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How Your Moon Sign Affects Your

Leo Approach to Love

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Table of Contents
Your Journey Begins! ........................................................................................................ 4
What Can The Moon Tell Us? ............................................................................................ 6
Leo With Aries Moon ........................................................................................................ 8
Leo With Taurus Moon ................................................................................................... 12
Leo With Gemini Moon ................................................................................................... 16
Leo With Cancer Moon ................................................................................................... 18
Leo With Leo Moon......................................................................................................... 21
Leo With Virgo Moon...................................................................................................... 25
Leo With Moon in Libra .................................................................................................. 28
Leo With Scorpio Moon................................................................................................... 31
Leo With Sagittarius Moon ............................................................................................. 35
Leo With Capricorn Moon ............................................................................................... 39
Leo With Aquarius Moon ................................................................................................ 43
Leo With Pisces Moon ..................................................................................................... 46
Next Steps ...................................................................................................................... 49

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Your Journey Begins!
Dear Leo woman,

First of all, thank you for purchasing this guide.

If you had a chance to read some of my previous guides, you

are aware of what motivates my work – a mission to help
women across the globe find their true love and improve their
relationships in a way they can feel fulfilled and happy.

That being said, I managed to help thousands of women

improve their relationships by sharing my insights of astrology
and helping them understand their partners, and themselves

There are several things in the powerful wisdom astrology

holds that are crucial for understanding what we’re really like,
what we truly need, and how we can successfully thrive in love.

The first step is understanding your sun sign. Since you’re

reading this guide, you should have already tapped into the
insights I shared on your sun sign in the Leo Love Secrets

The next step is discovering what your moon sign reveals about
you… The moon in our natal charts represents our emotions…
our inner mood. It tells us how you’re most likely to express
your feelings, and it reveals what you need in love in order to
feel good…

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Your moon sign will show you the exact traits of a relationship
where you will feel most comfortable.

When you tap into the insights of the two (your sun and moon
sign), you will finally understand so many things about your
past relationship experiences… Why they didn’t work, why you
felt in a certain way. And finally, you will understand what you
NEED right now and in your future relationships…

So, let’s understand what your soul really longs for, and what
kind of relationship is ideal for you,

I’m honored that you’ve decided to take this journey of self-

discovery and search of true love with me,

Lots of love,
Anna Kovach

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What Can The Moon Tell Us?

The sun, ascendant and the moon are the most important
influences in a person’s chart. Of course major aspects, rulers
and planets near the ascendant are also key but you cannot get
away from the influence of the moon, especially in

The moon represents emotions, security, safety, long-term

relationships and attachment figures. The moon also
represents the mother or mother figure, and the effect our very
first bonding relationship with, usually our mother, had on us.
You can see why the moon is so important in love already from
this brief description.

The moon also represents patterns of behavior we set up in

childhood, the effect childhood experiences had on us and how
we still carry those reflexive emotional reactions and memories
with us.

While the sun is the future, the moon is the past; it is our roots
and our background. While we need to grow into the sun, we
can never forget where we came from and that is the moon.

Moon signs in combination with sun signs tell us how

comfortable we are with expressing emotion or giving
nourishment. Are we in touch with our intuition and feeling
nature, or do we keep emotions at bay?

The moon is symbolic of our deepest emotional patterns, our

needs and our automatic responses.

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The moon has a bearing on how we form attachments and
what we need from others to make us secure. It is about how
we give ourselves self-care and how we are able to parent
ourselves, which will have a direct bearing on how we react in

The moon also represents home life, community, family matters

and the way our immediate environment affects us.

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Leo With Aries Moon

This is a very good position for internal balance and this bodes
well for relationships with men and for marriage.

You are not as prone to inner conflict as other Leo moon-sun

combos and your head and heart are generally on the same

This indicates physical vitality and good health, stamina and

recuperative powers. Whatever your health concerns are, you
will be able to grow out of them or overcome them. Positivity is
central to your strong constitution.

This aspect promotes self-confidence and optimism.

This indicates a positive relationship with your family and that

you received support from them growing up, and that they
fostered good self-discipline, responsibility and independence.

You have a strong sense of purpose and you are easily able to
create harmonious relationships, possibly due to a good
balance of the yin and the yang within you. Whatever your
stresses and anxieties are, you know how to deal with them
rather than obsessively worry about them.

Your romantic relationships generally go well, and you will have

a great relationship with your children.

Leos with an Aries moon are born at the disseminating phase

of the moon. This Aries moon combo leaves a lasting
impression on everyone. People remember your face, even if
they have only you once. You can walk into an airport in
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Timbuktu and some guy will come over shake your hand and
say, "Hi Kim."

You are great at interacting with all kinds of people and

your ideas tend to be accepted and to take off. You often
fail to think before you act, and you can jump in the deep

You are highly objective and always seem to see the big
picture. You are generous and forgiving.

You find leading natural and you need to have some scope in
your life for leadership and expression of executive power, or
you can become sulky and resentful.

Your attitude to life is expansive and you adore being first; your
competitive streak may at times get your partner down, but,
hey, everyone loves a winner and you tend to win.

You can be a bit of a clown, and you love to make others laugh:
at you or with you, it's all good. If a GSOH is top of his list, Leo
with Aries moon fits the bill.

