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Measurement 49 (2014) 164–181

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Development of an innovative plate dynamometer for advanced

milling and drilling applications
G. Totis a,⇑, O. Adams b, M. Sortino a, D. Veselovac b, F. Klocke b
DIEGM – Dept. of Electrical, Management and Mechanical Engineering, University of Udine, Italy
Werkzeugsmachinenlabor – WZL der RWTH, Aachen, Germany

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Tool geometry optimization, workpiece material characterization, process monitoring and
Received 28 June 2013 optimization are based on the measurement of cutting forces by using machining dyna-
Received in revised form 19 November 2013 mometers. Commercial dynamometers cover a wide range of machining applications, nev-
Accepted 25 November 2013
ertheless there is a lack of measuring devices suitable for investigating milling and drilling
Available online 5 December 2013
applications with relatively small cutters and high spindle speeds. In this work, the devel-
opment and testing of an innovative plate dynamometer designed for this purpose is dis-
cussed. The new measuring system was based on three high-sensitive triaxial piezoelectric
force sensors arranged in a novel triangular configuration. Component design was opti-
Cutting forces mized by using FE numerical approaches, according to the general guidelines derived from
Dynamometer mathematical modeling of sensor dynamics. The prototype of the proposed device was
Piezoelectric manufactured and experimentally tested against two high-end commercial plate dyna-
Design optimization mometers by performing static calibration, modal analysis and cutting tests. Experimental
results proved the excellent characteristics of the new device and its effectiveness for
investigating advanced machining applications.
Ó 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction principle used for cutting force estimate. Other important

features to be taken into account for a rough classification
Cutting force measurements are essential for under- are the force measuring range (which is also related to sen-
standing the physics of the cutting process [1] and for sitivity), the type and number of independent force com-
developing reliable cutting force models [2], as well as ponents measured by the device.
for workpiece material characterization, machinability Regarding sensor location, the measuring device can be
tests and tool comparison [3], tool geometry optimization installed in the feed drives of the linear axes or in the spin-
[4], cutting parameters optimization [5]. Also, cutting force dle – spindle housing subsystem. Alternatively, it could be
measurements can be successfully applied for tool embedded into the rotating spindle adapter – toolholder,
condition monitoring [6, 7] and detection of chatter or it could be integrated into the machine tool table –
vibrations [8]. workpiece fixture.
State of the art regarding cutting force measuring in It should be also recalled that cutting forces are always
milling is presented in Table 1. The existing methods and estimated by using indirect methods, i.e. by measuring the
devices can be classified according to different criteria: effects of cutting forces such as local deformations, dis-
the location of the sensing element and the physical placements or accelerations of mechanical elements com-
posing the machining system. For this purpose, several
physical principles were exploited, such as the conversion
⇑ Corresponding author. Address: Via delle Scienze, 206, I-33100 Udine, of electro-mechanical power, the variation of electrical
Italy. Tel.: +39 0432 558258. resistance of a stretched conductor, the piezoelectric effect
E-mail address: (G. Totis). and many others.

0263-2241/$ - see front matter Ó 2013 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
G. Totis et al. / Measurement 49 (2014) 164–181 165

Table 1
State of the art of cutting force measurement in milling (⁄ = with dynamics compensation; ⁄⁄
= nominal natural frequency, ideal clamping conditions, no
workpiece or light workpiece; NS = not specified).

Sensor location Sensor description Fx; Fy Axial force F z Cutting torque M z Ref.

Range Band- Range Band- Range Band-

(kN) width (kN) width (Nm) width
(kHz) (kHz) (kHz)
Linear drives, Cutting forces derived from servo-motor currents of feed >1 0:13 = = = = [9]
spindle, drives measured by amperometers (research device)
spindle Cutting forces measured from command voltages of electro- 5 <2 = = = = [10]
housing magnetic bearings of milling machine spindle (research
Cutting forces derived from spindle vibrations measured by >5 0:5ð1 Þ = = = = [11]
displacement capacitance sensors (research device)
Cutting forces derived from spindle acceleration measured by >1 1ð2 Þ >1 1ð2 Þ = = [12]
triaxial accelerometer integrated in the toolholder (research
Cutting forces derived from strain gauges attached to spindle >2 0:2 = = = = [13]
bearings or other spindle elements
Force sensors (Kistler 9135 (axial) and Kistler 9145 (shear) 3 0:5ð1:5 Þ 36 0:5ð1:5 Þ = = [14,15]
rings) integrated in the spindle
Spindle adapter, Torque rotating dynamometer based on strain gauges = = = = > 100 0:7ð< 2 Þ [16]
tool-holder (research device)
Rotating mechatronic toolholder, based on piezo-resistive = = 2 NS > 50 NS [17]
strain gauges or piezoelectric elements (research device)
Piezoelectric rotating dynamometer Kistler 9123C 0:5  5 0:5ð2 Þ 2  20 0:5ð1 Þ 20  200 1 [8,18]
(10,000 rpm max)
Piezoelectric rotating dynamometer Kistler 9125A = = 0:3  3 ð< 5 Þ 10  50 2:5 [19]
(25,000 rpm max)
Strain gauges mounted under each cutting insert, and >1 NS = = > 100 NS [20]
telemetry for data transmission (research device)
Piezoelectric triaxial rings under each cutting insert and 3 1.7 2 1.7 200 1.7 [21]
telemetry for data transmission (prototype of commercial
Platform Plate dynamometer based on strain gauges attached on 5 1 5 1:5 = = [22]
(workpiece flexible octagonal rings (research device)
fixture) Piezoelectric plate dynamometer Kistler 9257 5 < 1ð2:3 Þ 5 < 1ð3:5 Þ = = [21]
Piezoelectric plate dynamometer Kistler 9272 (‘‘Drilling 5 1ð3 Þ 5 4 ð6 Þ 200 2:2ð4 Þ This
Dyn.’’) paper
Piezoelectric plate dynamometer Kistler 9256C1 (‘‘Mini Dyn.’’) 0.25 > 2ð5 Þ 0.25 > 3ð5 Þ = = [23–28],
Proposed piezoelectric plate dynamometer (research device, > 1 >2 >1 >3 < 35 > 2:5 This
‘‘Delta Dyn’’) paper

