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17/1/2017 Acholi, 

Shuli in South Sudan Ethnic People Profile


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People­in­Country Profile People Selector: Print version: 

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Step 2 ­ Select a People: Acholi, Shuli  

Acholi, Shuli in South Sudan

Photo source: Akena Solomon
Send us a photo of this people.   [1]  
Get Involved Map source: Joshua Project / Global Mapping International

Population [2] Language Religion % Christian % Evangl Online NT Jesus Film Progress

66,000 Acholi Christianity 89.00 % 15.00 %     

Acholi, Shuli in South Sudan

Profile Text Submit Profile Text:    Geography Submit Update: 

No profile text currently available. Country: South Sudan
Continent: Africa
Joshua  Project  welcomes  profile  text  suggestions.  Profiles
Region: East and Southern Africa
should be approximately 1,000 words and use the outline:
10/40 Window: No
Location in Country: Kitgum, Amuru, Pader, Gulu, Abim, Oyam, Kotido, Kaabong, and
Introduction / History Lira districts.
Where are they located? (Source: Ethnologue 2016)
What are their lives like?
What are their beliefs?
What are their needs?   Peoples [3] Submit Update: 
Prayer Points People Name in Country: Acholi, Shuli
People Name General: Acholi

Prayer Links   Alternate People Names: Gang Shuli ROP3 Code: 100042

Joshua Project People ID: 10149
Indigenous: No
Population in Country: 66,000
Population all Countries: 2,069,000
Least­Reached: No
Affinity Bloc: Sub­Saharan Peoples­profile.php 1/3
17/1/2017 Acholi, Shuli in South Sudan Ethnic People Profile

People Cluster: Nilotic
People Name General: Acholi
Ethnic Code: NAB62a
Ethnic Relationships: Affinity Bloc ­> People Cluster ­> Peoples Ethnicity Tree
  Language Submit Update: 
Primary Language: Acholi (66,000 Speakers)
Language Code (ISO): ach    Ethnologue Listing
Total Languages: 1
  Religion [4] Submit Update: 

Primary Religion: Christianity
Religion Sub­division: Roman Catholic
Major Religions: Buddhism 0.00 % 
Christianity 89.00 % (Evangelical: 15.00 %)
Ethnic Religions 11.00 % 
Hinduism 0.00 % 
Islam 0.00 % 
Non­Religious 0.00 % 
Other / Small 0.00 % 
Unknown 0.00 % 
Christianity Segments: Anglican 20.00 %
Independent 0.00 %
Protestant 30.00 %
Orthodox 0.00 %
Other Christian 0.00 %
Roman Catholic 50.00 %
  (Evangelicals distributed across Christianity segments)


  Progress Indicators  [5]

Progress Scale: [6]   Evangelicals have a significant presence.
Least­Reached: No
GSEC Status: Level 4   Greater than or equal to 2% Evangelical
  Bible Translation Status Submit Update: 
Bible Portions: 1905­1962
New Testament: 1933 Online New Testament
Complete Bible: 1986
Possible Bible Sources: Forum of Bible Agencies
  World Bible Finder
  World Christian Resource Directory
  Gospel Go

Ministry Resources [7]
Audio Recordings MegaVoice Audio Bible and Stories
Audio Recordings Audio Bible teaching (GRN)
Audio Recordings Online New Testament (FCBH)
  Film / Video God's Story Video
Film / Video Jesus Film: view in Acholi
Text / Printed Matter Bible: Acholi Bible 1985
Text / Printed Matter Bible: Acholi Bible 1985
Text / Printed Matter World Missionary Press Booklets

  Ministry Activity Register Ministry Activity: 
Networking: Visit for networking possibilities.

Description: Register your ministry activity among this people group. Contact
the Adopt­A­People Clearinghouse and Unleashed for the
Unreached to learn about others that might be focused on this
people group.­profile.php 2/3
17/1/2017 Acholi, Shuli in South Sudan Ethnic People Profile
Data Notes:  Data Sources: 

  Get Involved

Acholi, Shuli in South Sudan
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  Affinity Bloc             Global  
  Sub­Saharan Peoples         All Countries  

    People Cluster         Region    
    Nilotic     East and Southern Africa    

      People­Group­Across­Countries     Country    
      Acholi South Sudan    

            People­by­Country (Profile)          
            Acholi, Shuli in South Sudan          

      Religion Language  
      Christianity     Acholi  

    Global     Language  
    All Religions                              


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