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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
National Capital Region
Schools Division Office, Quezon City
Name of School
School's Address

Learners Development and Progress Checklist
SY 2021- 2022
To the Parent / Guardian:
The purpose of this assessment is to monitor learners’ individual educational needs based on Most Essential Learning Competencies (MELCs) per quarter area.


AO Always Observed RO- Rarely Observed NE - Not Evident D - Developing
SO- Sometimes Observed NO-Not Observed B - Beginning C- Consistent


NAME (Last Name, Given Name Middle Name) LRN



K to 12 MELCs for Level 2
1st Quarter
Learning Time NO. of Attempts
Domains Frame
Chews food without spillage/
1 Eats food with minimum assistance: semi- solid food, solid food 1

Picks up spoon with minimum assistance

Uses food
both with spoon
utensils from a plate
with minimum with minimum assistance
Removes shoes with minimum assistance: slip-on shoes, snap on shoes
Self Help

Remove socks with minimum assistance

Verbally requests for assistance in using toilet
6 Sits on toilet bowl alone for urinating, defecating
7 Washes hands with soap and water before and after eating with minimum
Washes face with soap and water with minimum assistance
Dries hands with towel with minimum assistance
9 Dries face with towel with minimum assistance
10 Hangs towel with minimum assistance.
1 Faces person talking to him with some prompting
Reaches for the hand of the person talking to him when necessary
Verbally responds to basic questions asked
Pays attention to several tasks/materials for at least 20 minutes
3 Manipulates task/material presented with maximum prompting from adult
without completion
Manipulates task/ material presented with minimal prompting from
4 adult with completion of at least 50 percent of materials.

5 Returns the materials used independently

6 Sits for at least 20 minutes to listen to the sound
7 Responds to the sound/command heard and takes action
Expresses emotions :
8 a. verbally
b. in written form

9 Responds when name is called

10 Greets people through appropriate verbal language

Spontaneous eye contact FINAL RATING

2 Cooperates withsounds
Listens to body simple spoken request
3 4. common toy sounds

5. school sounds
Gives several verbal responses to a simple word expressed to the child
6 lmitates vowel sounds
7 Verbally communicates needs and wants
8 Verbalizes parts of the body when asked
Says more complicated forms of greeting such as: "Hello," and "How are
9 you?" or "It's such a fine day, don't you think?" etc.
Uses common courteous expressions such as please, goodbye and sorry in
10 appropriate situations
Recognizes the Secondary colors of green, orange, violet etc. separately in his
1 environment
2 Associates secondary colored objects
3 Recognizes the secondary colors in a particular pictures, object, scene,
4 Recognizes the following basic figures/shapes separately
5 Group objects according to their shapes
Sorts objects/pictures/shapes according to other shapes
6 learned

a. big and small objects
7 b. long and short objects
from pictures and concrete objects
Sorts and groups pictures and objects with similar sizes
Differentiates lengths of objects using a standard indicator (such as ruler, tape
measure, etc) but without actual measurement
Differentiates lengths of various objects using a standard indicator such as ruler,
10 tape measure etc.

1 Rolls one's body in a "to and from" manner on a minimum assistance
2 Crawls on hands and knees in a cross lateral fashion
3 Stands using both hands and feet as leverage with minimal human assistance
4 Bends one's body forward with hands touching both shins with minimal support

Catches/Rolls a ball/object with both hands in a straight direction within a longer

5 distance
Throws a ball/object with both hands in a straight direction from any angle within a
6 short distance
7 Bounces a ball in front of the body with one hand with minimal help
8 Identifies oneself when: alone, in group
9 Locates parts of the body and its most important function
10 Receives and differentiates auditory stimuli
1 Forms simple shapes with modeling clay or play dough
2 Demonstrates use a hand preference in playing and working activities
3 Turns doorknob 180 degrees with forearm rotation

4 Unscrews cap from small- sized bottle.

5 Strings large beads at least 1/2 inch in diameter
6 Pulls apart small beads at least 1/2 inch in diameter
7 Transfers soft mixtures with a spoon such as: > gelatin > mayonnaise etc.
8 Uses rolling pin to flatten materials such as dough to 1/2" thickness
9 Keeps personal belongings in own place
10 Tells one's own size of: clothing, shoes, slippers
vel 2