For instance, Jeong et al. [9] extracted cutting force Cutting forces may be also estimated from spindle or
information from the current signals of the servo motors cutter vibrations, by using accelerometers [12] or displace-
governing machine tool axes, while Auchet et al. [10] ment probes [11]. As before, one major drawback of these
adopted a similar approach based on control signals of solutions is the poor frequency bandwidth.
electro-magnetic spindle bearings. These approaches do Generally, the best compromise between stiffness and
not alter machine tool architecture and dynamics, never- sensitivity can be achieved by using piezoelectric crystals
theless a poor frequency bandwidth can be obtained in [30]. Piezoelectric rings can be installed into the spindle
the first case (130 Hz), while advanced and very expensive housing [14,15], or rotating dynamometers can be clamped
machine tool elements such as the electro-magnetic bear- between the tool and the spindle [8,19,17]. However, the
ings are needed in the second case. range of application of these devices is limited to the
Another possibility is to derive the cutting forces from low-medium spindle speed range. In addition, cutting force
the local deformations of flexible mechanical parts of the signals acquired by these sensors are disturbed by the low-
machining system by using strain gauges [13,29,22]. Nev- frequency resonances of the spindle-tooling system.
ertheless, when using strain gauges it is usually necessary Recently, an innovative rotating dynamometer capable
to weaken the mechanical structure where they are at- of measuring individual cutting edge forces in face milling
tached in order to achieve a sufficient sensitivity. As a con- was developed by Totis et al. [21]. The device was based on
sequence, the dynamics of the (weakened) mechanical piezoelectric triaxial force cells installed behind each cut-
structure do considerably disturb the measured cutting ting insert, which was inspired by the pioneering work of
force signals, implying a modest frequency bandwidth. Adolfsson et al. [20], who applied strain gauges for the
166 G. Totis et al. / Measurement 49 (2014) 164–181

same purpose. By using this advanced configuration, supe- it to state of the art measuring devices tested under real
rior dynamic properties were achieved. However, the operating conditions. In addition, a general methodology
range of application of this device was still limited to con- for designing high-performance dynamometers will be
ventional milling processes characterized by low to med- proposed.
ium spindle speeds and medium to large cutter diameters. The paper is structured as follows. Sensor technical
Nowadays there is an increasing industrial interest in specifications will be first outlined. A simplified mathe-
high speed machining performed with conventional cut- matical model of sensor dynamics will be introduced in
ting tools at very high cutting speeds [31], as well as in mi- order to provide general guidelines for sensor design opti-
cro milling and drilling processes requiring very small mization, which will be carried out by using FE numerical
cutter diameters [32]. In both cases, very high spindle approaches. The results of static calibration and experi-
speeds are required, which imply rapidly changing cutting mental modal analysis performed on the dynamometer
forces characterized by high-frequency dynamics. Under prototype will be discussed and compared to the proper-
these extreme cutting conditions, neither force sensors in- ties of the reference plate dynamometers. Eventually, the
stalled in the spindle housing nor rotating dynamometers accuracy, repeatability and effectiveness of the new
integrated in the tooling system can be successfully ap- device will be evaluated in real cutting conditions by
plied, and the only feasible solution are plate dynamome- performing milling and drilling tests with high spindle
ters placed between the workpiece and the machining speeds.
table [24–26,28].
Nevertheless, plate dynamometers (as well as the other
2. Sensor development
types) are generally affected by a limited frequency band-
width fdyn achievable in operating conditions. This should
2.1. Sensor specifications
be considerably higher than the tooth pass excitation fre-
quency fs characterizing the selected application, i.e.
The new sensor was designed in order to fulfill the fol-
v c zt lowing requirements:
fdyn  fs ¼ ½kHz ð1Þ
 suitable for measuring both conventional, high-
where v c is the cutting speed expressed in m/min, zt is the
speed and micro milling and drilling applications
number of teeth, D is cutter diameter expressed in mm. An
with cutter diameter D  0:5—20 mm, cutting
idea of the required frequency bandwidth for different
speed v c  50— 1000 m/min, zt  2—6 teeth;
milling and drilling applications, together with an estimate
 three cutting force components F x ; F y ; F z and cut-
of the actual limit of current dynamometers (including all
ting torque (when drilling) M z should be available;
the considered types), can be derived from Fig. 1.
 measuring range of transversal components
The actual dynamic limit of current dynamometers is
F x ; F y  1 kN; measuring range of axial force
due to intrinsic dynamic properties of available sensors
F z   2 kN; measuring range of cutting torque
and to the dynamic coupling between the machining sys-
M z  30 Nm;
tem and the sensor embedded into it. When considering
 static errors should be smaller than about 1% FSO
plate dynamometers, workpiece mass and stiffness as well
and cross-talk static errors should be smaller than
as machine tool table dynamics may considerably alter the
about 2%, for all sensing directions;
frequency response of the dynamometer with respect to
 frequency bandwidth (in real operating conditions)
ideal workpiece characteristics and clamping conditions
higher than 3 kHz, or at least comparable with best
usually taken as a reference by sensor manufacturer.
state of the art commercial dynamometers evalu-
Accordingly, the resulting frequency bandwidth may be
ated in the same conditions;
significantly reduced with respect to the nominal value de-
 compatible with lubricants;
clared in the sensor data-sheet.
 reference workpiece diameter Dw  40 mm;
By analyzing currently available devices, it was assessed
 through holes should be possible within an area of
that conventional applications characterized by high cutting
diameter Di  30 mm;
forces and by low to medium spindle speeds can be success-
 modular design, compatible with different kinds of
fully investigated by commercial plate dynamometers such
CNC machine tools;
as the Drilling Dyn considered in this research for the sake of
 relatively easy to realize and of minimum cost.
comparison. Similarly, micro milling applications character-
ized by extremely small cutting forces and very high spindle
speeds can be effectively studied by using the Mini Dyn ta- 2.2. Simplified model of sensor dynamics
ken as main reference in this work, see Fig. 1.
Nevertheless, there are still some advanced milling and When considering piezoelectric force sensors embed-
drilling operations performed with small to medium cut- ded into the machining system, a global mass, damping
ters in the medium to high spindle speed regime which and stiffness matrices would be necessary for modeling
would require a special dynamometer characterized by the dynamic behavior of the measuring chain in operating
high sensitivity, an adequate measuring range and by a conditions. By adopting this approach, it is possible to rep-
wide frequency bandwidth, which is not available yet. resent the characteristics of the frequency response,
Accordingly, this research work was aimed at develop- including its multiple modes of vibrations and dynamic
ing such an innovative plate dynamometer and comparing cross-coupling between different sensing directions.
G. Totis et al. / Measurement 49 (2014) 164–181 167

