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3Wj'taj AGRUIC


Food and Fertilizer Technology Center

Agriculture Building, 14 Wen Chow Street, Taipei

Taiwan, Republic of China

May 1980



This book attempts to put into one volume

country experiences and results of
studies on integrated tricommodity farming
system in some Asian countries, particularly
those of China (Taiwan), Korea, Thailand, Malaysia
and Philippines.
The growing concern today to maximize production
through optimum utilization of
resources has directed government efforts towards
developing production systems and
strategies that would give the maximum returns
to the farmer producer. With limited
possibility of expansion of land for cultivation
in most Asian countries, the integration
of crop, livestock and fish appears to be a logical
approach towards this end.
While this system of farming has been existing
in the rural areas, the advantages
that can be derived from it have been widely
recognized only recently. Undoubtedly,
rural families have benefited from the system
in the form of either additional income
or better nutr~tion. To maximize the bei~efits
that can be derived from tricommodity
integration, there is a need to look into the practices
that farmers employ, some of which
may appear fundamentally unsound from experts'
standpoints, and from there evolve a
system that must fit into the farmer's resources,
capabilities and needs as well as the
socio-economic and agro-climatic conditions
around him.
It was against this background that the Center
sponsored the Symposium-workshop
on 'Integrated farming' which
was held at the PCARR Headquarters
in Los Banos, Laguna, Philippines on November
19-24, 1979.
this volume, which were presented at the symposium-workshop, The articles contained in
status of existing integrated farming systems give an overview of the
in Asia and cover a discussion of the various
concerns involved in the system. By putting
all the papers together in a book form,
we believe that the scattered information that
has been generated in the various parts

of the region will better serve

the purpose
of providing the much needed information
on this emerging technology.

We would like to thank our co-sponsors, the

Philippine Council for Agriculture and
Resources Research (PCARR), Southeast Asian
Regional Center for Graduate Study and
Training in Agriculture (SEARCA), and the
SEAFDEC-Asian Institute of Aquaculture,
for the very valuable support and help that
they provided in the arrangements and im­
plementation of the symposium-workshop.

Director, FFTC
May 1980

Tricommodity integration has been successfully

demonstrated in the Republic of
China, Malaysia, Thailand and several other
countries in the region. Taken as a single
unified farming enterprise composed uf three
management and the interrelated technologies complementary cqmmodities, resource
required by the system become more
complex than a one-commodity farming system.

Waste recycling, the key feature of the system,

resources and offers a three-point advantage provides for optimun. utilization of
over the other systems: it does not only
increase farm incomes but also cbntrol pollution,
enhande and conserve other resources
that would otherwise be used for the same purposes.
Integrated farming systems are in various stages of development in the region. With
most practices still traditional in nature and
without much scientific basis, the focus
in most Asian countiies has been on applied
research that would make the system an
economically viable enterprise for the farmer
with a smali land base and surplus labor.
The papers included in this volume indicate
livestock-fish farming and point to the need the complexity of integrated crop­
to evolve systems that are location- and
situation-specific. The country case reports
(i.e., Taiwan, Korea, Japan) also bring out
the significance of farmer's associations and
government support services in the successful
operation of the enterprise. From the discussions
and papers presented during the
symposium.workshop, several important issues
have emerged:
- Analysis of the nature, availability and
socio-economic resources is essential in determining distribution of the environmental and
the most beneficial cropping pattern
or farm enterprises to be pursued in d given situation.

- While multicommodity farming may offer more

systems, the introduction of more commodities
advantages than monocropping

will require new management skills

and give rise to less uniform recommendations.
Thus, the technologies must be verified

at the farm level in specific locations and

situations under various agro-climatic zones.

- The development of a systematic cooperative

farmer's associations should be a major concern marketing scheme through the
farmer's associations could overcome the of any project. The organization of
limitations to wide adoption of integrated
farming. In small-scale individual operations,
complementation among the commodities
is possible, but as farm enterprises become
more diversified and larger in scale, the rela­
tionships tend to be competitive.
- There is definitely a need for more
for technolog, packaging and dissemination applied research to verify existing practices
and for extension work oriented towards
the small farmer.
farmers as well as rural women on
- There is a need for training of and the management
to receive the new technology
farming system to prepare them workers
go with it; similarly, a training for government officials and extension
skills that small
them towards an integrated approach of providing services to
is needed to reorient
the pre-feasibility project studies
We have also included in this volume livestock or fish as

farming with either crop,

by the participants for each integrated the groups were

commodity. Some basic assumptions were made since

the principal considering the
with the difficulty of making specific recommendations
confronted brought out
Several important comments were
complexities of variables involved. of limited time, these
the presentation of these studies by the groups, but because
during outputs. Never­
not been incorporated in the original
comments and other changes have to those who
studies would serve as a guideline
theless, we hope that these pre-feasibility need to develop
to go into integrated farming and would
would have viability.

the system and show its economic

project proposals to operationalize
time to write
of appreciation is due to all the participants who have taken As a
A word
assigned to them and have actively participated in the discussions.
on the topics condensed. Special
most of the papers presented have had to be
space consideration, of PCARR, and her
are due to Dr. Elvira 0. Tan, Director, Fisheries Division
thanks the seminar.workshop,
arrangements before and during
staff for taking care of the local discussions for each
documenting and summarizing the
to the Secretariat for patiently preliminary
Applied Communication Division for
day, to Ignacio Pagsuberon of PCARR's time, talent and expertise.
others who shared their
editing of the papers, and many

Milagros H. Tetangco
May 1980

1. Imperatives for an Integrated Farming System .................... 1

Joseph C. Madamba
2. Resource Utilization in Integrated Farming with Crop as Major Enterprise ............... 8

Diosdado A. Carandang
3. Integrated Farming. with Fish as Major Enterprise .............................. 22

Catalino R?.dela Cruz

4. Integrated Farming with Livestock as Major Enterprise:
A Case Study of the Mailiao Project in Taiwan ................................
Huanp, Chia
5. The Philippine Experience in Integrated Farming'Systems ............ 43

Elvira 0. Tan
6. Integrated Farming in Thailand ..........................................
Somsak Janesirisak
7. Integrated Farming in Chilwon Village: A Case Study
Youl-Mo Dong
8. Integrated Farming in Malaysia ..........................................
Ali Bin Ismail
9. Sarawak Inland Fisheries and Aquaculture Development Program on Integrated Farming
.... 76
OIng Kee Bian
10. Maya Farming System ................................................
Felix D. Maram ba, Sr.
11. Development of Regional Complex Upland Farming-
Two Successful Cases in Hokkaido, Japan ................................... 85

Tadashi Tenma
12. Integrated Rice Mill and Farm Complex in Thailand:
Test Model for Environmental Assessment ...................................
Reynaldo M. Lesaca
13. Aii Economic Analysis of the Integrated Farming in Taiwan ..........
Chaur Shyan Lee
14. Utilization of Hog Wastes in Tawan Through Anaerobic Fermentation ................ 119

C. 4. Hong, M. T. Koh, T. Y. Chow, P. H. Tsai and King-Thom Chung

15. Pre-feasibiity Studies

Group I Integrated Farming with Crop as the Major Enterprise ....... 134

Group II Integrated Farming with Livestock as the Major Enterprise

.... 137
Group III Integrated Farming with Fish as the Majoe Enterprise ....... 141

16 List of Participants ..................................................



Joseph Q, .adamba


A mult-commodity farming system presents more advantages to farmers than a mono-cropping

system. However, the commodity mix must fit into the particulr farmer's capability, resources, and
needs as well as the social, economic and environmental forces around him.

While a crop-livestock-fish farming system appears tc be, P- indeed is a very attractive innovation,
its management is not going to bs as easy as it looks. It L. - a mare addition of one or two more
commodities to the farmer's existing crop but an entirely new farming system which requires a new.set
of technological introductions and management skills. Also, as you increase the number of commodities
you will find that you are decreasing the latitude for uniformity of recommendations.

We must recognize that in the Asian setting, most farmers rarely operate a one-commodity farming
system. In this, they are well ahead of us. And the fect that they have survived shows that they have
fairly well managed a multi-commodity farming system, however Iprimitive and unprofitable from
experts' standpoints their way of doing it may be.

Our three-fold task therefore is simply to 7ind ways to improve on the system, to develop accept­
able and appropriate tricommodity farming systems for areas and farms that do not yet, but have the
capability to, put into application this kind of enterprise, and to find ways to promote tnis system of

Some Previous Findings and Recommendations

An expert group meeting convened by FAO in Bangkok in June 1976 discussed several case
studies on crop-livestock integration at the nmall farm level'.

Some of their findings include the following:

1. Aneed to reorient programs and policies biased towards the small farmers.

2. Failures in development traced to inappropriate policy- for instance, pursuance of mono­

culture or sing!e activity approach; inapprbpriate borrowed technology to suit large scale or commercial
production without any consideraticn for local potentials; inadequatb knowledge for 3xploiting local
resurce among the technicians and neglect of indigenous knowledge an" Lputs; adaptation of tech­
nology that would create almost permanent dependency on n4ustrialized countries; institutional defi­
ciencies specially land institutions; and lack of suitable support service and failure to understand human
reources as a major form of capital available in agriculture.

- 1­
3. Crop-livestock integra~ion
is the most effective
who has a small landbase and possible way
to help the small
but surplus labor. farmer
The wide differences
counties themselves, in the region's agroclimatic
would require the situations, as
well as differences
conditions i.e., heavy formulation of different within the
rainfall areas, cry
areas, hill areas, lowlands,sets of activities to suit these various
uplands, and tree.crop
5. It was also Pointed plantations.
out that there are
several animals and
attention. fowls that have not
received due
The same group of
experts recommended
the following which
Firstly, there must we may find relevant
be fuller to our problem:
means by which utilization of local crop by-products
water buffalo and as it is one of the
iundbase. It was goat production most promising
however, recognized can be produced
the required mechanism that constraints, such economically with
for as lack of suitable a limited
be successfully implemented. supporting services will have to technology, lack
The experts noted be overcome before
that labor intensive these programs can
emphasized considering production syi-tems
the available surplus should be
labor in the family
Secondly, a cropping farming system.
pattern and livestock
integration plan should
with the farmer who be worked out in
has to implement consultation
the plan.
Thirdly, in working
(i.e. feed and fodder out an integration
in the case of livestock system, attention must be given
integration into a to
consider the farm
by-products, their cropping system) the total farm resource
treatment of the farmer; we
and conservation; should
Fourthly, they suggested and
develop suitable technology for national institutions
applicable to the to look further into
small farmer and small farmers' problems
farm laborer family and
Production system.

Mclnernev3 gives
economic effects three criteria for
sufficient to justify an
innovative project
calculus; b) it must its adoption in terms to be successful:
a) it must generate

create social and distributive of what he calls the

and c) it must promise effects consistent conventional appraisal

a continuing development with the rural development

effect which sustains strategy;
throughout the rural change in a desired

Three requirenients
Package suited to have been identified
the particular development to meet these criteria for success.
end adoption of purpose; second, a First,
this technological
package; and third, rural system conducive a technological
a continuing basis.
management of the to the reception
It is assumed that ensuing change process
left entirely
to chance the generation and
and must therefore adoption of new fanning on
be fostered by concerted technology cannot
on the part of national policies and investment be
govezrunent and development activities
We are reminded that
of technical components the first requirement
that is complete, reliablefor successful innovation is the availability
it is to be applied. and Properly designed of a Package
Second, the Package for the condition
attitudes and abilities of technology must within which
in the region since be
social attitudes have fanning is not solely consistent with the human attributes,
a Pervasive influence. a technical system
A third requirement but-is one
is to include an information in which

"2 ­
in a development project. This is bamd on the fact that innovation represents the introduction of novel
inputs and methods into the farning system, therefore, a project may be ineffective or even dangerous in
the absence of appropriate knowledge, or even in an incomplete form. Finally, it is deemed essential
that newly introduced technology must havo a high probability of technical success at its first trial, and
must be perceived to offer reliability. This is certainly necessary to protect the welfare of the innovating
farmer and to serve as an effective demonstration to encourage adoption and continued use.



From these observations, recommendations, and expert opinions, one essential consideration
seems to stand out: technology that should finally be promoted for adoption must itself be evolved from
tho farms with the participation of the farmers themselves. This would take care of the requirements of
location and situation specificity; its having to be shaped by the existing socio-economic conditions
and farmer's attitudes; and its being simple enough and tailored to fit the management environment and
resources of the farmer. A mechanism is therefore needed to institutionalize and coordinate among our
countries or within national systems the evolution and transfer of appropriate integrated tri-commodity
farming systems for different rural situations. This calls for a concept and a machinery to integrate
thb technology with the general scheme and mainstream of area development activities now going on
in various countres.

Resource Management Concept

It is suggested that we look at the integrated farming system in terms of an industry model. In
this respect, we are borrowing from a model which has been developed for the aquaculture industry.
Designed as an industry development support scheme, the model consists of thre3 components, namely:
the production support component, production component, and marketing component. Treated in
the context of an induzory system, the production support and the marketing subsystems are the macro
components while the production subsvstem- which in the model consists of the various individual
intearated farming system enterprises- is considered and treated as the micro-component (Figure 1).
The macro-components consider the various elements in the production support and marketing systems,
while the micro-component considers the process by which production may be increased effectively and
more profitably.

Seed/stock sources Marketing

Credit Processing
Infrastructure Production Storago
Technology Units > Ps-avs
Other Production handling
inputs Others

Support Production Marketing

(Macro-component) (Micro-component) (Mapro-component)
Production support includes the delivery and provision of production inputs like seed orstock,
feeds, fertilizers, credit, the technology component and relevant information about it, and the industry
infrastructure. The production units are essentially composed of the farmers themselves who would
have to be organized into associations or cooperatives. The third subsystem includes the post-harvest

handling and treatM~nt, marketing, processing,
Storage and distribution of the outputs.
would enable the producers to take optimum This component
advantage of market opportunities.
While the scheme could be worked
out at
operationalized into a wider area development the village level, it can very well be translated and
project. It would need an integrated
development of the tri-commodity.based approach to the
farming systems. Such an integration
the various institutions that provide will be worked out by
the different support services as identified
macro-componant systems, i.e. extension, in the model's two
research and development, markets,
farm suppliers, banks
and lending institutions etc.

A mechanism to link the production

to the marketing system would have units back to the production support
to be forged for an integrated area approach system and forward
systems development. The nature and to integrated farming
function of such linking and integrative
er the proposition that the tri-commodity mechanisms'must consid­
farming system is a single unified farming
of three complementary commodities. enterprise composed
While it sounds easy to put this into
possibility arises for integration to be a conceptual form, the
doubly complicated by the competition
ity components for resources, both within among the three commod­
a single enterprise and, more especially,
farmers in a given area. This problem among tri-commodity
will have to be partially resolved by
on the comparative profitability of thorough oconomic studies
the difierent commodities that compose
a rigid testing of the technology component the fe-ning systems and by
of the entire technology package.
This would necessarily involve the s
iting up of technology verification and
as an integral part of the development packaging programs
aspect of the tri-commodity fanning
remember that in testing the effectiveness technology. We must
and appropriateness of a multi-comrnodity
one must tesr the individual commodities farming system,
that compose the system not in isolation
A pilot project can in fact include the but in combination.
technology verification function.
Results of verification studies then
can be packaged and refined further
mendations to farmers in the areas for subsequent recom­
whose situations, conditions, and socio-oconomic
to where tho tests had been conducted. patterns are sinilar
As I said at the start, the more commodities
fanning system, the less uniform will there are for a
be your recommendations. Location.specific
technology verification studies can take and situation.specific
care of the differences. Technology
of pilot program would not only provide verification in the context
the technology package
but would
test out various collaborative mechanisms also, to a large extent,

ernong the senice and support institutions.

biggest conflicts I can foresee will occur One of the

among these institutions especially if

or vague on the aspect of coordination.
policies are non-existent
As it is, sore programs provide emphasis
support for cerain commodities. It and, therefore, more

will have to be emphasized to both

institutions tha' we are dealing with policy makers and service
an integrated farming system, not with
individual commodities
that happened Io be mixed together.

For specific activities and support servIces,

the same expert group meeting convened
forwarded the following recommendations: in Bangkok

For management, they agreed that small

farmers and agricultural laborers find
and management practices alien to their new technologies
needs and understanding. For this, they
opment and promotion of simple and recommend the devel.

low-cost management practices.

In training, the experts emphalized

on the need to make training programs
at real-problem solving for village-level practical and aimed
workers. The trainees must be exposed
problems and peospcts of small farm thoroughly to local
producers. It was suggested that training
counducted in the village and in farmers' programs should be
household areas. Further, the training
for small farmers to

prepare them to receive now
technology and management skills
agencies and officials as well ai should be enhanced; and government
the extension staff must also be
providing services to small farmers reoriented towards the now approach of
In an integrated, instead of discrete
or piece meal, manner.
As to the support services, the
recommedation was to provide
through group organizations. credit, marketing and extension
This recognizes the well-knovm
small farmers have a weak bargaining observation and fact that individually
power. Cne recommendation
earmarked exclusively for the it to have special credit programs
small farmers. On top of this,
policy measures for the farm it was suggested that appropriate
products (i.e. livestock) be adopted price
to encouirage their production
at the
small farm level.
Again, extenson services should
be provided in an integrated manner
fusion due to multiplicity of extension as a package to avoid con.


A very simple but appropriate
closer look at an integrated farming model has been drawn by Dr. A. T. Mosher' to help us
system as a business. The farm take a
combination of farm enterprises business, says Mosher, is really
which 1) support each other, a
2) distribute labor requirements,
3) jointly determine farm income. and

Mosher reminds us that the farmer

without considering them in relation cannot simply select individual
enterprises for his farm business
to one another. These enterprises
'joint costs' (i.e. a cereal crop are full of 'joint products' and
also produces straw for feeding
used to fertilize cropland, etc.), livestock; manure from livestock
which would then preclude the may be
sense and in the research and separation, both in the accounting
develepi-,-t sense, of the enterprises
According to Mosher, each farmer that compose the farm business.
would try to work out the best
fish enterprises for his own farm combinaticn of crop, livestock,
business, considering the land, and
him. Similarly, so would research labor, and other resources available
and development, particularly to
the aspect of technology verification.
The complexity of the integrated
farm business sterns from the
His choice is generally influenced farmer's choice of the enterprise.
by how he thinks of the costs
cash value of the harvest or in relation and returns- whether in terms
to his position and responsibility of the
in the rural community.
On the other hand, Mosher
own farm, its need for the food adds that if the farm family consumes most of the products
in its customary diet and for
major factor in its choice of farm other products of the farr will of its
enterprises. And, to the extent be the
choice of enterprises will be influenced that products are grown for sale,.
by the accessibility of markets the

their relative market prices. Finally. for different products and by

e farmers' opportunity for off-farm

how he uses his farm and wight empl6yment may also influence

enterprises he chooses.

In other words, the farm product

but by sociologir,: factors. It mix may not only be influenced
would be necessary therefore by purely economic forces
satisfy the farmror's socio-economic to find out what product mix
This would of would best

be technically feasible and offer course, be in addition to what

a greater advantage for the farm would

attractive and quite economically family. However, while it may

logical to think of costs and be
resistance if we insist right away returns, we may run against a
in promoting a tri-cornmmodity wall of
mix do not fit into the farmer's system where one or two of the
production activity patterns. product
introduce into a locality the technology This is where one needs a progra-nm
package with a provision to graduolly to
receive such technology. For, prepare the farmers to
while technology must be tailored
to the needs and conditions of


intended adoptors, the conditions

and receiving capacity of such
an extent that the technological adoptors can also be modified
package can fit well into the to
overall socio-economic and technical
A well-designed farmers' training
program which is closely tied in
as well as system with
could effectively provide an atmosphere a strong communications
and thereafter sustain its adoption. for technology reception

To keep the production units in
serving them is necessary. The business, a strong linking mechanism
linkage should allow not only to the various institutions
constant monitoring of the requirements, for the delivery of services but
activities and reactions of the various for the
production units.
At th6 area level, (defined by
geographic boundaries within an
essential to find out and constantly aqro-climatic zone) it r'ould be
monitor the total available resources
This would provide an up-to-date for the production units.
guide for the assessment of the
potential production capacity of
larms within the area vis.a.vis the the
management decisions in regard available resources, which in turn would
to the optimum use of these available help in the formulation of
farming system is supposed to resourct.s. While an integrated
make the most efficient use of
of it is that some resources will all available farm resources, the
not be as abundant as others and reality
by inputs supplied from outside therefore will have to be supplemented
the system.
For most small Asian
and easy to obtain. To keep farmers, such inputs are not cheap

them viable we must look into

the provision of these needed inputs
the proper amount, timing, and in
at reasonable costs.

Farmers' Organizations

Technology packages introduced

into a development program stand
and establishment if the community a greater chance of acceptance
were to be involved in the development
design and implementation of of the package, and the
expert group meeting in Bangkok program. Tilis is one of the important recommendations in
on crop-livestock integration. the
integrated rural development program Tho Comilla District experience
has shown that a strong local authority on an
tion than officials who represent can elicit better participa­
and are responsible to a remote
association would enhance, first authority. Generally, a strong farmer's
of all, their bargaining position
the farmers to take advantage and, of equal importance, would
of the market opportunities.

of the Philippines' aquaculture As Dr. Librero 2 pointed out in

industry, the small farmers arc
a study

the market because they lack mostly the victims of the vagaries
withholding power, which means of
the ability of producers to restraie-
productivity in the market when
prices are unfavorable.
As pointed out earlier, another
contact for the provision of services reason for farmer's organizations is to have a central point
(such as credit) whereby the organization of
responsibility for the proper utilization will have a collective
and repayment of loans. Information
srhemes would be, of course, delivery and training
enhanced if they involved an organized
interests, and needs. The final group with common problems,
reason is that these organizations
inputs for the production units are going to provide the management
in an integrated industry development
scheme as described in the model.

The need to utilize more efficiently available farm resources has led to the increased attention
towards farming systems that integrate more than one commodity. The tri-commodity (crop-livestock­
fish) farming system is the latest thrust among the integrated farming concepts and holds a great deal
promise for the small Asian farmer.

For successful implementation of this practice in the rural Asian setting, the following require.
ments are needed, aside from having a good and proven technological package:

1. The technology for this farming .ystem must be verified at the farm level in specific locations
and situations under various agro-climatic zones;

2. While the technology package must be tailored to the farmers, the situations and conditions
at the farmer's level may have to be also modified where appropriate to enhance the reception and
application of the technology;

3. Integrated tri-commodity farms could best operate if they were placed into the mainstream
of area development. To do this effectively would need an approach designed to bring the small.farming
units into a scheme in which they are an integral part of the agricultural industry of an area. In such
a way, efforts are organized and coordinated among the various institutions to provide the needed
support services for production and marketing; and

4. Finally, to provide a strong base for the app!n.,dtion of the integrated farming system tech­
nology, farmers must be organized into strong production units and be provided, through effective
training and extension programs, with a capbiity to fully utilize the technology as well as manage
the program.


1. FAO/UNDP. 1976. Expert Group Meeting on Livestock Programs for Small Farmers and Agricul­
tural Laborers, Proc., RAFE, Bangkok, Thailand,
2. Librero, A. R. 1978. 'Aquaculture Development for the .Rural Poor: Past/Present Trends and
Future Consideration.' Presented at the Regional Workshop on Aquaculture Development
Strategies for Asia, August 6-13, 1978. Manila, Philippines.
3. Mclnerney, J. P. 1978. The Technology of Rural Development. World Bank Staff Working
Paper No. 295. The World Bank, Washington, D. C. USA.
4. Mosher, A. T. 1966. Getting Agriculture Moving. Frederick A. Praeger, Pub., N. Y.


Diosdado A. Carandang

An integrated farming system
duction to increase the income seems to be the answer to
and improve nutrition of the the problem of increasing
Researchers on specific crops small-scale farmers with limited food pro.
do resources.
fields. Researchers on farminrc not usually consider the resources until the crops are
system, however, demand that tested in farmers
major emphasis so that the the resources of the farmers
technology can be accepted. be given
together with the technology Thus, resource utilization should
in arriving at an improved farming be considered
system (Fig. 1).
In this paper, I would like
present some data or examples to consider the various resources for cropping systems
to show how the particular enterprise and
resource is manipulated or

Farm resources

. . . . . . . . __S o c i o -c nomic
Land Light Water Markets Labor Power Cash

Integration through
• s ste s tehnoogy

Alternative cropping

Crop & Tillage Fertility Weed man- Insect man-

variety Disease Interplant Water manage.
agement agement management relations

Production technology
Fig. 1. Conceptual outline
of the cropping systems approach

"8 ­
The various resources available to. ,crop-oriented farming systems are not, nor should they be
got aside for crop production only. The various resources should be utT'"d for the cropping pattern
or farm enterprise which will provide the maximum benefits or return to resources. If the'msources
would provide better return through fish production, it would be unwise to use it for riceproduction.
The risk factor should also be considered because small-scale farmers are the ones who cannot afford
to take too much risk.


The resources can be divided into physical or natural and socio-economic resources.

-Physical or Natural Resources

Land- Each farm unit has a certain amount of land of a given topography, soil physical and
chemical characteristics. The utizationz of this land resource-i-however, dependent on the other
resources. The topography influences the water availability and would therefore affect the particular
cropping pattern to be used. If the land is dependent on rain, then the topographic feature will deter­
mine thc cropping pattern and ultimately the intensity of land use. We can visualize four positions
in the slope as shown in Fig. 2. They are: high interior bund, high side bund, intermediate bund and
low bund. Let me just expound on two of them.

High interior bund would be a paddy with no outflow or inflow. Heavy rains can infiltrate or
runoff, resulting in waterlogging. These paddies cannot be recommended for early upland crops but
it cannot accumulate enough water for early land preparation. The most intensive pattern would be
a dry.seeded rice-wet seeded rice-sorghum. At the lower bund, there is inflow but no outflow. This
paddy would be used exclusively for rice with an upland crop at the beginning of the dry season.

Water- Water is an important resource such that, we usually classify our land into a rainfed or
irrigalad land. At present, irrigated areas are intensively cultivated to lowland rice. The intensity of
cropping maybe two or possibly three crops per-year although irrigated land is generally used for two
crops. In rainfed areas, generally the lowland rice is followed by an upland crop. This practice depends
on the monthly distribution and pattern as shown in Figs. 3 and 4. Where the monthly rainfall reaches
200 mm lowland rice can be planted either through dry-seeding or transplanting. One or two crops
of lowland rice is possible depending on the number of months of rainfall. Two or three crops of
upland crops including upland rice can be planted if the monthly rainfall is less than 200 mm or about
100 mm. The intensity of land use therefore is dependent on the number of rainy months and the
amount of monthly rainfall.

High interior High side bund

Intermediate buod
L/ Low bund

Fig. 2. Four positions in the slope

. 9­
Sunli ht- The amount
climate light intensity
m ensty tsotenoui
(duration and i"tensity)
is often quite low, _ lW)Of sunlight isa critical
to inputs such as fertilizers, during the rainy months This h factor. In a monson
resoure, timing of pesticides and highly lit y
Planting as well as productive varieties. To maximize n ronse
the bost time to grow various methods of utilization of this
the crops would be during cropping should be
the used. Theoretically,
and intensity is high. summer months when the light
Unfortunatrly, this duration is long,
is also the months when
water would be limiting.
Rapid Sequencing of
of sunlight. Intercropping crops, relay planting
and intercropping may
cal. increase light be used for maximum
where the trees are interception by as utilization
old and tall as much much as 30-40%.
In this instance, intercropping as 50%of the sunlight In coconut areas,
with annuals or even reaches the ground
both ,land and sunlight. without being utilized.
While sequence crrpp'.g perennial crops would increase the
and sunlight, land should improve the utilization of
preparation or turn utilization of both
around time can seriously land, water
sequence involves lowland affect the timing especially
rice-upland crop. when the

Labor- One of the
Usually, labor utilization strong justifications for intensive land
and Productivity are use is the presence
the farmers. Various closely related to the of excess farm
crops or crop combinations type of cropping pattern labor.
It is also of interest have different labor used by
to note that the harvest requirements (Table
combination of crops and post-harvest labor 1 and Fig. 5).
therefore is needed
requirement varies.

however, that should to assure that labor The proper

be considered is the would be adequate.
6) showed different labor distribution. The other factor,
peaks of labor. As The different crops
Seasonal peak demand cropping intensity after irrigated rice (Fig.
restricts the level of increases, uneven demanid
important because cropping intensity due for labor results.
while there is excess to temporary labor
labor in the farm, shortages. This is
labor requirement
evenly. may not be distributed

Table 1. Labor requirements

of dlfferert crops or
crop combination

Sweet potato/corn
G. corn-cowpea

Soybean: 111.7
Multi-Var-80 57.9
Mungbean 39.1
Cowpea (green) 92.4
Sorghum (main crop) 192.9
Ratoon 67.7
Corn 30.7

- 10
on Rainfall A (upland crops only)
)nse B (mixed lowland-upla
(mm/mo) 200
lly, I less than 3

DIg, months of water 100

iof, Crop season

eas, R

I of



11 three to less than r

5 months of water 100l

by Crop season
5). - - - -

isis Ill five to less than 20

ted 7 months of water loo

Crop season -- _R -

IV more" than 7 0

months of water io0

Crop season
. --
R R. ----­

crop (Upland)
-- - upland crop (rice or other)
_ R_
rice (direct-seeded bunded or transplanted); it may
be upland rice ifboth the Interna
and external soil drainage are good.

Fig. 3. Crop season potential

for different water availability

- 11 ­
(mm/mo) 200


0 I
Season 1Pan Harvest
Crops: Corn Direct-seeded (dry rice)
Mung Corn (green or dry)
Peanut Cowpea (harvested green)
Sweet potato

Cowpea (green or dry)

1001 I
0' I 1
Season [ j
Crops: same as above Transplanted rice
Cowpea (harvested green)
Corn (harvested green)

100 ­
0n I I

Crops: Mung Corn Cowpea
Cowpea Soybeans Mung (if planted la
Sorghum Sweet potato Sorghum

Fig. 4. Crop suitability for different water availability regimes.

Glutinous corn
0 Preharvest labor

Field corn 3 Q Harvest & Post-harvest




Sweet potato/corn


0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 250


Fig. 5. The average labor requirements of each test crop, Batangas,

late wet season, 1974-75.

Cash or credit- One c the reasons rice farmers in the Philippines

are better cff today is availabilitj
of credit. Where intensive cropping is practiced, inputs such as
seeds, fertilizers, chemicals and othe
farm operations will need cash. For many small scale farmers, credit
is the only way to get the inputs
The amount needed and the length of time that credit is needed
will depend on the farming system!
used. Tree planting will of course require the longest and possibly
the highest credit. In a study ol
six irrigated cropping patterns discussed earlier the credit requirement
varied ,esulting in differeni
costs of credit (Table 2). Another study in farmers' field in Batangas
(Fig. 7)confirmed this. The cast
requirement varied from ? 300 to about P 800. Thus. the farmers'
decision will be greatly influenced
by cash requirement and availability.

Table 2. Cost of credit for six irrigated cropping systemsa

System Amount orrowed (/ha) Weeks borrowed Cost (/ha!


ite) 8
27 107





ttal amount of credit needed isborrowed at beginning of season paying 13% interest per annum.
S,z It7.15

A 1470 hrs.
320 hours
400 hoi

Sweet potato
c _ Sweet corn _!

