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€ ava SS Standard Kandungan 31 Ket maton an ‘makanan dan fu rok : GED eee Nyatakan kelas makanan berdasarkan State an, kelaskan contoh-contoh male : ngsinya. Kemudian, kelaskan cont akanan the classes of food based on their functions. Then, classify the examplen of food. i Nasi/Rice Mentogn/Butter Bayam/Spinach SuswMilk hula ugar Minvak masak/Cooking oi! Daging/Meat — Putih telur/Biga white Roti/Bread iwilKing, Makanan lauvSeafood RethPhpave Ubi kentang/PWtato Kekncang/Nuty Kubinica + Membina se-sel baharu untuk menggantikan ts yang | rosak dan untuk pertumbuhan/To build new cele | —satbohidratCarbohydrate replace damaged tissues and for growth qoonee —— Contob/Examples: - Makanan laut, susu, putih telur, daging, kekacang Seafood, milk, egg white, meat, nuts wbi Kentang gua Seafood, mith, egg white, meat, nu Lemak/Fat * Sebagai penebat haba dan melindungi organ dalaman As a heat insulator and to Protect the internal organs Vitamin, mineral Vitamin, mineral * Mengekalkan kesihatan badan To maintain good health Pelawas/Fibre * Merangsang proses peristalsis To stimulate peristalsis (e * Sebagai pelarut bahan kimia, mengangkut nutrien dan oksigen dan mengawal suhu badan As a solvent for chemicals, to transport nutrients and oxygen suv/ilater and regulates body temperreare Contoh/Examples: Spinach, papaya, cabbage, kit Spinach, papaya, cabbage, kite! Sith PUSAN Lilacs Dn Il Jaikan anda seorang doktor. Anda dikeh wgine you were a doctor. You were 1 Gusi berdarah, Bleeding gums © Skurvi/Scurvy 2 Fungsi otot berkurangan jondaki menulis Decreased muscle function ‘9P9.4.1 Buku tks m/s 46-50 agnosis penyakit (Dx). SR required to write the diaynosia of the diaeasen (Dx) Beri-beri Vitamin C [ amin B ] 4 Sukar melihat dalam gelap | 5 6 “Difficulty seeing in the dark By) | Rabun malam Night blindness Kwasyiorkor/Kwashiorkor Vitamin A Protein/Protein—_|[_ Riket dan gigi rapuh Rickets and brittle teeth Kekejangan otot Muscle cramp Vitamin D, kalsium, fosforus Vitamin D, calcium, phosphorus | a 10 Tulang leah Weok bone Le Natrium, kalium Sodium, potassium | 1} Penyakit kulit/Skin diseases | Vitamin A, vitamin D || 27 Darah lambat membeku Prolonged bleeding Vitamin K Kemandulan/Sterility [vitamin a. eG € ava er UANiu PERBI has sy 1 Apakah yang dimaksudkan dengan Bit seimbang? 93.2.1 MEER re What is meant by a balanced Giana dalam kant Yon ae i nat eet te eed classes__in the right quantities. jukkan nilai kalori dala 1e calorific values in one gram im satu gram karbohidrat, protein dan lemak, 2 Jadual di bawah menunj of carbohydrate, protein and fat, ‘The table below shows th g Karbohidrat J 4 __| Carbohydrate w A a {kalori makanan per gram (J) 172 of the food per gram (ki) Seorang budak lelaki mengambil 100 ¢ karbohidrat, 60 protein dan 5 g lemak sebagai sarapan paginya. A boy took 100 g of carbohydrate, ‘ah diambil oleh budak Jelaki itu untuk sarapan paginya. 60 g of protein and 5 g of fat as his breakfast. Hitung nilai kalori yang tel: Caine he calorie value taken by the boy for his breakfast. $P3.2.2 TETAGIG Nilai kalor/Calorific value = (17.2 x 100) + (22.2 x 60) + (38.5 x 5) ; 3244.5 kd 3 Tandakan (/ ) golongan individu yang memerlukan lebih banyak tenaga dalam kehidupan hari. Berikan sebab dengan memilih jawapan yang betul. sP3.2.2 Mark (/ ) the individual that needs more energy in daily life. Give reasons by choosing the correct dhswer (a) Umur/Age: (d) Jantina/Gender: 7] gacemeie [}amesm | [7] tn cme Orsse muda are Lelaki melakukan aktiviti yang lebih (rings, |_ You people Es (less, more) active. Gerai)/Men do more (light, Qeauy) activities | ® ondnes belies of health: (e) Tklim/Ctimate: eats peoste [2] Sirmemie’ | [_] Biimpanes [7] Me oe ‘eatin. caXit cn surang, (leb el mot Sth ce SD) ee GO oe grees a teens ets nentang pena an suhu badan di tempat s@) Sick poole need (ey, (nore) eneray to fight | (Less More) energy is needed to maintain the athe body temperature in a cold place. (©) Saiz badan/Body size: (© Pekerjaan/Wor — 7 | Besar Kecil rekerinan/Vfork, Large ‘Small v | Kerja berat Kerja rings” —} Heavy work Light work Kadar metabolisme badan besar lebih (rendah{tingg3)/The metabolic rate ofa large body is (lower higher). : coal Kerja borat _memertukan (kurang (esi) ¢ naga untuk dilakukan/Heavy work 1 lexsh more) energy to perform. () AKTIVITI HANDS-ON eee AKTIVITI Nee) Jawab soalan-soalan di bawah/Answer the questions below, jah dit 1 Pada rajah di bawah, label organ-organ dalam sistem pencernaan manusia menggunakan perkataan yang, diberi. Ki & On the diagram below, label the organs in human digestive ayatem using the wordn given. ‘Mulut/Mouth Hasvbiver Bsofagus/Oesophagus ktum/Rectum . Duktus hempedw/Bile duct ‘Usus besar/Large intestine (@) Mulut \ Mouth Ocsophagus — | (b) Pundi hempedu ) Hati Gall bladder oe (©) Duktus hempedu @ Perut Bile duct ‘Stomach KZ... | (@ Duodenum () Pankreas ] 3 Duodenum Pancreas | (©) Usus kecil (&) Usus besar Large intestine Small intestine @ Dubur (© Rektum Rectum [— Anus 2 Apakah yang dimaksudkan dengan pencernaan?” What is meant by digestion? Penguraianjaolekul makanan yang kompleks atau °°" _ kepada molekul-molekul yang lebih kecil gypaya dapat melarut dan sedia diserap ke dalam sel-sel badan. The breaking down of complex or farge faod molecules into ___S™lle”_ molecules that are soluble and ready to be absorbed by the body cells, 8 Lengkapkan peta alir tentang pergerakan makanan dalam salur pencernaan manusia, HA Complete the flow map on the movement of food in the human digestive tract sofagus erut Duodenum”™ Ovsophagus jomach Duodenum Usus besar Rektum Dubur Ex be HE € ave € ava 4; State an ree Pencernaan berdasarkan fungsinya. (i igestive organs based on their functions. Se ean Momotong makanan menjadi aerpihan kecil dan Mouth mencernakan kanji Cuts food into small pieces and digests atarch (b) Esofagus | Menyalurkan bolus (gumpalan makanan) ke dalam pergy —~Y Ovsophagus Channels bolus (lump of food) into the stomach (©) Perut Pencernaan protein bermula | Stomach Starts the digestion of proteins I (@) Pankreas ‘Merembeskan jus pankreas yang mengandungi enzim Pancreas Secretes pancreatic juice containing enzymes (@) Hati Menghasilkan hempedu untuk membaurkan (meme Liver lemak/Produces bile to emulsify (break down) fats () Pundi hempedu ‘Menyimpan hempedu Gall bladder Stores bile (g) Usus kecil Mencerna karbohidrat, protein dan lemak serta menyerap Small intestine makanan tercernalDigests carbohydrates, proteins and fats anf absorbs digested food (h) Usus besar Menyerap semula air Large intestine Reabsorbs water Gi) Rektum Menyimpan tinja Rectum * | Stores faeces @ Dubur Menyingkirkan tinja dari badan Anus Removes faeces from the body 5 Rajah di bawah menunjukkan makanan ditolak di sepanjang salur pencernaan oleh otot dinding yang mengecut dan mengendur secara bersilih ganti. Namakan proses yang berlaku. The diagram below shows that food is pushed