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thống học trực tuyến trong thư mục TEST.
2. Sinh viên lưu tên file theo cú pháp: Họ và tên – MSSV (Ví dụ, Nguyễn Thị
Thanh Thảo - 0021410999)
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lines. Sự tự học, tự nghiên cứu của mỗi học viên luôn được đánh giá cao. Bất kỳ
dấu hiệu đạo văn hoặc nội dung bài làm giống bài làm của bạn cùng lớp đều bị
xem là không hợp lệ và bài làm sẽ bị hủy kết quả.

Task 1

The diagram below shows the recycling process of aluminium cans.

Summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features, and make
comparisons where relevant.

Write at least 130 words.

The diagram illustrates the process of recycling aluminium cans.
Overall, the process involves several steps, starting with the collection of used cans and
ending with the sale of the final product.
To begin with, used aluminum cans are collected in a recycling bin to be transported by
truck to a recycling facility, where they are thoroughly cleaned to remove any impurities,
such as dirt, grease, and oil. and other pollutants. The next step is to sort the cleaned cans
to separate them from other waste materials and make them suitable for recycling. Once
sorted, the cans are cut into smaller pieces and then crushed in a special machine to
reduce their size and make them easier to handle.
Following this, the resulting products are melted at high temperature, turning them into a
molten liquid. The liquid aluminum is then poured into a mold to be shaped into plates.
These thin sheets can be used to make beverage cans, seventy-four percent of which can
be recycled after use.

Task 2
Write a problem-solution essay about the following topic:
Some people feel unsafe when they are in public and at home. What are the possible
causes of this and what are some possible solutions?
Give reasons for your answers and include any relevant examples from your own
knowledge or experience.
Write at least 230 words.

In modern days, some citizens tend to feel unsafe or anxious at home or in public places.
This essay will show the possible reasons for this problem and suggest some solutions to
fix the problem.
In rich as well as poor countries, many concerns have been raised about safety issues both
on the streets and at home, and this is justifiable. The first is due to the increase in crime
rates over the past few years. Almost every day people are bombarded with tragic crime
reports of murder, rape or robbery. This is a particular problem in developing countries,
where people can commit crimes for food, money or survival. In addition, road deaths are
increasing on an unprecedented scale, even though people using any means of transport
can be the cause of an accident.
This problem can be overcome first by the government should increase the punishment
for street crime. Based on the harmful consequences that it can cause to the victim,
thereby giving appropriate punishment or improving safety is recruiting more police
forces and increasing round-the-clock patrols in the cities public and residential areas. In
addition, many methods can be applied to limit road deaths. For example, the government
can upgrade the infrastructure and also the condition of the roads.
In short, reducing crime rates and increasing patrols are effective methods to enhance
public safety. If the government works actively in both areas, society will feel much

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