Đề cương ôn tập giữa kỳ 2 môn Anh lớp 11 Trường THPT Yên Hòa năm 2021-2022

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BỘ MÔN:Tiếng anh NĂM HỌC 2021 - 2022

MÔN: Tiếng Anh KHỐI 11


A. Cấu trúc đề cƣơng

Units Content
Unit 6: Global Warming Practice test for Unit 6
Vocabulary chart for Unit 6
Unit 7: Further Education Practice test for Unit 7
Vocabulary chart for Unit 7
Trial tests Second-midterm 2018-2019
Second-midterm 2020-2021
Unit 8: Our World Heritage Sites Practice test for Unit 8
Vocabulary chart for Unit 8
Unit 9: Cities of the Future Practice test for Unit 9
Vocabulary chart for Unit 9
Trial tests Second-term 2018-2019
Second-midterm 2020-2021
B. Các chuyên đề kiến thức và dạng bài
Chuyên đề Dạng bài trắc nghiệm (70%) Dạng bài tự luận (30%)
I. Phonetics Word stress and pronunciation
 stress of 2- syllable  Choose the word that has
words different stress pattern from the
 stress of more than 2- others‘
syllable words  Choose the word that has the
 vowel sounds underlined part pronounced
 consonant sounds differently
II. Vocabulary: Word choice/Word form  Put the words in
 Unit 6: Global Warming Collocations brackets into their
 Unit 7: Further Antonyms/Synonyms correct forms
Education  Choose the best answer to (Word formation )
 Unit 8: Our World complete the sentence.
Heritage Sites  Choose the word that has the
 Unit 9: Cities of the opposite meaning with the
Future word in bold
 Choose the word that has the
closest meaning with the word
in bold
 + Synonyms
III. Grammar and structure: Verb forms/ Verb tense/ Verb  Rewrite the sentence
 Unit 6: Perfect Gerunds choice without changing its
& Perfect Participles  Choose the best answer to meaning
 Unit 7: The Present complete the sentence. (Sentence
Perfect & The Present  Identify the mistakes among transformation)
Perfect Continuous A,B,C or D  Combine the
 Unit 8: Participle & To- sentence without
infinitive Clauses changing its
 Unit 9 : Question Tags, meaning.
Conditional Sentences (Sentence
IV. READING Cloze text:
Chủ đề bài đọc  Choose the best answer that
 Unit 6: Global Warming best fits the blank
 Unit 7: Further Reading comprehension
Education  Choose the best answer
 Unit 8: Our World  Detail
Heritage Sites  Vocabulary
 Unit 9: Cities of the  Reference
Future  Inference
 Negative factual
 Purpose
 Main idea/title



I – Pronunciation: Odd one out.
1. A – change B – preparation C – climate D – related
2. A – infectious B – chemical C – electronic D – species
3. A – capture B – catastrophic C – atmosphere D – shortage
4. A – drought B – brought C – doubt D – boundary
5. A – impact B – balance C – global D – man-made
6. A – extinct B – ecosystem C – electricity D – recycle
II – Stress: Odd one out.
7. A – catastrophic B – fertilizer C – preservation D – electronic
8. A – diversity B – ecosystem C – ecology D – industrial
9. A – consequence B – atmosphere C – chemical D – infectious
10. A – greenhouse B – climate C – upset D – footprint
III – Vocabulary and Grammar: Choose the best answer.
11. A layer of greenhouse gases – primarily water proof, and carbon dioxide – acts as a
blanket for the Earth, absorbing _____ heat and warming the surface.
A – thermal B – hot C – heat D – heating
12. Most climate scientists agree the main cause of the current global warming trend is human
expansion of the green house_____ .
A – causes B – effect C – gas D – damage
13. Certain_____ in the atmosphere, such as carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide,
block heat from escaping.
A – effects B – emission C – gases D – layers
14. Ocean water also will expand if it warms, ______ further to sea level rise.
A – getting B – making C – leading D – contributing
15. Humans_____ atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration by a third since the Industrial
Revolution began.
A – increase B – have increased
C – had increased D – were increasing
16. Sea level rise is usually regarded as Viet Nam‘s main_____ : a one-meter rise would
submerge 40 percent of the country and make millions homeless.
A – disaster B – hope C – destruction D – concern
17. All of the disaster resulted from ____will continue to have a devastating effect on socio-
economic development.
A – floods B – climate change
C – ecological balance D – carbon footprint
18. The low ____ in the Mekong Delta leads to acute saline instruction much deeper than the
traditional 30 to 40 km of mainland that is contaminated with salt water.
A – water currents B – sea level C – water level D – salt water
19. The next dry season will be extremely severe_____ further saltwater instruction, water and
rain shortages, and heat waves.
A – because B – although C – due to D – thanks to
20. They don‘t forget ___a short vacation in Cuc Phuong National Park last year.
A – to spend B – having spent
C – being spent D – having been spent
IV – Fill in each blank in the passage with the correct word/phrase from the box. There
are some extras.
energy sea level organizations
greenhouse gases climate change host global warming
France was officially appointed the (21) ……………. country for COP21. COP 21, also known as
the 2015 Paris Climate Conference, will be on of the largest international conferences ever held
in France.
This Conference is crucial because it must result in an international climate agreement enabling
us to limit (22) …………………………. to below 2C.
Firstly, an ambitious, binding agreement on (23) ………………. that applies to all countries.
Secondly, each country determines contributions to the Green Climate Fund. Climate (24)
……………….. will also be a crucial component. Lastly, local and regional (25)
…………………………… and businesses will support the contributions made by states.
V – Combine the following sentences by completing the second sentences and using
perfect gerunds.
26 – 27. Salinity of water had caused significant damage to the crops and livestock in Ben
Tre. Local people in Ben Tre blamed it for that damage.
Local people in Ben Tre ............................................................................................................ .
28 – 29. The burning of fossil fuels and other human activities has increased average global
temperatures by 0.8 degree centigrade over the past 100 years. Scientists accuse it for that.
Scientists accuse ................................................................................................................... .
30 – 31. They have been unprepared for sudden floods last year. They remember that.
They remember ..................................................................................................................... .
32 – 33. Deforestation and overflowing dams have caused worse floods and storms in recent
years. Local people in Quang Tri Province blame them for that.
Local people in Quang Tri Province ....................................................................................... .

34 – 35. The US government caused various diseases and birth defects in Viet Nam with
Agent Orange. But the US government denies that.
The US government denies ................................................................................................... .
VI – Choose the word among A, B, C or D that best fits the blank space in the following
Viet Nam is listed by the World Bank among the countries most (36) ……by rising
waters brought about by higher global temperatures. Such a rise of one meter (37) ….a third of
the Mekong Delta underwater and lead to mass internal migration and devastation in a region
(38) ....produces nearly half of Viet Nam‘s rice.
The vast, humid expanse of the delta is home to more than 17 million people, who
(39) …… for generations on its thousands of river arteries. But rising sea water caused by
global warming is now increasing the salt content of the river water and (40) ….. the livelihoods
of millions of poor farmers and fishermen. Climate change is (41) ….. the rivers of the Mekong
Delta salty.
In Ben Tre, salt water reached as far as 35 miles inland, causing significant (42) …..
to crops and livestock, with rice production particularly affected. It is said that there are three
grams of salt per liter of fresh water in the river now. Gradually, more and more people are
affected: (43) ….. nearest the sea are the most affected now, but soon the whole province will
be (44)………
The salinity of the water has (45) ….. a point where many locals have been forced to
abandon their traditional rice cultivation.
36. A – hurt B – destroyed C – threatened D – changed
37. A – can leave B – could leave C – can result D – could result
38. A – that B – what C – it D – there
39. A – rely B – relies C – has relied D – have relied
40. A – threatens B – threaten C – threatening D – threatened
41. A – turning B – making C – causing D – damaging
42. A – damage B – destruction C – disaster D – loss
43. A – it B – that C – those D – who
44. A – attacked B – hit C – touched D – swept
45. A – reached B – come C – gone D  become
VII – Read the passage, and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D
Viet Nam Likely to Face Extreme Weather Conditions by 2050
Viet Nam is likely to continue facing extreme weather conditions such as higher
temperatures, lower summer rainfalls, stronger storms, and rising sea levels from now to 2050.
Temperatures in northern Viet Nam will rise by between 0.83 degrees Celsius by 2050 and
continue its uptrend during the late 21st century. Summer rainfall will decline in most areas.
Meanwhile, storms may become rarer but fiercer, causing possible flash floods and landslides in
flood-prone areas of northern mountainous, central highland provinces. The forecasts suggest
sea level rises of 100mm-400mm along the entire Vietnamese coast by the end of the 21 st
century, affecting marine biodiversity and coastal communities. The experts emphasize the
unpredictability of climate change and its potential impacts to create a variety of dangerous
extreme weather events in the future.
To raise the public awareness of climate change impacts, the Vietnamese government
urges concerned agencies to work together on devising worst-case scenario models and
responses by 2020 and calls on international experts to further support Viet Nam in climate
change adaption. Climate change is a real threat to Viet Nam‘s socio-economic development. If
sea levels rose one meter, five percent of the country‘s land, eleven percent of its population
and seven percent of its farmland would be affected.
46. By 2050, Viet Nam continues facing all of these extreme weather conditions EXCEPT…….
A. higher temperature C. lower summer rainfalls
B. storms reaching record levels D. rising sea levels
47. Sea level rises along the entire Vietnamese coast by the end of the 21 st century will…...
A. cause certain flash floods and landslides in flood-prone areas
B. make temperatures in northern Vietnam rise until 2050
C. make storms become rarer but fiercer in the near future
D. have impacts on marine biodiversity and coastal communities
48. To experts, they to predict exactly the model of the climate change and its potential
A. are unable C. are certain
B. are likely D. are surprised
49. Viet Nam needs…….
A. to recognize Viet Nam‘s socio-economic development in the future
B. to calculate sea level rise, loss of farmland, and rise in population by 2020
C. to raise people‘s awareness of climate change and to ask for foreign help
D. to recognize the percentage of farmland which would be affected by its population
50. The word ―worst-case scenario models‖ in the last paragraph is closest in meaning to….. .
A. the worst scenes that could occur
B. the worst climate change impacts that will happen
C. the worst possible things that could happen
D. the worst unpredictability of climate change