You are highly opinionated and love to have pet causes to

espouse. You can be dogmatic and you may dislike it when
others disagree with something you feel strongly about.

Overkill is your specialty - you can labor the point at times. You
are a very moral person with high standards and yet you may
exhaust yourself and waste time getting involved in battles of a

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political or social nature which land you in hot water - you do
have what I call a ‘crusader complex’.

You have moral courage and a social conscience, and this can
be at the root of many of your pet causes.

Although loyal and dependable, you can be bossy. You are

a dreamer, but you are also proactive about getting stuck in to
make those dreams a reality. You love to travel and so invest in
some quality portmanteau.

You do not tend to bottle things up and so you will harbour few
emotional issues – you find it easy to talk about almost
anything and can see your problems in a philosophical light.

You may enjoy sports or study as a way of working through any

of the more antagonistic emotions you feel – Aries moons
always have some anger bubbling away about something.

You will pursue your career with great vigor as you desire
social standing. You often speak before you think and are
not the most sensitive about the feelings of others,
although being a Leo, you are sensitive to any comment or
activity which wounds your pride or makes you look small.

Aries moon with Leo sun is very committed and will see things
through right to the bitter end as you are tenacious. You often
allow passions to dominate and can make bad decisions when
your heart is pulling you in one direction. You are an impulsive
lover, who falls in love fast and loves to impress your partner
with your knowledge and tales of your travels.

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You are impetuous and your partner may need you to stop
you in the nick of time with some sage advice. You are a
great one for giving advice and never being able to take it.

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Leo With Taurus Moon

Your sun and moon are linked in a somewhat stressful way,

which leads to many emotional battles and head/heart conflicts
which means listening to your inner voice is harder. You may
find it hard to get what you want, especially in love, as you have
a lot of internal contradictions.

You may find relationships hamper your self-expression

and it may not always be easy for you to find a comfortable
place emotionally in love relationships.

Family life can be topsy-turvy and often events in your family

life unsettle you and make it hard for you to fulfil ambitions. You
may question your decisions in love, so you need to develop
more confidence in your ability to love, be accepted and receive

Stop asking yourself so many questions and learn to relax and

not to second-guess yourself in relationships. Trust yourself to
make the right decisions and don’t always think, “What if?”

Leo with moon in Taurus is strongly influenced and

motivated by family matters. Your parents may well be very
important to you and they may well influence or even
control your life direction.

You are very good at adapting to new situations and tend to be

at your best when life is in turmoil.
You have a strong desire to set down roots and start a family.
You are rather stuck in your ways and a tad conservative, but
you are extremely loyal and persevering. You are very reliable
and responsible and may marry young.

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This combination often leads to a battle between the old and
the new. The impetus for success and achievement is great
and yet new chapters often come amidst crisis. This brings a
great deal of presence and drama – you have gravitas and
you know what you want and many of your aims revolve
around power.

You can be quite theatrical, and you do enjoy attention.

You are quite focused and can be a little narrow in your
perspective. You are highly motivated as both Taurus and Leo
are fixed signs and yet you tend to shoot yourself in the foot as
you are often set in your ways and inflexible.

There is a constant searching for ways to create meaning in life

and a new set of values that make sense. The push for
achievement and to make your mark on the world is powerful
and you may put career first in the early stages of your life.

No matter what is going on inside, you know how to put on your

game face and present with confidence to the world.

This is a headstrong, driven combination, which can be

more difficult to understand as your emotional nature is
under construction, especially when you are young. You
may feel misunderstood and yet that is simply because you do
not fully understand or accept yourself and you feel that is
reflected by society.

You may be an over-achiever, always looking to prove yourself

and that desire reflects a deep insecurity that can make getting
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on with you hard as you can never settle and just enjoy life, you
are very career-driven and this can take priority.

You are wilful and brave and even in a crisis you exude a calm
air and keep your emotions under control. You are at your best
in a crisis; in times of calm you tend to be complacent and even

There is a little hint of entitlement and you can become difficult

and moody when things are not going your way; you lead from
the front and like to feel on top of things.

It is very hard for you to admit defeat and this can bring on
temper tantrums, and you may well empress your anger by
losing your temper with your partner and anyone in the
firing line.

You can be a little unreasonable or self-indulgent when you are

angry or dispossessed. Your ego is a problem – you find it hard
to be detached and to look at things from a less ego-driven
perspective. You have to learn to take the rough with the
smooth – nothing in life is plain sailing or even fair!

Your total faith in yourself can make you reject helpful

criticism and you have to learn that you can be your own
worst enemy. You have vision, but you need to learn to listen
and work with other people and accept their perspectives.
Learning to be patient with others, to work in a team and to
cooperate is a tough lesson for you, but a vital one if you are to
get on in life.

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You are, however, highly trustworthy and constant in your
affections. You make a tender and committed partner who
is amorous. You love to know that your partner is there to
support you and cheer you on.

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Leo With Gemini Moon

Your sun and moon are in compatible signs and this enhances
your ability to communicate and establish a friendly
compatibility in relationships.

This aspect greatly enhances your ability to form lasting and

positive relationships as your yin and yang are in harmony and
you are more likely to have imbibed positive messages about
relationships from your parents. You find it easier to get
satisfaction in love than those with the sun and moon in
conflicting signs.