B 2 120 hrs.
418 hours

Sweet corn

• .,_. Soybean I M

C 3780 hrs.
1840 hours

Soybean weet potato


D 3300 hrs.
1850 hours

__ ___


w etpo at
__ __Potato__ __ Sor. Cow peC

Sweet corn
e a J

E 170 hrs.

350 hours

Sorghum (ratoon)

F 2730 hrs
521 hours 478 hours 400 hours

a Soybean Sweet Potato Sweet corn

Corn Sweet corn Cowpea

Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar May

Fig. 6. Total and peak labor

-requirements per hectare for
listed in order of decreasing six cropping systems,
net return (arrows indicate
oeak labor requirements).

- 14 .

US $/ha
0 25 50 75 100





Field corn

Glutinous corn


Sweet potato/corn

0 100 200 300 400

500 600 700 800


7. Total cash costs per hectare of each test crop, Batangas, late wet season,

Power source- The power that a small scale farmer has may determine the type
of cropping
pattern to use and the intensity of land use. A common question is whether
to use small tractor or to use
draft animal. The type of cropping system most efficient in a hand operation
may not be particularly
well suited to animal power or an animakoriented pattern may not
be suited to small hand tractors. In
Indonesia for instance, extensive intercropping has been attributed
to lack of farm power in the area.
On the other hand, Bradfield has shown that an intensive cropping
is possible if a hand tractor is used
which otherwise may not be possible if only hand or carabao is available
as a power source.
Banta' compared the power sources, i.e., man, carabao and hand
tractor and his results dem­
onstrated that the carabao and in certain instances, the hand labor
is economically competitive with
the nand tractor even in systems designed for the hand tractor.
However, the time element makes it
unrealistic (Fig. 8). Where only three men will work, additional
two months are needed to complete
the pattern. Mechanization tends to smooth out the peak of seasonal
demands for labor permitting a
greater degree of intensification and more rapid turn around.

Vlarkets- Farm produce can be either eaten by the farmer or sold

farmers would nave acertain level of consumption, hence they can in the market. Usually, the
easily plan for this The greatest risk,
however, is the market uncertainty. As cropping intensity increases,
the produce would be increasing and
therefore the amount available for the market would increase (F;g.
9). Any farming system therefore
Will Succeed orly if market .an absorb the produce, otherwise
prices will go down and the farmers
will be losing.
source : P Corn
3 men e
REo Cowpea E Mug

1 carabao
Cowpea Mun

I hand tactor

3 men+ = RieSwetPoaoCnor

Jun-et1 Au 1 MJnl
Jun Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec Jan Feb Mar Apr may Jun Jul Aug Sept Oct

Fig. 8. Time requirement of a

cropping Pattirn with three Power


Fig. 9. Distribution of the

produce in a 2-ha subsistence

In a cropping system, the
amount of by-products can
produce (Table 3). This may be as high or higher than
go to Waste if not utilized the marketable
in an animal enterprise.
Finally, I wotdd like
aea is 2.5 ha to be dividedto present an integrated farming system suggested
into different lot, as shown by Dr.
distribution and expected in Fig. 10. The cropping Bradfield. The
yields are shown in Table calendar and area
4. The other resource, required
are not, however,

Table 3. Digestible nutrient

production from six Irrigated
cropping systems

System Digestible protein

Non-protein digestible nutrient
Amount (kg/ha) Marketable (%) Amount (kg/ha) Marketable (%)
A 920 29 14,900
670 64 6,600 47
C 1,260 40 11,800
D 38
720 29 6,700 32
E 810 63 17,000
F770 24



250 m

1 2 3 Field No.

4 5 6 7 8 9 10


V p


Block A
Block B
Fig. 10a. Layout for a 2
.5-hectare multiple cropping
farm (H house lot, F
= fruit garden,
V = vegetable, B = barn,
P = pasture, R = reservoir).

Jun J A S 0 N D J F M A M Jun j A S

P H p P

S Rice 1
2pP- SoySeetmpoat- Sosmtr Soy-gHo
o r Sweet
corn, oyj
R icen


So -mtr wetptt
Rice 2

Lee cor ...-



Fig. 10b.
Annual sequence
of crops on four fields showing

Table 4. Estimated annul production froma well-managed 2.5-hectare Irrigated farm
'in the tropics under Intensive multiple cropping

Layout of farm Area

Homesite with fruit trees 0.10 ha

Family vegetable garden 0.10 ha
Pasture 0.30 ha
For diversified crop rotations
8 x 1/4 ha fields 2.00 ha

Total 2.50 ha


Rotation June 1-Sept. 15 Sept. 16-Nov. 30 Dec. 1-Feb. 15 Feb. 16-Apr. 30 May 1-June 30

Rice Sweet potato Soybeans-M Sweet corn Soybeans-G.

Rice Soybeans-G. Sweet corn Sweet potato Early sweet


iii Rice Sweet corn Sweet potato Soybeans-M Cabbage

IV Rice Sorghum-1 Sorghum-2 Sorghum-3 -


Crop Fields (no,/yr) Area (ha/yr) Yield (t/ha) Total production

RIcO 4 x 2 -8 2.0 4.0 8.0

Swet potato 3 x2 - 6 1.5 20.0 30.0
Sweet corn 4x2 =8 2.0 35,000 (ears) 70,000 (ears)
Sorghum 3 x 2 -6 1.5 6.0 9.0

Soybeans-Gr. 2x2- 4 1.0 6.0 6.0

Soybeans-M. 2 x 2 -4 1.0 2.5 2.5

Cabbage 1x 2 2 0.5 25.0 12.5

Total 38 9.5

- 19
Multiple cropping terminology
has become extremely garbled.
The following word usage

Multiple cropping- the growing

of more than one crop on the same
land in onE year.

Mixed cropping- two or more

crops grown simultaneously and
intermingled; no row arrangemc
(Ruthenberg, 1971).
fntercropping- two or more crops grown simultaneously
in alternate rows in the same at
(Ruthenberg, 1971).
Relay planting- the maturing
annual crop interplanted with
seedlings or seeds of the followt
crop (Ruthehberg, 1971).
Cropping pattern- the yearly
sequence and spatial arrangement
of crops or of crops and fallo
on a given area.
Cropping system- the cropping
patterns utilized on a given farm
resources and the available technology and their interaction with fan
which determine their makeup.


1. Banta, G. R. 1973, Comparison

of power sources in multiple cropping.
2. Garrity, D. P. 1976. A test of (IRRI Saturday Seminar).
potential cropping patterns for
an upland rice-growing region
of the Philippines. MS thesis.
3. Harwood, R. R. 1976. Factors
affecting cropping systems.
4. . 1973. The concepts of multiple cropping.
of cropping systems design. An introduction to the principle
5. IRRI, 1973. Annual Report for
1972. Los Banos, Laguna, Philippines.
6. IRRI, 1972. Rice, Science and Man.
Los Banos, Laguna, Philippines.

- 20 .


Q. Did the study consider the amount of waste (corn stalk etc.) produced by the farmers?
A. About 50% of local produce will be by-products such as stover and straw.
Conmment: In labor distributicn in the farm, the amount of labor spent in the family such as household
activitiPe should also be included.

Comment: On lowland where there is water inflow and no outflow, fish raising can be tried. During
rainfall enough for the second crop period, which ismost suitable for
monsoon, there is sufficient
the 2nd crop isnormally fish. The fish
fish pond.
In this case in Taiwan, the 1st crop is rice and
are kept in the ditch in the paddy; the rice straw left over after the 1st crop of rice becomes fish


Comment: There is a need to pay more attention to the market as a component that can trigger or not
at the beginning
trigger cropping system. An existing project encourages to solve some constraints (i.e., erratic tan
it constraints qraphing
(early rainy season or tail-end of rainy season) by calling
bringing products to the market all at the same time and within
at the beginning). This may avoid
graphing under
the same time span. More and more, we should address ourselves to the constraints
the general umbrella of marketing cropping systems.
by farmers to overcomo constraint
Comment: In Japan, cooperative use of labor is one strategy used
of labor (i.e., nursery beds)
from too much labor
Carandang: In some areas in the Philippines, relay cropping is used to get away
requirement; another is the use of simple implements.

21 ­


CQtalino R. dela Cruz


Integration of any two or three.commodities involvincjh crops and beeih practicei
for centuries in limited scale.
are derived in integrated systemsNumerous reports (Ref. 1 to 15) indicate the significant
fish and livestock system
in addition to increased production benefits tha
provides solution to problems and availability of protein.
control. The availability of animal waste management Th,
of animal waste in site and pollutior
feed costs includi/lg transport for fish production provides
costs, and space utilization savings in fertilizer and
grazing of small ruminant is maximized since dikes
animals such as goat, sheep, can be used for
trees. Dikes could also etc. or planted to vegetables,
accommodate small housing legumnes and fruit
hand, pond water may units for pigs, chicken
be used by animals for and
drinking or body conditioning ducks. On the other
Fowls may also derive and cleaning the sheds.
some of their food from
the ponds.
Integration also increases
the operational efficiency
and combined use of feed of the farm through better
storage, processing and use of manpower
transport facilities.
While integrated system
for crops and fish; livestock
of all nay exist in limited and fish; fowl and fish,
scale, it is generally the or the combination
product in most combination. case that fish is considered
It is perhaps appropriate the secondary or minor
to recognize a kind of
fish is considered as the integrated system where
nIor enterprise.
When is fish production
considered as the major
of conditions would roughly enterprise in an integrated
justify fish as the major system? A number
production or profit in enterprise: 1) when fish
the system; 2) when fishponds contributes the greatest
added and adopted into exist ahead of the commodities
the system; 3) when the that are to be
lands or floodplains, area is most suitable for
whereby conversion into fish production such as
fishponds would land swamp.
commodities due to the itrelf into integration with
cxistence of dikes; 4) when other

space occupied by
other the area occupied by fishponds
commodities of comparable is greater t6an the
area such as ricefields importance; and 5) when
is done in favor of fish conversion of some
where the area it would
occupy is equal to or grdater
the remaining portion. than
It is estimated that about
425,000 ha of ponds
areas of the South China and other aquaculture
Sea countries. The potential facilities exist. ", coastal
Philippines, some 176,000 may be 2.5 million hectares
ha and 6,000 ha of brackish or more' 6 In the
on record. Added to and freshwater fishponds,
these are 126,000 hectares respectively, are
ricefields which can be of swamplands and 1.4
tapped for fish production. million hectares of irrigated
Where conditions warrant,
fowl, potutry and crops addition of livestock,
into the fishpond operation
may be done.

- 22 .

Fish Integration with Agricultural Crops. The production of fish

in ricefields has been
practiced in Southeast Asia for centuries' -12.6 with improvements and modifications being introduced
at present'. The extent of the area covered by irrigated ricefields in some Asian countries is vast (Table
1). The leading countries that are taking advantage of the importance of this resource, as far as fish sup.
ply is concerned, are Indonesia, Thailand, Malaysia, Japan, India, Vietnam and Hongkong. Philippines is
-just beginning its culture program.

Table 1. Estimates of the total area of Irritiated ricefields and those with
fish culture in some Asian countries 9

rotal irrigated Area with

Country ricefields rice-fish culture Source
(hectares) (hectares)

Cambodia 1,400,000 - Hora &Pillay, 1962

Hongkong 8,080,000 200 Hora & Pillay, 1962
India 5,762,792 1,619
indonesia 4,500,000 90,492 + 4,000,000* Ardinawata, 1957
Japan 2,991,100 3,380 Hora & Pillay, 1962; Namblan, 1970
Malaysia 332,060 45,500 Hora & Pillay, 1962
Philippines 1,400,000 - Mears et al., 1974
Sri Lanka 350,000 - Boonbrahm, 1972
Thailand 4,000,000 200,000 FAO
Vietnam 4.067,990 1,550 Hora &Pillay, 1962

90.492 hectares under cultural system and 4,000,000 hectares under

captural system.

Two schemes of fish culture in paddy fields are practised- the combined
fish and rice culture
in one area and the rotational cropping of rice and fish. A number
of more appropriate agricultural
crops in either of these basic schemes have been introduced 6 . Terrestrial
crops such as beans, onions,
IBrasieaspp. sweet potato, etc. are grown in paddy dikes while aquatic crops
such as kangko:li (Ipornoea
aquatica), taro (Colocasia spp.), etc. are grown in water.
The recommended species for this system is common carp (Cyprinuscarpio)
and tilapia species'.
Production figures for these species Ln some countries under different
systems and management input
are given in Table 2.

In the above scheme of producing fish, the combined rice-fish culture

consider crops as the major enterprise. The rotational together with other crops,
cropping of rice and fish is the scheme that would
fit to the considered criteria of having fish as a major enterprise. In
cheme, if an original riceland area is seeded with fish instead of rice, it is a regular rice and fish rotation
expected that the income from
nce can be equaled or exceeded by the income from fish. Simtlarly, the
conversion of a larger portion of
a farm area into fish production units would show a shift of emphasis
from agricultural crops to fish

- 23
production. This was what happened when
most of Taiwan's integrated fish farms were
ccr.verted fron
rice paddies into aquaculture production
units 3 .

Table 2. Productivity of fish culture in

padi fields under the cultural system 9 *4


Country Main fish species Type of

culture Average yield, kg/ha
Indonesia C. carpio F 150/4-6 months
C. carpio RF 75-100/3-4 months
Japan C. carpio RF 100­ 2 00/year
C. carpio RF* 700-1 100/year
Thailand C. carpio to 1100-1800/year
F 80-160/3-6 months
C. carpio RF 10-20/3-4 months
C. carpia RF*
Vietnam 210-250/6 months
C. ("'pio F/RF 50-130/10 months
Philippines Tilapii nilotica F As high as 245/3 months
Tilapia spp. RF 100-200/3-4 months
Tilapis nilotica F* 500--690/4 months
Tilapia spp. and C.carpio RF As high as 290/3-4 months

- alternate culture if fish and rice

alternate culture of fish and rice with supplementary
RF - simultaneous culrure of rice and fish
RF* ­ simultaneous culture of rice and
fish with supplementary feeding

Analysis of the additional net profit obtainable

that it may vary from $60 to $90 per cropping from fish in combined rice-fish culture
under Philippine condition4 . Cost and
showed that income from rice with fish return analysis
produced in an area originally planted with
mising results in favor of fish. Consideration rice indicated pro­
of other benefits derived from rotational
rice and fish will make the system more attractive cropping of
to farmers.
Fish-aninal Integration. Available information shows that most
under this category have fish as the major of the integrated farm
enterprise. The spaces utilized by the animals
pens were very small, varying from negligible confined in
to less than 10%. The sheds or pens, depending
kind of animals may be constructed alongside on the
of ponds or directly above the pondwater.
in the pen may also be put in one roof such The animals
as a chicken cage constructed above the pig
space 7 .
Tables 4 to 7 which were derived from
the case studies presented during the ICLARM-SEARCA
conference on integrated Agriculture.Aquaculture
Farming Systems, show the cost and return
from, various types of integrated fish and figures
animal farming. It can be seen that the
animals in the systems are much hiqher than production cost of
the fish.

- 24 ­
With the exception of the fish-pig farm in India (Table 4) and the fish-duck combination in Hong­
kong, India, Indonesia and Nepal (Table 5), the other integrated systems have profit margin favoring
the land-based animal component. However, to realize these profits, high investment is necessary.
Althouqh the profit from fish is lower in most of the systems, the benefit-cost ratios have largely
favored it. In all cases studied, the managerLent input for fish production component is minimal, with
only cost of fry and labor comprising production cost. The low production cost is attributable to the
animal manure that provided fertilizer or feed to the fishes. Unfortunatley, all case studies did not
quantify the amount of animal manure that went into the system and its equivalent money value.

The importance of animal manure in increasing fish yield has long been known in China. It was
reported that the manure produced by 20-30 pigs in a year could produce the same results as one ton
of ammonium sulfate applied to the soil 7 . Pig-fish farming is, therefore, widely practiced in China,
not only to produce their meat requirement but also to supply manure to the pond. Table 3 shows
the high production of fish obtained in manured ponds.
Compared with fish-crop integration, the yield and income derived from fish-livestock-fowl com­
bination is much higher. Fish production combined with animal production averaged 6.22 tons per
hectare/year, compared to crops which is 1.3 17.

Fish.animal-crops Integration. This kind of integration is merely putting the three com­
modities together. When fish is the major enterprise, it would mean putting them separately adjacent
to each other in one farm unit or the animal may just use a space above the pond water while the plants
are grown on top of dikes and slope of ditches. Roughly the area occupied by dikes and ditches in a
pond system isas much as 20% of total area.

The management, techniques for these combination need modification in order to adjust to the
requirements of the new addition (crops and livestock) to the system. As an example: in the case of
fi-h-pig-vegetables combination with the latter two as additions, the number of pigs must be able to
supply adequately the manure requirements of the fish and vegetables. Another alternative in the
management, however, is for tie vegetables to exist independently and just occupy the space available
in the fishpond dikes. Further still, the vegetables aside from being a human food, m iy also be fed
to pigs and fish. A second example is the fish-goat-vegetables combination. In this coi,.bination, goat
would serve as biological control for grasses growing on dikes. With the addition of vegetable for human
food the grazing area of goat will be reduced, hence its number will correspondingly decrease to match
the availability of grasses.

With the above examples the three-commodity system, just like the two-commodity system, needs
proper balance to be efficient. Even the design of the fishponds and water system need modifications
inorder to make it function in truly integrated way.


The vast developed irrigated ricelands, existing fishponds and swamplands offer great potential
to which integration of fish-rice and livestock-fish may be done without requiring much additional space.
Use of pesticides threaten the combined culture of rice and fish. This problem causes a decline in
fish production from paddies in some Asian countries. Tan and Khoo reported that Indonesia, the
COIntrY which has the largest area devoted to rice-fish production, uses two million kg of insecticides
which re applied to more than one million hectares of ricefields annually. Although some advances had

. 25 ­
been achieved c' Iqlecting the kind of chemical
to use and its proper application in
risk is still prewei when practiced in wide culture' t
scale because of the dauger of pesticide contamination
adjacent areas ,Uhdo not practice it. fro

Table 3. Production data in different types

of fish-anImal Integration In some countries

Country Type of integ./area ProductIon/period Source

Hongkong Fish-duck/ha 2,750--5,640 kg/ha fish; Delmendo, 1979
ducks stocked at 2,500
to 3,500/ha/yr yielding
5-6 tons/ha duck meat
Hongkong Fish-duck/ha 3,472 kg fish stocked Sin, 1979
from 1,250-12,090 with
duck stocked at 500-2,000,
yielding 7,389 kg
Hungary Fish-duck/ha 500-800 kg/ha carps in 150 Woynarovlch, 1976
days with 300 to 500 ducks
India Fish-pig/ha 7,300 kg/ha/yr fish Jhingran and
stocked at 8,500/ha with Sharma, 1979
130 pigs yielding 1,096 kg
India Fish-duck/ha 4,232 kg/ha/yr fish JhIngran and
stocked at 6 ,340/ha with Sharma, 1979
100 ducks yielding 250 kg
meat and 1,835 eggs
Taiwan Fish-pig/ha 7,371 kg fish stocked at
Chen, 1979

5,500/ha with 210 pigs

Thailand Fish-pIg-pouItry/ 4,000 kg Pangasjius spp.

Deimendo, 1979
0.25 ha 8,000 kg pig and 15,330

chicken eggs

Thailand Fish-pig/ha 2,000--5,000 kg/ha/6 mos., Delmendo, 1979

tilapla stocked at 25,000
to 3 0,000/ha;
pig stocked at 60/ha
Vietnam Fish-duck/ha 5,000 kg/ha/yr Delmendo, 1979
fish with ducks at
1,0 00-2,000/ha

- 26-
Table 4. One-year economics of fish-pig farming8 .9*31

Stocking density

Actual No. /ha

Profit per ha

Country area

(ha) Fish Pig

Fish Pig Total

India 0.1 8,500 130 $5,878.75 $1,282.50 $7,161.25


Malaysia 8 788 38 5,159.10 6,909.10 12,068.19


Taiwan 1.0 35,500 210 7,674.75 14,058.33 21,733.08


Thailand 0.64 23,438 70 1,445.31 3,956.17 5,401.48

(20 Baht=$1)

Thailand 0.96 26,042 104 914.06 3,842.71 4,756.77

Thailand 1.60 125,000 63 625.00 .1,046.88 1,671.88

Table 4a. Ratio of profit to production cost

Production cost/kg Profit/kg Profit/prod. cost

Country Area (ha) -

Fish Pig Fish Pig Fish Pig

India 0.1 $0.10 $0.50 $0.80 $0.12 $8.00 $0.24

Malaysia 8.0 0.15 0.63 0.47 0.15 3.13 0.24
Taiwan 1.0 - 0.92 1.04 - ­ -
Thailand 0.6 0.03 0.43 0.37 0.47 12.33 1.09
Thailand 0.96 0.12 0.59 0.28 0.34. 2.33 0.57
Thailand 1.6 0.10 0.81 0.20 0.14 2.00 0.17

- 27 ­
With the setback on combined rice-fish culture against uncontrolled use
of pesticide the p
of adopting rotational cropping of rice and fish will become more and
more important in augr
the supply of protein. This system offers a number of advantages as reported
by dela Cruz 4 . Th
1. Reduced chance of pesticide accumulation in fish tissues since rice
and fish are gr
separate areas or in different time. Presumably by the time rice is harvested,
the pes.icide has
degraded and subsequently fish stocked is safeguarded.

2. Better pest control rz.ce the life cycle of insect pests is disrupted.

3. Mutually beneficial interaction between fish and rice crops. Fertilizer

residues fr.
paddies can be used subsequently by rice. On the other hand, decomposing
rice stubbles dul
culture serves as medium for growth of natural food. The decomposed
stubbles also add fertilit
soil for the next crop.

4. Decreased rice production cost, because of the possibility of zero

tillage. After fish
tion, the paddy bottom can be directly planted to rice. Some weeds
or algae may grow wh
require single harrowing only.

5. Lower construction cost of fish paddy as compared to regular fishpond

with deepe
higher and larger dikes.

This system necessitates the cyclic conversion of prescribed paddy fields

in a farm unit

paddies. This means that overall production of rice would decrease as a

result of the withdrawal

area converted to fish production. This scheme is suitable in irrigated

areas and in countries t

monsoons or those Iccated within the typhoon belt. While rotational

cropping in adjacent

one method, fish production in paddies may also be done during the rainy
months instead of ri,

is usually faced with great clirntic risk. Rice production follows during
the dry months wher

is already over.
This scheme is also suitable for countries with rice
surplus and marketing p
In the case of integrating livestock production with fish, most of the case
studies showed i
income from the livestock, although the investment required was high.
However, two cases ('
5&and 6) incurred losses. This situation demonstrates some implications:

1. Among the cases studied, there was a wide range in the stocking density
of animals ii
to the area of fishpond being supplied with manure. The same is also
true with the stocking d
fish. Clearly, the optimum relationship between fish and animals are not
established yet. It is)
to establish the balanced relationship between the number of fish and
animal in order to hay
cient integrated system. Allocating more inputs or less in either component
of the system v
the cost and return pattern.

2. Proper strain of animals that are to be included in the system should be

3. It also implies that as more commodities is dealt with, the management
more complicated. There must be know-how in the production aspect system
of various compon
system. Unfortunately, majority of the farmers are knowledgeable
only in producing oni
crop. They need to be provided with training on the kind of integration
they wish to venture ir

It is worth to nate that all information used in this paper were obtained
freshwater areas. This is understandable owing to the fact that plants in systems I
and animals require
and dependable supply of freshwater. Thus, in brackishwater fishponds,
integrated systen

-28 ­
practised if freshwater is assured. The integration of animals with fish may also be hindered in areas
where transportation problem exists. There are conditions where transport of fish product is done by
using small boats.

Table 5. One year economics of flsh-duck farming' 1 .8 .6 .10 .3

Pond Stocking density No./ha Prof it/ha, ($)

Country area
(ha) Fish Duck Fish Duck Total

Hongkong 1.00 1,250-12,090 500-2,000 1,980 1,915 3,895


India 1.48 6,340 100 2,013 -41 1,972


Indonesia 0.2625 - - 948 753 1,701

(West Java)
(Rs 312=$l)

Nepal 0.25 1,200 400 971 276 1,247

(Rsl 1.9=$1)

Taiwan 1.00 10,852 3,200 Mule 4.140 7,111 11,251

(N$?. '$ 1) 1.00 10,852 1,500 egg.laying 4,140 2,520 6,660

Table 5a. Ratio of profit to production cost (based on actual area)

Pond Prod. cost ($) Profit ($) Profit/prod

Country area
(ha) Fish Duck Fish Duck Fish Duck

Hongkong 1.0 4,103 10,277 1,980 1,915 0.48 0.19

India 1.48 1,419 465 2,979 -60 2.10 -0.13

Indonesia 0.2625 958 940 948 755 0.99 0.80
(West Java)

Neal 0.25 376 162 243 48 0.65 0.30

Taiwan 1.0 1,666.39 - 4,140.28 - 2.48 ­
1.0 ­

Table 6. Annual economics of
a fish, pig, chicken and duck farming
In 4-ha
disused mining pool at Taiping, Perak
Malaysia1 2

Items Value ($)

A. Operating costs

1. Fish production - Cost of fry

2. Pig production - Feed, labor and
3. Chicken production -Cost of 18,000

feed, labor and maintenance

4. Duck production -Cost of 1,000
feed, labor and maintenance

Total 39,015.90
B. Gross Income

1. Sale of bighead carps

2. Sale of 96 pigs
3. Sale of 17,100 chickens
4. Sale of 800 ducks

Total 48,768.18
C. Profit aB -A

1. Fish production
2. Pig production
3. Chicken production
4. Duqk production
- 459.09

Total 2,775.00
D. Profit/operating cost = C/A

1. Fish
2. Pig . 3
3. Chicken
4. D uck 0. 22


- 30.
6 "
Table 7. One-year economics of fish-chicken farmIng 7

Pond Stocking density Prod.. cost ($) Profit ($) Profit/prod.

Country area
(ha) Fish Chicken Fish Chicken Fish Chicken Fish Chicken

Indonesia 0.1203 - - 816 3,948 1,259 2,041 1.54 0.52

(West Java)

Indonesia 0.1000 - 1/10 m2 365 1,301 436 813 1.19 0.62

(West Java)

Table 7a. Ono-year economics of fish-geese farming1"

Pond Stocking density Prod. cost Cs) Profit ($) Profit/prod.

Country area
(ha) Fish Geese Fish Geese Fish Geese Fish Geese

Hongkong 1.0 1,110- 1,500- 4,265 23,701 1,822 3,494 0.43 0.15
4,630 2.500

Table 7b. One-year economics of fish-sheep farming

Pond Stocking density Prod. cost ($) Profit ($) Profit/prod.

Country area
(ha) Fish Sheep Fish Sheep Fish Sheep Fish Sheep

Indonesia 0.0084 - - 313 505 72 255 0.23 0.50

(West Java)

Another aspect in fish-animal integration wherein little work is being done is its possible hazard
to public health. While no case of disease that may have been transmitted to humans through tho
f'hW'anm system has been reported, research on this area must be done to ascertain safety of the
92nMe public.

- '31 -

Best Available Document


For a more efficient and productive integrated farming, the following are suggested:

1. To pilot-test selected and profitable integrated systems existing in some countries to other
places where such may apply.
2. To collate existing information and management techniques in progressive integrated
to come up with a technology package that could be verified or pilot-tested.
systems for
3. To formulate and conduct short training courses in various types of integrated
those who will participate in the pilot testing including farmers as well.

system for
4. To conduct an in-depth research in order to generate an optimized and efficient
various combinations of commodities.
5. To conduct research on the impact of insecticides use at the farm level and evaluate
magnitude of the problem.

6. To ensure adequate supply of fingerlings and selected breeds of animals through establishment
of hatcheries and animal distribution centers.

- 32 ­

S rco, R. G. and C. R. dela Cruz. 1978. Improved Rice-Fish Culture in the Philippines. Int.
Comm. on Irig. and Drainage (ICID) 2nd Regional Afro-Asian Conference. Tech. Pap.
Manila, Philippines. pp. 136-145.
2. CLSU Model Farm. Annual Report 1978-1979. CLSU, Nueva Ecija. 11 p.
3. Chen, T. P. 1979, Country Report and Case Studies. Integrated Agriculture.Aquaculture Farming
in Taiwan. JCLARM-SEARCA Conf. on Integ. Agri-Aquaculture Farming Systems. Manila,
Philippines. 8 p.
4. Cruz, C. R. dela. 1979. Country Reports and Case Studies: Integrated Agriculture-Aquaculture
Farming Systems in the Philippines. ICLARM-SEARCA Conf. on Integ. Agri-Aquaculture
Farming Sys9ems. Manila, Philippines. 30 p.
5. Cruz, Emmanuel. 1979. Country Report and Case Studies: Preliminary Results of Integrated
Pig-Fish and Duck-Fish Production Test. ICLARM-SEARCA Conf. on Integrated Agri-
Aquaculture Farming Systems. Manila, Philippines 15 p.
6. Dajadiredja, R. et al. 1979. Freshwater Aquaculture in Indonesia with Special Reference to
Small Agriculture/Aquaculture Integration Farming Systems in West Java. ICLARM-SEARCA
Conf. on Integ. Agri-Aquaculture Farming Systems. Manila, Philippines. 58 p.
7. Deimendo, M. 1979. A Review of Integrated Livestock-Fowl-Fish Farming Systems. ICLARM.
SEARCA Conf. on Integrated Agri-Aquaculture Farming Systems. Manila, Philippines. 40 p.
8. JhLngran, V. G.and B. K. Sharma. 1979. Fish-Cum-Livestock Farmina in India. Central Inland
Fisheries Research Inst. Barrackpore, India,'25 p.
9. Khoo, K. H. and Eddy S. P. Tan. 1979. Review of Rice-Fish Culture in S.E. Asia. ICLARM-
SEARCA Conf. on Integ. Agri-Aquaculture Farming Systems. Manila, Philippines. 30 p.
10. Rajbanshi, K. G. 1979. A Case Study of the Economics of Integrated Farming Systems-Agricul­
ture, Aquaculture and Animal Husbandry in Nepal. ICLARM-SEARCA Conf. on Integ.
Agri-Aquaculture Farming Systems. Manila, Philippines. 23 p.
11. Sin, Alfred W. 1979. Country Report and Case Studies: Integrated Fish-Animal Husbandry
Systems in Hongkong and Case Studies in Fish-Cum.Duck and Fish-Cum Geese Systems.
ICLARMSEARCA Conf. on Integ. Agri-Aquaculture Farming Systems. Manila, Philippines.
33 p.
12. Tan, E.S. P. and K. H. Khoo. 1979. The integration of Fish-Farming with Agriculture in Malay­
sia. ICLARM.SEARCA Conf. on Integ. Agri-Aquaculture Farming Systems. Manila, Phil­
ippines. 32 p.
13. Woynarovich, E. 1976. The Feasibility of Combining Animal Husbandry with Fish Farming,
with Special Reference to Duck and Pig Production. FAO Tech. Conf. in Aquaculture,
Kyoto, Japan. FIR: AQ/Conf./76/R. 6. 10 p.
14. _ . 1979. Country Reports and Case Studies: Raising Ducks on Fishponds (Fiih.
cum.Duck-Culture). ICLARM-SEARCA Conf. on Inteq. Agri-Aquaculture Farming Systems.
Manila, Philippines. 20 p.
15. __ . 1979. Country Reports and Case Studies: Utilization of Piggery Wastes in
Fishponds. ICLARM-SEARCA Conf. on Integ. Agri-Aquaculture Farming Systems. Manila,
16. South China Sea Fisherie; Development and Coordinating Program (SCSFDCP). 1973. The
South China Sea Fisheries- a proposal for accelerated development. UNDP/FAO, SCS/DEV/
73/1. 13 6 p.