Words Transcription Part of Vietnamese meanings
01. Absorb /әb‘sɔ:b/ v Th m, h t
02. Atmosphere /‘ætmәsfiәr/ n Kh quy n
03. Awareness /ә‘weәnәs/ n Nh n th c
04. Ban /bæn/ n/v l nh C m
05. Capture /‘kæptʃәr / v iam gi
06. Carbon footprint /ka:bәn ‗fu:tprint/ Np l ng CO2 th i
07. Catastrophic /kætә‘strɔfik/ A Th m h a
08. Clean-up /kli:n p/ N S d n s ch
09. Climate change /‘klaimәt tʃeindʒ/ N i n i kh h u
10. Diversity /dai‘vз:sәti/ N a d ng sinh h c
11. Make way for Phr.v L y chỗ , nh ờng chỗ
12. Chemical fertilizer ˈfɜːtәlaɪzә r / Np Phân hóa h c
13. Ignore /ɪɡˈnɔː r / V Phớt lờ
14. Fossil fuel /ˈfɒsl fjuːәl/ Np Năng l ng hóa th ch
15. Sparingly /ˈspeәrɪŋli/ Adv Ít, th a
16. Be praised for /preɪzd/ Vp c khen vì
17. Dump rubbish /ˈrʌbɪʃ/ Vp X rác
18. Be rewarded for smt /rɪˈwɔːdid/ Vp c th ởng vì
19. Alarming rate /әˈlɑːmɪŋ/ Np Tỉ l áng báo ộng
20. Electricity production /ɪˌlekˈtrɪsәti/ Np S n xu t i n
21. Crop harvest /ˈhɑːvɪst/ Np Năng suât cây trồng
22. Economic growth /ˌiːkәˈnɒmɪk/ Np Tăng tr ởng kinh t
23. Cut down on Phr.v Cắt gi m
24. Methane /ˈmeθeɪn/ N Mê tan (CH4)
25. Extreme weather /ɪkˈstriːm/ Np iều ki n thời ti t khắc
conditions nghi t
26. Drought /draʊt/ N n hán
27. Ecological /i:kә‘lɔdʒikl/ A Sinh thái
28. Ecosystem /‘i:kәʊsistәm/ N sinh thái
29. Emission /i‘miʃn/ N X , th i, t a ra
30. Famine /‘fæmin/ N N n ói
31. Greenhouse gas /‘gri:nhaʊs gæs/ Np n Kh gây hi u ng
nhà kính
32. Heat-related /hi:t ri‘leitid/ A o s c nóng
33. Infectious /in‘fekʃәs/ A Lây nhi m
34. Lawmaker /lɔ:meikәr/ N Nh l m lu t
35. Oil spill /ɔil spil/ N Tr n d u
36. Contribute to /kәnˈtrɪbjuːt/ Vp óp ph n
37. Environmentalist /ɪnˌvaɪrәnˈmentәlɪst/ N Nh môi tr ờng h c
38. Alternative energy /ɔːlˈtɜːnәtɪv/ Np Năng l ng thay th
39. Work out some Vp Tìm ra gi i pháp
40. Change our attitude to /ˈætɪtjuːd/ Vp Thay i thái ộ ối với
41. Suspect sb of doing smt /sәˈspekt/ Vp Nghi ngờ ai l m vi c gì
42. Be fined for doing smt Vp ị ph t vì l m gì
43. Have negative impacts /ˈneɡәtɪv/ Vp Có tác ộng tiêu c c
on n
44. Coal burning power Np Nh máy nhi t i n
45. Disrupt /dɪsˈrʌpt/ V L m ngắt quãng, l m
dừng l i
46. Water shortage /ˈʃɔːtɪdʒ/ Np Thi u n ớc
47. Take some actions Vp nh ộng
48. Give up Phr.v Nh ra, t a ra,
49. Water vapour /ˈveɪpәr/ Np ơi n ớc
50. Be willing to do smt /ˈwɪlɪŋ/ Vp Sẵn lòng l m gì


I – Pronunciation: Odd one out.
1. A – entrance B – diploma C – exchange D – apply
2. A – pursue B – curtain C – furniture D – further
3. A – admission B – profession C – passion D – passive
4. A – certificate B – decorate C – undergraduate D – doctorate
5. A – consult B – campus C – discussion D – subject
6. A – tutor B – master C – tuition D – transcript
II – Stress: Odd one out.
7. A – diploma B – doctorate C – internship D – scholarship
8. A – undergraduate B – university C – baccalaureate D – accommodation
9. A – eligible B – kindergarten C – magnificent D – secondary
10. A – coordinator B – opportunity C – international D – similarity
III – Vocabulary and Grammar: Choose the best answer.
11. Further education courses are usually described as either_____ or vocational.
A – academic B – practical C – learning D – technical
12. The International Baccalaureate is also now offered by more schools in the UK as a(n)
_____ to A-levels.
A – choice B – substitution C – alternative D – option
13. In some institutions, A-levels can also be awarded in combination with other_____ , such
as International Baccalaureate certificates.
A – examination B – qualifications C – courses D – levels
14. IB students can select subjects so that they specialise in a particular academic field, but
mathematics, native language and theory of knowledge are_____ subjects.
A – optional B – elective C – compulsory D – certain
15. As well as studying on ______in the UK, you can also choose to study outside the UK –
for example by distance learning.
A – campus B – accommodation C – building D – dormitory
16. The teachers at Edinburgh College encourage students to ______ with others,
experiment with arts and find their own ideas.
A – help B – improve C – involve D – collaborate
17. University _______ in Viet Nam can decide their own criteria for enrolling international
A – principals B – rectors C – headmasters D – managers
18. Depending on your nationality, you maybe _____ for a loan or financial support from the
UK government.
A – legal B – capable C – able D – eligible
19. That university _____ the Advanced Programme with the aim to enrol around 500
international students for a decade.
A – implemented C – has been implementing
B – will implement D – will be implementing
20. A achelor‘s degree is a three-year or four-year course you take in undergraduate higher
education after you ______ further education.
A – have finished C – had finished
B – have been finishing D – had been finishing
IV – Fill in each blank in the passage with the correct word from the box. There are some
extra words.
honour state speech education
completion stage courses graduation
Upon satisfactory (21) ………………. of the 12 grade, a student graduates and receives a high
school diploma. In the US, students graduate from high school, junior high school, elementary
school and even nursery school. At high schools, there are ceremonies to celebrate (22)
……………….. with caps, gowns, diplomas, and speeches by staff and students.
Graduation ceremonies are often called ―commencement‖, because it marks the start of a new
(23) ……………. in a student‘s life. Americans are enthusiastic about ―life cycle events‖ or
milestones and graduations are a time of great celebration of students. It‘s a particular (24)
…………. for a student usually a top student to be chosen as the ―valedictorian‖, who gives the
farewell (25) ……………. at the graduation ceremony.

V – Complete the following sentences with the present perfect or present perfect
26. David who (enter) ………………… employment since leaving school will go to university
27. Maria (take) ………………….. two A-levels and one AS-level in English, Math and Physics
so far.
28. They (use) ………………………. the Internet to look for the courses which offer full
29. Cambridge University (set) …………… the standards for the A-level subjects for more
than 80 years.
30. Our principal (teach) ………………………. A-levels and IB in top academic schools in the
USA and South America for more than 20 years.
31. So far the college authorities (try) ……………….. to make the application process as
simple and fast as possible for international students.
32. The university (establish) ……………………. an international faculty that is responsible
for the partnership with overseas institutions since 2005.
33. Since 2000, the Ministry of Education and Training (attempt) ………………………. to
prevent classroom overcrowding with a plan to establish a further number of over 40
universities in Viet Nam.
34. Scientists (put) …………………….. a lot of effort into the area of science and technology
since the economic reform in 1985.
35. The international A-levels (be) ………………… considered by many experts in the field of
education to be the ―gold standard‖ of examinations for a very long time until now.
VI – Choose the word among A, B, C or D that best fits the blank space in the following
Further education in Britain means education after GCSE exams (36) ..... around the age of 16.
It includes courses of study (37) ..... to A-levels which students do at their school or college.
Some students go (38) to a college of further education which (39) ….. a wide range of full or
part-time courses. Further education also includes training for personal (40) ….. in nursing,
accountancy, and management and in (41) ….. such as arts and music. The term (42) ……
education is used to refer to degree courses at universities.
The British government is keen to (43)…… more young people to remain in education as (44)
…… as possible in order to build up a more highly (45) ….., better educated workforce.
36. A – taken B – made C – performed D – participated
37. A – led B – linked C – leading D – linking
38. A – ahead B – right C – straight D – forward
39. A – gives B – offers C – supports D – presents
40. A – degree B – diploma C – certificate D – qualifications
41. A – skills B – fields C – topics D – respects
42. A – high B – tertiary C – secondary D – main
43. A – ask B – make C – remind D – inquire
44. A – soon B – long C – well D – much
45. A – skilled B – valued C – devoted D – talented
VII – Read the passage, and choose the correct answer for each question.
If you want to go to a university, you usually apply during your last year at school, when
you are 17-18. You can apply to study at any university in Britain and most people choose a
university that is not in their own town. So, university students usually live away from home.
Students get a grant from the government to study. At the beginning of your last year at school,
you receive an application form. On this form you choose up to five universities that you would
like to go to. The form is sent to those universities with information from your school about you
and your academic record. If the universities are interested in your application, they will ask you
to attend an interview. If they are still interested after the interview, they will offer you a place.
Any offer, however, is only conditional at this stage. Applications and interviews take place
several months before students do their A-level examinations. These are the exams that you do
at the end of your time at school. So, when a university makes an offer, it will tell you the
minimum grades that you will have to get when you do your A-level exams. If you don‘t obtain
those grades, then, you will not be able to get the place. It will be offered to someone else and
you must apply again to another university. You don‘t have to accept your place immediately.
Some students don‘t want to go straight from school to university. So, after they have taken
their A-level, they take a year out to work or travel.
46. The main idea of the passage is_____ .
A. how to be accepted to a university
B. how to take an A-level examination
C. studying at a university
D. what to do after leaving school
47. The maximum number of universities that a student can apply for is _____.
A. two C. four
B. three D. five
48. If the university is interested in the application, ______.
A. the student will be offered a place
B. the student will have to attend an interview
C. the student will go straight to the university
D. the student will take an A-level examination
49. Students do their A-level examination_______
A. at the beginning of their last year at school
B. before they send the application forms to the universities
C. at the end of their time at school
D. right after they receive an application form
50. If the student‘s score is below the minimum grades announced by the
A. the place will be offered to someone else
B. he must take a year out
C. he mustn‘t apply to any other university
D. he will be able to get the place