You are a good parent and you enjoy bringing up children

alongside your partner, who you cooperate with easily.
You will embrace your family and friends and will want a
harmonious relationship with all your contacts.

You have a great deal of inner peace and harmony enhancing

your Leo traits. You are in general even-tempered and kind-
spirited in love.

When a Leo is born with a Gemini moon, they are born at the
last quarter natal phase of the moon. This is a time
synonymous with endings and a winding down; the moon is
waning towards the sun.

This combination often leads to a crisis – a personal crossroads

where decisions must be made and choices between
individuality and identification with the group or peers. There is
often great pressure to conform and that battle rages as the
Leo sun wants to be independent.

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A Leo lady with Gemini moon often turns away from the status
quo and you can be quite bohemian in your choices. You are
attuned to the trends and feelings in society which have not yet
bubbled up onto the surface.

You are ahead of your time and often an early adopter of

technology or ideas. You can be quite a radical thinker and yet
you can also be more influenced by your friends, usually new
friends, than you would like to think.

This moon-sun combo is outgoing and eager to meet new

people, you are a free spirit and have a certain flare. You
enjoy working in large groups on important projects and you are
engaged with affairs far beyond your personal life.

You are very goal-driven and have a great deal of self-belief.

You are opinionated and outspoken and your views tend to be
perceptive. You can be sarcastic and may be a little
controversial, in some cases you just love the sound of your
own voice.

You make a good promoter or salesperson and will have no

problem in the dating arena, but you may oversell yourself.

You are an ideas person, the creative who comes up with

concepts or even inventions, but you are also a shirker who
likes to delegate and avoid hard work if you can.

You enjoy grabbing the attention and have no problem with

public speaking or chatting to strangers. You tend to get along
with most people and have a welcoming manner.

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While you talk the talk, you often shy away from the real
challenges which could prove to everyone that you can make
real achievements, rather than just talking about them.

You are a better promoter than a creator and so you may be in

PR or publicity, even though you fancy yourself as the talent.
You tend not to develop your talents, as boredom and an
inability to stick with it during the boring unglamorous phases
mean you always drift away.

You may be obsessed with attending events and parties, but

these may serve as a time and energy wasting distraction and
will not be the networking gold you claim.

Although you look soft and fluffy, you often end

friendships and relationships abruptly and quite ruthlessly.
You seem passionate, but the passion stems more from
your ego's desire for attention than the heart.

You are honest with your partner and say what you think, and
you are a shrewd judge of character.

The impatience and need for variety of a Gemini moon is

heightened with this placement, which lends itself to a love
life which is like a revolving door.

You can be irresponsible, although nobody would not guess

that unless they knew you well. Your high expectations mean
you can often not see the value in what you have until it’s

You may be a woman of style over substance.

Leo With Cancer Moon

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This sun/moon combination creates an intense awareness of
the need to adjust and the pace of relationships is stop/start as
you feel your way forward.

Your ego needs and your emotions are often at odds and
you attract experiences in love which challenge you and
your perception of yourself.
You often have to have a reset where you stop and reassess -
don't feel guilty about calling for time out in relationships.

You are susceptible to being manipulated by guilt and this

may lead you into many situations which feel "no win". You
adapt to others in relationships and can be self-sacrificing,
often because you don't understand your needs, and can be
pushed into an emotional corner by your partner.

Indecision pervades relationships and it takes you a long while

to commit.

When a Leo lady has a Cancer moon, you are born in the
balsamic natal phase, this is a highly karmic phase and you will
tend to meet many people with whom you have unfinished
business in your last life.

It is highly possible that you and your partner have a past

life connection and that can both deepen and complicate
your relationship as there will be many lessons to
complete from the last life which may not be fully
understood in this life – this can lead to a feeling of being out
of control and tossed about by fate.

Leo with Cancer moon women often have brief but very
intense relationships with friends and lovers – often these
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relationships are more about closing a chapter opened in a past
life than starting a new chapter in this life.

This tends to be very confusing for you and for those you
become close to, but it may be good to let the relationship run
its course and try and understand how it can provide
completion for both of you.

You may lack self-awareness. You attract situations and

people into your life and wonder why, when it may be
obvious to an observer. You may try and avoid responsibility
for your actions and yet inside the guilt or regret eats away at
you. Your insecurity drives you and can make you overreact to
small threats or trivial problems.

You feel the need to put on a brave face and suppress what
you are feeling, but you never succeed for long as those
repressed emotions always find an outlet somewhere.

You are extremely creative and often work in cutting edge or

extremely trendy projects. You can be ahead of your time in
sensing fashion trends or business developments. You are
open-minded and have a high degree of compassion.

You are capable of achieving anything you set your mind

to and yet you may lack clarity of purpose. While you are
ambitious, you can thwart yourself as you are not always able
to take a step back and look at yourself and your actions
dispassionately. You can get so involved that you cannot see
the wood from the trees, and you lack perspective.

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You need to be able to question yourself without that
questioning leading to a self-undermining sabotage, which
is what you fear.

You are self-assured and have confidence and yet you may
feel entitled or even worse, that the world owes you a living.

While you are outwardly outgoing and vivacious, you crave

certainty and security and will be attracted to men who are
traditional and who can reassure and support you emotionally
while helping you create a solid home-base.

