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December 14, 2021 version

Tap-Nation Test guide

Adjust and GameAnalytics SDK


Nicot Fabien

SDK Engineer

Table of contents 2

1 SDK integration 3

2 FunGamesAnalytics 4

3 GameAnalytics 5
3.1 Account creation and settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
3.2 Unity project settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5

4 Adjust 7

5 Troubleshooting 9
5.1 Unity : Namespace could not be found . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
5.2 iOs : .h file not found . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9
5.3 Android : Google Play Services . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9


This document will guide you in the implementation of the different SDk so that we
can launch a test campaign. The integration will take place in 3 steps:

• Adjust SDK is needed to launch the user acquisition campaign.

• Game Analytics SDK is required in order to send, collect and aggregate game
and user data.

• FunGames Analyics implements the different functionalities of GA.

• Video recording will be used to make creatives for the UA campaign.

If you’re experiencing any difficulties, your issue may be enlisted in the troubleshooting
section that I included at the end of this document. If you’re having a different problem,
let us know and we’ll help you figuring it out.


1 SDK integration
The different SDKs will have to be installed with Unity Packages.
To import a new custom package:

• Open the unity project of your game.

• Choose Assets > Import Package > Custom Package to bring up up File Explorer
(Windows) or Finder (Mac).

• Select the package you want from Explorer or Finder, and the Import Unity Package
dialog box displays, with all the items in the package pre-checked, ready to install.

• Select Import and Unity puts the contents of the package into the Assets folder,
which you can access from your Project View.

You must first download and import the following sdk :

• Adjust SDK :, please

take the last version of the SDK and download Adjust_vX.X.X.unitypackage file
and not the Imei and Oaid one.

• GameAnalytics SDK :


• FunGames Analytics SDK : The unity package will be given to you by your
Publishing Manager

I also encourage you to consult the documentation of these two SDKs if you need more
information :

• Adjust SDK :

• GameAnalytics SDK :



2 FunGamesAnalytics
The first step you will have to do after importing the two packages is to create the
settings files. To do this you will need to create the Resources folder in your Assets
folder if it doesn’t already exist (please be careful not to get the name of the folder wrong
otherwise you will get an error when creating the settings).

To create the settings you need to go to Assets -> Create -> FunGamesSDK -> Settings
-> Analytics and click on Analytics Settings and GameAnalytics Settings

Finally you have to drag and drop in your opening scene the two prefabs present in the
two packages (FunGames -> Analytics and FunGames -> Analytics -> FGGameAnalyt-
ics). These prefabs are in DontDestroyOnLoad so they must not be parent or the parent
must be a DontDestroyOnLoad.


3 GameAnalytics
In this section we will show you how to make all the settings you will need to make in
order for all the features to work properly.

First of all I invite you to consult the links to the detailed documentation of GameAn-

3.1 Account creation and settings

Here you’ll have to create a GameAnalytics account: https://go.gameanalytics.
• Go to your account / Create one if you don’t have one
• Go to your studio account / Create one if you don’t have one
• Go to your Game page / Create one if you don’t have one
• Go to Settings > Users > Invite User (see screenshot below)
• Add our User Acquisition managers emails
– Email of your UA managers : / /
– Email 2:
– Email 3:

Figure 1: Inviting Users in GA

Then we will receive emails from GameAnalytics to have the data from the chosen

3.2 Unity project settings

You will need to select the FunGamesAnalytics settings in the folder Resources ->
FGGameAnalyticsSettings and copy the GameAnalytics ids (you can find them in the
settings of your game in the dashboard of GameAnalytics).


Then the last step is to add the GameObject from GameAnalytics to your main scene.
You can add it via the menu available in the toolbar Window -> GameAnalytics ->
Select Settings

To test the integration please first run your game by having it built and running on
your phone as the data sending only works on mobile. Once the game is launched you can
see the events on your GameAnalytics panel on the tab RealTime -> Live feed


4 Adjust
There is nothing to set up beforehand. In order to start Adjust integration, your
TapNation manager will have to create your application on their dashboard. In order to
help them do that, please provide the following information:

• For Android The application’s Bundle Id

• For iOS The application’s Bundle Id and Apple Store ID

• The email addresses you wish to receive the integration documents on

Once your application is created on TapNation’s side, you will receive an email from
Adjust with the token of your application.

You must first download and import sdk

sdk/releases, please take the last version of the SDK and download Adjust_vX.X.X.unitypackage
file and not the Imei and Oaid one.

You will have to integrate the Adjust SDK in parallel while waiting to receive your app
token, for that you will have to import the SDK, and place the prefabs available in the
SDK of Adjust in your scene. Once this part is done, please fill in the settings of adjust
which is on the prefabs in your scene


Figure 2: Adjust Settings

You will receive an app token by email or directly from TapNation, which you can enter
into the prefabs

Once Adjust has been initiated in your application, you need to test that it works
correctly. To do that, set the Environment to Sandbox and test adjust on your phone.
Then you will need to send your IDFA/GAID to your manager so that he can see if adjust
has received any data from you.


5 Troubleshooting
5.1 Unity : Namespace could not be found
If you have the following error, it’s because a package is missing, you have to look at
the name of the matching namespace and import the package corresponding to this name.

Error CS0246 : The type or namespace '' could not be

,→ found

Code Source 1: Namespace error

5.2 iOs : .h file not found

The most common error occurs during the build on xCode, if you get the following
error then you will need to follow these steps

.h file not found

Code Source 2: Header error

• On the terminal type: pod -version

• If it displays a version number

– Then try to build via the .xcworkspace file and not the .xcodeproj file.

• If there is no version number (no pods command) then do this

– Open the macOS terminal :

– curl -L | bash -s stable
– Close and reopen terminal
– rvm install ruby-2.6
– rvm use ruby-2.6
– rvm -default use 2.6
– then try to build via the .xcworkspace file and not the .xcodeproj file.

5.3 Android : Google Play Services

Conflicting Google Play Services library You can have some issue with the different
sdk that include GooglePlay Services resulting with confilct.


In this case you can try to delete one of the versions of the files that are in conflict, for ex-
ample : google-play-services_lib folder or play-services-ads-9.4.0.arr
and play-services-basement-9.4.0.arr


The setup of your game should be good, but if you have any questions or problems
please contact your manager at TapNation who will take care of you and inquire about
your potential problems. Also if you have any comments on the SDK implementation
process, we will be happy to hear your feedback on this process.

If everything is set up correctly, please return to your manager so that he can tell you
the next steps to follow.


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