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“The plane flew above the cloud, behind the cloud, around the cloud, below
the cloud, beneath the cloud, beside the cloud, beyond the cloud, into the
cloud, near the cloud, outside the cloud, over the cloud, past the cloud,
through the cloud, toward the cloud, under the cloud, and finally dived
underneath the cloud.”

A preposition is a word that shows the relationship between two things. In the example above,
the prepositions show the relationships between a plane and a cloud. Below is a list of most
common prepositions:

Prepositions Examples
About "We were talking about the weather."
Above "The bird is flying above the trees."
Across "We walked across the bridge."
After "I'll call you after dinner."
→ HtÉ**ag -
Against "The cat is leaning against the wall."
→ touch
Along "We walked along the beach."
Among "There were many people among the crowd."
Around "He is driving around the city."
At "I'll meet you at the park at 3 pm."
Before "Please arrive before 10 am."
Behind "The car is parked behind the building."
Below "The fish are swimming below the surface."
beneath "The jet
treasure is're its
buried beneath the sand."

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Beside "The pencil is beside the notebook."

between "The cat is sitting between the two pillows."

Beyond "The ocean extends beyond the horizon."


By "The book was written by J.K. Rowling."

Despite "Despite the rain, we went for a walk."
Tis PatchettEight
"The bird flew down ) from the tree."
During "I read a book during my lunch break."
Except "Everyone came to the party except for John."
For "I bought a gift for my friend's birthday."
From "I'm from New York."
In "I'm in the kitchen."
Inside "The cat is hiding inside the box."
Into "He jumped into the pool."
Like "I like pizza."
Near "The store is near the park."
Of "The top of the mountain is covered in snow."
Off "He turned off the lights."
On "The book is on the table."
Out "He went out for a walk."
Over "The plane is flying over the clouds."
Past "We walked past the museum."
Since "I haven't seen her since last year."
through "We walked through the park."
throughout "The problem persisted throughout the year."
To "I'm going to the store." uFB tab

Toward "He's walking toward the door."

Under "The cat is under the bed."
underneath "The keys are underneath the magazine."
Until "I'll wait here until you come back."
Up "The balloon is floating up in the air."
With "I went to the concert with my friends."
without "He left without saying goodbye."

❖ Some prepositions consist of more than one word. Here is a list of the most common
multiword prepositions:

Prepositions Examples
along with "I went to the store along with my sister."
because of "The game was canceled because of the rain."
Due to "The concert was postponed due to bad weather."
except for "Everyone came to the party except for John."
in addition to "She bought a book in addition to the pens."
in case of "In case of a fire, exit the building immediately."
in front of "The car is parked in front of the house."
in place of "She used yogurt in place of sour cream."
in spite ofstride # "In spite of the rain, we went for a walk."

instead of "She drank tea instead of coffee."

on account of @
"The flight was delayed on account of technical issues."
out of "He ran out of the room in anger." As
up to "The package can weigh up to 5 pounds."
with the exception of "Everyone passed the test with the exception of John."

Prepositions for Time, Place, and Introducing Objects

Prepositions of time indicate the time and date or the period of time that
something happens. Some of the prepositions inerrant
used include around, at, by, during, from, in,
on, since, throughout, and until. Prepositions of time used to indicate a particular time.

Prepositions Examples Reason

dates # week

On "I will see you on Monday." On is used with days of the week to indicate a
specific day.
"The week begins on Sunday."

At "My plane leaves at noon."
noon, night, and midnight.
At is used with specific times of the day, such as

"The movie starts at 6 p.m."
"He likes to read in the In is used with other parts of the day, such as
afternoon." morning, afternoon, and evening. are.
In is used with months to indicate a specific time
"The days are long in August."
"The book was published in In is used with years to indicate a specific time
1999." period.
"The flowers will bloom in In is used with seasons to indicate a specific time
spring." period.
"She has been gone since Since is used with a point in time to indicate the
yesterday." pass
- phase beginning of an extended period.
"I'm going to Paris for two For is used to indicate the duration of an action or
weeks." period;tµ state. -8'¥¥i

"I will finish my work by 5 By is used to indicate the latest possible time for an
p.m." -00
when action to be completed.
"The movie showed from From-to is used to indicate the beginning and end
From - to done
August to October." of a period of time.
"The store is open from 9 a.m. From-until is used to indicate the beginning and
From - until
until 10 p.m." end of a period of time.
"I watch TV during the During is used to indicate a time period in which
evening." an action or state occurs.

"We must finish the project Within is used to indicate a time limit for an action

within a year." or state to be completed.

Prepositions Examples

"There is a wasp in the In describes that the wasp is 0
room." inside the room.
"Put the present inside the Inside describes that the present is
box." contained within the box. by the box
"I left your keys on the On talks about the surface that the keys
On i

table." are placed on.

corner." 0
"She was waiting at the At talks about a general vicinity, the
near the corner.
"He threw the ball over the Over and above are used when the object
Over, Above
roof." is higher than a point.