You see your children and partner as an extension of yourself

and are very proud and protective of them, but you may be
guilty of conditional love and trying to steer their lives to suit
your image or vision.

Pride is both your strength when you face adversity, but your
weakness if it becomes a defensive or high-handed arrogance.
Your changeable emotional nature leads to a colourful
romantic life and many different romantic experiences.

Charitable and social work attract you as you have a

compassionate nature. You are also intrigued by mysteries and
conspiracies and you are drawn to delve into the hidden or less
obvious side of any story. You think deeply about life and you
do attract some bizarre situations. Religion or spirituality may
have some appeal to you.

Leo With Leo Moon

This is a combination that is much like Pete Burns' "You spin

me right round baby, right round like a record playing." Leo sun
and moon is like going out with four people and is ideal if
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you find a partner who is easily bored, enjoys life at its
most random and has a high level of patience.

You will never make your mind up and your fence-sitting is

excruciating. You need a constant flow of people into your life
and you do not always follow through with every new venture or
relationship you start.

When a Leo lady also has a Leo moon, then you were born in
the new moon phase - this heightens your spontaneity and you
will like to fly by the seat of your pants.

You thrive when life is dynamic and are not a person to follow a
plan, you prefer to follow your heart and this makes you very
flexible and adaptable, but also quite unpredictable. You are
most successful when you are spur of the moment.

You look at life as one endless stream of potential and you are
quite adventurous. You like to live moment to moment and are
not a person who looks back or dwells. You may have a terrible
memory, partly because the past is just not important to you.

You are good at knowing what to do, especially in times of

crisis when facts are thin on the ground and when one must
rely on instinct and gut feel. You may be great at finding places
even without a map and may enjoy off-road biking or rallying or
hiking where you are alone in the wilderness and must use your
instincts to navigate. You are a natural pioneer and are also
very good with equipment, mechanics and IT.

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You can be a little self-absorbed but you have a need to
explore your own personality and follow your heart
wherever it takes you. You like to make new friends and yet
you may allow them to tag along rather than making them true
contributors to your life.

You can have an inflated sense of your importance or of your

importance in the lives of others. You like to give advice in
order to make yourself indispensable, or so you can perceive
yourself as important.

You are playful and very positive and you have a charming
almost bewitching manner; but others will soon realise that you
are more interested in yourself than anyone else.

While you are sometimes self-serving and a little

egotistical, you are very loyal to friends and when you
pledge allegiance to a person or idea, they can rely on you.
You are certainly someone you want on your side.

You can be vulnerable to flattery and are inclined to surround

yourself with yes-men who never question you and who may
cushion you from criticism.

You are a very persuasive person and so if your partner thinks

he has a strong personality, he can think again as you tend to
change the people who get close to you.

You never do anything in half measures and your style is

distinctive – you may love hats or colourful accessories. You
may enjoy ceremonial events, gala days and going to the

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theatre as you have a strong sense of drama or ‘pomp and

You have strong desires and are determined, but you will
rarely be cruel to get what you want as you have a soft
heart and do have empathy. Your morality is high and you are
able to fall back on a sturdy moral compass which keeps you
on the high road.

You will work hard to achieve a lifestyle which you think befits
you and your family. You make up your own mind and resist
input, you can be a little arrogant and rarely admit you are

You are an idealist and are drawn to people who are dreamers
– a man must have a desire to believe in pots of gold at the end
of the rainbow to win your heart.

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Leo With Virgo Moon
This sun/moon combination creates an intense awareness of
the need to adjust and the pace of relationships is stop/start as
you feel your way forward.

Your ego needs and your emotions are often at odds and
you attract experiences in love which challenge you and
your perception of yourself.

You often have to have a reset where you stop and reassess -
don't feel guilty about calling for time out in relationships.
You are susceptible to being manipulated by guilt and this
may lead you into many situations which feel "no win".

You adapt to others in relationships and can be self-sacrificing,

often because you don't understand your needs and can be
pushed into an emotional corner by your partner.

Indecision pervades relationships and it takes you a long while

to commit.

This moon-sun combo always feels under pressure, you have a

great need to prove yourself and you will push for results even
if you feel the timing is not right. You can be a little previous as
you want to grab every chance you have or you feel guilty.

You are concerned about achievement and your Virgo moon

makes you cautious about money - you like to save and invest
and are far less spendthrift than other Leo women.

You can get very tense about financial matters and you will
not take to a partner who is careless with money. This Leo

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moon likes nice things and I am sure will aspire to have a fancy

You crave recognition and will work hard to achieve it; you take
life quite seriously and may be quite touchy. You are not very
sure who you are, and thus you will always over deliver just to
make sure you impress.

You often help others as a way of getting the admiration or

even attention you desire, which is why you are rather hung up
on getting gratitude as your good deeds do come with strings

Despite the fact that your motivations are tinged with some self-
indulgence, the outcome is often very good and you make for a
helpful, reliable partner.

You enjoy managing money and resources more than you

enjoy managing people, and while you are effective in work,
you tend to like to work where things are traditional rather than
fast-paced or dynamic.

You may not be as creative as other Leos as you are a little

cautious and tend to underrate yourself, but you will prevail as
you will tend to work much harder on your technique and
technique is after all the corner stone of creativity.

You seek to develop your expertise as a way of garnering

power and you can be a powerful debater, if not an
argumentative lover, who always has a comeback.