Fig. 1. Classification of conventional and advanced milling and drilling applications in terms of typical cutter diameters and tooth pass excitation
frequencies, and comparison between application ranges of considered dynamometers (Mini Dyn and Drilling Dyn are high-end commercial
dynamometers, whereas Delta Dyn is the new device developed in this paper).

However, in order to give an insight into system k1 k2

¼ x2n1  x2n1;eff < x2n2;eff  x2n2 ¼ ð4Þ
dynamics each sensing direction can be roughly approxi- M1 M2
mated by a series of mass-spring-damper harmonic
The input force F in is applied to the workpiece, whereas the
oscillators, and dynamic cross-talk between different
measured output signal F out is derived from dynamometer
directions can be neglected. Moreover, in order to high-
internal deformation, which is approximately proportional
light the main ideas which inspired sensor development,
to the force exchanged at node D. The main goal is to deter-
a qualitative lumped-element mathematical model with
mine the frequency response of the measuring chain
only three degrees of freedom can be considered, as illus-
trated in Fig. 2. F out ðjxÞ
W ðjxÞ ¼ ð5Þ
In this model, an important low-frequency resonance F in ðjxÞ
arising from machine tool basement and table dynamics
which can be written as
is represented by an equivalent harmonic oscillator of
modal mass M T , stiffness k1 and damping c1 . The plate F out ðjxÞ F 2 ðjxÞ
W ðjxÞ ¼ ð6Þ
dynamometer is ideally decomposed into a base (mDA , F 2 ðjxÞ F in ðjxÞ
fixed on machine tool table) and a top plate (mDB ), on
which the workpiece fixture imagined as a flexible Under the above hypotheses, the first frequency response
mechanical structure characterized by modal masses on the right can be approximated by
mFA ; mFB , stiffness k2 and damping c2 is clamped. Eventu- F out ðmDB þ mFA Þ 1
W out;2 ¼ ffi1
ally, the workpiece is represented as a single rigid body F2 k1 2
½ðjx=xn1 Þ þ 2n1 ðjx=xn1 Þ þ 1
of mass mw attached to the fixture. ð7Þ
Other realistic hypothesis are:
Similarly, one can obtain
MT  mi 8i F2 2n2 jx=xn2 þ 1
ð2Þ W 2;in ¼ ffi
M1 ¼ MT þ mDA þ mDB þ mFA  M2 ¼ mFB þ mW F in ðk2 =k1 Þðjx=xn2 Þ2 ð2n2 ðjx=xn2 Þþ1Þ þ ½ðjx=x Þ2 þ 2n ðjx=x Þ þ 1
n2 2 n2
½ðjx=x Þ2 þ2nðjx=x Þþ1
n1 n1

i.e., the modal mass located behind the sensing element is ð8Þ
expected to be significantly smaller than that in front of it. In short, the overall frequency response of Eq. 5 has two
Also, it is reasonable to neglect the internal compliance of resonance peaks located at xn1;eff and xn2;eff , deriving from
the dynamometer with respect to machine tool and fixture the dynamic interaction with the mechanical subsystems
compliances, that is to say placed behind and in front of the sensor, respectively.
kD  k1 > k2 ð3Þ Even when the workpiece mass mW is small, the modal
masses associated to dynamometer top plate (mDB ) and
Moreover, one can realistically assume that the second res- workpiece fixture (mFA and mFB ) are relatively high when
onance xn2;eff (mainly due to the fixture-workpiece subsys- considering conventional plate dynamometers. When the
tem considered separately) is higher than that associated structure is excited by time-varying external forces, the
to machine tool table-dynamometer base dynamics inertial effects arising from structure vibration cause
xn1;eff , i.e. undesired amplification and phase delay of measured
168 G. Totis et al. / Measurement 49 (2014) 164–181

Fig. 2. 2 DoF lumped-elements model for a qualitative explanation of sensor dynamics.

signals. Accordingly, the frequency bandwidth is practically perfectly elide the resonance peak at xn1;eff . This effective
limited to xn1;eff for conventional plate dynamometers. pole-zero overlap is the key for attenuating the low-fre-
Since low-frequency resonances due to machine tool quency disturbances affecting the measuring chain.
basement and table will always be present, the new dyna- On the contrary, it is not possible to eliminate the high-
mometer concept was based on the optimization of the frequency disturbances at xn2;eff , unless the sensing ele-
mechanical subsystem placed in front of the sensing ele- ment was ideally located in front of this second harmonic
ments. Specifically, this can be achieved by minimizing oscillator, and the inertial mass in front of it was mini-
the modal masses of the dynamometer top plate and work- mized. Accordingly, sensor location should be as close as
piece fixture. By reducing mDB and mFA , Eq. 7 yields possible to the input force, for achieving the best dynamic
ðmDB þ mFA Þ ! 0 ) W out;2 ! 1 ð9Þ

