Practical Spirituality 06 Equanimity

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Practical Spirituality: The Yoga of Awakening

Lecture Six

Yoga of Equanimity
(Sanskrit) Union.

Equivalent to Latin religare, “to

reunite,” root of “religion.”
Yoga Sutras 1

1.1. Now, instruction in Union [yoga].

1.2. Yoga is the stilling of the modifications of
1.3. Then awareness abides in its own nature.
1.4. Otherwise it is identified with the modifications.

— Patanjali
Steps of Yoga
1. Yama: self-restraint
2. Niyama: precepts
3. Asana: posture; relaxation
4. Pranayama: harnessing of life force
5. Pratyahara: suspension of senses
6. Dharana: concentration
7. Dhyana: meditation
8. Samadhi: super-conscious state,
blissfulness, ecstasy
Bhagavad Gita

“Perform action, O
Dhananjaya, dwelling in
union with the Divine,
renouncing attachments,
and balanced evenly in
success and failure;
equanimity is Yoga.”

–Gita II-48
Samatva समt
(Sanskrit) Equanimity, equipoise;
undisturbed in distress or happiness.
Equality with, uniform conduct towards,
equableness, normal condition, state of
indifference, equality
Yoga Sutras 1

1.1. Now, instruction in Union [yoga].

1.2. Yoga is the stilling of the modifications of
1.3. Then awareness abides in its own nature.
1.4. Otherwise it is identified with the modifications.

— Patanjali
Yoga Sutras 1

1.33. The mind becomes

still by cultivating habits of
friendliness, mercy,
gladness, and indifference
towards happiness, pain,
virtues and vices.

— Patanjali
• मैtी maitri: friendliness, benevolence, good
will, equality towards “equals.” Abandon
competition, envy, jealousy, anger, resentment.
• क(णा karuna: mercy, kindness, compassion,
empathy towards “inferiors.” Abandon pride,
cruelty, harsh behavior.
• मु,दता mudita: joy, gladness, delight towards
“superiors.” Abandon anger, hatred, envy,
inferiority, discontent, comparing.
Cultivate उपेkण upeksana: indifference towards:

• सुख sukha: pleasure, happiness

• दःु ख dukha: displeasure, pain, distress

• पु5 punya: virtues, merits, good, purity

• अपु5 apunya: vices, impurity

Divine Soul /
Spirit / Atman
Divine Consciousness

Willpower / Human Soul

Emotion /
Astral Thought

Vitality / Ethereal / Chi

Step six: Cultivate equanimity.
Daily exercises: (1) Discover the facts of what causes
disequilibrium in you. Meditate on your behaviors each day.

(2) Develop indifference towards sensations, thoughts, feelings,

etc., especially in meditation practice.

Helpful resources:
Books: Courses:
The Great Rebellion Beginning Here and Now
Karma is Negotiable Bhavachakra, the Wheel of Becoming
Treatise of Revolutionary Psychology Self-knowledge

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