You can come over as a little timid and yet your internal nature
is highly analytical, precise and certain and you are capable of
great determination and resolve. Your critiques are often sharp
and go right to the heart of the matter, and you rarely mince

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your words. You are often very accurate in your perceptions
of people, but your critical nature may alienate others. You
are fussy and very choosey about who you spend time

While you enjoy partying, you always have some residual guilt
about enjoying yourself too much and you tend to restrain your
wilder urges which are still there, and which tend to cause you
frustration as you cannot help put duty first.

You are very competitive and even if you have to work much
harder, you will make sure you outperform others.

You are very hard on yourself and if you feel you have hurt
someone or failed as a partner, that will cut very deep and
while you may not mention it, it pains you and you will find a
way to make it up to them.

You make for a partner who is fun, but steadfast, and who
takes your partner’s feelings seriously. While your honesty
can be a little too harsh, you do have good intentions.

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Leo With Moon in Libra

Your sun and moon are in compatible signs and this enhances
your ability to communicate and establish a friendly
compatibility in relationships.

This aspect greatly enhances your ability to form lasting and

positive relationships as your yin and yang are in harmony and
you are more likely to have imbibed positive messages about
relationships from your parents. You find it easier to get
satisfaction in love than those with the sun and moon in
conflicting signs.

You are a good parent and you enjoy brining up children

alongside your partner, who you cooperate with easily. You will
embrace your family and friends and will want a harmonious
relationship with all your contacts.

You have a great deal of inner peace and harmony, enhancing

your Leo traits. You are in general even-tempered and kind-
spirited in love.

You may be a maverick or a highly individual person with a

unique style. You may have many admirers as your attitude is
modern, exciting and alluring. Sometimes, however, you are
the oddball who is socially awkward and who no one knows
how to take.

You may struggle when younger to know who you are and
what you want. You are very highly strung and need both
mental and physical outlets to burn off nervous energy.

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This moon-sun combo loves people as you have an expansive,
positive and quirky approach to life. You are individualistic and
may be a little self-centred. You put your needs first and can be
quite self-serving even when you appear to be doing something

You love to mingle with a wide variety of people and make new
friends. You are a helpful, inclusive and very supportive
team player, but even though you do and say the right
thing, it may not always come from the heart. You can be a
powerful negotiator and leader as you know what you need
from everyone and how to get it.

This moon-sun combo matches well with Aquarius, Taurus and


You may look at the world with rose-tinted glasses as you see
what your optimistic nature needs to see. Some of your goals
may be naive and this can attract false friends and
sycophants to your side. Your sunny side up assumptions
about people and life can have sudden upsets which throw you
into confusion and chaos.

You are deeply affected by betrayal or the perception of it by

friends or peers. But this is what happens when one does not
do things from the heart and you may not be able to see that.

You may feel entitled to certain outcomes in life, just because

you did the right things, but it may be that those outcomes were
never achievable, but you blinded yourself to that possibility.
You can lose sight of reality when emotionally fixated on a
goal or dream.

You are skilled at leadership as you are persuasive,

personable, firm and able to negotiate. You are very good in

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the spotlight as you enjoy adoration and tend to be very

You are a very open-minded person who likes to draw others

into your circle and get their opinion, and you hate anyone to be
left out. You make a good team leader as you can coax out
the best in others, but you may be useless in a crisis as
you do not like to make decisions which may make you

You are a pleasure seeker and may try and avoid hard work,
you are not one to want to get your hands dirty. In some cases,
a Leo sun, Libra moon is lazy and feels entitled to more than
your due.

You are proud and perhaps distracted by what others think of

you, rather than being true to your courageous, noble nature.
You need to learn that your peers may have it all wrong and
may be leading you up the garden path.

You excel at marketing, sales, retail, advertising and

businesses involving the law or politics i.e. lobbying.

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Leo With Scorpio Moon

Your sun and moon are linked in a somewhat stressful way

which leads to many emotional battles and head/heart conflicts
which means listening to your inner voice is harder. You may
find it hard to get what you want, especially in love, as you have
a lot of internal contradictions.

You may find relationships hamper your self-expression

and it may not always be easy for you to find a comfortable
place emotionally in love relationships.

Family life can be topsy-turvy and often events in your family

life unsettle you and make it hard for you to fulfil ambitions. You
may question your decisions in love, so you need to develop
more confidence in your ability to love, be accepted and receive

Stop asking yourself so many questions and learn to relax and

not to second-guess yourself in relationships. Trust yourself to
make the right decisions and don’t always think, “What if?”

Leo with moon in Scorpio is strongly influenced and

motivated by family matters. Your parents may well be very
important to you and they may well influence or even
control you emotionally.

You are very good at adapting to new situations and tend to be

at your best when life is in turmoil.
You have a strong desire to set down roots and start a family.
You are rather stuck in your ways and a tad conservative, but
you are extremely loyal and persevering. You are very reliable
and responsible and may marry young.

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This combination represents the first quarter moon. This is a
challenging placement that brings about crisis. You as a
Scorpio moon Leo lady struggle to manage your energy and
make the best of situations.