- 33 ­


Huang' Chia


Mailiao is a seashore town on the west coast

of Taiwan facing Taiwan Strait. During winter
months, continuous strong wind scorches every
green leaf with the salts and fine sand. How this
village of saline sandy soil land changed into a productive poor
rural area is described in the following sections.

Haifung Village
Haifung is a small village in Mailiao township.
This village with 38 families, had one very rich
family, nine were very poor, the rest were below
The cultivated land of Haifung was reclaimed
River. The Silo river's wide river bed is dry tidal land formed with alluvial sand of the Silo
during winter. The northeastern seasonal wind
winter months blows up and accumulates fine during
sand dust to the south bank of Mailiao. Haifung
has an area of 150 hectares but 100 ha are owned village
by the rich farmer Mr. Lu, who increased his farm
size by acquiring land mortgaged to him by his
neighbors and vihich were not paid on time.
nine families in that village gave up their land to In 1970,
Mr. Lu. and worked for him as farm laborers.
The main crops are paddy rice and sweet
from March to June. If summer rainfall comes potatoes. Farmers also raise one crop of watermelon
too early, it will destroy the growing watermelon
pletely; if weather is favorable they will have com­
an excellent crop. Watermelon raising is called
gamble.' The writer saw farmers wept '90 days
in the field over rotten melon, destroyed
by heavy rainfall.


In 1970, Dr. J.T. Yu, then chief of the
Animal Industry Division of the Joint Commission
Rural Reconstructidn (JCRR) visited Haifung on
village, and saw the abject poverty in the
that visit, Dr. Yu asked the writer to propose village. After
a project to assist these poor farmers by means
pigs and to increase sof fertility with pig of raising
manure. Dr. Yu proposed land reconsolidation
to improve transportation of feeds and pigs, in that area
and also to make pig manure application more
Thi writer, together with Mr. C.P. Wanq from
Taiwan Provincial Department of Agriculture
Forestry (PDAF), and Mr. H.S. Lee from and
the local county (Hsien) government, visited
Farmers Association in order to identify the the Mailiao
area's social conditir n and natural resources.
that the Mailiao Farmers Association (FA) They found
was almost bankrupt. With 5,000 members,
depcit of the FA was below 3 million Taiwan the savings
dollars (US$750,000), less than one tenth
township FA's deposit. The manager was of a normal
suspended from duty due to court action.
with the farmers in Haifung village was met An interview
with suspicious eyes because previous assistance
government was taken advantaged of by the from the
rich farmer Mr. Lu.


After three months, the 3-man team finally succeeded in getting the cooperation of both the rich
(Mr. Lu) and the poor fanners, largely due to the assistance of a local farmer Mr. H.S. Wang, a natural
leader in that area.

Since March 1971, 100 hectares of land had been reconsolidated with a main road at the middle.
There were nine hectares bought from the landlord Lu with bank loan to the nine
The land was sold by Mr. Lu at very reasonable price of NT$60,000 (1US$=NT$38) per hectare (now a
hectare is worth NT$600,000). The original project (Integrated Livestock-Crop-Fish Farming at Mailiao)
design for the development of 100 hectares and 37 farms was financed by a grant of NT$1,691,000
from JCRR, Taiwan Provincial Department of Agriculture and Forestry (PDAF) and Yunlin Hsien
government and a total loan of NT$5,915,000 (Appendix 1).


Supported by the project, Prof. C.Y. Wu and Miss C.S. Huang of the Agricultural Economics
Department, National Taiwan University, conducted a suvy in 1971 on the rural economic situation
of the 37 families. Their findings were as follows:

1. Land ownership

Before the project was established, the ownership of the 37 fanners were:

Farm acreage (ha) Families

0 9
0-0.50 5
0.51 - 1.00 8
1.01 - 1.50 5
1.51 - 5.00 5
5.01 ­ 5

2. Familypopulation
Far size Below 0.50 ha 0.51-1.00 1.01-1.50 1.51-5.00 5.01­
no. persons

Farming force 1.2 1.8 1.8 2.7 3.2

For hire 0.2 0.4 0.8 0.2 0

Household 0.6 0.5 1.0 0.6 0.6

Student 1.0 0.7 1.6 0.7 1.7

Oth:rs 2.4 2.6 2.0 1.7 3.8

Out of village 0.4 0.4 0.8 0.15 0

Total 6.0 6.4 8.0 5.3 10.0

The average man-equivalent was 1.52 per family. It needs a one-hectare farm to fully employ one
Man's labor force, so in this project, one hectare was bought for the nine families without farm.'

35 .

3. Farm income in 1970

in Haifung village (NT$/ba)
Expenditures Paddy rice Sweet potato Pcanuts, Sugarcane Watermeloi
Seeds/planting materials
385 648
Chemical fertilizer 1,123 1,445
3,565 1,507 297
Compost 673 4,025
337 201 2,753
Chemicals 434 253
2,126 141 61
Others 335 160 1,805
178 20
Labor 56 -
4,047 1,203 58
Til 3,118 6,412
574 732 1,241
Tilers 326 1,474
356 689 87
1,227 780 2,528
Self-supply 11,567
1,661 5,141
1,261 7,292 -14,549
Cash payment 2,225 8,830
Production (kg) 9,907 3,880 2,027 174
4,079 5,067 12,522
12,411 1,127 8,636
Value (NT$) 44,840 22,012
15,540 6,671 44,540 22,012
8,412 -22,419 13,116
Incl. self-supply
3,972 ,1,530
Exci. self-supply 5,633 1,120 7,870
2,791 3,345 4,286
US$ 9,897 4,460
141 70 84 247 112
The usual rotation systems of
the one and income
from each were:
Paddy rice and sweet potato
.......... US$ 211

Peanuts and watermelon ..........

Sugarcane (18 months) and 1%

rice ......... 389 for 2 vesm

In 1970, the average family

area the average annual income income was NT$45,720 (US$1,203) year in Taiwan:
NT$17,257 (US$454). Therefore was NT$35,439 (US$932) of which the income from in the rural
the farm income in Haifung farming was
was only half of the average
in Taiwan.
4. Family income and expenditure
The farming families in the
textilo factories (girls). But village earned additional income
those with farms larger than by working as coolies
five hectares did not have surplus (boys) and in

Family income in Haifung, 1970


Farm acreage Below 0.5

1.01-1.50 1.51-2.00 2.01-5.00 5.01­
(ha) _ - - -

Total income
11,354 7,346 14,357
from crop 2,174 38,647 47,5% 78,408
2,6% 4,387
from pigs - 35,847 47,071 74,906
- 1,160
off-farm 9,180 ­ - 3,500
4,650 8,810 2,800 525 -

- 36 .

Family expenditures in Haifung,

1970 (NT$)

Fvnacreage (ha) Below 0.5 0.51-1.00 1.01-1.50 1.51-2.00 2.01-5.00 5.01-

Rice 3,325 5,003 6,307 8,160
Sweet potato 396 4,945 16,804
816 250
Supplementary 833 425 1,360
1,520 2,264 2,740
Education 2,700 4,800 3,733
134 409 1,280 383 100 5,567
Medical 1,500 1,237
3,100 1,720 1,000 900 4,167
1,037 1,100
Tobacco, wine 1,002 333 2,300 2,133
378 852 1,800
Electricity 326 - 669
Worship (religion) 377 204
200 404 245 586
175 200 667 250 666
Transportation 40 125 40 167 400 -
Miscellaneous 60 113 68 67 300 2,200
Total 11,603 11,934 14,761 15,914 14,665 37,885

The 1970 balance sheet of the

37 families in Haifung (NT$)
Of the 37 families surveyed,
17 families were in debt; the
rest had a net surplus ranging
NT$1,000 to more than NT$5,000. from
-10,000 -10,000to -5,000to -1,000 0 to 1,000 to
or morm Above
­ 5,000 -1,000 0 1,000 5,000
No. of families 5,000
4 8 2
Average -14,251 3 5 5
-9,635 -4,677 9
-661 541 2,812 16,936
Due to frequent natural hazards
such as typhoons, high tide,
accumulated debt of the Haifung and flood in that area, the
families was NT$51,916.
The average
had higher interest of $25.55 loan they borrowed from private
per $100 a year. For those lenders

interest was added to the principal who could not pay on time,
loan. Very soon the mortgaged the over-due
This was how Mr. Lu increased land would be lost to the creditor.
his land to 100 hectares from
nine families in the village.


The project went through

proposl was submitted to JCRRa preparation period of three months from the
in March 1971 and approved end of 1970. A project
for the nine landless families and in the same month. Land procurement
land reconsolidation was implemented
in June 1971.
The pigsties were constructed
ows and 50 fattening pigs, from a standard
with two partitions: one torbluep;int at a size of 140 m2 , for six breeding
feed storage and one for bedroom
The P'Wies were made of bricks of the keeper.
and tile roof.
Each family
Institute. To start raised five breeding
with, each farm alsogilts which were bought from the
bought 50 piglets Provincial Livestock Research
4truc.Jl of finished pigs were for fattening purpose. The first shipment of
sold on November 15 of the
same year.

. 37 •

The price of feeds and hogs

per 100 kg and feeds at in 1971 and 1972
about NT$5.00 per kg. was rather steady. The finished pig sold at NT$2,
pig marketed. The farmers Hog raisers had a net profit
could sell 100 fattened of about NT$350 for e
equivalent of US$800
a year. This income status pigs a year to have a profit of NT$32,000,
farmers were able to gradually was considered fairly good at
repay the loan they borrowed then. The participai
widow Lin, had afforded from private creditors.
to buy a TV set for her Even the pool
Since the latter part
raised prices of feed grains; of 1972 through 1973, bad weather and
hog feeds increased by the oil
the same. The farmers 50% (NT$7.50 per kilo) crisis around the woj
were losing until August while hog prices remain
NT$4,500 to NT$5,300 1974. From August 1974
per hog prices fluctuated frc
With these prices of feeds 100 kg while the price of hog feeds remained
and hog, Haifung farmers at less than.NT$8.90 per
each fattened pig sold. were able to have a net k
However, this boom in profit of NT$1,000 f'
started in May 1979. pig raising did not last long. A very
This time the farmers serious depressic
ling cost NT$100 and suffered more than the
a fattened pig sells 1972-1973 depression;
NT$9.40/kg. The Haifung for only NT$2,000
while a weaj
farmers and all the pig the feed price increased
raisers in Taiwan have, t

since then, been in a ver

serious situation.
An over-all evaluation
of the Mailiao.Haifung
project would show the
investment input was: project's success. Th,

Qrant: NT$1,691,00 (US$42,27

0 )

Loan: NT$5,915,000 (US$147,87 5

Total: NT$7,606,00 (US$190,1 5 )
Per family farm: NT$205,568 5 0)
(US$5,139. 2 0 )
Up to September 30,
36,500 fattened pigs were
1979, 82% of the loan has been repaid.

sold at a total profit of From November 1971

over 15 million NT$ (US$365,0 to date,
each family earned US$10,000 00 ). In eight years,
on pig raising alone.

were 12 hectares
The major fish raised is of fish ponds formed
tlapia, fed with pig waste, after the earth was moved for sea dike construction.
on electricity for pumping and no other feed was given.

water (NT$7,000 per The major expense was

was NT$35,000 per hectare. ha/year). The annual
The highest income from net income from fish pond
(Corbicula) which may fish
yield a net profit of NT$300,000 pond was obtained from fresh water clam
NT$10,000 for seedlinq per hectarei,ear, with
and NT$30,000 for pumping a production cost of
hectare clam pond, gave water. The 10-ha tilapia
the Haifung villagers an pond and the two.
extra income of NT$1,300,000
a year.
The application of
is, sifl not quite reliable pig manure improved soil fertility of the crop
because of weather and land, but income from
he 9 farmers bought w4 unstable price. However, crops
th a loan of NT$60,000 the 9 hectares of land
per hectare is now worth that
'tion in the past 8 years 10 times the original price;
,mprovement, but also was only two times. The land price
increment was not only
.(Casuarna) wind
break due. to the area development on road system, electricity due to soil

belt established by the and irrigation.. A tree

Forestry Bureau in 1972
lessening the wind damage was also very successful
during winter months. in


After the Successful implementation
government used this of the Mailiao.Haifung
model for other villages. project
At the end of June 1979, by the end of 1971, the
there were 132 pig raising

-38 ­
There are a few project
areas established in 67 townships in Taiwan, composed of 5,280 farm
did not function as well.

areas as successful as Haifung, however, at least 20% of the project areas

improvement as well as
A rural development project like the Haifung project should include social
be a social worker with a working
agricultural development. Therefore the project manager should
knowledge on general farming practices.
such a project, but the determi-
Government funds, in grant and in loan, are necessary to start
A too generous grant-in-aid may spoil the
nation of the participating farmers are equally important.
all possible pitfalls as well as success from
farmers. Tht: extension agents should inform the farmers of
the project and should not paint too rosy a picture to lure the

. 39 ­
Appendix I

Project title: Integrated Livestock-Crop.Fish Farming at Mailiao

Field 71-A21-J-677
Duration:January 1971 to December 1971

Grant: JCRR: NT$1,091,000

Taiwan PDAF: NT$300,000

Yunlin Hsien Gov't.: NT$300,000

Total: NT$1,691,000

Loan: NT$5,915,000
Items and description:

A. Grant
1. Survey and mapping 100 hectares NT$ 30,000
2. Earth work For an earth dike and fish 432,380
ponds with bulldozers
moving 216,190 m 3 of earth
3. Culverts and automatic Drainage gates 2 sets

tidal gates

4. Subsidy of material for For underground manure 250.400

manure storage and storage and mt.hane generator
methane gas generators pits construction material:
cement 2,550 bags, steel
15 tons
5. Methane gas pits steel NT$2,100 each for 37 farms. 84,000
plate covers
6. Partial subsidy of power About 60% subsidy 60,000
line establishment
7. Partial subsidy of deep wells 5 deep wells, about 12 m. deep, 75,000
with 6-inch tubes
8. Pumps and motors for liquid 1 hp motor and pump 26,000
manure application
9. Tractor and implements Tractor and disc plow, 319,000
disc harrow and rotavator
10. Partial subsidy on breeding 5 brreding gilts to each farm 76,500
11. A cattleyard For beef cattle 47,000
12. Farmers education classes On hog raising and animal health 14,500
13. Supervising travel and For Tainan DAIS, Loukon 49,000
per diem Fishery Station, etc.
14. Social and economic survey NTU Agri. Econ. Dept. 94,000
15. Contingency

Total Grant

- 40 .
B. Loan

1. Long term loan for land procurement, NT$1,650,00

pig barns construction-, power line 10 years,
establishment and deep wells. 6% per annum
2. Procurement of piglets NT$1,015,000
5 years, 10%
3. Revolving lund for feeds NT$2,250,000
5 years, 10%
4. Beef cattle loan NT$1,000,000
10 years,
6% per annum

Total Loan NT$5,915,000

There was a one year grace oerlod for the repayment of principal and interest.

41 ­

Q. The Cagayan Valley in the Philippines

has been classified as unstable produrtion
dry months there is drought; during area - d.
wet months, there is maximum concentration
This is a vast lowland area and if we of typho
raise pigs, we probably cannot market
that. Would
suggest any other livestock that will be good
A. Filipino scientists are very much to raise there?
concerned with cost, income and market,
you cannot market pigs, for example, which means tha'
then you don't raise pigs. I feel that
pigs would still
Q. In the Philippines, we have the land
reform program. In these areas, land is
farmers. Unofficially though, after farmers subdivided to seve
get the lane, it is slowly recovered by
because he cannot provide inputs. the owi
A. Land consolidation in Taiwan onlyIs this happening in Taiwan?
means re-arrangement and consolidation
land belonging to one farmer. This does of 3 or 5 pieces
not have anything to do with land transfer.
This is do
to be able to provide for roads.
Q. What is your purpose in building houses
for pigs and family together?
A. The pig pen is better than their
old houses; also, a caretaker needs to watch
the pigs especia
during farrowing.
Q. Is the low price of pigs in Taiwan
only temporary; what is the repurcussion
of this situation
Taiwan farmers in the future?
A. This is a temporary one - due to
overproduction, which is also being experienced
tries like Korea. This year, we have a in other cou
project on integration farming and farmers
this project because they believe that this still like to jc
low-period will be over by next year.
Q. How is your government support
(i.e., e),tension workers) in the case of expansion
A. Until now, the government still supports of the projec
t e Mailiao project.
Q. Your table shows that the cost of
investmen per family amounts to more
than US$5,000. Do y(
think this amount can be done on a national
A. Government cannot support if it k-ale?
is done at 3ne time. Thus, it is done
more are provided loans at a time. Our gradually where 700
subs. ly goes to methane gas production
breeding stocks. A lot of government and buying
funds es to building public facilities
like electric lin
irrigation, roads - in this we use grants.
Comment: I don't agree that marketing
is more important than production.
A. This is true. But if the middleman
makes too much profit, then this will discourage
the produce
Comment: Maybe we should say that
production is no problem; but we have
to have a systemat
marketing scheme.
Q. What happened to the cattle component
of the program which is ment;oned in
the project pri
A. We provided loan to buy cattle but
repayment of the loan has not been good.
beef in Taiwan went down because the Also, the price C
government allowed the importation of
Australian bed

- 42 .




Elvira 0.T


It is typical of Filipino small farmers, particularly those in the hinterlands, to strive for self­
sufficiency and self-reliance in their everyday needs. Foremost among these needs is food. Thus, in
the Philippines, many traditional farmers raise vegetables or fruit trees, a few chickens or ducks, and two
or three pigs, goats or other ruminants in his piece of land besides the main crop.

In rice fields, farmers trap wild fish during harvest for family consumption. Immediately after
harvest, fowls are allowed to feed on rice droppings and other aquz-ic organisms in the wet fields.
During off-cropping season, livestock roam and graze on the paddy field. All these are part of the
regular scenery in rural areas.

While the traditional farmer may be contented with what he produces for subsistence and little
added income, the more progressive have diversified and expanded their operations to increase profits.
Agribusiness enterprises try to arrive at the most efficient and economical allocation of resources for
more gainful farm output.

Maximization of the use of land and water resources through integrated farminc systems has
been receiving more attention lately among agricultural researchers and economists in the country.
Compatible and complementary combinations and cropping patterns are being determined to attain
optimum potentials in mixed farming arrangements.

There are a number of reasons viewed on a national scale that favor a trend towards multi-com.
modity farming. Above all, the rapidly growing population demands a sustained increase in food pro­
duction. The current land reform program of the government limits one family to own not more than
seven hectares. And since 'he landholding will eventually be divided among the children the future
farmer who does not have the means to work in the city would be left with even a smaller parcel of land.

The qovernment thrust in countryside development aims at, among others, the improvement of
the nutritional level and income-generating capabilities of the rural population. Integrated farming will
obviously help the country reach this goal and provide opportunities for under.utilized labor resources.
As the general socioeconomic level in the countryside gradually improves, migration to overcrowded
urban areas will be minimized.

Another reason is the prevailing energy crisis. Again, as in food supply, self-reliance is a major
national goal in the area of energy production. The development of the technology for producing
biogas from piggeries as a non-conventional energy source also opens the way for waste utilization in
various mixed farming systems. At the same time, the dangers and nuisance of pollution are abated
through the waste recycling process.

- 43 ­

Much of the integrated farming systems now practised in the Philippines were largely evolved
through experience and experimentation by the private sector. The more advanced segments have
adapted or modified some foreign technologies but few of these are documented. Recent studies by
government researchers, however, have had good results and are published in technical reports and some
popular literature.

Small-Scale Operations

Integrated farming may be classified according to the main commodity being produced, i.e. with
crop, livestock or fish as the major enterprise.

1. Crop-based fanning systems


The old practice of trapping wild fish inside rice paddies has been developed into an economically
feasible technology by the Freshwater Aquaculture Center of Central Luzon State University (FAC/

The irrigated rice paddy is provided with a center trench running lengthwise which serves as fish
refuge, passageway and catch basin; the dikes are made slightly higher than in rice monoculture and a
gate on the dike is constructed for water entry and drainage. A wire screen is installed at the gate to
prevent entry of predatory fishes and escape of stocked fish.

The insect-resistant, high.yielding IRRI rice varieties IR-26, 30, 32, 36, 38, 40 and 42 are used.
These varieties have a culture period of 110 to 145 days. The recommended fish species are Tilapia
inos.amiica. T. nilotica stocked at 3000-4000/ha and Cyprinus carpio (common carp) at 3000-4000/
ha. In polyculture, stocking rates are 4000 tilapia and 2000 carp per hvctare. Culture period for the
fish is 80-100 days in culture. Experiments so far indicated that use of carbofuran pesticide
is not toxic to fish; no residue is left in the fish which is thus safe for human consumption 2 .

Results from 19 field trials in 1977-1978 yielded an average on a hectare basis of 116 cavans of
palay (50 kg/cavan) and 204 kg of fish per cropping. This corresponds to a mean net income of about
P 5,210. more than that of rice culture alone by P 677 (Table 1.). The culture method is now undergoing
a nationwide pilot implementation phase under the joint sponsorship of the Ministry of Agriculture
and Ministry of Natural Resources. Even rice farms outside the pilot areas are gradually adopting
the technology.

A major constraint to widespread adoption, however, is shorta",A of fish seed supply. For the
1.4 million hectares of irrigated ricelands alone, riot counting the needs cf fi., ,-asand ponds, the
fingerling requirement would be 4,200 to 8,400 million pcr cropping. Since the combined output of
all hatcheries in the country cannot supply this, the rice-fish program includes training on fish hatchery
management for farmer-cooperators.

b. .

The one-hectare farm of Mr. Francisco Carbonel in Nueva Ecija province produces rice, vegetables
and fish. The setup includes: 1) tilapia breeding and nursery ponds of approximately 1,000 m2 total

. 44 .
area; 2) paddies of
ocupying a combined area about 9,000 m 2
;3) slightly raised
of 1,000 in2 ; and 4) an independentand widened (1.5 to 2 m) paddy
underground channels running and dependable water supply dikes
along the dikes to the point with
of delivery; through this system
may be watered. the dikes

The dikes are planted to vegetables

as well as some citrus and banana such as eggplant, pechay, native
plants. Taro plants, locally known onior, tomatoes and beans,
of the paddy dikes, but rice is as 'gabi,' are raised along the
still the major crop. The farmer base
has reportedly increased the farm invested:* 12,000 for this project
gross income from *10,000 to4
25,000 per year 7
A similar one-hectare farm was
put up in 1977 at the Central
feasibility studies and demonstration Luzon State University for economic
purposes. The so-called CLSU
consists of: 1) four tilapia nursery Model Farm or 'Farm of the
and breeding ponds, 698 .m
2 Future'
8,779 m2 total area; 3) several total area; 2) five rice-fish paddy
elevated, 3-4 m wide dikes fields,

4) an underground channel along for vegetable beds, 2,446 rr,2

the main dike for distributing total area;
irrigation water; 5) a pump house;
6) a farm house made of bricks. and

The total development cost amounted

11,700. According to Undan, toP 57,479, including
et al. 7, the farm produces rice, the cost of the farm house of about
and 15 other crops for a
net income of* 11,656 in one
year (Table 2).

Tablc 1. Cost-benefIt analysis

of one cropping of rice and rice-fish
culture on a hectare basis 8

Rice culftre Rice-fish culture

A. Cost of production
2,117.60 2,603.60
B. Production
1. Rice pro'-Ltctlon (cav.n)
2. Fish production (kg) 122 116
C. Value
1. Rice (9 5 5/cavan)
2. Fish (9 7ikg) 6,710.00 6,380.00
D. Gross income 1,433.25
E. Net Income 6,710.00 7,813.25
4,532.40 5,209.65
F. Additional net Income from


Note: 1cavan = 50 kg: US$1.00
=* 7.35

C. Fruit-vegetable.pig.poultry-fish
Several multi-commodity combinations
the country, but few of these are are probably practised by the
documente, nor their cost-return more enterprising farmers
One such case is the small farm
an Province' of 1.6 hectares of Ms. Manuela
It has a fruit orchard, vegetable Maramba
garden, piggery, poultry, and in Sta. Barbara, Panga-

fishpond. The manure

- 45 .

from 16 sows and 1,600 broilers are fed into a digester for biogas production. The resulting liquid
sludge, known to be a better fertilizer than fresh manure, is used to fertilize the orchard, vegetable
garden, and fishpond. The entrails of dressed chicken from the farm, together with chopped banana
stalks and vegetable scraps are cooked using biogas fuel for feeding the pigs. The biogas is also used for
various domestic purposes.

Ever since waste recycling through biogas operations became popular towards the middle of 1970s,
a number of rice-vegetable farms with backyard piggeri ishave been using the effluents (sludge) from the
digester for fertilizing the fields and, in some farms, snwill fishponds.

Table 2. Summary of the one-year model farm Income and expenses

(16 June 1978-15 June 1979)1 7

Items Amount (4)

A. Gross income

1. Rice 6,307.60
2. Taro ('Gabl') 5,340.90
3. Onion (cluster type) 4,735.45
4. Tilapia ziUli 1,482.50
5. Eggplant 730.40
6. Tomaico 551.90
7. Pepper 181.25
8. Bitter melon ('Amargoso') 94.45
9. Corn 93.95
10. Sweet potato 82.30
11. Pechay 71.75
12. Stringbeans 66.00
13. Squash 58.30
14. Sponge gourd ('Patola') 46.00
15. 'Condol' 42.00
16. Okra 38.50
17. 'Batao' 17.50
Total 19,940.75

B. Production expenses

1. Hired labor 763.50

2. Animal and machine fee 2,788.01
3. Supplies and materials 3,082.67
4. Farm rent 1,650.00
Total 8,284.18

C. Net Income 11,656.57

d. Crop.livestock
type or the backyard type.
in the country is either of the commercial-ranch
Li vestOCk production researchers are focusing
or overutilization of current pasture areas, pure grass
ecause of the observed native overstocking
grasslands by oversowing them with legumes or by establishing
on the improvement of grazing systems.
fertilization to increase beef production in commercial
and grass/legume pastures with the animals subsist
small feedlots, integration with crop farms is favored since
11the case of backyard or
and other farm by.products.
winly on weeds, crop residues
and carabao, much
were raising some 4.23 million head of cattle
In 1976, backyard feedlots feed resources are un­
of 495,620 in ranch areas. Still much
population supported by feed
more than the total animal of 11 million can be potentially
an animal population sugarcane and
utilized, considering that area of 7.93 million hectares planted to rice, corn,
materials coming from a total
crop are located in
is perhaps most crop fields and livestock feedlots
for this
coconut. One explanation
separate places' .
of fodder
livestock production, a major research thrust is the integration
Thus, for backyard farming system based on ipil-ipil
cropping systems. A model for an upland
production with existing planted to corn or sorghum in.between
sp.) grown in hedgerows spaced three meters apart and
(Leucaena production.
cattle fattening and leaf meal
has shown good potentials for
corn stovers, etc. with
on: 1) utilization of crop residues,
Ongoing researches are concentrating fodder production with existing
without concentrate supplementation; 2) integration of
ipil.ipil, with or etc.); and integra­
rice.ipil-ipil; corncadios; corn.ipil-ipil; tobacco-ipil-ipil,
cropping patterns (rice.cadios; green corn; fodder cadios
with intensive cropping systems (fodder soybean with
tion of fodder crops
with upland rice).

e. Coconut-pasture-cattle
soil surface of
crops under coconuts, some farmers raise livestock to free the
Instead of growing into meat or
money on weed control, and at the same time convert the weeds
weeds and thus save coconuts are currently used for
of the 2.5 million.hectare area under
milk. About 400,000 hectares
grasses and legumes.
the native grasses are replaced by hiqh.yielding
To improve the pasture, Kudzu legumes are found to be
Alabang X grass species and Centrosema and
Para grass, Guinea grass, also be grown in the same farm
for grazing purposes' 5. Other legumes like ipil-ipil may
and other livestock.
as source of feed ingredient for cattle
(southern Philippines) show­
of 103 beef cattle farms under coconuts= in Mindanao P 49.37
A 1968 survey
760.58 (in 1968, US$1.00 P 3.90) from coconut sales and
cash income of P
ed an average 5
a total net return of P 151.68/ha
from cattle sales per hectare, for
the right balance
systems, however, more research is needed here to obtain
As in other integrated and water, and the
pasture crops compete with the coconut trees for nutrients
of farm components;
animals compact the soil.

