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The following data are available in relation to the computation of goodwill:

Net assets, excluding goodwill ( 7,500,000.00)

Normal rate of return in the industry 12%

The goodwill is measured at the average excess earnings capitalized at 25%.

Past earnings for 5 years preceding the sale:

2017 ( 950,000.00)
2018 ( 975,000.00)
2019 ( 950,000.00)
2020 ( 1,075,000.00)
2021 ( 1,050,000.00)

Average earnings xxx

Normal earnings (xxx)
Average excess earnings xxx
Divide by capitalization rate %
Goodwill xxx

Average earnings ( 1,000,000.00)

Normal earnings ( (900,000.00)
Average excess earnings ( 100,000.00)
Divide by capitalization rate 25%
Goodwill ( 400,000.00)

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