NO. of Attempts
Descriptive Remarks
2 3 Rating

1 1




K to 12 MELCs for Level 2
2nd Quarter
Time Frame Competencies

Holds with both hands while drinking

1. glass 3. cup
2. bottle 4. can
Sips liquid:
1. with a straw while holding a straw with assistance
2. with spoon with little spillage
Pours liquid from pitcher to glass with assistance, with little spillage
Scoops soup from bowl without assistance and with little spillage
Pulls down/Pulls up with minimum assistance

1. garterized pants
2. underwear
Unzips/Zips with minimum assistance
1. shorts
2. pants/skirts
3. jackets
Unbuttons/Buttons with minimum assistance
1. big buttons
2. small buttons
Self Help

4 3. hook and eye

4. buckle
5. snaps

Uses toilet paper with assistance

Flushes toilet with some assistance
Washes and dries hands with minimum assistance
verbalizes toilet needs and uses toilet with minimum assistance
Puts toothpaste on a toothbrush with minimum assistance
Brushes teeth with minimum assistance
Combs/Brushes hair with maximum assistance
Wipes nose with tissue/handkerchief with minimum assistance
Takes a bath with minimum assistance using the
1. shower
2. dipper
Washes hair using shampoo with minimum assistance
Washes body using soap by himself
Uses towel to dry hair and body with minimum assistance

1 Responds to the sounds or command heard verbally

Tells self in school
2 Tells role of self in school
Tells position of self in the family and in school
3 Tells own age when asked in complete sentence
Tells number and street address
Tells complete address when asked
Names and identify personal objects/things orally
Arranges personal objects/things according to use neatly

Names each member of one’s family

6 Identifies the position of each member in the family
Tells the role of each member in the family in relation to oneself
Identifies the major parts of the body such as the:
Head, Fingers, Hands, Neck, Abdomen, Legs, Nose, Eyes, Ears, Feet
7 1. by illustration
2. by verbal description
Draws self and identifying body parts
Borrows playthings politelyt hrough verbal expression
Returns materials or objects independently on time without being asked
1. to its proper place
2. to its owner

Body Movements
1. attempts to imitate drawing lines and circles without refinement
2. transfers small objects from one hand to the other
3. picks up more than 1 objects with dominant hand
Concentration Span
Looks carefully at the objects the teacher is holding up for more than 3 seconds
Work Habits
1. Work Attention
2. Works on material presented for a minimum of 15 minutes with some guidance
3. Works on materials presented for a number of minutes with some guidance
Mouth Positions
1. Breathing
a. Breathes in and out through mouth
b. Breathes in and out through nose
c. Inhales through the nose and exhales through the mouth
d. Takes short, fast breaths (pants)
2. Blowing
a. Blows a strip of thick paper hanging in front of child’s mouth
b. Blows big candle
c. Blows a soap bubble pipe
d. Blows a toy pinwheel
e. Blows bubbles

Jaw Movements
1. Opens the mouth wide saying “ahh”
5 2. Opens the mouth wide and closes it
3. Moves jaws right and left (prompted by holding child’s lower jaw and moving it
while teacher shows how)
lips at the corner and moving his/her jaw so that the front teeth come together on edge
looking like a grin
Lip Movement
corners of child’s mouth and pushing the tips slightly toward the center)Ex: long “o”
and “u” sound
forefinger near the corners of the child’s mouth and gently squeezing his/her lips
together and out)
3. Sticks out the lower lip (prompted by gently pulling or “teasing” the upper lip down
6 and out)
spreading child’s lips wide at the corners with the thumb and forefinger and moving
his/her jaw with the other teacher’s hand so that child’s teeth are shut
5. Flaps the lips fast (sounding like a motorboat’s “b-b-b” and prompted by having
child blow then wiggle his/her lips up and down with teacher’s finger)
6. Closes the lips blowing through them (prompted by gently closing child’s lips while
pushing in and up on stomach)
Tongue Movements
1. Moves tongue up and down and to the left and right
2. Moves tongue from side to side
3. Puts tongue way back into mouth by touching the tip of the tongue (with minimum
7 assistance for “guh” and “kuh”)
4. Holds tongue still and flat in the mouth
5. Lifts the tip of his/her tongue (for letters TH, L, T) by holding lower jaw open and
touching upper lip with a lollipop or lift up his/her upper lip with tongue depressor
6. Chews, licks, and sucks (on large lollipops, pretzel sticks for practice on lip, jaw
and tongue movements)
Auditory Discrimination
1. Identifies common specific sounds in the environment
2. Distinguishes between loud and soft sounds and other finer sounds by shaking head
or clapping hands
8 3. Identifies loud and soft sounds by pointing
4. Detects direction of specific sound by pointing where the sound is
5. Identifies the voices of members of the family and his/her teacher and some of
his/her classmates
6. Knows the purpose for certain auditory stimuli such as bell for class, siren for
firetruck, etc.

