Tutorial Week 2 Summary

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UNSW Business School

Fundamentals of Risk and Risk Management

Topic 2: Insurance and Risk

Tutorial Summary

Nature &

Definition: Individual & society

Economic Fields of
contribution insurance

1. Creates certainty about the

1. Large numbers of exposure units 1. Private insurance
burden of loss
2. Definite and measurable loss 2. Social insurance
2. Spreading losses that do occur
3. The loss must be fortuitous 3. Public benefit guarantee
3. Provides for an optimal utilization
4. The loss must not be catastrophic programs
of capital
Risk Management Applications
Expected value
Minmax regret

1. Don't risk more than you can afford to lose

Rules of RM 2. Consider the odds
3. Don't risk a lot for a little

1. Large-loss principle
2. Insurance as a last resort – optional coverages
Transfer or
3. Cost of financing risk
4. Tax treatment of premiums and losses
5. Selecting agent and insurer

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