2. Livestock-based farming systems

a. Pigcrops-fish

- 47

Best Available Document

The most advanced

Basically, the sludge of these integrated
from the biogas plant farms is the Maya
is used as fertilizer Farms which will
for crops and fishponds be disussed later.
examples of predominantly Following are
pig-based small.scale
The University
algae, pork, biogas, of the Philippines at Los Banos (ULPB)
rice, vegetables and
and the effluent used fish' 0. Hog manure has a model recycling system that
as fertilizer for the rice and washings are chaneled produces
a high protein alga, and vegetable fields, to the digester,
serves as substitute tilapia and chioreila
for soybean oil meal ponds. Chiorella,
in pig rations, as
fertilizer for vegetables. feed for the fish,
The structures for
were estimated to the system (pig
cost * 18,400 (US$2,45pens, chlorela pond, digester, fishpond,
isF 19,773 (US$2,63 3 ) at 1974 prices. The windmill and pipings)
) including sales from total income derived
and vegetables. Net 6 pig, rice and savings from
profit amounts to on energy from methane the system
R 4,462 (US$595). gas, fertilizer
Tilapia production
the 7.5 m2 pond was of 1.1 kg/month
not valued. from
Channeling the sludqe
of the Bureau of from the
Industry digester to an algae pond is also done
fishpond and a field (BAI) in Tarlac province
. in the
planted to Napier ' The liquid fromswine breeding station
grass, which in turn the pond fertilizes
serves as pasture for a
stock farm. large animals in the
Two integrated
One of these farms farms operated by Mr. Jose Sanvictores
does use entirely liquid
liquid manure is pumped not have to use chemical fertilizers hog manure as fertilizer.
to Napier and Para for the
grass fields; the runoff ricefields. In the other farm, the
tion; and the overflow then goes to a water
to a catfish backyard chestnut planta.
pond 6 "
b. Pigpoultry-cattle-vegetable
The uses of waste
where vegetables recycling are also
are grov in ,addition evident in the Golden Farm in Sta.
duced from hog manure to livestock and poultry Maria, Bulacan province,
and pen washings production 4 . The
cattle; the recovered is used as fuel for
solid sludge from drying chicken droppingsmethane gas pro.
the digester, as feed to be fed to the
as fertilizer for squash, material for the pigs;
bitter melon and citrus and the liquid sludge,
('calamansi') plants.
3. Fish-basedfarming
a. Fish.pig
The integration of
Asia and Central aninal husbandry
Europe. In the Philippines,with aquaculture has been reported

the few fishfarm in many countries

that raise pigs to provide such combination has not been in
manure for pond fertilization extensively practised.
Jamandre farm which the biggest perhaps is the
will be presented later.

that fish yields of on fish-pig production
5,850 kg/ha in 270 at the Freshwater
duction of raising days may be obtained? Aquaculture Center
fish alone at the same representing more (FAC) indicate
used was 60 pigs fish density with inorganic than 4 times the
and 20,000 fish/ha, fertilization only. pro
mon carp) and 200 composed of 17,000 The combination
Ophicephalus striatus Tilapia nilotica 2,800
(mudfish or snakehead), Cyprinus carpio (corn.
to control reproduction 4 the latter added as
tilapia Predator
In another experiment,
brackishwater ponds
rearing 4,000 milkfish
and 2,000 tilapia
per hectare

- 48 ­
in polyculture are supplied directly
with pig wastes washed from pens
produced a mean of"252 kg of milkfish over the ponds. The system
and 180 kg of tilapia after 120 days,
performed significantly better than indicating that tilapia
milkfish 3 .

b. Fish-chicken or duck
Fish-chicken or duck combinations
are not as widely practised, if at all,
other Asian countries. Chicken manure, in the Philippines as in
however, is purchased and applied
ponds in the country ca an average in brackishwater milkfish
rate of one ton/ha; but the recommended
r.,e of application is 2
Based on a survey of 1,394 pond
operators, 19% used organic fertilizer
inorganic fertilizer combination; and
54%, inorganic fertilizer' . Of the organic sources; 26%, organic.
is the most widely used, followed sources, chicken manure
by hog manure, guano and composts.
42% of fully developed milkfish ponds Another survey found that
sampled had less than 4% organic matter s
have at least 9% organic matter to . Pond soils should
obtain abundant algae growth for fish
the economic feasibility of integrating food. Considering these data,
chicken and fish production may be
worth looking into.
The duck farming industry around
700,000 ducks in about 4,000 duck the Laguna de Bay lake, while accounting
farms, is not integrated with fish.production for more than
However, the duck manure and domestic in the strict sense.
wastes draining into the lake enhance
in the water, which is evidently responsible biological productivity
for the high 4 ton/ha/yr production
pens in the lake; the ducks, in turn, levels in milkfish culture
feed on the snails and small shrimps
collected by farmers from the
lake 9 .
Fish-duck integration is being tried
also at the FAC. Initial tests indicate
of 750 Pekin ducks and 20,000 fish/ha maximum stocking rates
with the same fish composition used
earlier mentioned. With this combination, in the fish-pig experiment
the maximum net fish yield after ducks
have become regular
layers would be 5,070 kg/ha in
270 days 4 .

c. Fish-taro
Experiments are underway at the CLSU
using rice paddies as shallow fishponds
growing tilapia and taro (Colocasia for simultaneously
esculenta). One setup has elevated
for the fish. Another system has the plots for the plants and trenches
whole pond planted to taro at plant
Since taro now sells at * 1.00 per spacing similar to rice culture.
plant in Nueva Ecija province, a 200 2
would gross * 1,000, as compared m paddy with 1,000 plants
to 3 cavans of palay production from
the same area worth about
R 150 only (dela Cruz, pers. comm.).

Large-Scale Operations

Except for the Maya Farms, records

are not available to the author of large-scale
waste recycling in other agro-industrial integration and
farms in the country. It is conceivable
feedlots may be found in big pineapple though that livestock
and banana plantations to utilize the
wastes. There are unpublished information agricultural and processing
irrigation water from its reservoir of one sugarcane plantation planning to utilize excess
for fish-pond culture purposes, and
a forestry concern raising fresh.
water fishes in natural water impoundments
in the watershed.
Two case studies are presented here
to illustrate the development of integrated
in the Philippines achieved through farming .ystems
private initiative.

- 49 ­
1. Pig'rice'cor-vegetable-fish
Marambal4 describes
the operation of
Mills, Inc., in his Maya Farms the
book on 'Biogas agoidustril divis/on
and Waste Recycling., of Liberty lour
Rizal province inteqrates hog 2
raising with slaugte meatThe 4-heca farm complex
mixing crops
and fish production. and canning as in
The biogas Works elim re
s'ame time produce odor Pollution caused by
biogas useful the manure from 10,00 pigs, and at
Plants; heating in many operations the'
running gas the scalding in the farm:
tanks in
the coo1ing in rendering
refrirators Slaughterhous

water heaters and cooking

and canning
viding Power for feed mills, deepwel Pumps, vats in meat
coin der in feed mixing Processing Plant;

plant, engines for


P an

meat meal, bone ats fronthslugherhuse

from the slaughterhous
nee and bloJ meat Processing and
meal. These
Sludge conditioning are used as ingredients canning Plants are processed into
takes Place in setting in Preparing hog
dried and Proessed basins feeds in the feed
liquid sludge into feed materials. and lagOOns; the settied
in a series of A waterwheel solids e recovered
lagoo toremovecesdv driven bysa windniu helps
produce better aerate thecre d
Irrigation cropod
water from the lagoons g
InPlace of these crops, tn fertilizsweet con and vegetebl neededt
rice grown during rainy il .
from hetr

pig pens also induceisPlankton
growth seasons. The liquid fertilizer r i
grwhiin fishpond
ihods which and feed SWeepings
hectare in thlionh Yield about 2inton3 the canning plant
of tilapia per
The total waste
recycling system
costs more than
a highly profitable P 750,000 to develop,
enterprise Partly and ithas no

due to
2. Fishpig'cttleccou cost,
energyonu feed
material, and added
From his observation
decided to Put
up a piggery in Other countries
in his
hece and local
constructed brackjshwater mlkfish pond biogas Operations
in Iloilo provinceMr. Eiesto
the pig Pens, the pond Ponds initially Before that,
soil improved and gave low fish Yields; the newly.
ponds also raise the fish Yields g
when he later applied

shrimps and increase e raw sewage from

Two piggery tilapia.. from the

units are found
in the farm.
nursery ponds
seond unit One supplies
The setreatment has a fo^.--'om clear water effluent
about 6 ohectares from a digester
compaent can be Sp p/esc.arwae
to the

directed through Plastic to six

tank added
hoses tosxsrer.

to the die3te
HypoIn 1977, Jamandre Ponds, The
reported a total totalling

pig stock of
rs Yorkshire, Landrace around 1,200, including
abled .... operational and Hampshire) and 8 134 sows o f
te eis16 boars of pure breeds.
abes .kin fromnts beset
cnta (hybrids
,F-_ materediah is.16.kcfromIloilo the farm like of
City difficulty in transporting
e and materials
investment is very and, if available, have to be transpol supplies and market.
maintaining high: at e ratio cannot be stored across
e a ri
the animals and their litters of ',,
w over long periods
ow per hectare of pord the cos vhe
of pon,' ther of t.
c of Pigs and , i-­
... to 50ounts


. Th i
Furthermore, most experiences in other countries in combinations involve freshwater
fishes. More studies are needed to test the effectiveness of usinq hoq manure for milkfish culture in
brackishwater ponds. No economic analysis is available to show if the increase in fish yields and savings
on chemical fertilizer compensate for the cost of hog feeds.

The farm also includes about 35 head of cattle which craze on the 6-meter wide principal dikes
and about 16 hectares of grass area under coconut trees adjoining the fishponds (Alicer, pers. comm.).


Integrated farming systems is stdll a wide-open field for multidisciplinary research in the Philippines.
Several technologies developed elsewhere remain to be verified under different environmental conditions.
A more systematic approach for testing various combinations must be developed to determine the
appropriate stocking densities or carrying capacities for each system component, the optimum resource
allocation and complementation among commodities, the full employment of labor resources, and so on.
The objectives should be to identify the most profitable crop-animal mixes for specific conditions.

Together with the technology package, cost-return evaluation of operation farm systems have
to be documented and disseminated. Credit support has to be provided and integrated farm operations
on a wider scale should be promoted.


1. Alferez, A. C. 1979. Technology Generation, Verification and Dissemination in Forage Pasture

and Grasslands. PCARR Forthnightly Seminars. Sem. Paper Series No. 23. Los Banos,
Laguna, Philippines.
2. Arce, R. G. and C. R. de la Cruz. 1978. Improved Rice-fish Culture in the Philippines. Inter­
national Commission on Inigation and Drainage (ICID), 2nd Reg. Afro-Asian Conference.
Tech. Paper. Manila, Philippines.
3. Aure, R., R. Fortes, R. Sanares. 1978. Utilization of Agricultural By-products and Wastes for
Fish Culture. Ann. Rept. 1978, UPCF Brackishwater Aquaculture Center. Leganes, Iloilo,
Philippines. 28 p.
4. Cruz, E. M. and Z. H. Shehadeh. 1979. Preliminary Results of Integrated Pig-fish and Duck-fish
Production Tests. ICLARM-SEARCA Conf. on Integrated Agriculture-Aquaculture Farming
Systems. Contributed Paper. Manila, Philippines.
5. Davide, J. G. 1979. Fishpond Fertilization in the Philippines. PCARR Forthnightly Seminars.
Sem. Paper Series No. 27. Los Banos, Laguna, Philippines.
6. dela Cruz, C. R. 1976. Updated Benchmark Information on Fish Farming Integrated with Crop
and Livestock Production. In Proc. Soils and Water, Sec. Nat. Agric. and Res. System Res.
Cong., PCARR, Los Banos, Laguna, Philippines.
7. - - 1976a. Integrated Agriculture-Aquaculture Farming Systems in the Philippines.
ICLARM-SEARCA Conf. on Integrated Agriculture-Aquaculture Farming Systems. Country
Report. Manila, Philippines.

- 51 ­
8. dela
Cruz, C.R.
9 .
De inendo, 1979bP
for NFAC.hl N ao1971i,

Mania, P iJqntess.'F°
S1979 Justification
3. EUsebio J.S ,
A Review Of InP of Rice.fishlF s -F r igS st m .I
R. Rabino Culture rg I
Ailg and A. c,,reta ogra
Ansima parr 'am NSDB.JPLBC " Paper Prepared
EUsebio. 1976. mine s
11. Guerrer and E . Recycling A
aguna, Phili ua utr Fam Syste" Manila,
- ntegrated Research ar jn
Systems. Phi"-'-Mp
Prog- 9 Sysem IC LA M
12.rue1 . erIS . D.
in 1J, Plpines.
V P., 1979.
',P. troc.;
Paddy Culture
os IBaO,
. R aI. .rat of dulleti.Technian
SyPste3 inIntegrate,d Plan t and
.111, R
Lagun, . D.

" ppin
and 1 (1). UPLB,
13. 1 Lbrero, ,o and
3n roAPir A.. c; adi Inver eb at
Inte gs E _ s Thursday
ioPEAFD C Workshop Seminar of
on A Cu t r , o e P ob
e n
Some ProbAquacu Cons tra in t
SEA 9 SiO o.Eco .
-D- o1978 .Bo a a
ure E 1hginee , , , o rn
s / R.
14. Maes. 14 .
a an E.
. . 7 " s at ul ation Ncand fMil o P p ines.
on A vailabl -",u re Technology
15. Phiippnea, ofM 1 arm ing in the Phil.
D.i Council orMills,
ibe: t FRecommendsP~n

lou shAgricult
for Inc. Regal
ad Printing
16. QuRnes,
1. Bogas and
an d Res
Waste Relig Mani, TCoPh Experience.ue
Quin es0. Dand nd for Integrated o R c Manna
c ~ T ppIne Rxperience Maya Farms
E.M. Cruz FaRnn hehil, hj es. 2 3
1 9 e e sources ReRr
uc on the oUse . 19

1 . U 1dan , t oRe
,ip' n.. .Ph il. Soc. of
. Sntrinb a l a 97 Sc
f pi Ma
P .
17 P-(MinCeo.). 11 c 6
16tth n n Ca
Ann Convention. gu a,
A M. Cabrera
imalSc. ~ EJary Study ontets fas.
Conp ip76panure PIlp~
for Fish Pr 0,.

,e P iip ie
Anh Reton the Ca -cutedPaper.
&a e TibuMoeo Manila,
D. Soberano
oelFarm. MUnoz, and N. Tamayo.
o v ni n NUevaEiaplpp



Q. Methane
of the
city in highgascost
Taiwan generation,
i o nves
on, while
e t; havin eested
At. Maya Farms, not ee , n T w for manbecaus
nsvea..days propane gas ismore Y y aowisanotdwae
get (2 .5 to s e In the Phili p , widely u
o -' orec over; p.....
n o veme n
in ve tm en t after ow 1o1t ^
to use and be aus

itWineton tj~ ( il7%

take ?J~tke
years --
to toe 2 Yea r ;i ... also, elect .
ed Per dayrefrom
ovr;but eif ew -
long do you recover y u in e
Q* What 000. count
rs fwe Your t
A.,5are the
0~ w ni Pages ofuall
the 1500 oW at M Mecvery th f
count the
l ay a
OterinsFarr s? (oi_
the gasegenesoled
sow unisow
ao s h unit
l ,th,,,
of invese o eed ) fromge
= one sow ­ f ue s 0 boer
e j) at we
+ all offsprings
up to 7 months

- 52 .



Somsak /Janesirisak


The progress of fish culture in Thailand is noticeable. Approximately, a total area

of 23,568 ha
in 20,974 farms are used for)fish culture.'~t present our fish farmers are using modern
instead of old methods. Fish farmers can produce a high fish yIeld by using spawning technoh.-ies
techniques that
artificially induce fishes such as chinese carps, etc. to spawn. This enables farmers to
have more finger­
lings than they need and they can therefore sell excess fingerlings to other farmers.

The farmer's critical problem is lack of capital because feeds are expensive while the price
products is not proportionate to the price of feed. They incur losses due to the imbalance of their
investment and Drofit. Therefore, farmers try to reduce the cost of feed through integrated
Instead of raising fish only, the farmer also grows livestock such as pig, chicken etc.
Excrements of
these animals are directly utilized by fish or used :o enrich the pond for the growth
of natural fish
food organisms such as phytoplankton and zooplankton. It was found that about
60%of the daily
consumption of the pig is excreted as feces and urine. Therefore, fish can directly
consume it and the
valuable nu.ivnts that these contain cause the growth of natural food organisms (Table
With this type of farming, all areas are utilized for maximum yield and production. Pens
are built
over the fish pond or near the edge of the pcnd, and economic plants such as banana
and coconut trees
are grovm on the dikes or near by for more profit.

Table 1. Chemical composition of pig excrements

Components From 100 kg of excrement


Water 71
Organic matter 25
Nitroqen 0.5

Phosphorus (P2 9 5 )

Potassium (K 2 0)
Calcium 0.09
Others 0.9

Ad ,oted from Woynarovich, 1976.

- 53 .


There are two

popular ways of
building the pen
in Thailand:
t. Those made
the pond. of wood
or ban,.boo
built over the
fish pond so
that animal
2. rns are buit on excrement fall
th e ed e of th e into
Pond, with concrete
This is more expensive floor Soi gd w
than the first o ad h at
one. r

Culture Species

stocjt (Table are
quite a few speces
which the farmer
may raise in the
ponds in combination
with live.

Table 2. Preferable

Th aiC o m o nam e ­ - -
Cmmon nam~e
Scientific name
nile Nile
Pia Taplen
n Bighead carp
Puntius Tilapi nilotica
Aristichthys nobilis
Pla PsaPanqasius
Catfish Puntius gonfonotus
To avoid water
stocking rate pollution
Of fish and number and provide, enough orgrgm
ofanin to be for
raised in combination fish, it i n to know the
This area conducted with fish. The
by the Exteion results of research
are in Table Unit of the National
itiln a Inland Fisheries
Institute reutso.esac
(NIFI), Bangkok,

Table 3. Number
of pigs and fishes
in one ral Pond

Species of fish
of pigs One ra: pond

2. PaN.aO
3. Pun tius gonionotu, 10


Pagayu 40
4.Aioticay nbilsand 50
1 tare
=6 Ra0 1,600

Yield from Fish/Pig Raising

Research results are shown in Table 4.

Table 4. Yield from fish/pig raising

Fish species Fishspeces

Population Initial wt. Rai pond
Fish rearing Totat yield* Ave. wt./ish
(gm/fish) period (month) (kg) (kg)
Tilapia nilotica 1,600
Pangmius sutchi 30 6
1,000 600 0.375
Puntiusgonionotus 2.0 14 400
4,000 2.5 10 500 0.40
Aristichthys nobilis and 150 100
Tilapia nilotica 1,600 30 6 200 1.33
* Yield is after 6 months

Returns from Pla Nile (Tilapia

Nilotica) in Combination with
Results of the survey from three
farms at Soi Sena Nikom 1, Pahol,
Bangkok, Thailand are shown in Table Yothin Road, Bangkhen,
Table 5. Returns from Tilapia nilotica
In combination with pigs at Sol Sena
Nikom 1,

Bangkhen, Bangkok, Thailand (Baht)

Details Farm No. 1 Farm No. 2 Farm No. 3

No. of pigs
wt. (kg) 45 100
8-10 100
Cost of young pigs 8--10 8-10
Feed and medical care 20,250 50,000
26,311 50,000
19,720 44,500
Rented area
Period of raising (month) - 6,000
7 -
Aragewt. (kg)8
wt. (kg) 8,400 11,000
Average wt. (kg) 12,000
Price (Baht/kg) 120 110
Total income (Baht) 18 18.50 120
97,200 203,500 228,000
Pla Nile
Area of pond (Rai)
Number of fish 4 6
15,000 10
Cost of fingerlings 25,00 200,000
Fish rearing period (month) 1,500 1,250 10,000
Total wt. (kg) 6 6
2,500 7
Average wt. (kg) 3,100 5,000
Price (Baht/kg) 0.250 0.250 0.100
Total income 8 8
Grand total income 20,000 24,800 30,000
117,000 228,300
Grand expens 30,000
P 48,061 136,970
69,139 91,330 204,500
1 US$= 20 Baht



The number
the optimum farming in Thailand
the density between
highest income is inCreasing

is roughly 31.00_55.55at the lowest the fish and animals It is however

cost. From and n to
th d to improv
mpoveethe manaesen
te of e the system to get
isrugl 3.055kg stento et
Of fresh fish. Frmte
data, the conversion
rate of excrement
from one pig

Potcharoen Chitta
ind Somsak Janesirisak.
1977 Inteation
of Swine and
(InThai).E ni t atiOn Inland Tilapja niotica
Ext. Bu.
1978. The Apphcatioi Fisheries Institute (NIFI) angken
Vit Thanchalanukit.
of Pig Manure fr Fish d Bangkok
Paper. FiSh Culture
Section, Fculty of Fisheries Ponas. eh. Paper and Thailand
Kasetsat Universiy Instructe
Woynaroch Bangkok, Thailand
E. 1976. The .
Feasibility of
Combining Ani,
lusbandry with
Reference and
Japan. p. 11.Du Pig Production
in A. Tech.MlHsady 'BnkThln.
Conf. Aqu . Expt Fa.
wo. Special
Pap. No. 6.

Q. with.
In your
n s
with T. stocking YOUuUd sed Tilapia Wilica and carp.
iotica if
imPOssible stock J without a d c r . In I theh Philippines, we have bad
A. There are to obtain as much predator;
we have to experienae
two things that yield as yOU control
we do: 1) we did. What is your duction
try to separate experience
maWeterwte regarding
in one pond and then stock in another
Q. How can pond. inri
yourare egar this Iatter?

for pigs costleft-over

of feeds be
food too low?
Do you

restaurants. use
do notfor pigs?
Q. On Table use co for
5, how much pigs; Thailand
A. Labor is Your labor exports it.
utilized was input in proucton
family labor of pigse
thus, no costing

was Placed.

56 .





Farming in/reais characterized by small scale g-ain production on an average cultivated land
area of 0.97 hectare per farm household, using predominantly family labor (Tables 1 &2).

As seen in Table 1, approxima'ely 68 percent of the total farm households have less than one
hectare; 31 percent have less than 0.5 hectare with which they can hardly sustain the subsistence of
their families; about 31 percent of the total farm households possess only 11 percent of the total arable
land. Table 2 shows that on average, 5.7 family members are depending for their livelihood on 0.97
hectare of arable land by means of labor-intensive farming with 2.9 working members per farm house­
hold. It is worthwhile to pay attention to the size of holding per farm worker which averaqes 0.34
hectare or 3,400 square meters. Especially in the group with less than 0.5 hectare, 0.14 hectare or 1,400
square meters is managed by one working family member. These figures demonstrate the excessive
labor force to land holding ratio which has caused seasonal unemploynient.

Such factors have necessitated high utilization of farm land labor and intensive management
in terms of integrated or diversified farming.

It has been customary to grow cereal crops, rice in summer and barley in winter after harvesting
rice in the southern part of Kore? Consequently, farming in Korea is'largely dependent on land, which
is the most serious restricting factor in improving rural conditions. In other words, the rich or poor
farmer can be identified by the size of his cultivated land holding.

Table 1. Distribution of farm household and arable land area by size of holding

Classification Under 0.5 ha 0.5-1.0 ha 1.0-1.5 ha 1.5-2.0 ha Above 2.0 ha Total

Farm population - - - - - 12,308,834

Farm household 686,082 795,331 406,841 170,475 131,552 2,190,281
Percentage 31.3 36.3 18.5 7.8 6.1 100.0
Arable land 217,265 583,155 494,871 292,577 365,807 1,54,675
Percentage 11.: 29.8 25.4 15.0 18.7 100.0

Source: MAF, Reports on Farm Household Economy Survey.

- 57 ­
Table 2. Size
of farm families
and number of
farm workers
by size of holding
Undpr 0.5 ha 0*5-/.0 ha 1.0-1,5 ha 1,5--0 ha Above
No. of family 2.0 ha Average
Arable land permember 4.7
household (ha) 5.5 6.2 6.6
0.31 6.85.
No. of farm-engaged 7
member Per household 0.73
2.3 2.8 1.25 1.71
Size of holding per 3.3
farm worker (ha) 3.2 3.6
0.14 0.26 "- 0.38
Surv0.74 0.53
Source: 0.34
AF, Report on
Farm ouseold Economy
r ey
.c However, the
fncaresmastheesandardOf demand for incone-lastc
farm managent living condition farm products like vegetable
pattems is upgraded (Table and
viability and maxi'ize plus 3). Farmers animal protein foods
utilization of resources vegetable or are forced to
season, integrate livestock production integrate
croPUvestock Considering limited cultivated to ma
farming has more land and theint economic
long winter
potential than
They usually crop-vegetable
grow rice in SUniner
herbivorous animais. for small farmers
season and forage
crops after or
before rice cultivation
to feed to
Table 3. Changing
Classification food supply pattern
1962 (pers/day)

Calorie 19721977
Rice (g)
100.0 2,415
100.0 114.1 124.3 2,427
Index 124.9
331.4 13013.0
341.3 34.4.

Vegetables (g) 99.003.0

Index 03.0
Meats (g) 99.0 170.6 14.
17.317 129.2
130.5 171.2
172.3 104.5
Idx100.0 172.9.
Source. MAF and Korea 4.
Rural Economics Institute 4 .
Reports on Food3ply
Reot on Food
Patter, in r7.6
Suppl Patrniorea.

not only for thecrops-livestock farming with
draft power provided Korean native
beef cattle have
been introduced by cattle but also cattle has been Popular among
as an import
farming is becoming in recent family asset. small farmers
Popular in suburban years I addition to the native As dairy and
areas. In remote cattle, integrated
cattle as well as native mountaous crop-dairy
cattle farming is common. areas, integrated
farming in Korea. Table 4 shows the crop.bef
popularity of such

- 58.

Table 4. Number of head and farm household raising cattle by size


Cattle Classification Total 1-9 head 10-29 30-49 Over 50

Native cattle Head 1,624,301 1,593,713 17,068 4,500 9,020

(%) (100.0) (98.1) (1.1) (0.3) (0.5)

household 1,169,784 1,163,476 1,120 125 63
(%) (100.0) (00.888) (0.096) (0.011) (0.005)

Beef cattle Head 27,054 12,309 3,071 564 12,) 10

(%) (100.0) (45.5) (7.6) (2.1) (44.8)

household 6,081 5,886 138 16 41
(%) (100.0) (96.8) (2.3) (0.2) (0.7)
Dairy cattle Head 135,803 48,747 50,832 14,276 21,948
() (100.0) (35.9) (3/.4) (10.5) (16.2)

household 16,387 12,438 3,343 393 213
() (100.0) (75.9) (20.4) (2.4) (1.3)

Source: Livestock Industry Development Corporation

Despite the fact that the government has tried to establish large-scale
livestock farms and has
strongly supported them in many ways since early 1970s, most of the
cattle are raised by small farmers.
Table 4 shows that the large farmers raising more than 50 head account
for only 16 percent of total
head of dairy, 45 percent of beef cattle and 0.6 percent of Korean
native cattle. On the other hand,
small farmers who raise less than 9 head hold a large portion of the cattle:
36 perceat of total head in
dairy, 45 percent in beef cattle and 98 percent in native cattle.

The number of farm households raising less than 9 head is 76 percent

of total dairy farmers,
97 percent of beef cattle farmers and almost 100%of native cattle fanneis.


Chilwon village is situated in the middle part of the Korean peninsula

with accessible transporta­
tion directly connected by the express highway and railroad to the capital
city of Seoul and the other
cities throughout the country. The village has 46 households with a
population of 286 persons. Of
the total households, 38 make their living by farming an average cultivated
land area of 1.6 hectares
per household.

- 59 ­
The village
subsistence on smallwas Poverty.stricken until late
rice a,/bariey in 19
had to sell wood cultivation. To the 50s; farmers depended
in nearby towns make up for the for
agers of the village to supplement their small size ol'their their marginal
were ambitious livelihood. Late farms,
guidance of the enough to organize in the 19 5 0s, however, farmers
extension worker a study group, the teen.
in the daytime responsible for namely the 4.I
and studied by the district. hey club, under the
themselves in the helped their parent
evening under with farmin.
The cooperative the leadership of the
designated it as efforts village leaders
one of the 154of the villagers were recognized
integrated development and the
an extension worker pilot villages for Office of Rural Developmen
there for intensive income increase
guidance in 1973.
and statione
Integrated Crop-Livestock
Farming with
After consultation Dairy as the
with the extension Major Enterpri,
some of
farming. Their integrated the small farmers
crop.dairy farming is focused began
to adopt
on optiizing avaable family dai
farm land. labor and sm
In the case of the
for silage after rice-forage crops
the rice harvest system on paddy
in the middle of land, cold-resistant
before rice transplanting. October until early crop such as rye
On upland, integrated part of May the is gro
cornvegetable rye igr
crcp.r farming system is comnon Such
attracted neighborng integra
yearly (Table 5). farmers and the
number engaged
in this system
Table 5. Number
of farm households
engaged In dairy
farming by year
Ye ar
Number ofToahedf

farm household
! 73dai'ry Total head of
1977 38
1978 14
17 1

19 124

Of the total of 196

38 farm households,
22 have engaged
196 head of dairy in this type of
cattle, averaging integrated farmi
about 9 head per
as of
The village experience the end of August

offers some tignificant

facts to those Who

Table 6 clearly shows are interested in
that their fhrm income sources rural C
(Table 6).
have shifted from crops to
The portion of ucshvshfefrmcostday

six years.It isOnan income from crops
other hand,
noticeable decreased by about
the Portion
fact that 59%from 95.5
fromincome fromincreasea
livestock dairyingfrom to 36.9% during
4.5% to 82% ofa j
livestock income in I
as of the end of

. 60 .

Another fact worth noting is that the rate of annual income increase per farm household between
1973 and 1978 varied depending on the size of land holding (Table 7). During the period of six years
from 1973 to 1978, while the annual income increase for farmers with more than two hectares is 415%,
that for small farmers holding less than 0.5 hectare is 844%.

This shows that the gap of income between the size of holding is remarkably narrowed. Table 7
seems to indicate the hard work exerted by small farmers and the effort they have put in to maximize
the utilization of their own idle resources.

Table 6. Comparison of farm income sources per household between the first year.of
the program and the end of 1978

1973 1978
Field Income sources
Amount % Amount %

Cereal crop 828 90.8 2,039 73.3

Vegetable 72 7.8 393 14.3
Crops Orchard - - 210 7.5
Others 13 1.4 137 4.9
Sub-Total 913 100.0 2,779 100.0
% of total 95.5 36.9

Dairy - - 3,891 82.0

Cattle fattening 21 48.6 771 16.3
Livestock Others 22 51.4 81 1.7
Sub-Total 43 100.0 4,743 100.0
%of total 4.5 63.1

Total 956 100.0 7,522 100.0

Table 7. The annual Income Increase by size of land holding;

comparison of 1973 with 1978

Year ClassifIcation Under 0.5 ha 0.5-1.0 ha 1.0-2.0 ha Above 2.0 ha

1973 Amount of income 341,569 578,593 731,049 1,458,001

Rate (%) 100.0 100.0 100.0 100.0

1978 Amount of income 2,882,694 4,363,621 4,535,162 6,053,379

Rate (%) 844.0 754.2 620.4 415.2

-61 -


Al Binilsmafl

and crops Although integrated farming is a Systematic
being fully exploited this system of farming is metho of raising
aombnaton of
by the majority Practised to a lvestock fish
of the farmers, certaJh extent InMalaysjc
is that the techniques are not Thiseet it is not as yet
most widely knownaMay thneo Maesa t, o
tion. Ther
Theimsare the farmers. b due to several factors,
ost l grdelyat

Practised system oeo hc aaheet

Pted~ among pork eaters
chicken which are acceptable ~ in Malaysia is the
inall Malayian ohrcmia
inceeogOther, gar.
c onig-f combinations, such
' al n
'mu unities. uhaas Fjhlse-w,'volv.e
ihvegetableu ming
At Present, vn i csa kksa1d

and verify existing not much research
recyling methods are being,
THE RESET SAT~sOF and find ways
doneto on
te efficien
fanningr There
eficincyOf a need to identify

the syqteln.
The systems of IN MALA't'SIA
integrat farming
which have been
identified in Malaysia
1. Livestock.curn<arops are as follows:

2. Fish.cumrcrop

a. Fish-cur.padi
b. Fishcun.vegtable
c. Fish.cum.fruittrees culture

3. Fish-cumlivestock

a. Fishcurn.pig
b. Fishcumduck
c. Fish-curn-chickenculture
d. F cun.gees culture
e. Fish-curncattle culture
f. Fish-cun.goat
4. Fish umlivetstock
r.cumcrp culture
a. Fish*unpig'cun
vegetable culture
b. sh*cun'duck.cufn-vegetable

. 62
c. Fish-cum-pig/chicken/duck curn vegetable culture
d. Fish-cum-goat/buffaloescurn vegetable culture.

Systems involving two commodities are relatively

well known in Malaysia.
On the other hand
tricommodity integrated farming is employed by some Chinese farmers,
whereby pig or duck is produced
together with fish and vegetable.

Thus there is a possibility of popularizing tricommodity integrated

farming among farmers in fish
farming areas in this country. A survey in 1979 indicated that out
of 12,000 acres (4,800 hectares) of
fish ponds, 6,716 acres are utilized for fish-cum-livestock mixed farming.

