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Principles of Marketing

Assignment 3
Friday 23rd June 2023 Marks: 10

You have taken great effort to go through the process of ‘Value Creation’ and learned how

to develop market strategy and create value for the consumers. In your assignment no.3 it is

time to ‘Build Customer Value’ by developing a ‘Product strategy’ and ‘Capture

Customer Value’ by setting the Price strategy’.

Firstly, for this you are required to discuss the product decisions for the product you are

developing in your project and later elaborate the new product development process.

In the second part work on Pricing Strategies you will adopt for the success of your product

considering the company objectives, target market customers and competitors.

Assignment write up shall not be more than 500 words.


 You are reminded that this assignment shall purely be a group effort and anyone who

does not participate should not be mentioned on the front page.

 You will be rewarded for creativity and not only just for coming up with a copied

effort with no reasoning for it.

 The submission deadline for the assignment is Tuesday 27th June 2023.

 Times New Roman or Arial will be the font where the size of 14 for headings and 12
for text will be used with a line and paragraph spacing of 1.5.

Good Luck


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