1. Identifies heavy and light objects in a set
2. Differentiates heavy and light objects individually with the use of standardized
scales but without actual measurement
1. Moves around to get/touch far and near objects in the environment

2 2. Places or gets objects according to a specified distance

3. Identifies and differentiates objects a. in pictures b. in the environment
4. Groups near and far objects according to their specific distance

Tells the number of objects in a given set of 0 to 10/ 11 to 50

3 Reads numbers 0 to 10/ 11 to 50
Writes the number of objects in a given set from 0 to 50
4 Arranges numbers 0-50 from the least to the greatest and vice versa
Reads number words 0 to 50
Matches number words 0 to 50 with
1. the numeral
5 2. the corresponding set
2. objects
3. pictures
6 Identifies the object at the right or left of a given set from its required numeral
Identifies order of objects from the first to the fifth (ordinal)
5. inside/outside
7 6. before/after
Compares sets and numerals using more than and less than, equal and not equal, using
8 inequities with values up to 50

Sits in a normal and erect position with both hands on the lap with minimal support
and verbal prompting
Sits in a normal and upright position on a chair
2 Walks erect in a coordinated fashion for a longer distance with support
Runs a straight track of easy distance and can change direction by stopping or
changing pace

Runs within 3 meters with an obstacle like chairs big enough for the child to see
4 Jumps forward and over a simple obstacle using both feet with assistance
Kneels on either foot with minimal help
5 Squats with both feet on the floor
Performs half- knee squats repetitively with human assistance
Stretches arms for a longer period of time with guide direction independently
6 Swings arms aternately with minimum support
Swings legs alternately with minimum support
Turns body around in any direction and in any degree independently
Twists body in any direction without assistance
8 Bounces a ball in front of the body with two hands with minimal help

1 Tells the attributes of an object by feeling it

Builds a tower of 9-10 blocks
Places 1/2"diameter pegs in a hole
Places 10 pellets in a bottle in 30 seconds
Unbuttons large buttons at least one-half inch in diameter

Screws on lids of medium sized bottles at least 1” in diameter

Turns wind-up key 180 degrees in one turn
Removes bottle cap in 30 seconds
5 Holds a one-inch diameter object in the palm of the hand and moves forward the
object to pincer grasp without assistance from the other hand
Buttons 1 diameter buttons
Clips 2 pieces of paper together
Holds medium sized bowl and stir with tablespoon in counter- clockwise motion
Strings big beads at least 1/2” in diameter
Ties double knots
8 Laces 4 holes in shoes
laces circular pattern on a card
ELCs for Level 2
d Quarter
NO. of Attempts Descriptive Remarks
1 2 3 Rating

0 0 0

0 0 0
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K to 12 MELCs for Level 2
3rd Quarter
Time Frame Competencies
1 Peels food with minimum assistance
Cuts soft food with a fork such as
2 banana, jellies,etc..
1. Uses fork for spreading: a. jam b. peanut butter

2. Uses napkin independently
1. bow
4 2. shoelaces
1. bow
5 2.shoelaces
6 Puts on front and back of clothing with minimum assistance
1. slip-on shoes
7 2. snap-on shoes
2. powder
8 3. deodorant/cologne

1. Appropriate gestures
1 2. verbalizations
1. Appropriate gestures
2 2. verbalizations
1. Appropriate gestures
3 2. verbalizations
1. Appropriate gestures

4 2. verbalizations
Shows acceptable behavior befriend another by:
5 playing games with others
6 Shows acceptable behavior to befriend another by talking with other children
Shows acceptable behavior to befriend other by inviting other children to join in art,
7 cooking , non academic activities, etc.
1. selecting group or school activity
8 2. joining other group or school activity that are highly non- academic

1. Recognizes name when called or spoken to by standing up or verbally responding

1 2. Shows various reactions by verbally responding as “I am happy /sad, etc.