A. Fisb-cum-pigculture

Inthe fish-cum.pig culture, the waste water from pigsties is channelled

directly into fish ponds
to fertilize the ponds. The pigs are fed wfth a soft diet composed
of boiled succulent vegetable feeds
consisting of any or combination of the following crops: 1) sweet potato
(Ipomoea batatas) haulms and
tubers; 2) cassava (Manihot sp.) leaves and tubers; 3) banana stems;
4) kangkong (Ipomoea reptans);
5) Colocasia and Dioscorea sp.

De la Mare 4 reported that in a case study in Penang, Malaysia

fish-cum-pig culture involving
grass carp, common carp, silver carp and tilapia yielded 3,260 lbs (1,480
kg) for fish per acre per annum
(3,655.6 kg/ha)..

B. Fish-cum-chicken culture

Fishes such as grass carp, big-head carp, Indooesia carp and the
Malaysian freshwater prawn
(Macrobrachiurn rovenbergii) may be cultured with chicken. At
the Malaysian Agricultural Research
Development Institute Station (MARDI), Malacca, the culture has
been experimented. A poultry shed
was built aLove the fishpond and at thegend of 4 months, 242 kg (597.74
kg/ha) of Macrobrachiumand
an equal amount of fish were obtained per acre'. The chicken weighed
1.2-1.8 kg each. Ang' al]o re­
ported that in Sarawak, Malaysia 100 chicken can keep one acre (0.4
ha) of pond constantly productive.

C. Fish-cum-duck culture

This system is commonly practised by some farmers. Disused mining

pools are utilized for cul­
turing fish, consisting of grass carp, silver carp and bighead carp.
Adjacent to the pools the farmers
cultivate vegetables, rear pigs and some ducks. It has been indicated
by MARDI, Malacca, thai polycul­
ture of prawn and fish with duck is feasible'. In this case, the fish
were not given supplementary feeds.

D. Fish-cum-cattleculture

In this system the cowbyres are built near fish ponds so that cowdung
are easily transported and
applied in the ponds at specified intervals.
The common practise in Malaysia is to apply cowdung at the rate of
450 1atis per acre per annum
(272 kg/hectare/annum).


The recycling method commonly practised in Malaysia is best described

by De La Mare 4 . He

- 63 ­
by integrating the Chinese
pig rearing farmers engaged
fertilizing Pond into their
and reple in
nutrients in vegetab
system. Pig dungtie gardennge replenished
r hiin g Padi lae d. POd is utilized for nanurin
Pig is the Vegetable gard
factor. Water essential biological gr
needed for factor i en ,
Pigs and poultry.. a pig bles in the produrtion
g - , eetablk ao
n es, rid sd -d
rice an
cassavas and fsh.
fis. • The yce
uction a dwater the essential
ltr of spent
cycle and from isvegetable p y ia
are chopped up for hog
5 lik kgkong
(Ip vmoea reptans)
feed. are given to
p e(
sweet Potatoes oea
(J o eabata at as

Malaysia 71 %
household in the Poverty the P
sector, o rulaion
grOup is in the rural
o i isaclassified
areasionanois6Roz_ as rural Eighty.eight percent
Since there nf this Poverty of the
is high group is i the
utilize fully concentration agriculturt
and efficiently of
the resources small holdings below
definitely benefit available in 10 acres (4
the farm through hectares),
the farmers.
The adt,.-.tages better recycling a program to
of this system methods wil
* In rcasin gthe
Incone of rural ico
meof snall-holders

However, a households varies

total of 38.7% from M$50
of these households 0 0 to M$1,
Poverty level in 0 0 0 per month
Malaysia is estimated earn less than or US$23 to
at M$25 6 .00 (US M$20 0 US$4 6 5 6
$19.00) per h ous 0 0 (US$9
n 3. )
hor er 0 m
Thus a farmer onth .
should utilize
In Thailand, a his land for crops, livestock
in a part of farmer can increase and fish.
his rice farm'. his net earnings
It was also by 20 to 100
reported that times by engaging
income from in Indoneia in fish farming
the sale of fish a rice farmer
from 1/3 of can
70% of his
Cheap source
M Thei weighted °fp rotein for
a average the ruralpeople

t ine M erage O of protein

aput The requhrement

daily protein
per caput/day has been
60%, Howev wofth56.1cu
athere.3p r ot calculated in
the Population. i does r not neces5. ei n r equo 1970
A study (Chong nessarily . indicate hpreapt ad
in n
and Lim, 1975) that there inprotein 97
xceeded .b
inat efireiency Malaysia f compared
in the remote inland protein intake an Mantrto
villages are
mina in­
3. Increasing dicated thtakes
the availabilit. are marginal, particularly
Livestock of feeds for
livestock in
(e.g. goat, are smnallholders
cattle andclassified 'farns
not require ,uuuutos buffaloes).into
o mo
0 o scereals ee dsand
o "0,0 " r rugats
an n Protein umin t are able,,,
ual ly? diets. . Between to utilize forages
'76, t e w e 1970-. 9 0 1ar) a
.7 .' prgs; - a,andd roiu.... roughag-
/nd an-hyd
Malaysia aimported h g s .a d t , u t
and rmn . n
Thus efforts should 300,000
materials and utiizing be made to replace
agro-based by.Products Partiall
from cY these feedstuffs

using locally Produced

There is a great potential for developing tricommodity integrated farming in Malaysia. There are
at present more than 4,800 hectares of fish ponds in Malaysia 3 . It is estimated that additional areas
of more than 24,300 hectares, could be developed further for freshwater fish culture and that about
half of this area plus the existing 4,800 hectares could be utilized for integrated farming with crops and
livestock including chicken, ducks and pigs.

Several types of fruit trees and certain short term crops and vegetables which are popularly grown
by local farmers may be integrated into these farming systems. These crops include mangoes, bananas,
oranges, lime cassavas, colocassia, sweet potatoes, Dioscorea, "oea reptans and other leafy and
fruit vegetables.


At present, there are no specific government program to provide incentives for farmers to adopt
integrated farming, especially those involving three commodities namely fish, livestock and crops.

The program for integrated farmii.g proposed in this paper is in line with the recommendations
stated in the Malaysian A ,,icultural Policy 6 and includcs the following:

a. Fish.cum.chickenjrum crop culture.

b. crop culture.
c. Fish.cum.pig-cum crop culture.


1. The recommended stocking rate for ihicken is 100 per acre t250 chicken/hectare) per 4
months. The average weight of each chicken after 4 months is expected to be 1.8 kg.

2. The stocking rate of fish per acre (a total of 540 fish/acre/crop or 1,350 fishlna/crop):

a. 5,000 freshwater prawn (Macrobrachiumrosenbergii)

b. 250 grass carp (Ctenopharyngodonidellus)
c. 120 big head carp (Artistichthys nobilis)
d. 100 Indonesian carp (Puntius gonionotus)

Fish will be harvested every 9 months. A conservative production rate at 0.5 ton per acre/harvest
(1.25 tons/hectare) is expected.

3. Certain short term crops may be ifttegrated into this farming system. Such crops could
include cassava, kangkong (Ipomoea reptans) and banana. The vegetative parts of banana, kangkong
and cassava may be used as feeds for fish. Oiher leafy and fruit vegetables may also be integrated into
this system.

4. Chicken dung is used as manure, for both crops and fish.

The stocking rate for ducks is 100 ducks per acre per 4 months (250 ducks/hectare) over 2 crops

- 65 ­
per year.

The stocking rate for

fish per acre is similar
to t:h
for fish.cum-chicken
Fruit trees, short-term culture.

for both crops and crops and vegetable may

ponds. In Hongkong be cultivated. The dung may be used
dropping equivalent it was estimated that as manure
to 33 tons of poultry 2,000 ducks can provide
droppings, or 10 tons 30 tons of
of pig wastes annually 7
crop culture
The stocking rate for
pigs is 12 pigs per acre
(30 Pigs/hectare) of
The stocking rate of 2 crops a year.
fish per-acre (a total
of 850 fish/acre/9 months
or 2,125 fish/hectare/9
a. 50 grass carp (0tenopharyngodon
b. 200 big head carp idellus)
(Aristichthys nobilis)
c. 100 silver carp (Hypopthalmichths
d. 500 Lee Koh (Cvprinus molitrix)

The average weight

of each pig after 6 months
is 130 katis (214.5 ltq)

The crops recommended

consumption. These are those which are usually
crops include cassava, used for both pig feeds
Colocassia, Dioscorea, and for human
Polyculture of fish banana and Ipomoea
in this system encourages sp.
carp and grass carp maximum utilization
feed on vegetable matter.
flourish on roeanic manures Big head carp and silver of pond resources. Indonesian
from livestock. Common carp feed on planktons
(lacrobraehium rosenbcrgii) carp (Cyprinus carpio) which
are bottom feeders and freshwater prawn
and are generally omnivorous.
In the polyculture
donesian carp. These system, a higher stocking rate
two fishes have similar for grass carp is used
the grass carp. A food habits compared to that of
lesser number of Indonesian but the Indonesian In.
food. One of the carp will enable the carp is more active than
most important factors grass carp to compete
capability of the farm which should be considered equally for
family to manage efficiently in this farming system
the tricommodity enterprise. is the


1. Lack of technical
Farmers normally lack
growing. The government basic knowledge on
should livestock rearing, fish
them to overcome be able to culture and vegetable
this problem. At present, provide enough training facilities for or crop
ers in livestock, fish there are several centers the farmers, to enabie
and crop production, which conduct training
which should include however what is nekded
in the curricuium the is a coordinated program for farm.
principle and methods
of recycling farm resources. of integrated farming of training
and methods
The extension workers
should also be trained
in the various aspects
of integrated farming.

. 66 .

2. The need for a coordinated extension service

In Malaysip. mtters related to livestock, crops and fisheries are manqed by separate agencies
although they are under the sane Ministry (crop is under the Department of .criculture;the Depart­
ment of Veterinary services deals with Evestock, and the Fisheries Department is re:?onsible for inland
Thus, the succes of this program will depend greatly on the ability of these three agencies
to coordinate their efforts in so far as integrated farming is concerned.

3. Seed supply

Adequate supply of seeds is prerequisite for any farming ptogram. The government should expand
the facilities to meet the demand for livestock, fish and crop seeds..
These should include increased
seed production, imports where applicable, improved distribution facilities and other related services.

The Fisheries Department still depends upon imports from Hongkonq and Taiwan for its supply
of chinese carps fry. The Department must intensify its efforts to produce seeds through induced
breeding techniques.

At present the Fisheries Department is embarking on an induced breeding program for Chinese
carps. Initially, two of the six fish Breeding Stations w11 be actively involved in this program. In
addition, the governmenit is constructing several Fish Stations and Macrobrachium hatcheries
to meet the demands foe seeds

4. Proper incentives for the farmers

To ensure the success of this program, the role of the government should be emphasized. A
smallholder farmer needs proper guidance and encouragement. He also needs capital to adopt the
incentives could include
technologies extended. Adequate incentives should be given to him. These
market guarantee for his farm products, fair price and financial support from the government, such
subsidies and better credit facilities.

To achieve the desired objective, the extension service system should be adequate both in terms of
credibility and staff strength.

67 ­

1. Ang, Kok Jse.

1978. Some
2. conference Aspects of Fish
Hutagalung, R.I.of Malaysian Veterinariation Culture and Anim
1978 Role of Kua Lumpur Husbandry
3.Opmen t Seminar. *urto oS nucti Sema paper.
3. n lvcstock Production. nTechnology,
InlandLaFisheries 78
utritonii n for Rural Devel.
Ipnlanare 19
shein MonthlySminar
Statistics, R e of Malaysia. Animal
2. paper.
Fisheries Department
4. La Mare. 1952. ig Malaysia, Ap
Pig rearing, 1979.
5. Leong, E. S. fish
ar afarming and
L., C. Davendra er vegetable growing.
y. H. C.Hong Malaysian Agr.
6.a d orh m nco s m to 976. Ani Jour. Vol. XXX
demans fohumen~ P in s:a
6. Ministry of Agriculture. in Peninsular Their avilab iuity and u tre
7. 1979. Recommendations Malaysa. Minsitry of Agriculture
Sir. A. W. and for National Agricutura and Rural
K. W. T. Cheng. Policy, Malaysia.
D 1976. Management
acc Fisheries Systems of Inland
Coun Fish Culture
17th Ssion, Colombo, in Hongkong
Development and Sri Langka Symposium
Utilization of Inland on the
Fishery Resources.
Appendix I

Existing and potential areas for freshw, ter fish culture in Peninsular Malaysia

(March, 1979)

Number of fish farmers No. of Acreage of Potential areas

State ponds In ponds in estimated in
Malay Chinese India Others Total operation acres acres

Perils 24 3 - 8 35 41 18.11 200

Kedah 193 23 - 20 236 458 261.18 30,200
Penang 25 30 1 21 77 135 42.55 120
Perak 1,511 1,293 61 48 2,913 4,226 8,120.89 22,000
Selangor 219 213 13 84 529 955 924.85 1,800
Negerl 1,409 308 12 15 1,744 2,486 910.04 1,300
Melaka 189 67 3 5 264 422 152.81 350
Johor 381 309 1 17 708 1,448 585.53 700
Pahang 955 133 6 28 1,122 1,453 892.95 150
Trengganu 227 6 - - 233 295 125.96 -1,300
Kelantan 239 8 - - 24.7 259 115.44 1.,600

Total 5,372 2,393 97 246 8,108 12,079 12,150.31 60,320

I acre is approximately 0.406 hectare

Monthly Inland Fisheries Statistics, Fisheries Division, Ministry of Agriculture, Malaysia, 1979

Appendix II

Proposed areas to be developed for tricommunity integrated farming in Malaysia

Areas to be developed for integrated farming (ha)

Items Areas available for
fish culture (ha) fish-chicken-crop fish-duck-crop fish-pig-crop Total

Existing areas 4 800 1,600 400 400 2,400


Potential areas 24,300 8,100 2,025 2,025 12,150


Total 29,100 9,700 2,425 2,425 14,550

- 69 ­
Projected available Appendix III
area under anlmal-cumfish'u
Total Pond
Area for
A e oh...c~ultudre --- 0
by 19 9-ih_


mixed farming
with P
1976 di
1977- 1980 1323 (AC) I (AC 2 r duck P
1980-1985 -_( (AC)(
13,263* A C3 3 (AC)4
1986-1995 6631.5
7882.0 ­
4421.0 1105.3
1 9I86 It --
is99asUm02 'ed that 6th 4 ..........
, 254.71

60880.o1 . 1313.7
Twotae UP
• miefang government
up ted
faPning under encouragement1520

Two third of the animalcur fnd

pond area under puclty, at 52.
mixed fPrft least half of the
ond owner win
3-4 te Theincrease
remaingareas pon are divided
Note: Appendixes 12
aea, equally
to farmwng's reconmuended for chicken
increase from the n tedn of and fih culture.
I11, ila, 1972lI1c
to are cll an annuaJ Increase
duck and
extracted fro' Pig-cum-fsh cultur
of 500 ac. based
'commendations on the average
for Malaylan
qatinal Arcultura

Number of Appendix Ilia

chicken required,
expected Production
by years
Year Available

Pond area No. of Epce

(AC) chicken required (Metric tons) No Of fish
1977-1980 Fish
4421 00 (Mtictn)2rduto
A. 22,105,000 tons)

2 crops/year B. 442,1o 2105

C. 53
884200 0,520
D. 1,105,250
A. 44,205,000
884,200 12631.6

1981-1985 5254.7
52570 91 C. 530,520
5. 26,273,500
2 crops/Ye
B. 525,470 2502
182 C.. 1,313,675

A. 52,547,000
1 . 1,050,940 5004
6088.0 C. 1,261,129
608800 1033 A.
D. 30,440,000
2,627,350 2899
1. 608,800
2 c~s/Yea r 121600D.
1217600 C. 1,522,000
A. 60,880,000
13. 1,217,600
C. 59
D. 3,044,000

- 70
Appendix I1tb

number of duck, expected production by years

Fish-cum-duck culture In terms of areas available,

Areas Duck expected

production No. of fish Fish expected
Year Available No. of
(Metric tons) production
(AC) duck

187.5 A. 55,265,000 526.3

1977-1980 1105.3 110,530
*B. 110,530
C. 132,636.
D. 276,325

375.0 A. 11,053,000 1053.0

2 cropi./year 221,060
B. 221,060
C. .265,272
D. 552,650

222.9 A. 6,568,500 625.6

1981-1985 1313.7 131,310
B. 131,370
C. 157,644
D. 328,425

44C.7 A. 13,137,000 1251.1

2 crops/year 262,740
B. 262,740
C. -315,288
D. 656,V50

258.2 A. 7,610,000 724.8

1986-1990 1522.0 152,220
B. 152,200
C. 182,640
D. 380,500

516.9 A. 15,220,000 1449.5

2 crops/year 304,400
B. 304,400
C. 365,280
D. 761,000

Appendix IIc
In terms of areas
available number
of Pigs and fish,
and estimated
Production by
Year Areas No. of pigs
av il b l Es dtiaN
Estimated .otfshedd
(AC) 1'0 f Pig roduction ct 0
197719 17 190(tons) Production

A. 55,265

C. 221,060
2 crops/year . . 110,530
2052.7 A. 110,530
D2652665 1052.7



15764 C. 221,060



120 A. 65,685 625.6

B. 262,740
C. 131,370
D. 656,850
240 A. 131,370 1251.1

B. 525,480
1986-1990 C. 262,740

D. 1.313,700
1413.3 A. 7610072
8. 304,400
2 crops/Year C.
36528 152,200

2827 . 761,



B. 608,800




Appendix IV

Integrated farming
Malaysia, 1979

Number and acreage

Of Ponds
State Fish/cattle Fish/pig Fish/poultry Fish/duck OthersTotal
No. Acreage No. Acreage
No-~ ceaeN. No. Acreage No.
ceg Acreage No. Acreage species
of Acreage No. of farmers
animals No.o
Kedah -
PuJau Pinang - -- -
5 2.37 10 1.23 ­
3.38 - -1
Perak - - 10 1­
19 11.35 34 ­ 3
50.63 30 6.22 1.23 100
Slangor 4 2.14 1 Puntiusgonionotu,
7 o
8.00 ­ -- 87
1 -- 15
7 70.34
5.0 7,388
N. Sembilan 1.50 - - 23
23 Ctpnus
8 5.19 1 14 9.13
0.75 5 3.15 22 18.63
- -
1,875 3 idellus and
Melaka •~~ Meaa_
- 10
- - - - -
Johor 9 4 90 3 Ai la n b
9.00 7 3.75 4 9 Aristichthys nobilis.
- - 27 9.9 55
Pahang 21 27.00 - -d
9.04 -
- 43 39.75 178

Kelatan 4 0.28 5 5--

- - 5.35 1 0.52
- 4 1.27 31 15.19
- -l22a22- 18 4.86 349 10
- - 22 613 2,250 11 -do-
Total 69 44.95 52 58.51 -do­
44 12.42 57 40.58 15 0.65 237 116.11 14,655 68 -do-
Note: I a re0.405
= hectare. ,.-----d
APpendix V

Imports of Feedstuffs
into Malaysia

1moils970 1971
CoQuantities _____ u _

Quantity* Value** 97
Quantity Value 1975 1 7
Quantity Value Quantity
Value Quantit- Value Quantity Value
Maize for animal Quantity Value
22.2 122.4
feeding 23.0
71.3 128.7 33.1
13.7 73.5 151.9
Copra cake 13.3 66.8 53.0 166.2
Groundnut 14.6 12.1 58.7
cake 8.9 2.3 7.10 74.8 16.7 137.7
2.7 2.5 20.1 64.7 46.6
Rice bran 1.4 2.9 18.7 82.9
52.8 3.3 12.8 4.2 0.7 26.4 96.8
Prawn dust 8.0 65.0 3.8 7.3 1.6 32.2
8.2 66.7 13.3 .3 13.7 2.7
3.7 6.1 8.6 61.8 19.2 4.3
Meat meal 1.8 0.2 9.3 95.9 16.5
1.8 19.0 97.3 6.6
212.1 13.5
8.8 0.2 1.6 20.1 5.2
3.4 10.4 0.2 108.8 23.6
3.6 12.4 0.8 0.0
Fish meal 4.1 .6 0.09
11.5 0. 0.2 0.03
Cassava refuse 5.1 9.6 8.4 5.2
7.3 4.1 10.2 19.1 8
0.9 6.8 1 5.3 11.4 6.0
Sago refuse 8.6 6.1 2.2 2.8.
0.04 0.004 0.7 3.6
0.003 0.5 11.9 8.1 .
Oats, unmlled 0.02 0.0002 .9 1 0.
5.0 1.1 3.8 3 0. 8
6.8 4.0 0 1. 4 0
Milk, skimme7 0.7 4.0 1.4 1.9
4.8 1.7 2.8 .
2.8 1.0 9.1
4.6 1.7
3.0 1.9 2.1 2.5 1.5 2.1
Total 1.2 2.0
300.34 69.4 4.1
16.63 74.7 6.0
Source: 325.42 63.3 10.4
303.10 76.8
StatisticalDigcst 362.8 11.7 418.2 135.
03 1 413.3 1.
1970-977 76. 3etric 11n 4135.635
Extracted from:
'Role of nutrition
in livestock production'
RJ. Hutagalung,
Technology for
rural development
seminar, Malaysia
Appendix VI

Biological recycling principle

The biological recycling principle in trlcommodity
integrated farming may be illustrated in
following way:


F ish orivstc

Pond ...... .- ­ "--


Crops =fruit trees,

Secondary Waste leafy vegetables,
consumer fruit vegetables,
tubers, grain crops

Livestock= chicken, ducks,

pigs, cattle, goat
Fish herbivores




Fig. 1. Simplified diagram of recycling principle

in tricommodity integrated farming

Whole or parts of crops may be used directly or
converted to feeds for livestock such as chicken,
and pigs. The vegetative parts of crops may also ducks, cattle
be used as feed for fish especially for herbivorous
fishes like
grass carp and Indonesian carp.
U. The wastes or washings from livestock may be used
us, Fish meals may also be used as an additional source to fertilize both fish ponds and crops
of protein for the livestock
i. The waste from livestock decomposes to release
mineral nutrients which will enter into the cycle
(Phytoplanktons), primary consumers (zooplankton of producers
and some invertebrates) and secondary consumers
invertebrates and some fish). (small

- 75 ­


Ong Kee


mainly The Inland

of natural Fisheries and
resource due into fishAquacu ueDevelopmet Scheme
for the rural
destructive fishingpopulation. Most of in r rivers have
the local tated
been depleted
with tuba (rotenone).
Farmers wec-.
the Inland Fisheries encouraged to establish fish
extra cash incor, e and Aquaculture training program. through the Fish Pond Subsidy
and has helped
to This scheme has Scheme
for Cror~g lor fish
ponds. Integrate
iprove the efficiency
of utilitonenabled rural farmers and join
fish-livestock.crop of farmland not tosuitable
derive suitable
to increase fis farming Was demonstrated
yield from pond and encouraged
and productivity
Extension services of the farm unit.
sional/district administration provided through
offices. the inland fisheries
stations and 15
fry holding/distributionThere are to-date 15 inland extension staff stationed at
of several species units. The program fisheries stations the divi.
brachium rosenbergiifish and prawn which are provides fish farmers 8 coastal aquaculture
and the fish species given free. The with stocking materials
include Cyprinus prawn species distributed
gonionotus, Puntius carpio, Tilapia free is Macro.
orphoides, Trichogasier nilotica,
Tlapia zillii,
and Carassius auratus. pectoralis, Helostoma Puntius
Osphronemus gouramy
In addition, farmers
soft-shelled turtles who provide the recommended
type Of tanks
and the Young
ronensn) given Young freshwter
Besides the above Ameri bullfrogs
stocking materials,
the required materials
cement for the such as pipes, wire-netting
Fish sluice.gates
Pond Subsidy Scheme. or spillway and for screens,
required lime and fertilizer
are also5 supplied
upidfe free uner
ne theh
Four types of
inland fisheries
and aquaculture
fisheries station training courses
and extension staff, are conducted
and school dropouts. for the inland
husbandry teachers,
There are: commercial pond-ke
pers, farmerfisherme
1. Freshwater
aquaculture (1 month
2. Aquarium fish and 2 weeks)
keeping (2 weeks)
3. Coastal aquaculture
4. Lake anct riverines (2 weeks)
fisheries (2 weeks)

. 76

In addition to the various stations that produce

and distribute stocking materials and conduct
inland fisheries and aquaculture training courses,
there are stations carrying out research and experi.
mental studies. These studies are aimed to generate
new techniques and improve on existing practices
for cbntrolled breeding, fry production (collection)
and aquaculture for selected aquatic species aiming
to improve the production and stock quality.

In the diversification aquaculture scheme, a number

of finfish, crustaceans, mollusks, and other
species are being experimented on. Encouraging
results with respect to technology development/
improvement have been obtained with finfish,
prawns, frog and turtles. The production of
controlled conditions has been successful with fry under
the giant freshwater prawn, the introduced fish,
pearlspot and experimentally successful with the
marine prawns. Efficient techniques for fry
have been developed for finfish, mullet and marine collection
prawns. The economical feasibility on caye culture
for grouper, seabass, and commercially important
indigenous fish is being tried on small farms as
on a larqe commercial farm with the main crop well as
being either fish, livestock or fruit and vegetable
There are many poultry farms today with crocodile crops.
ponds which utilize the dead chicken.
Large commercial fish farms have found it profitable
to include livestock especially poultry shed
over their production ponds to improve the pond
bottom soil and water condition at little cost instead
of purchasing fertilizer. Where fruit trees and
vegetables are grown along the pond bunds. the
the pond bottom provides good manure for the silt from
crops. The sitting of small units of poultry shed
the fish ponds has proved of great advantage to over
rural fish production. Beside the spill-over poultry
to feed the fish, the chicken droppings enrich mash
the pond bottom soil to promote growth of organism
the bottom feeding fish like the common carp. for
The added nutrients in the water stimulate the
of phytoplankton for the mid-water feeding growth
fish especially the Silvercarp and Bighead carp,
aie also issued free to the farmers in addition which
to the suitable species of locally bred fish. The
feeders such as the grasscarp, giant gouramy surface
and Javanese carp are fed with tapioca leaves,
and other soft leaves of Calocassiaand Ipomea cut grass
grown in the farm.


The simple system of tricommodity integrated

rural farming in Sarawak has been fairly successful.

Joint effort of Inland Fisheries and Agricultural

Extension staff in the State is maintained.
A booklet
'Fish Culture' in Sarawak was prepared by the on

author as a guide for the Inland Fisheries Station


extension staff.

The next phase of the development is to encourage

aquaculture farms to provide the necessary services, the private sector to establish commercial
such as production of stocking materials to meet
the current and future demand of the many small
scale fish farmers.
The State Inland Fisheries and Aquaculture
Development is engaged in development of lake
and riverine fisheries whereby the floating cage
culture system is introduced to areas with regular
problems such as in the Baram District. This fliod
development program also includes controlled breeding
commercially important indigenous fish for supply of
of fry to the various culture systems and restocking
of the lakes and rivers. With this, we hope
to increase the source of animal protein for the
Population, as well as the cash income for the fish

- 77


F. D aramba, Sr.

In experiments
poration (LASEDECO)
conducted in the early
t was found 195M, by the Land
decent standar Setteent and
of living of a farm that at least Seve,5

hectares Developmn Cor­

were less than family. However' most are needed for sufficient
2.5 hectares (between income and
are not adequate to provide a reasonably1.0 to 2.5 ha). With of farms distributed under Land
comfortable life for thethefarm.
family. systems Reform
of farming these
The 'Maya Farming
System' proposes
to improve the
1. In a crop farm, situation in the
the farmer works following manner:
the heat of the only in the early
sun. He is idle
he again waits for some months of'the morning
the harvesting year as he waits and late in the afternoon, to
farmer or a fish season. Hence for avoid
farmer. An underemployed he is underemployed. the Planting season; after planting
farmer cannot The same is true with
tMaya Farms show that Possibly earn a a livestock
integrating crop, livestock good income.
the farm family. ta and fish farming na Studies at
2. The crop farmer correct balance will fully
produces feeds employ
which he sells to
farms avoids the the livestock farmer.
coot of transportation, Integrating the
financing and profit two
3. In mol, 'arms, of middlemen.
yields are low.
But there are varieties
fish that give high of crops and breeds
yields f properly of livestock and
these varieties selected and cared
. for. The farmer
4. The present can easily take
farm practices are wasteful advantage of

verted into the

very inputs (fuel, Studies have shown
feed and fertilizer) that these wastes
which farmers buy can be
at high prices.

Maya Farms, ,an integrated
cessfully experimented FISH FARM \
on a 1.2 hectare on crop.livestck, fish,
the tr-comm~dity integration.
family farm operated meat Processing and

1979 revealed by an independent In December 1978, canning enterprise has suc.

that the farmer farmer. An accoung it started with this

had earned p made on Octoberproject
been living more 16,000 after subtracting 13,
comfortably than his family expenses,
the ordinary farmer. and he has
The result
these results in was soconvincing that Maya
land reform areas Farms
in different parts has been offered P 4 million
of the country. to be used to duplicate
In this project
Land Reform

- 78
farms. The necessary
of 1.0 to 2.5 ha crop farmers will be converted into integrated crop.livestock-filh from the livestock.
from income
capital to be provided the farmers will be paid back without interest
in three years, and that he will have anet income
It is expected that the farmer will liquidate his account
of V15,000 to 0 20,000 every year, after food expenses.

The integrated crop.livestock fish farm is designed to:

1. produce enough nutritious well.balanced food for the growing
2. attain farm self.sufficiency as muc~h as possible
3. provide full employment for the farm family throughout the
4. attain increased profitability in farming.