along the digestive tract By the alternate contraction and relaxation of the muscles of the wall. Name the process that takes place. c= -SS _ ing beso salu panceraan si ' Miser wolf the geste et a Peristalsis/Peristalsis 6 Tandakan ( / ) fungsi-fungsi asid hidroklorik yang dirembeskan oleh dinding perut. HEE Mark (¢ ) the functions of the hydrochloric acid secreted by the wall of the stomach. [7] Memusnahkan bakteria LJ Destroys bacteria Galeri Info [7] Menyediakan keadaan berasid untuk tindakan enzim i en ‘an acidic medium for the action of enzymes [_] Mencernakan protein Digests proteins ——_— Menoutralkan sat alkali ar liur dan menghentikan tindakan ensim amilase liur J Neutratises the alkaline property of saliva and stops the action of ealivary anrylnce 30 a eT Awal aktiviti Tabung didih | Ujian makanan | poginning of the Boiling tube Food test activity Birw toa Biru tua Dark blue Dark blue a Ujian iodin Laratan kanji Iodine test sahaja Starch solution Ujian Benedict. ‘Vinda perubahan only Benedict’s test No change No change ‘Tiada pe iol Tiada pe Ujian iodin Birw tua : B Todine test Dark blue No change Larutan kanji + aie ln a perubahan | Mendakan mera , Ujian Benedict | Tinda peru ci Starch solution | pensdicts text No change ba + saliva Brick-red precipitate 1 Berdasarkan pemerhatian, tandakan ( / ) jika kelas makanan itu hadir dan ( x ) jika kkelas makanan itu tidak hadir/Based on the observations, mark ( / ) if the class of food is present and ( X ) if the class of food is not present. Kanji Gula Starch | Sugar (A) Larutan kanji sahaja Starch solution only (B) Larutan kanji + air liur Starch solution + saliva 2 Bagaimanakah enzim dalam air liur di dalam tabung didih B bertindak terhadap kanji? How does the enzyme in the saliva in boiling tube B act on the starch? Enzim _menguraikan anji kepada __maltosa (gula) The enzyme breaks down starch into Maltose (sugar) _ 3 Tandakan ( ¥ ) enzim dalam air liur yang mencernakan kanji. Hl Mark (7 ) the enzyme contained in saliva which digests starch. Protease 7 | Amilase liur Lipase Protease Salivary amylase Lipase 4 Apakah fungsi tabung didih A%What is the function of boiling tube A? Bertindak sebagai kawalan/It acts as a control 5 Bahagian salur penceraan manusia yang manakah berlakunya pencernaan (analog) yang ditunjukkaan di dalam tabung didih B2What is the part ofthe human digestive ta in which the digestion analogy) shown in boiling tube B takeo place? Mulu/The mouth a SS 6 Mengapakah suhu air perlu dikekalkan pada 37°C? Why should the temperature of water be maintained marer 37°C ialah suhu —°PUMUM _ bags engin, iaity _suhu badan 37°C is the OPE RUINY Hi : ‘manusia. temperature for enzymes, i.e. the body temperatir® of humans, Enzim yang terdapat dalam air liur mencernakan __Kanji__y, maltosa The enzyme present in saliva digests starch a into __maltose 1 Label organ pencernaan mai Label the human digestive (a) MuluMouth ( Enzim yang terlibat | Enzyme involved Amilase liur | Salivary amylase ii) Peneecnaan Se Gi) Pencernaan makanan: | Food digestion Kanji/Starch > | maltosa/maltose (e) Usus kecil/Small intestine @ Fungsi/Function: Menyerap — makanan tercerna, To _absorb food. (i) Hasil akhir pencernaan: Final products of digestion Karbohidrat/ Carbohydrate: Glukosa/Glucose, Protein/Protein: Asid amino/Amino acids LemakiF Asid lemak dan gliserol/Fatty acids and glycerol a a a ee (f Usus besar/Large intestine | Fungsi/Function: Menyerap semula __ ai" To reabsorb _water