3. Differentiates various emotional tones such as anger, pleasantries, encouragement, etc. through appropr
1. Repeats simple instruction verbally and in action as teacher demonstrates

2 2. Comprehends two-step unrelated commands and performs motorically upon request,

waving hand and stomping feet, or shaking head and running, ,etc.
2. simple plots of nursery rhymes
3 3. specific sound patterns such as clap hands twice, stomp foot once
4 Verbally relates yesterday’s experience/s and other related event/s
1.Follow verbal instructions verbally and motorically whispered
5 1. Whispered
2. verbalized
6 Imitates the following initial and medial consonant sounds: m, n, p, t, k, b, d, and g
7 Imitates the following initial consonant sounds: f, h, w, l, s, y, and r
8 Imitates the following final consonant sounds: m, n, p, t, d, f, s, and r

1. Adds up to sums of 50 using concrete objects and pictures

2. Joins two sets or more to obtain sums of 50
1. Without regrouping
2 2. With regrouping
b. horizontal position
with regrouping
3 a. without regrouping
b. with regrouping

1. Identifies “given” data in a word or picture problem
2. Solves picture problems in addition involving sums up to 50 with or without
1. Tells and sequences the days of the week
5 2. Tells and Sequences the months of the year
3.2 Holy week
3.3 United Nations Day, etc.
6 Identifies the long and short hands of a clock as the hour and minutes hands
Compares objects/persons in terms of their weight, height, temperature and/or distance
7 without actual measurement
3. distance-km. yd. etc.
8 4. temperature- degrees C or F

Climbs and goes downstairs and ladders in a left-right or right-left coordinated fashion

with assistance
2 Pulls and pushes a heavier object using both hands with assistance
Lifts a heavier object with one or both hands and carries it at a distance without
3 assistance
2. moving through tunnels
4 3. using monkey barrels
5 Moves rhythmically with some direction and with minimum assistance
2. on board or rail
6 3. trampoline spring
7 Balances on trampoline spring with minimum support to trampoline spring
8 Moves rhythmically in any direction with minimum assistance

1 Folds 8 ½” x 11” paper in four folds


2 Uses rolling pin to flatten materials such as dough to 1/2” thickness

3 Uses small wooden hammer to pegs
4 Uses tongs to transfer medium sized objects
Heeds warning sounds such as:
5 1. siren
6 Heeds warning sounds such as fire alarm
7 Chooses food from menu
Takes on two job responsibilities such as:
8 Putting out the materials and putting away the materials
ELCs for Level 2
d Quarter
NO. of Attempts Descriptive Remarks
1 2 3 Rating
1 0 0
1 0 0
1 0 0
1 0 0
1 0 0
0 0 0
1 0 0
1 0 0
0 0 0
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K to 12 MELCs for Level 2
4th Quarter
Time Frame Competencies

1 Selects /requests food verbally: A. In a restaurant B. At home

2 Puts on socks on socks with minimum assistance
3 Extends arms (L & R) when putting on t-shirt with minimum assistance
Pulls up with minimum assistance
4 1.      garterized pants
2.      underwear

Cuts/Trims the following with minimum assistance

5 1.      fingernails
2.      toe nails
1. Uses sanitary napkins with minimum assistance
6 2. Washes genitals with soap and water during menstruation with minimum assistance
3. Uses shaver and cream with minimum assistance
1. Uses sanitary napkins independently
7 2. Washes genitals with soap and water during menstruation with minimum assistance
3. Uses shaver and cream with minimum assistance
8 Shaves/Pulls underarm hair with minimum assistance

Makes choices by:

Ø  Asking assistance from teachers and classmates
2 Makes choices by giving others a chance to share with the group
3 Makes choices by accepting suggestions by teachers and classmates

Works on a cooperative activities harmoniously without supervision by sharing

4 materials
Works onwith members activities
a cooperative of the group
harmoniously without supervision by assisting peers
5 in assigned or independent tasks
6 Demonstrates how to follow orders or requests in waiting for one’s turn
Demonstrates how to follow orders or requests in listening attentively when somebody
7 is talking
Demonstrates how to follow orders or requests in forming a line when passing in and
8 out of the room through given orders

Talks about oneself and his/her immediate family by:

1.      telling his/her name and age
Talks about oneself and his/her immediate family by:
1.      describing his/her immediate family
Talks about/to other people such as:
1.      telling his teacher’s name
2.      telling his/her classmate’s name and describing them physically to others
3.      asking other people their names
Identifies common objects/ animals by:
4 1.      verbally identifying object or animal
2.      grouping animals or objects with the same characteristics
Answers questions in relations to:
1. Immediate experience 2. .stories read
6 Gives important names of people, places, objects/things, and animals
Identifies primary and secondary colors by:
1. name 2. by their description
Recites nursery rhymes and jingles
8 1.      with the teachers
2.      with action

