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Quarter 1
Parent’s Signature
Name: ___________________________________ Date: ______________________
Section & Grade Level: _________________________Score: _____________________

Title of the Activity: Expressions that Complete an Analogy

Learning Competency: EN7V-IV-c-23.1: Supply other words or expressions that complete an

Activity 1. Directions: Identify the relationship being presented in each analogy. Write the letter of
your answer on the space provided.

A. Synonyms B. Antonyms C. Part/Whole D. Category E. Function

______1. infant is to baby as grown up is to adult

______2. eyes is to see as nose is to smell
______3. boiling is to freezing as high is to low
______4. lungs is to respiratory system as brain is to nervous system
______5. fingers is to hand as hair is to head

Activity 2. Directions: Complete the analogy statement by choosing the appropriate word. Circle
the letter of the correct answer.
1. green is to go as red is to _______
A. stop B. yellow C. run D. color
2. brain is to think as heart is to _______
A. touch B. eat C. love D. shout
3. .Lucena is to city as Quezon is to _______
A. province B. street C. region D. country
4. elbow is to arm as knee is to _______
A. head B. feet C. thigh D. leg
5. alert is to tired as sleepy is to _______
A. awake B. dream C. night D. pillow
6. begin is to end as open is to _______
A. reach B. last C. unlock D. close
7. detective is to inspector as teacher is to _______
A. professor B. student C. child D. adult
8. incognito is to disguised as foolish is to _______
A. boring B. smart C. funny D. senseless
9. insect is to mosquito as dog is to _______
A. cat B. bird C. bone D. poodle
10. nose is to face as elbow is to _______
A. arm B. wrist C. knee D. feet

Activity 3. Directions: Write your own analogy statement based from the given pictures. (5

is to as is to


Quarter 1
Parent’s Signature
Name: ___________________________________ Date: ______________________
Section & Grade Level: _________________________Score: _____________________

Title of the Activity: Genre, Purposes, Intended Audience And Features of Various Viewed
Learning Competency: EN7VC-I-d-6: Identify the genre of a material viewed (such as movie
clip, trailer, news flash, internet-based program, documentary, video,
Activity 1. Directions: Look at the pictures closely to guess for the genre, intended audience,
purpose and feature of a material you usually view. Choose your answer from the choices
below. Write your answer on the space provided.
News flash Internet-based program Documentary Movie trailer Weather report

1. ______________________ 2. ______________________

3. ______________________ 4. ______________________

5. ______________________

Activity 2. Directions: Write true if the statement is correct. If false, underline the word/phrase
that makes it incorrect.
________________1. The key features of documentary are direct and indirect interviews, re-
enactment and exposition.
_________________2. The purpose of the trailer is to attract an audience to the film.
_________________3. A news flash is important news that has its own airing time.
__________________4. A weather report is usually a part of an entire news program that tells
and foretells weather conditions on a specific area.
_________________5. An internet-based program is informative and can be accessed through
the website.
________________6. A trailer of a movie only shows a very small portion of a film also known
as a movie clip.
________________7. A reporter reporting about the weather condition of a certain place on a
certain time and day.
________________8. It is a news flash if it is just a single item of important news that is aired
separately and often interrupts other programs.
________________9. It is documentary if it is based on police reports about a certain social
_______________10. A weather reports about juvenile delinquency, crimes, drugs, rallies and
other social issues.

Activity 3. Directions: In a short bondpaper, create a simple poster for each genre of a material
emphasizing on at least one of these following: a.)purpose, b.) intended audience and c.)
features. Describe each genre by simply defining them. (5 points)


Quarter 1
Parent’s Signature
Name: ___________________________________ Date: ______________________
Section & Grade Level: _________________________Score: _____________________

Title of the Activity: Passive and Active Voice

Learning Competency: EN7G-III-c-2: Use the passive and active voice meaningfully in varied
Activity 1. Directions: Identify the appropriate verb to complete the sentence. Circle the letter of
the correct answer.
1. English __________ in many countries around the world.
A. were spoken B. is spoken C. has spoken D. had spoken
2. Many establishments __________ due to pandemic.
A. was closed B. were closed C. is closed D. has closed
3. Did he __________ the pizza?
A. orders B. order C. ordered D. was ordered
4. Numerous people __________ by the pandemic.
A. infects B. was infected C. infected D. were infected
5. The health experts __________ for the cure.
A. are searching B. searched C. was searching D. are searched

Activity 2. Determine whether the following sentence is in ACTIVE VOICE or in PASSIVE

VOICE. Write your answer on the space provided.
_________________1. The child makes her bed every morning.
_________________2. The ball was chased by the dog.
_________________3. I sent the letters yesterday.
_________________4. The money was stolen.
_________________5. My mom cooks breakfast.

Activity 3. Directions: Change the following sentences to passive voice.

1. Lito closed the door. _____________________________________________
2. She is cleaning the house. _____________________________________________
3. He will have finished his homework. ___________________________________________
4. He washed his hands. _____________________________________________
5. We must follow the rules. _____________________________________________

Activity 4. Directions: Change the following sentences to active voice.

1. A test was given by the teacher. _____________________________________________
2. The child is cured by the doctor. _____________________________________________
3. All the fruits were eaten by the child. __________________________________________
4. Some medicines is bought by the patient. ______________________________________
5. The food was distributed by the officials. ________________________________________


Quarter 1
Parent’s Signature
Name: ___________________________________ Date: ______________________
Section & Grade Level: _________________________Score: _____________________

Title of the Activity: Past and Past Perfect Tense in Varied Context
Learning Competency: EN7G-III-h-3: Use the past and past perfect tenses correctly in varied
Activity 1. Directions: Transform the base form of the verbs in the past tense. Write your answer
on the space provided.
Base Form Past Tense
let 1.
answer 2.
know 3.
walk 4.
ride 5.

Activity 2. Directions: Underline the past perfect tense of the verb in the following sentences.
1. I had lived in Burdeos, Quezon before we moved to Lucena City.
2. Before he wrote El Filibusterismo, Dr. Jose P. Rizal had written Noli Me Tangere first.
3. After he had served as Mayor of Davao City, Rodrigo Roa Duterte became the President of
the Philippines.
4. Before the Agora Market opened, the city government had inspected it.
5. My mother had bought enough stock of alcohol and facemask before their prices doubled.
Activity 3. Directions: Complete the sentences with the correct tense of the verb. Circle the letter of
the correct answer.
1.The teacher __________ an announcement about the process of online enrolment last May 30.
A. posted B. post C. pose D. posed
2.Yesterday, I __________ two glasses of calamansi juice as my natural source of Vitamin C.
A. drink B. drinks C. drank D. drunk
3.We __________ the news last night about the latest update on our country’s situation regarding
A. watch B. watches C. watched D. watching
4.Lucena City __________ hard against the virus. As a result, there is no casualty or death
recorded among the patients.
A. fight B. fights C. fighting D. fought
5.Two months ago, Mayor Dondon Alcala __________ the disinfection of the public places in
Lucena City.
A. led B. lead C. leads D. leading
6.I _______________ the painting before my mother saw it on the floor.
A. had hung B. had hang C. had hangs D. had hanging
7.Before we even asked for forgiveness, God _______________ us already.
A. had forgive B. had forgiven C. had forgave D. had forgives
8.The boat _______________ already when the rescuers arrived.
A. had sink B. had sinks C. had sunk D. had sunks
9.I _______________ such a beautiful island before I went to Cagbalete.
A. had never saw B. had never see C. had never sees D. had never seen
10. I only understood the lesson because I _______________ the book.
A. had read B. had reads C. had reading D. had readied

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