digested 2 Tandakan ( / ) dua organ dalam salur pencernaan di mana pencernaan makanan tidak berlaku. Tick (7) tivo eae ofthe digestive tract in which the digestion of food does not take place ye fart @ comin 8P9.3.1 Buku teks m/s 62 ~ 64 nusia dan isi tempat kosong dengan perkataan yang sesuai organs and fill in the blanks with suitable words protease jidroklorik Gastric juice contains protease hydrochloric acid enzim asid Food digestion Protein. polipepti Pankreas/Pancreas @ Jus pankreas mengandungi enzim amilase pankreas Protease lipase Pancreatic juice contains enzymes of pancreatic amylase lipase polypeptides Jus gaster mengandungi dan enzyme and (ii) Pencernaan makanan: ida dan protease and (ii) Pencernaan makanan di duodenum: Food digestion in duodenum Kanji/Starch + ___maltosa/maltose Polipeptide/Polypeptides — Dipeptida Dipeptides Lemak/Fat gliserol/glycerol asid lemab/fatty acid 4 Mulut 7 Mouth Esofagus Oevsophagus v Usus besar Large intestine Perut Stomach © aktiviti HANDS-ON nae a5989 € ava PVsuwa Ee, PERBINCANGAN 1 Rajah di bawah menunjukkan struktur suatu vilus. The diagram below shows a structure of villus Dinding usus kecl Wail of the smaii intestine Apakah struktur yang berlabel X dan Y? $P3.4.1 What are the structures labelled X and Y? Lakteal/Lacteal rs Sistem perkumuhan Excretory system Sistem pencernaan 7 | Sistem peredaran darah Blood circulatory system What is name of the process which distributes the such as the formation of new cells, for respiration Asimilasi/Assimilation 4 Padankan hasil akhir pencernaan dengan kegunaannya dalam Proses asimilasi. $P3.42 Match the end products of digestion with their usea wy ohe Process of assimilation. final products of digestion for the use of body cli and regulation of body temperature? (a) Asid amino . « | Bergabung untuk membentuk lemak Amino acid Combine to form fat (b) Glukosa . (Membina komponen sel-sel — i Builds component of cells Bit respi! « Menghasilkan tenaga dalam proses: Fatty acid and glycerol ial Prouiaees energy in the respiration roses penyingkiran tinja (makanan tj i . 973.4.3 Name the process of remecing (ids akanan tidak tercerna) daripada badan. Penyahtinjsan/Dejcntion ME (undigested food) from the bey 6 (a) Azlan menghadapi ke Azlan has difficulty ij SembelivConstipation (b) Cadangkan dua cara untuk mengatasi masalah i ji ae yang di ite (a), 8PS. Suagest to ways fe era ‘he problem stated in 6a) ka i & S’inum banyak air dan mal an lebih ‘ Hanyak buah-buahan serta sayursayuran Drink more water and eat more fruit a ‘tu, sos oa menyogkickan tinja dari rektum, Nyatakan keadan i: #8 7, “emoving faeces from the rectum ‘State the condition. Arahan: Jawab semua soalan. Instructions: Answer all questions Bahagian A/Section A 1 Antara makanan yang berikut, | 3 Makanan yangmanakah boleh membantu pergerakan = makanan di sepanjang usus kecil? yang wdungi kan yang tinggi? Which food has a high content Which of the following food can of carbohydrate? help the movement of food along 1 Nasi/Rice the small intestine? I Roti/Bread A. Ikan/Fish TI Tomato/Tomato B SuswMilk IV Ikan/Fish © Sayur-sayuran/Vegetables @ Idan : DD Daging/Mcat Land I B lll dan IV 2 Antara proses berikut, yang III and IV manakah menyebabkan_per- C Idan 1 gerakan makanan melalui usus? IL and I Which of the following causes D Idan iv the movement of food through Tand IV the intestine? A Asimilasi 4 Jadual di sebelah menunjukkan | Assimilation tiga jenis makanan dan nilai B Respirasi kalori