These objectives are accomplished by:

farm activities in such a way as to keep
1. integrating crop.livestock-fish farming to increase the
the farm family busy all day long, throughout the year
thus keeping the land in cultivation all
2. increasing
crop productioa by multiple cropping,
year round

and by.products
3. raising livestock that would feed on the farm products
and control pollution through biogas works.
4. converting the farm wastes into useful products
In the Maya Farming System, the farmland is allocated as
1.2 ha 7.0 ha

Irrigatec Rainfed Irrigated Rainfed

1.00 1.00 6.00 6.60

Cropland 0.60 ­
0.02 -
Fishpond - -

0.10 0.12
Ipil-ipil grove 0.15
3.02 0.02 0.15
Livestock and biogas works 0.10
0.03 0.03 0.10
Home lot 0.15
0.03 0.03 0.15
Roads and pathways and canals

Cropping System
of corn are planted in a year. Eight plots
In the irrigated. farms, two crops of rice and one crop
intervals. Usually rice planting starts in June (see
are prepare,' and planted successively at one week
the second week of October, the plot is again
Chart I). As soon as the first rice crop is harvested in
the other plots every week until all the plots are
prepared and planted to rice. This is succeeded by
corn is planted successively in the same manner.
planted. After the harvest of the second crop of rice,
two crops of rice and one crop of corn
The rice crop Tequires 19 weeks and corn 14 weeks. Hence,
cultivated, land preparatikn is simplified
would require 52 weeks.
This way, the land is continuously
and energy requirements are materially reduced.

of rice are planted (Chart '. The first crop

In the rainfed farms two crops of corn and or,e crop
until the three plots are planted. The rice
of corn is planted in mid-April, every week successively,
crop of corn is planted after the rice.
It should be
crop is planted after the corn harvest and the second
noted that in this way the land is vacant for about 5 weeks

- 79 ­
03,11 -a11-

- 0
E oE
o 81o

Cultural Requirernents

The following are

the steps to follow
in rice culture:

1. Cut the corn stalks

close to the ground
2. Apply compost
3. Soak the soil thoroughly
4. Flood the paddy (do not flood) for about
with 6 inches of water 3 days
5. Drain the with for 5 days
6. Rotovate paddy to 3-4 inches
drag harrow pulled deep
by carabao or by wallkng
7. Flood paddy to tractor with arowhe
8. Prepare 4 inches deep attachement
9. Three to five days .eedlings
after the last flooding,
10. Flood abcut 4 !vss peg-tooth harrow
inches deep for 3-4 along and across the
days rows
11. Drain to 2inches
12. Level by 'suyod' deep
(animal.drawn harrow)
13. Transplant seedlings
14. Irrigate progressively (10- 12 days old)
follow:ng the growth
15. Weed every 3 of t, seedlings
16. Twenty days before weeks
17. Five days before harvest, start draining
harvest, the paddy must the paddy
18. Harvest by scythe be free from water
close to the ground
19. Thresh the harvest
20. Dry the palay

In the
1.2 ha farmland,
farm would need mechanical only working animal
puVld by carabao. Power except for the levellingis required. As stated above, the
This system of land of the field which- 7.0 ha
.preparation would is done with 'suyod,
cut energy requirements
by about 30%.
The sequence of operation
for corn are:
1. Furrowthefield
2. Plant the corn immediately
3. Irrigate

4. Weed every three

5. When the corn weeks

cob is already filled

with grains, strreoigheeasanfedote

6. After harvesting
the corn, cut the corn
stalks close to the ground.

In the corn crop culture,

With continuous cropping, all land preparation
By pulling the weeds only
one land preparationis eliminated except the furrowing
instead of Plowing is needed which is of the field.
harvest; hence there them under, the field done before rice planting.

will be
no need of will
system will reduce Power Plowing and harrowing relatively be cleaner at the time of
requirements to only the fields before planting
about 20% of what corn. This
Weeding is done every is usually required.
off and the leaves are three weeks
used as feed for the by pulling the weeds including the
three weeks will not carabao. It was found roots. The roots are
adversely affect the that allowing the weeds cut
yield of th crop. to grow for
When the corn ear
fed to the carabao. is filled, the leaves

-82 .


The piggery is raised from the original one sow unit in the farm to the size necessarv for
which is, four sow units for a 1.2-ha farm and 24 sow units for the 7.ha farm. Assumed
production is
2 litters per sow per year, giving 10 porkers and 6 breeding gilts per sow per year. The porkers
are sold,
at 7-8 months old, with an average weight of 80 kilos per head.


The number of cattle to be raised depends on the area of cropland in the farm. It has been
that the weeds and crop residues from one hect;.re, and leaves from 1000 m2 of giant ipil-ipil
leucocephala) will provide all the forage needed by three large animals. Therefore three
head of cattle
could be raised for every hectare of croplanu. The cows are used to produce milk and the
steers are for

There shall be as many ducks as the number of pigs plus 5 times as many as the number
of cattle.
The excess breeding ducks are sold after they are 6 months old. The drakes are sold for meat.

The size of the fish pond depends on the amount of water available. Rainfed areas may
not have
sufficient water to maintain a fishpox-d. Liquid sludge from the biogas works is used
to fertilize the
growth of algae which serves as food for the fish. The shell fish for duck feed is raised
in the fish pond.

Biogas Works
Manure is used 'as raw material for the biogas works. In small farms tho biogas produced
is used to
cook the meals, light their home, iron their clothes and operate a gas refrigerator. In
large farms, there
will be enough biogas to pump water, grind and mix the feed, run an electric generator,
etc. In large
stock farms, only 40% of the biogas is needed on the farm. The rest can be used to light
a neighboring
barrio and/or small industry.

The solid sludge is processed into feed material rich in the growth-proinotinq vitamin B1
2. This
constitutes .0% of the pig feed, 10% of the cattle feed and 50%of the duck feed. The
liquid sludge
flows to the irrigation ditch to fertilize the crops in place of chemical fertilizer. The overflow
from the
rice field isused to fertilize fish ponds to grow algae and zoo.plankton to feed the fish.

The Ranch

The allocation of one hectare pasture per head of cattle in a ranch is based on the capability
of the
pasture to grow enough forage during the dry season. During the rainy season, there will
be more forage
than is needed by the cattle. But usually a large portion of the ranch is eroded and/or
too steep for
pasture, so it is grown to trees to serve as windbreak and shed. Te,-ts show that ipil-ipil leaves
can blused
as feed for cattle to the extent of 20% for breeding animals and 30% for finishing. Maya
Farms found
that these areas may be replanted to giant ipil-ipil. The leaves are fed to cattle during
the dry season
when there is not enough forage. The trunks are made into charcoal for gas producer
for power needs.

-83 .

There are numerous

the night caral may creeks in the ranch
be collected to produce which may be dammed
biogas which may be to serve as fish ponds.
used as fuel for pumping Manure in
water for irrigating part the excess
of the pasture.

Q. Sludge or effluents
from biogas in initia
the us stages of experiments
of subStance
A, Thet°-,,csusacihd~n,
contaed toxic
t is hydx substances; with
gen the
sulfide; be made
First, the effluents exposure
effluents beneficial. Ho
were aerated can t ,g and aeration do,You..... .s
by bubbling compressed eliminate this
windmill- But air; later we used slbstance.
when we had ducks, water wheel
Q. What is Your they did all the run by
total pond ae aeration.
Production? n o aykorm
A. One sow area and how
many kilogram
unit of pig will of sludge/manure
sludge. We have eat 15 kiloc of used? What
one hectare of standard feed ­ 10% of is the fish
are now experimentiny pondi but we cannot this has been replaced
on catfish which expand because by solid
pond, after 4 can survive of shortage of
months of seeding, without dilution of water. water. We
we harvest 3 kilos In a 250 m2 fish
is added every of tilapia every week; 5
wee. When it liters of liquid
is too green, we sludge
add water and
make it overflow.

*84 .




Tadashi enma


Presently, agriculture in Hokkaido is in the era of systematized regional farming. The inherent
tendency towards the development of monotype large.scale farms which deviate from the diversified
type seems inevitable because farmers have long been seeking for scale merit, which tems from farm
specialization. Farmers are aware of the scale merit not only for its economic benefits which are mcre
than that obtained from crop diversification but also of other factors. Several factors have been instru­
mental in the establishment of simplified large.scale commercial farms in Hokkaido. These factors
include the effects of the exodus of large number of farmers since 1960, the beginning of the country's
economic growth and prosperity; extension of mechanized farming; wide enactments of government
policies for subsidy, crop insurance, and price stabilization system and; the rise of various types of
farmers' cooperative organizations.

The transition from the small-scale diversified farms to commercial farms with large-scale special­
ized enterprises has had a strong impact on the country's regional farming. First, it led to the regional
recycling of animal wastes to balance the over-and under-supply of organic materials among each indivi­
dual farm in a certain area. Second, it has motivated the establishment of various farmers' cooperatives
which he!ped solve the labor shortage in farms and prevented over-investment in farm machinery and
other equipment. Third, it promoted the industrialization of regional farming which fulfilled jhe farm­
ers' desire to process their own farm produce for higher profits.

The two cases presented here are good examples of farming which had led to o:essful reqional
specialization through recycling of animal manure and effluents from the processing factories to main­
tain soil fertility. One case shows the formation of cooperative groups to maximize the supply of farm
labor and the use of farm equipment without individual over-investment; another shows the industriali­
zation of agriculture through individual processing of farm produce at higher lei for higher profits.
These regional farms were initially faced with difficulties vet emerged suc'essful paralleling or equalizing
the modern and intensive farming in highly advanced industrialized



Nakasatsunai-mura, a relatively small village, is one of the 20 villages in the Tokachi Plains. of
Hokkaido. It has a population of 3,800 with 290 farms. The average landholding per farm is 22 hect­
ares. The total tillable land area is 6,500 hectares which are planted to the following crops: beans­
1,800 ha (27.7%), potatoes-1,000 ha (15.4%), suqar beets-900 ha (13.8%), wheat-400 ha (6.2%),
and forage crops-2,200 ha (33.8%). The village is also famous for its livestock industry, with 450,000
broilers, 200,000 layers, 15,000 hogs, and 3,400 dairy cows.

- 85 ­
In 1rob, the people
farmers who seek of the village organzed
jobs in the cities.
cOOperative farms
problem of the At to avoid the continuous
of cold weatherthe start, meetings were held to exodus of
the decjibn reachedi on crops particularly discuss solutions
was to temporarily beans, in some areas to the perennial
discussions led to
the formal creation devote these areas to livestock.
of the village, and
types of farming of cooperative farms.
These series
and the cooperativefrom crop raising to livestock Production. The people cooperated of meeti and
purchased all the in changing their
This type machinery and equipmen
They put their money in
of cooperative farm instead
of individual the cooperative
type farms which are also has about five member membe Procurg
actively taking part in various farms each, and
cooperative activities. approximately 120 family.

Systematized Farming
Initily, the village
on agricultural Output was divided into three
and the effects of agricultural
severe cold weather districts based on the previous experiences
To facilitate on crops in certain
necessary facilities the rppid increase of both livestock
in e;ich
livestock, hrge machinery district. In Nakajima and and crop production, the cooperative
centers for Kamisatsuna which sot up the
for calves, cOOling forage crop production are areas devoted
In Nakasatsuna stations for m" , concentrate and community Pastuars, mainly for
a crop production feed factory, and nursery cters
facilities for wheat area, large machinery a rendering plant
factory were established. and beans, Potato centers for crop were installed.
storage ho, es, nursery harvesting,
The organizational beds for sugar beets, drying
set-up and agricultural and Potato starch

summarized in Figure structures in each

1. district are
The cooperative
offset the merits in its early growth
of specialized and expansion
problem of diseases systematic beset with serious
and insects, farmers' farms.
In the crop district, Problems
rotation, and water strong reliance on the cooperative waswhich almost
pollution. The faced
of rivers and other fishermen particularly commercial fertilizers, thus neglecting with
and crop resistance waterways by the Potato factory.
asked for immedite crop
solution to POllution
farmers depended to weather conditiov Furthermore, the fertility of the
too much on the lowered resulting soil
attempt to increase expensve but readily to Poor harvests. Inthe livestock decreased,

livestock production. available commerial concentratesareas, the

because of fluctuations As a consequence
in the price of commercial their income became in their
accumulated in large fe-eds. In considerably unstable
amounts which were addition, the animal
more than tho farms manure in big farms
The leaders could use as fertilizers.
the organization of the cooperative realized that
of the three districts to solve such tremendous
the agricultural cooperative.
into one
This was agreed systematic Production unit under would necessitate
working together Upon to avoid individual the management
in a complementary problems in each of
manner. district by

Recycling Farm

The recycling farm system was

tive built a lease.type created in 1972 as a result of
Poultry the fusion.
The agricultura coopera.

to five member farms.

house which could
To utilize fully the accommodate
collected amount 100,000 layers and subsequentl,
of chicken dung
th le 40%
with asts,water,
ecraI y designed the slurry system. of 4,00i tons annually,it
Through the slurry rermented; and By
system, the cooperativestored for sometime oefore this method,
ugo the ,0
it is applied in chickeno dungwt
in each farm, and was able member farms
fully made use of to solve the large
it as effective fertilizer, accumulations
thus avoided Possible of chicken dung
public criticism.


Nakasatsunai Agricultural Cooperative

Machinery Bank

Nakajim Nakasatsunai
S Kamisatsunai
CnterMachinery ene Machinery Center

u'try Area_
P lairy Areal
D"gra Dairy Ar a I Crop Area 1

JPoulry &HogFarm Section Dairy Farm Section Suge n t Secti

I _____ I_____________I__

I I I *
Rendering Plant l Drying Facilities
rfor Bean & Wheat

trate Feed Factory L Potato Storage Houses

L.. Chicken Supply Center
!ConcetrateI rn -ioat trh atr

Cooperative Pasture L Potato Starch Factory

Grading House of Eggs
Nursery Center of Calves Cooperative Nursery Bed of J

L Cooling Station of Milk

Figure 1 The agricultural structures in Nakasatsunai cooperative
E x 1
H 0
CL x
.. ,o j -C
.. ~ '0
0 C:
•~ ~ ~~•• ... ~~edrn
. Pl:."..-.:
anePt /


0o Farms starch, concentrate feeds,

• • smoked broiler
• dairy
hog": .- - "- • -- .
poultry ' " "•"" - -. a

0 0

Circuit of product

Crop Producing Farms ":2':::: atsfo

Figure 3. Circulation structure of produce and wastes in Nakasatsunai-mura

With the initial
established two success in poultry
piggery farms raising and in
sheds. These with a capacity handling the animal
farms were also of 7,000 and excreta,
livestock farms leased to member 6,000 head each, the cooperative then
to be built should farms. The cooperative and cooperative
have provisions cow
for the convenient made it a poinit that all the
d heoaons
of the i and easy colection new
locations of the village alianre og h storage and
(Fig. 2).the-lurry e system. Seslurry
The problem of lurry systems
efficient application were built in strategic
finally created of slurry materials
the farm machinery
before they are has become so
applied i member center. The :enter collects, great that the
the center owns farms which request ferments and
three vacuum for slurry materials. stores animal
applies the slurry trucks for collecting wastes
materils underground the animal manures, In Kamisatsunai
in places where and one soil injector alone,
the foul Odor which
The farm machinery can create public
US$0.) center buys chicken nuisance.
and cattle and dung from farmers at
hog manure at ¥ 125 per ton (apProi
slurry materias 50 atey
for 775 (US$3.5) (US$0.23) per
per ton, and V ton. In return,
an additiona delivery 700 (US$3.2) the center charges
for cattle and chickbn
and spraying cost hog slurry per
of V 650 (US$2. ton, and
The use of 9 ).
the problem of slurry materials has become

slurry shortage.
animal wastes The cooperative Popular and effective that
are mixed with solved this by the cooperative
human excreta constructing a later had
after proper treatment special slurry tank
In the late 1 9 6 and disinfection where
posed another 0s and early 19 of the latter.
problem to the 70s, the widespread
the potato starch cooperative, particularlyconcern over the Pollution
factory and rendering with not only in Hokkaido
edopted to solve
this problem. plant. A technique the disposal of the factory
animals, The by-product which was developed sewage from
Prduct and to which corn
is sold raised
Potato dregs were in Netherlands
at it 45 Per kilogram, in the farms were converted into
a itle cheaperaddedthanto make Potato proteins
the commerially
feed concentrate. for
This concentrates
locally made
for cattle.
The rendering
be used as animal plant, which treats dead
protein supplement
animals for
and as fertilizers. disposal, Produces
the farm Produce Figure 3 shows products which
the system of can
and waste products. circulation of
The present cooperative

marketing their has been successful

owl farm Produce.
profitable form
to give more
Now a days, all in
helping farmeis in Producing,
profits to the the farm produce processing
are Processed
to the families
farmers. It has
also endeavoured into a new and and

of member farmers. to provide employme


Shihoro.cho is AREA
7,000 with one of the largest
family. 2,700
It has a total .families Potato Producing
sugar beet has There are farms areas of Japan.
ea laeThe
a total of 12,600 Thaa
d od
e (13.3%), wheat hectares of tillablelan with an average landholding
ng hi
haf 22 hopctareso op
(9.4%), soybean planted to forage of 22 hetares
crop per
(6.7%), Azuli
The total share
of potato after beans (5.4%), (37.6%), Potato (22.2%),
taking out the and kidney beans
forage crops is (5.3%).
about 35.6%.

90 .

The Agricultural Basic Law in 1971 which aimed at establishing regionalized farming throughout
the country greatly affected the agricultural set-up in Japan, especially in Shihoro-cho in Hokkaido.
The town leaders, following instructions to develop a regional and specialized farming, decided to
improve and expand large areas of land for potato cultivation, to be sold as starch or table potatoes and
ultimately to process them to maximize profits.

The agricultural cooperative's first project was the establishment of a large potato processing
complex- the first of its kind ever built in Japan. The process included the use of radioactive Cobalt
60 to prevent the early germination of potato seedlings, thus prolonging storage. With this process,
potatoes can be taken out of storage during off.season and sold at higher prices.

The successful development of Shihoro-cho as the country's 'Potato Kingdom' was mainly due to
the following:

1. The agricultural cooperative selected only capable staff, mostly university graduates of agri­
culture, to manage the organization.

2. Members were encouraged to invest cash by offering interests higher than the commercial
bank rates.

3. It leased all its machinery and equipment to farmers, hence more money was invested in
the cooperative.

4. The local government and the cooperative helped each other in taking advantage of the
subsidy from the national government.

5. The management staff promoted the latest available technology in the production and pro­
cessing of potatoes.

How the agricultural cooperative succeeded in monocrop farming without losing soil fertility is
described in the following section.

Feedlot Cattle Project

Th3 development of the potato areas resulted in the excess of acreage far beyond the normal
requirements for the long range scientific crop rotation. As a result, the need for fertilizing the soil
with animal manure became essential. To solve the shortage of animal manure, the cooperative members
agreed to raise feedlot cattle to serve as sources of organic matter. Initially, they preferred beef cattle
because of the mall amount of pasture they need and the less complex management they require
compared to dairy cows.

Shihoro-cho has a small.scale slurry system with a piling floor for manure attached to the cattle
barns. The farm users are organized in small groups of 10-20 member farms surrounding the feedlot
cattle sheds. Each of these farms has a total acreage of 250-500 hectares. The facilities and equipment
for storing, mixing, delivery and spreading of these fertilizers are located in the feedlot cattle barns and
leased to farmers.

The cooperative purchases barn manure from member farms at the rate of : 1,000 per ton. On
the other hand, it charges * 100 (US$0.50) for every ton of slurry materials applied in every farm and
an additionai cost of about V 1,700 (US$8.5) for spreading and delivery.

- 91 ­
At preseit, there
Fig. 4. These farms are
12 leased
are major sources feedlot cattle farms in the town.

one is a nursery of organic fertilizers. keir

for the newly born
or The cattle shetcs locations are shown in
shed for full grown newly purchased have two kinds of
steers. The nursery male calves (steer), barns:
fattening sheds barns an the other is the fattening
utilize slacked drain use saw dust and
Purposes. The nursery boards for easy bark of trees for
and convenient flooring,
while the fattening barns alone can produce a total collection of manure while the
sheds can accumulate of 1,500-1 700 tons for slurry
150-250 hectares 1,300-2,500 tons of organic manure
of farmland using a year. Thus, one annually
the standard of 20 feedlot farm can
tons of manu. e per supply
The agricultural hectare.
of steers for the cooperative later realizar that
feedlot farms. it had been spending
supplied its own To avoid this expenditure, large amounts for
animals for fattening. it establishe .large.scale purchase
aside from being Dairy farming has dairy farms that
a source of male been found
and has leased them calves. Since 1971, also as a profitable
to the cooperative has enterprise,
that the government deserving and qualified member established 10 dairy
encouraged large.scale farmers. Fortunately, farms
Improvement Project and modern farminq it was during these
and Dairy Modernization through the Agricultural years
tunities in building Laws. The cooperative Structure
its own modern and took advantage
large-scale dairy of these Oppor­
farms, with at least
The etablishment 100 cows per farm.

Some hilly areas, of large.scale dairy

which otherwise farms has been

for the production would have been beneficial to the

of hay needed by useless, were converted egricultura cooperative.
the feedlot farms. to pasture and planting
of the Potato starch These areas are fertilized sites
factory, hence, the with the by-products
maintenance is very
One of the most negligible,
that they have a important advantage for the
good buyer of their dairy farms that
6,900 head, it can steers- were established
produce about 1,500-2,000the agricultural cooperative. in this town is
calves needed by steers With its present
the feedlot farms a year; number of
are purchased annually roughly 1/3 of the total number
the cooperative circulates by the cooperative. of male
these animals is shown The manner by
in Fig. 5. which
The use
of the
for the lands waste products from
devoted for hay the potato starch
restrictions and production started factory as fertilizers
the public pressures
in the Fall of 1975.
for the pasture areas

factory effluents on environmental Because of government

as fertilizers for pollution, the cooperative
for storing the factory grasses and hay started using
ne cl by dairy
sewage. From the
factory, the cOoperative cows. It built two reservoir the
installed underground tanks
could reach some of pipes which
the gragdand farms
free of charge. of its members, where
the wastes are sprayed
by a raingun,
The present cooperative
the maximum production helps the farmers
in the livestock by providing all
processing plants and crop farms, the necessary
profitable form
and starch factory)
for and facilities (i.e., equipment needed for
of commodity, storage, Processing potato storage houses
are summarized (the agricultural and marketing their
in Table 2). The facilities and other real properties produce in a more
cooperative leases of the cooperative
all the facilities and
over-investment equipment to Prevent
by the farmers. individual
10 Nakashihoro center (450 head) 15 Leased dairy farms
II Hinode center (700 head) 16 Starch factory
12 Kyosei center (450 head) 17 Potato combination

13 Natsumuro center (500 head)

14 Choyo center (450 head)

3 7 Chu center
ooati e en ( t 0r head)had)
e fo20 ow

8 Nitto center (350 head)

9 Jieusho center (500 head)

Fig. 4. The location of beef cattle fattening centers in Shihoro-cho

{i d-] L , Circuatonof, calves

R Neightorhood Dairy Farms

Remote Village
Villoges In Town

Calves Calves 1,500

T~3,0 \head00ea

2,000 Calves
head -- lv head

Circulation of
Beef cattle farms ~ Fattening Center Intermediate cattle


6-8 month

500 head

Raising center of

the cooperative

Fattened te-n.- ed­

Fat-'- . . ..
atte eFattened

Circulation of
cattle fattened cattle
500 1,500
head head 3,500

Federal cooperative of the

prefectural level

Federal Cooperative
of the

rationl alevel

Figure 5. The circulations

c, beef cattle In Shihoro.Town

. 94.­
Table 2. Regional agricultural facilities owned by the Shlhoro Agricultural Cooperative

Kinds of facilities Construction Sizes and capacities


Drying facility for wheats '68-70 1,364 m 2 24 t/hr; 1,300 t/year

Potato starch factory '55 9,346 m 2 ; 1,800 t/day
Cobalt 60 application facility '73 1,912 n2
Potato storage '69-78 17 storage; 45,236 m 2
Grading house of potatoes '74 3,900 m2,240 t/hr
Potato chips factory '73 3,501 m2 material potatoes 50 t/hr
French fry factory '73 2,782 m 2 material potatoes 20 t/hr
Sugar beet storage '69 Storage capacity 100 thousand tons
Cooperative use pasture '71-'7.3 347 ha; pasturing 600 head; shed feedIng
In winter 200 head
Collecting facility of beef cattle '70-72 3,016 m 2 500 head
Beef cattle fattening centers '70 12 places; one place 400-500 head
Cooperative dairy barn '62
Slurry stores and manure deposits '76-78 9 places; slurry store, manure deposit place

- 95 ­


Reynaldo M.jLesaca


This project,
the region because which is a private enterprise, should be of interest
method of integratingof the economic and environmental to decision makers throughout
rice milling with benefits that can
animal husbandry be
and farming (i.e., Secured by adopting its
and fish and farm the raising of poultry,
crops). pigs
Although the rice mill
Bangkok, cum farm complex of
it M/S Kamol
ij Co.,
ban of thed Chao is set in sylvan surroundings characteristic Ltd. is situated so near
to metro.
Phaya river, which of rural Thailand.
is used, with great It is situated on the
for convenience, for
the this
mill transport"
and of rice from the transport of
the mill. Most of paddy into
the rice is exported
and the river serves
The mill has a
capacity of 450
as a natural artery
of Parboiling requires tons a day, the
hot water and rice produced being
the mill is to burn steam for soaking largely Parboiled.
the waste product, and cooking and The process
fuel for the purpose rice husks, in the the first economy
and the expense for boilers, thus avoiding the achieed in
pollution. Tho proper disposal need for purchase
burning of |usk of the husks without of
in the furnace causing envionm
carbon, black ash, leaves a residue
and this is fully that still contains
utilized by using a great amount
it for brick making. of
Rice-bran, an important
tracted in a solvent by-product of
plant; the defatted rice milling, is
are added to the bran is fed to chicken, also fully utilized:
resdee isedve
feed of the pigs; the doe bran oil
ducks and pigs;
sludge from the pig
fish ponds is used dropping; and duck drppfg
the droppings of is ex.
of resdues is evolved to fertilize crops. droppings are used to fee fis, chicken
which, In this manner ed ish ad
an falY,
fina te

human consumption apart from the main a non.waste uystom th

(viz. chicken product rice, generates for utilization
and duck eggs large amounts of
and meat, Pork protein for
avoiding environmentl and fish), while
Pollution. at the same time

* Thi project isbased on the rice mill

cum farm complex operated by M/S
Province of the amol K Co., Ltd. in Pathum Thani

Kingdom of Thailand,

been written up about S0 kilometers

without the kind to the north of
operations and permission of Mr. Bangko The project could
Mr. Adirek Tunsarojvanich Kanijaimluree, not have
the proprietor of
for explaining the the concern, to
procees and freely observe the
much cost of time and supplying data and
effort. The Regional information, at
them for this cooperation. Office of UNEP in
Bangkok wishes to
expres its profod



Nature: Agro Industrial

Title: Integrated rice mill, chicken, duck, pig, fish, and farm complex

Time Span: Continuing

2hysical Boundary: Located in Pathumthaid Prcvince, Thailand.

Rice mill area: 120 rai; farm and livestock area: 30 rai
Cost': Resources used: land, buildings, equipment, machinery, vehicles plus labor and
management, etc.; Bht. 123,640,0001
Resources consumed: paddy, seed material, etc. Bht. 212,015,000
Working capital: Bht. 30,000,000
Products and Values' :

Product Quantity p. a. Value (Bht.)

Rice parboiled 29,450 tons 126,635,000

Rice white polished 11,880 tons 83,160,000
Rice brokens polished* 2,870 tons 7,175,000
Defatted bran polished* 2,490 tons 4,980,000
Rice bran oil 690 tons 7,245,000
Rice husks 31,000 tons 3,100,000
Brick. 3,600,000 nos 900,000
Chicken 2,000 nos 48,000
Ducks 4,000 nos 60,000
Pigs 6,200 nos 8,680,000
Hens' eggs 1,200,000 nos 1,200,000
Ducks' eggs 1,680,000 nos 1,680,000
Fish- Pla Duk 20,000 kg 320,000
Pla Sawai
65,000 kg 650,000
Pla Nil
8,000 kg 64,000
Farm produce*
Lumpsum 20,000

Total 245,917,000

waste ih
Remarks: By integrating the milling of rice with the raising of poultry, pig and fish farming,
eliinated and a total utilization of resources is achieved.
Part of the products marked with
an* viz. rice brokens, defatted brn and farm produce are recycled and used as feed.

I US$ - 20 Baht

Costs and values

are not actuals, but have been calculated ;t assumed rates for purposes of illustration

This total is made up of (I) labor and management Bht. 15,500,000 and (ii) inventory Bht.

- 97 ­
Resources Used and Consumed

1. Directly
Rice Mill: Land (Bah.)
Buildings 7,500,000
Machinery and equipment
Furniture and fittings 5,000,000
Gunny bags 1,000,000
Paddy bought 6,300,000
Husks bought 200,000,000
Electricity 60,000
Solvent make up per year 3,000,000
POL, repair maintenance 400,000
Bricks kilns: Land Bht. 293,610,000

Machinery- extruder
Clay 1,000,000
Bht. 1,775,000
Chicken, ducks, pigs:
Buildings 100,000
Machinery- mixer, bio-gas 6,000,000
Vehicles 325,000
Piglets bought 1,200,000
Chicken bought 3,000,000
Ducks bought 212,000
Medicine 210,000
Fish and kathin leaf powder 500,000
Broken rice 200,000
Bht. 15,747,000
Fih: Land
Fingerlings bought 750,000
Bht. 798,000
Farm: Land
Machinery- tractor 65,000
Seed material 150,000
Bht. 225,000
Labor and management:
Labor (including social security)
Management 13,200,000
Bht. 13,500,000
Grand total
Bit. 325,655,000

98 o
2. Indirectly
for transportation of raw
The mills depend on the public road system and the river and barges
for its requirements for operating the
materials and finished products and at the state electricity system
mill and for pumping water from the subsoil and/or river.

Products and Residues

1) Productsderived directly from the farm complex

and constitutes about 68 per
a. Rice is the most important product of the milling of paddy
rice produced is parboiled and 30 per cent
cent of the paddy. In this project, about 70 per cent of the
is sold.
is white polished rice. The entire quantity of the rice produced
and dry rice is produced as
b. Rice brokens. About 5% and 10%, respectively, from parboiled
",,cks, and pigs, but the most of it
brokens. A portion of the broken rice is used as feed for chicken
is also sold.
This contains from 15% (white
c. Rice bran is another by.product from the milling of rice.
rice bran) to 24% (parboiled rice bran) vegetable oil.
extraction process, is another
Rice bran oil, which is extracted from the bran by the solvent

product. It is sold to be refined and used as cooking oil.

2) Productsderived directly as residues

20% of the paddy. In this project
a. Rice husks, form an important residue and constitute about
steam engine, b) the process of parboiling
they are all burned to produce steam required for a) the
parboiled paddy and, d) bran-oil extrac-
(heating the soaking water and for parboiling itself), c) drying
is not sufficient to produce steam for the
tion. Sometimes, when input is less than normal and the husk
fLom the generating authority. A major
engine to run the mills, the mill uses electric power purchased
tons per day against the daily production
part. of the steam is used to dry parboiled ilce, about 120
the sun, with paddy spread out on large drying
of about. 250 tons.
Part of the drying is done under

gases. This was used on an experi-

b. A residue of the buring of husks is waste heat in th2 blue
has been successful and it is proposed to
mental basis to dry paddy of about 20 tons. The experiment
'energy conservers,' a system of slightly
extend it to recover all the waste heat from all the blue gases in
inclined horizontally rotating cylindrical steel kiln on gears.
still contains about one-fourth
c. The 'black ash,' residue left after burning the rice husks,
utilized to make bricks, by mixing with
energy in heating value in the form of carbon.
This black ash is
of 3.6 million bricks per annum can

clay and firing in the kilns, along with some husks. A production
be achieved.

is a almost pure silica and

The residue left after burning in the brick kilns is 'white ash'which
sold for making insulators and abrasives.

plant and is used to feed chicken,

e. Defatted bran is the residue from
the zolvent extraction
ducks and pigs.

