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SUPEVISOR : Hi,and welcome everyone.Today i would like to give an announcement about

our company new policy
CHRIS : Hi sir, Sir can we know what is the new policy ?
SUPEVISOR : Yea sure, It’s No Smoking Policy
CHRIS : Why sir, what is the purpose ?
SUPEVISOR : First policy is a guideline and rulebook for employers to establish formal
expectations and standards for employee health and safety. Basically, our
company want to upgrade our infrastructure by adding some new PCs and
Server and one more thing , the product that we produce are very sensitive
and valuable.
CHRIS : Oh! That’s the reason why we come out with this new policy is it ?
SUPEVISOR : Yes, you are right Chris. And to make sure our company employs and staffs
health and safe. I hope we all can follow this new policy. That’s it thanks
CHRIS : Yea sure sir, thank you and welcome.


Chris smoking during the working hours

Supervisor saw Chris smoking in CCTV footage

SUPEVISOR : Chris, can you come to my room ?

CHRIS : Sure sir, give me a sec
SUPEVISOR : Chris, can you explain me what you did just now ?
CHRIS : Why sir , what happened i am just doing my wok, what’s the probelm ?
SUPEVISOR : Oh , I see, just now i saw someone smoking
CHRIS : I think it’s someone else, its not me
SUPEVISOR : Can u see this CCTV footage...
CHRIS : Yes , go on ( Start Nervous )
SUPEVISOR : Now, can you explain why you did like this , you know right our company
CHRIS : Yes I know it sir, sorry sir.... sorry..... I’m feel so stressed and tension doing
this project. My mother is sick , my wife continuously asking money for buy
some groceries. I don’t know how to handle all of this ? I haven't eaten since
morning i don’t know what to do now ? And our project Manager
continuously asking for the project update and output. How could i handle
my two junior technician too.
SUPEVISOR : Calm down Chris, drink this water first . I understand your situation. First , i
suggested you to go counselling, its can help you.
CHRIS : Sir, sorry I don’t have money to go counselling
SUPEVISOR : Its ok Chris , I will pay it for you and i will give some extra money to your
mother medical issue too. Second thing , I talk to Boss to conduct a
campaign. The campaign about How to relief from stress and work tension.
CHRIS : Thank you so much sir. Sorry sir, I have a smoking habit. Not only me around
10 to 25 staff here have this habit. So how sir ?
SUPEVISOR : Oh I see, Its ok i will talk to boss to prepare a separate place to smoking.
Because smoking can cause many type of cancers like lung cancer , larynx
cancer and so on. And its dangerous for the people surrounding you too like
your family members and all , mind it. Try to reduce it.
CHRIS : Thank you once again sir, we all try to reduce it.
SUPEVISOR : You are welcome, and one more thing. As a supervisor i need to take an
action from the mistake you made. I’m sorry for it
CHRIS : I understand sir, its your duty and I’m accept the punishment sir
SUPEVISOR : I suspend you for 3 days and i will issue a letter too. Don’t do this again Chris
CHRIS : Sure sir, Thank you sir and I promise I will never do it again.
SUPEVISOR : You may leave now, Chris on the 3 days please attend the cancelling.
CHRIS : Sure sir, I will attend it. Thank you sir.

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