Besides, it can be easily demonstrated that Eq. 8 2.3. Sensor design

simplifies to
Sensor design was developed from geometrical and
ðjx=xn1 Þ þ 2n1 ðjx=xn1 Þ þ 1 functional specifications outlined in Section 2.1, as shown
W 2;in  2
; x
ðjx=ðtxn1 ÞÞ þ 2tn1 ðjx=ðtxn1 ÞÞ þ 1 in Fig. 3. Piezoelectric triaxial force cells Kistler type
ð10Þ 9016B4 were selected as main sensing elements, because
of their great sensitivity, satisfactory measuring range
where and high static compliance, see Table 3 for reference.
sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi sffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffiffi For a proper functioning of the device, load cells must
M1 x2n2 k1 be clamped between a basement (fixed at machine tool
t¼ ¼ ð11Þ
M1 þ M2 x2n2 k1 þ x2n1 k2 table) and a top plate (where the workpiece is fixed). A pre-
defined axial preload has to be applied to each force cell
It can be noticed that separately, in order to assure the transmission of both axial
M2 and tangential stresses, in every direction (i.e. both com-
! 0 ) t ! 1 ) W 2;in ! 1 for x
xn2 ð12Þ pressive and tractive).
Conventional plate dynamometers are usually
In other words, when the modal masses in front of the composed of 4 triaxial force cells located at the vertexes
sensor are minimized, the zero located at xn1 does almost of a square or rectangular configuration. In this work, an
G. Totis et al. / Measurement 49 (2014) 164–181 169

Fig. 3. Comparison between 3 and 4-sensors plate dynamometer configuration.

innovative configuration with only 3 load cells arranged at placed in front of the sensing elements which is slightly
the vertexes of an equilateral triangle was conceived, as higher in the case of 4-sensors configuration. Accordingly,
illustrated in Fig. 3. Since this configuration resembles 4-sensors configuration could lose its significant dynamic
the Greek letter D, the new device was called Delta Dyn. advantage with respect to that based on 3-sensors. Besides,
The proposed configuration is very appealing, since the lower static stiffness predicted for 3-sensors configura-
tion is still satisfactory for the considered applications. For
 the cost associated to the sensing elements is about all the reasons outlined above, the 3-sensors design was
25% less than that of the conventional configuration; finally preferred.
 it has a simple architecture easy to realize and The effect of different top plate materials was also
characterized by more isostatic clamping condi- investigated, i.e. a generic alloy steel (Young’s modulus
tions with respect to 4-sensors configuration; E ¼ 210 GPa, density q ¼ 7:80 g=cm3 ), Ti6Al4V titanium
 the total inertial mass above the sensing elements alloy (E ¼ 105 GPa, q ¼ 4:43 g=cm3 ) and Al7075 aluminum
is slightly smaller, in comparison with 4-sensors alloy (E ¼ 72 GPa, q ¼ 2:81 g=cm3 ). Calculations were
configuration, for a fixed sensor distance from the repeated for a light workpiece made of Al7075 aluminum
center of the device. alloy and a heavier one made of alloy steel. As evidenced
in Table 2, the first resonance frequency is only slightly
In order to preliminary compare different device config- influenced by the selected top plate material. It is worth
urations (based on 3 or 4 sensors) in terms of static and dy- noting, the first resonance frequency obtained with aluminum
namic characteristics, FE models were realized and top plate is even slightly higher than that obtained with
analyzed. Specifically, static compliances in transversal alloy steel top plate, when a light workpiece is fixed on
and axial directions, as well as the first natural frequencies the device. On the other hand, an expected increase of
were estimated by assuming ideal clamping conditions at transversal and axial compliances was assessed when
dynamometer base. The calculations were carried out by considering less rigid top plate materials. Nevertheless,
COSMOSWorks integrated into SolidWorks CAD environ- compliance estimates obtained with top plate made of
ment. The system was discretized by a mesh of parabolic tet- Ti6Al4V or Al7075 are not drastically different from
rahedron elements (10 nodes) of maximum size  5 mm. the compliances of Mini Dyn, as reported in Table 3.
In accordance with the obtained numerical results re- Accordingly, Al7075 aluminum alloy was selected as top
ported in Table 2,, 4-sensors configuration is characterized plate material, since it assures an acceptable stiffness and
by higher stiffness and resonance frequencies. Neverthe- a promising dynamic behavior by concurrently fulfilling
less, in real operating conditions the vibrating subsystem the principle of inertial mass minimization.
behind the dynamometer (machine basement, machine Special workpieces endowed with through holes could
tool table and dynamometer base) would give rise to be directly fixed by using bolts. Alternatively, workpieces
low-frequency resonances which would negatively affect with simpler geometry can be easily fixed by using the
both the investigated configurations in a similar manner. special clamps shown in Fig. 4. It can be observed that a
These low-frequency resonances would indeed cause dy- further optimization of top plate material geometry would
namic disturbances which are approximately independent be theoretically possible by eliminating such clamps.
from dynamometer high-frequency structural modes of Nevertheless, this configuration was finally adopted in
vibration, whereas they are mainly due to the inertial mass order to reduce the raw workpiece geometry complexity.
170 G. Totis et al. / Measurement 49 (2014) 164–181

Table 2
Numerical results derived from FEM calculations for dynamometer design optimization.

Dynamometer Top plate Mass above load cells (g) Workpiece Transversal compliance Axial compliance First resonance
configuration material (without workpiece) material (mass hxx  hyy (103 lm/N) hzz (103 lm/N) frequency fn1 (Hz)
Square Alloy 597 Al7075(53) 2.60 2.72 7366
configuration – 4 steel
Ck45(145) 2.05 1.65 6745
Ti6Al4V 380 Al7075(53) 3.48 3.45 7643
Ck45(145) 2.92 2.36 6612
Al7075 275 Al7075(53) 3.94 4.62 7876
Ck45(145) 3.48 3.06 6470
Triangle (D) Alloy 578 Al7075(53) 4.68 3.60 4940
configuration – 3 steel
Ck45(145) 3.77 2.32 4659
Ti6Al4V 359 Al7075(53) 6.48 4.82 4994
Ck45(145) 5.43 3.46 4492
Al7075 253 Al7075(53) 7.92 5.86 5160
Ck45(145) 6.86 4.48 4416

Table 3
Static characteristics of the new dynamometer in comparison with commercial reference dynamometers (NS = considered Not Significant by stepwise