- 99 ­
3) Productsderived
indirectly utilizing residues
By utilizing the reidues
ndfirzinctly:'d~ created directly from
scetd dietyfr mthe farm complex important
t &f
a. Chicken, ducks Products are created
and pigs consume
(which contain grain) de-fatted bran, as
supplemenrted by well as broken rice
other material. The and mill sweepings
following stock is
6,000 hens- stook raed:
renewed every 1%
7,000 ducks- stock to 2
renewed every 1% 2years (at 2 kg weight)
6,000 pigs- stock to years (at 2 kg
renewed every 6 weight)
months (at 100 kg
The output is:
,000retired hens 44
3,500 retired ducksand 1, Oeggs per ann
and 1,680,000 eggs
per annum

12,000 pigs per annum

The chicken
are consumed by coops are built above the pig stalls
and deceased pigs the pigs whos diet is also Suplemented and a signcant portion
Duck droppings and ducks which are cooked by chopped vegetablethe chicken dropping
go directly into using biogas produced matter, broken rice,
the fish ponds to from chicken
be consumed by
partly (100 kg per day)
to produce biogas, but the fish. The 'j and pig manure.
mostly to feed fish. droppings are used
b. Fish The Project has 120 rai (about 40 acres) of fish ponds
by the people of in which freshwater fish, relished
the area, are rais

nilotica), Pla duk and

(Clarioj batrachus), sold in the .narket. The species
outside and the ponds and Pla Sawai (Pangaius of fi
are Pla Nil (Tilapi
years old or have attained stocked with about 3,000 to the raisutchi). and Fingerlings are bought
a weight of two kg sold when they are about from
plus whatever is washed down -.
from the chicken each.
The feed for the fish
and pwges left-vers from is mainly the pig droppings,
feeds etc. Duck droppings the chicken and duck
go to the duck ponds
excreta is also fed directly to feed the fish
directly to the fih in the pond. Some chicken
required for one and it is found that
ra of fish.
The gross droppings from 30
production is about pigs and 6 0chickens
Fish ponds generate 24,000 kg fish per are

3f annum.
plant nutrients
The purpose is toand the project also aims
been started on a pilot grow crops in the at utilizing
scale and will be extended'after fish Ponds after this.
It is an exce
the fish are harvested. u
the same plot of land alternately for growing crops and forexperience raising fi is gained
sh of the economics e This has
of using
c. Crops Maize, C.t s h
paddy is grown because Sugarano, Pineapple
and bananas

bnanas) make excellent the land is not suitable for paddy. are grown on about 30 ra

pig and duck feed The vegetative parts of land. No

and if utilized for of these crops, (e.g.

nanas, Pineapple, this purpose. The Produce

etc. are of corn, ba.
also sold in the market.
Cing Residues As described
Process steam and burning above, all to
bricks, thefespourbu
residues created k
Waste are adf

utilized tos substitute

ferz tbr futin
heat is
also recovered. forr
fuol fan

Prod cingProcss
seam nd brnin briks,
There are no residues t ed Poultry, ducks
gases, from wh to affect and fish and to fertilize
o is recovered. neighborhood farmn land.
are voided into the fish, habitat etc. as no
the bu sdoes not, In he atmosphere, land wastes- except blue
ambience Prevailing or water. The voidance
near the mill, cause of
any air Pollution.

- 100.

Resources - Exhausted/Depleted/Deteriorated

There is no exhaustion, depletion or deterioration of resources in this project. Resources brought

in from outside are fully utilized.

The resources brought in from outside, mainly paddy, would to an extent, cause depletion of the
soil nutrients in the fields in which it is grown, but as the growing of paddy is an operation outside the
project no account of it is taken here.

The limited growing of crops such as maize, sugarcane, bananas and pineapple, attempted in this
project does not cause any depletion of the soil nutrients in the small area shown because the nutrients
are made up by the use of fish pond sludge.

Resources Enhanced

Significant enhancement of resources is achieved.

The utilization of husks to provide heat through the burning of 35,000 tons of husks totally
eliminates a 'waste', which is thus converted into an enhanced asset and yielding an energy resource. It
saves 22,400 tons of coal or 23,578 tons of firewood which would otherwise be required to raise steam.
This amount of firewood would have needed 4,721 acres of land for its production. Calculations of the
coal/firewood equivalent and of the area of land that would have been required to raise the firewood are
shown in Annex III.

The further combination of black ash also results in savings of coal and fuel wood that would
otherwise have been required for brick-making. The amount of saving has not been separately computed,
being contained in the energy in the husk already cmputed.

The white ash left after black ash is burned further isalmost pure silica and conserves an equivalent
amount of the mineral that might otherwise have been used up.

The recovery of rice bran oil creates an equivalent amount of vegetable oil and an equivalent
acreage of land required to cultivate the necessary oil seed issaved. It has been estimated that to p-oduce
the 690 tons of oil produced, 11,361 acres of land would have been required, an area that is thus made
available for alternative uses.

The utilization of de-fatted bran and chopped vegetable matter to feed chicken, ducks and pigs,
results in saving an equivalent amount of feed material that would have otherwise been necessary for
producing their eggs and meat.

The utilization of chicken droppings for pig and fish feed and of duck and pig droppings for
fish feed similarly becomes an enhanced new resource, saving equivalent amounts of the usual feed

The resulting increased availability of proteins for human consumption represents an enhancement
of food resources.

Sludge from the fish ponds and biogas generator goes to fertilize farm lands where crops are
raised and is therefore an enhanced resource replacing an equivalent amount of fertilizer that would
otherwise have been necessary.

- 101 ­
Required Additional
Project Components
and Expansion (Potential for Resources
Restoration, Mainteace,
Little additional components
can be envisaged in
wider import, may the particuI project.
not be out of Place. However acoment
Arising out of the
etcoen success achieve in this project
insteadcionto duseful
extend oc resources Worthwhileis the almost total elimination of
additional project wastes,
tuel Wood are Possible demotrates how components would and
and how significant sizeable savinas in fossil be to
consumption can be achieved ddtonsetoate
fuels and/or
by integrating the processing eqaw t a~

The calculations in
the project are based of paddy withf pr
theo teraising
in s avail able fo rh um an
of chickens
of paddy (rice) in on an annual milling of 75,000 h etc.
Thailand is currently tons of paddy. The
of the order of 13 production
to 14 million tons.
ensue, if the system The benefits that would
in this
are obvious .
project is extended
cover a fraction
Not all paddy is processed of this Production
hulling Paddy. The in mills of the size
in this
of bran oil and the collection of bran from such units project. There would be many smaller
Prevention of their to make up viable mills,
not insurmountable deterioration may quantities for extraction
and these small units cause problems of
could achieve significant logistics But
resources if the system profits and enhancement these are
is adopted evin partially. of food
As a part of the
project, an experiental
small demonstration
farm, combine wth
the raising
of chickens, pigs and fish has
been laid out, and has been shown
to yield a profit of nearly Bht.
30 pigs (Veight Expenditures

3,000 kg.)

@ Bht. 15 30 Piglets

12,200 eggs45,000

0@ Bht. 1 Pigs'@Bht. 300

feed meal...........9,000


@ Bht. 20 .............. Bht. 4 /pig/day ........

800 40 chickens
1,400 kg loti...... Tilapia
ilap ......

@ Bht. 8 .............g.Nilotic @ Bht. 55.2,200

3,000 sugarcane 11,200
feed meal

@ Bht. 1 Bht 0. 4 5/day

6,300 ..........
corn (3 X per year) 3 ,000 5000 fin .....
6,0 (Sugarcane
cn @Bht.gerlings
0.20 ........... ,

@Bht. 1 ......... (1 x per year)


3 L-ai @ 300............900.
Corn (3 x per year)
Tot. I............ 3 rai @ Bht. 5 /ra.....
..... 49,370
Net income .......................

Bht. 29,130

Perhaps a develonment

wide scale. on the national male

may be to encourage
replication of such
units on

- 102.

and fish raising and with a small
1. In this project, a rice mill is integrated with chicken/duck/pig
waste products (rice husks) are burnt to provide
vegetable farm. Paddy is milled to produce rice and the
this avoids the necessity for bringing in fuel from
the process heat required for parboiling paddy and
which rice bran oil is extracted. The de-fatted
outside. By.products of the milling is rice bran from
paddy floor sweepings. etc. are fed to chickens,
bran along with other residues such as broken rice,
protein for human consumption in the form of
ducks and pigs, and these are totally convened into
and chicken droppings go to feed the pigs. The
meat and eggs. Chicken coops are built over the pigsties
thus producing more protein.
Finally the fishpond
pig droppings and duck droppings are fed to fish,
more food. Vegetable residues are fed to pigs

sludge is used to fertilize cirowing vegetables representing

total value of the products is Bht 245,917,000.

and ducks, thus achieving total resource utilization. The

inventory, Bht 100,140,000 (ii) labor and
2. The value of resources used and consumed is (i)
consumed per annum, Bht 212,015.000 making
management, Bht 13,500,000 (iii) stores and supplies
effects on the neighborhood crQps, fish etc.
a total of Bht 325,655,000. The project has no indirect from the blue gases.
Attempts are being made to recover wasted heat and particulates
rice bran and rice bran oil, rice husks which
Valuable residues created in the project include rice,
bricks and for feeding chicken, ducks, pigs and fish
in turn are used to provide process heat, for making
which in turn provide fertility to a small area growing
of resources in this project.
3. There is no exhaustion, depletion or deterioration
enhancement of resources is achieved:
4. Through total utilization of reso-:.ces, significzant
of husks; actreage which would otherywise have
fossil fuels and/or firewood are saved by the burning
of protein available for human consmption
been required for growing oil seeds is freed.
The quantum
is increased by raising poultry, pigs and fish.

utilization of residues are summarized

5. Returns from the enhanced resource obtained through
as follows:
per annum
22,400 tons of coal or 23,587 tons of fuel wood saved

11,361 acres of land freed from growing oil seeds per

3,600,000 pcs of bricks produced per annum

2,000 chicken and 4,000 ducks per annum

6,200 pigs; 1,200,000 hens' eggs per annum

plus about Blot. 20,000 worth of farm pro­
1,680,000 ducks' eggs and 93,000 kg. fish per annum
the methodology adopted in this project
6. It is necessary to disseminate as widely as possible
enhancement of resources. The methodology
which achieves total elimination of waste and significant
this project as well as in small size family farms.
can be adopted similarly in large.scale operations as in

- 103 ­
Appendix I

Cost/benefit assessment
(Environment additionalities)
In this project the
main costs comprise
the rice mill. Also all the expenditures
to be computed required to establish
are the additional and separate
wastes, viz. husks, expenses to be incurred
defatted bran, etc. in dealing with the
in an environmentally various
sound manner.
The benefits would
of all the products be the value of
produced from utilizingproducts produced (viz. rice and
the residues and rice bran oil) Plus
from avoidance the value
measures for their of any special anti-pollution
handling and disposal.
The saving in fuel
(fossil fuels or fuel
oil are two important Wood), and in vegetable
environmental additionalities oil through recovery
of rice bran
Similarly, the avoidance
sents an Important of Pollution by
environmental factor utilizing wastes
in a chain of consuming
plus of course adding organisms repre.
to the total availability
of proteins.

Appendix I I

Enlarged cost/benefit

(i) Cost of land, building, equipment, Bht
machinery, vehicles etc. for the
mill and farm ....
... .... GDP of products.
(ii) Labor and management ... 100,140,000 Rice..............216,970,000

per annum ... Rile bran oil.......

(11) Stores and supplies 13,500,000 2 4,000

consumed per Bricks .......
9 7,245,000

annum .......................

212,015,000 900,000

Ducks ...........

(iv) husks,
Cost of disposal 48,0
black and of residues
white viz.
ash and
bran in an environmentally Pigs ............
sound manner (if they , 680,000
Hens' eggs
not fully recycled)2 were Fh..............!,034,000
1,20 0,000
Ducks' eggs .........

Fish ........... 1,680,000

Farm produce ...... 20,00o
Deduct cost of:
Effluent disposal
. ... Nil
Add value of additionalities
created 2
22,400 tons of coal
23,578 tons of firewood

11,361 acres of land

freed from

n is is n ot--
c- ­- -veg
2 Thi is not a commercial
etab le oil seeds cu ltiva tion
balance sheet
Monetary value,
not computed

-104 .

Appendix III


Calorific value of rice husks = 3,200 kcal/kg',

Calorific value of coal (non-cooking) - 5,000 kcal/kg1

Tons of coal required to replace 35,000 x 3,200

35,000 tons of rice husk - - 22,400 mt 2

Calorific value of fIre wood 4,750 kcal/kg'

Tons of firewood required to replace 35,000 x 3,200

35,000 tons of husks -- 23,578 mt 2

Average growth of fuel wood per 3

acre per year

Acreage required to obtain 23,587

tons of fuel wood per year 23,587 4,721 acres

Average yield of oil seeds (sesame) = 300 kg/ha4

= 121.45 kg/acre

Acreage required to produce 780 mt 780 x 1,000

of oil, assuming an extraction of
50%s 121.25 x 0.5

12,844 acres

I Values of calorific values adopted by various authorities are found to vary within very wide limits.
Averages from several sources adopted.
2 Important: In this computation the fact that the burning efficiencies of coal and husks when burned
to raise steam are very different has been ignored.
3 From Second India Studies: Energy. K. S.Parikh. Macmillian, New Delhi.
4 Averaged out from FAO production statistics.
5 Authorities give 41% to 65%. An average of 50% adopted.

- 105­
APpendix IV
Flow diagram of rice
mill/farm complex

dy -- Purchased

Hot water & steam Plus

Produced by burning husks

RIce brokens Rice bran Husks Burnt]

° j -J " - -J
[ Solvent extraction,
Plus kclay, -- .

Fed to Defitteds
b Rc
oil sold

[Egg 1 L iv e
birds Dro'pping-s Droppings Live bi~rds


decase Duekd

anm L iv animals•






Chaur Shyan ee

in Taiwan of the importance of integrated
Presently, there is an increased awareness .or productivity,
From the view of production efficiency are increased and
especially in orop.livestock-frah farming. farming since the amounts of inputs
the use of farm resource is higher in integrated from farm income aspect, the proportion of farmer's
the other hand,
the factc. substitution iseased. On study on economic
agricultural sector is higher in integrated farming. The results of a sections.
income Arom farming enterprise are discussed in the following
farming and separate
analysis of integrated
aspects of integrat­
view of making a comparison of economic
This study was undertaken with the the study were as follows:
enterprises. The specific objectives of
ed farming with that of the separate
types of farming on resource use

1. To examine the impact of different

of different types of farming

2. To analyze the benefit-cost ratio farming

and farm income in different types of
3. To measure the production efficiency with that of the
the integrated crop.livestock-fish farming
4. To compare the efficiency of
separate enterprises.
other types of integrated farming and

types of integrated
for economic comparison of the different
A number of indicators can be used
farming and separate enterprises.

1. Benefit-cost Ratio
the direct
popular and useful since it can compute
Benefit-cost analysis has become increasingly measure the benefit-cost ratio
specific enterprise. The easy way to
and indirect costs and benefits of a
of the specific enterprise is

cost; FE is equal to the differ.

stands for the farm earnings and PC represents the production
where FE
production cost.
ence between farm receipts and

. 107 ­
2. Rate of Farm Income
The rate of farm income is also the
indicator which can measure the prcduction
efficiency in the
agricultural sector. Rate of farm income
is computed using the formula:

R icFl
FR (2)
where F1 is the farm income and
FR is farm receipts. From the point
equal to farm income and farm expenses. of farm management, FR is
Based on equation (2) we can see
farm income, ceteris piribus, the greater that the larger the rate of
the production efficiency.

3. Factor Productivity
Factor productivity is a reciprocal
output per unit of input. Setting concept of production efficiency
the farm output as Q,the input of and can be measured by
labor as N and input of capital as cultivated land as D, the input of
C, land productivity and capital productivity
by Q/D, Q/N and Q/C, respectively. could then be explained
Actually, factor productivity can
between factor productivity and factor-factor be aerived by the relationship
by (1) the relationship between labor ratio. For example, labor productivity
productivity and land produc .vity can be explained
and per labor land input by the
rollowing formula
0 N (3)
and (2) the relationship between labor
productivity and capital productivity
and per labor capital input
by the following expression

Q/N = -(4)


From equation (3)

we can see that
I1the per capita land input (D/N)
increase in labor productivity (Q/N) is held constant, then the
productivity (Q/D). As indicated in this case is entirely the contribution
from equation (4), if the per labor of the increase in land
stant, then we can say that the increara capital input (C/N) remains con.
in labor productivity (Q/N) is totally
the contribution of the
increase in capital productivity (Q/C).*

4. Elasticity of Substitution
With the two factors of production,
labor (N) and capital (C), the elasticity
represented symbolically by of substitution is

(C/N) d(N/C)

(fN/fC) d(fc/f (5)


* The land productivity and capital

productivity can also be illustrated
by the following expression.

Land productivity: ID .N 2D aD k
D Capital p=Q
productivity:-.C D
.D ; Q N
C. ; Q NC


of capital, respectively. The
where fN and fC are the marginal product of labor and marginal product
inputs to a proportional change
elasticity of substitution is the proportional change in the relative factor
of substitution is one of
in the marginal rate of substitution between labor and capital.
The elasticity
technological change). If -e is larger,

the important indicators in measuring the production efficiency (or

with a larger change in the labor­
then a
given change in the ratio of marginal products is associated
capital ratio than that of a smaller e.

was applied to measure the

A CES (constant elasticity of substitution) production function
elasticity of substitution for this study (see Appendix 1).


by the Department of
The data used in this study were taken from the farm survey undertaken
in 1979. This study included
Agricultural Economics, Provincial Chia Yi Agricultural Junior College
in the original survey. The
175 farm households which were selected from the 320 farm households
Southern area of Taiwan. The types
sample included those engaged in different types of farming in the
crop-livestock, fish.livestock,
of farming selected for the study were:
crop, fish, livestock, crop-fish,
households were selected for each type of farming.

crop-livestock-fish. A sample of 20-25 farm


A. Characteristics of Integrated Farming in Taiwan

of farm income, sex, age and
Economic aspects are emphasized in this study. The structure
used to explain the general sit­
educational level of farm operator, and farm labor requirements were
the degree of diversification was higher in
uation of different types of farming. Table 1 shows that
never exceeded an index of 2. The
integrated farming and the diversity index in separa.te enterprises
of 2.59, followed by the integrated
inteqrated crop-livestock-fish farming had the highest diversity index
of 2.19, 2.06 and 2.04, respectively.
crop-fish, fish-livestock and crop-livestock farming, with an index

of different types of farming

Table 1. The structure of farm income and the degree of diversification

The structure of farm income

Diversity index
Crop (%) Livestock (/) Fish (%) Others (%) Total (%) (/)

­ - 4.71 100.00 1.10

Crop 95.29
13.71 83.37 0.01 100.00 1.40
Fish 2.91
87.67 - 6.16 100.00 1.29
Livestock 6,71
5.74 46.32 1.21 100.00 2.19
Crop-fish 46.73
50.27 ­ 0.94 1,00.00 2.04
Crop-livestock 48.79
55.72 41.72 0.56 100.00 2.06
Fish-livestock 2.00
50.10 24.58 2.13 100.00 2.59
Crop-livestock-fish 23.19
1 1
- =
Diversity index . 2 y
D Value of each product
Value of total product/ = 1 Y

- 109 ­
The labor requirement per
enterprises; the simpler the hectare in integrated farming
type of separate farm enterprise are higher than that in the
per hectare. With respect (except livestock), the less
to the family and hired farm need for labor
significant role in providing labor distribution, th family
a large part of labor in various labor played a
farming, the relative importance types of farming. Of the
of family labor per hectare-is seven types of
lower on separate farming
livestock) than on integrated (except the
farms (Table 2).
Table 2. Farm labor requirement
and its structure In different
types of farming

Grand total Family and hired labor

Family labor
Pattern Man-day % Family % Hired % Male % Female
man-day %
man-day man-day
Crop 269.83 100.00 217.73 80.69 52.10

Fish 230.61 100.00 19.31 159.86 73.42

205.70 89.20 57.87 26.58

Livestock 24.91 10.80 135.91
969.46 100.00 828.01 66.07 76.17 37.03
Crop-fish 85.41 141.45 14.59
365.71 100.00 478.92 57.84 349.09
313.20 85.64 52.51 42.16
Crop-livestock 463.96 14.36 188.64 60.23 124.56
100.00 418.08 90.11 39.77
Fish-liv,,stock 570.71 45.88 9.89 267.61 64.01
100.00 512.45 89.79 150.47 35.99
Crop-llvestock. 6 29.34 58.26 10.21 341.60 66.66
100.00 554.78 88.15 170.85 33.34
74.56 11.85 322.66 58.16 232.12 41.84

B. Resource Use in Ikitegrated

The scarcity of land resources
livestock. Past experience in Taiwan requires year round
shows that the smaller farmers utilization of land for crops
more effectively increased and
croppihg index to maximize their multiple.
the use of their farm land and
sustain their levels of living.
The average man-equivalent
per hectare in separate enterprises
tne integrated farms (Table (except livestock) is lower
3). We can see that the interaied than in
man-equivalent per hectare had the
of 1.85 among the integrated highest average
fish had a man-equivalent of farms; fish-livestock, crop-livestock
1.71, 1.39 and 1.04, respectively. and crop­

The impart of intensive

section analysis of different farming on the requirements of labor per hectare can
types of farming from the be seen in a cross
relationship between the farm survey data as shown
different types of farming in Table 4. The
and the requirements of farm
very significant.
labor per hectare is

It is also significant to note

that increase in farm capital
the enterprise is separated input per hectare depends
or integrated. The amount on whether
integrated farming than on of farm capital input per hectare is
separated ones as also shown higher on
in Table 3.

C. Economic Analysis
of the Integrated Farming

Integrated farming
in Taiwan
has significantly affected
income and 2) factor productivity 1) benefit.cost ratio and
and elasticity of substitution. rate of farm

- 110.

types of farming
Table 3. Resource use In different

Laaor requirements Capital Inputs

Land area Average man-equivalent
per hectare per hectare
(ha) per hectare
Patterns (man-day) ($NT)

269.33 85,385
1.09 0.73
Crop 230.61 89,207
2.24 0.69
Fish 969.46 340,977
1.07 2.76
Livestock 365.71 107,968
1.78 1.04
Crop-fish 463.96 110,739
0.82 1.39
Crop.iivestock 570.71 131,203
1.56 1.71
Fish-livestock 629.34 140,054
1.88 1.85

1. Benefit-cost ratio and rate of farm income

but also the famil',7 farm
farming increased not only the overall agricultaral output
Integrated of different types of farming
4 gives the benefitcost ratio and the rate of farm income
income. Table fai. "ly farm income
difficult, however, to give a general estimation of the total
in Taiwan. It is very der ending on how
income, since the extent of off-farm income can be increased
including the off-farm
work outside the farm.
many members of the farm family
is highly related to the different
income, the benefit-cost ratio
From the viewpoint of farm farm income and benefit-cost ratio
The simpler separate farming enterprises showed lower ceteris paribus, with
of farming. income increased,
of integrated fanning (Table 4). The rate of farm obtained on
than that farm income (41.31) was
in the diversity of farm enterprise. The lowest rate of
on fish.livestock farm.
crop farm and the highest (62.99)

types of farming
rate of farm income of different
Table 4. Benefit-cost ratio and

(2) (3) income
(1.) farm income Rate of farm
Farm income Ratio
Farm receipts Production = (3)/(2) x 100
Patterns - (2) production cost
cost = (1)
- (3)/(2)

0.7037 41.31
35,385 60,087
Crop 145,472 0.9063 47,54
89,207 80,848
Fish 170,055 53.42
391;070 1.1469
732,047 340,977 51.47
Livestock 114,517 1.0607
222,485 107,968 57.80
Crop-fish 151,678 1.3697
262,417 110,739 62.99
Crop-livestock 1.7023
131,203 223,343
Fish-livestock 354,546 1.5012 60.02
140,054 210,245

2. Factor productivity and elasticity

of substitution
From the farm survey data, the
integrated farming showed a
the factor productivity which certain significant relationship
varied among the different types with
survey in southern area in Taiwan of farming. Average data from
in 1978 indicated that the different farm
related to land productivity, types of farming are closely.
labor productivity and capital
productivity per hectare increased productivity (Table 5 and Fig.
considerably with the adoption 1). Factor
of intensive agricultural operations,
such as integrated farming.
The factor productivity of
two major factors: 1) the increase I.tegrated fish-livestock farm has advanced remarkably,
of production per hectare, and owing to
livestock, especially during the 2) the profitable prices of fish
year under review, compared and
with the price of crop.
Factor productivities are usually
conceived as the important indicators
efficiency of production in of the level of economic
small farming in Taiwan.
analysis should now be clear: important implication from
integrated farminq has made the foregoing

land, labor and capital productivities. significant contribution to the

Hence, policy makers should arowth of
farming enterprise could be more put attention on how this type
effectively promoted to the farm of
With respect to the elasticity
of substitution, we used the static
the cross-sectional data in order CES production function in using
to examine the elasticity of
types of farming. The equation substitution of production on
was estimated by ordinary least different
scctional data from farm survey. squares regression based on
The results are shown in Tables cross-
6 and 7.
Based on the analysis of factor
productivities as mentioned
ical effects on the productivities above, it is very clear that technolog­
of resources
in different types
With the relative increase in of integrated farming
were significant.
capital inputs (or farm expeilses)
capital inputs were significant and relative decrease in labor
substitutes for labor inputs inputs,
the labor saving technology
considerably utilized in the integrated has been

As indicated in Table 8, the high
farming were primarily in the elasticities of substitution
fish-livestock and crop-livestock.fishbetween capital and labor in integrated
substitution were less than 0.5 farming. The values of elasticity
(a < 0.5) in the separated farmings of
than 0.5 (a > 0.5) in the integrated (except livestock) and were
farming; the value of elasticity greater
reater than 1 (a > 1) in the of substitution was particularly
integrated crop-livestock-fish
capital input is growing more farming. This is because the
rapidly than that of labor input amount of
in this type of farming.

112 ­
types Of farming
factor-factor ratio in different
Table 5. Productivity and

Labor Capital
Per hectare Land
Per hectare Per labor
Per capital Per capital productivity productivity
Per labor hectare input labor input
hectare input capital input QJC
capital input labor input D/N N/D Q/D Q/N
Patterns C/N (NT$/NT$)
(manday/ha) (NT$/ha) (NT$/manldaY)
(NT$/ha) (ha/manday)
(manday/NT$) (ha/NT$)
539.13 1.70
269.83 145,472
78,335 0.0037
0.0032 0.00026 737.41 1.91
Crop 316.44 230.61 !70,055
39,824 0.0043
0.0026 0.00050 755.11 2.15
Fish 386.83 969.46 732,047
318,670 0.0010
0.0028 0.00006 608.37 2.06
Livestock 351.72 365.71 222,485
60,656 0.0027
0.0034 0.00028 2.37
29523 262.417 565.60
Crop-fish 0.0022 463.96
0.00015 135,048
238.68 0.0042 621.24 2.70
Crop-livestock 570.71 354,546
84,105 0.0018
0.0044 0.00024 2.50
Fish-livestock 229.89 350,299 556.61
0.0016 629.34
0.00021 74,497
222.54 0.0045
* crop 2 fish A livestock * crop-fish * crop-livestock 9 fish-livestock

/N N)

a... .F Q)N


V 2.00 *

600 ,



200 400 600 800 man-day/ha C/
- 00,000 200 NT$/ha C/D
Q/D c)
700,000~ N D D
N Q/C d).i
N= Q C

.j 300,000 9

z 4L

• 1.00

0Dio ,-
0.0030 0.0050 ha/man-day C/N
200 300 NT$/man-day
Q/D e) Q

70,0 D Q/N

700,oo A eD
= ....

30 ,000l 700

100,000 0* .•


0.0010 0.0040 NT$/ha


0.0020 , , N/C
0.0030 0.0040 man-day/NT$

Figure 1. Land productivity,

labor productivity and capital
productivity in different
types of farming

- 114 ­
of the CES production unc.on
Table 6. Results of estimation

F R n
2 3 04

11.1368 0.6762 25
0.3847 0.4888 0.3668

Crop 0.1952
(0.6431) (0.9558) (-0.9888)
-0.1112 46.4974 0.8927 23
Fish -­0.1602 1.0438 0.0629
(11.7141) (0.4238) (-0.5724)
28.2473 0.8412 21
0.8904 -0.4472 0.3423
Livestock 1.1637
(6.6221) (-1.8612) (2.9875)
0.1813 30.4164 0.8753 20
1.1744 0.9590 -2.2724
(0.4722) (-0.8556) (1.4937)
-0.0698 18.3976 0.7753 20
0.5833 0.5580 0.2666
(0.8158) (0.4049) (-0.1542)
0.0351 109.3408 0.9535 20
0.3100 0.7096 0.2615
(9.4976) (1.4917) (-0.4018)
0.0027 31.9684 0.8888 21
-­0.1709 0.6844 0.4292
(2.8038) (0.9213) (0.0077)

function (see Appendix 1)

Notes: 1) Estimated based on CES production
2) t-value in brackets.
3) n is the number of farm household.

of the CES production function

Table 7. Estimated parameters

P C R2 S
Patterns "

0.2271 0.6762 0.1r28

0.4404 0.8735 3.4032
Crop 1.5676
0.2107 0.8972 0.1414
0.9432 1.1067 3.7471
Fish 0.6951
0.5662 0.8412 0.1469
1.9978 0.4482 0.7662
Livestock 58.0337
0.5120 0.8753 0.1170
1.3967 0.6866 : .9532
Crop-fish 14.9417 0.1534
0.7743 0.5636 0.7753
3.8312 0.6767 0.8246
Crop-livestock 0.9535 0.0823
0.9712 0.3668 0.7316
2.0419 0.7307
Fish.livestock 1.0209 0.8838 0.0998
0.6146 1.1136 -0.0205
Crop.ivestock-fish 0.6748

Note: Computed ba.ed on Table 6.

- 115 ­

Integrated farming
contributed to the
maximal use of farm
capital, and reiulted resources such as
farm land, labor
to larger farm income, and
of farm labor.
higher factor Productivities
Benefit.cost ratio,
and a more equitable
rate of farm inrome, distribution
measure the factor productivity
production efficiency and elasticity of
grated farming. From were significantly substitution
the view point of different among
in Taiwan is more production efficiency the different types which
Profitable than and farm income, fish.livesok of nte.
tion measured by that of other integrated farming
the elasticity of substitution, enterprise However
the integrated in the factor substitu.
significant than the enterprs appears
other types of integrated to be


Bardhan, P..

.1973. Size, Productivity

and Returns to Scale:
Jour. An Anaysis of Farm
of Political Economy, Level
in Indian
Vol. 81. pp. 1370-
Brown M. 1968. On the Af.
Theory and Measurement
Pritton, D. K. and p.8Technologica),Cane of Change.
N. B. Hill. 1978. Differences Univ.
in Efficiency by Farm Size and
Tenure. Paper pres.
Cambridge U .press.
.- to AES Conf., Dec.
-- and N. B. Hill.1978.


-- 1970. Analysis of Size and Efficiency in Farming.

Jour, -of Agric. Net Farm Income: Farnborough Saxon
Econ. Vol. 21. House.
pp. 351-371. An Examination of Farm Management
Survey Data.

John Adams and A.P.

8quaglia,1978. Size and Efficiency
Balu Bumb. in Scottish Agriculture'
1979. Determinants
The Impact of Inputs, Scot. Agri. Econ. Vol.
TechnolgY and Contextof Agricultura Productiity in 28. pp.
on Land Productivity, Economic Rajasthan, India:
and Cultural Change. Development

Lee Chaur Shyan. The Univ. of Chicago

1978. Technological Press.
pp. 705-722.
Change and Labor
in Taiwan, Jour. Utilization: Case
Agric. Econ., Taiwan, Study of Rice Farming
Thet al. 1975. Vol. 24. pp. 127-186.
Impact of Multiple.crop
Lund, The Diversification on
p. J.Phil. Econ. Jour.
and P. G. Hill. No. 27. pp. 77-87. Farm Income in
1979 Farm Lize,
Efficiency and Economics
Lingard, J. of Size.
Jour. of
197.Size and Efficiency Agric. Econ.

in Farming, Can
Production Function
Spencer Dunstan Help? Paper pres.
S. C. and Byerlee to
Derek. 1976. Technical
- Evidence from Sierra Change, Labor Use,
Leone. Amer. Jour. and Small Development:
Thirsk Wayne. 1974. Factor Substitution of Agric. Econ., pp. 72-84.
in Columia Agriculture Amer. Jour of Agri. Econ., pp.

