Nama: Putri Raudatul Jannah NIM: PO6231322271 Prodi: S.Tr. Gizi Dan Dietetika Semester: 2 Matkul: English For Academic Purpose

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Nama : Putri Raudatul Jannah

NIM : PO6231322271

Prodi : S.Tr. Gizi dan Dietetika

Semester : 2

Matkul : English For Academic Purpose

WHO defines health as a state of complete physical, mental and social well-being and not
merely the absence of disease and infirmity. Nutrition is a component in food; Food makes
up a diet and diet affects health. Food is composed of nutrients and non-nutrition. Nutrient
components can be grouped into macronutrients consisting of carbohydrates, proteins and
fats, and micronutrients namely vitamins and minerals. nutrition in the right composition. It
must meet human needs adequately to ensure the best nutritional status for the community
if it is used as a daily habit. In addition, it must also be safe and free from harmful
components that have a bad influence on human health. The transition from malnutrition
and/or deficiency/excess of nutrition to the appearance of disease takes a long time.

Some of the considerations that must be considered in ingesting and/or giving food are the
amount, frequency, type, composition, and method of cooking and/or processing. explicitly
because it may affect their particular health problem, but not for others. Food is defined as
any substance that enters the human body, is digested and/or eaten and will react with the
body to provide energy for life and activities, build and/or repair tissues and regulate body
processes. From a nutritional point of view, there are three main principles required to say
that a food is a healthy diet.

First, it must be sufficient. Sufficient here means that food must provide enough nutrients
needed by the body for the three purposes above. Therefore, the amount or portion and
frequency of meals need to be considered. Must be balanced in the composition of
nutrients. Because nutrients can be grouped into two main groups, macro and micro, then
each group can also be grouped into carbohydrates, proteins, fats, minerals, vitamins,
water. nutrition in a certain amount called the Recommended Daily Allowance or Daily
Intake. Calorie intake from food must be controlled.
when the food containing salmonella poison is very little, it will not cause any disease, but
when the concentration is high beyond human ability, it causes typhoid fever. is a chronic
disease due to bad habits in long-term food nutrition, a healthy diet should include variety
and moderation.

Some other non-nutritional things that need to be considered so that food is healthy, as
follows, it must be free of toxins, both toxins that exist naturally in food. Unnatural toxins
develop from mishandled food handling, genetically engineered food whose effects on
health are unknown except for hypotheses that have never been proven and also
contamination from good bacteria, other bacteria. The Average Daily Intake (AI) or in
Indonesia it is called the nutritional adequacy rate (AKG) has been used to explain the
amount of nutrients. least needed by the body. For energy-producing nutrients, namely
macro-nutrients composed of carbohydrates, protein and fat, the total calorie requirement
must be calculated first before it is broken down into more specific nutrients needed.

Food will also affect intake. In accordance with the definition of healthy food which focuses
more on the effect of food on well-being, food nibbling has advantages and disadvantages.
Nibbling means increasing the frequency of eating or in other words eating more often.
Biting helps people to control and maintain blood glucose levels and insulin sensitivity.
However, this increases the risk of excess caloric intake leading to overweight or obesity. In
contrast, time-restricted feeding that is part of intermittent fasting has recently been
introduced to promote weight loss, glucose tolerance, improve blood lipid levels, and can
also delay the neoplastic-susceptible tissue landscape typical of aging.

Foods cooked in oil will contain more calories than foods cooked in water. WHO defines a
balanced diet when it consists of 50-60% carbohydrates, 10-15% protein and 25-30% fat, as
well as intake of vitamins and minerals following the recommended daily allowance.
Indonesia provides additional information about sugar that must be consumed at a
maximum of 5% of total calorie intake. Looking at this composition; each country develops
its balanced diet such as Mediterranean, western, Asian or even Indonesian. They call it the
Food Pyramid. This food pyramid is made by considering the composition of daily nutrients
and based on the habits of the population and the availability of food in a certain area.

The Harvard School of Public Health has published a Healthy Meal Plate in which portions of
vegetables are higher than whole grains, and sources of protein and fruit are smaller. 35
Another table of plate composition indicates that a healthy dinner plate should consist of
25% grains, 20% vegetables, 15% apart from fruit, dairy products and nuts plus 10% protein.
There are many other models of one-dish composition, and all claim to be balanced and

Families typically use heating behaviors such as frying including sautéing, steaming, boiling,
grilling and grilling. This behavior alters the bioavailability of nutrients in addition to
increasing palatability. Vitamin C, for example, will be reduced by cooking but, vitamin E will
increase, overheating in the fryer destroys the double bonds of unsaturated fats and turns
them into trans fats. Therefore, food processing including cooking will affect the availability
of nutrients and therefore also affect the balance of nutrients and the amount in food.

Most food hazards come from toxins, pollutants and bacteria/parasites in food. Most food
hazards come from toxins, pollutants and bacteria/parasites in food.

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