Words Transcription Part of Vietnamese
speech meanings
01. Abroad /ә‘brɔ:d/ Adv Ngo i n ớc
02. academic /ækә‘demik/ A c thu t
03. Accommodation /ә‘kɔmә‘deiʃn/ N Chỗ ở
04. Achieve /ә‘tʃi:v/ V t c
05. Admission /әd‘miʃn/ N Ch p nh n
06. analytical /ænә‘litikl/ A Phân t ch
07. baccalaureate /bækә‘lɔ:riәt/ N Thi t t i
08. Bachelor /‘bætʃәlә/ N C nhân
09. Broaden /‘brɔ:dәn/ V Mở rộng
10. Campus /‘kæmpәs/ N Khu tr ờng
11. collaboration /kәlæbә‘reiʃn/ N Cộng tác
12. College /‘kɔlidʒ/ N Cao ng
13. Consult /kәn‘slt/ V T v n
14. coordinator /kәʊ‘ɔ:dineitә/ N iều phối
15. Course /kɔ:s/ N Khóa h c
16. Critical /‘kritikl/ A Phê phán
17. CV /sivi/ N L lịch
18. Dean /di:n/ N Tr ởng khoa
19. Degree /di‘gri:/ N c vị, b ng
20. Diploma /di‘plәʊmә/ N ng c p
21. Doctorate /‘dɔktәrәt/ N c vị ti n s
22. Eligible /‘elidʒәbl/ A t cách
23. Enroll /in‘rәʊl/ V Ghi danh
24. Enter /‘entәr/ V Nh p
25. Faculty /‘fæklti/ N Khoa, vi n
26. Institution /insti‘tjʊʃn/ N c vi n
27. Internship /‘intз:nʃip/ N T ps
28. kindergarten /‘kindә‘ga:tn/ N M u giáo
29. Major /‘meidʒәr/ N Chuyên
ng nh
30. mandatory /‘mændәtәri/ A ắt buộc
31. Master /‘ma:stәr/ N Th c s
32. Passion /‘pæʃn/ N am mê
33. Potential /pә‘tenʃl/ N Kh năng
34. profession /prә‘feʃn/ N Nghề nghi p
35. Pursue /pә‘sjʊ:/ V Theo u i
36. qualification /kwɔlifi‘keiʃn/ N ng c p
37. scholarship /‘skɔ:lәʃip/ N c b ng
38. Skill /skil/ N K năng
39. Talent /‘tælәnt/ N T i năng
40. Training /‘treiniŋ/ N ot o
41. Transcript /‘trænskrip/ N cb
42. Tuition /‘tjʊ:iʃn/ N c ph
43. Tutor /‘tjʊ:tәr/ N ia s
44. Undergraduate /ndә‘grædʒʊәt/ N SV ch a TN
45. University /jʊni‘vз:sәti/ N Tr ờng i
h c
46. Vocational /vәʊ‘keiʃәnl/ A c h ớng
nghi p


Thời gian làm bài: 45 phút

Họ tên thí sinh:………………………………………………

MÃ ĐỀ: 1101
Số báo danh:………………………………………………….


I. Find the word which has a different sound in the part underlined.
1. A. degree B. doctorate C. graduate D. kindergarten
2. A. pollution B. poaching C. pesticide D. physical
3. A. itinerary B. abundant C. elegance D. landscape
II. Choose the word which has a different stress pattern from the others.
4. A. natural B. endangered C. dangerous D. habitat
5. A. magnificent B. associate C. mausoleum D. harmonious
III. Choose the best answer A, B, C or D to complete the sentences.
6. The woman _________next door is a famous singer.
A. lives B. who live C. living D. that living
7. The house ___________ in the storm has now been rebuilt.
A. destroyed B. destroying C. which destroyed D. that is destroyed
8. Nam was the only student _______ mark 10 in English for the first semester exam.
A. got B. getting C. to get D. who gets
9. The stockbroker denied _______ of the secret business deal.
A. having informed B. having been informed
C. to have informed D. to have been informed
10. Henry mentioned _________in an accident as a child, but he never told us the details.
A. having injured B. having been injured
C. to have injured D.to have been injured
11. At the ____________ level, you can join three-year or four-year colleges.
A. primary B. secondary C. postgraduate D. undergraduate
12. The sunset over Niagara Fall is really a magnificent _____.
A. look B. sign C. view D. sight
13. Captain Cook discovered Australia on a _____ to the Pacific.
A. voyage B. cruise C. travel D. tour
14. Coal burning_______ a large amount of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.
A. discourages B. reduces C. relaxes D. discharges
15. Most climate scientists agree the main cause of the current global warming trend is human
expansion of the green house_____ .
A – causes B – effect C – gas D – damage
16. There‘s been a _______ In Germany and a village was completely destroyed.
A. flood B. drizzle C. shower D. smog
17. Three people were captured at the ________ today trying to get into the country.
A. line B. equator C. border D. edge
18. Simon rubbed ___________ the wrong answer and wrote the right one.
A. out B. in C. up D. off

19. I_______ for the information about the differences between further education and higher
education all this morning.
A. had searched B. have been searched
C. have been searching D. have searched
20. The teacher_______ the speaking task on the board, so now the students are discussing it.
A. has already been writing B. has already written
C. already wrote D. had already written
IV. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in meaning to the
underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
21. Though built almost five hundred years ago, the church remained practically intact.
A. in perfection B. in ruins C. in chaos D. in completion
22. The factory was fined for having dumped a huge amount of rubbish into the river.
A. penalized B. levied C. compensated D. punished
23. Students also have the opportunity to choose from a wide range of optional courses in the
A. mandatory B. selective C. free D. limited
V. Mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct response to each of the
following exchanges.
24. "I'm not hot. I'm absolutely roasting" - "_____"
A. You lucky thing! I'm sure you'll enjoy it. B. Let's go and cool down in the sea.
C. You'll get a lovely suntan. D. Maybe you've got a sun stroke.
25. "What an imaginative essay you've written, Matt!"— "_______‖
A. That's the least I could do. B. Actually, I don't mind.
C. Thanks, it's nice of you to say so. D. Sorry, just my luck!
VI. Choose the word among A, B, C or D that best fits the blank space in the
following passage.
Around the age of sixteen you must make one of the biggest decisions of your life. Do I
stay on at school and hopefully go on to university later? Do I leave and start work or begin a
training course? The decision is yours, but it may be (26. _____) remembering two things: There is
more unemployment (27. ______) people who haven‘t been to university and people who have the
right (28. ________) will have a big advantage in the competition for jobs.
If you decide to go (29. ________) into a job, there are many opportunities for training. Getting
qualifications will help you to get on more quickly in many careers, and evening classes allow you
to learn (30. ________) you earn. Starting work and taking a break to study when you are older is
another possibility. This way, you can save up money for your student days, as well as getting
practical work experience.
26. A. worth B. necessary C. important D. useful
27. A. between B. among C. with D. through
28. A. notes B. papers C. arts D. skills
29. A. straight B. just C. direct D. rather
30. A. where B. while C. when D. what
VII. Read the passage, and choose the correct answer A, B, C or D for each question.
The Great Pyramid of Giza, a monument of wisdom and prophecy was built as a tomb for Pharaoh
Cheops in 2720 B.C. Despite its antiquity, certain aspects of its construction make it one of the
truly great wonders of the world. The four sides of the pyramid are aligned almost exactly on true
north, south, east, and west – an incredible engineering feat. The ancient Egyptians were sun
worshipers and great astronomers, so computations for the Great Pyramid were based on
astronomical observations.

Explorations and detailed examinations of the base of the structure reveal many interesting lines.
Further scientific study indicates that these represent a type of time events – past, present, and
future. Many of the events have been interpreted and found to coincide with known facts of the
past. Others are prophesied for future generations and are presently under investigation.
Was this superstructure made by ordinary beings, or one built by a race far superior to any know
31. Approximately how long ago was the Great Pyramid constructed?
A. 665 years B. 2,720 years C. 4,025 years D. 4,739
32. On what did the ancient Egyptians base their computations?
A. observation of the celestial bodies B. advanced technology
C. advanced tools of measurement . knowledge of the earth‘s surface
33. Why was the Great Pyramid constructed?
A. as a solar observatory B. as a religious temple
C. as a tomb for the pharaoh D. as an engineering feat
34. Why is the Great Pyramid of Giza considered one of the seven wonders of the world?
A. It is perfectly aligned with the four cardinal points of the compass and contains many
B. It was selected as the tomb of Pharaoh Cheops
C. It was built by a super race
D. It is very old
35. The word ―computations‖ means most nearly the same as_________.
A. computers B. calculations C. calculators D. producers
VIII. Put the words in brackets into their appropriate forms.
The experts emphasize the ____ ______(36. PREDICT) of climate change and its potential
impacts to create a ________ (37. VARIOUS) of dangerous extreme weather events in the future.
To raise the public ________(38. AWARE) of climate change impacts, the Vietnamese
government urges _______ (39. CONCERN) agencies to work together on devising worst-case
scenario models and responses by 2020 and calls on international experts to further support Viet
Nam in climate change adaption. Climate change is a real _______ (40. THREATEN) to Viet
Nam‘s socio-economic development. If sea levels rose one meter, five percent of the country‘s
land, eleven percent of its population and seven percent of its farmland would be affected.
IX. Put the verbs in brackets into their correct verb form.
41. Humans_______ atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration by a third since the Industrial
Revolution began. (INCREASE)
42. They don‘t forget ________a short vacation in Cuc Phuong National Park last year.(SPEND)
43. Since 2000, the Ministry of Education and Training ______ to prevent classroom overcrowding
with a plan to establish a further number of over 40 universities in Viet Nam. (ATTEMPT)
44. Son Doong Cave is the largest cave in the world _______ in Phong Nha – Ke Bang National
45. The distinction of the Khai Dinh Tomb is the unique architecture _______ the art of
Rococo and the Vietnamese style. (COMBINE)
X. Rewrite the sentences following the instructions in brackets
46. Dave did his homework and then went to bed. (-> Rewrite the sentence using Perfect
 After ___________________________________________________________________

