Kappa Lens Finishing System L10 - M10.User's Guide

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Lens Finishing System

User’s Guide
User's guide

Département Instruments
64 bis, avenue Aubert – 94306 Vincennes Cedex - France
Telephone: 33 (0)1 72 94 71 00 Fax: 33 (0)1 72 94 70 27
In order to reduce the risks associated with the use of electrical equipment – fire, electric shock, injury, etc.,
it is essential that the basic safety rules should be complied with.

In addition, we strongly recommend that you read this manual before you bring your digital system into
service, and that you keep it somewhere safe thereafter.

The mechanical adjustment, electronic, and electrical servicing operations must be performed by a technician
from the after-sales service department, who has been approved by Essilor.

So that you will be able to use your system in full safety, we recommend that you comply
with the following instructions:

- Your work bench must be clean, free of clutter, and have sufficient lighting to ensure that you can work in

- Be sure not to use your digital system in the presence of inflammable liquids or gases.

- In order to protect yourself from electric shocks, avoid making contact with any surfaces connected to

- Check the electric power cable periodically, and if it is damaged, have it replaced by an approved repair man.

- Keep the cable well away from heat sources, sharp objects and oily substances.

- Never pull on the cable in order to unplug it from the mains supply.

- Before connecting your digital system to the mains supply, make sure that the power switch is in the “0”
(Off) position.

- If the power switches are no longer performing their “ON/Off” function, then you must stop using your
digital system at once. Faulty switches should be replaced by an approved technician.

- When the equipment is not to be used for an extended period, or before carrying out any maintenance,
and/or when replacing certain accessories, it is imperative that you disconnect your digital system from
the electric power supply.

- Your digital system is a professional tool, and its use is reserved to specialist and responsible operators.
Use by anyone other than these operators should be strictly forbidden.

- Before using your digital system, check that it is operating correctly, and make sure that it is performing
its function correctly.

- The use and operation of any accessory other that those recommended in this manual is liable to give
rise to a risk for the operators using the product.

- Do not use your digital system for any purpose other than that described in this document.

- Your digital system should be maintained with care, and in accordance with the detailed instructions in
this document.

- Your digital system is an electrical device which conforms to the appropriate safety rules. If it
malfunctions, any repair operations must be performed by a qualified technician who has been approved
by Essilor. Otherwise the user will render himself liable to risk in terms of safety.

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 3 Warning

WARNING ________________________________________________________________________________ 3
Chapter 1 Introduction____________________________________________________________________ 8
1.1 Main components _________________________________________________________________________________ 9
1.2 Technical specifications ___________________________________________________________________________ 10
w Essilor κ Tracer-Centerer-Blocker or Centerer-Blocker κ __________________________________________________ 10
w Essilor κ edger __________________________________________________________________________________ 11
Chapter 2 Precautions to take _____________________________________________________________ 12
2.1 Preparing the work surface ________________________________________________________________________ 13
2.2 Work environment _______________________________________________________________________________ 14
2.3 Electrical set-up _________________________________________________________________________________ 15
w Electrical specifications ___________________________________________________________________________ 15
w General electric circuit diagram _____________________________________________________________________ 15
2.4 Water set-up ____________________________________________________________________________________ 17
2.5 Cleaning _______________________________________________________________________________________ 18

Chapter 3 Installation____________________________________________________________________ 19
3.1 Unpacking______________________________________________________________________________________ 20
3.2 Connections ____________________________________________________________________________________ 21
w Water connections _______________________________________________________________________________ 21
w Electrical connections to Essilor κ system______________________________________________________________ 26
w Essilor κ edgers / Essilor κ tracer-centerer-blockers / PC connections _________________________________________ 26
w Connections to bar code reader (optional) ______________________________________________________________ 26
Chapter 4 Description____________________________________________________________________ 27
4.1 Essilor κ tracer-centerer-blocker description __________________________________________________________ 28
w Main icons _____________________________________________________________________________________ 29
4.2 Essilor κ edger description ________________________________________________________________________ 30
w Essilor κ edger machine keyboard description (8)________________________________________________________ 31
w Main icons _____________________________________________________________________________________ 31

Chapter 5 Deployment of the Essilor Kappa network __________________________________________ 33

5.1 Your network: An Essilor Kappa Tracer-Centerer-Blocker and an Essilor Kappa Edger _________________________ 34
5.1.1. - Network connection of your Essilor κ tracer-centerer-blocker_____________________________________________ 34
a. If you have the shape memorisation option__________________________________________________________ 34
w Selection and modification of your tracer-centerer-blocker's storage range: _______________________________ 35
w Communications test and removal from network:___________________________________________________ 36
b. If you don't have the shape memorisation option______________________________________________________ 37
w Communications test and removal from network:___________________________________________________ 38
5.1.2. - Network connection of your Essilor κ edger __________________________________________________________ 39
w Communications test and removal from network:___________________________________________________ 40
5.2 Your network: Several Essilor Kappa Tracer-Centerer-Blockers and several Essilor Kappa Edgers ________________ 41
5.2.1. - Network connection of your tracer-centerer-blocker(s) __________________________________________________ 41
w Communications test and removal from network:___________________________________________________ 43
5.2.2. - Network connection of your Essilor κ edgers_________________________________________________________ 44
w Communications test and removal from network:___________________________________________________ 45
5.3 Your network: Adding one or more Essilor Kappa units to an Essilor Gamma network __________________________ 46
5.3.1. - Network connection of one or more Essilor κ units with several Essilor γ units _______________________________ 46
a. Network connection of Essilor κ tracer-centerer-blocker(s)______________________________________________ 46
w Communications test and removal from network:___________________________________________________ 49
b. Network connection of Essilor κ edger(s): __________________________________________________________ 51
w Communications test and removal from network:___________________________________________________ 52

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 4 Contents

5.3.2. - Network connection of an Essilor κ tracer-centerer-blocker with an Essilor γ edger, or network connection of an Essilor κ
edger with an Essilor γ tracer-centerer-blocker ______________________________________________________________ 54
a. Network connection of an Essilor κ tracer-centerer-blocker with an Essilor γ edger: ___________________________ 54
1. If you have the shape memorisation option: _______________________________________________________ 54
w Selection and modification of your tracer-centerer-blocker's storage range: _______________________________ 56
w Communications test________________________________________________________________________ 57
2. If you don't have the shape memorisation option:___________________________________________________ 59
w Communications test________________________________________________________________________ 61
b. Network connection of an Essilor κ edger with an Essilor γ tracer-centerer-blocker: ___________________________ 63
w Co mmunications test________________________________________________________________________ 65

Chapter 6 Essilor Kappa Tracer Centerer Blocker ___________________________________________ 67

6.1 Initialisation ____________________________________________________________________________________ 68
6.2 Setting up the spectacle frame: _____________________________________________________________________ 69
6.3 Setting up the frame pattern or demonstration lens _____________________________________________________ 70
6.4 Selecting the type of tracing ________________________________________________________________________ 71
w Symmetrical binocular tracing (RE = LE) ______________________________________________________________ 71
w Non-symmetrical binocular tracing (RE ≠ LE) __________________________________________________________ 72
w Right eye tracing ________________________________________________________________________________ 73
w Left eye tracing _________________________________________________________________________________ 74
w Frame pattern/demonstration lens selection_____________________________________________________________ 75
6.5 Selecting the type of frame _________________________________________________________________________ 76
w Plastic frames ___________________________________________________________________________________ 76
w Optyl frames ___________________________________________________________________________________ 77
w Metal frames ___________________________________________________________________________________ 78
w High Precision metal frames ________________________________________________________________________ 79
6.6 Tracing cycle start-up: working in "standard" mode and memorisation ____________________________________ 80
w Binocular tracing ________________________________________________________________________________ 80
w Monocular tracing: input of bridge value ______________________________________________________________ 81
6.7 Shape alteration _________________________________________________________________________________ 82
6.8 Stopping the tracing cycle _________________________________________________________________________ 86
6.9 Selecting the type of centering ______________________________________________________________________ 87
w Selecting the centering cross for single vision lenses______________________________________________________ 87
w Selecting the centering cross for bifocal and executive lenses _______________________________________________ 88
w Selecting the centering cross for progressive lenses ______________________________________________________ 89
6.10 Operator input of PD and height values _____________________________________________________________ 90
w Entering the patient's PD __________________________________________________________________________ 90
w Entering the patient's fitting height ___________________________________________________________________ 91
6.11 Entering the PD and fitting height using Essilor Duo ___________________________________________________ 92
6.12 Clamping the decentered lens _____________________________________________________________________ 93
6.13 Centering the second lens (example: left lens) _________________________________________________________ 94
6.14 Memorising a shape _____________________________________________________________________________ 95
6.15 Retrieving a stored shape _________________________________________________________________________ 98
6.16 Exchange of information with one or more PC(s) equipped with the Opsys software __________________________ 99
6.17 Automatic maintenance _________________________________________________________________________ 104
w Accessing automatic maintenance menus _____________________________________________________________ 104
w Configuration of decentration mode and blocking mode __________________________________________________ 106
w Display of Precal sizes ___________________________________________________________________________ 107
w Time setting___________________________________________________________________________________ 108
w Autotests _____________________________________________________________________________________ 109
w Toolbar customising_____________________________________________________________________________ 111
w Communications test ____________________________________________________________________________ 114
w Statistics and Technical log _______________________________________________________________________ 115
w Calibration of the tracing part and centering-blocking part ________________________________________________ 118

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 5 Contents

Chapter 7 Essilor Kappa Edger___________________________________________________________ 127
7.1 Initialisation____________________________________________________________________________________ 128
7.2 Shape retrieval __________________________________________________________________________________ 129
w Without shape memorisation option _________________________________________________________________ 129
w With shape memorisation option ___________________________________________________________________ 130
7.3 Lens set-up_____________________________________________________________________________________ 131
7.4 Cycle selection__________________________________________________________________________________ 132
7.5 Lens material selection ____________________________________________________________________________ 133
7.6 Bevel type selection ______________________________________________________________________________ 134
w Polishing _____________________________________________________________________________________ 134
w Automatic finishing: automatic bevel, flat edge finish and grooving _________________________________________ 135
w Customised finishing: customised bevel and groove _____________________________________________________ 137
A – Accessing the functions ______________________________________________________________________ 137
B – Customised bevels __________________________________________________________________________ 138
- The automatic bevel: adjusting the position of the bevel. __________________________________________ 138
- The frame base curve: adjusting the position of the bevel. _________________________________________ 140
- Tracing the eye shape: adjusting the position of the bevel. _________________________________________ 142
- Distribution of the bevel (%):bevel position settings._____________________________________________ 144
- Following the lens front surface: bevel position adjustments._______________________________________ 146
- Following the lens back surface: bevel position adjustments._______________________________________ 148
When to use "customised bevels"? _____________________________________________________________ 150
C – Customised grooves _________________________________________________________________________ 151
- The automatic groove: setting of position, depth and width of the groove. _____________________________ 151
- The frame base curve: setting of position, depth and width of the groove. _____________________________ 153
- The groove distribution (%): setting the position, depth and width of the groove.________________________ 155
- Following the lens front surface: setting the position, depth and width of the groove._____________________ 157
- Following the lens back surface: setting the position, depth and width of the groove _____________________ 159
When to use the "customised grooves"? _________________________________________________________ 161
D – Overall alteration or alteration on one point of the bevel or groove.______________________________________ 162
- Overall alteration of the bevel curve _________________________________________________________ 163
- Partial alteration of the bevel curve __________________________________________________________ 165
- Displacement of bevel curve _______________________________________________________________ 167
- Overall alteration of the groove curve ________________________________________________________ 169
- Partial alteration of the groove curve _________________________________________________________ 171
- Displacement of groove curve ______________________________________________________________ 173
w Chamfering ___________________________________________________________________________________ 174
7.7 Edging the second lens ____________________________________________________________________________ 176
7.8 Retouching a lens that was just edged_________________________________________________________________ 177
7.9 Retouching the first edged lens—second lens already completed ____________________________________________ 178
7.10 Short lens edging _______________________________________________________________________________ 179
7.11 Available options after selecting the type of bevel_______________________________________________________ 180
7.12 Features available after complete edging cycle start-up ___________________________________________________ 181
7.13 Automatic maintenance __________________________________________________________________________ 182
♦ Finished lens size settings, groove parameters and chamfering_____________________________________________ 184
♦ Finished lenses size settings ______________________________________________________________________ 185
♦ Groove settings ________________________________________________________________________________ 186
♦ Chamfering parameters __________________________________________________________________________ 187
♦ Chamfering settings ____________________________________________________________________________ 188
♦ Automatic wheel cleaning ________________________________________________________________________ 189
♦ Spraying of the edging chamber ___________________________________________________________________ 191
♦ Toolbar customising and macro-functions ____________________________________________________________ 192
♦ Autotests _____________________________________________________________________________________ 196
♦ Statistics and Technical log _______________________________________________________________________ 197
♦ Calibration of bevel and chamfering functions_________________________________________________________ 200
- Full calibration (excluding grooving function) ___________________________________________________ 201
- Calibration of the edger's feelers ______________________________________________________________ 202
- Change of the chamfering wheel______________________________________________________________ 203

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 6 Contents

Chapter 8 Error messages ________________________________________________________________204

8.1 Tracer-Centerer-Blocker : Error messages __________________________________________________________ 205

8.2 Edger : Error messages ________________________________________________________________________ 210
8.3 Configuration of bar-code readers ________________________________________________________________ 216
8.4 Replacement of the edging chamber bulb __________________________________________________________ 217

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 7 Contents

Chapter 1


You have just acquired an Essilor κ digital system. Congratulations…

We strongly recommend you read this entire manual before using your Essilor κ digital system,
in order to obtain the greatest satisfaction.

Important: The information in this document is non-contractual and given as indication only. It is subject to
change without prior notice. In this type of document, errors or omissions may occur; although great
care has been taken to avoid them. Essilor may in no way be held responsible for any operating
defects or data loss that may result from such errors or omissions.

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 8 1 – Introduction

1.1 Main components
Your Essilor κ digital system consists of the following items:
• An edger equipped with the following accessories:
• Posiblock holder nose (standard ø);
• Lens clamp (standard ø);
• Posiblock holder nose for half-eye spectacle lens (half-eye ø);
• Lens clamp for half-eye spectacle lens (half-eye ø);
• Posiblock holder nose (mini ø);
• Lens clamp (mini ø);
• Standard gauge for edger adjustment and for the centering-blocking function;
• Allen key;
• Pack of 20 lens holders, standard ø;
• Pack of 10 half-eye lens holders ø;
• Pack of 10 half-eye lens mini ø
• Roll of 200 double-sided adhesive pads, standard ø;
• Roll of 200 double-sided adhesive pads, half-eye ø;
• Roll of 200 double-sided adhesive pads, mini ø;
• Pliers for removing lens holders;
• Cleaning lap for roughing wheel;
• Cleaning lap for finishing wheel;
§ Cleaning stick for polishing wheel and a cap specially designed for this operation
• Spare trough light;
• Two spare fuses: 4A
• Two water inlet pipes to be connected to the electrovalve;
• Trough reducer;
• Waste water drain pipe;
• Power cord;
• Connecting cable for connection to a tracer-centerer-blocker or another edger or PC;
• Protective cover.

• Options:
• Optical reader to retrieve jobs stored on a tracer-centerer-blocker and/or a centerer-blocker and/or
a PC equipped with the Opsys software.
• Closed circuit machining kits.

• A tracer-centerer-blocker equipped with the following accessories:

• Allen key;
• Pencil for marking lenses;
• Accessory for centering demonstration lenses / pre-shaped lenses;
• Accessory for tracing pre-shaped lenses, demonstration lenses or templates / tracer calibration gauge;
• Metal gauge;
• Two spare fuses : 2A
• Power cable;
• Protective cover;
• Connecting cable “Y” RS 485.
• A set of wedges designed for small frames

• Option: Shape memorisation:

• Optical reader:
- Job No. allocation;
- Retrieval of jobs stored on another tracer-centerer-blocker and/or centerer-blocker and/or PC
equipped with the Opsys software.
• Storage of 200 Jobs.
• Roll of bar code labels.

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 9 1 – Introduction

1.2 Technical specifications
w Essilor κ Tracer-Centerer-Blocker or Centerer-Blocker κ
l Centering-blocking mode: Fitting cross (passive) – Optical Centre (active).
l Automatic initialisation.
l Autocalibration.

l Autotest.

l Cycle counters.

l Automatic frame positioning.

l Automatic feeler insertion.

l Automatic tracing of frame, pattern, demonstration lens (RE and LE), pre-shaped lens (RE and LE).

l Three-dimensional and automatic binocular tracing (automatic RE/LE transfer).

l Symmetrical binocular tracing.

l Non-symmetrical binocular tracing.
l High-Precision binocular and monocular tracing.
l Automatic measurement of frame bridge.

Shape alteration
l 2 track video optical system: without parallax.

l Magnification:1.65.

l Direct input of decentrations (increment of 0.5 mm) in mode: PD/2 - ∆ X - Boxing H or below pupil - ∆ Y -

l Target specific to lens type: single vision, bifocal, progressive, executive.

l Display of pre-calibrated sizes.

l Tool bar customising.

l Display of job number.

l Adjustment of screen and video contrast.

l Electric clamping control with pressure control.

l Possibility of network operation: maximum of 32 units => tracer-centerer-blockers + edgers + PC.

l PC connection.

l Built-in automatic maintenance functions.

l Dimensions of colour LCD screen: 158.40 x 209.00 mm.

l Size: L 265, D 410, H 568 mm.

l Weight: 15 kg

l Voltage: 230 V – 50/60 Hz or 115 V – 50/60 Hz.

l Electrical consumption: 50 W - protected by 2 time-lag fuses of 2 A - 250V/5 x 20 mm.

l Complies with standard.

• Complies with ISO 16284.

N.B: As improvements are made these specifications may be changed without prior notice.

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 10 1 – Introduction

w Essilor κ edger
l Edging in Boxing mode (passive) or Optical mode (active).
l Digital edger with restitution of bevel in 3 dimensions.
l Automatic initialisation.

l Auto calibration.

l Autotest.

l Cycle counters.

l Simultaneous tracing of front and back surfaces of the lens.

l Edging modes:

l Automatic bevelling.

l Customised bevel: frame-base curve tracing, tracing the eye shape, balanced bevel (%), front surface
tracing, back surface tracing, partial and overall adjustment, displacement.
l Rimless edging.

l Grooving: the depth and width of the groove are adjustable (increments of 0.05) – automatic groove,

base follow-up, groove distribution (%), front surface follow-up, back surface follow-up, partial and overall
adjustments, displacement.
• Chamfering : front and back – plastic and polycarbonate
l Specific programs for tangent lenses

l Three-dimensional display of bevel and groove before the start of the cycle.

l Zoom on bevel and groove.

l Setting and display of lens clamping pressure (3 levels).

l Tool bar customising.

l Possibility of creating edging programs (macro-function).

l Control of machining time according to the shape to be machined.

l Control of edging pressure according to material.

l Automatic wheel cleaning cycle.

l Lens edging capacity: maximum diameter: 110 mm

Diameter: 18 mm for flat edge, 19.5 for bevel
l Versions 2, 3 or 4 wheels (according to material): glass, plastic, composite and polycarbonate edging,

l RE/LE safety.

l Display of JOB number.

l Possibility of network operation: maximum of 32 units => tracer-centerer-blockers + edgers + PC.

l PC connection.

l Built-in automatic maintenance functions.

l Dimensions of colour LCD screen: 158.40 x 209.00 mm.

l Size: L 535, D 410, H 568 mm.

l Weight: 67 kg.

l Voltage : 230 V – 50/60 Hz or 115 V – 50/60 Hz.

l Electrical consumption: 1350 W - 10 A for 230 V and 15 A for 115 V.