"Hang that picture above
the couch."
Under, underneath, beneath, below are
Under, Underneath, "The rabbit burrowed
used when the object is lower than a
Beneath, Below under the ground."

"The child hid underneath
the blanket."

"We relaxed in the shade

beneath the branches."
"The valley is below sea-
level." Vicinity near .

Near, By, Next to, Near, by, next to, between, among,
Between, Among, "She lives near the school." opposite are used when the object is close
Opposite to a point.
"There is an ice cream
shop@ by the store." need
"An oak tree grows next to
my house."
"The house is between Elm
Street and Maple Street."
"I found my pen lying
with among the books."
"The bathroom is• opposite
the kitchen."

Introduce objects of verbs

"She took a quick glance at her At is used with verbs
no @@@¥¥¥K
glance, laugh, look, rejoice,
smile, and stare to introduce objects of the verbs.

"You didn't laugh at his joke." TEE

"I'm looking at the computer
"We rejoiced at his safe
rescue." EBAY

"That pretty girl smiled at you."

"Stop staring at me."
Of is used with verbs approve, consist, and smell
Of "I don't approve of his speech."
to introduce objects of the verbs.

"My contribution to the article

consists of many pages."
"He came home smelling of
"I dream of finishing college in Of/about are used with verbs dream and think to
four years." introduce objects of the verbs.
"Can you think of a number
between one and ten?"
"I am thinking about this
For "Did someone call for a taxi?" For is used with verbs call, hope, look, wait,
watch, and wish to introduce objects of the verbs.
"He hopes for a raise in salary
next year."
"I'm looking for my keys."
"We'll wait for her here."

Frequently Misused Prepositions

Prepositions may sometimes be confused because of slang and
the general informality of talk.
Here are some frequently misused prepositions.beside, besides.
o Beside means next to, whereas besides means in
The comb is beside the brush.
Besides planning the trip, she is also getting the
o Between, among. Generally, between is used when two
items are involved;
with three or more, among is preferred.
Between you and me, he is among friends.
o inside of.
The of is always unnecessary.
Stay inside the house.
The man stayed outside (not outside of) the post office.

Directions: Choose the correct preposition to complete each sentence.

• A the shelf. a) on b) under c) over d) beside
1. The book is __________ _

lander the bed. a) over b) under c) between d) beside

2. The cat is hiding __________
on the table. a) in b) on c) at d) under
3. The coffee is __________
at 3 p.m. a) on b) at c) in d) between
4. We will have the meeting __________
5. The airplane flew __________
overthe clouds. a) on b) over c) beside d) in front of
6. The sun is setting __________
over the horizon. a) on b) over c) beside d) between
beside the desk. a) on b) beside c) under d) between
7. She is sitting __________
besidethe street. a) on b) beside c) under d) between
8. The restaurant is __________
9. The ball is __________
on the box. a) on b) beside c) under d) between
at the library. a) at b) on c) in d) under
10. I will meet you __________
underthe couch. a) beside b) under c) over d) between
11. The cat is sleeping __________
12. The bird is flying __________
over the clouds. a) on b) over c) beside d) in front of

13. The keys are __________

on the door. a) on b) beside c) under d) between

front ofthe wall. a) on b) under c) beside d) in front of

14. The picture is hanging __________
under the bed. a) over b) under c) between d) beside
15. The dog is sleeping __________
at 7 p.m. a) on b) at c) in d) between
16. The party is __________
17. The cat is sleeping __________
over the chair. a) beside b) under c) over d) between

18. The book is __________

on the desk. a) on b) under c) over d) beside

19. The ball is __________ xPbnjEk-B

on the court. a) on b) beside c) under d) between

20. The coffee is __________

ON the counter. a) on b) beside c) under d) between
knder t¥x¥i%mFE%
21. The cat is __________
Dog the window. a) on b) beside c) under d) between

22. The picture is __________

ON the wall. a) on b) beside c) under d) between
23. The bird is ɥ* ON the branch. a) on b) beside c) under d) between
perched __________ .

24. The restaurant is __________

ON the corner. a) on b) beside c) under d) between
ON the _t⑦Ék
25. The cat is __________ rug. a) on b) beside c) under d) between

26. The sun is rising __________

over the horizon. a) on b) over c) beside d) between
over .

27. The cat is sleeping __________

bea the table. a) beside b) under c) over d) between
onthe goalpost. a) on b) beside c) under d) between
28. The ball is __________
besidethe park. a) on b) beside c) under d) between
29. The restaurant is __________
on the table. a) on b) beside c) under d) between
30. The keys are __________

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