47. The experiment which was conducted at the national University was successful. (-> Rewrite
the sentence using Reduced Relative Clause)
 _____________________________________________________________________
48. Minh was the only student who answered the question correctly. (->Rewrite the sentence using
Reduced Relative Clause)
 ____________ ____________________________________________________________
49. She first met him when they were students. (->Rewrite the sentence using Present perfect)
 She has __________________________________________________________________
50. Tom looked through the window. He saw a beautiful rose. (-> Combine the sentences using
Present participle)
 _________________________________________________________________________


(Đề gồm 8 trang) Thời gian làm bài: 45 phút

H v tên th sinh: ………………………………….

Mã đề thi
Số báo danh: ………………
__________________________________________________________________ 147
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined
part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
1. A. device B. determine C. tuition D. ignore
2. A. emission B. depict C. ensure D. seminar
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the
other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions.
3. A. substance B. aspect C. surround D. footprint
4. A. bachelor B. residence C. numerous D. efficient
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of
the following questions.
5. Fuel prices have become more ……… after several increases last year.
A. flexible B. stable C. alarming D. average
6. She rushed into the hotel, apologizing profusely ……… being so late.
A. to B. about C. for D. because of
7. We ……… our classroom for the upcoming Teachers' ay, but there's still
a lot to do.
A. are decorating B. decorated
C. have been decorating D. have decorated
8. After college, Jeffrey said he hopes to ……… a career in medicine.
A. submit B. sit for C. enrol on D. pursue
9. ……… about the relationship between climate change and the spread of infectious diseases,
everyone should get vaccinated.
A. Warning B. Having warned
C. Warned D. Having been warned
10. She ……… the government ……… failing to respond to the crisis.
A. pointed out … to . disrupted … in

C. suspected … of . punished … for
11. Vitamin D is ……… by the body after exposure to sunshine.
A. released B. absorbed C. captured D. spread
12. They ……… Spain for an educational exchange and won't be back until the end of this month.
A. have gone to B. have been to C. went to D. arrived
13. Volunteer tutoring programs can have a/ an ……… impact on student achievement.
A. significant B. academic C. severe D. respective
14. The flat is fully equipped ……… a cooker and fridge.
A. for B. by C. along D. with
15. e regretted ……… for military service last spring.
A. not to register B. not to have registered
C. not having registered . didn‘t register
16. An unchecked increase in the use of fossil fuels could have ……… results for the planet.
A. widespread B. scary C. catastrophic D. simultaneous
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) CLOSEST in
meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
17. He decided then that he wouldn't let that situation occur again.
A. complicate B. happen C. impact D. result in
18. Our only option now is to contact the police.
A. demand B. alternative C. choice D. collaboration
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word(s) OPPOSITE in
meaning to the underlined word(s) in each of the following questions.
19. Local people were praised for their calm response to the crisis.
A. fined for B. complimented on
C. admired for D. criticized for
20. Many doctors now say that boxing should be banned.
A. encouraged B. permitted C. forbidden D. consulted
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the most suitable response to
complete each of the following exchanges.
21. Today, Minh watches Mai playing badminton in Phu Dong Health Tournament. During the
break, he meets her and encourages her to play with flying colors.
- Minh: ― ow well you are playing!‖
- Mai: ―………‖
A. Say it again. I like to hear your words.
B. I think so. I am proud of myself.
C. Thank you too much.
D. Many thanks. That is a nice compliment.
22. - Nga: ―What are your feelings about fortune-telling?‖.
- Lan: ―………‖
A. I didn‘t like it either B. I know. It‘s strange
C. Yes, I agree. It can be fun D. Personally, I believe it is great fun
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to
indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 23 to
The UK overnment ensures that all schools in the UK 23 ……… certain standards, and
this includes independent schools as well as those that are 24 ……… by the overnment. All
qualifications are awarded by national agencies accredited by the Qualification and Curriculum
Authority (QCA), so the quality of the qualifications you will gain is guaranteed.

At many independent schools in England, you will be encouraged to take part in extracurricular
activities to develop your hobbies and learn new skills, and you may be encouraged to take
graded music exams 25 ……… by the Associated oard of the Royal Schools of Music, or Trinity
College. The exam grades gained from these are widely accepted toward university entry (26)
Independent schools do not usually offer vocationally focused qualifications but if you are
interested in these qualifications, you can find out more in the ―career-based and pre-university
qualifications‖ section.
The fees you pay to attend independent schools, include your course fees, accommodation
and may include some or all extracurricular activities. To check exactly what is included with
the school you may be asked to pay extra for language tuition. Fees 27 ……… from
school to school and are at the discretion of the institution; there are no national standards.
23. A. meet B. maintain C. raise D. set
24. A. helped B. selected C. run D. provided
25. A. offered B. appreciated C. prepared D. decided on
26. A. transcripts B. requirements C. curriculums D. administration
27. A. transfer B. vary C. broaden D. exchange
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to
indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 28 to 32.
The earth has warmed by about 1 degree Fahrenheit over the past 100 years. Scientists are
not exactly sure about the reason for this change in temperature. ut many of the world‘s best
climate scientists thinks that things people are doing are making the world warmer. Global
warming refers to an average increase in the earth‘s temperature. This temperature change in turn
causes changes in climate. A warmer earth may lead to changes in rainfall patterns, a rise in sea
level, and a wide range of impacts on plants, wildlife, and humans.
When climate scientists talk about global warming, they are mainly talking about what is
caused by humans. Figuring out how we impact the environment makes it possible for us to
change our behaviors. Scientists think that the things we do that send gasses into the air are
making our planet warmer. During the Industrial Revolution, we began altering our climate through
agriculture and industry. Both agriculture and industry release huge amounts of gasses into the
air. The gasses then help trap the sun‘s radiation in the earth‘s atmosphere. ecause of this, the
earth is warming up. The warmer the earth gets, the more water vapor is releases into the air.
Water vapor is a gas that traps heat, which makes the global warming process even worse.
The Industrial Revolution was the time when people started using machines to make life easier.
Industry releases gasses by burning fuels. The Industrial Revolution made it easier for humans to
spread to all corners of the earth. People started cutting down forest, which recycle gasses that
trap heat in the atmosphere. This makes it even harder to get rid of the gasses we
Global warming is a big problem that must be solved soon. If everybody
joins together, there is no doubt that we can stop the process.
28. What is making the world warmer?
A. The sun, which is getting warmer. B. The things people are doing.
C. The melting ice caps. D. The earth, which is a big place.
29. Which of the following is NOT a problem of global warming?
A. Rising sea level.
B. Changes in rainfall patterns.
C. Massive snow and ice storms.
D. Impacts on plants, animals and humans.

30. The word altering is closest in meaning to ………
A. affecting B. worsening C. warming D. changing
31. When did we begin changing our climate?
A. Over the past 100 years. B. During the Industrial Revolution.
C. At the time of Fahrenheit. D. Since the dawn of history.
32. What can forests do to help?
A. They provide us with more entertainment.
B. They recycle gasses.
C. They‘re good for building houses.
D. They provide the best place for orphans.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that needs
correction in each of the following questions.
33. To know about the harmful effects the company had on our
neighbourhood, we decided to boycott its products.
34. Having cutting down on many trees in the area, now the people here have
to suffer really hot summers.
35. I have started doing my homework when I got home from school, but I
stopped to watch my favourite music show.
Complete the following sentences so that it has a similar meaning to the given sentences/
pairs of sentences. (From questions 36 - 40, THE ANSWERS MUST BE WRITTEN IN FULL
36.The burning of fossil fuels and other human activities has increased average global
temperatures by 0.8 degree centigrade over the past 100 years. Scientists accuse it for that.
=> Scientists accuse ………………………………..……………………………………
37. Lisa has never studied abroad before.
=> It's the ………………………...…………………………………………………………
38. He said that he would take responsibility for his company's damage to the area. But then he
denied that.
=> e denied having ……………………………………………………………………...
39. Our school started building a new canteen in June. They are still building it now.
=> Our school ……………………………………………………………………………...
40. Because they had spent all their savings, they started to do some odd jobs to make ends
=> aving …………………………………………………………………………………..
Complete the following sentences with the correct forms of the given words
in the brackets.
41. Tim apply ……………… for the scholarship to study abroad in the USA at least twice.
42. Tom and Mary are still discussing the math exercise with each other because they (not/ work
out ……………… how to do it.
43. I read ……………… the biography of Robbie Williams, but I'm on page 50.

44. Plant ……………… trees around the house on the south and west sides, they can save up to
about $250 a year on cooling and heating.
45. avid mentioned run ……………… his car purely on sunlight for 6 years.