Double-pole cut-out switch
l Average water consumption:
- CR 39 glass and MHI: 4 litres/min.
- Polycarbonate: 5 litres/min.
l Noise level measured while grinding, at a distance of 0.5 m from the machine:
- plastic lens = 79 dB(A)
- ormex lens = 80 dB(A)
- glass lens = 80 dB(A)
- light-sensitive lens = 82 dB(A)
- MHI = 82 dB(A)
l Complies with standard.
• Complies with ISO 16284.

N.B: As improvements are made these specifications may be changed without prior notice.

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 11 1 – Introduction

Chapter 2

Precautions to take

This chapter describes the required work environment conditions,

the precautions to take and other essential conditions that must be
met prior to starting up and operating your Essilor κ digital system.

Attention: For safety reasons this machine should only be used after installation in an appropriate professional site.

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 12 2 – Precautions

2.1 Preparing the work surface
For the correct installation of your Essilor κ digital system, it is preferable to have a perfectly horizontal work
surface and at an appropriate height (approximately 70 cm).

A 55-mm hole (or 120 mm for polycarbonate edging) must be drilled to allow the passage of a water drainage

400 mm

120 mm
185 mm
535 mm

Your Essilor κ tracer may be installed to the right or left of the Essilor κ edger, whichever is more convenient.
The Essilor κ tracer may be sited within 5 m of the edger (a 5 m-long cord is delivered with the edger) or within
10 m (a 10 m cord is optional).

Caution: Take into account the space the edger will occupy before drilling the water drainage hole.

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 13 2 – Precautions

2.2 Work environment
Temperature and relative humidity of the room in which the Essilor κ digital system is located must fall within
these limits:

- Operating: temperatures from 10°C to 40°C.

relative humidity from 30% to 95%.

- When not operating: from 5°C to 50°C.

from 25% to 95%.

Avoid sudden changes in temperature or in relative humidity; and install your system:
l in an area not exposed to direct sunlight;
l away from all heat sources;
l sheltered from any intense magnetic sources;
l away from all chemical products or corrosive gases and/or liquids.

Be sure not to block the ventilation louvers and make sure there is adequate space above each unit.

Avoid exposing the equipment to vibrations or shocks.

Caution : The back of your Essilor Kappa equipment must be at a minimum of 20 cm from the wall.

This equipment is not suitable nor intended for operation in an environment classed as

being under explosion risks.

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 14 2 – Precautions

2.3 Electrical set-up
w Electrical specifications
l Power supply voltage:
230 VAC +/- 10% 50 Hz +/- 1 Hz
115 VAC +/- 10% 60 Hz +/- 1 Hz

l Ground connection:
The equipment must be connected to an electrical system (power mains) that provide a ground connection.
That ground connection must comply with public standards and be checked by a qualified electrician.

l Interference and micro-outages:

The equipment was designed to resist, and continue operating despite, interference and possible network
power surges.
However, if those faults are too pronounced, and abnormal, normal equipment operation cannot be guaranteed.

l Active power:
Edger: 1350 W 230V – 50 Hz 10 A
115V – 60 Hz 15 A
Tracer: 50 W 230V – 50 HZ 0,5 A
115V – 60 Hz 2A

Caution : Make sure that the equipment is connected to an electrical system complying with standard
NFC 15-100.

Make sure that the power socket is a 3-pin 10/16A (earthed) socket protected through a high-sensitive
differential device (max : 30 mA).

w General electric circuit diagram :

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 15 2 – Precautions

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 16 2 – Precautions
2.4 Water set-up
l Direct water
It is essential to have a water supply tap equipped with a 20 x 27 mm male output nozzle located within one
meter from the edger if possible.
The water supply conduit must in no way be modified. The installation must comply with current standards;
and flexible water pipes must regularly be replaced as they may become brittle with age. Essilor cannot be
held responsible if the installation does not comply, or if connections were unduly modified.

l Recirculating water
Your Essilor κ edger is set up to operate with a tank and pump.

Except in the case of a special application, it is necessary to use a settling tank with a minimum capacity of 26
litres combined with an electric pump (either 115 or 230 V) giving an output pressure of at least 3 N/cm2.

Caution: Used water contains lens particles. It is therefore vital to use a settling tank. Without that system the
drainage pipes will rapidly become blocked up. Essilor will in no way be held responsible in such

- Never touch the edging wheels through the drain hole.

- Never turn the edger on if the drainage hose is not connected.

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 17 2 – Precautions

2.5 Cleaning
Clean your system regularly using a soft, non-abrasive cloth dipped in water or a neutral detergent.

Important: Never clean your Essilor κ digital system with chemical cleaning products such as alcohol, or other
plastic or glass solvents.

Important : Never clean the mechanical parts (tracing roller, tracing chamber, keyboards, etc.) with a wet cloth.

Clean the screens of your system using a dry cloth. The screens should never come into contact with liquid
(water, alcohol, window detergent, etc.).

Caution : Don’t forget to screw back the window on to the door of your machine after cleaning.

In order to avoid any incident, never start your machine before having put the window on

the door.

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 18 2 – Precautions

Chapter 3


This chapter describes which precautions to take when removing your equipment units
from their packaging, as well as how to connect your Essilor κ digital system.

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 19 3 – Installation

Your Essilor κ digital system comes packed in two boxes: one contains the Essilor κ edger, and in the other is
your Essilor κ tracer-centerer-blocker.

Be careful not to drop nor otherwise hit the units while unpacking them.

Respect the "TOP"/"BOTTOM" indications printed on the packaging.

Prepare the surface on which you will put your Essilor κ system .

Make sure that that work surface meets the conditions detailed in the "Precautions to take" chapter.

All original packaging materials should be preserved in case one of the units has to be returned.

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 20 3 – Installation

3.2 Connections
w Water connections
l Connect one of the two water inlet flexible hoses (1) to the edger (spline socket) (2).
l Connect the other water inlet flexible hose (3) to your water supply tap
(threaded outlet, 20 x 27 mm) (4).
l Connect the 2 hoses to the electrovalve (5).
l Connect the electrovalve to the edger (6).

Fig A

1 6

Drain pipe:
Insert the waste water pipe (7) Fig. A under the machine by turning it clockwise and connect it to your drainage

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 21 3 – Installation


ESSILOR makes two types of tanks available to you , to be used according to daily flow rate: 26-liter tank (D) and
44-liter tank (G).

A : Cover with hole intended for reception of L : Water supply hose.

waste water hose (P). M : Second water supply hose (required for
B : Filter tank equipped with filter (C) installed on polycarbonate grinding).
a filtration grill (C’). N : Solenoid (required for polycarbonate
D : 26-liter waste-water tank. grinding).
E : Base with castors, for 26-liter tank. Q: Filtering tank support.
F : Cover for 44-liter tank. O1 : Water supply hose.
G : 44-liter waste-water tank. O2 : Drainage hose.
H : Base with castors, for 44-liter tank. O3 : Pump power supply cable.
I : Recycling pump. P : Waste water drain pipe.
J : Pump power supply cable. R : Filtering tank support.
K : Extension cord to link pump power supply
cable with edger.

Installing tank components:

Place the tank (D or G) on its base (E or H). Fill the tank, checking that when the filtration tank (B) is installed at its
bottom, that the latter is not submerged (water level S).

Installing the pump

Place the pump (I) at the bottom of the tank (D or G), being careful to leave the power supply cable and the water
supply hose(s) out of the water. If your edger is not a version that enables polycarbonate edging, you must leave
one of the two hoses submerged at the bottom of the tank, with the pump.

Attention: If you do not use the Essilor-supplied pump, your pump should comply with the EN 60335-1 and
EN 60335-2-41 standards.

Installing the drainage tank:

The filtering tank fits on the tank support (Q).

Fit the filtering tank (B) into the waste-water tank (D or G). Place the cover A over the tank as installed.

Installing the drainage hose:

Fit the waste-water drainage hose (P) beneath the edger by turning it clockwise. Place the hose in the hole of
cover A. Make sure it fits tightly, by using the pin.

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 22 3 – Installation


Connect the electrical extension cord (K) to the pump’s (I) power supply cable (J) at one end and to the edger (2) at
the other.
Connect the water-supply hose (O1) to the pump hose (L) at one end and to the edger (4) at the other end.
If you are grinding polycarbonate:
Connect the solenoid (N) to the pump hose (M) at one end and to the edger at the other (4). Plug the solenoid into
the edger (1).
Connect the water-supply hose (O1) to the pump hose (L) at one end and to the edger (3) at the other.

Draining the tank:

Turn your edger off.

Disconnect the hoses from the edger at joints (L and M).
Disconnect the pump control cable (K) from the power-supply cable (J).
Move the tank to the drainage site.
Place the L or M hose in the tank.
Connect the waste-water drainage hose (O2) to the second pump hose (L or M).
Place that hose in the waste-water drainage receptacle.
Connect the power-supply cord (O3) supplied with the tank to the pump (1); then plug the other end into mains.
Drainage takes place automatically.

This system enables drainage of about 70% of the tank’s contents.

IMPORTANT : Change your filter after every 10 lenses if you have a 26-liter tank. Change the filter after every 200
lenses if you have a 44-liter tank.

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 23 3 – Installation

Standard Version :

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 24 3 – Installation

Polycarbonate Version :

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 25 3 – Installation

w Electrical connections to Essilor κ system

- Voltage indicated for your equipment should correspond with voltage of power supply.
- Check that the "on/off" switch of all units in your Essilor κ system is set to "O".
- First connect the mains power cord to the machines and then to the mains power supply - but only after
making sure that the sockets are properly grounded.
- Have an electrician check the earth connection if necessary.
- Avoid using extension cords or intermediary multiple-socket connectors which might result in poor

- Before switching on, check that the drainage hose is attached correctly.

- The electric plug socket must be close to the equipment and be easily accessible.

- When you switch off the edger, you have to wait 20 seconds before switching it back on.

w Essilor κ edgers / Essilor κ tracer-centerer-blockers / PC connections

Essilor κ can operate in network mode: maximum of 32 units.
l You can connect your tracer to an edger or to another tracer (sockets 1) , or to a PC (sockets 2).
l You can connect your edger to another edger or to a tracer (sockets 4) or PC (sockets 5).

6 5 4 4 3 2 1

Caution: Check that the cable is not routed too near any interfering electrical equipment: transformer; electric
motor; fluorescent lighting tube; radio; etc..

w Connections to bar code reader (optional)

- Connect the bar code readers (delivered as an option) to socket 3 of the Essilor κ tracer and socket 6 of
your Essilor κ edger.
- Turn on your equipment.
- Activate each optical reader by reading the bar code included with the option.

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 26 3 – Installation

Chapter 4


This chapter describes each part of the components that make up your κ Essilor system.

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 27 4 – Description

4.1 Essilor κ tracer-centerer-blocker description
1. Centering screen.
2. Control keypad.
3. Brightness control knob.
4. Screen contrast control knob.
5. Blocking arm.
6. Lens support.
7. Tracing chamber.
8. Feeler.
9. Frame clamps.
10. Master switch.
11. Socket for bar code reader.
12. PC connection cable socket RS232.
13. Tracer(s)/edger(s)/PC(s) connections cables sockets.
14. Power supply cord socket /fuse.
15. Identification plate.

11 12 13


3 4 8




Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 28 4 – Description

w Main icons

Start-up/Initialisation. ; Centering cross, single vision lenses.

Stop tracing cycle. Centering cross, bifocal lenses.

Symmetrical binocular tracing RE = LE. Centering cross, progressive lenses.

Left eye tracing. Centering cross, executive lenses.

Right eye tracing Centrering of right eye

Binocular tracing RE ≠ LE Centering of left eye

Plastic frame + - Modification of PD/2 (+)/(-).
Metal frame Height modification (+)/(-).
- ×+
0 Optyl frame ê
Lens blocking.

High Precision metal frame

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 29 4 – Description

4.2 Essilor κ edger description
1. Lens clamp support.
2. Water jets.
3. Feelers.
4. Grooving and chamfering wheel.
5. Automatic door.
6. Finished lens viewing screen [bevel, flat edge finish, groove].
7. Control keypad A.
8. Control keypad B.
9. Adjustment of main water inlet.
10. Master switch.
11. Power supply cord socket.
12. Bar code reader socket.
13. PC connection cable socket RS232.
14. Tracer(s)/edger(s)/PC(s) connection cables sockets.
15. Pump and electrovalve connections.
16. Water inlet control knob for polycarbonate machining.


6 2
5 7

3 3
4 1 9


12 13 14

∆! Be careful during the assembly of the following parts :

Standard lens Half-eye Half-eye lens

Standard chuck chuck
clamp clamp

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 30 4 – Description

w Essilor κ edger machine keyboard description (8)

ç Lens clamp.

è Lens release.
Open/close door.

Cycle start-up.

Lens retouching.

ç è Wheel sweep.

Stop of your Essilor κ.


w Main icons

Initialisation and cycle start. Fragile glass cycle.

Shape retrieval. Automatic bevel.

Left lens selection.

G Customised bevel.

Right lens selection. Automatic groove.

Glass lens.
G Customised groove.

Plastic lens. Flat edge finish.

Polycarbonate lens. Chamfering

Mid and High Index lenses Tangential lens


Standard Cycle

EAS™ (Edging Assisted System)

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 31 4 – Description


- When pressing the Clamp Lens cycle key, it is important that you do not allow your fingers to enter between
the clamping elements, in order to avoid pinching. The clamping movement stop when you release your
finger of the key.

- Before pressing the Start Cycle key make sure that the actuator is tightened. It is imperative that you
withdraw your hands from the edging chamber before you begin the machining operation.

- While grinding the lens, the cover of the edging chamber must be securely closed for reasons of safety.
It is necessary to open the door of the edging chamber for servicing of the polishing wheel. When this is
done, take care not to introduce any element other than the cleaning rod, since there is a danger that it will
be caught in the grinder (tie, scarf, etc.).

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 32 4 – Description

Chapter 5

Deployment of the
Essilor Kappa network

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 33 5 – Network deployment

5.1 Your network: An Essilor Kappa Tracer-Centerer-Blocker
and an Essilor Kappa Edger
Connect your equipment in accordance with instructions given in the section on "Connecting your edger and
tracer-centerer-blocker" in chapter 3, "Installation".

5.1.1. Network connection of your Essilor κ tracer-centerer-blocker

a. If you have the shape memorisation option

[to activate this option, see the section on "bar code options" in chapter 3].
- Turn on your tracer-centerer-blocker.
- Do not initialise your system.
- Read the bar code below:

Your following screen will be displayed:

♦ Kappa / Pccom V2 – 19200 bds

♦ Gamma

♦ OMA – Iso 16284


- Make sure that the communication protocol selected is Essilor κ - Hand A.

Important: Any modification of the protocol chosen during the setup results in the irrevocable loss of the
stored data.

- Go to page 2 to select your storage range - Hand B.

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 34 5 – Network deployment

♦ Selection and modification of your tracer-centerer-blocker's storage range:

After the configuration of the protocol, a new screen will be displayed.

= < 1 - 200

< 1 - 200
< 201 - 400
< 401 - 600
< 601 - 800
< 801 - 1000




- The default storage range is shown next to the icon representing your tracer-centerer-blocker.

- You can modify your storage range - Hand A.

The data stored in the previous range is irretrievably lost.
- The shape memorisation option includes a roll of bar code labels numbered 1 to 200.
You can order rolls of labels numbered 201 to 400, 401 to 600, 601 to 800, and 801 to 1000.

- Make sure that your storage range coincides with the numbers on your bar code labels.

- Go to the next page in order to carry out a communications test - Hand B.

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 35 5 – Network deployment

♦ Communications test and removal from network:

A new screen is displayed.

It enables you to check that your tracer-centerer-blocker is connected to the network. However, since no
other unit has been connected, it is impossible to check if the communication is operational.

- Your tracer-centerer-blocker is identified by its serial number and storage range.

k "
123456 1 -200

P2/3 P3/3

B F "

- You can disconnect your tracer-centerer-blocker from the network by pressing on the key indicated by
Hand B.
You can disconnect a unit from the network at any time through the "communications test" screen of the
automatic maintenance menu of the tracer-centerer-blocker.

- Return to initialisation screen - Hand C.

The rest of the procedure is described in chapter 4.

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 36 5 – Network deployment

b. If you don't have the shape memorisation option

- Turn on your tracer-centerer-blocker.

- Do not initialise your system.
th th
- Simultaneously press on the 4 and 5 keys of your screen keyboard
(the keys are numbered from left to right).

The following screen is displayed:

♦ Kappa / Pccom V2 – 19200 bds

♦ Gamma

♦ OMA – Iso 16284


- Make sure that the communication protocol selected is Essilor κ - Hand A.

Important: Any modification of the protocol chosen during the setup results in the irrevocable loss of the
stored data.

- Go to the next page in order to carry out a communications test - Hand B.

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 37 5 – Network deployment

♦ Communications test and removal from network:

A new screen is displayed.

It enables you to check that your tracer-centerer-blocker is connected to the network. However, since the
edger has not yet been connected, it is impossible to check if the communication is operational.

- Your tracer-centerer-blocker is identified by its serial number.

k "

P1/2 P2/2

B F "

- You can disconnect your tracer-centerer-blocker from the network by pressing on the key indicated by
Hand B.
You can disconnect a unit from the network at any time through the "communications test" screen of the
automatic maintenance menu of the tracer-centerer-blocker.

- Return to initialisation screen - Hand C.

The rest of the procedure is described in chapter 4.

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 38 5 – Network deployment

5.1.2. Network connection of your Essilor κ edger
...With a tracer-centerer-blocker with or without the shape memorisation option.

- Turn on your edger.

- Do not initialise your machine.
th th
- Read the bar code below or, if you don't have a bar code reader, simultaneously press on the 4 and 5 keys
of your screen keyboard (the keys are numbered from left to right).

The following screen is displayed:

♦ Kappa / Pccom V2 – 19200 bds

♦ Gamma

♦ OMA – Iso 16284


- Make sure that the communication protocol selected is Essilor κ - Hand A.

Important: Any modification of the protocol chosen during the setup results in the irrevocable loss of the
stored data.

- Go to the next page in order to carry out a communications test - Hand B.

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 39 5 – Network deployment

♦ Communications test and removal from network:

A new screen is displayed.

It enables you to check that your edger communicates with the other units in the network: J
The L icon indicates that your machine is no longer in communication with the network.
In that case, check that the connecting cables are correctly connected to your tracer-centerer-blocker and
edger. If the problem persists, contact your after-sales technician.

- Your edger is identified by its serial number.

k " k "
123456 1 - 200 J 789100 J

P1/2 P2/2

B F "
A F × Ö


- You can disconnect your edger from the network by pressing on the keys indicated by Hand A [selection of
edger] and Hand B [disconnection].
You can disconnect a unit from the network at any time through the "communications test" screen of the
automatic maintenance menu of the tracer-centerer-blocker.

- Return to initialisation screen - Hand C.

The rest of the procedure is described in chapter 4.

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 40 5 – Network deployment

5.2 Your network: Several Essilor Kappa Tracer-Centerer-
Blockers and several Essilor Kappa Edgers

- Connect your machines as described in the section on "Connecting your edger and tracer-centerer-blocker" in
chapter 3 - "Installation".

