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Name: Class: Date: March ____, 2023


If you want more adventure in your life, maybe you should take up an extreme
sport! Extreme sports are sportive activities which include a fair amount of danger,
risk and entertainment at the same time. They are becoming more and more
popular every year, but why? The main reason is to experience the adrenaline and
to feel unbeatable and powerful. Base jumping, ice climbing and cave diving are
some types of extreme sports. But, cheese rolling?!
We don’t know how exactly it started, but we know that the traditional Cooper's Hill
Cheese-Rolling Race is an annual event that has been taking place for over a century.
The name comes from Cooper's Hill where the 'sport' takes place, just outside the
village of Brockworth, England.

Well, it is difficult to explain how it is done because it is really silly. A wheel of cheese is thrown down a hill to roll all the
way down while a group of crazy “sports people” chase it, trying to be the first to catch it or get to the bottom of the hill.
The standard wheel of cheese must weigh just over 3kg. It gains a lot of speed while rolling down the very steep slope of
the hill. The winner gets to keep the cheese. Second or third place gets about £20.

I know it is unbelievable, but the cheese rolling race has become so popular that people travel from all over the world to
join the event even from as far away as Brazil and Japan. Local people of the village say they believe the cheese rolling
race brings luck to their village. It also makes the village a tourist attraction site which also helps to the economy. It is
unknown if they want to keep doing the race because they like traditions or if there are other reasons…

A. Answer the questions below.

1. What is the main reason for people’s doing extreme sports?

2. How do people play cheese rolling?
3. What do you win in the end?
4. What are the advantages of cheese rolling or local people?
5. Why do they keep doing cheese rolling race?
6. Would you like to attend cheese rolling race? Why? Why not?

A. Complete the sentences with the correct form in brackets.

1. I ____________________________ (already run) 10 kilometers, but I still have 5 kilometers to go.

2. She _____________________________(stand) in the queue since the morning.
3. Why ______________________________ (they / not / clean) their face?
4. Look, he ______________________________ (stand) at the railway station for ages!
5. We _______________________________ (read) Hobbit. We can’t wait to go home and read the following volume.
6. You _______________________________ (buy) a new car.
7. I _______________________________ (do the gardening) all day and my knees hurt.
8. They _________________________________ (not solve) this problem yet.
9. Anthony, what _________________________________ (do) in the attic for such a long time?
10. My hand ________________________________ (swell) for 2 months.

B. Choose the best option.

1. Jake _____________ to another house.
a) has been moving b) have been moving c) has moved d) have moved

2. I _______________ the world for the past 2 years. I have 10 more countries to see to finish.
a) have travelled b) have been travelling c) travelled d) did travel

3. “Where is your sister?” “She _____________ shopping. She will be back in half an hour.”
a) went c) has been going b) did go d) has gone

4. It _____________ for days. I wonder when it will stop.

a) has been raining b) is raining c) has rained d) rained

5. I _______________ such a beautiful view before. It’s breath-taking.

a) have never seen b) didn’t ever see c) didn’t see d) haven’t been seeing

6. Now that she ______________ her 35 years in the construction business today, she can retire.
a) did successfully complete b) successfully completed
c) has been successfully completing d) has successfully completed

C. Write the correct question tag for the sentences below.

1. You have been writing articles on different topics since morning, _________________?
2. He has been reading the book for two hours, __________________?
3. They have been playing football for an hour, ___________________?
4. She has been searching for the right dress since morning, __________________?
5. He has been studying in the library for three hours, _____________________?
6. We have been shopping at this fair for two hours, _______________________?

D. What does the original sentence mean?

1. It’s been a while since we last met.

a) We haven’t met for a while. b) We have just met.

2. He has been revising for the maths exam for two hours.
a) He started revising for the maths exam two hours ago and now he has finished revising.
b) He started revising for the maths exam two hours ago and he is still revising.

3. I have been to Paris three times.

a) The speaker is in Paris now. b) The speaker is not in Paris now.

4. I have never seen a more interesting film.

a) This is the most interesting film I have ever seen.
b) This film is one of the least interesting ones I have seen so far.

5. I haven’t read a book since last month.

a) Last month was the last time I read a book.
b) It took me the whole month to finish reading the last book I read.

6. My mother has been watching a football match on TV.

a) My mother is still watching the football match. b) The match my mother was watching is over now.


A. Watch the video “Africa Doesn’t Need More Charity”. Then fill in each gap with ONE word.
Link: (up to min. 1.00)

In the past 50 years, over a trillion dollars in foreign aid has been donated to Africa. New
wells, (1) ________________ and buildings were constructed. Still, more than 50% of the
sub-Saharan Africans have to live on less than $1.25 a day. Africa doesn’t need more (2)
_______________, it needs more investment on the development on its greatest
resource: (3) _______________. They are strong, (4) ________________ and resilient
entrepreneurs. It’s time to break the (5) __________________ cycle of charitable aid and
join hands with the local leaders of impoverished areas to rewrite Africa’s future!
A. Think about your day. What have you been doing so far? Write at least 5 sentences. Use since and for.

A. Write the Past Participle forms of the verbs given.
Base Form Past Tense Past Participle Base Form Past Tense Past Participle
say said pay paid
make made sit sat
go went speak spoke
take took lie lay
come came lead led
see saw read read
know knew grow grew
get got lose lost
give gave fall fell
find found send sent
think thought build built
tell told understand understood
become became draw drew
show showed break broke
leave left spend spent
feel felt cut cut
put put rise rose
bring brought drive drove
begin began buy bought
keep kept wear wore
hold held choose chose
write wrote
stand stood
hear heard
let let
mean meant
set set
meet met

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