Your parents were very different – this can leave you confused
and often ambivalent about what approach to take. Your head
and heart are always doing battle and that creates

This moon-sun combo is often a very proud person, you put a

high value on family and on long-lasting bonds. You can love
deeply and passionately, but you want all of your partner and
you can be rather uncompromising.

You are incredibly strong and resolute, but that comes with a
large dose of stubbornness, as you are immovable when you
have your heart set on something.

You are deeply protective and committed to those you love;

however you need reciprocal behaviour often in the manner
you prefer, rather than the way your partner would
spontaneously give.

You love and are very proud of your family. You may enjoy
moving home frequently or making a lot of changes to your
home to get it just so.

You tend to be patriotic and are by nature a person who wishes

to conserve tradition. You have powerful feelings about others,
both good and bad, and often these are intuitively formed. You
are highly motivated and love to win, you may well not be a
good loser.

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You can be very moody, and these moods are often very
unpredictable. Your sensitivities are both emotional and
physical in terms of food allergies, and upsets often affect you
via your gut.

The sunny image you present to the world often masks a

more suspicious or even paranoid nature, who feels
threatened by a variety of things.

You are rather secretive as your instinct is to protect yourself

and to be cautious, you are excellent at forming long range
plans and sticking to them religiously. You rarely admit you are
wrong or admit defeat, you can endure great hardship and still
find purpose in it.

You are a purposeful, charismatic and dedicated partner

and while you are demanding and often touchy, you take
love and the purity of your love extremely seriously.

You enjoy putting down roots and establishing foundations in

life, and you use these as a base to establish the authority and
control you must have. You make for a determined lover who
aims to impress and win the heart of the object of your

You fall hard when you fall in love and make for a very
committed partner, who is tender and concerned as well as
being a red-hot lover. There is an idealistic side to you, which
will do virtually anything for the sake of true love.

Your pride and stubborn nature, along with a slight

insecurity, make you inflexible, dogmatic and slow to

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forgive; you may say 'sorry', but you are still angry, and
you will not forget. You detest being wrong.

While you are creative, you often do not follow through on

creative goals as you either fear criticism or cannot deal with
the long delay before gratification - you like quick results.

You are prone to stress so you need a great deal of rest, you
react more powerfully to everyday matters than most, which
drives this stress.

This moon-combo gets on well with Aquarius, Cancer,

Capricorn, Taurus and Libra.

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Leo With Sagittarius Moon

This is a very good position for internal balance and this bodes
well for relationships with men and for marriage.
You are not as prone to inner conflict as other Leo moon-sun
combos and your head and heart are generally on the same

This indicates physical vitality and good health, stamina and

recuperative powers. Whatever your health concerns are, you
will be able to grow out of them or overcome them. Positivity is
central to your strong constitution.

This aspect promotes self-confidence and optimism.

This indicates a positive relationship with your family and
that you received support from them growing up, and that
they fostered good self-discipline, responsibility and

You have a strong sense of purpose and you are easily

able to create harmonious relationships, possibly due to a
good balance of the yin and the yang within you. Whatever
your stresses and anxieties are, you know how to deal with
them rather than obsessively worry about them.

Your romantic relationships generally go well, and you will have

a great relationship with your children.

This is a playful and inquisitive placement. This represents the

gibbous phase which brings a desire for perfection and also
enquiry. You are smart and quick-witted and yet you may be
emotionally immature, and while you know a lot, you may not
understand much. You can be very impatient about

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emotional matters and get bored with long discussions;
you are not a big fan of drawn out, deep and meaningful

You are a romantic, a classical romantic more than a

whacky, original romantic. You will want to be wined and
dined and you will delight in being spoiled and showed how
much you mean to your partner via the creativity he puts into
your dates.

This moon combo is an entertainer, at home in the stage or in

the limelight. You love to lead and you have a powerful need to
live life on your terms. You do not easily accept advice or
criticism and you may surround yourself with ‘yes men’. You
are a sucker for flattery.

You are young at heart and have an affinity with kids, and
your own children can bring out the best in you.

You can be a tad entitled in that you feel it your birthright to be

special and assume an important role in life. You crave
attention and like to be among people, especially younger
people. You may feel you are a cut above the rest, and you
may talk down to people you feel cannot offer you anything and
you have to watch out for this rather off-putting tendency.

You are rarely quiet or still, unless you are in a creative trance
getting ready to act on some vision of yours. You aim high, not
just for personal reasons, but because you like to be perceived
as a trailblazer. Your desire for respect and to be held in
esteem can make you over hasty for results which encourages
recklessness and acting against your better judgement. I mean,

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it’s not like you do not have good judgement, you just do not
use it enough.

You have a youthful spirit which embraces heartily what is

new, what is fun and what brings excitement and that
makes you fun to be around, this moon-sun is no stick in
the mud.

You are a romantic idealist who wants love to be just as much

of an adventure as it often is in action films; you want to be your
partner’s hero, his leading lady and that can lead to you
exaggerating and showing off as real life seldom offers a
chance to be a superhero.

You do not bottle up your feelings and you are not shy of a
heated argument, luckily you do not sulk like many Leos
often do, no way, life is too short. You are loyal, but you
should check if your definition of loyal and your partner’s

Leo sun and Sagittarius moon is a good match for Aquarius,

Scorpio, Sagittarius and Leo.