Complete the following sentences with the correct forms of the given words in the brackets.
46. The committee's decision could have a ……………… effect on the community.
47. If you don't clean the wound properly you could get an ………………
48. The bankers used economics as a sort of ……………… test of general intelligence.
49. The affair led to the resignations of three leading ………………
50. After years of research, scientists have ……………… the virus that is responsible for the
disease. (IDENTITY)

--- THE END ---


I – Pronunciation: Odd one out.
1. A – intact B – dynasty C – citadel D – royal
2. A – heritage B – passage C – teenage D – package
3. A – distinctive B – diversity C – irresponsible D – islet
4. A – relic B – limestone C – ruin D – scenic
5. A – grotto B – poetic C – worship D – dome
6. A – cruise B – mosaic C – cuisine D – craftsman
II – Stress: Odd one out.
7. A – abundant B – masterpiece C – demolish D – mosaic
8. A – mandatory B – magnificent C – harmonious D – imperial
9. A – picturesque B – heritage C – emperor D – dynasty
10. A – geological B – archaeologist C – irresponsible D – itinerary
III – Vocabulary: Choose the best answer.
11. The vegetation layers in Cat Ba Archipelago form spectacular and scenic landscapes and
make the site become______ of all Vietnam‘s typical ecosystems.
A – home B – house C – scenery D – basis
12. Hoi An Ancient Town is preserved in a remarkably _____ state.
A – damaged B – unspoiled C – intact D – unharmed
13. The _____ items in Con Moong Cave are now kept in Thanh Hoa Museum for preservation
and displaying work.
A – excavating B – excavated C – excavation D – excavator
14. No fluorescent lights, no motorcycles, no television, on the 15 day of each lunar month, the
riverside town of Hoi An _____modern life the night off.
A – gives B – lets C – brings D – turns
15. Located in Hoang Dieu Street, Hau Lau has_____ architecture of the Eastern and Western
A – abundant B – authentic C – mixed D – complex
16. The nearly 4-hour ______ from Ha Long Bay to Cat Ba Island afforded us visits to well-
known caves and beaches.

A – travel B – vacation C – boating D – cruise
17. My Son Sanctuary is an area ______ with Hindu-like architecture and art.
A – covering B – covered C – which covered D – to cover
18. Son Doong Cave is the largest cave in the world ______ in Phong Nha – Ke Bang National
A – to discover B – discovering
C – which discovered D – to be discovered
19. The distinction of the Khai Dinh Tomb is the unique architecture ______ the art of
Rococo and the Vietnamese style.
A – combined B – combining C – to be combined D – which combine
20. The Temple of Preah Vihear in Cambodia is composed of a series of sanctuaries _______
by a system of pavements and staircases over an 800 metre long axis.
A – linked B – linking C – to link D – being linked
IV – Fill in each blank in the passage with the correct word from the box. There are some
extra words.
site civilization relics culture
layers representative archaeologists evolution
Con Moong Cave is located in the South of Mo Village, Thanh Yen Commune, Thach Thanh
District, Thanh Hoa Province, lying in the area of Cuc Phuong National Park. Con Moong is an airy
and nice cave. The (21) ………………… have excavated the southwestern entrance which exists
in site the evidence of ancient (22) …………….
Con Moong archaeological (23) ………….. is really a key for the understanding of Viet Nam and
Southeast Asian prehistory. It has confirmed the continuation of artful technique to make cobble
tools with representatives from Son Vi Culture to Hoa Binh Culture, and then Bac Son Culture.
Con Moong Cave may show the (24) ……………… of human beings from the end of old Stone
Age; from hunting and gathering to planting and breeding, getting rid of primitive age to evolve to
(25) ………………….. age.
V – Rewrite the sentences replacing the relative clauses with participle or to-infinitive
26. On Cat Ba Island, there are about 80 species and sub-species which have been classified in
the Viet Nam‘s Red List.
 ………………………………………………………………………………………….
27. on‘t miss the Ngu inh Mountain, which forms a kind of protective screen around the
monuments in Hue.
28. The wooden blocks of Truc Lam Zen Buddhism present both Han and Nom texts which were
carved deliberately in different writing styles.
29. Hoi An, which was declared a World Heritage site by UNESCO in 1999, has become a very
popular tourist destination in Viet Nam.
30. Ha Long Bay is the most magnificent scenic spot in Viet Nam which attracts millions of
domestic and international tourist every year.
31. Trang An is a prominent place in Southeast Asia and the world which contains abundant
archaeological evidences preserved almost well.

32. Visitors who are carried through the streams in small traditional boats can enjoy the beauty in
the caves.
33. For centuries, Hoi An had developed into a melting pot of various nationalities who came to
the area and brought along their own cultures.
34. Phong Nha – Ke Bang is the largest limestone region that contains several hundred caves
and grottoes.
35. Scenic landscape in Trang An is a blend of towering cliff-bounded mountains which are
connected through a large number of underground streams and caves.
VI – Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C or D that best fits the blank space in the
following passage.
Hoan Kiem Lake is an attractive body of water right in the (36) ….. of Ha Noi. Legend has it that in
the mid-15th (37) ….. , Heaven gave Emperor Le Thai To (Le Loi) a magical sword which he used
to fight (38) …. the Chinese, the Ming aggressors, out of Viet Nam. After that one day when he
was out (39) ….. in the lake, a giant (40) ….. tortoise suddenly grabbed the sword and (41) …..
into the depths of the lake. Since then, the lake has been known as Hoan Kiem Lake (Lake of the
Restored Sword) (42) ….. it is believed the sword was taken to its original divine owners.
The tiny Tortoise Pagoda, topped with a red star, is (43) ….. a small island in the middle of the
lake; it is often used (44) ….. an emblem of Ha Noi. Every morning around 6 a.m, local residents
can be seen around Hoan Kiem Lake (45) ….. their morning exercise, jogging or playing
36. A – middle B – main C – heart D – point
37. A – festival B – century C – time D – occasion
38. A – above B – down C – for D – against
39. A – diving B – playing C – sailing D – walking
40. A – gold B – golden C – huge D – salty
41. A – disappeared B – endangered C – lost D – escaped
42. A – although B – however C – so D – because
43. A – at B – on C – in D – above
44. A – as B – like C – for D – to
45. A – to do B – doing C – to make D – making
VII – Read the passage, and choose the correct answer for each question.
Ha Long Bay
Ha Long Bay is a group of offshore islands that is the best example of marine invaded limestone
region in the world. The Bay holds over 1600 islands and islets. There are caves and grottoes,
with stalactites and stalagmites. Its limestone pillars are a unique natural feature of great scenic
beauty and biological interest. The great extent and the richness of its forms sets it apart from
many other sites.
Ha Long Bay is an extremely popular destination both for foreigners and Vietnamese. The early
1990s saw over 1 million visitors a year. It is unlikely that the number has decreased over the
years – so there will always be about 3000 other people in the Bay at the same time as you!
The natural beauty of the Bay lay hidden today under a very common fog. As I had already seen
the similar karst landscape in China a couple of years before, I certainly said that I was blown
away by the beauty of Ha Long Bay. We went onto one of the islands to visit the Surprising Cave –

an indeed surprisingly big and beautiful cave with three hollow chambers. We saw some monkeys
here too, just outside the cave exit.
Part of the tour was half an hour of kayaking – enough to paddle a full circle around the main area.
The views from the kayak I found much more impressive than from the larger boat: you‘re so tiny
then and the peaks rise sharply in front of you. I had a better look at the water too, and cannot say
that I saw pollution by plastic or other junk floating around. There is a thin layer of oil on the water
in some part though.
And then it‘s time to get back in the bus to Ha Noi, another 3.5 hours. Their tour was carried out
well with good seafood for lunch and I had a satisfying day.
46. The attraction that Ha Long Bay offer to tourists is______.
A. A large number of islands and islets
B. The largest limestone region in the world
C. Its caves and grottoes, with stalactites and stalagmites
D. Its unique value of landscape and biology
47. The writer was______ .
A. Able to escape from an explosion is Ha Long Bay
B. Very impressed by the beauty of Ha Long Bay
C. Unable to see Ha Long Bay due to the fog
D. Really frightened of visiting the Surprising Cave
48. All of the following statements are true about Ha Long Bay EXCEPT that___ .
A. The writer thought its beauty surpassed many other sites
B. The writer didn‘t think the number of tourists had decreased over the years
C. The writer saw some monkeys in the chambers of the Surprising Cave
D. It took three and a half hours to travel from Ha Noi to Ha Long Bay by bus
49. During half an hour of kayaking, the writer found that____ .
A. He was more impressed by the view from the kayak than by that from the boat
B. The problem of pollution there was serious with plastic or other junk floating around
C. He could see the peaks rise sharply in front of him
D. He could see a thin layer of oil on the water in a full circle around the main area
50. The word ―karst‖ in paragraph 3 is closest in meaning to _____ .
A. The common landscape found in China suitable for kayaking and boating
B. An irregular limestone region with underground streams, and caves
C. A large number of island and islets in Viet Nam and China
D. The explosive that can blow tourist away if they are not careful


Words Transcription Part of Vietnamese meanings
01. abundant /ә‘bdәnt/ A Dồi dào
02. acknowledge /әk‘nɔ:lidʒ/ V Ch p nh n
03. archaeological /a:kiә‘lɔ:dʒikl/ A Kh o c h c
04. Authentic /ɔ:‘θentik/ A Th t, th c
05. breathtaking /‘breθteikiŋ/ A ẹp, lôi cuốn
06. bury /‘beri/ V Chôn v i
07. Cave /keiv/ N ộng
08. Citadel /‘sitәdәl/ N Th nh trì
09. Complex /‘kɔmpleks/ N Qu n th
10. Comprise /kәm‘prais/ V Bao gồm
11. craftsman /‘kra:ftsmәn/ N Th th công

