status was not considered in the analy- indicate that a lesion could have been missed is the same as a
sis. In contrast, our methodology does not require operator measure designed to optimize its association with breast can-
intervention to determine cut-points or other parameter es- cer or vice versa. Future work includes exploring techniques
timates. More general comparisons between our methodol- for combining these approximation measures to capture the
ogy and those used in this related study16 cannot be made degree of breast density and the texture components simul-
because both the measurement formulism and experimental taneously. The most appropriate method will require further
procedures are different. Other researchers17 used a calibrated investigation.
breast density measurement to develop BI-RADS composi-
tion descriptors with cut-points derived from the continuous
measurement distribution, which is similar to our approach
for the BRvc measure (method-2). Our three measurements A general methodology was presented for converting cali-
from method-2 provided similar agreement with the case- brated mammograms and continuous measurements of breast
report assessments as those reported in the related calibra- density into approximations for the standard BI-RADS breast
tion study.17 Although our calibration methods have similar- composition descriptors. Both breast density measures and
ities with this related work, there are differences. Our cali- the development of automated BI-RADS composition de-
brated breast density measurement (i.e., variation metric) and scriptors are active fields of research. Our work establishes
the endpoint for method-1 are different. We note, the BRpg a general platform for developing ordinal measures that can
was derived from the integrated distributions for each patient be adapted easily for both research and clinical applications
without the requirement of a pre-existing breast density mea- using calibrated or noncalibrated mammograms. The work
surement. This is a new approach in comparison with discrete demonstrates the benefits of applying a calibration method-
measure derivations that require a pre-existing breast den- ology, while also showing calibration is not essential to the
sity measure as the starting point. In contrast with the related BI-RADS approximation derivation. Our work also relied
calibrated research, the BRvr measure was derived without heavily on DE optimization. DE was employed in multiple
calibration. capacities with different endpoints indicating the applicabil-
Although the efficacy of calibration is still under investiga- ity of our methods to other imaging platforms and endpoints
tion, the commonly used standard of comparison may not be not considered in this report as well, without undue modifi-
the best or only metric. In general, after establishing a calibra- cation. The work presented in this report may be useful for
tion system, breast density measurements can be acquired au- addressing the legislative breast density mandates as well.
tomatically, whereas the percentage of breast density measure However, further analyses are required to make our measures

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Medical Physics, Vol. 40, No. 11, November 2013

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