Luckily this moon is not prone to hang ups and psychological

issues, partly became you never bottle things up, you are full-
on expression, partly because you are by nature optimistic and
partly because you are selfish and make sure you get what you

Your pride and pig-headedness can be a nightmare as you

never admit to being wrong and you are highly opinionated to

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boot, which means you are hard to ignore or avoid when you
are in your partner’s bad books.

You do attract conflict as you are full on and know no half

measures and so one has to keep their boundaries strong with

You are a confident person who usually comes up trumps even

though you may demand more from others emotionally than
you ever give back.

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Leo With Capricorn Moon

While this combination is high energy and passionate, it often

leads to relationships where there is an attraction, but also a
disconnect, and where you end up having separate lives – this
of course can work very well, no one said you have to live in
each other’s pockets.

False hope and blind spots can be thorns in your side –

you are plagued by an inability to bring logic and intuition
in line as you will tend to side with one or the other
depending on what you need to see at that point in your

Problems tend to become more complex as you linger or over-

analysze, often the scenarios you create in your head are far
worse that what could happen. You should try to act faster and
create clarity for yourself and those about you.

You are change-orientated – you are a work in progress and

may change quite radically while you are with a partner or

This combination can cause a lot of frustration as you

suffer nagging doubts and yet if you could develop a little
patience, you would see that your Capricorn moon is an ally
which could empower your sun in Leo by making it more
thoughtful and a better planner.

This cosmic mix brings laser-like focus and a strong mind, but
you can be sharp and critical and you have many red lines as
you may not be easy-going at all.

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Pisces, Virgo, Taurus and Gemini girl are good mixes for Leo
sun, Capricorn moon lady.

This moon-sun combo is a born leader and administrator, you

feel comfortable with high office and prestige and could feel you
are entitled to it.

This is a very masculine energy and you will present as an

alpha female, adept at making decisions and being rational
and assertive, but you may lack softer skills and
perception. You take things head-on rather than waiting for
them to develop.

While charming, you may be aloof and you are highly self-
sufficient, so you may be hard to get close to. You are stubborn
and headstrong; you are convinced that the world is your oyster
and that attitude often brings the desired result as long as you
manage not to alienate too many on the way up.

While well-mannered and noble in your approach to life, you

can be standoffish or even intimidating. If you set your mind
on someone, you will be theirs, one way or another, even if
it is not via traditional romance, you usually get what you

You are hard to win over, you either like someone or you don't
and if you don't, I would leave well alone.

Things usually work out for you as you are careful, focused, yet
daring. However not everything you achieve is all it's cracked
up to be. An inner sense of righteousness drives you and you

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hardly ever question yourself, and the absence of inner conflict
in terms of aims leads to certain success.

However emotionally you are almost always conflicted,

and that is why your relationships are the less successful
area of your life.

You are not a lady who shrugs things off easily, you take
yourself seriously and so unless you are in a really good mood,
your partner shouldn't pull your leg.

You are good at making the most of what you have and even
Leo Capricorn moon women with limited talent or ability are
often able to make a bug success of their lives.

When unhappy you can be murder to be around and so you

need friends and a good support network. While Leo have an
ego, you know how to keep yours in check and so while you
are not grandiose or egotistical, you can be just a tad high and

You thrive when loved and adored, a guy has to have

emotional energy to be with you as you crave reassurance and
genuine warmth and appreciation. You are a solid and reliable
partner; you are capable of enduring love and sacrifice.

You need a positive, loving, devoted partner with a serious

side, probably in that order, and you need positivity above
all. Your relationships are not about teamwork as what you say
goes and you do not like to be questioned. You are great for an

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easy going, adaptable person who craves direction and who
enjoys playing the easy-going role.

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Leo With Aquarius Moon

This combination can often create a battle between the head

and the heart. Emotionally and logically you are not always on
the same page and this leads to a stop/start motion to life.
You have strong perceptions but do not always trust your
insights and intuition.

The past and past behaviour patterns can often be a drag in

terms of forward momentum. You can get stuck in modes of
behaviour that are more about who you once were than who
you can be.

There is often emotional insecurity and with that your

actions will not always make sense to others, and may
seem erratic. I think your emotions always make sense to you,
but they are not easy to explain to others.

This aspect results in perpetual change and restlessness; it is

very hard for you to find satisfaction. Identity is always a key
issue for you, and you will strive to meld a role and a unique
identity for yourself.

Relationships tend not to be easy or straightforward and

they awaken many latent conflicts within you which
demand attention. You are attracted to love partners who
jar or shake you up in some way.

Family and your domestic life can tend to block your creativity
and self-expression. Early family conditions can make getting
on with the opposite sex very hard in later life.

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You are driven and purposeful, you enjoy teamwork and
are definitely not a commitment-phobe; you will probably
seek to marry young.

This Aquarius moon-sun combo needs relationships to feel

complete, you seek to establish solid friendships and love
relationships, however men often disappoint you. You are
incredibly persuasive and you are an excellent debater. You
have strong communication skills and enjoy teamwork.

You match well with Aries, Libra, Leo and Aquarius guys.

You may have lacked a substantial attachment figure in

childhood and are desperately searching for a soulmate to
share life's journey with.

You may be a flamboyant maverick, a born entertainer who

is actually lonely and desperate to fit in. You are a shy Leo
with a bold front to ward off hurt, you may have a grand façade,
but people need to look behind that. "Oh yeah, you’re the great
pretender;" what others see may not be what you get.