5.2.1. Network connection of your tracer-centerer-blocker(s)

The shape memorisation option is necessary for the connection of several tracer-centerer-blockers with
several edgers.
[to activate the function, see section on "bar code option" in chapter 3.]

- Turn on your tracer-centerer-blocker(s).

- Do not initialise your systems.
- Connect your first tracer-centerer-blocker by reading the bar code below:

The following screen will appear:

♦ Kappa / Pccom V2 – 19200 bds

♦ Gamma

♦ OMA – Iso 16284


- Make sure that the communication protocol selected is Essilor κ - Hand A.

Important: Any modification of the protocol chosen during the setup results in the irrevocable loss of the
stored data.

- Go to page 2 in order to select your storage range - Hand B.

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 41 5 – Network deployment

♦ Selection and modification of the storage range of your tracer-centerer-blockers:

- After the configuration of the protocol, a new screen is displayed.

= < 401 - 600


< 401 - 600

< 601 - 800
< 801 - 1000

P1/3 P2/3
× B

- The default storage range is shown next to the icon representing your tracer-centerer-blocker.

- This range is allocated arbitrarily according to ranges available.

Thus, if 2 tracer-centerer-blockers are already connected to the network and their storage ranges are no. 1
to 200 and 201 to 400, these ranges are no longer available.

Only the ranges available are displayed.

The range suggested for the third tracer-centerer-blocker is arbitrarily no. 401 à 600.
You can select another range amongst those available: no.601 to 800 and 801 to 1000.

- You can modify your storage range - Hand A.

The data stored in the previous range is irretrievably lost.

- The shape memorisation option includes a roll of bar code labels numbered 1 to 200.
You can order rolls of labels numbered 201 to 400, 401 to 600, 601 to 800, and 801 to 1000.

Make sure that your storage range coincides with the numbers on your bar code labels.
- Go to the next page in order to carry out a communications test - Hand C.

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 42 5 – Network deployment

♦ Communications test and removal from network:

A new screen is displayed.

- If your tracer-centerer-blocker is the first unit connected to the network, the screen will be identical to that of

- If other units have already been connected to the network, this screen will enable you to check if your
tracer-centerer-blocker is correctly connected to the network: J
The L icon indicates that your machine is no longer in communication with the other units in the network.
In that case, check that the connecting cables are correctly connected to your tracer-centerer-blockers and
edgers. If the problem persists, contact your after-sales technician.

- Your tracer-centerer-blocker [displayed in black] and the tracer-centerer-blockers already connected to the
network [displayed in white] are identified by their serial numbers and storage ranges.

κ "
123456 1 -200 J
778899 201 -400 J
628899 401 -600 J

P2/3 P3/3

B F "
A F × E C

- You can disconnect your tracer-centerer-blocker from the network by pressing on the keys indicated by
Hand A [selection of tracer-centerer-blocker] and Hand B [disconnection].
You can disconnect a unit from the network at any time through the "communications test" screen of the
automatic maintenance menu of the tracer-centerer-blocker.

- Return to initialisation screen - Hand C.

The rest of the procedure is described in chapter 4.

- Repeat the same procedure to connect any other tracer-centerer-blockers.

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 43 5 – Network deployment

5.2.2 Network connection of your Essilor κ edgers

- Turn on your edgers.

- Do not initialise your machines.
- Connect your first edger by reading the bar code below:

The following screen will appear:

♦ Kappa / Pccom V2 – 19200 bds

♦ Gamma

♦ OMA – Iso 16284


- Make sure that the communication protocol selected is Essilor κ - Hand A.

Important: Any modification of the protocol chosen during the setup results in the irrevocable loss of the
stored data.

- Go to the next page in order to carry out a communications test - Hand B.

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 44 5 – Network deployment

♦ Communications test and removal from network:

A new screen is displayed.

It will enable you to check if your edger is correctly connected to the other units in the network: J

The L icon indicates that your machine is no longer in communication with the other units in the network.
In that case, check that the connecting cables are correctly connected to your tracer-centerer-blockers and
edgers. If the problem persists, contact your after-sales technician.

- Your edger and the units already connected are identified by their serial numbers and storage ranges
(for the tracer-centerer-blockers).

k " k "
123456 1 -200 J 789100 J
778899 201 -400 J 886742 J
628899 401 -600
J 833346

P1/2 P2/2

B F "
A F × Ö


- You can disconnect your edger or one of the tracer-centerer-blockers using the keys indicated by Hand A
[selection of the edger or tracer-centerer-blocker] and Hand B [disconnection].
You can disconnect a unit from the network at any time through the "communications test" screen of the
automatic maintenance menu of the tracer-centerer-blocker.

- Return to initialisation screen - Hand C.

The rest of the procedure is described in chapter 4.

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 45 5 – Network deployment

5.3 Your network: Adding one or more Essilor Kappa units to
an Essilor Gamma network.
- Connect your machines as described in the section on "Connecting your edger and tracer-centerer-blocker" in
chapter 3 - "Installation . This procedure is identical to that used for Essilor γ.

5.3.1 Network connection of one or more Essilor κ units with several Essilor γ units.

a. Network connection of Essilor κ tracer-centerer-blocker(s)

The shape memorisation option is necessary for the network connection of several units [more than 2].
(Ex. adding an Essilor κ tracer-centerer-blocker to an Essilor Gamma network consisting of a tracer-centerer-
blocker and 5 edgers).

- Turn on your Essilor γ and Essilor κ tracer-centerer-blocker(s).

- Make sure that the Essilor γ tracer-centerer-blockers are configured in the network mode.

- The network connection procedure is described in the Essilor γ user's guide

- Once your Essilor γ tracer-centerer-blockers have been configured in the network mode and once their
storage ranges have been selected, proceed with the connection of your Essilor κ tracer-centerer-

- Do not initialise your machine.

- Read the bar code below:

Important: The connection of Essilor γ units results in a lowering of performance in Essilor κ units:
storage of 100 assemblies instead of 200, no centering/blocking/edging in the optical mode,
no non-symmetrical tracing (RE≠LE), and the source of the data displayed is not given.

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 46 5 – Network deployment

The following screen is displayed:

♦ Kappa / Pccom V2 – 19200 bds

♦ Gamma

♦ OMA – Iso 16284


- Make sure that the communication protocol selected is Essilor γ - Hand A.

Important: Any modification of the protocol chosen during the setup results in the irrevocable loss of the
stored data.

- Go to page 2 in order to select the protocol which corresponds to the setup in your workshop - Hand B.
In this event, the network setup of Essilor κ units with Essilor γ units.

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 47 5 – Network deployment

♦ Selection and modification of the storage range of your tracer-centerer-blocker(s):

- After the configuration of the protocol, a new screen is displayed.

- Connection with Essilor γ units results in a lowering of performance of your Essilor κ units.
The storage capacity of your tracer-centerer-blocker will drop from 200 to 100 assemblies like on the
Essilor γ.tracer-centerer-blocker

100 - 199

200 - 299

300 - 399

400 - 499

P2/5 P3/5

× B

- The default storage range is pre-selected.

- This range is allocated arbitrarily according to the ranges available.

Thus, if the storage range of the Essilor γ tracer-centerer-blocker already connected to the network is 0 to
99, only the other ranges will be displayed.

The range suggested for the Essilor κ tracer-centerer-blocker is arbitrarily 100 to 199.

- You can select another range amongst those available: 200 to 299, 300 to 399 and 400 to 499 - Hand A.

- You can order rolls of labels numbered 0 to 099, 100 to 199, 200 to 299, 300 to 399 and 400 to 499.

- Make sure that your storage range coincides with the numbers on your bar code labels.

- Go to the next page in order to carry out a communications test - Hand B.

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 48 5 – Network deployment

♦ Communications test and removal from network:

A new screen is displayed.

It enables you to check if your Essilor κ tracer-centerer-blocker is connected to the network.
- If your Essilor κ tracer-centerer-blocker is the only unit connected to the network, go to page 2 in order to
check the communication with the γ units.
- If other Essilor κ units are already connected to the network, the J icon will indicate that communication
between the units is functioning correctly.
The L icon indicates that your machine is no longer in communication with the other Essilor κ units in the
In that case, check that the connecting cables are correctly connected to your tracer-centerer-blockers
and edgers. If the problem persists, contact your after-sales technician.
- Your Essilor κ tracer-centerer-blocker and any other tracer-centerer-blockers already connected are
identified by their serial numbers and storage ranges.

κ "

n°123456 100-199



B F "
A F× C

- You can disconnect your Essilor κ tracer-centerer-blocker from the network by pressing on the keys
indicated by Hand A [selection of tracer-centerer-blocker if several tracer-centerer-blockers have been
connected) and Hand B [disconnection].
You can disconnect a unit from the network at any time through the "communications test" screen of the
automatic maintenance menu of the Essilor κ tracer-centerer-blocker.
- Go to the test screen displaying the Essilor γ units - Hand C.

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 49 5 – Network deployment

A new screen is displayed.

The Essilor γ units are identified by their serial numbers and storage ranges.

The J icon indicates that the units are communicating correctly.

The L icon indicates that your machine is no longer communicating with the other Essilor κ units in the
In that case, check that the connecting cables are correctly connected to your tracer-centerer-blockers and
edgers. If the problem persists, contact your after-sales technician.

γ " γ "
n°123456 1 - 200 J 789111 J
667543 J
556543 J

P4/5 P5/5

A F × Ö E C

- You can disconnect your Essilor γ units by pressing on the keys indicated by Hand A [selection] and
Hand B [disconnection].
You can disconnect a unit from the network at any time through the "communications test" screen of the
automatic maintenance menu of the Essilor κ.tracer-centerer-blocker.

- Return to initialisation screen - Hand C.

The rest of the procedure is described in chapter 4.

- Repeat this procedure for the other tracer-centerer-blockers to be connected.

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 50 5 – Network deployment

b. Network connection of Essilor κ edger(s):

The shape memorisation option is necessary for the network connection of several units (more than 2).

- Turn on your edgers.

- Do not initialise your machines.
- Connect your fist edger by reading the bar code below:

The following screen will appear:

♦ Kappa / Pccom V2 – 19200 bds

♦ Gamma

♦ OMA – Iso 16284


- Make sure that the communication protocol selected is Essilor γ - Hand A.

Important: Any modification of the protocol chosen during the setup results in the irrevocable loss of the
stored data.

- Go to page 2 in order to select the protocol which corresponds to the setup in your workshop - Hand B.
In this event, the network setup of Essilor κ units with Essilor γ units.

Important: The connection of Essilor γ units results in a lowering of performance in Essilor κ units:
storage of 100 assemblies instead of 200, no centering/blocking/edging in the optical mode,
no non-symmetrical tracing (RE≠LE), and the source of the data displayed is not given.

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 51 5 – Network deployment

♦ Communications test and removal from network:

A new screen is displayed.

It enables you to check if your Essilor κ edger is connected to the other Essilor κ units already installed on
the network: J
The L icon indicates that your machine is no longer in communication with the other units in the network.
In that case, check that the connecting cables are correctly connected to your tracer-centerer-blockers and
edgers. If the problem persists, contact your after-sales technician.
- Your edger and the Kappa units already connected to the network are identified by their serial numbers
and storage ranges (for tracer-centerer-blockers)

k k
" "
n°123456 1 - 200 J 789111 J

P2/4 P3/4

B F " A F × Ö E C

- You can disconnect your edger or one of the tracer-centerer-blockers from the network by pressing on the
keys indicated by Hand A [selection of the edger or tracer-centerer-blocker] and Hand B [disconnection].
You can disconnect a unit from the network at any time through the "communications test" screen of the
automatic maintenance menu of the Essilor κ tracer-centerer-blocker.

- Go to the test screen displaying the Essilor γ units - Hand C.

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 52 5 – Network deployment

A new screen is displayed.
It enables you to check that your Essilor γ units are communicating with the Essilor κ units already installed
on the network: J
The L icon indicates that your machine is no longer in communication with the units in the network.
In that case, check that the connecting cables are correctly connected to your tracer-centerer-blockers and
edgers. If the problem persists, contact your after-sales technician.

The Essilor γ units are identified by their serial numbers and their storage ranges (tracer-centerer-blockers).

γ " γ "
n°123456 1 - 200 J 789111 J
°345666 201 - 400 J 667543 J
556543 J

P3/4 P4/4

× Ö


- You can disconnect one of the γ units from the network by pressing on the keys indicated by Hand A
[selection of the edger or tracer-centerer-blocker] and Hand B [disconnection].
You can disconnect a unit from the network at any time through the "communications test" screen of the
automatic maintenance menu of the Essilor κ tracer-centerer-blocker.

- Return to initialisation screen - Hand C.

The rest of the procedure is described in chapter 4.

- Repeat the same procedure for the other edgers to be installed.

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 53 5 – Network deployment

5.3.2 Network connection of an Essilor κ tracer-centerer-blocker with an Essilor γ edger,
or network connection of an Essilor κ edger with an Essilor γ tracer-centerer-blocker.
a. Network connection of an Essilor κ tracer-centerer-blocker with an Essilor γ edger:

1. If you have the shape memorisation option:

- It is essential that you configure your Essilor γ edger in the network mode.
- The network connection procedure is described in the Essilor γ user's manual.
- Turn on your Essilor κ tracer-centerer-blocker.
- Do not initialise your machine.
- Read the bar code below:

The following screen is displayed:

♦ Essilor κ ( :)

♦ Essilor γ

× B

- Make sure that the communication protocol selected is Essilor γ - Hand A.

Important: Any modification of the protocol chosen during the setup results in the irrevocable loss of the
stored data.
Connection with Essilor γ units results in a lowering of performance in Essilor κ units: storage of 100
assemblies instead of 200, no centering/blocking/edging in the optical mode, no non-symmetrical tracing
(RE≠LE), and the source of the data displayed is not given.

- Go to page 2 in order to select the protocol corresponding to your workshop setup - Hand B.
In the event, an Essilor κ tracer-centerer-blocker connected with an Essilor γ edger.

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 54 5 – Network deployment

A new screen is displayed.

Several options are offered according to your network setup:

- If you want to connect your Essilor κ tracer-centerer-blocker(s) to an existing network consisting

of several Essilor γ units: select option 1.

- If you want to connect your Essilor κ tracer-centerer-blocker to an Essilor γ edger or connect your
Essilor κ edger to an Essilor γ tracer-centerer-blocker: select option 2.



♦ Essilor γ

♦ Essilor γ

P1/5 P2/5

× E B

- Make sure that the communication protocol selected is protocol no.2 - Hand A.

Important: Any modification of the protocol chosen during the setup results in the irrevocable
loss of the stored data.

Go to page 3 to select your storage range - Hand B.

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 55 5 – Network deployment

w Selection and modification of the storage range of your tracer-centerer-blocker:

- After the configuration of the protocol, a new screen is displayed:

= < 1 - 200

< 1 - 200
< 201 - 400
< 401 - 600
< 601 - 800
< 801 - 1000

P2/5 P3/5

A F × B

- The default storage range is identified next to the icon representing your tracer-centerer-blocker.

- You can change your storage range - Hand A.

All data stored in the previous range is irretrievably lost.

- The shape memorisation option includes a roll of bar code labels numbered 1 to 200.

You can order rolls of labels numbered 201 to 400, 401 to 600, 601 to 800, and 801 to 1000.

- Make sure that the storage range coincides with the numbers on your bar code labels.

- Go to the next page in order to carry out a communications test - Hand B.

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 56 5 – Network deployment

w Communications test:

A new screen is displayed.

It allows you to check that your Essilor κ tracer-centerer-blocker is connected to the network.
Since your tracer-centerer-blocker is the only Essilor κ unit integrated into the network, go to page 2 in
order to check the communication with the Essilor γ edger.

- Your tracer-centerer-blocker is identified by its serial number and its storage range.

k "
n°123456 1-200

P3/5 P4/5


- You can disconnect your tracer-centerer-blocker from the network: Hand B.

You can disconnect a unit from the network at any time through the "communications test" screen
of the automatic maintenance menu of the tracer-centerer-blocker.

- Go to the test screen displaying the Essilor γ edger - Hand C.

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 57 5 – Network deployment

A new screen is displayed.

It allows you to check that your Essilor γ edger is communicating with the Essilor κ tracer-centerer-
blocker already installed on the network: J
The L icon indicates that your unit is not in communication with the other units in the network.
In that case, check that the connecting cables are correctly connected to your tracer-centerer-
blockers and edgers. If the problem persists, contact your after-sales technician.

The Essilor γ edger is identified by its serial number.

γ "
n°123426 0 -99 OK n°123344 J

B F "
P4/5 P5/5

- You can disconnect your edger from the network by pressing the key indicated by Hand B.

You can disconnect a unit from the network at any time through the "communications test screen
of the automatic maintenance menu of the tracer-centerer-blocker.

- Return to initialisation screen - Hand C.

The rest of the procedure is described in chapter 4.

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 58 5 – Network deployment

2. If you don't have the shape memorisation option:

- It is essential that you configure your Essilor γ edger in the network mode.
- The network insertion procedure is described in the Essilor γ user's manual.
- Turn on your tracer-centerer-blocker.
- Do not initialise your machine.
th th
- Simultaneously press on the 4 and 5 keys of your screen keyboard (the keys are numbered from left to

The following screen is displayed:

♦ Essilor κ ( :)

♦ Essilor γ


A F × E B

- Make sure that the communication protocol selected is Essilor γ - Hand A.

Important: Any modification of the protocol chosen during the setup results in the irrevocable loss of the
stored data.
Connection with Essilor γ units results in a lowering of performance in Essilor κ units: storage of 100
assemblies instead of 200, no centering/blocking/edging in the optical mode, no non-symmetrical tracing
(RE≠LE), and the source of the data displayed is not given.

- Go to page 2 in order to select the protocol corresponding to your workshop setup - Hand B.
In the event, an Essilor κ unit (tracer-centerer-blocker) connected with an Essilor γ unit (edger).

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 59 5 – Network deployment

A new screen is displayed.
Several options are offered according to your network setup:
- If you want to connect your Essilor κ tracer-centerer-blocker to an existing network consisting of
several Essilor γ units: select option 1.

- If you want to connect your Essilor κ tracer-centerer-blocker to Essilor γ an edger; or connect your
Essilor κ edger to an Essilor γ tracer-centerer-blocker: select option 2.


K n°2

♦ Essilor γ

♦ Essilor γ



× B

- Make sure that the communication protocol selected is protocol no.2 - Hand A.

Important: Any modification of the protocol chosen during the setup results in the irrevocable
loss of the stored data.

- Go to the next page in order to carry out a communications test - Hand B.

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 60 5 – Network deployment

w Communications test:

A new screen is displayed.

It allows you to check that your Essilor κ tracer-centerer-blocker is connected to the network.
Since your tracer-centerer-blocker is the only Essilor κ unit integrated into the network, you must go to
page 2 to check the connection with the Essilor γ edger.

- Your tracer-centerer-blocker is identified by its serial number.

k "



- You can disconnect your tracer-centerer-blocker from the network by pressing the key indicated by
Hand B.
You can disconnect a unit from the network at any time through the " communications test" screen
of the automatic maintenance menu of the tracer-centerer-blocker.

- Move on to the test screen displaying the Essilor γ edger - Hand C.

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 61 5 – Network deployment

A new screen is displayed.

It allows you to check that your Essilor γ edger is communicating with the Essilor κ tracer-centerer-
blocker already integrated into the network: J
The L indicates that your machine is not in communication with the other unit in the network.
In that case, check that the connecting cables are correctly connected to your tracer-centerer-
blocker and edger. If the problem persists, contact your after-sales technician.