Property Symbol Measuring units Drilling Dyn New Delta Dyn Mini Dyn
Sensitivity Fx pC/N  7:8  26  26
Fy  7:8  26  13
Fz  3:5  11:5  26
Mz pC/Nm  160  740  456—1677
Range Fx ; Fy kN 5 1 0:25
Fz 5 þ 20 2 0:25
Mz Nm 200 35 8
Static compliance hxx ; hyy 103 lm/N  2:5 7 4
hzz  0:5 5 4
Static errors eFx 6 %FSO 1 1.30 0.5
eFy 1 1.48 0.5
eFz 1 1.27 0.5
eMz 1 1.29 0.5
Cross-talk jGxy =Gxx j 6% 2 0.32 2
jGxz =Gxx j 1 0.77 2
jGyx =Gyy j 2 0.48 2
jGyz =Gyy j 1 2.36 2
jGzx =Gzz j 2 0.56 2
jGzy =Gzz j 1 NS 2

It can be also noticed that the modular design of dyna- The working environment for data analysis was Math-
mometer base allows to easily install the measuring device Works MATLAB.
both on lathes and milling machines. Eventually, the whole device was assembled and each
After definition of dynamometer design and materials, load cell was preloaded up to 10 kN, as recommended by
main mechanical components were manufactured and sensor manufacturer.
assembled. The three components F x ; F y and F z of the resultant
Each sensor was connected to a dedicated charge force acting on the device and the main cutting torque
amplifier Kistler type 5073A311 by using lubricant Mz were derived from linear combinations of the nine
resistant cables. Output signals derived from charge available sensor signals, by considering the orientation of
amplifiers were transmitted to National Instruments each sensor with respect to the chosen reference frame.
analog input modules NI9215 installed on a National The coefficients of this basic linear model were slightly
Instruments chassis cDAQ-9178, further connected via refined in order to take into account small sensor rotations
USB to a PC. Sensor signals were sampled and recorded (caused by the assembly phase) with respect to their nom-
by using a specific software developed in LabVIEW inal position, by direct comparison with the data collected
environment. Sampling frequency was set to 25 kHz. during the static calibration phase.
G. Totis et al. / Measurement 49 (2014) 164–181 171

Fig. 4. (a) Exploded view of designed dynamometer; (b) FEM simulation of static behavior; (c) FEM simulation of dynamic behavior, under ideal clamping
conditions (triangle configuration based on 3 sensors, top plate and workpiece made of aluminum Al7075).

3. Static calibration cells. However, such static errors were greatly reduced
when machining, as evidenced in Section 5.
Static calibration was performed by using calibrated Static cross-talk is a signal disturbance caused by an
weights of known masses which were applied to a special external force acting along a direction different from that
workpiece fixed on the device, one direction at a time, corresponding to the signal. In order to estimate cross-talk
according to the standard procedure adopted for instance errors, the following procedure was adopted, as proposed
by Jin et al. in [33]. The quasi-static forces were compared by the authors in [21]. For each new sensor signal the step-
with the known input forces in order to evaluate the static wise regression [34] was applied in order to estimate the
characteristics of the dynamometer. By doing so, admissi- static gains Gij :
ble force ranges, as well as static relative errors and 2 3 2 32 3
cross-talk disturbances were evaluated. F x;out Gxx Gxy Gxz F x;in
6 7 6 76 7
Static and dynamic characteristics of the new device 4 F y;out 5 ¼ 4 Gyx Gyy Gyz 54 F y;in 5 ð13Þ
were compared to two high-end commercial dynamome- F z;out Gzx Gzy Gzz F z;in
ters, namely Kistler 9272 (Drilling Dyn) and Kistler
9256C1 (Mini Dyn). where F j;in (with j ¼ x; y or z) are the effective input forces
Results of static calibration are summarized in Table 3. and F j;out are the force components measured by the device.
It is worth noting that the sensitivity of the proposed The ratios of the cross-gains Gij to the direct-gains Gii were
device along cutting force components F x ; F y and F z is sim- computed and considered as cross-talk indicators. When
ilar to that of Mini Dyn, which is specifically designed for the ratio Gij =Gii is classified as not significant – NS – it
micro milling applications. However, the measuring range th
means that the i output direction was not significantly
of the new device is considerably wider than that of Mini th
disturbed by cross-talk deriving from the j input direction
Dyn, in accordance with outlined sensor specifications. In according to the stepwise regression results. As evidenced
addition, the new device allows cutting torque measure- in Table 3, the obtained cross-talk indicators are satisfac-
ment with intermediate sensitivity and measuring range tory, since they are not significantly greater than the
among those of Mini Dyn and Drilling Dyn, as desired. threshold of 2% declared for Mini Dyn.
Static relative errors were fairly small, although they
were slightly higher than the values declared by sensor
manufacturer for the reference dynamometers. This not 4. Dynamics identification
excellent behavior  measured under quasi-static loading
conditions  was likely due to the lower Young’s modulus The identification of dynamometers dynamics was
of the aluminum alloy chosen as top plate material, which accomplished by means of pulse tests [35]. Each dyna-
could be in contrast with the higher stiffness of the load mometer was excited by using an impact hammer Dytran
172 G. Totis et al. / Measurement 49 (2014) 164–181

Fig. 5. (a) Drilling Dyn (left), Delta Dyn (right) and respective reference frames during all experimental measurements. (b) Pulse testing procedure for
identification of the Empirical Transfer Function Estimates ETFEs of Delta Dyn, by hammering in the axial, radial and tangential directions. (c) Pulse testing
procedure on Mini Dyn and corresponding reference frame.