dalam 100 g makanan itu. Respiration The table next shows three types C Pencernaan/Digestion of food and their calorific values - © Peristalsis/Peristalsis in 100 g of the food mentioned. , Bahagian By/Section B Jenis | Nilai kalori makanan | kj/100 g Type of | Calorific food _| value kj/100 g Nasif/Rice 1500 Telur ayam 700 Chicken egg | Pisang | 350 Banana Seorang murid bersarapan pagi dengan mengambil 200 g nasi, 100 g telur ayam dan 50 g pisang. Hitung nilai kalori yang telah diambil oleh murid itu ‘untuk sarapan paginya A student had 200 g rice, 100 g chicken egg and 50 g banana as his breakfast. Calculate the calorific value taken by the student for his breakfast. A LK B 2375) C 2550k) () 3875 kJ 1 (a) Gizi seimbang mengandungi nutrien daripada semua kelas makanan dalam kuantiti yang betul. Bulatkan dua penyakit yang disebabkan oleh kekurangan kaliumJ/A balan classes of food in the right quantities. Circle two diseases caused by iced diet contains nutrients from all the the lack of potassium. Osteoporosis/Osteoporosis, fekejangan otovMuscle cramp (LampubyParalysis > RikevRickets (b) Berdasarkan faktor penghubung yang diberi, lengkapkan peta f disebabkan oleh kekurangan nutrien tertentu. Based on the given relating factor, complete the bridge map below on certain nutrients. [2 markal/2 marks] titi di bawah tentang penyakit yang the diseases caused by the deficiency of Kekurangan (Vitamin D a menyebabkan Vitamin D ‘odin the deficiency causes ine as fas Faktor penghubung —_—Riket WL Relating factor Rickets Gun Wren (iit) Vitamin C Pr Vitamin C fas Kwasyiorkor (v) Skurvi Kwashiorkor Scurvy Rajah 1/Diagram 1 35 (2 markah/2 marks} ED Bahagian C/Section C 2 Eobce Mira membaca majalah dan menjumpai balan sebahagian daripada kandungan majalal it Mira read a magazine and came across « page al the magazine Sumber iodin/Sourees of iodine an mengenai nutrien makanan, bout foo nutrients, Diagram 2 shows «par of the cong 4 Sumber besi/Sources of iron Rajah 2 9 menu) tka in (a) Lengkapkan Jadual 1.1 dengan nutrien yang betul Complete Table 1.1 with the correct nutrients. Rajah 2/Diagram 2 ‘Nutrien/Nutrient Fungsi/Function | @ Besi ‘Untuk membina hemoglobin dalam sel darah merah Iron To buid haemoglobin in red blood cells Gi) odin Membantu kelenjar tiroid untuk berfungsi dengan baile Iodine Helps thyroid gland to function well (p) Vitamin C diberikan kepada pesakit COVID-1 pesakit tersebut. Vitamin C was given Vitamin C dapat meningkatkan sistem pesakit Vitamin C can boost up the body (©) Jadual 1.2 menunjul Jadual 1.1/Table 1.1 to COVID-19 patients in the hospital. Justify the importance of vit pertahanan badan untuk melawan virus Jkkan nilai Kalori bagi tiga makanan yang terdapat dalam majalah its alorific values of three foods found in the magazine. 19 di hospital. Wajarkan kepentingan vitamin C kepada “5 defense system to fight the COVID-19 in the patient's body. [2 markalv2 marks amin C to the patent ‘COVID-19 dalam bac [2 markab/2 marks} able 1.2 shows the c ‘Nasi Telur Ayam eT Rice Egg Chicken Makanan 100 [eae setae per hoop a Ga er jadual1.2Tobe 1.2 Mira makan 100 g nasi, 50 g of egg and 100 g of chicken for her lunch, Calculate the total calorie yang diambilnya Mira eats 100 g of rice, alorific value = (1 x 1 500) + (0.5 x 600) + (1 x 827) umlah nilai kalori/Total ¢ a =2627K) 36 50 g telur dan 100 g ayam semasa makan tengah hari. Hitung jumtan 04 ake i [2 markal? mat

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