The Essilor γ edger is identified by its serial number.

γ "
n°123426 0 -99 OK n°123344 J

P3/4 P4/4

- You can disconnect your edger from the network by pressing on the key indicated by Hand B.

You can disconnect a unit from the network at any time through the "communications test" screen
of the automatic maintenance menu of the tracer-centerer-blocker.

- Return to initialisation screen - Hand C.

The rest of the procedure is described in chapter 4.

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 62 5 – Network deployment

b. Network connection of an Essilor κ edger with an Essilor γ tracer-centerer-blocker:

- It is essential that you configure your Essilor γ tracer-centerer-blocker in network mode.

- The network insertion procedure is described in the Essilor γ user's manual.
- Turn on your edger.
- Do not initialise your machine.
th th
- Read the bar code below. If you don't have an optical reader, simultaneously press on the 4 and 5 keys
of you screen keyboard (the keys are numbered from left to right).

The following screen is displayed:

♦ Essilor κ ( :)

♦ Essilor γ


A F × E B

- Make sure that the communication protocol selected is Essilor γ - Hand A.

Important: Any modification of the protocol chosen during the setup results in the irrevocable loss of the
stored data.
Connection with Essilor γ units results in a lowering of performance in Essilor κ units: storage of 100
assemblies instead of 200, no centering/blocking/edging in the optical mode, no non-symmetrical tracing
(RE≠LE), and the source of the data displayed is not given.

- Go to page2 in order to select the protocol corresponding to your workshop setup - Hand B.
In the event, an Essilor κ unit (edger) connected with an Essilor γ unit (tracer-centerer-blocker).

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 63 5 – Network deployment

A new screen is displayed.

Several options are offered according to your network setup:

- If you want to connect your Essilor κ edger to an existing network consisting of several Essilor γ units:
select option 1.

- If you want to connect your Essilor κ tracer-centerer-blocker to an Essilor γedger; or connect your
Essilor κ edger to an Essilor γ tracer-centerer-blocker: select option 2.



♦ Essilor γ

♦ Essilor γ

P1/4 P2/4

× E B

- Make sure that the communication protocol selected is protocol no.2 - Hand A.

Important: Any modification of the protocol chosen during the setup results in the irrevocable loss
of the stored data.

- Move on to the next page in order to carry out a communications test - Hand B.

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 64 5 – Network deployment

w Communications test:

A new screen is displayed.

It allows you to check that your Essilor κ edger is connected to the network.
Since your edger is the only Essilor κ unit integrated into the network, go to page 2 to check the
communication with the Essilor γ.tracer-centerer-blocker.

- Your edger is identified by its serial number.

κ "



- You can disconnect your edger from the network by pressing on the key indicated by Hand B.

- To disconnect your Essilor κ edger, repeat this procedure.

- Move on to the test screen displaying the Essilor γ tracer-centerer-blocker - Hand C.

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 65 5 – Network deployment

A new screen is displayed.

It allows you to check that your Essilor γ tracer-centerer-blocker is communicating with the Essilor κ
edger already installed on the network: J
The L icon indicates that your machine is not in communication with the other unit of the network.
In that case, check that the connecting cables are correctly connected to your tracer-centerer-blockers
and edgers. If the problem persists, contact your after-sales technician.

The Essilor γ tracer-centerer-blocker is identified by its serial number and storage range (if any).

γ "
n°123344 0 - 099 J

P3/4 P4/4

- You can disconnect your Essilor γ tracer-centerer-blocker from the network by pressing on the key
indicated by Hand B.

- To disconnect your Essilor γ tracer-centerer-blocker, you must either repeat this procedure or
disconnect your Essilor γ tracer-centerer-blocker via the "communications test " screen of your
Essilor γ .tracer-centerer-blocker.

- Return to initialisation screen - Hand C.

The rest of the procedure is described in chapter 4.

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 66 5 – Network deployment

Chapter 6

Essilor Kappa
Tracer Centerer Blocker

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 67 6 – Tracer Centerer Blocker

6.1 Initialisation

Important: Make sure that there is no frame or accessory in the tracing chamber when you turn on your machine.

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 68 6 – Tracer Centerer Blocker

6.2 Setting up the spectacle frame:
1° - Make sure each eye rim is between the mobile frame grips.

2° - Exert a slight pressure to close up the grips.

3° - Tracing small frames

- To scan frames whose B dimension is under 22 mm,

use the set of braces supplied in the accessory case.

- Place each of the braces vertically on the black pins and

check that they stay in place.

- You can now scan the frame in the usual way.

Note: you must always use both braces.

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 69 6 – Tracer Centerer Blocker

6.3 Setting up the frame pattern or demonstration lens
1° - Place the pattern or demonstration lens on the pattern/demo lens holder.

2° - Place the demonstration lens or the pattern on the holder in the tracing chamber:

l Carefully place the notches between the fixed frame grips.

• •
• •

3° - Exert a slight pressure to close up the grips.

l Make sure each notch is set between the grips of the mobile clamp.

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 70 6 – Tracer Centerer Blocker

6.4 Selecting the type of tracing

w Symmetrical binocular tracing (RE = LE)

The symmetrical binocular tracing is used when right and left shapes are identical. When cut, the shape of the
right and left lenses will be absolutely identical. However, the edges of the finished lenses will be determined by
the size data corresponding to the right and left shapes.

< = 1-200 N° =

∅ ∅

× ×

; + - +× - ê
If necessary, display the symmetrical binocular tracing icon.

The active (available) icons are displayed in bright colours whereas non-active (non-available) icons are an even
blue colour.

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 71 6 – Tracer Centerer Blocker

w Non-symmetrical binocular tracing (RE ≠ LE)

Non-symmetrical binocular tracing takes into account the differences between the right and left shapes. When cut,
the shape of the right lens is produced independently from that of the left lens, and vice-versa. As in the case of
symmetrical binocular tracing, the edges of the finished lenses are determined by the size data corresponding to
right and left shapes.

< = 1-200 N° =

∅ ∅

× ×

≠ ; + - +× - ê
If necessary, display the non-symmetrical binocular tracing icon.

The active (available) icons are displayed in bright colours whereas non-active (non-available) icons are an even
blue colour.

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 72 6 – Tracer Centerer Blocker

w Right eye tracing

With the "right eye" monocular tracing, only the right rim of the frame is digitised.

<= 1-200 N° =

∅ ∅

× ×

; + - +× - ê
If necessary, display the right eye tracing icon.

The active (available) icons are displayed in bright colours whereas non-active (non-available) icons are an even
blue colour.

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 73 6 – Tracer Centerer Blocker

w Left eye tracing

With the "right eye" monocular tracing, only the left rim of the frame is digitised.

<= 1-200 N° =

∅ ∅

× ×

; + - +× - ê
If necessary, display the left eye tracing icon.

The active (available) icons are displayed in bright colours whereas non-active (non-available) icons are an even
blue colour.

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 74 6 – Tracer Centerer Blocker

w Frame pattern/demonstration lens selection

Whatever the type of tracing selected (symmetrical binocular, non- symmetrical binocular, etc.), your tracer
automatically detects the presence of the pattern holder or demonstration lens holder.

After the start of the digitisation cycle and before the start of tracing, your tracer will ask for confirmation of the
side read.

Once you have put your frame pattern or demonstration lens in the tracing chamber, select the right side [A] if the
nose of your frame pattern or demonstration lens is on the right; select the left side [B] if the nose of your frame
pattern or demonstration lens is on the left.

<= 1-200 N° =

× ×


Confirm the side to be digitised

- After selection, the tracing starts automatically and the standard toolbar is displayed.
- You can stop the tracing program by pressing on the icon:

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 75 6 – Tracer Centerer Blocker

6.5 Selecting the type of frame
w Plastic frames

<= 1-200 N° =

∅ ∅

× ×

; + - +× - ê
The icon displayed corresponds to the last selection made.

If necessary, display the plastic frame icon.

The active (available) icons are displayed in bright colours whereas non-active (non-available) icons are an even
blue colour.

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 76 6 – Tracer Centerer Blocker

w Optyl frames

<= 1-200 N° =

∅ ∅

× ×

; + - +× - ê
The icon displayed corresponds to the last selection made.

If necessary, display the Optyl frame icon.

The active (available) icons are displayed in bright colours whereas non-active (non-available) icons are an even
blue colour.

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 77 6 – Tracer Centerer Blocker

w Metal frames

<= 1-200 N° =

∅ ∅

× ×

; + - +× - ê
The icon displayed corresponds to the last selection made.

If necessary, display the metal frame icon.

The active (available) icons are displayed in bright colours whereas non-active (non-available) icons are an even
blue colour.

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 78 6 – Tracer Centerer Blocker

w "High-Precision" metal frames

<= 1-200 N° =

∅ ∅

× ×

; + - +× - ê
The icon displayed corresponds to the last selection.

If necessary, display the metal frame icon.

"High-Precision" tracing dedicated to metal frames takes into account an additional parameter : the profile of the
frame groove.

This type of tracing is highly recommended to optimise the fit of the lens in the frame right from the first mount.

The active (available) icons are displayed in bright colours whereas non-active (non-available) icons are an even
blue colour.

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 79 6 – Tracer Centerer Blocker

6.6 Tracing cycle start-up: working in "standard" mode and

If you have the "Shape Memorisation" option, you can work in "standard mode" by reading the bar code no.
A supplied with our roll of labels. If you don't have the "Shape Memorisation" option, the "standard mode" is the
only mode available.

After having read no. A, or after the start of a tracing without the memorisation option, no. A is displayed at the top
left of the screen. Once the tracing is done, retrieve the shape just traced, either via the keyboard of the edger or
by reading bar code no. A.

Important: With the "shape memorisation" option: if a shape is displayed with its memorisation number and you
start a new tracing without having allocated it a new memorisation number, a warning message will
appear asking you to confirm that you want to store a new shape under the number displayed. Press
the "validation icon" for confirmation or the "return to previous screen" icon if you don't want to store
the new shape under the number displayed.

w Binocular tracing

<= 1-200 N° =

∅ ∅

× ×

; + - +× - ê

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 80 6 – Tracer Centerer Blocker

w Monocular tracing: input of bridge value

If you have configured your tracer-centerer-blocker in the monocular PD centering mode, you must enter the
value of the bridge for a monocular tracing.

In such a case and following a monocular tracing, the following screen will be displayed:

<= 1-200 N° =

Ö π = 15 Ö

+ -

- Use the keys - Hand A - to adjust the default bridge value shown.

- Validate the value entered - Hand B - the default shape and parameters are displayed.

- To stop the tracing program - Hand C.

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 81 6 – Tracer Centerer Blocker

6.7 Shape alteration

The shape alteration function is accessible before or after centering, once a shape has been traced or called up via a bar

To access this function, activate the shape alteration icon through successive presses on the tracing types: (binocular,
asymmetric, right eye, left eye)

When the shape alteration icon is displayed, press the validation button to access the shape alteration

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 82 6 – Tracer Centerer Blocker

Shape alteration modes

Select the desired shape alteration mode:

B-dimension – amplitude of the alteration: +/- 10 mm

Scaling – amplitude of the alteration: +/- 6mm

½ lower B-dimension – amplitude of the alteration: +/- 6 mm

½ upper B-dimension – amplitude of the alteration: +/- 6 mm

A-dimension – amplitude of the alteration: +/- 10 mm

Increase or reduce the size of the shape

Alteration in one point: in the case of the alteration

of a lower or upper ½ B-dimension, you can move
the cursor to the area you want to modify.

Image of the lens on a 1/1 scale

Cancel the modification

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 83 6 – Tracer Centerer Blocker
Configuring the steps

At each press, the graph at the bottom of the screen is incremented or reduced.

Each red square represents a shape reduction of 1 mm

Each green square represents a shape increase of 1 mm

Configuring the shape alteration steps

The shape can be altered by steps of 1 mm or 0.5 mm.

To alter the shape by steps of 0.5 mm, scan the following bar code *..LRDDF2*
To alter the shape by steps of 1 mm, scan the following bar code *..LRDDF1*
When the 0.5 mm step is selected, each press gives rise to an increment of half a square.

E.g.: -1.5 mm

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 84 6 – Tracer Centerer Blocker

Creating a new job after a shape alteration:

To create a new job using the modified shape, just give the shape a new number via the bar code reader.


• To guarantee the feasibility of your final lens shape, a visual alert system will warn you once you have
reached a limit, such as the B-dimension or A-dimension limits.

1 Error concerning the concavity of the 6 Min. or Max. B-dimension reached

altered shape
2 The initial shape does not allow any 7 The shape is not compatible with the
alteration decentration values entered (the
centering cross is outside the shape)
3 Error in the calculation of the anchor point 8 The shape has a linearity defect
4 Shape alteration limit reached for the 9 Risk of dots crossing
mode chosen
5 A-dimension limit reached (Min. or Max.)

In the case of the alteration of the lower or upper ½ B-dimension, always reposition the lens in relation to the centering

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 85 6 – Tracer Centerer Blocker

6.8 Stopping the tracing cycle
You can stop the tracing program at any time.

<= 1-200 N° =

∅ ∅

× ×

; + - +× - ê

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 86 6 – Tracer Centerer Blocker

6.9 Selecting the type of centering
You can select the type of lens before the start of the tracing cycle. After tracing, the last shape and centering
cross selected before the tracing will be displayed.

w Selecting the centering cross for single vision lenses

< = 1-200 N° 100 = 68

∅ 65 ∅ 65

× < ×

32.5 32.5

24.5 24.5

; + - +× - ê
The icon displayed corresponds to the last selection made.

If necessary, display the single vision lens icon.

The active (available) icons are displayed in bright colours whereas non-active (non-available) icons are an even
blue colour.

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 87 6 – Tracer Centerer Blocker

w Selecting the centering cross for bifocal and executive lenses

< = 1-200 N° 100 = 68

∅ 65 ∅ 65

× < ×

32.5 32.5

24.5 24.5

+ - +× - ê
The icon displayed corresponds to the last selection made.

If necessary, display the bifocal or executive lens icon.

The active (available) icons are displayed in bright colours whereas non-active (non-available) icons are an even
blue colour.

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 88 6 – Tracer Centerer Blocker

w Selecting the centering cross for progressive lenses

< = 1-200 N° 100 = 68

∅ 65 ∅ 65

× ×
Ö < Ö

32.5 32.5

24.5 24.5

+ - +× - ê
The icon displayed corresponds to the last selection made.

If necessary, display the progressive lens icon.

Check the position of the Near Vision control mark along the vertical line, displaced 2.5 mm from the vertical
centre line of the centering cross. Graduations marked along that line give the length of progression of your lens
(2mm graduations from 12 to 24 mm).

The active (available) icons are displayed in bright colours whereas non-active (non-available) icons are an even
blue colour.

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 89 6 – Tracer Centerer Blocker

6.10 Operator input of PD and height values

w Entering the patient's PD

After the tracing, when the shape and centering cross are displayed, your tracer-centerer-blocker will also display
the PD and height values.

Adjust the PD value using the "-" (nose adjustment) and "+" (temple adjustment).

< = 1-200 N° 100 = 68

∅ 65 ∅ 65

× ×
Ö < Ö

32.5 32.5

24.5 24.5

+ - +× - ê
GG or

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 90 6 – Tracer Centerer Blocker

w Entering the patient's fitting height

After the tracing, when the shape and centering cross are displayed, your tracer-centerer-blocker will also display
the PD and height values.

Adjust the fitting height using the "-" and "+" keys.

< = 1-200 N° 100 = 68

∅ 65 ∅ 65

× ×
Ö < Ö

32.5 32.5

24.5 24.5

+ - +× - ê
GG or

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 91 6 – Tracer Centerer Blocker

6.11 Entering the PD and fitting height using Essilor Duo

- After the measuring operations, Essilor Duo prints 2 bar codes, containing the decentration data (PD and
height) of the right eye and left eye respectively.

- After having traced the frame, frame pattern, or demonstration lens, read the bar codes emitted by Essilor
Duo; the decentration data of the right eye, followed by that of the left eye, will automatically be displayed.

- To adjust the values displayed, refer to the section on "Operator input of PD and fitting height values" in this

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 92 6 – Tracer Centerer Blocker

6.12 Clamping the lens
1° - Use a lens holder with a double-sided adhesive pad :

2° - Fit the assembly onto the blocking arm:


1°) 3°)

3° - Block the lens:

< = 1-200 N° 100 = 68

∅ 65 ∅ 65

π Important: Never clamp your lens

× < × on the internal surface (back).


32.5 32.5

24.5 24.5

+ - +× - ê
Note: Depending on the size of the frame, icons may appear at the centre of the screen showing the type
of lens button and adhesive to be used.

Small lens button

Half-eye lens button

For the frames with size B between

27 and 30, the screen display below
informs you that you must clamp your
lens with a half-eye adhesive pad
if you want to chamber it.

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 93 6 – Tracer Centerer Blocker

6.13 Centering the second lens (example: left lens)

+ - +× - ê
< = 1-200 N° 100 ò = 68

∅ 65 ∅ 65

× < ×

32.5 32.5

24.5 24.5

+ - +× - ê
The adjustments made for the PD and height of the right eye are automatically transferred to the left eye.

The procedure for input of PD and height of the second lens is identical to that described for the first lens.

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 94 6 – Tracer Centerer Blocker

6.14 Memorising a shape
1° - Allocate a number to the shape:


Use only the bar code labels supplied with your system.

- If no shape has yet been memorised under that number: only the number will be displayed on the screen.

< = 1-200 N° 10 =

∅ ∅

× ×

; + - +× - ê

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 95 6 – Tracer Centerer Blocker

- If a shape has already been memorised under that number: the shape and assembly data memorised
under the number corresponding to the bar code will be displayed (type of frame, type of lens, PD and

< = 1-200 N° 10 = 68

∅ 65 ∅ 65

× ×
Ö < Ö

32.5 32.5

24.5 24.5

+ - +× - ê

- You can prepare your work while waiting to receive the lenses prescribed. The shape, type of frame,
type of lens and decentrations are automatically memorised.

Important: Do not turn off your machine if you want to memorise the data displayed on the screen.
Press on the "lens blocking" or "shape inversion" keys, then turn off your machine.

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 96 6 – Tracer Centerer Blocker

2° - Starting the tracing of the shape to be memorised:

< = 1-200 N° 10 =

∅ ∅

× ×

; + - +× - ê
The shape is displayed on the screen. It is automatically memorised under the selected number.

- The previous shape is automatically cleared from memory.

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 97 6 – Tracer Centerer Blocker

6.15 Retrieving a stored shape

- Place the optical reader on the number of the shape to be retrieved:


- The shape and the centering data stored under that number will be displayed.

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 98 6 – Tracer Centerer Blocker

6.16 Exchange of information with one PC equipped with the
Opsys software
While making your own mounts with the Kappa system that you have in your office, you can also take
advantage of the Presize and Precal service.

1 – Installation

Connect the devices as shown in the diagram below:

Kappa Kappa
Tracer Edger

RS 232 1.12

On the tracer: - Go to the tracer's communication screen (see page 38), activate the Kappa mode then go
to the next screen.
- Choose the memory range (see page 36) then go to the next screen.
- Check the communications in the test screen and exit the screen.

On the edger: - Go to the edger's communication screen (see page 40), activate the Kappa mode then go to
the next screen.
- Check the communications in the test screen and exit the screen.