12. Cruise /kru:z/ N Chuy n du bi n
13. Cuisine /kwi‘zi:n/ N N u n ớng
14. Decorate /‘dekәreit/ V Trang trí
15. Demolish /di‘mɔliʃ/ V s p
16. Distinctive /dis‘tiŋktiv/ A N ib t
17. Dome /dәʊm/ N Mái vòm
18. dynasty /‘dinәsti/ N Triều i
19. Emerge /i‘mз:dʒ/ V Trồi lên
20. emperor /‘empiәrәr/ N v ơng
21. Endow /in‘dәʊ/ V an tặng
22. excavation /ekskә‘veiʃn/ N Vi c khai qu t
23. expand /ik‘spænd/ V Mở rộng
24. Fauna /‘fɔ:nә/ N ộng v t
25. Flora /‘flɔ:rә/ N th c v t
26. geological /dʒiә‘lɔdʒikl/ A ịa ch t
27. Grotto /‘grɔtәʊ/ N Hang
29. heritage /‘heritidʒ/ N is n
30. imperial /im‘piәriәl/ A o ng tộc
31. in ruins /in ‘ru:inz/ Ph T n t ch
32. Intact /in‘tækt/ A Nguyên vẹn
33. irresponsible /iri‘spɔnsәbl/ A Vô trách nhi m
34. Islet /‘ailәt/ N o nh
35. landscape /lændskeip/ N Phong c nh
36. lantern /‘læntәn/ N n lồng
37. limestone /‘laimstәʊn/ N á vôi
38. magnificent /mæg‘nifisnt/ A Tuy t ẹp
39. masterpiece /‘ma:stәpi:s/ N Ki t tác
40. mausoleum /mɔsә‘li:әm/ N Lăng t m
41. mosaic /mәʊ‘zeiik/ A Ch m, kh m
42. mosque /mɔsk/ N ề thờ
43. outstanding /aʊt‘stændiŋ/ A Xu t sắc
44. picturesque /piktʃә‘resk/ A ẹp nh tranh
45. Poetic /pәʊ‘etik/ A Nên thơ
46. preservation /prezә‘veiʃn/ N S b o tồn
47. Preserve /pri:‘zз:v/ V o tồn
48. Relic /‘relik/ N C v t
49. respectively /ri‘spektivli/ Adv L nl t
50. Royal /‘rɔiәl/ A o ng gia
51. sanctuary /sæŋk‘tjʊәri/ N Thánh ịa
52. Scenic /si:nik/ A ẹp
53. subsequent /‘sbsikwәnt/ A Ti p sau
54. Tomb /tu:mb/ N Lăng mộ
55. Worship /‘wз:ʃip/ N Thờ c ng


I – Pronunciation: Odd one out.
1. A – current B – sustainable C – infrastructure D – rubbish
2. A – climate B – livable C – city D – discussion
3. A – solar B – infrastructure C – designer D – focus
4. A – upgraded B – consumption C – urban D – unbelievable
5. A – dweller B – detect C – technology D – eco-friendly
6. A – presentation B – sensor C – infrastructure D – insoluble

II – Stress: Odd one out.
7. A – pessimistic B – optimistic C – overcrowded D – innovative
8. A – residential B – environment C – insoluble D – enjoyable
9. A – infrastructure B – sustainable C – inhabitant D – renewable
10. A – generate B – understand C – innovate D – maximize
III – Vocabulary and Grammar: Choose the best answer.
11. By 2050, seven out of every 10 people on Earth will be a(n)__________.
A – shelter B – urban residence C – city developer D – city dweller
12. Since 2007, Boston police have been using Shotspotter, a system that allows them to
______the location of shots fired immediately.
A – detect B – select C – collect D – realize
13. ___ structure in Ha Noi will be changed with the development of satellite areas.
A – City B – Downtown C – Urban D – Town
14. The Saudi government is investing billions in ______ to support the enormous influx of
people in Mecca.
A – streets B – roads C – bridges D – infrastructure
15. Many scientists are cautiously_____ that the earth can feed more than nine billion people.
A – interested B – pessimistic C – optimistic D – negative
16. China has already been experimenting with ways to make its cities more _____ for the last
two decades.
A – sustainable B – harmless C – continued D – natural
17. Studies reveal that food production will need to increase by 70 percent to _____ the over 9
billion people on Earth.
A – give B – supply C – provide D – feed
18. This is your essay on smart cities by 2050, _________?
A – is this B – isn‘t this C – is it D – isn‘t it
19. Across the globe, nations are preparing for water scarcity,_________?
A – are they B – aren‘t they C – will they D – won‘t they
20. I think the cities of tomorrow also need to consider the availability of open space,
A – do I B – don‘t I C – do they D – don‘t they
IV – Fill in each blank in the passage with the correct word from the box. There are some
extra words.
space link energy network
urban enjoyable sustainable infrastructure
Panasonic works with Denver to improve residents’ lives
Panasonic has revealed its smart city in partnership with Denver in the USA. Panasonic‘s new
plan includes a(n) (21) ……….…. of programmable LED street lights with on-street cameras,
smart solar grids, video analytics for parking, and improved security management to address
multiple (22) …….… concerns in the city. In terms of residential developments, residents will be
able to interact with their doctors in real time through an in-home biometric reading and tele-
medicine progamme.
By making transportation more efficient, improving green (23) ………….… usage, and increasing
access to advanced public resources, the goal of this smart city project is to transform Denver into
a simpler and more (24) ……………… place to work, live, and travel. Simultaneously, the project
provides Panasonic the opportunity to expand its reach beyond electronics and enter the Internet
of Things (IoT) (25) …………. for consumers.
V – Complete the sentences with the correct question tags.

26. The global conference provides us with the occasion for looking more closely at several
solutions, ……………………?
27. Tomorrow‘s cities are managed by a computer, …………………..?
28. There will be electric, driverless cars, ……………………..?
29. The Mayor of London did not believe an electric double decker was technically feasible,
30. All new cars sold in the country will be emissions free in less than 35 years,
31. We do not oppose the urban situations as they exist today, ……………….?
32. The start of the 21st century in China and the Arab world was marked by the creation of new,
energy-consuming cities, …………………….?
33. Your life will be organized by a domestic computer, …………………..?
34. There is no lack of the formation necessary for making urban progress, ……………………..?
35. Berlin tiles green spaces beautifully into the urban landscapes, ……………………?
VI – Choose the word or phrase among A, B, C or D that best fits the blank space in the
following passage.
elsinki already ranks as one of the world‘s most (36) …. cities, but by 2050, it may top the list.
Over the next few decades, Helsinki expects to add around 250,000 new residents. But the more
the population grows, the fewer cars will be on city streets as Helsinki (37) ….. itself into a network
of (38) ….. that are virtually car-free.
Right now, like many cities, Helsinki has a compact (39) ….. linked to far-flung suburbs by
expressways. (40) ….. the city grows, each suburb will change into a mini-urban center
surrounding tram or rail stations.
Helsinki expects its busy expressways to become boulevards lined with new (41) ….., sidewalk
cafes, bike lanes, and trams and buses. Residents will run everyday errands on foot or by bike;
the city hopes that homes, businesses, schools, and stores will all be (42) ….. together that many
people might not even have to (43) ….. anymore.
elsinki is described as a green network city which has five ―green fingers‖ (44) ….. through the
city from sea to surrounding forest network. Most of the new development will be located on
brownfield areas, residential areas, and on transforming motorway corridors. The city also plans to
add parks along the shoreline and add new (45) ….. to nearby islands.
36. A – worth B – deserving C – capable D – livable
37. A – transform B – converts C – causes D – varies
38. A – villages B – regions C – neighbourhoods D – communes
39. A – urban core B – hard core C – urban space D – centre city
40. A  Although B – Because C – As for D – As
41. A – homing B – house C – housing D – home
42. A – enough near B – enough distance C – far enough D – close enough
43. A – travel B – commute C – communicate D – go
44. A – run B – running C – to run D – being run
45. A – connections B – relations C – relationships D – paths
VII – Read the passage, and choose the correct answer for each question.
Predictions about the Cities of the Future
Cities are built to survive and prosper. Over the years, we have learned to transform our
surroundings according to our needs. We have cut through mountains to make more land and
created artificial islands to make skyscrapers. City planning, as an organized profession, has
existed for less than a century. However, a considerable amount of evidence (both archaeological
and historical) proves the existence of fully planned cities in ancient times. Over the years,

humans have made some mistakes in terms of using an excessive amount of resources for cities.
This gives rise to the question of how sustainable the cities of the future would be.
We might be looking at smart cities in which street lights would only switch on when you are close
by and traffic light would be eliminated by smart driving. The cities of the future would try to save
our resources rather than deplete them.
An example of an advanced city is Kansas. Plans are in place to make K ansas a smart futuristic
city in the future. Planners are considering introducing sensors to monitor the water mains.
Warning would be issued to city officials when the infrastructure requires repair or replacement. In
this way, the city would never be at risk of having broken pipes.
While the idea sound fantastic, a large amount of rational critique has called this plan an oversold
dream. Amy Glasmier is an urban planning professor at MIT. She is a smart city skeptic who
believes that all the research and talk is great but gravely oversold.
46. City planning is thought ____.
A. to have become a profession for about a hundred years
B. to have existed professionally since ancient times
C. to have come into existence to transform nature
D. to make more land and created artificial islands to make skyscrapers
47. The most important task in building is_____ .
A. to use an excessive amount of resources for cities
B. to raise the question about the future
C. to make cities in the future sustainable
D. to make future cities more organized
48. All of the following statements may be true about smart cities EXCEPT that __.
A. street lights automatically switch on when necessary
B. traffic light would be controlled by smart driving
C. smart driving wouldn‘t need traffic light
D. cities in the future would conserve energy
49. The residents in Kansas would not be worried about water in the future because___ .
A. the infrastructure requires no repair or replacement
B. the city will never have broken water pipes
C. city officials often repair or replace the water mains
D. there may be no disruption to water supply
50. The attitude of Amy Glasmier towards smart cities is ____ .
A. Supportive B. doubtful C. indifferent D. disgusting


Words Transcription Part of speech Vietnamese
1. Assignment /әˈsaɪnmәnt/ N Bài t p về nhà
2. Technology /tekˈnɒlәdʒi/ N Công ngh
3. Pollution /pәˈluːʃn/ N S ô nhi m
4. Sustainable /sәˈsteɪnәbl/ A Bền v ng
5. Liveable /ˈlɪvәbl/ A Có th sinh sống
6. Solar energy /әˈrɪdʒәnl/ N Năng l ng mặt trời
7. Solar panel /ˌsәʊlә ˈpænl/ N Pin mặt trời
8. Generate /ˈdʒenәreɪt/ V Phát i n
9. Renewable /rɪˈnjuːәbl/ A Có th tái t o
10. Enjoyable /ɪnˈdʒɔɪәbl/ A Vui thích
11. Urban /ˈɜːbәn/ A Thuộc về ô thị