1. Subtracts with differences of 50 or less using:

a.      concrete objects
1 b.      pictures
2. Uses picture stories to subtract differences of 10 or less
1. Shows the relationship of removing a subset from a given sets of 50 or less
2. Illustrates rules in subtraction using differences less than 100 that
a. subtraction is the inverse of addition
b. if 0two
Subtracts is subtracted from any
1-digit numbers withnumber, we get
differences that same
of over 50 in number
vertical as
3 1.      without borrowing
2.      with borrowing
Subtracts several 1- to 2-digit numerals with carrying and with differences up to 50 in
4 1.      vertical position
2.      horizontal position with borrowing
Transforms word and picture problems into math sentences less than 50:

5 1.      with borrowing

2.      without borrowing
1. Identifies other whole objects and shapes
2. Identifies fractional parts of a whole
a. ½ (one-half) b. 1/3 (one-third) c. ¼ (one-fourth)
from concrete objects, pictures, existing set
1. Identifies the numerator as the whole
2. Identifies the denominator as the whole
7 3. Reads and writes the following fractions: ½, 1/3, 1/4
4. Compares
a. concretethe fractional parts
objects of an unmeasured
b. pictures whole
c. existing setsin:
in terms of size, weight,
1. Sorts and identifies Philippine coins: a. ₱0.25 or 25¢ b. ₱1.00 c. ₱5.00
2. Sorts and identifies Philippine bills:
a. ₱5.00 b. ₱10.00 c. ₱20.00 d. ₱50.00 e. ₱100.00 f. ₱500.00
g. ₱1 000.00
3.. Identifies ₱1.00, ₱5.00 and . ₱10.00 coins with values up to ₱50.00
4.. Identifies ₱20. 00, and ₱10.00 bills with values up to ₱50.00
5. Identifies using a combination of the bills and coins for values less than ₱50.00
6. Reads and writes money less than ₱50.00

1 Identifies objects at random by touching and feeling with minimum support


Discriminates and differentiates objects, persons, etc. with minimal help those that
2 are: Up and down , Forward and back
Consistently uses right or left sided approach in the use of the eyes, hands and feet in
3 tasks
4 Comprehends total directions within a normal time expectancy with minimal help
5 Discriminates time lapses and concepts with minimal help
6 Functionally understands sounds and spoken language
7 Sees objects in one’s visual field and holds materials at appropriate working distance
8 Moves eyes to fixate on stable objects in varied places or pursues moving objects

Takes on two jobs responsibilities such as putting out the materials and putting away
1 the materials
2 Uses telephone directory

3 Uses the Contact Phone Inbox of the cellphone

4 Uses drinking fountain or facilities properly
5 Uses vendo machines to buy juices and other liquids
1. Puts all trash in the trash bin/basket and disposes garbage properly
6 2. Uses the toilet properly such as flushing the toilet after use, disposes of tissue paper
7 Clean the working area religiously after using it
8 Familiar with the Emergency Hotline in the community
ELCs for Level 2
h Quarter
NO. of Attempts
Descriptive Remarks
1 2 3 Rating
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0

0 0 0

0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
0 0 0
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Parent/Guardian Agreement

0 I agree with the components of this Teacher’s Assessment and am willing to cooperate towards its eff
0 I understand that this Teacher’s Assessment is for teacher’s copy only, and the details above are to us

Parent’s /Guardian’s Name & Signature

insert picture
for documentation purposes

insert picture
for documentation purposes

o cooperate towards its effective implementation.

the details above are to use for IEP purposes.


insert picture
for documentation purposes

insert picture
for documentation purposes
Remarks Description

Not Evident (NE) - All competencies are not observed.

- MAJORITY of the competencies are rarely observed/n

Beginning (B) - The learner is able to finish the task with maximum as
teacher or guardian.

- Most of the given competencies are observed most of

Developing (D) - The learner attempts to do the task on his own but still
to no assistance provided from the teacher or guardian.

- All the competencies are done independently .

Consistent (C)
- Shows willingness and compliance in doing the tasks a

rely observed/not observed.

h maximum assistance of the

erved most of the time

is own but still requires minimum
r or guardian.

dently .
oing the tasks assigned.

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