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National Ilan University (NIU)

Joint Master Degree Program

1. Program Scheme
(1) First year:
 The student studies at the original University and completes most needed courses (and
may initialize the thesis research).
 The student is recommended by the original University to apply NIU Master Program.

(2) Second year:

 The student studies at National Ilan University (NIU) to join the research team, complete
the rest of needed courses, and complete the thesis.
 The student recommended by the original University will be awarded tuition fee waived.
 NIU will offer some qualified and selected applicants to be awarded scholarships of a
monthly stipend.

(3) Dual degrees awarded:

 Two Master Degrees of both Universities will be awarded after completing the joint

Fig.1 Joint Master Degree Program (1+1)

2. The Joints of Master programs
(1) NIU master programs looking forward to joint:
1. Department of Chemical and Materials Engineering
2. Department of Civil Engineering
3. Department of Environmental Engineering
4. Department of Mechanical and Electro-Mechanical Engineering
5. Graduate Institute of Architecture and Sustainable Planning
6. Department of Electrical Engineering
7. Department of Electronic Engineering
8. Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering
9. Master Program of Artificial Intelligence

(2) Cross-disciplinary joint welcomed

NIU welcomes the cross-disciplinary joint combining two different domains’ master

(3) Memorandum of Agreement (MOA)

The MOA will be signed by the original University’s faculty and NIU’s College for each
joint program.

3. More Beneficial for both Universities

(1) Supervise the students together
We avoid direct competitions of master program recruitments with each other, and turn
to win-win cooperation.

(2) Advance the research together

It can lead to deeper research cooperation between the two sides.

(3) Publish the paper together

The papers cane be co-authored and published internationally, improving the world
rankings of both universities.

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