type 5800B4, (sensitivity 2.41 mV/N) connected to a Kistler Amplitude of direct ETFEs W ii ðjxÞ are given in Figs. 6
amplifier type 5134B. and 7, while cross-ETFEs W ji ðjxÞ were negligible within
Plate dynamometers were fixed on the machine tool ta- the frequency range of interest. As expected, low-
ble of a 5-axis CNC milling machine Chiron FZ15S, both for frequency resonances below 3 kHz are visible in all the
dynamic identification and cutting tests described in next diagrams, which basically derive from the low-frequency
section. For the sake of comparison, the reference frames vibration modes of the machine tool basement, machine
of all the considered devices were aligned as shown in tool table and dynamometer base plus the residual part
Fig. 5. Samples with special geometry were realized and of the dynamometer including the workpiece, which prac-
fixed on each device in order to test both radial (F x ), axial tically behaves as a rigid body in the low-frequency range.
(F z ) and tangential (F y ; M z ) directions. In order to study Such resonances are partially compensated thank to the
the influence of workpiece mass on dynamometer dynam- physical principle described in Section 2.2. The efficacy of
ics, two samples with the same geometry but made of dif- compensation does mainly depend on the inertial mass
ferent materials were considered. Specifically, one sample in front of the sensing elements, as demonstrated by the
was made of Al7075 aluminum alloy (68 g) and the other worse dynamic behavior observed with the heavier sample
made of C45 steel (190 g). For a given sample material, made of steel. In addition, several other important reso-
sample geometry was adapted from one device to the nance peaks are present above 4 kHz, which derive from
other in order to allow proper fixing by contemporary the dynamic behavior of the subsystem in front of the load
keeping a constant mass. cells and from its complex dynamic interaction with the
For each device and sensing direction, the Empirical rest of the machining system. It is worth noting that the
Transfer Function Estimate (ETFE) was computed by using dominant resonance peaks of the new device are located
Eq. 5, in agreement with the standard modal analysis pro- above 4 kHz, in fairly good accordance with the resonance
cedures described in [36]. By comparing the hammer sig- frequencies estimated by FEM and listed in Table 2.
nal F i;in applied along ith direction with the dynamometer The frequency bandwidth along a given direction can
measured component F j;out along the jth direction, the be defined as the first relevant deviation of the ETFE
Empirical Transfer Function Estimates ETFEs of the dyna- amplitude from the 3 dB bandwidth. When mounting
mometer were obtained, as follows: the lighter workpiece, the frequency bandwidth of the
new dynamometer (Delta Dyn.) was about 2.5 kHz along
F j;out ðjxÞ
W ji ðjxÞ ¼ ð14Þ transversal directions (F x ; F y ), 2.8 kHz along axial direction
F i;in ðjxÞ
(F z ), 2.7 kHz along cutting torque direction (M z ).
G. Totis et al. / Measurement 49 (2014) 164–181 173

Fig. 6. Comparison between Drilling Dyn, Mini Dyn and new Delta Dyn dynamics with a light workpiece made of ERGAL (68 g). (a) ETFEs along X
direction; (b) ETFEs along Y direction; (c) ETFEs along Z direction; (d) ETFEs of cutting torque M z .

Fig. 7. Comparison between Drilling Dyn, Mini Dyn and new Delta Dyn dynamics with a relatively heavy workpiece made of C45 (190 g). (a) ETFEs along X
direction; (b) ETFEs along Y direction; (c) ETFEs along Z direction; (d) ETFEs of cutting torque M z .

From direct comparison with reference dynamometers the axial direction F z , probably because of the greater stiff-
evaluated in the same conditions, the new device shows ness of Drilling Dyn.
a significantly better dynamic behavior than Drilling Dyn On the other hand, even when mounting a light work-
along transversal and cutting torque directions (F x ; F y ; M z ) piece on Mini Dyn, its frequency bandwidth gets consider-
while its dynamic performance is slightly worse along ably narrower with respect to the natural frequencies
174 G. Totis et al. / Measurement 49 (2014) 164–181

Fig. 8. Experimental setup for cutting tests.

Table 4
List of tools used during cutting tests.

Tool Code Description

1 SANDVIK R216.32 16025 Uncoated, fine grained cemented carbide end-mill with D ¼ 16 mm, z ¼ 2 flutes, helix angle ka ¼ 25, working
AP20A H10F side rake cf ¼ 13, working side clearance af ¼ 9.

2 SANDVIK R216.34 06050 Fine grained cemented carbide end-mill with thin TiAlN coating, D ¼ 6 mm, z ¼ 4 flutes, helix angle ka ¼ 50,
AK13P 1620 working side rake cf ¼ 10:5, working side clearance af ¼ 9.

3 SANDVIK R840-0330-50- Cemented carbide drill with TiN/TiAlN coating, D ¼ 3:3 mm, working cutting edge angle v ¼ 70.
A1A 1220

declared in sensor datasheet (above 5 kHz). As a conse- Cutting tests were carried out on ERGAL aluminum
quence, in real operating conditions Mini Dyn dynamics alloy using a 2-flute end-mill cutter and a small width of
are only slightly superior than those of the new device, cut. This was performed in order to cause an impulsive
confirming the satisfactory characteristics of the proposed behavior, such as the rotating pulse tests described in
configuration. [21], see Fig. 9. It is worth noting that Mini Dyn and Delta
Dyn correctly reproduced the effect of the very rapid
5. Cutting tests engagement between each cutting edge and the workpiece,
whereas Drilling Dyn signals slightly overestimated the
In order to compare the characteristics of the new mea- effective input forces and were affected by large oscilla-
suring system with the reference plate dynamometers, tions disturbing the zero-signal level. These undesired sig-
several cutting tests on special benchmark workpieces nal features were due to sensor dynamics, i.e. to the typical
with different cutting tools were carried out, as shown in mass-spring-damper behavior illustrated in Section 2.2.
Fig. 8. Each cutting test was repeated on each dynamome- Complex interrupted cutting conditions were also mea-
ter by using the same cutting tool on a (nominally) identi- sured on aluminum, as shown in Fig. 10. The effects of
cal workpiece, and by applying the same cutting intermittent cutting and variable uncut chip thickness
conditions. Obviously, it was not possible to apply several were accurately measured by Mini Dyn and Delta Dyn,
dynamometers for simultaneous cutting force measure- whereas Drilling Dyn measurements were characterized
ments. This would have in fact required to fix one device by dynamic fluctuations overlapping the effective input
on the other, thus dramatically altering the dynamical signals.
response of both devices. Eventually, face milling and low-immersion peripheral
Milling tests were carried out with different end-mill milling tests were investigated on C45 by using a 4-flute
cutters (described in Table 4) on special workpiece made end-mill cutter, as illustrated in Figs. 11 and 12, respec-
of ERGAL and C45. In order to test the capabilities of the tively. In such circumstances, the effects of teeth run-out
measuring systems on a wide variety of cutting conditions, on process mechanics were clearly evidenced by all the
different cutter-workpiece radial engagements and cutting measuring devices.
parameters combinations were investigated, in accordance It has to be remarked that Mini Dyn signals were the
with the Design of Experiments reported in Table 5. most correlated with theoretical instantaneous uncut chip
G. Totis et al. / Measurement 49 (2014) 164–181 175

Table 5
Design of experiments for cutting tests.