In Opsys: For more information on the operation of the Opsys software, please refer to the Opsys
manual. Below are the instructions to install the driver for the "Kappa tracer" only:
- Click on the "File" tab then "Configuration of peripherics"
- Install the driver for the Kappa tracer, then activate the "default driver" checkbox and select COM1 à Press
OK to validate.

To enable you to order remotely-edged lenses and take full advantage of the Presize service, the Essilor
Kappa tracer has even greater precision.

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 99 6 – Tracer Centerer Blocker

Please not that this precision is ensured by the daily calibration check followed if necessary by re-calibration.
We therefore recommend that you check the calibration at least once a day via the Check function. Without
this calibration, the Presize service cannot be guaranteed.

2 – Daily calibration check

From OPSYS, click on the Check icon via the following path: Frame tab
Essilor Kappa tracer / Check icon.

From the main CHECK screen, click on the daily calibration button.

PC Configuration Daily Check


Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 100 6 – Tracer Centerer Blocker

Place the black metal calibration gauge in the tracing chamber.
Click on the START icon.

Number of
the pattern
used for Start

Test result

Back to main Exit Check


At the end of the calibration check, the test result is displayed:

If OK à exit the CHECK screen

If à the calibration check will be run again automatically.

If a defect appears again, move on to re-calibration.
Once the check is finished, remove the metal gauge from the tracing chamber.

3 – Re-calibration
We recommend that you activate the re-calibration only if the calibration check showed a defect.

From the main CHECK screen, click on the re-calibration button.

PC Daily check


Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 101 6 – Tracer Centerer Blocker

First part of the calibration:

Place the plastic gauge in the tracing chamber (side opposite the screw on top) and start the cycle.

Second part of the calibration (only if the first part is OK):

- Remove the plastic gauge.
- Place the metal gauge in the tracing chamber and start the cycle.
(three 4-minute cycles are necessary)

The result of each test appears as OK or a sign in the event of a defect.

If a defect is detected, restart the cycle.
If the defect persists, contact your after-sales service.

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 102 6 – Tracer Centerer Blocker

4 - PC configuration

After having activated this icon, you will be able to choose the communication port (COM1, COM2, COM3
or COM4) that will be used for communication between your Kappa tracer and the PC supporting

You will also be able to configure the TCP/IP address and the language that you want to use for your

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 103 6 – Tracer Centerer Blocker

6.17 Automatic maintenance
With the automatic maintenance features, you will be able to customise your tracer-centerer-blocker and solve a
certain number of problems yourself. You will also be able to give the technicians the information needed to get
telephone assistance.

w Accessing automatic maintenance menus

< = 1-200 N° 10 =

∅ ∅

× ×

; + - +× - ê

th th
- Hold down the 5 key and press on the 9 key of your keyboard (the keys are numbered from left to

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 104 6 – Tracer Centerer Blocker

Automatic maintenance:

Serial number

Number of
readings Type of product – memory version

The bar code Presence of one or more PCs in the

option is active network
n°: 567890
L05 V01EP2

: %


¹ E10





- Select one of the icons - hand A.

- Press on the key –.hand B – to return to the centering-blocking screen.

A: Configurations of the centering E: Toolbar customising

B: Percale sizing display F: Communications test
C: Date and time settings G: Technical log and statistics
D: Autotests H: Tracer and centerer-blocker calibrations

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 105 6 – Tracer Centerer Blocker

w Configuration of decentration mode

½ PD + Box Height

½ PD + Datum Height

½ PD + ∆ Y

; ×

∆X+ ∆Y
; ×

• Box Height: Height from the fitting cross down to the lowest point of the frame.
• Datum Height: Height from the centre of the pupil to the point of intersection with the frame.
• ∆X: distance calculated from the geometrical centre (fitting cross) of the shape. The value is always preceded by a
"+" or a "-".
• ∆Y: Height calculated from the geometrical centre (fitting cross) of the shape. The value is always preceded by a
"+" or a "-".
• Boxing Mode: During centering, the lens is moved by hand and blocked in the decentered position.

Important: For safety reasons with regard to the machining of the lens, the Boxing mode must be configured
prior to the tracing.

- Select your usual centering mode - Hand A.

- Exit the configuration menu - Hand C. Return to main centering screen.

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 106 6 – Tracer Centerer Blocker

w Display of Precal sizes

- Following the tracing of the shape and after entering the decentration values, it is possible to access the
Precal sizes display for the right and left eyes.



A = 40 A = 40
B = 35 B = 35
D = 12
E = 27 E = 25


- Exit the Precal sizes menu - hand A. Return to main centering screen.

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 107 6 – Tracer Centerer Blocker

w Time setting


Ö + -

- Select the hours or minutes - Hand A

- Set the hours and minutes - Hand B

- Return to main centering screen - Hand C

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 108 6 – Tracer Centerer Blocker

w Autotests

The autotest menu allows you to carry out a complete self-diagnosis of all functions - or of one particular function -
of your machine.

There is an icon corresponding to each of the parts tested.

1 - Complete autotest:

T1+T2+... +T6 9

T1 -----------------------

T2 ---------------- --------

T3 - ----------------------------

T4 ---------------- -------

T5 - ------------------------

T6 ----------------------------------------
! Ù

A F ×

Warning G

Important: The purpose of test T6 is to check the ejectors of the blocking arm. For this purpose, it is
necessary to place a lens in the centering chamber before starting the self-diagnosis program.

On starting the self-diagnosis program, the "stop of cycle" icon appears. You can therefore stop the autotest
at any time.

For each function, the test result is displayed at the end of the line:
- J: no fault detected.
- L: fault detected. Contact your after-sales technician.

Exit autotest menu - hand B. Return to main centering screen.

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 109 6 – Tracer Centerer Blocker

2 - Autotest of a specific function:

Select the function you want to test - Hand A.

Start the autotest cycle - Hand B.

T1+T2+... +T6

T1 -----------------------

T2 ---------------- --------

T3 - ----------------------------

T4 ---------------- -------

T5 - ------------------------

T6 ----------------------------------------
! Ù

B F ×

Warning G G

Important: The purpose of test T6 is to check the ejectors of the blocking arm. For this purpose, it is
necessary to place a lens in the centering chamber before starting the self-diagnosis program.

On starting the self-diagnosis program, the "stop of cycle" icon appears. You can therefore stop the autotest
at any time.

For each function tested, the test result is displayed at the end of the line:
- J: no fault detected
- L: fault detected. Contact your after-sales technician.

Exit autotest menu - hand C. Return to main centering screen.

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 110 6 – Tracer Centerer Blocker

w Toolbar customising

1 - Customising the toolbar:

To meet all professional needs, we offer a wide range of functions: standard tracing, symmetrical and non-
symmetrical tracing, centering of executive lenses, etc.

In customising your toolbar, you can chose to display only the functions that are most useful to you.

The default setting consists of all the functions.

× Ö

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 111 6 – Tracer Centerer Blocker

- Select the functions that you do not want to use: Hands A.

- Deactivate the functions you do not want to use: Hand B.

To activate or deactivate a function, press on the "validation" key.

In the example below, the only active functions are the following: standard binocular tracing, metal frame,
plastic frame, and centering of single vision and progressive lenses (active icons).

× Ö


Once you have selected the functions you want displayed in the toolbar of the main centering screen:

- Exit toolbar customising screen: Hand C. Return to main centering screen.

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 112 6 – Tracer Centerer Blocker

2 – Choosing the default display:

- You can chose the icons that will be displayed at the first keyboard level each time you turn on your
machine, at each new tracing and at each shape retrieval.

- In the centering screen, display the icons you want.

- Read the bar code shown below:


- If you want to return to the display of the standard toolbar [complete toolbar with all available icons],
read the bar code below:


Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 113 6 – Tracer Centerer Blocker

w Communications test

This test enables you to check if your edgers and tracer-centerer-blockers are properly connected to the
network: J

The L icon indicates that your machine [displayed in black] is not communicating with the network.

In that case, check that the connecting cables are properly connected to your edgers and tracer-centerer-
blockers. If the problem persists, contact your after-sales technician.

- Your machine and the units already integrated in the network are identified in their order of insertion into the
network and memorisation ranges (for the tracer-centerer-blockers).

k k
" "
123456 1 - 200 J 111213 J
789101 201 - 400 J 141516 J
171819 J


B F "
A F × Ö E A E C

- You can disconnect your machine from the network by pressing on the keys indicated by Hand A [selection
of edger] and Hand B [disconnection].

- Exit communications test menu - Hand C. Return to main centering screen.

If Essilor γ elements are integrated into the network, the icon displayed on the far right of the toolbar is the
This icon enables you to move on to the next page after the communications test. This page lists all the
Essilor γ elements.

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 114 6 – Tracer Centerer Blocker

w Statistics and Technical log

Select the statistics menu - Hand A – or the technical log menu - Hand B.

E10 1 3
E20 2
E50 1 1


Exit this screen - Hand C. Return to main centering screen.

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 115 6 – Tracer Centerer Blocker

1 - Statistics:

This menu gives you the total number of:

- binocular tracings: standard symmetrical and non-symmetrical;

- monocular tracings: standard;
- High Precision metal tracings
- frame pattern / demonstration lens tracings;
- tracer calibration: standard and high-precision;
- clamping operations;

------------- 127 320 ---------------- 12 27

------------- 11 17 ------- 4 2
≠ ------------- 4 6 ---------------- 311 745

10 22

- The first column shows the totals since your technician's last operation.
- The second column shows the totals since the beginning of operation of your machine.
- To exit this menu - hand A.

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 116 6 – Tracer Centerer Blocker

2 - Technical log:

It provides a record of certain technical parameters.

E10 2 1

E23 1

E32 4 1

E51 2 2


- The first column shows the totals since your technician's last operation.

- The second column shows the totals since the beginning of operation of your machine.

- To exit this menu - hand A.

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 117 6 – Tracer Centerer Blocker

w Calibration of the tracing part and centering-blocking part

Select the calibration of the tracer - Hand A – the calibration of the centerer-blocker - Hand C.


- To exit this menu - Hand C. Return to main centering screen

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 118 6 – Tracer Centerer Blocker

1 – Calibration of tracer:

- Take the pattern holder/demonstration lens accessory.

Important: Remove the pattern-holder screw.

- Place the accessory in the tracing chamber, keeping the rectangular rim towards the tracing table.
(see chapter on "Setting up the frame pattern"). Make sure that it is well positioned, otherwise your tracer
could need readjusting.

- Start the calibration - Hand A.

ð ð



Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 119 6 – Tracer Centerer Blocker

Result of the first part of the high-precision calibration: defect detected

When the first part of the calibration is finished, the result is displayed.

= L


- Re-start the first part of the calibration - Hand A.

- If the defect persists, contact your after-sales technician.

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 120 6 – Tracer Centerer Blocker

Result of the first part of the high-precision calibration: satisfactory result

When the first part of the calibration is finished, the result is displayed.

If the result of the first part of the calibration is satisfactory, you can go on to the second part of the high-
precision calibration.

- Take the metal calibration gauge. This is a specific gauge to be used with your tracer. Its identification
number is engraved on the gauge and displayed on the screen.

- Place the accessory in the tracing chamber.

- Start the calibration - Hand A.

= J ð

ð ð

The bar at the bottom of the screen gives you the time of calibration.

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 121 6 – Tracer Centerer Blocker

Result of the second part of the high-precision calibration: defect detected

When the second part of the calibration is finished, the result is displayed.

= L

- Re-start the second part of the calibration - Hand A.

- If the defect persists, contact your after-sales technician.

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 122 6 – Tracer Centerer Blocker

Result of the second part of the high-precision calibration: satisfactory result

When the second part of the calibration is finished, the result is displayed.



- To exit this menu - Hand A. Return to main centering screen

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 123 6 – Tracer Centerer Blocker

Calibration of centerer and blocker:

It allows you to calibrate the centering and blocking functions of your machine.

- Take the appropriate accessory and follow the instructions on the screen.

- Position the accessory without raising the clamp holder.

Important: Before positioning the accessory, slightly loosen the holder using the Allen key to realign it.

It is essential that the recess be placed in the upper left position.

- Start the calibration - Hand A

∅ ∆!
ë ë


Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 124 6 – Tracer Centerer Blocker

After the start of calibration, the arm holding the accessory moves and a new screen appears.


- Rotate the accessory to align the crosses engraved on the gauge and those displayed on the screen
along the same axis.

- When the cross is properly aligned, screw down the clamp using the Allen key.

- Go on to page 2 of the calibration menu - Hand A.

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 125 6 – Tracer Centerer Blocker

A new screen appears to finalise the setting of the centerer-blocker.


+ - +× -

- Align the crosses on the gauge and those displayed on the screen using the keys indicated by Hand A.

- Exit the calibration screen - Hand B. Return to main centering screen.

The blocking arm returns to its initial position.

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 126 6 – Tracer Centerer Blocker

Chapter 7

Essilor κappa Edger

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 127 7 – Edger

7.1 Initialisation

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 128 7 – Edger

7.2 Shape retrieval
w Without shape memorisation option

The shape retrieval key is used to display the last shape traced on the tracer.

N° A

∅ +0,00

- +
Note: If the shape scanned requires the use of a specific accessory, the icons of the
accessories to be used will appear on screen when the shape is called up.

It is necessary to check that the lens has been blocked with the proper accessory during
centring and to fit the appropriate button holders and stops.

Those previously used can be removed simply by unclipping them.

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 129 7 – Edger

w With shape memorisation option
- You can either:
- Press on the shape retrieval key - Hand A. The last shape traced by the tracer will be
displayed on the screen of your edger. This key is only available if you have only one tracer.
If several tracers are connected, this key is inactive and the shape memorisation option is

- Read the bar code number corresponding to the shape memorised.

N° 0005


∅ +0,00

- +

Important: If the shape traced by the tracer is a half-eye spectacle lens or a small size shape, an
icon showing a half-eye lens clamp will be displayed at the centre of the shape, when the call-up is made.

The half-eye spectacle lens clamps must then be set up and the selection confirmed by pressing on the
following key :

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 130 7 – Edger

7.3 Lens set-up

Important: Never clamp your lens on the internal (back) surface.

Also remove your hand from the centre of the lens when clamping. The lens must be held on the
edges only.

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 131 7 – Edger

7.4 Edging cycle

N° 0005

∅ +0,00

- +

Press repeatedly to select EAS™

Whatever the material, EAS™ gives you a more sophisticated cutting mode, specially designed for thin lenses
and/or lenses which are liable to axis deviation.

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 132 7 – Edger

7.5 Lens material selection

N° 0005

∅ +0,00

- +
- Press repeatedly to select:
- a glass lens:

- a plastic lens:

- a polycarbonate lens:

- a original or high index lens:

- a Trivex lens

Important: The polishing option is only available for the edging of plastic and polycarbonate lenses.
This option is not available if you select the "glass lens" icon.

The chamfering option is only available for the edging of plastic, polycarbonate, medium or high
index lenses. This option is not available if you select the "glass lens" icon.

To chamfer glass lenses, contact your after-sales service who will change the edging wheel. Note
that the tri-material wheel cannot be used to polish the chamfer.

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 133 7 – Edger

7.6 Bevel type selection
w Polishing
The polishing option is not available for the finishing of glass lenses, but it is strongly recommended for the
finishing of polycarbonate lenses.

For the edging of plastic and polycarbonate lenses, you can either activate or deactivate the function.

N° 0005

∅ +0,00

- +

- 2 successive presses on the icon will validate (icon without cross) or invalidate (icon with cross) the

Warning : the chamfering function is not available on mineral lenses except if your edger is equipped
with a specific wheel.

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 134 7 – Edger

w Automatic finishing: automatic bevel, flat edge finish and grooving

N° 0005

∅ +0,00

- +
- Press repeatedly to select:
- automatic bevel*:

- flat edge finish:

- automatic groove*:

* The position and camber of the bevel and groove are calculated automatically by the edger in
accordance with the information obtained during the tracing of the frame and in the lens tracing roller

- Start the edging cycle. The lens tracing roller cycle and edging are carried out automatically and

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 135 7 – Edger

Viewing of finished lens - position of bevel or groove – during the cycle.

- After the start of the lens tracing roller cycle, the final result is displayed on the screen.

N° 0005

∅ +0,00

- +

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 136 7 – Edger

w Customised finishing: customised bevel and groove

A – Accessing the functions

N° 0005

∅ +0,00

- +

- Press repeatedly to select:

- a customised bevel:

- a customised groove:
- Start the lens tracing roller cycle.

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 137 7 – Edger

B – Customised bevels

After the lens tracing roller cycle, a new screen is displayed.

The automatic bevel is the default setting.

- The automatic bevel: adjusting the position of the bevel.

• The automatic bevel is available in the "customised bevel" menu - Hand A.

You can therefore compare all the types of bevels before starting the finishing cycle.


π = 1.3

1.3 1.3

% í î é
- + ç


• You can modify the distribution of the bevel – minimum distance in relation to the front surface,
symbolised by and displayed in the upper right window – by pressing on the
"+" and "-" keys (increments of 0.1 mm).

• You can zoom in – window A – on the position of the bevel, at any point on the shape, using the
keys indicated by Hands B.
The distances from the point of the bevel to the front and back surfaces of the lens are displayed in
the zoom window.

• You can go back to the main edging screen to modify the parameters concerning lens type,
polished finish, flat edge finish, groove, clamping pressure, and lens size - Hand C.

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 138 7 – Edger

• Start the edging cycle.

• For the edging of the second lens, the customised bevel type and associated positioning are
When the second lens is machined, the "customised bevel" icon is pre-selected.
After the start of the lens tracing roller cycle, the customised bevel type and associated value for
the first lens are pre-selected.
You can modify all of these parameters.

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 139 7 – Edger

- The frame base curve: adjusting the position of the bevel.

• The frame base curve function enables you to give your bevel the camber – base you want.-
Hand A.

• The calculation of the base of the frame digitised on your tracer is displayed [value displayed in

• In certain cases [round rim or eye-shape not formed on a base] the calculation of the base is
impossible [the default value is displayed in black].


π é =4

1.3 1.3

% í î é
- + ç


• You can enter the base value by pressing on the "+" and "-" keys. (increments of 1 mm).

• You can zoom in - window A – on the position of the bevel, at any point on the shape, using the
keys indicated by Hands B.
The distances from the point of the bevel to the front and back surfaces of the lens are displayed in
the zoom window.

• You can go back to the main edging screen to modify the parameters concerning lens type,
polished finish, flat edge finish, groove, clamping pressure, and lens size - Hand C.

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 140 7 – Edger

• Start the edging cycle.

• For the edging of the second lens, the customised bevel type and associated positioning are
When the second lens is machined, the "customised bevel" icon is pre-selected.
After the start of the lens tracing roller cycle, the customised bevel type and associated value for
the first lens are pre-selected.
You can modify all of these parameters.

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 141 7 – Edger

- Tracing the eye shape: adjusting the position of the bevel.

• This function will enable you to obtain a bevel that fits the groove perfectly.– Hand A.

Important: Make sure that the groove is in perfect condition and the spring barrels are properly closed.
All groove imperfections will be reproduced in the bevel.


é = 0.8

1.3 1.3

% í î é
- + ç


• You can modify the distribution of the bevel – minimum distance in relation to the front surface,
symbolised by and displayed in the upper right window – by pressing on the
"+" and "-" keys (increments of 0.1 mm).

• You can zoom in - window A – on the position of the bevel, at any point on the shape, using the
keys indicated by Hands B.
The distances from the point of the bevel to the front and back surfaces of the lens are displayed in
the zoom window.

• You can go back to the main edging screen to modify the parameters concerning lens type,
polished finish, flat edge finish, groove, clamping pressure, and lens size - Hand C.