12. Overcrowded /ˌәʊvәˈkraʊdɪd/ A Quá ông
13. Infrastructure /ˈɪnfrәstrʌktʃә(r)/ N Cơ sở h t ng
14. Inhabitant /ɪnˈhæbɪtәnt/ N C dân
15. Ungrade /ˈʌpɡreɪd/ V Nâng c p
16. Common /ˈkɒmәn/ A chung
17. Original /әˈrɪdʒәnl/ A Nguyên b n, b n
18. Disturb /dɪˈstɜːb/ V Làm phiền
19. Fridge /frɪdʒ/ N T l nh
20. Detect /dɪˈtekt/ V Phát hi n, tìm ra
21. Promote /prәˈmәʊt/ V Xúc ti n, th c y
22. Warning /ˈwɔːnɪŋ/ A C nh báo
23. Sensor /ˈsensә(r)/ N C m ng
24. Insoluble /ɪnˈsɒljәbl/ A Không th gi i
quy t
25. Dweller /ˈdwelә(r)/ N C dân
26. Analyze /ˈænәlaɪz/ V Phân tích
27. Threat /θret/ N ed a
28. Identify /aɪˈdentɪfaɪ/ V Nh n di n
29. Rescue /ˈreskjuː/ V C u, gi i c u
30. Assistance /әˈsɪstәns/ N S tr giúp
31. Function /ˈfʌŋkʃn/ N Ch c năng
32. Colleague /ˈkɒliːɡ/ N ồng nghi p
33. City planner /ˌsɪti ˈplænә(r)/ N Nhà qui ho ch ô
34. Carry out V Ti n hành
English Transcript Word class Meaning
35. Consumption /kәnˈsʌmpʃn/ N Tiêu thụ
36. Effort /ˈefәt/ N Nỗ l c
37. Shortage of /ˈʃɔːtɪdʒ/ N S thi u
38. Prove /pruːv/ V Ch ng t
39. Relaxation /ˌriːlækˈseɪʃn/ N S th giãn, nghỉ
40. Paradise /ˈpærәdaɪs/ N Thiên ờng
41. Prediction /prɪˈdɪkʃn/ N S d oán
42. Aging population N Dân số già
43. Facility /fәˈsɪlәti/ N Cơ sở v t ch t
44. Fertilize /ˈfɜːtәlaɪz/ V Bón phân
45. Offshore /ˌɒfˈʃɔː r / Adj Ngo i khơi
46. Compost /ˈkɒmpɒst/ N Một lo i phân
47. Slum /slʌm/ N Khu chuột
48. Pessimistic /ˌpesɪˈmɪstɪk/ Adj Bi quan
49. Optimistic Adj L c quan
50. Overpopulation /ˌәʊvәˌpɒpjuˈleɪʃn/ N Quá t i dân số
51. Radiation /ˌreɪdiˈeɪʃn/ N Phóng x
52. Scare /skeә(r)/ Adj S hãi
53. Earthquake /ˈɜːθkweɪk/ N ộng t
54. Tsunami /tsuːˈnɑːmi/ N Sóng th n
55. Failure /ˈfeɪljә(r)/ N Th t b i
56. Crime /kraɪm/ N Tội ác
57. Estimate /ˈestɪmeɪt/ V Ước l ng
58. Resident /ˈrezɪdәnt/ N C dân
59. Residential Adj Thuộc v c dân

60. Disposal /dɪˈspәʊzl/ N S th i ra
61. Innovative /ˈɪnәveɪtɪv/ Adj C i ti n
62. Rubbish /ˈrʌbɪʃ/ N rác
63. Teleconference /ˈtelikɒnfrәns/ N Hội nghị vô tuy n
64. Ignore /ɪɡˈnɔː r / V T ng lờ
65. Forecast /ˈfɔːkɑːst/ N D báo


2018-2019 Allotted time: 45 minutes

Code 100
Full name: ................................................
Class: 11........
Part A (7pts)
Choose the word that has the underlined part pronounced differently from that of the
1. A. extinct B. ecosystem C. electricity D. recycle
2. A. citadel B. bachelor C. climate D. diploma
3. A. dweller B. detect C. technology D. eco-friendly
Choose the word that has the main stress placed differently from that of the others.
4. A. rainforest B. tropical C. discover D. animal
5. A. infrastructure B. sustainable C. inhabitant D. renewable
Choose the one word or phrase A, B, C or D that best completes the sentence.
6. Copenhagen has been voted the most _______ city in the world several times.
A. ecological friendly B. ecologically soundly
C. eco-friendly D. friendly ecologically
7. I believe the government will use advanced technology to build faster trains and make
people's life more comfortable.
A. expensive B. modern C. public D. latest
8. I'm not old enough to understand the master plan of our city by 2050, _______?
A. am I B. am not I C. aren't I D. are you
9. Neither of the locations was ideal for a new shopping mail, _______?
A. were they B. was it C. weren't they D. wasn't it
10. If you like peace and quiet, ______ move to the town to live.
A. you won't B. you will C. let's D. don't
11. She was praised ___ donated a lot of money to the wildlife protection organization.
A. for having B. to have C. because of having D. due to having
12. Sarah will be very annoyed if Dave ______ her this evening.
A. won't call B. doesn't call C. call D. will call
13. Hue Imperial Citadel is the home of Viet Nam's last royal dynasty ______ our country from
1802 to 1945.
A. ruling B. ruled C. being ruled D. to rule
14. Take a short break! You ________ all day.
A. work B. are working C. have been working D. were working
15. Viet Nam has been named among the 12 countries most ______ for climate change by the
World Bank.
A. at risk B. at danger C. in risk D. ready
16. As visitors explore this magnificent place, there are always new surprises for them.

A. interesting B. strange C. unusual D. impressive
17. China has already been experimenting with ways to make its cities more _____ for the last
two decades.
A. sustain B. sustainable C. survival D. available
18. "Work harder or you'll fail the exam!" - " ________ "
A. Oh, that's fine for me! B. Thanks, I will
C. That sounds great! D. Sure, go ahead!
19. This safe, _____ friendly city is like a paradise for its inhabitants who can enjoy the highest
quality of life.
A. environment B. environmental C. environmentally D. environmentalist
20. "I don't have any plans for tonight." - " _________ "
A. Why not going to the cinema with me? B. I suggest to go to the cinema.
C. Let's go to the cinema, shall we? D. What if going to the cinema?
Choose the underlined word or phrase in each sentence that needs correcting.
21. Having suffered water shortage in the past, we are all very economic on using water.
22. Tom never goes out with his friends if he hasn't finished his homework, has he?
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to choose the word or phrase
that best fits each of the numbered blanks.
Where can you go in January for almost guaranteed sunshine - without travelling for most
of the day to get there? The answer is Marrakech in Morocco, a four-hour (23) _____ from Britain,
where the average temperature is a pleasant 66°F.
Marrakech is a city of (24)______ beauty, with its pink buildings and green palm trees
contrasting with the snow-covered (25)______ of the Atlas Mountains in the distance. For tourists,
there's the added attractions of excellent food at reasonable prices, and high quality
accommodation, such as Hotel La Momounia, (26)______ as one of the top hotels in the world.
(27)______ Marrakech is one of Morocco's busiest and most modern cities, the influence of
the Middle Ages is still very evident. (28)______ can admire the battlements, towers, and
mosques, which were built several centuries ago. And forget about shopping malls - for perfumes,
fabrics, antiques, spices and crafts, (29)_____ the 'souks', open-air market places where you'll
almost (30)______ find something to take back home.
23. A. travel B. trip C. flight D. voyage
24. A. big B. great C. large D. high
25. A. peaks B. hills C. heads D. surfaces
26. A. thought B. regarded C. believed D. guessed
27. A. Because B. However C. Despite D. Although
28. A. Spectators B. Viewers C. Sightseers D. Onlookers
29. A. work out B. put up with C. make up for D. head for
30. A. certainly B. likely C. probably D. possibly
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D to indicate the correct answer
to each of the questions.
In the future, genetic engineering will allow us to create the perfect human. It will be hard to
get used to. Parents will order a baby who will grow up to become a genius or to have a Miss
World appearance. Also, genetic engineering will allow us to mix plants and animals.
As computers have advanced, they have helped us remember, calculate, organize, and clarify.
So it will become easier to deal with things, and much quicker. At a point in a future time, some

may claim that computers become about as smart as Newton or Einstein. More advanced
computers will be able to be creative, respond to feelings in a feeling way, develop intuition,
recognize patterns, and suggest innovative alternatives. There is a hope if we choose to take
action. We can select Internet information wisely, choose healthy computer games, limit our
exposure to television commercials, and select television programs carefully. People will be aware
of the importance of keeping active, getting outside to do more physical activities. We will also
plan to make a major sacrifice the next time we buy a car, take the bus. Everybody will be more
concerned about making environmentally friendly choices, eating healthy, and helping build a
healthier society by shopping at better stores that sell better food.
Most people will be aware that a happy, loving family is a joy to be part of, and that it is a
necessary foundation for building a strong society. But it is extremely important for our future that
we maintain a healthy perspective. We need to value and appreciate the importance of what can
be achieved by loving and committed parents. People need a strong foundation, so it is vital for
our society that we encourage parents to work at creating love, joy, and happiness for their
children in a decent, stable, and productive atmosphere.
31. How many aspects of life in the future are referred in the text?
A. One B. Two C. Three D. Four
32. Which aspect is not referred in the text?
A. Education B. Genetic Engineering C. Computers D. Family
33. The phrase to have a Miss World appearance means that ..................
A. to become a Miss World B. to enter a beauty contest
C. to be intelligent D. to be beautiful
34. According to the text, in the future, ..................
A. it will be difficult for us to select Internet information
B. people will prefer taking a bus to buying a car
C. food will not be sold at shops
D. TV viewers will not be able to escape from seeing a lot of advertising.
35. The last paragraph is about ..................
A. family and parents' responsibility in the future
B. children's education
C. children's health
D. how to build a strong society
Part B (3pts)
Complete the sentences with the correct FORM or TENSE of the verbs in brackets (1pt)
36. Hoa ____________(finish) her English preparatory course and is going to the UK next month.
37. The machine was too badly damaged __________________ (repair).
38. The book _____________ (publish) last week is his first novel.
39. _______________(photocopy) all the papers, she put them back in the file.
40. A: Can I have a look at the glossary of study terms?
B: Just a minute. I _______________ (read) it myself.
Give the correct form of the WORDS in brackets (1pt)
41. Land _______ is mainly caused by widespread deforestation. (erode)
42. The city___________ are very optimistic about this city of the future. (plan)
43. The waste is ___________ sorted and treated. (automatic)
44. Big cities will be ____________ and traffic will be heavy. (populate)
45. The rainforest gorillas are in danger of extinction because of ________. (deforest)
Complete the second sentence so that it has similar meaning to the first. (1pt)