Test Tool Cutting speed vc Spindle speed n Feed per tooth fz Depth of cut ap Configuration Workpiece
no. no. (m/min) (rpm) (mm) (mm)
1 1 754 15,000 0.1 0.8 Rotating pulse test (Fig. 9) ERGAL
2 1005 20,000 (Al7075)
3 754 15,000 1 Complex interrupted cutting (Fig. 10)
4 1005 20,000
5 754 15,000 1.5
4 1005 20,000
7 2 151 8000 0.033 0.2 Rotating pulse test – Face milling C45
8 203 10,750 (Fig. 11)
9 254 13,500
10 151 8000 0.4
11 203 10,750
12 254 13,500
13 151 8000 0.8
14 203 10,750
15 254 13,500
16 151 8000 1.2
17 203 10,750
18 254 13,500
19 151 8000 2 Peripheral down milling (Fig. 12)
20 203 10,750 with ae =D ¼ 3:3%
21 254 13,500
22 151 8000 Peripheral down milling (Fig. 12) with
23 203 10,750 ae =D ¼ 6:7%
24 254 13,500
25 3 83 8000 0.05 Dead hole drilling ( 4 mm deep, Fig. 14)
26 166 16,000

Fig. 9. Comparison between dynamometers signals during a rotating pulse test executed on aluminum workpiece with 2-flutes endmill (test n.1 of
Table 5).
176 G. Totis et al. / Measurement 49 (2014) 164–181

Fig. 10. Comparison between dynamometers signals during a complex interrupted cutting operation executed on aluminum workpiece with 2-flutes
endmill (test n.5 of Table 5).

thickness, which further depended on cutter geometry X


(including teeth run-out), cutter-workpiece radial immer-

F out;p ðt Þ ¼ ch ejhxT t ð16Þ
sion and cutting parameters. This was due to the superior
static and dynamic characteristics of Mini Dyn. where xT ¼ 2p=T is the main spindle pulsation.
However, an excellent qualitative agreement between Accordingly, the accuracy of the new device was evalu-
the new dynamometer (Delta Dyn) and Mini Dyn was gen- ated by comparing the Fourier coefficients extracted from
erally observed, especially along F x and F y directions. Delta Dyn (and Drilling Dyn) signals to the Fourier coeffi-
In order to assess the accuracy of the new device – cients extracted from Mini Dyn signals in the same cutting
closeness of the measured output to the effective conditions.
input – Mini Dyn signals were taken as main reference The following ratios were then calculated
for comparison, i.e. they were considered as representative    
 ch;iQ   F iQ ðjxh Þ 
of the effective input force F in .  ¼  i ¼ x; y; z; Q ¼ D; D ð17Þ
c  F ðjx Þ;
The measured signal F out can be decomposed into the h;iM iM h

sum for estimating Delta Dyn and Drilling Dyn dynamic accu-
F out ðtÞ ¼ F out;p ðtÞ þ F out;a ðtÞ ð15Þ racy (subscript D and D respectively).
In order to quantify the accuracy of the static term in a
where F out;p is the T-periodic component while F out;a is the simple way, the static relative errors - expressed with re-
residual (aperiodic) component. spect to the static Fourier coefficient derived from Mini
Under stationary and stable cutting conditions the Dyn c0;iM - were first computed, as follows
effective input signal F in is practically T-periodic, where c0;iQ  c0;iM
T ¼ 60=ð2pnÞ is the spindle revolution period. The mea- e0;iQ ¼ ½% i ¼ x; y; z; Q ¼ D; D ð18Þ
sured signal is the output of a damped dynamic linear sys-
tem, thus it should be periodic with the same period T, Standard deviations of relative errors are reported in
after the free oscillations have faded out. Table 6. Such relative percentages correspond to an abso-
Thus, the periodic term F out;p should be dominant, while lute static error of less than 1.5 N along all directions, by
the aperiodic term F out;a should be low. considering an average static term of about 20 N along x
The periodic term was then written as a Fourier series, and y directions and about 6 N along z direction, as ob-
as follows tained from the performed cutting tests. It is worth noting
G. Totis et al. / Measurement 49 (2014) 164–181 177

Fig. 11. Comparison between dynamometers signals during a face milling operation executed on C45 workpiece with 4-flutes endmill (test n.15 of Table 5).

Fig. 12. Comparison between dynamometers signals during a peripheral down milling operation executed on C45 workpiece with 4-flutes endmill (test
n.24 of Table 5).
178 G. Totis et al. / Measurement 49 (2014) 164–181

Table 6
Performance indicators derived from cutting tests.