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 142 7 – Edger

• Start the edging cycle.

• For the edging of the second lens, the customised bevel type and associated positioning are
When the second lens is machined, the "customised bevel" icon is pre-selected.
After the start of the lens tracing roller cycle, the customised bevel type and associated value for
the first lens are pre-selected.
You can modify all of these parameters.

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 143 7 – Edger

- Distribution of the bevel (%):bevel position settings.

• This function will enable you to obtain a bevel distributed over the lens thickness - Hand A.



= 50 %

1.3 1.3

% í î é
- + ç


• You can modify the bevel distribution value by pressing on the "+" and "-" keys
(increments of 5%) .

• You can zoom in - window A – on the position of the bevel, at any point on the shape, using the
keys indicated by Hands B.
The distances from the point of the bevel to the front and back surfaces of the lens are displayed in
the zoom window.

• You can go back to the main edging screen to modify the parameters concerning lens type,
polished finish, flat edge finish, groove, clamping pressure, and lens size - Hand C.

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 144 7 – Edger

• Start the edging cycle.

• For the edging of the second lens, the customised bevel type and associated positioning are
When the second lens is machined, the "customised bevel" icon is pre-selected.
After the start of the lens tracing roller cycle, the customised bevel type and associated value for
the first lens are pre-selected.
You can modify all of these parameters.

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 145 7 – Edger

- Following the lens front surface: bevel position adjustments.

• Following the front surface of the lens enables you to obtain a bevel which accurately follows the
camber of the front surface of the lens - Hand A.


π = 1.2

1.2 1.4

% í î é
- + ç

• You can modify the bevel distribution value by pressing on the "+" and "-" keys.
(increments of 0.1 mm).

• You can zoom in - window A – on the position of the bevel, at any point on the shape, using the
keys indicated by Hands B.
The distances from the point of the bevel to the front and back surfaces of the lens are displayed in
the zoom window.

• You can go back to the main edging screen to modify the parameters concerning lens type,
polished finish, flat edge finish, groove, clamping pressure, and lens size - Hand C.

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 146 7 – Edger

• Start the edging cycle.

• For the edging of the second lens, the customised bevel type and associated positioning are
When the second lens is machined, the "customised bevel" icon is pre-selected.
After the start of the lens tracing roller cycle, the customised bevel type and associated value for
the first lens are pre-selected.
You can modify all of these parameters.

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 147 7 – Edger

- Following the lens back surface: bevel position adjustments.

• Following the back surface of the lens enables you to obtain a bevel which accurately follows the
camber of the back surface of the lens - Hand A.


π = 1.3

1.3 1.3

% í î é
- + ç


• You can modify the bevel distribution value by pressing on the "+" and "-" keys
(increments of 0.1 mm).

• You can zoom in - window A – on the position of the bevel, at any point on the shape, using the
keys indicated by Hands B.
The distances from the point of the bevel to the front and back surfaces of the lens are displayed in
the zoom window.

• You can go back to the main edging screen to modify the parameters concerning lens type,
polished finish, flat edge finish, groove, clamping pressure, and lens size - Hand C.

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 148 7 – Edger

• Start the edging cycle.

• For the edging of the second lens, the customised bevel type and associated positioning are
When the second lens is machined, the "customised bevel" icon is pre-selected.
After the start of the lens tracing roller cycle, the customised bevel type and associated value for
the first lens are pre-selected.
You can modify all of these parameters.

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 149 7 – Edger

When to use "customised bevels"

- The use of a particular "customised bevel depends on one of the 2 assembly parameters: the frame and
the lenses. The parameter which constitutes the major assembly constraint must be identified.

Customised bevel Frame / Lens Advantages

- Frame base curve The frame: - In the case of a
frame pattern tracing
- Flat frame base.
(base = 0), makes it
- Strong frame base. possible to find the
The lens: base of the frame.
- Thin lens whose base is ≈ to the frame.
- Lens thick enough to fit a bevel whose camber ≈ to - If the groove or frame is
the frame base. distorted, avoids the
reproduction of the defect
- Tracing the eye The frame: - Compliance with original
shape - Groove of an unusual design. shape.
- Very deep groove
The lens: - Assembly with specific frame.
- Thin lens whose base is ≈ to the curvature of the
- Lens thick enough to fit a bevel whose camber ≈ to
the curvature of the groove.
- Following the front The frame: - Makes it possible to produce
surface - All standard frames. an attractive assembly by
avoiding protrusions at the
The lens:
front of the frame.
- "+" or "-" lenses whose front surface base is ≈ to
the base of the frame.
- Following the back The frame: - Assembly with specific lenses.
surface - All standard frames.
The lens:
- Lenticular, Telex, and Executive lenses.
-% The frame: - In an assembly with thin
- All standard frames. lenses, makes it possible to
balance the bevel.
The lens:
- Thin lens.

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 150 7 – Edger

C – Customised grooves

After the start of the lens tracing roller cycle, a new screen is displayed:
the automatic groove is the default setting.

- The automatic groove: setting of position, depth and width of the groove.

• The automatic groove is available in the "customised groove" menu - Hand A.

You can therefore compare all types of grooves before starting the finishing cycle.

= 1.1

1.1 1.5 D


% é
+ -
- + ç


• You can modify the distribution of the groove – minimum distance in relation to the front surface,
symbolised by and displayed in the upper right window – by pressing on the
"+" and "-" keys (increments of 0.1 mm).

Important: In some cases, grooving is impossible because of the base and/or thickness of the lens.
An error code will appear warning you of this impossibility.

• To select the width of the groove, press repeatedly on the key indicated by Hand B: 0.55 mm,
0.80 mm and 1.20 mm.
These widths are the default settings. You can modify them as you like: the icons will then display
the 3 widths you have configured [see section on "groove settings"].

• You can adjust the depth of the groove (increments of 0.05 mm) by selecting the icon indicated by
Hand C, and by using the "+" and "-" keys. The depth selected is displayed in window C.

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 151 7 – Edger

• You can zoom in - window D - on the position of the groove, at any point on the shape, using the
keys indicated by Hands D.
The distances from the centre of the groove to the front and back surfaces of the lens are displayed
in the zoom window.

• You can go back to the main centering screen to modify the parameters concerning lens type,
polished finish, flat edge finish, groove, clamping pressure, and lens size - Hand E.

• Start the edging cycle.

• For the grooving of the second lens, the customised groove type and associated positioning are
When the second lens is grooved, the "customised groove" icon is pre-selected.
After the start of the lens tracing roller cycle, the customised groove type and associated value for
the first lens are pre-selected.
You can modify all of these parameters.

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 152 7 – Edger

- The frame base curve: setting of position, depth and width of the groove.

• This function enables you to give your groove the camber – base you want - Hand A.

é =5

1.2 1.4 D


% é
í î
+ - 0.55
- + ç


• You can modify the default base value displayed by pressing on the "+" and "-" keys (increments of
1 mm).

Important: In some cases, grooving is impossible because of the base and/or thickness of the lens. An error
code will appear warning you of this impossibility.

• To select the width of the groove, press repeatedly on the key indicated by Hand B: 0.55 mm,
0.80 mm and 1.20 mm.
These widths are the default settings. You can modify them as you like: the icons will then display
the 3 widths you have configured [see section on "groove settings"].

• You can adjust the depth of the groove (increments of 0.05 mm) by selecting the icon indicated by
Hand C, and by using the "+" and "-" keys. The depth selected is displayed in window C.

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 153 7 – Edger

• You can zoom in - window D - on the position of the groove, at any point on the shape, using the
keys indicated by Hands D.
The distances from the centre of the groove to the front and back surfaces of the lens are displayed
in the zoom window.

• You can go back to the main centering screen to modify the parameters concerning lens type,
polished finish, flat edge finish, groove, clamping pressure, and lens size - Hand E.

• Start the edging cycle.

• For the grooving of the second lens, the customised groove type and associated positioning are
When the second lens is grooved, the "customised groove" icon is pre-selected.
After the start of the lens tracing roller cycle, the customised groove type and associated value for
the first lens are pre-selected.
You can modify all of these parameters.

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 154 7 – Edger

- The groove distribution (%): setting the position, depth and width of the groove.

• The groove distribution function will enable you to obtain a groove which is distributed over the
lens thickness - Hand A.

= 50 %

1.3 1.3 D


% é
í î

+ - 0.55
- + ç


• You can modify the groove distribution value by pressing on the "+" and "-" keys
(increments of 5%).

Important: In some cases, grooving is impossible because of the base and/or thickness of the lens.
An error code will appear warning you of this impossibility.

• To select the width of the groove, press repeatedly on the key indicated by Hand B: 0.55 mm,
0.80 mm and 1.20 mm.
These widths are the default settings. You can modify them as you like: the icons will then display
the 3 widths you have configured [see section on "groove settings"].

• You can adjust the depth of the groove (increments of 0.05 mm) by selecting the icon indicated by
Hand C, and by using the "+" and "-" keys. The depth selected is displayed in window C.

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 155 7 – Edger

• You can zoom in - window D - on the position of the groove, at any point on the shape, using the
keys indicated by Hands D.
The distances from the centre of the groove to the front and back surfaces of the lens are displayed
in the zoom window.

• You can go back to the main centering screen to modify the parameters concerning lens type,
polished finish, flat edge finish, groove, clamping pressure, and lens size - Hand E.

• Start the edging cycle.

• For the grooving of the second lens, the customised groove type and associated positioning are
When the second lens is grooved, the "customised groove" icon is pre-selected.
After the start of the lens tracing roller cycle, the customised groove type and associated value for
the first lens are pre-selected.
You can modify all of these parameters.

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 156 7 – Edger

- Following the lens front surface: setting the position, depth and width of the groove.

• Following the lens front surface enables you to obtain a groove which exactly follows the camber of
the front surface of the lens - Hand A.

= 1.2

1.2 1.4 D


% é
+ - 0.55
- + ç


• You can modify the bevel distribution value by pressing on "+" and "-" keys (increments of 0.1 mm)

Important: In some cases, grooving is impossible because of the base and/or thickness of the lens.
An error code will appear warning you of this impossibility.

• To select the width of the groove, press repeatedly on the key indicated by Hand B: 0.55 mm,
0.80 mm and 1.20 mm .
These widths are the default settings. You can modify them as you like: the icons will then display
the 3 widths you have configured [see section on "groove settings"].

• You can adjust the depth of the groove (increments of 0.05 mm) by selecting the icon indicated by
Hand C, and by using the "+" and "-" keys. The depth selected is displayed in window C.

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 157 7 – Edger

• You can zoom in - window D - on the position of the groove, at any point on the shape, using the
keys indicated by Hands D.
The distances from the centre of the groove to the front and back surfaces of the lens are displayed
in the zoom window.

• You can go back to the main centering screen to modify the parameters concerning lens type,
polished finish, flat edge finish, groove, clamping pressure, and lens size - Hand E.

• Start the edging cycle.

• For the grooving of the second lens, the customised groove type and associated positioning are
When the second lens is grooved, the "customised groove" icon is pre-selected.
After the start of the lens tracing roller cycle, the customised groove type and associated value for
the first lens are pre-selected.
You can modify all of these parameters.

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 158 7 – Edger

- Following the lens back surface: setting the position, depth and width of the groove

• Following the lens back surface will enable you to obtain a bevel which exactly follows the camber
of the back surface of the lens - Hand A.

= 1.2


1.4 1.2 D


% é
+ - 0.55
- + ç



• You can modify the groove distribution value by pressing on the "+" and "-" keys
(increments of 0.1 mm) .

Important: In some cases, grooving is impossible because of the base and/or thickness of the lens.
An error code will appear warning you of this impossibility.

• To select the width of the groove, press repeatedly on the key indicated by Hand B: 0.55 mm,
0.80 mm and 1.20 mm.
These widths are the default settings. You can modify them as you like: the icons will then display
the 3 widths you have configured [see section on "groove settings"].

• You can adjust the depth of the groove (increments of 0.05 mm) by selecting the icon indicated by
Hand C, and by using the "+" and "-" keys. The depth selected is displayed in window C.

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 159 7 – Edger

• You can zoom in - window D - on the position of the groove, at any point on the shape, using the
keys indicated by Hands D.
The distances from the centre of the groove to the front and back surfaces of the lens are displayed
in the zoom window.

• You can go back to the main centering screen to modify the parameters concerning lens type,
polished finish, flat edge finish, groove, clamping pressure, and lens size - Hand E.

• Start the edging cycle.

• For the grooving of the second lens, the customised groove type and associated positioning are
When the second lens is grooved, the "customised groove" icon is pre-selected.
After the start of the lens tracing roller cycle, the customised groove type and associated value for
the first lens are pre-selected.
You can modify all of these parameters.

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 160 7 – Edger

When to use the "customised grooves"

- The use of a particular "customised groove depends on one of the 2 assembly parameters: the frame and
the lenses. The parameter which constitutes the major assembly constraint must be identified.

Important: For proper holding of the nylon thread in the groove, it is preferable to use grooves whose base ≈ 1.

Customised groove Frame / Lens Advantages

- Frame base curve The frame: - In the case of a pattern tracing
(base = 0), makes it possible to
- Flat frame base.
find the base of the frame.
- Strong frame base.
The lens:
- If the groove or frame is
- Thin lens whose base is ≈ to the frame base. distorted, avoids the
- Lens thick enough to fit a bevel whose camber ≈ to reproduction of the defect
the frame base. detected.
- Following the front The frame: - Makes it possible to produce an
surface - All standard "Nylor" frames. attractive assembly by avoiding
protrusions at the front of the
The lens:
- "+" or "-" lenses whose front surface base is ≈ to
the frame base.
- Following the back The frame: - Minimises the risk of slippage of
surface - All standard "Nylor" frames. the nylon thread.
The lens:
- Lens whose back surface base is less than its front
surface base and ≈ to the frame base.
-% The frame: - In an assembly with thin lenses,
- All standard "Nylor" frames. makes it possible to balance
the groove.
The lens:
- Thin lens.

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 161 7 – Edger

D – Overall alteration or alteration on one point of the bevel or groove.

- Accessing alterations of the bevel curve:


π = 1.3

1.3 1.3

% í î é
- + ç


- To access the bevel alteration menu - Hand A.

- A new screen is displayed.

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 162 7 – Edger

- Overall alteration of the bevel curve

The purpose of this function is not to alter the position of the bevel.

That operation is possible in the "Customised " program where you can adjust the position using the
"+" and "-" key.

The overall alteration function enables you to alter the bevel curve.

- Displacement toward the front surface modifies the bevel curve which then takes on the shape of the
front surface.

- Displacement toward the back surface modifies the bevel curve which then takes on the shape of the
back surface.

Important: The displacement of the curve cannot exceed the minimum distance between the bevel and the
front or back surface before the alteration.

Alteration toward
back surface Minimum distance to back surface
Back surface

surface Minimum distance to front surface
Bevel before alteration

Alteration toward front surface

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 163 7 – Edger

• Select the overall alteration of the bevel curve - Hand A.


π ç

1.3 1.3 A

é é Ö í î ← →
ç èç è
ê ê


• Displacement of the whole bevel curve toward the front surface of the lens - Hand B.

• Displacement of the whole bevel curve toward the back surface of the lens - Hand C.

• You can zoom in - window A – on the position of the bevel, at any point on the shape, using the
keys indicated by Hands D.
The distances from the point of the bevel to the front and back surfaces of the lens are displayed in
the zoom window.

• To return to the "customised" bevel screen - Hand E.

• Start the edging cycle.

When the second lens is machined, the "customised bevel" icon is pre-selected and the "alteration"
icon is displayed.
You can modify all of these parameters.

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 164 7 – Edger

- Partial alteration of the bevel curve

The purpose of this function is not to alter the position of the bevel.

That operation is possible in the "Customised " program where you can adjust the position using the
"+" and "-" key.

The partial alteration function enables you to alter part of the bevel curve.

- Displacement toward the front surface modifies part of the bevel curve which then takes on the
shape of the front surface.

- Displacement toward the back surface modifies part of the bevel curve which then takes on the
shape of the back surface.

Important: The displacement of the curve cannot exceed the minimum bevel distance to the front or back
surface before the alteration.

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 165 7 – Edger

• Select the point of alteration in the bevel curve - Hand A.

π ç

1.3 1.3

é é Ö í î ← →
ç èç è
ê ê


• Using the cursor (B), select the point of the curve you want to displace - Hands D.

• Displacement of bevel toward the front surface of the lens - Hand B.

• Displacement of bevel toward the back surface of the lens - Hand C.

• You can zoom in - window A – on the position of the bevel, at any point on the shape, using the
keys indicated by Hands D.
The distances from the point of the bevel to the front and back surfaces of the lens are displayed in
the zoom window.

• To return to the "customised" bevel screen - Hand E.

• Start the edging cycle.

When the second lens is machined, the "customised bevel" icon is pre-selected and the "alteration"
icon is displayed.
You can modify all of these parameters.

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 166 7 – Edger

- Displacement of bevel curve

The purpose of this function is to displace the bevel without altering its curve or perimeter.

• Select the displacement of the bevel curve - Hand A.


π ç

1.3 1.3 A

é é Ö í î ← →
ç èç è
ê ê

• To displace the bevel curve toward the front surface of the lens - Hand B.

• To displace the bevel curve toward the back surface of the lens - Hand C.

• You can zoom in - window A – on the position of the bevel, at any point on the shape, using the
keys indicated by Hands D.
The distances from the point of the bevel to the front and back surfaces of the lens are displayed in
the zoom window.

• To return to the "customised" bevel screen - Hand E.

• Start the edging cycle.

When the second lens is machined, the "customised bevel" icon is pre-selected and the "alteration"
icon is displayed.
You can modify all of these parameters.

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 167 7 – Edger

• Alterations to the groove curve

= 1.2

1.4 1.2


% é
+ - 0.55
- + ç


• To access the groove alteration menus - Hand A.

• A new screen is displayed.

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 168 7 – Edger

- Overall alteration of the groove curve

The purpose of this function is not to alter the position of the groove.

That operation is possible in the "Customised " program where you can adjust the position using the
"+" and "-" key.

The overall alteration function enables you to alter the groove curve.

- Displacement toward the front surface modifies the groove curve which then takes on the shape of
the front surface.

- Displacement toward the back surface modifies the groove curve which then takes on the shape of
the back surface.

Important: The displacement of the curve cannot exceed the minimum groove distance to the front or back
surface before the alteration.

Alteration toward
back surface Minimum distance to back surface
Back surface

surface Minimum distance to front surface
Groove before alteration

Alteration toward front surface

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 169 7 – Edger

• Select the overall alteration of the groove curve - Hand A.


π ç

1.4 1.2

é é Ö í î
← →
ç èç è
ê ê


• Displacement of the whole groove curve toward the front surface of the lens - Hand B.

• Displacement of the whole groove curve toward the back surface of the lens - Hand C.

• You can zoom in - window A – on the position of the groove, at any point on the shape, using the
keys indicated by Hands D.
The distances from the centre of the groove to the front and back surfaces of the lens are displayed
in the zoom window.

• To return to the "customised" groove screen - Hand E.

• Start the edging cycle.

When the second lens is machined, the "customised groove" icon is pre-selected and the
"alteration" icon is displayed.
You can modify all of these parameters.

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 170 7 – Edger

- Partial alteration of the groove curve

The purpose of this function is not to alter the position of the groove.

That operation is possible in the "Customised " program where you can adjust the position using the
"+" and "-" key.

The partial alteration function enables you to alter part of the groove curve.

- Displacement toward the front surface modifies part of the groove curve which then takes on the
shape of the front surface.