You are highly creative and expressive, but not always

authentic as you like to be accepted so you are a little crazy,
but also very charming. You understand yourself rather well
as you will have looked within for answers and that gives
you empathy with others.

You are more caring to individuals than other Aquarius moon

women. There is a soft center to you, you can win people’s
hearts with love, kindness, and ardent appreciation. You do
crave attention and may be quite needy, you long for
meaningful and close relationships.

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While a little naive, you have a resilient spirit and you live life
with courage and panache. You are determined to make the
world your oyster.

You make a great leader as you appreciate different

perspectives, you weigh up alternatives and you have a clear
vision along with an inventiveness and originality to set things

Others are drawn to you and you are always polite even
with folks you do not like, and there may be a lot of them.
You have warmth and are good-natured, you are rarely nasty
and you seek to preserve harmony and resolve problems.

You have that show-stopping appeal that many Leos do, but
you are humble and have the common touch. While you lead
quite naturally as you are independent by nature, you may
prefer to just be one of the team.

Often Leo Aquarius moon women underachieve as they do not

enjoy pressure or the loss of privacy success often brings, you
are very protective of your personal life.

You must have good communication in love, and you need

regular heart to hearts. You rely strongly on gut feel and gut
reaction and this can lead to some surprising and sudden
changes and decisions.

You are widely liked, but you are looking for one special one to
share your life with and you seek not looks, but a good, solid

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Leo With Pisces Moon

While this combination is high energy and passionate, it

often leads to relationships where there is an attraction,
but also a disconnect, and where you end up having
separate lives – this of course can work very well, no one
said you have to live in each other’s pockets.

False hope and blind spots can be thorns in your side – you are
plagued by an inability to bring logic and intuition in line as you
will tend to side with one or the other depending on what you
need to see at that point in your life.

Problems tend to become more complex as you linger or over-

analyze, and often the scenarios you create in your head are
far worse that what could happen. You should try to act faster
and create clarity for yourself and those about you.

You are change orientated – you are a work in progress and

may change quite radically while you are with a partner or

This Pisces moon-sun combo is intense and passionate, you

may seethe with emotion or explode with creativity, but you are
seldom bland. You can be a manipulator and you have great
determination to fulfil your insatiable needs and desires.
This moon is an investigator given to an interest in mysteries or
even the occult. When you are engaged in something, you give
it your all.

Your nature is to investigate tenaciously and to uncover what is

obscure. You seek to regenerate and come up with solutions

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and new ideas or approaches to problems. You are eager to
educate others from the perspective of your own experience.

You are a woman of the world and have charisma and

panache, you have an incisive mind and are a suspicious
character. You question everything. Your insights are
penetrating and your ESP is rarely far from the mark. Much of
your life feels fated even though you are far from passive.

You are drawn to danger and intrigue and you are capable of
understanding dark or base human instincts without passing
immediate judgement. You have a noble spirit, élan, self-worth
and you attract attention without needing to brag.

The aggressive Leo side helps your Pisces moon achieve the
unselfish aims that inspire you. While Pisces moon gives Leo a
very private side which you are very protective of, you have a
public persona too and this persona loves to lead.

Your high ideals and sense of divine purpose do not preclude

ego or shrewd pragmatism, Leo with Pisces moon does not
wear rose-colored glasses, you understand the world as it is
and seek to alter it from that starting point, not from some fairy
tale position.

As a young woman you are more of a romantic both in love and

in life, you were extremely sensitive, but after some hard
knocks you fast grew a thick skin. Your innocence is a skin
shed early and with some distress, however you revel in this
new challenge and you become battle-ready, determined to
prosper one way or another.

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You are a survivor, much like the theme tune to Rocky, “Rising
up to the challenge of your rivals.”

You have good manners and are warm-hearted and

considerate, but you cannot deny you are ambitious and in
some respects can be ruthless, you are an implacable enemy.
Like many Pisces moon women you have strong likes and
dislikes for people.

While you have great determination and resilience, you are

often underestimated as you are indirect in your approach
and deceptively patient.

While you are a talented actor, you may prefer a more

substantial and influential role in life, you want respect and

You are not easy to satisfy even though you have so much
love to give. You know you can overpower and intimidate
but as you mature you mellow and learn to temper that
side of yourself.

You are often on tenterhooks and you struggle to switch off.

You need to keep busy or else you allow the "monsters to come
at night" i.e. fears and anxieties to torment you.

Your imagination can lead to both positive and negative

trains of thought and you have the power to choose which.
You have ethics, courage and are loyal, you are able to
center others and bring focus out of chaos.

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Next Steps

I am sure you are now thinking WOW, and the penny has
dropped about many aspects of your relationships - both good
and bad.

I hope you have managed to explain why certain things were

happening to you, or at least, understand why certain partners
made you feel uncomfortable despite the love you felt…

I encourage you to write down the most important bits of what

you’ve discovered about yourself. This will help you stay aware
of your reactions, impulses and will enable you to choose a
partner that will be able to provide you with what your heart and
soul truly needs.

There will soon be a series on the ascendant signs to help you

gain further understanding.

In the meantime, take care and look after yourselves!

May the planets be with you!


Your Sister and Relationship Astrologer,


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