Description Dir. i Mini Dyn Drilling Dyn Delta Dyn

Static term accuracy: st. dev. of relative error r e0;i (%) x 0(Ref.) 4.4 4.8
y 0(Ref.) 15.2 11.1
z 0(Ref.) 20.4 23.3
Average standard deviation of aperiodic signal component ( repeatability) r F i;a (N) x 3.12 3.55 2.74
y 2.94 3.44 2.59
z 1.08 1.01 1.32
Average absolute drift of zero-signal level DF i;0 =Dt  (N/s) x 0.024 0.044 0.038
y 0.033 0.040 0.036
z 0.057 0.115 0.089

Fig. 13. (a), (c), (e): Comparison in the frequency domain obtained from cutting tests between Drilling Dyn and Mini Dyn. (b), (d), (f): Comparison in the
frequency domain obtained from cutting tests between Delta Dyn and Mini Dyn.

that this static absolute error is considerably smaller than Specifically, the average standard deviation of the aperi-
the static error detected during the static calibration phase odic signal term was applied to measure the repeatability,
( 1:5% FSO). Thus, the static behavior of the new device in as shown in Table 6. However, it has to be stressed out that
real machining operations was considered satisfactory. this procedure tends to overestimate the signal variability,
Although the static performance of the new device dur- since the aperiodic term is contaminated by both random
ing cutting was comparable to that of Drilling Dyn, the measurement noise and colored process noise due to
greatest improvements were achieved in terms of dynamic measuring chain dynamics. According to such an indicator,
accuracy, as evidenced in Fig. 13. The new device shows in- Delta Dyn and Drilling Dyn were affected by similar errors,
deed a good dynamic response up to about 3 kHz, whereas which were significantly greater than those affecting
some relevant deviations from the 3 dB bandwidth are Mini Dyn.
present at lower frequencies in the case of Drilling Dyn. Small deviations of the zero-signal level during machin-
In order to characterize the repeatability of the new ing were also examined. For each device and sensing
measuring device – capability of producing the same direction the average absolute drift detected during the
output for a given input, independently from its closeness cutting tests was estimated and listed in Table 6. The
to the input – the aperiodic term F out;a was analyzed. results are satisfactory: the performance of Delta Dyn
G. Totis et al. / Measurement 49 (2014) 164–181 179

Fig. 14. Comparison between axial force and torque signals measured with Drilling Dyn and with Delta Dyn during a dead hole drilling operation with
carbide drill (test n.26 of Table 4, with spindle speed n ¼ 16; 000 rpm and feed f ¼ 0:1 mm/rev).

was indeed intermediate between that of Drilling Dyn and 6. Conclusions

that of Mini Dyn. Anyway, the removal of signal bias is nec-
essary from time to time: this is a minor drawback affect- In this work, an innovative plate dynamometer for
ing all dynamometers based on piezoelectric sensors. advanced machining applications was conceived and
Eventually, some drilling tests were also executed by developed. The new device was designed for precise tool-
applying the new device and Drilling Dyn for comparison, workpiece material characterization in milling and drilling
since the special equipment for measuring cutting torques operations performed with relatively small cutters and
with Mini Dyn was not available. In general, signal analysis high spindle speeds. It is suitable for middle-range applica-
evidenced a good correspondence between the measured tions among those covered by existing commercial dyna-
signals, as illustrated in Fig. 14. In detail, the typical ramps mometers, usually limited to either conventional
due to entrance and exit of the drill from the workpiece are machining or micro machining.
clearly visible in both axial force F z and cutting torque M z The device is capable of measuring the three main com-
signals, as well as the high-frequency fluctuations due to ponents of the resultant cutting force (F x ; F y and F z up to
tool revolution. Both average trends and dynamic fluctua- 1–2 kN) and the main cutting torque (M z , up to 35 Nm,
tions detected by Delta Dyn are very well correlated with only when performing drilling operations). It should be
Drilling Dyn signal features. It has to be recalled that dril- pointed out that the measuring ranges of the new device
ling tests were performed at different times on the two are intermediate between those of high-end commercial
measuring devices separately, thus justifying minor dis- dynamometers considered as a reference. In addition, the
crepancies among dynamometers’ signals. dynamometer satisfied all the requirements outlined in
In short, the new dynamometer exhibited outstanding Section 2.1.
static and dynamic characteristics when applied for real According to the developed mathematical model of sen-
machining. Accordingly, it will allow accurate and repeat- sor dynamics, high-frequency resonances mainly due to
able cutting force and torque measurements of advanced workpiece, clamping elements and dynamometer top plate
cutting processes such as high-speed machining and some cannot be eliminated. On the contrary, low-frequency
micro machining operations. dynamic disturbances deriving from dynamometer base,
On the contrary, Drilling Dyn may not be suitable for machine tool table and basement can be effectively
investigating advanced applications in the field of high-speed compensated by minimizing the inertial mass in front
machining or micromachining, which would require a wider of the sensing elements. Thus, dynamometer design
frequency bandwidth, i.e. a better dynamic response. optimization was based on these contrasting principles:
180 G. Totis et al. / Measurement 49 (2014) 164–181

maximization of static stiffness and first resonance during the cutting tests. Signal analysis evidenced the
frequency of the device (imagined in ideal clamping satisfactory performance of the new device, which was
conditions), minimization of the inertial mass in front of intermediate among that of Mini Dyn and that of Drilling
the load cells and minimum cost. Dyn, as expected.
Three high sensitivity triaxial piezoelectric cells were Eventually, the effectiveness of the developed prototype
chosen as primary sensing elements, arranged according for measuring high-speed drilling operations was proved
to an innovative triangular configuration. Geometry and by direct comparison with Drilling Dyn measurements.
materials of mechanical parts composing the device were In short, the new device extends the measuring range of
optimized by performing static and dynamic FEM simula- the most accurate commercial plate dynamometer (Mini
tions. ERGAL aluminum alloy was selected as top plate Dyn) by exhibiting similar dynamic properties. It would
material, since it assured adequate static compliance be of further interest to apply it for investigating the chip
and satisfactory resonance frequency by concurrently formation mechanism in novel advanced milling and dril-
minimizing the inertial mass in front of the load cells. A ling operations.
first prototype of the proposed device was realized and
Static calibration was carried out, showing that static
errors were fairly small (below 1.5% FSO), although
This work was supported by Keymec, Centre for
slightly higher than those of the reference dynamometers
Research, Innovation and Training in the field of Precision
(Kistler ‘‘Drilling Dyn’’ and ‘‘Mini Dyn’’). Cross-talk indica-
Mechanics, San Vito al Tagliamento (PN), Italy, which is
tors were satisfactory, since they were not significantly
gratefully acknowledged. The authors would also like to
greater than the threshold of 2% characterizing the most
thank Kistler company for the technical support.
accurate among the reference dynamometers.
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