- Displacement toward the back surface modifies part of the groove curve which then takes on the
shape of the back surface.

Important: The displacement of the curve cannot exceed the minimum groove distance to the front or back
surface before the alteration.

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 171 7 – Edger

• Select the point of alteration of the groove curve - Hand A.


B π ç

1.4 1.2

é é Ö í î
← →
ç èç è
ê ê


• Using the cursor (B), select the point of the curve you want to displace - Hands D.

• Displacement of the groove toward the front surface of the lens - hand B.

• Displacement of the groove toward the back surface of the lens - hand C.

• You can zoom in - window A – on the position of the groove, at any point on the shape, using the
keys indicated by Hands D.
The distances from the centre of the groove to the front and back surfaces of the lens are displayed
in the zoom window.

• To return to the "customised" groove screen - Hand E.

• Start the edging cycle.

When the second lens is machined, the "customised groove" icon is pre-selected and the
"alteration" icon is displayed.
You can modify all of these parameters.

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 172 7 – Edger

- Displacement of groove curve

The purpose of this function is to displace the groove without altering its curve or perimeter.

• Select the displacement of the bevel curve - Hand A.


π ç

1.4 1.2

é é Ö í î
← →
ç èç è
ê ê


• To displace the groove curve toward the front surface of the lens - Hand B.

• To displace the groove curve toward the back surface of the lens - Hand C.

• You can zoom in - window A – on the position of the groove, at any point on the shape, using the
keys indicated by Hands D.
The distances from the centre of the curve to the front and back surfaces of the lens are displayed
in the zoom window.

• To return to the "customised" groove screen - Hand E.

• Start the edging cycle.

When the second lens is machined, the "customised groove" icon is pre-selected and the
"alteration" icon is displayed.
You can modify all of these parameters.

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 173 7 – Edger

w Chamfering

N° 0005

∅ +0,00

- +

• Press repeatedly to select one of the 4 pre-set chamfers (See Chamfer Parameters p. 204).

• Start the machining cycle.

Important: The quality of the chamfer on polycarbonate lenses is closely linked to the
Make sure that the water flows out at a constant rate until the end of the chamfering. If
the spray is weaker during chamfering, we recommend that you clean the filter.

Note: If you wish to chamfer glass lenses, contact your after -sales service who will
change the edging wheel. Note that the tri-material wheel cannot be used to polish
the chamfer.

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 174 7 – Edger

Warning :

In certain cases, the chamfering option cannot be used

§ Lens lightness > 1cm ð Icon displayed on the right side of the screen
after the edging phase

§ Grooved lenses : distance between edge of groove ð Icon dispplayed on the right side of the screen
and edge of lens < 0,5 0,5 during the finishing phase :

There are also cases where it will not be possible to do a light chamfer, only the heavy chamfer will be
accessible :

§ Lens lightness < 1,2 ð Icon displayed on the right side of the screen
after the edging phase

§ Grooved lenses (distance between edge of groove ð Icon displayed on the right side of the screen
and edge of lens between 0,5 and 0,8) after the finishing phase

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 175 7 – Edger

7.7 Edging the second lens

After a complete edging cycle (roughing + finishing), the icon - hand A – flashes:

N° 0005 é
ç è
= 1.2


∅ +0,00

- +

- By pressing this icon, you will keep the selection on the side just edged, in the case of retouching, for

- Pressing it a second time selects the other side to be edged (RE or LE).

- The type of finish chosen remains selected: automatic bevel or groove, customised bevel or groove - Hand B.

- If the "customised" mode was selected, the type of customised bevel/groove and associated position are
displayed on the top right -hand corner of the screen - Window A.

- If the "alteration" mode was selected, the alteration icon is displayed on the top right-hand corner of the
screen - Window A.

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 176 7 – Edger

7.8 Retouching a lens that was just edged

N° 0005 é
ç è

= 1.2

∅ - 0,01

- +

After a complete edging cycle (roughing + finishing), the icon - Hand A – flashes:

- By pressing this icon, you will keep the selection on the side just edged: in the case of retouching, for

- To modify the lens size - Hand B

- The type of finish chosen remains selected: automatic bevel or groove, customised bevel or groove - Hand C.

- If the "customised" mode was selected, the type of customised bevel/groove and associated position are
displayed on the top right -hand corner of the screen - Window A.
- If the "alteration" mode was selected, the alteration icon is displayed on the top right-hand corner of the
screen - Window A.
- It is possible to modify the lens size before starting the cycle - increase
- Start the retouching cycle.

Warning : the chamfering function is only available for retouching < 0,5 mm.

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 177 7 – Edger

7.9 Retouching the first edged lens—second lens already
N° 0005 é
ç è

= 1.2

∅ - 0,01

- +
After a complete edging cycle (roughing + finishing), the icon - Hand A – flashes:

- By pressing this icon, you will keep the selection on the side just edged: if you need to retouch
the lens just edged.
- Pressing a second time will display the shape and bevel made in the machining of the first lens.
- Place the first edged lens in the current mounting frame.
- Modify the lens size - Hand B
- The type of finish chosen remains selected: automatic bevel or groove, customised bevel or groove -
Hand C.
- If the "customised" mode was selected, the type of customised bevel/groove and associated position are
displayed on the top right -hand corner of the screen - Window A.
- If the "alteration" mode was selected, the alteration function icon is displayed on the top right-hand
corner of the screen - Window A.
- It is possible to modify the lens size before starting the cycle - increase.
- Start the retouching cycle. 0

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 178 7 – Edger
7.10 Short lens edging

During centering, it became apparent that your lens was tangential to the shape: such is the case with borderline
size lenses or pre-shaped lenses.

- Select the "tangential lens" function - Hand A.

N° 0005

∅ +0,00

- +

- Select your type of finish (see section on "Bevel type selection", earlier in this chapter).

Warning : The chamfering function is not available for short uncut diameters.

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 179 7 – Edger

7.11 Available options after selecting the type of bevel
Once the bevel type has been chosen and before starting the full edging cycle, you may:

1 - From the customised bevel/groove menu:

return to the main selection screen by pressing the "return to menu" icon ".

From the main screen:

. change the lens type;
. change the type of finish (*) ;
. change the lens size: increase or decrease.

2 - From the alteration menu:

return to the customised bevel screen by pressing on the "return to menu" icon.

Important: In the customised bevel screen, if you select one of the bevels displayed, any previous selections will
be cancelled. The procedure must be entirely repeated. However, if you
re-select the alteration menu icon, without having selected one of the alteration modes displayed, all
the finishing parameters will be saved. You can even displace your bevel.

3 - From the customised bevel screen:

Press on the "return to menu" icon to display the main selection menu:

From the main screen:

. change the lens type;
. change the type of finish (**) ;
. change the lens size: increase or decrease.

(*) (**) Important: In this screen, if you re-select the customised bevel mode then one of the bevels displayed,
any previous selections will be cancelled. The procedure must be entirely repeated. However,
if you re-select the customised bevel menu icon, without selecting one of the alteration modes
displayed, all the finishing parameters will be saved.

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 180 7 – Edger

7.12 Features available after complete edging cycle start-up
Once the full edging cycle has started, you may:

1 – During the lens tracing cycle:

- change the type of finish: automatic bevel and groove - customised bevel and groove – flat edge finish;
- change the type of lens to be edged;
- stop your Essilor κ completely.

2 – During the roughing cycle:
- change the type of finish: automatic bevel or groove - customised bevel and groove - flat edge finish;
- stop your Essilor κ completely;
- perform a wheel sweep:

- change the lens size. GG

3 – During the finishing cycle:
- stop the edging cycle;
- stop your Essilor κ completely.

4 – Keys deactivated after the start of the complete edging cycle:

- shape transfer controlled from the edger;
- selection of side to be edged;
- lens clamping and release.

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 181 7 – Edger

7.13 Automatic maintenance
The automatic maintenance functions will enable you to solve a certain number of problems yourself. They will
also provide you with the necessary information to pass on to your technician for telephone assistance.

- Accessing the automatic maintenance menu.

- Hold down A and press on B.

N° 0005

∅ +0,00

- +

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 182 7 – Edger

The bar code option is active Serial number
Type product - Memory version

N°567890 Presence of one or more PCs

N95 V08EP2 in the network


You can access to the following functions:

A. Finished lens size settings, groove and chamfering parameters.

B. Automatic wheel cleaning.
C. Spraying of the edging chamber.
D. Toolbar customising and macro-functions
E. Self-diagnosis.
F. Statistics and technical log.
G. Self-calibration.

Important: For safety reasons, the door to the edging chamber is locked. You can deactivate this safety device
at your own risk. You will need to repeat the operation each time you turn on your edger.

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 183 7 – Edger

w Finished lens size settings, groove and chamfering parameters

- Select the size setting - Hand A - or the groove setting (depth and width) - Hand B – or the chamfering
setting – Hand C

± ∅ +/-


- Return to main edging screen - Hand D.

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 184 7 – Edger

w Finished lenses size settings

- Select the type of frame or flat-edge finish, associated with a type of material - Hands A.

- Adjust the size using "+" or "-" - Hand B.


- Return to main edging screen - Hand C.

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 185 7 – Edger

w Groove settings

- You can set the width [B] and depth [A] of the automatic groove [C], and the width and depth of the
grooves displayed in the Customised menu [D].


A 0.70 0.80 1.20

+- 0.55 0.60 0.75 0.60


0.55 0.70 0.80 1.20


× Ö - +


- Select the width and depth using the keys indicated by Hand A.

- Adjust the values [increments of 0.05 mm] - Hand B.

Important: Your automatic groove is thereby customised to meet the requirements of the majority of your
grooved assemblies. The customised grooves defined in this way will be displayed in
accordance with your configuration. Instead of the default customised groove settings [0.55;
0.80 and 1.20], your own customised groove settings will be displayed [0.70; 0.80 and 1.20] as
well as the depths associated with each of these grooves. You will also be able to change the
depth from the Customised menu.

- For easier cleaning of the groove on polycarbonate lenses, press key C to activate the following icon:

Another run of the wheel in the groove at the end of the cycle will help to remove chips. To disable this
function, press once more on the same key.

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 186 7 – Edger

w Chamfering parameters

The parameters of the chamfer can be set according to its size and position:

- Light or heavy chamfer

- Front and/or back surface

Whatever the option selected, 4 configurations accessible directly on the menu bar can be memorised as

Menu bar

Front surface

Back surface

+ × Ö


- Use keys A to select the type of chamfer you want to modify.

- Use key B to adjust the value of the chamfer (light or heavy) that you want to obtain.

- Return to main screen - Key C.

- Access to chamfer setting screen – Key D

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 187 7 – Edger

♦ Chamfering settings :

Front surface, Front surface, Back surface, Back surface,

light chamfer heavy chamfer light chamfer heavy chamfer

We recommend the use of this screen if the size of the chamfer initially set by the after-sales service no longer
suits your requirements.

With this screen, you can adjust the size of the chamfers by increments of 0.05, on the front and/or back
surface of the lens, whatever the type (plastic, polycarbonate, medium or high index lens, or even glass lens if
your grinding wheel allows it).

- Select front or back surface, light or heavy chamfer, on a plastic, polycarbonate, medium or high index
lens, or glass lens using keys A.

- Increase or decrease the size of the chamfer using keys B.

- Return to main screen – key C.

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 188 7 – Edger

Glass roughing wheel Plastic roughing wheel
w Automatic wheel cleaning

Use the appropriate cleaning wheel:

• orange wheel to clean the glass roughing wheel.
• white wheel for the bevel finish wheel.
• cleaning rod to clean the polishing wheel (optional).

Important: Never clean your plastic roughing wheel;

it may be damaged beyond repair.
Place the cleaning wheel in the edging chamber.

Bevel finish wheel Polishing wheel

ë ë ë


- Select the wheel to be cleaned:

• roughing wheel - Hand A.
• finishing wheel - Hand B.
• polishing wheel - Hand C.

- Start the cleaning cycle- Hand D.

Important: On starting the wheel cleaning cycle, the wheels will start spinning. For your safety, we recommend
extreme vigilance during this operation. You must avoid all contact with the wheels.

During the cleaning of the roughing and finishing wheels, the door to the edging chamber must be locked.

During the cleaning of the polishing wheel, be careful not to let anything other than the cleaning rod into
the enclosure (ties, scarves, etc. could get caught in the rotating wheels).

Before cleaning the polishing wheel, switch off your machine, place the cap supplied as part of the
machines accessories on the RS 232 socket, switch on the machine and start the cycle.

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 189 7 – Edger

Yo also need to use the protection plate as follows :

Œ Slide the plate in the edging chamber, • Press the "clamp lens" key in order to
and place it above the clamp. clamp the tab and ensure that the plate is
fixed in place throughout the dressing

Ž Insert the cleaning stick in the slot then start

the polishing wheel dressing operation.

• Once the operation is finished, release the

clamp by pressing the "release lens" key, then
remove the protection plate.

When the cleaning is finished, remove the cap and switch off the machine. Wait 20 seconds, you can
then switch your machine back and on reset it.

- When the operation is finished, return to the main edging screen - Hand E.

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 190 7 – Edger

w Spraying of the edging chamber



ç ∨


Important: On starting the edging chamber cleaning cycle, the wheels will start spinning.
For your safety, we recommend extreme vigilance during this operation. You must avoid all
contact with the wheels. During this operation, the door to the edging chamber must be locked.

- Start the cleaning cycle - Hand A.

- When the cleaning of the edging enclosure is finished, return to the main edging screen –Hand B.

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 191 7 – Edger

w Toolbar customising and macro-functions

1 - Toolbar customising:

In order to meet all professional needs, we offer a large array of functions: automatic bevel, customised
bevel, machining of tangential lenses, etc.

In customising the toolbar, you can select to display the functions most useful to you among the whole array
of functions.

The default setting includes all the functions.

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 192 7 – Edger

- Select the functions that you do not want to use: Hands A.

- Deactivate the functions you do not want to use: Hand B.

To activate or deactivate a function, press on the "validation" key.

In the example below, the only active functions are the following: automatic bevel, glass and plastic lenses,
medium clamping pressure, no chamfering and no tangentiel lenses (active icons).


× Ö

Once you have selected the functions you want displayed in the toolbar of the main edging screen:

- Exit toolbar customising screen: Hand C. Return to main edging screen.

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 193 7 – Edger

2 – Choosing the default display:

- You can chose the icons that will be displayed at the first keyboard level each time you turn on your
machine and at each shape call-up.

- From the edging screen, display the icons you want.

- Read the bar code shown below:


- If you want to return to the display of the initial toolbar, read the bar code below:


Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 194 7 – Edger

3 - Macro-functions:

By creating macro-functions you can program a complete edging cycle. You can create up to 3 macro-

- In the main edging screen, display all the functions you want to include in macro no.1.

N° 0005

∅ +0,00

ç - +
In the example above, the functions selected are the following: plastic lens, polished finish, medium clamping
pressure, automatic bevel.

- After having displayed the functions you want, read the bar code below:

- Then the bar code below:

*..KBOMA1* *..KBOMA2* *..KBOMA3*

Macro no.1 Macro no.2 Macro no.3

- The functions chosen are automatically displayed each time the "Macro no.1" bar code is read.

- Start the edging cycle using the machine's keyboard:

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 195 7 – Edger

w Autotests

This function enables you to carry out a complete test of all functions - or of one specific function -
of your machine.

T1+T2+ ... +T7 9

T1 ----------------------------------------

T2 ------------ ∅ -------------------

T3 ----------------------------------------

T4 ----------------------------------------

T5 ----------------------------------------
T6 ----------------------------------------



- If you want to carry out a complete self-diagnosis, place the cycle start icon in A, using the key indicated
by Hand A.

- If you want to carry out a partial self-diagnosis, place the cycle start icon in T1, T2, T3, etc., using the key
indicated by Hand A. Each function is identified by an icon representing the sub-assembly tested.

- Start the autotest - Hand B.

- At the start of the self-diagnosis, a cycle stop icon appears. You can thereby stop the self-diagnosis at
any time.

- The result is displayed as follows:

- J no defect detected
- L defect detected: contact your after-sales service.

- Exit the self-diagnosis screen- Hand C. Return to the main edging screen.

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 196 7 – Edger

w Statistics and Technical log

- To access statistics - Hand A.

- To access the technical log - Hand B.

E10 1 3
E20 2
E50 1 1


- Exit this screen - Hand C. Return to main edging screen.

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 197 7 – Edger

1 – Statistics:

This screen gives you the total number of:

- edger calibration operations;
- wheel cleaning operations;
- plastic lenses edged;
- glass lenses edged;
- polycarbonate lenses edged;
- medium and high index lenses edged ;
- bevel finish;
- flat edge finish;
- bevel polish;
- flat edge polish;
- groove finish;
- groove polish.
- chamfering;

- The first column shows the totals since your technician's last operation.

- The second column shows the totals since the beginning of operation of your machine.

- To exit this menu - Hand A.

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 198 7 – Edger

2 – Technical log:

It provides a record of certain technical parameters.

E10 1 2

E23 1

E32 1 4

E51 2 2


- The first column shows the totals since your technician's last operation.

- The second column shows the totals since the beginning of operation of your machine.

- To exit this menu - Hand A.

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 199 7 – Edger

w Calibration of bevel, grooving and chamfering functions


- Select a full calibration of the edger (excluding grooving) - Hand A.

- Select a calibration of the edger's feelers - Hand B.

- To calibrate the chamfering function, contact your after-sales service – Hand C

- Select the change of chamfering wheel - Hand D.

- Return to main screen – Hand E.

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 200 7 – Edger

1 – Full calibration (excluding grooving function)

ë ë ë

J L (

- Take the appropriate accessory.

- Place the accessory in the edging chamber (see chapter on "Lens setup").

- Start the calibration - Hand A.

- At the start of the calibration, a cycle stop icon appears. You can thereby stop the calibration at any time.

- The calibration result is displayed as follows:

- J no defect detected.
- L defect detected: contact your after-sales service.

- Go on to the next calibration - Hand B.

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 201 7 – Edger

2 – Calibration of the edger's feelers

L (


- Start the calibration - Hand A.

- At the start of the calibration, a cycle stop icon appears. You can thereby stop the calibration at any time.

- The calibration result is displayed as follows:

- J no defect detected.
- L defect detected: contact your after-sales service.

- Make sure that the position of the feelers in relation with the gauge corresponds with the position shown
on the screen.

- To make sure that the feelers are properly lined up, press them slightly and check that the points are
properly in contact with the gauge nibs.

- If balance is incorrect, contact your after-sales technician.

- To exit this menu- Hand B.

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 202 7 – Edger

3 – How to change the chamfering wheel

- Once the grooving-chamfering assembly has come up, place the spanner between the grooving wheel
and the chamfering wheel to block the shaft.

- Unscrew the wheel using the Allen key.

- Remove the wheel and replace it with a new wheel.

- Switch your edger off, then back on.

Note: We recommend that you change the wheel approximately every 5,000 lenses.

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 203 7 – Edger

Chapter 8

List of error codes

This chapter describes the procedure to be followed when an error message appears.