46. Because William had spent the whole day cleaning up his room, he needed to take a shower
and have a rest (Using Perfect Participle)
→ ………………………………………………………………………….………..…..
47. Her husband didn't keep his promise. He apologised for that. (Using Perfect Gerund)
→ ...........................…………………………………………………….….………....
48. Mary attended two online vocational courses: one in 2102 and the other in 2013. (Using
→ …………………………….............................…………………..….……....…..
49. The couples are both college professors. They live in the house next door.
(Using -ing or -ed participle or to-infinitive phrase)
→ The couples............……………………………………………..……..…….…..
50. Are you the next person that will talk about "Global warming"?
(Using -ing or -ed participle or to-infinitive phrase)
→ ..........................…………………………………………………………..………....

***** Thời gian làm bài: 45 phút
Họ và tên thí sinh: ………………………………… SBD: …………..… Mã đề thi
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word whose underlined
part differs from the other three in pronunciation in each of the following questions.
1. A. paradise B. fertilise C. praise D. comprise
2. A. complex B. enroll C. predict D. detect
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word that differs from the
other three in the position of primary stress in each of the following questions.
3. A. substance B. limestone C. cuisine D. colleague
4. A. bachelor B. efficient C. monument D. generate
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the correct answer to each of
the following questions.
5. You will be ……… any lost library books.
A. accused of B. suspected of C. blamed for D. fined for
6. He constructed a/ an ……… model of the ancient town.
A. intact B. original C. authentic D. standardized
7. ……… the desalination plant, the company could offer an effective solution to the problem of
water scarcity.
A. To build B. Having built C. Being built D. Having been built
8. There are still thousands of people living in ……… poverty.
A. catastrophic B. lasting C. extreme D. sustainable
9. In terms of population, California and New York rank first and second ………
A. respectively B. alternatively C. accordingly D. simultaneously
10. He is unlikely to be a threat ……… the public and should be released immediately.
A. to B. of C. with D. for
11. e's bought me a smart new camera to ……… my old one.
A. pursue B. exchange C. adjust D. replace
12. Customers ……… about the service should see the manager.
A. complain B. complaining C. to complain D. complained

13. Mum ……… all morning. She ……… lots of Christmas presents.
A. has shopped/ has bought B. has been shopping/ has bought
C. has shopped/ has been shopping D. has been shopping/ has been buying
14. Children have choices in literary activities; they ……… in pairs, in small groups, and with their
A. decide on B. collaborate C. sit for D. surround
15. I suppose these are the books you need for your research, ………?
A. don‘t I . aren‘t they C. aren‘t these . don‘t you
16. We were shocked to hear the news of your ………
A. having sacked B. sacking C. being sacked D. having been sacked
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word CLOSEST in
meaning to the underlined word in each of the following questions.
17. Harris used the term "crisis" to describe the company's financial situation.
A. aspect B. transcript C. theory D. word
18. Latin America has an abundant labor force and natural resources.
A. stable B. plentiful C. flexible D. insoluble
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the word OPPOSITE in
meaning to the underlined word in each of the following questions.
19. The inspector said that standards at the school had to be raised.
A. lowered B. broadened C. issued D. ensured
20. These skills were then handed down to subsequent generations of craftsmen.
A. current B. eligible C. previous D. distinctive
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to
indicate the correct word or phrase that best fits each of the numbered blanks from 21 to
The volume of traffic in many cities in the world today continues to 21 ………. This causes
many problems, including serious air pollution, lengthy delays, and the greater risk of accidents.
Clearly, something must be done, but it is often difficult to 22 ……… people to change their
habits and leave their cars at home.
One possible approach is to make it more expensive for people to use their cars by increasing
23 ……… for parking and bringing in tougher fines for anyone who breaks the law. In addition,
drivers could be required to pay for using particular routes at different times of the day. The
system, 24 ……… as ―road pricing‖, is already being introduced in a number of cities, using a
special electronic card 25 ……… to the windscreen of the car.
21. A. expand B. extend C. spread D. raise
22. A. make B. force C. suggest D. persuade
23. A. money B. tickets C. fares D. charges
24. A. named B. considered C. known D. called
25. A. joined B. fixed C. connected D. placed
Read the following passage and mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to
indicate the correct answer to each of the questions from 26 to 30.
Normally a student must attend a certain number of courses in order to graduate, and each
course which he attends gives him a credit which he may count towards a degree. In many
American universities the total work for a degree consists of three classes per week for fifteen
weeks; while attending university a student will probably attend two terms each year. It is possible
to spread to period of work for the degree over a longer period. It is also possible for a student to
move between one university and another during his degree course, though this is not in fact done
as a regular practice.

For every course that he follows a student is given a grade, which is recorded, and the record
is useful for the student to show to coming employers. Most of the students feel the pressure of
work, but in spite of this some students still find time for great activity in student affairs. The
students are interested in elections to positions in student organization. The effective work of
keeping orders is usually performed by students who advise the university authorities. Any student
who is thought to have broken the rules, for example, by cheating has to appear before a student
court. With the large numbers of students, the operation of the system includes a certain amount
of activity. A student who has held one of these positions is much respected and it will be of
importance to him later in his career.
26. According to the first paragraph an American is allowed ………
A. to live in a different university.
B. to study at home.
C. to get two degrees from two different universities.
D. to take a particular course in a different university.
27. Which of the following is useful for students' future career?
A. An attendance record B. A military record
C. An academic record D. A disciplinary record
28. American university students are usually under pressure of work because ………
A. their university performance will affect their future careers.
B. they are heavily involved in student affairs.
C. they have to observe strict university regulations.
D. they are interested in running for positions in student organizations.
29. The student organizations seem to be effective in ………
A. dealing with affairs of the university.
B. keeping up the students' interests for social activities.
C. checking students‘ performance by taking them to a student court.
D. ensuring that the students obey university rules.
30. According to the last two sentences it's important ………
A. to take part in student organizations.
B. to run a student organization.
C. to hold a position in student organizations.
D. to be respected by members of student organizations.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the underlined part that
needs correction in each of the following questions.
31. To identify (A) the most urgent (B) environmental problems, they started working out (C) all
possible solutions (D).
32. My brother has applied (A) for (B) that scholarship for months (C), but he has never succeeded
yet (D).
33. Students live (A) on (B) campus are (C) close to (D) their classrooms and the library.
Mark the letter A, B, C, or D on your answer sheet to indicate the most suitable response to
complete each of the following exchanges.
34. - Tom: ―Sorry, I forgot to phone you last night.‖ - Mary: ―………‖
A. I have nothing to tell you. B. Did you? I also forgot it.
C. Never mind! D. It‘s absent-minded of you, but don‘t worry.
35. - Jack: ―I've got to go, Sarah. So long." - Sarah: "………, Jack. And take care."
A. So do I B. Sorry to keep you waiting so long
C. Best wishes D. So long

Complete the following sentences with the correct forms of the given words in the
36. It was not safe to locate the chemicals factory in a ……..… area. (RESIDENCE)
37. The recent heavy rains have helped to ease the water ……..… (SHORT)
38. We need to do more to make the neighborhood more ……..… (LIVE)
39. No one here has the ……..… knowledge to fix the copier. (TECHNIQUE)
40. She has a ……..… in physics from Norwich. (DOCTOR)
Rewrite/ complete the sentences as directed in the brackets.
41. The US government had provided insufficient supplies for the flood victims. Local communities
in New Orleans criticized the US government for that. (Use a PERFECT GERUND)
=> Local communities in New Orleans criticized …………………………….……………………….
42. Your mother rarely stays up late, ……..…? (Use a question tag)
43. Maria take ……..… two A-levels and one AS-level in English, Math and Physics so far. (Give
the correct form of the verb given)
44. Ha Long Bay is the most magnificent scenic spot in Vietnam which attracts millions of
domestic and international tourists every year. (Use a TO-INFINITIVE CLAUSE)
=> a Long ay is the most magnificent scenic spot in Vietnam …………………………………..
45. Scenic landscape in Trang An is a blend of towering cliff-bounded mountains which are
connected through a large number of underground streams and caves. (Use a PARTICIPLE
=> Scenic landscape in Trang An is a blend of towering cliff-bounded mountains ………………
Complete the following sentences so that it has a similar meaning to the given sentences/
pairs of sentences.
46. The local farmers had planted millions of trees on the surrounding hills. The public praised for
=> The public praised the ………………………………………...…………………………………….
47. Because the factory denied the responsibility for the environment it caused, it was forced to
close down.
=> aving ……………………………………………………..…...……………………………………..
48. When unemployment is rising, people tend to stay in their current jobs.
=> If ………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
49. This is the first man who was arrested by the police yesterday.
=> This is the first man to …………………………………..…...……………….……………………..
50. I started learning how to play the piano eight months ago. I‘m still learning it.
=> I have been ……………………………………………………….....……………………………….

--- THE END ---


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