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 204 8 – List of error codes

8.1 Tracer-Centerer-Blocker: Error messages
Code Significance Procedure
N1 Electronic component problem Press on the key to get rid of the error.
Turn off the machine, then switch it back on.
If the problem persists, contact your after-sales service.
N2 Incorrect serial number Contact your after-sales service.
N3 Tracer initialisation problem Check that no accessory or frame is in position at the time of initialisation.
Press on the key to get rid of the error.
If the problem persists, contact your after-sales service.
N4 Storage problem Press on the key to get rid of the error.
Turn off the machine, then switch it back on.
If the problem persists, contact your after-sales service.
N5 Storage problem Press on the key to get rid of the error.
Turn off the machine, then switch it back on.
If the problem persists, contact your after-sales service.
N6 Communication problem Press on the key to get rid of the error.
Contact your after-sales service.
N7 Electronic component problem Press on the key to get rid of the error.
Turn off the machine, then switch it back on.
If the problem persis ts, contact your after-sales service.
N8 Bar-code Press on the key to get rid of the error.
Turn off the machine, then switch it back on.
If the problem persists, contact your after-sales service.
N9 Keyboard Press on the key to get rid of the error.
Turn off the machine, then switch it back on.
If the problem persists, contact your after-sales service.
N10 Communication problem Press on the key to get rid of the error.
Turn off the machine, then switch it back on.
If the problem persists, contact your after-sales service.
N11 Blocker Check that nothing is interfering with the blocking arm.
Press on the key to get rid of the error.
If the problem persists, contact your after-sales service.
A1 Microprocessor error Press on the key to get rid of the error.
Turn off the machine, then switch it back on.
If the problem persists, contact your after-sales service.
A2 Clamp movement error Check that nothing is interfering with the movement of the clamps.
Check that the plastic tips are still in position.
Press on the key to get rid of the error.
Turn off the machine, then switch it back on.
If the problem persists, contact your after-sales service.

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 205 8 – List of error codes

A3 Feeler movement error Check that nothing is interfering with the movement of the feeler.

Press on the key to get rid of the error.

Turn off the machine, then switch it back on.
If the problem persists, contact your after-sales service.
A4 Feeler movement error Check that nothing is interfering with the movement of the feeler.

Press on the key to get rid of the error.

Turn off the machine, then switch it back on.
If the problem persists, contact your after-sales service.
A5 Feeler movement error Check that nothing is interfering with the movement of the feeler.

Press on the key to get rid of the error.

Turn off the machine, then switch it back on.
If the problem persists, contact your after-sales service.
A6 Feeler movement error Check that nothing is interfering with the movement of the feeler.

Press on the key to get rid of the error.

Turn off the machine, then switch it back on.
If the problem persists, contact your after-sales service.
A7 Blocker movement error Check that nothing is interfering with the movement of the blocking arm.

Press on the key to get rid of the error.

Turn off the machine, then switch it back on.
If the problem persists, contact your after-sales service.
A8 Blocker head not in position Pivot the head of the blocking arm into the blocking position.
A10 Standard calibration error
Press on the key to get rid of the error.
Proceed with the calibration of the tracer.
A12 Tracer not calibrated
Press on the key to get rid of the error.
Proceed with the calibration of the tracer.
A13 Bar-code No. unobtainable
Press on the key to get rid of the error.
Check that the bar-code number read corresponds to one of the storage ranges of
your network.
If your network consists of several Tracer-Centerer-Blockers, no. A is not admitted.
A14 Tracer rejected because the serial Contact your after-sales service.
number was not correctly entered
A15 Calculation error during tracing
Press on the key to get rid of the error.
Turn off the machine, then switch it back on.
If the problem persists, contact your after-sales service.
A16 Thickness of frame does not allow
Press on the key to get rid of the error.
the tracing of the groove cross-
section Select and hold “High-precision tracing“ then select “plastic frame”.
Start the tracing cycle.
Select “metal or Optyl frame”*.
*: Even though the bezel profile has not been read, the shape will be traced to a
higher degree of precision.

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 206 8 – List of error codes

A17 The feeler falls during a tracing Check the position of the frame.
Press on the key to get rid of the error.
If the "High-Precision tracing" mode was previously selected, select the "standard"
Start the tracing cycle.
A18 Minimum radius Check the position of the frame.
Press on the key to get rid of the error.
If the "High-Precision tracing" mode was previously selected, select the "standard"
Start the tracing cycle.
A19 Insertion into the frame groove not Check the position of the frame.
Press on the key to get rid of the error.
If the "High-Precision tracing" mode was previously selected, select the "standard"
Start the tracing cycle.
A20 No calibration gauge You have started a calibration operation without inserting a calibration gauge.
Press on the key to get rid of the error.
Position the calibration gauge.
Start the calibration cycle.
A21 Calibration error Press on the key to get rid of the error.
Turn off the machine, then switch it back on.
If the problem persists, contact your after-sales service.
A26 Calculation problem Press on the key to get rid of the error.
Turn off the machine, then switch it back on.
If the problem persists, contact your after-sales service.
A27 Electronic component problem Press on the key to get rid of the error.
Turn off the machine, then switch it back on.
If the problem persists, contact your after-sales service.
A28 Bar-code problem Press on the key to get rid of the error.
Contact your after-sales service.
A30 Bar-code reader wrongly Use the bar-codes included at the end of this chapter to configure your sprayer.
A31 Bar-code problem Press on the key to get rid of the error.
Contact your after-sales service.
A32 Toolbar customising: Operator Press on the key to get rid of the error.
There must be at least one valid icon in each column of the toolbar customising
A33 Optical mode not accessible in Press on the key to get rid of the error.
Gamma mode (see selected
protocol) If your network is a mixed Gamma + Kappa network, the "optical" mode is not
A34 Non-symmetrical tracing not Press on the key to get rid of the error.
possible in Gamma mode (see
selected protocol) If your network is a mixed Gamma + Kappa network, the "optical" mode is not

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 207 8 – List of error codes

A35 Toolbar customising problem Press on the key to get rid of the error.
Contact your after-sales service.
A39 Tracer error Press on the key to get rid of the error.
Contact your after-sales service.
A40 Tracer error Press on the key to get rid of the error.
Contact your after-sales service.
A41 Centerer not calibrated Press on the key to get rid of the error.
Proceed with the calibration of the centerer-blocker.
A42 The decentration values have not Press on the key to get rid of the error.
been entered, clamping is
Enter the decentration values.
A43 Problem with serial number Press on the key to get rid of the error.
Contact your after-sales service.
A44 Centerer function deactivated Press on the key to get rid of the error.
Contact your after-sales service.
You can still digitise and store shapes while waiting for technical assistance.
A50 Difficult groove Press on the key to get rid of the error.
Select and hold "High-precision tracing" then select "plastic frame".
A55 Storage problem Press on the key to get rid of the error.
Contact your after-sales service.
A56 Communication problem with a PC. Press on the key to get rid of the error.
Check all connections.
If the problem persists, contact your after-sales service.
A57 Communication problem. Press on the key to get rid of the error.
Check the connections with the other tracers on the network.
Check that the other tracers on the network are switched on.
Check that the number requested corresponds to one of the storage ranges
available on the network.
If the problem persists, contact your after-sales service.
A58 Communication problem Press on the key to get rid of the error.
Check the connections with the other tracers on the network.
Check that the other tracers on the network are switched on.
Check that the number requested corresponds to one of the storage ranges
available on the network.
If the problem persists, contact your after-sales service.
A60 Storage range not accessible Press on the key to get rid of the error.
Check the connections with the other tracers on the network.
Check that the other tracers on the network are switched on.
Check that the number requested corresponds to one of the storage ranges
available on the network.
If the problem persists, contact your after-sales service.
A61 Bar-code problem Press on the key to get rid of the error.
Problem with bar-code label.

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 208 8 – List of error codes

A62 Communication problem
Press on the key to get rid of the error.
Check the connections with the other tracers/PCs on the network.
Check that the other tracers/PCs on the network are switched on.
Check that the number requested corresponds to one of the storage ranges
available on the network.
If the problem persists, contact your after-sales service.
A63 Communication problem
Press on the key to get rid of the error.
Check the connections with the other tracers/PCs on the network.
Check that the other tracers/PCs on the network are switched on.
Check that the number you want to use to save your work corresponds to one of the
storage ranges available on the network.
If the problem persists, contact your after-sales service.
A64 Memory problem
Press on the key to get rid of the error.
Contact your after-sales service.
A65 Memory problem
Press on the key to get rid of the error.
Wait 15 minutes then renew the operation.
If the problem persists, contact your after-sales service.
W11 Tracing problem Check that nothing is interfering with the movement of the clamps or feeler.

Press on the key to get rid of the error.

The desired operation can be re-started immediately.
W25 Cycle stopped by user
Press on the key to get rid of the error.
Renew the operation.
W29 Network problem Check that the network set-up procedures described in chapter 5 have been
complied with.
W45 Centerer problem
Press on the key to get rid of the error.
Renew the operation.
If the problem persists, contact your after-sales service.
W59 Change of decentration modes A shape is displayed.
You want to change the decentration mode.
The change will only be taken into account on a new tracing.

Press on the key to get rid of the error.

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 209 8 – List of error codes

8.2 Edger: Error messages

Code Significance Procedure

A01 Microprocessor error l Turn unit off and on to reset it. If the message appeared during edger use, restart
the operation that was underway.

l If the message persists, contact your after-sales service technician.

A02 Rollers error l Check cleanliness of rollers' rods.

l Run an auto-test of the rollers :

è Press the “start cycle” key to clear error message.
è Access the auto-maintenance menu : Press and hold key 9 and then press
key 5.
è Access the test feature and perform Tests T4 and T5.
(Cf. Edger auto-maintenance chapter).
n If an error is observed: contact your after-sales service technician.
n If the test is “OK”: turn the unit off and on to reset it.

If the error persists, contact your after-sales service technician.

A03 Lens -holder centre line l Check lens -holder centre line movement (upward movement).
movement error
l If position is correct: turn unit off and on to reset it. If the error persists, contact
your after-sales service technician.

l If the centre line’s position does not change, run an auto-test:

è Press the “start cycle” key to clear error message.
è Access the auto-maintenance menu : Press and hold key 9 and then press
key 5.
è Access the test feature and perform Test T2.
(Cf. Edger auto-maintenance chapter).
n If an error is observed: contact your after-sales service technician
n If the test is “OK”: turn the unit off and on to reset it.

If the error persists, contact your after-sales service technician.

A04 Lens rotation error l Turn the unit off and on to reset it.

l If the error persists, run an auto-test:

è Press the “start cycle” key to clear error message.
è Access the auto-maintenance menu : Press and hold key 9 and then press
key 5.
è Access the test feature and perform Test T1.
(Cf. Edger auto-maintenance chapter).
n If an error is observed: contact your after-sales service technician
n If the test is “OK”: turn the unit off and on to reset it.

If the error persists, contact your after-sales service technician.

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 210 8 – List of error codes

Code Significance Procedure

A05 Edging wheel movement error l Turn the wheels manually to determine whether any objet is present in the edging

l Turn unit off and on to reset it.

l If the wheels do not turn, start an auto-test:

è Press the “start cycle” key to clear error message.
è Access the auto-maintenance menu : Press and hold key 9 and then press
key 5.
è Access the test feature and perform Test T3.
(Cf. Edger auto-maintenance chapter).
n If an error is observed: contact your after-sales service technician.
n If the test is “OK”: turn the unit off and on to reset it.

If the error persists, contact your after-sales s ervice technician.

A08 Access-door operating error l Check that no foreign object is hampering proper operation of the door.

l Turn unit off and on to reset it.

If the error persists, contact your after-sales service technician.

A09 Thermal security l Wait 2 minutes (for the machine to cool).

l Press the “start cycle” key to clear the error message.

l Restart the operation.

If the error persists, contact your after-sales service technician.

A10 Anomaly security l Press the “start cycle” key to clear the error message.

l Restart the operation.

If the error persists, contact your after-sales service technician.

A11 Error during calibration l Check proper status of gauge.

l Press the “start cycle” key to clear the error message.
l Restart the calibration.
If the error persists, contact your after-sales service technician.

A12 Calculation errors l Press the “start cycle” key to clear the error message.
l Restart the cycle.
l If the error persists, calibrate the edger :
è Press the “start cycle” key to clear error message.
è Access the auto-maintenance menu: press and hold key 9 and then
press key 5.
è Perform the calibration. (Cf. Edger auto-maintenance chapter.)
n If an error is detected, contact your after-sales service technician.
n If the test is “OK”: restart the operation.
If the error persists, contact your after-sales service technician.

A13 Error during cleaning l Press the “start cycle” key to clear the error message.
l Check that the small cleaning wheel is present and not too worn (maximum of
three cleaning procedures per small cleaning wheel).
l Start the operation again.
If the error persists, contact your after-sales service technician.

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 211 8 – List of error codes

Code Significance Procedure

A14 Wheel set-up not done l Press the “start cycle” key to clear the error message.

l Turn unit off and on to reset it. If the message appeared during edger use, restart
the operation that was underway.

If the error persists, contact your after-sales service technician.

A15 Memory error l Press the “start cycle” key to clear the error message.
l Turn unit off and on to reset it. If the message appeared during edger use, restart
the operation that was underway.
If the error persists, contact your after-sales service technician.

A54 Handling error There must be at least one valid pictogram in the column.
l Validate the error message.
l Restart the operation (Cf. "Toolbar customising and macro-function" chapter).

A55 Handling error l Press the “start cycle” key to clear the error message.
l Restart the operation (Cf. "Toolbar customising and macro-function" chapter).

A56 Bar code reading error l Press the “start cycle” key to clear the error message.

l Check the state of the bar code (contrast, legibility…).

l Check the bar code reader connections.

l Start the operation again.

l If the error persists :

è Read a different edger bar code (read a JOB number, for example).
n If "OK", the preceding bar code is defective.
n If there is a reading problem, contact your after-sales service.

A58 Defect in the setting up of the l Make sure that no foreign body is obstructing the movement of the grooving
grooving system unit.
l Press the “start cycle” key to clear the error message.
è Access the auto-maintenance menu.
è Press and hold key 9 and then press key 5.
è Access the test feature and perform Test T7.
(Cf.Edger auto-maintenance chapter).
n If the test is “OK”, restart the operation.
n If the error persists, contact your after-sales service technician.
A59 The grooving wheel does not l Make sure that no foreign body is obstructing the rotation of the wheel.
turn l Press the “start cycle” key to clear the error message.
è Access the auto-maintenance menu.
è Press and hold key 9 and then press key 5.
è Access the test feature and perform Test T7.
(Cf. Edger auto-maintenance chapter).
n If the test is “OK”, restart the operation.
n If the error persists, contact your after-sales service technician.
A70 Problem with the insertion of l Press the “start cycle” key to clear the error message.
the machine in the network
l Restart the operation.
If the error persists, contact your after-sales service technician.
(your machine is not correctly configured to communicate with the network).

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 212 8 – List of error codes

Code Significance Procedure

A71 Problem with bar code reader l Check the bar code reader connections.

l Press the “start cycle” key to clear the error message.

l Turn unit off and on to reset it.

l Restart the operation.

If the error persists, contact your after-sales service technician.

A72 Problem with bar code reader l Press the “start cycle” key to clear the error message.

l Check the state of the bar code (contrast, legibility…).

l Check the bar code reader connections.

l Start the operation again.

l If the error persists :

è Read a different edger bar code (read a JOB number, for example).
n If "OK", the preceding bar code is defective.
n If there is a reading problem, contact your after-sales service.

A75 Communication error l Check the connections and power supply of all the machines in the network.

l Press the “start cycle” key to clear the error message.

l Start the operation again.

If the error persists, contact your after-sales service technician.

A80 Communication problem on l Check the connections and power supply of all the machines in the network.
the RS 232 socket
l Turn unit off and on your edger KAPPA.

l Access the auto-maintenance menu.

è Press and hold key 9 and then press key 5.

l Access the tes t feature and perform Test T8 (if your KAPPA is equiped with
the grooving system) or test T7 (for a KAPPA edger without grooving).
è If the error persists, contact your after-sales service technician.
è If the test is “OK” :
n Turn unit off and on to reset your KAPPA.

A85 Communication error l Refer to the advice given in message A75.

A86 Communication error l Refer to the advice given in message A75.

A87 Communication error l Refer to the advice given in message A75.

A88 Communication error l Refer to the advice given in message A75.

A89 Communication error l Refer to the advice given in message A75.

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 213 8 – List of error codes

Code Significance Procedure

A90 Network configuration error l Check the connections and power supply of all the machines in the network.

l Press the “start cycle” key to clear the error message.

l Turn unit off and on your edger KAPPA.

l Access the communication menu:

è Press and hold key 4 and then press key 5.
è Check the configuration of the communication mode of all the
machines in the network.
è Correct the errors if any.
l Turn unit off and on to reset your KAPPA.

If the error persists, contact your after-sales service technician.

A91 Network configuration error l Refer to the advice given in message A90.

A92 Network configuration error l Refer to the advice given in message A90.

A93 JOB availability error l Make sure that the JOB number called up is available on the network.
l Make sure that all the machines in the network are connected.
l Press the “start cycle” key to clear the error message.
If the error persists, contact your after-sales service technician.

A94 Network constitution error It is not possible to constitute a network with a single machine.
l Check the connections and power supply of all the machines in the network.
l Press the “start cycle” key to clear the error message.
l Start the operation again.
If the error persists, contact your after-sales service technician.

A95 Network configuration error l Check the connections and power supply of all the machines in the network.
l Press the “start cycle” key to clear the error message.
l Turn unit off and on your edger KAPPA.
l Access the communication menu:
è Press and hold key 4 and then press key 5.
è Check the configuration of the communication mode of all the
machines in the network.
è Correct the errors if any.
l Turn unit off and on to reset your KAPPA.
If the error persists, contact your after-sales service technician.

A96 The data transmitted is l Press the “start cycle” key to clear the error message.
l Restart the operation.

If the error persists, contact your after-sales service technician.

A97 Incorrect serial number l Press the “start cycle” key to clear the error message.

l Turn unit off and on your edger KAPPA.

If the error persists, contact your after-sales service technician.

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 214 8 – List of error codes

Code Significance Procedure

A98 Network configuration error l Check the connections and power supply of all the machines in the network.

l Press the “start cycle” key to clear the error message.

l Turn unit off and on your edger KAPPA.

l Access the communication menu:

è Press and hold key 4 and then press key 5.
è Check the configuration of the communication mode of all the
machines in the network.
è Correct the errors if any.
l Turn unit off and on to reset your KAPPA.

If the error persists, contact your after-sales service technician.

A99 Network configuration error l Check the connections and power supply of all the machines in the network.

l Press the “start cycle” key to clear the error message.

l Turn unit off and on your edger KAPPA.

l Access the communication menu:

è Press and hold key 4 and then press key 5.
è Check the configuration of the communication mode of all the
machines in the network.
è Correct the errors if any.
l Turn unit off and on to reset your KAPPA.

If the error persists, contact your after-sales service technician.

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 215 8 – List of error codes

8.3 Configuration of bar-code readers
To configure you bar-code reader, read the following bar-codes:

N° 1 :

N° 2 :


N° 3 :


To configure you bar-code reader, read the following bar-codes:

N° 1 :

N° 2 :


N° 3 :


Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 216 8 – List of error codes

8.4 Replacement of lens illuminating light

Before carrying out any operation inside the machine, unplug the machine from the wall socket.

1 – Take off the light cover by turning it counter-clockwise.

2 – Take out the light bulb by gently pushing on it and turning it counter-clockwise.

3 – Insert the new light (30V - 100 mA) by inverting the procedure above.

Plug the machine back in and switch it on.

If the light doesn't work, call the after-sales service.

Essilor Kappa IMK10GB.V3 217 8 – List of error codes

Gerber Coburn
55 Gerber Road
South Windsor, CT 06074-3244 USA

Document Number 288320, Revision A

18 July 2006

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