- 116 .

of the CES production function

Appendix 1. The derivation

The static CES production function
C - P + (1- k) - p 1
Q =, [k. N-vp

are 'y,
respectively; the four parameters
Q. C and N represent o6tput, capital and labor, v represents the degree
is the distribution parameter;
for a scale parameter, k substitution parameter
k, v and p, where ' stand to scale, and p is the
the function or the degree of return o -
of homogeneity of can compute the a, where
a is the elasticity of !;ubstitulon. Then we
equal to (1 - 0)/o, where


of the CES production function

The logarithmic transformation
­p ] (2)

' - v/plog I kC
+ (1 - k) N
lov Q = log
of the parameters,
production function is how to obtain an estimate
The major problem with
this cannot be esti­
capital and labor Input. A simple least-square method
output, - p ] contains undetermined parameters.
, k, v and p given data on ­ (1--)
to equation (2), since the term (k C p +
mated directly
is possible if we
the parameters of the CES production function
of Series
A more
simple estimation to p.
By using Taylor's
by its approximation that Is linear with respect of p higher than
replace equation (2) terms involving power
log Q around p = 0, and dropping the
Formula, (1) expanding
one, (2) then wo can obtain.
1 (3)
p vk
log Q= log + vklogC
(1g - k) ['lo lgN-k) log N­

as follows:
can be estimated empirically
The unrestricted version (3)
2 (4)
log N+0 (logC-og N)
2 logC +0 3 4

of equation (4) as follows:

of equation (3) are related to the coefficients
The parameters
= v = 02+03
y antilog +
4 0 03)/132 133
02132 + 133 P = -2 0 ( 2

of equation (3).from cross

least square to estimate the. coefficients
Thus we
can use ordinary
sectional data.

2 bea

a can written as " a

of f(x) about khc point x (X-a 3----

The Taylor's series expansion f,
f (a)+ P f..(a)
+(%--a) f' (a)+
Q(x) = f(a) + (a)+R
+ (x - a) f (P)

p +1 = remainder.
Where R
June 1967,
International Economic Review,
On Estimation of the CES Production Function
(2) See J. Kmenta.,
pp. 180-192.

- 117 ­

Commente With
Japane expeienc,
anclude ore entfpre capital Productivity
In usually goes down
abroucng certain farm sizes; land Productivity if-farmers increase
may or
PrOductivitY in diversified i-rers Y
introducing or putting arming, but maybe ncrease or
A. I agree that capital investments on some machinery this is not in terms
productivity and but only on small of
survey done in lud Productivity hand-tools.
1958 showed that change according
livestock. From t6e price of crops to type of farming.
the point of view was relatively low A
of production efficiency compared to fish
flsh-livestock. crop-livestock is and
more efficient than
Q. Table 5 shows
that in terms of
TAble 6, land-labor cost-benefit ratio,
productivity ratios fish-livestock is most
indicate efficient. However,
enterprises. Can that livestock farms on
A. Comparison you explain these conflicting are more efficient among
was made on the results on the factor the
same basis per hectare; productivity ratios?
as such, producjivity
prise was higher. from livestock enter­
Comment: Some economists
don't believe in
in other words, economic factor efficiency
ratios as an indicator
efficiencies cannot of productivity;
Comment: The be measured by using productivity
measurement of ratios.
livestock productivity
Q. Tables 5 and in this case is not
6 show that in terms farm size (area)
of farm income, oriented.
Productivity, fish livestock
and livestock is has the highest;
the highest. What in terms of capital
would you recommend
A. In integrated farms, as the best pattern
fish.livestock would of
be best where'they
in separate enterprises, are apprqnriate
livestock is the best.

- 118 ­


P. H. 6ai** and King.ThOmrnCung***

C. M.\Honlg*, M.T1 Koh*, T. Y.Chow*,

especially the treatment of hog wastes
In Taiwan few studies have been done on hog magenent, of hog wastes was practiced during World
The production of methane through anaerobic fermentation 1970.
recognized until
War II3 , but its importance was not
the public. In recent
caused by hog wastes have been ignored by caused
Biohazards of waterraising farms in Taiwan has rapidly increased' 5 and pollution problems
decades, the size of hog
of the Republic of China placed restrictione
by hog wastes are getting serious.
In 1973, the government solid (5S) of waste

oxygen demand (BOD) and suspended

on water pollution, limiting the biological
water to 20appm.

the red mud

Industrial Research Institute, Hsinchu, Taiwan (UIRI),6 invented

the building the anaerobic digester for treatment of hog wastes . Many
1974, for improvements
the RMP has proved to be very
have been made since then, and
of hydraulic retention
bag is used as the digester of hog wastes, and if the duration can be
If the RMP 3 for the digester. The BOD of the effluent
requires a space of 0.3 m completely used
lasts 15 days, each hog water pollution. If the methane produced is
kept below 160 ppm, thus This is the most economical
the total investment can be recovered within 5 to 9 months.would cost US$30-50 per hog,
for fuel, treatment
hog wastes. The general aerobic
method for the treatment of States,
the lagoon system is the mostspace is not
the cost of electricity. In the United 4 requirement of big
not counting 3 hog . Such,
a space of 12 m for each
used method but it requires Taiwan where the method of anaerobic treatment is economically
country as for methane
feasible in. a
be used for cover on the anaerobic lagoon, providing
worthwhile. The RMP can
can be used directly for
through the anaerobic digestion of hog wastes
The methane generated for house fuel. Methane
7 head of hogs will provide sufficient methane
fuel. For a family of five, electricity by modification
gas completely. Methane can also be used to generate
can replace propane
of the carburetor.
cultivation of green or blue-green
from the anaerobic digester can be used for the successfully in Taiwan
The effluent Spirulina platensis is cultivated
harvested for animal feed.
algae which can be
for this purpose.
Taiwan 712, Republic of
Institute, Hsin-Hua, Tainan, Tainan, Taiwan 724, Republic
• Taiwan Livestock Research Institute, Chi.Ku,
of Taiwan Fishery Research
Tainan Fish Culture Station
of China.
Taiwan 400, Republic of
of Biology, Tunghai University, Taichung,
It has been estimated that the
methane produced from wastes
million m 3 ,equivalent to 2.9 of 5 million hogs will total 315
x 1012 Kcal (Ray, M. H., Personal
produced from hog wastes will communication). As such, the methane
be 15-20% of the annual natural
tropical climate of Taiwan is gas produced in Taiwan. The
extremely suitable for the natural sub.
The economical quality of anaerobic fermentation of hog
RMP material helps to decreaso wastes.
locally. Other types of wastes the cost of constructing a good
such as city sewage and wastes digester
for the production of methane from other livesiock can also
through anaerobic fermentation. be used
of methane through the anaerobic Therefore, the potential of production
fermentation of wastes is enormous.

In general, treatment of hog
wastes can be aerobic or anaerobic.
treatment are. a) a high degree The advantages of anaerobic
of waste stabilization; b) low
c) low nutrient requirements; production of waste biological
d) production of methane as
The disadvantages of this treatment, a useful end product; e) no oxygen sludge;
on the other hand, are: a) limitation required.
of temperature; b) the slow
growth rate of mathanogens'

In aerobic treatment, the aerobes

consume oxygen and convert
wastes into carbon dioxide and the organic materials from the
water in order to obtain energy
materials are transfe-red into for the cells. The majority of
new microbial cells. The effluent organic
the biological oxygen demand requires further treatment to
(BOD) or suspended solid (S3). decrease
materials are converted primarily In anaerobic treatment, the
into carbon dioxide and methane, organic
materials are transferred into only a small amount of the organic
new cells. The large quantity
of methane can be collected
source since it is not water soluble. as an energy

It was estimated" that 0.3 m 3

90 kg) when hog wastes were of blogas was produced per
anaerobically treated. Methane day per hog (average body weight
constitutes 65% of the total of
energy produced by the methane biogas.
is, therefore, .1820 Kcal (7220
retention lasts .12 to 16 days, BTU).
If the duration of hydraulic
80% of the BOD can be eliminated.
winter, with temperature between Wanq et all 6 also reported that in the
13 and 23 0 C, by employing
treatment of hog wastes, 0.1 3 the multiple chamber-digesters
m biogas (65% CH ) was produced for the
50-60 kg). The BOD decreased 4 per day per hog (body weight
from 6690 ppm to 160 ppm of
lasted 19 days (Wang, H. H., when the duration of hydraulic
T. H. Liu, C. M. Hong and M. retention
T. Koh, 1976.
Special report
national conference of waste on the 2nd

water treatmnst).
Due to warm weather in subtropical
If the digester can be installed area, the anaerobic treatment
underground to decrease the of hog waste is advantageous.
occupant space and to minimize
of cold weather in winter, better the influence
efficiency can thus be obtained.
(According to the report of
hog waste contains nitrogen Yen and Wang l 7,
1.O0g/1 (0.11%), P 0 the effluent after the anaerobic
fermentation of
Since the nitrogen content is 2 5 o.148g/1 (0.01%) and K 0
high, it is a good fertilizer. 2 0. 9 11g/1 (0.09%).
This fiding has been confirmed
fielw experiment 2, through the

Lee and Huang reported' 1.7

that parasites and pathogens in
after anaerobic fermentation. the hog wastes were killed ox
Therefore, the anaerolj fermentation inhibited
fertilizer for farming and the of hog waste can provide good
effluents can still be used for
the cultivation of algae.

- 120 .

the piggery
Composition of waste water from
feces, urine, wash water, feed
water coming from the piggery are
The major components of waste by the amount of
quality of waste water are affected greatly water
residues and grasses.
The quantity and of water used for cleaning the piggery.
The amount of
excretion and the amount the piggery.
This point

fecal and urine according to the structure of

the piggery varies significantly
used for cleaning
in the later part of this section.
will be illustrated in more detail

Total waste water and its characteristics

of water needed for cleaning
stiucture of piggeries, the amount
According to differences in the are commonly used and the amount of water used

red brick and cement

the floor varies.
In Taiwan, animal excreta.
5 to 15.fold of the amount of
for cleaning the floor is about
and the wash water
a slotted floor, there is no need to wash the floor
If a pit is constructed below needed for cleaning can be
less. If it is a trench style, the amount of water
will be much
body weight of
and urine produced by a hog with an average
At the TLRI, the amounts
of feces of the feces and urine are
respectively, per day. The characteristics
60 kg are 1.32 kg and 3.12 kg, 314,778 ppm and
and 0.25%; volatile solid, 25.7% and 0.15%; COD,
as follows:
total solid, 34.5% 3,698 ppm; armonia
ppm and
3,016 ppm; total nitrogen, 8,619 ppm and
7,493 ppm; BOD, 55,271 688 ppm.
volatile acid, 14,882 ppm and
nitrogen, 767 ppm and 257 ppm;

Flusb tank system of cleaning

19704. It has been used
at the Michigan State University in
The flush tank system was developed tank system includes a) the
of the piggery. This flushing
successfully for maintailing
the cleanness b) the slanted pit under the
controls the amount of water used and,
water reservoir, which automatically drop to the slanted pit automatically
advantages. The hog wastes
slotted floor. This system has many can be kept odorless all the
outside of the piggery so that the piggery in
and the wastes can be removed floor. The hogs are not directly
amount of water is needed to clean tie slotted no electricity cost,
time. A minimum is minimized. There is
thus, the spread of pathogens
contact with the wash water,
and the labor cost is also minimum.
should have a 2% slant.
that the flushing pit under the slotted floor products).
It is recommended urine.resistant agents (polyurethane
pit should be smooth -nd painted with with hydrochloric acid
surface of the
recommend to erode the surface of the pit
Most of the building contractors first slot and th3 surface
be at least 23 cm (9 inch) between bottom of the
before painting. There should
of the pit in order to flush water
three.quarters of the washing,
pit should be in pan shape in order to collect drain all the
The last six feet of the
a diameter of 15 to 21 cm (6 to 8.ich) in order to
a pipe with cleaning
water. There should also be houses and nursery houses,
to the digester. In the gestation houses, farrowing should be done
animal wastes houses, cleaning
to keep them free of odor. In the finishing wastes.
twice a day is sufficient animals produce mome
control system since those
three times per day by an automatic

121 ­

Usually a big area or space is required for the treatment of hog wastes, and the biogas produced
through such treatment contaim a considerable amount of water steam and hydrogen sulfide. Special
attention should be given to the material used for the construction of the digester. The material should
be inexpensive but resistant to erosion in comparison with cement, brick or sheet steel. The RMP
invented by the UIRI is used by the Taiwan Livestock Research Institute (TLRI) and has proved to be
a very good material for the digester.

The characteristics of RMP are as follows:

a) primary material: red mud and wastes from the aluminum industry.
b) physical properties: resistant to erosion by acid, alkali or salt solution. The results of aging
tests are shown in Table 1.

A. The RMP Digester

The most recent model is shown in Figure 1 and is described below.

1. Ipput pipe

A 20 to 30 cm (8-12 inch) plastic pipe should be used for the input of wastes and should be
immersed in the waste at least to 15 cm depth. This will prevent methane from being released.

The crude cellulose material is not easy to be digested and tnds to block the entrance. Therefore,
at the entrance there is a well which can be used to clean up the cellulose material before it enters into
the swine digester.

2. Fermenter and gas storage bag

As indicated in Figure 1, the fermenter is tlie main component of the digester, and the gas storage
bag is on top of the digester. The size of the fermenter is determined bY the number of hogs times
0.3 m3 . For example, for 20 heads of hogs, we need a fermenter of 6 m . The fermenter should not
be too big. If there is much waste to be treated, multiple chambers can be connected by plastic pipe.
Usually, the efficiency of the multiple-chamber fermenter is better.

The RMP-built digester should meet the requirement of farmers. If the amount of hog wastes
does not 'require a big fermenter, one single digester will be economical and practical. The multiple
chamber-digester is more costly and elaborate to operate, but the efficiency of fermentation is better
than the single fermenter. The multiple chamber-digester is more suitable for a big farm. The anaerobic
fermentation can be divided -into two stages: the first stage is acidogenesis which occurs during the
first 12to 24 hours, and the second stage is methanogenesis which occurs within 100-200 hours after
the first stage. The size of the multiple chamber-digester can lso be divided according to the two stages,
one for acidogenesis and the other for methanogenesis. Since methane is produced at the second stage,
the ratio of the size of two fermenters is about 1 to 8. On the other hand, the multiple chamber-digester
provides more surface area, which may help to absorb solar energy. So the ideal model of RMP digester
should be insulated, and there should be devices for heating and agitation. On the northern side of
the digester, a soil wall helps prevent cooling by wind in the winter time. On tho southern side of the
digester, a simple solar energy collector is useful for heating during the winter The constant temperature
fermentation can thus be maintained.

122 ­
The gas storage bag can be incorporated with the digester as one bag or can be separated from
the digester as an independent bag. The gas stc:age bag can be installed near the kitchen. The biogas
can be transferred over a long distance by the phttic pipe.

3. Effluent pipe

The diameter of the plastic effluent pipe is 4 to 6 inches and is located about 5 cm lower than the
input pipe on the opposite side of the digester. The effluent pipe is also immersed into the fermenter
to 15 cm depth in order to prevent the escape of methane through this outlet. Both the input and
effluent pipes should be in fixed positions in order to maintain the constant inflow and outflow.

4. Methane pipe

On top of the biogas storage bag, there is a plastic pipe with a diameter of 2 inches. This pipe
is used for transporting the biogas to its place of use. Near the digester the pipe has an outlet to its
downward portion which can drain off the condensed moisture. This outlet is immersed in water as
described below.

5. Safety device

A simple device is employed to prevent the breakage of the fermenter due to heavy pressure
generated through anaerob:.: fer.-entation of the wastes. The methane oitlet pipe near the digester is
inserted into a bottle which contains at least 10 cm depth or water. When the pressure of the digester
is greater than that of the water pressure, the biogas will be released.

6. aeaning tubes

Some organic material settles at the bottom of the digester to form sludge, which has to be cleaned
out once every two years. In Taiwan, the sludge may be cleaned out during heavy rain! by blocking
the effluent and letting large quantities of rain water flush through the digester and discharge all the
sludge through this cleaning pipe. The sludge can also be removed by a pump. If the digester is very
long, another cleaning outlet may be placed in the middle of the digester.

Gas pipe

Biogas reservo ir
" Safety

Settling well

----- Cleaning pipe

Fig. 1. Typical RMP digester

- 123 ­
Table 1. Results of aging tests of red mud plastics*

Aging test* duration

837 fours 1787 hours 2500 hours 3200 hours 3517 hours 4200 hours
(4 years) (8.5 yearsl (12 years) (15.2 years) (16.7 years) (20 years)

Result tensile elasti- tensile elasti- tensile elasti- tensile elasti- tensile elasti- tensile elasti- tensile elasti­
strength city strength city strength city strength city strength city strength city strength city
(kg/cm 2 ) (%) (kg/cm 2 ) (%) (kg/cm 2 ) (kg/cm2 )
(14 (kg/cm 2) (%) (%) (kg/cm 2 ) (%) (kg/cm 2 ) %)

Red mud plastic
(RMP) 0.5 mm thick 139.4 320 146.2 330 167 250 187.4 200 - - 174.5 200 - -
RMP 0.5 mm thick 141.6 304 153.2 300 166 350 198.6 210 - - 185.6 204 - -
RMP 0.5 mm thick 140.5 300 144 280 164.7 310 186.9 180 - - 175.3 180 -
RMP 0.5 mm thick 136.5 272 151.2 260 167.2 350 178.4 250 - - 179.5 220 - -
PVC 0.5 mm thick 149 312 132.8 250 91.5-21.6 20.5 - - - - - -
(13% of CaCO 3 ). (fragile)
PVC transp,rent
0.5 mm 114.3 374 116 340 87.5 120 - - - -
T-20 (fragile)
RMP 1.2 mm thick 173.8 344 . . .. - 160 320 158.5 260

* By using a Weather-0-Meter, at temperature 40-60°C, irradiated with an Arc

for 51 minutes, sprayed with water for 9 minutes.
The installation of the swine waste digester is outlined in Figure 2. The
first step is to prepare
slightly larger than the digester. The
a pit appropriate for the digester. The size of the pit should be
digester is placed into the pit. After 3 to 4 days,
input and effluent pipes should be attached after the filled with water before the
into the digester. The pit is usuallydigester may help the digester
the animal wastes can be discharged
into the digester. The water surrounding the
animal wastes are discharged and effluent pipes.
the tension which is exerted on the entrance
and lessen
to be expanded completely
will be initiated immediately.
digester is set up in the sumner time, fermentation from
an old fermenter may
If the anaerobic liquid
time, inoqulation of the digester with fermentation
In the winter
..... . fermentation.


1) Pit digging 2) Placement of entrance and effluent

3) Addition of water to the pit. 4) Filling the digester


6) Collecting biogas
5) Fermentation

Fig. 2. lIstallation of RMP digester

- 125 ­

As indicated in Table 1, the 1.2 mm thick RMP digester can be used for at least 20 years. No
leakage has been detected since installation of this digester several years ago' Broken parts
can be
easily repaired. The area around the broken part shouid be cleaned and patched with a piece of
usirg a strong adhesive (Nanpo resin, Hyaoron NP 30 and hardening agent). The repaired part should
be kept dry until it iscompletely hardened.

It is indicated that the effluent recycle will increase the methane production (5 to 10%) in the
RMP digester s . The introduction of leachate (from vegetable or sweet potato vines etc.) into th ,
anogenic stage also results in increased methane production over the digesters without leachate. When
methane is needed, a little pressure exerted on the biogas storage bag (i.e., placing a rock on top)
move the biogas to wherever needed.

The BOD of the effluent is only about 160 ppm. A small lagoon with water hyacinth will further
reduce the BOD of the effluent.

There should be another water outlet right before the entrance to prevent the rain water from
entering the digester during the rainy days.

The Anaerobic Lagoon with RMP Cover

In the United States, the treatment of piggery waste can be summarized as follows: a) slotted
floor -4 oxidation ditch -- lagoon; b) slotted floor !0 pit -4 lagoon, or; c) piggery
* lagoon. We can see that the lagoon is used for each kind of treatment of piggery wastes.

There are several advantages of using the lagoon for waste treatment. The lagoon system is simple
and inexpensive. The maintenance cost is minimum. In the United States each farmer owns more
50 acres of land so the space requirennt for the lagoon is not a problem. Since Taiwan is
a small
island, agricultural land is limited. Using space for lagoon is uneconomical on the one hand.
On the
other hand, there are some defects of the lagoon system. For example, pollution of the underground
water and odor from the piggery wastes are two of the more serious problems.

The space requirement of lagoon for each pound of hog is 2 ft 3 . For example, for a farm with
100 head of hogs, the size of the lagoon should be 2 ft3 x 100 x 200 = 40,000 ft3 = 1,200 m3 ;that
for every 100 head of hogs, a 1,200 m3 lagoon is needed. If a RMP cover is placed on top of the
to form an anaerobic lagoon, the odor and flies on the animals wastes can be eliminated. The anaerobic
lagoon should not be built on sand or limestone soil but on impervious soil. If under special conditions
the lagoon has to be built on sand or limestone soils, a distance between the lagoon and. the nearest
well should be at least 45 meters.

At the University of Illinois, Champaign-Urbana, there is an anaerobic lagoon 15 m by 30 r by

1.5 m with a plastic cover. A pipe is constructed on top of the cover, and methane is thus recovered.


Methane can be used for various purposes. Singh measured the amount of methane required
for different purposes.
According to Singh 14 , about 0.4 m 3 of methane is needed per person per day (calculated for

. 126 .
Acof go
water). For a family of five persons, 2 m3 of methane per day issufficient.
cookinq food and
1 0.3 m3 of methane will be produced per day from the
wastes of 90
of Chung et al. During warm
to the estimation
data are in agreement with the practical case on a small farm in Taiwan.
kg hg. These
seasonS, for a family of fg.6, 7 head ° f hogs will provide sufficient methane for household fuel.
winter when temperature is below 22 C, the amount of methane produced is below the need of a

to use methane whereat is produce methane

Sii methane is not easily stored, it is better at 4 e
be transferred through pipes.
With an air pump and constant pressure
can be transported to any distance. ohoghwastes through t an"

the a
inexpensive RMP, the, production of methane from hog aes to
Because of the For the treatment of wa
digester is quite0 worthwhile. within 5 to 9 months.
costs only about NT$30 . This amount of investment can be recovered
The TLRI has modified the water heater which consumes methane1 0 . It can replace the propane
operated on In methane instead
innThTable 2. Water pumps umpcan to bebemodified.
has also a test conducted
gas completelY.gas~The euti is~shown
~h ~result hw ~~~~~~e copeey
of methane per
of the water pumpa s-es i 1 m
of gasoline as direct fuel, but the carburetor of meth­
eof mth
a 5horse Power engine fitted to a 4-inch water
other words, for every.1in
conumes cubic meter
at the TLRI, for irrigation.

i 3 animal wastes
hour to PUMP out 34.1

be pumped.

ane, 16.3 m animal wastes can

carburetor of the engine
generate electricity by methane. The
The TLRI also conducted a test to
9 . The modification of the
replaced with a modified inlet which can be operated on methane quite applicable with a small
should be
methane to generate electricity is
3. Using
carburetor is shown in Figure
engine. The largest engine tested was 25 KW.
steam in this biogas, the engine can easily
presence of hydrogen sulfide saturated
and the engine from corrosion. Elimination of hydrogen
Due to the to prevent
rust. Special attention should be given amount of gasoline will help eliminate this problem.
will certainly be helpful. Usually a small

four years and no problem so far has been

At the TLRI one engine has been used for
the amount of methane consumed and the
Table 3 lists the quantitative relationship between 16.
using 2 KW, 10 KW and 25 KW engines
electricity generated

IUSS NT$ 36.

for water heater*
2. Amount of methane consumed

75 90
40 50 60

4.9 2.9
9.4 7.0
heated (I/min) 197
Amount of water 60 114 180
consumed (1)
Amount of methane
of 29
C and water temperature of
* The test Isdone at air

127 •

able 3. Relationship between amount of methane consumed and electricity

Amount of methane Electricity Amount' of methane

Engine consumed per hour •enerated consumed for each kwh of
jM 3 /hr) (KW) electricity (M )

2KW* 0.95 1.2 0.792

1OKW* 9.00 9.5 0.947

25KW** 22.50 25.0 0.900

• An old engine ** A brand new engine

Air Inlet -­
------- Methane control valve

------ Methane Inlet

Air control valvr-­

-- ----- Automatic valve

Fig. 3. Modified Inlets for methane driven


The effluent from the RMP anaerobic digester contains a significant amount of nitrogen, phos­
high protein source
phorous and potassium, which can be ured to cultivate algae. Algae provide a
for animals. Besides, the BOD can be further decreased by the growing algae. The BOD of effluent
from the lagoon of algae will, therefore, be reasonably low, which meets the requirement of the water
Ellinwood, Kansas, where
pollution.control. Two examples will be discussed here:
one is a farm at
of blue-green

green algae is cultivated by the effluent of an anaerobic lagoon; the other is the cultivation
algae from the effluent of RMP anaerobic digester at the Tainan Fish Culture Station of Taiwan Fishery

Research Institute (TFRI).

A. Cultivation of Green Algae

There are three piggery building- with a total number of 2,600 head of hogs. One.third of the
floor of the piggery is slotted and the other two.thirds is cemented. There are five lagoons. The hog
wastes are discharged to the first three lagoons for anaerobic fermentation. The fourth and fifth lagoons
are used for the cultivation of green algae. The pea.soup (wet algae) or the dried alge are used for
animal feed. The first lagoon receives the hog wastes from the piggery, the hog wastes then overflow
to the second lagoon. The waste water and well water are then pumped into the third lagoon with a
ratio of 3 to 5. Then, the wastes are introduced to the 4th and 5th lagoon and inoculated with the
green algae. The color of the wastes in the third lagoon is red orange. It takes about 65 to 85 days
for the growth of algae before they can be harvested. During harvest the algae are precipitated in a

. 128
the pumped
whh un added. The Precpta algae is
,500 o hambe to into
piggery for feeding. The supernatant is repumped
to a storage tank which is tranfere to the
LOlagoon. The harvested wet algae contain 10% of dry
weight. The wet algae can be dried with solar

,ery to form powder (Grant, ., personal communication)

the green algae are included in the hog
According to the report of the owner of the fan,when

of hogs increases by 40% and the feed efficiencY

reed, the feed intake increases 20 to 25%;
cost for
daily gain
therresting onn gallon of wet green algae (dry weight 10%) is
increase from 3.2 to 2.8. The
only US$0.0-$0.02, and most of the cost is for electricitY.
Chang-Hua branch station of
A test on uing green algae as hog feed was also conducted at the
the TLRI. The geen algae s cultivated in the open lagoon which Is filled vith the eff!luent from the

algae were substituted for

weight of the green algae is only 5%. Green
feed for hogs from 31 to 90 kg.

digester.andThe dried and 10% of algae by dried weight) as with hogs

anaerobic corn (2.5% in these hogs in comparin

soybean oil meal in weight increase
StatisticalY, there was no significant difference
and corn only (Chen, C.T., Personal con-nunication).
fed with soybean oil meal

Cultivation of
Blue-een analyzed by
contains about 57.5% protein as
algae) the anaerobic digester
(a kind of blue-Veenof S. platenfis" The effluent from
SpiruUjin show the composition fertilizer. The
TLRI. Tables 4 and 5 to cultivate spirulina better than the chemical
can be used
Is a good nutrient hich 4,
ThIU are shown in Figure
out at the Tanan Fish Culture Station of e wit thy
results of experiments
tot 12. in de th the in c la
by 0.3 m were used for cultivating S. platensis.
4 and
Tables Tw 5. n 3installed with RMp sheet, 32 im
o lagoo
with the
then inoculatedconducted
were filled with well water to 12 cm in depth, was slowly
digester pH
At the beginning, the lagoons
to 3.4 cm in depth. The effluent from anaerobic the was kept at 8.5 to
suspenilon of spirulina the Nl-"c content in the water at 5 ppm, and
into the lagoon to maintain
" , then to a 32 mx 8 lagoon with 15 cm
500 ppm H3
10.5. For example, if the effluent contains 5 ppm 500 ppm) per day.
must be added (38,400 1x spirulina. According to the

liters), 384 1effluents cultivating none. The result is shown

depth of water (38,400 Vrows 0saityha factor for
better in 20% salinity than 10% saliity or
experiment, thes spirlina
lin gote i important
it is also a rvery
Besides, the
Mum). Usually it takes
The growth of the blue.qren algae is measured with spectronic 20 (560
the 0.1. reaches 1.0 or
(O.D.) to reach 1.0 or above. When
about 2 weeks for the optical density m produced 9.7 g(dy weight)
of 32 m x 8 r x 0.3 an
for harvest. A lagoon g in winter tune. The
above, the spirulina is ready
algae in one square meter area per day in summer time, and 7.3 evaporate and frequent
of blue-reen result is shown in Table 6.
Since this is an open lagoon, water will
exoe mena
keep the water volume constant.

addition of water necessary in order to

one.horsepower engine of 26 rpm was
ad Since th 3 bluen alga is an aerobe, aeration with a
lagoon and can be picked
stops, the blue-leen algae suspend on top of the
employed. When aeration
with a filter
can also be picked up into a big container
up with a harvest net. The algae suspension
allow the water to pass through.
(harvest net) to hold the algae and of anaerobic
of blue-green algae with theforeffluent
The prelininary experiment on the cultivationalgae not only serve as good feed fish, but can also be
very successful. The
digester seems
utiiation of blue- een
ooncerning the cultivation and the
consumed by hogs. Several
algae are still in progress.
- 129 ­
Table 4. The composition of Spirulinaplatensis*

Dry Crude Crude Crude Nitrogen Ash H'fL Calcium Phos.
matter protein fat fiber free extract Insoluble phorus
Fermented manure
medm 10.42 .57.44 2.84 2.21 28.91 7.87
mied lum 0.73 0.13 0.45
Chemical medium 7.60 57.62 4.58 3.61 23.00 9.58 1.61 0.05 0.54

* On dry weight basis

Table 5. Amino acid composition of Spirulina


Amino acid g/100g crude protein


Table 6. The production of Spirulinaplatensis*

in different media

Production g/day/m 2 (dry wt.)


.'Summer Winter
Fermented manure 5 ppm 9.72 7.30
(NH 3 "N) 10 ppm 3.85 3.40
9.50 8.45
The summer temperature is 26.25 (21.7-30.8)0 C;
whereas the winter temperature is 17.3 (15-19.6)°C.

- 130

-- : Chemica medium
2.0 3.... 1.5 P.P.m. fermented manure

1-' - 3.0 p.P.m. fermented manure

1.8 manure
6.0 p.p.m. fermented

1.6 "'"
" .9.0 p.p.m. fermented manure




1.2 /

E /
o 1:0*
, 0.9 /

S 0.

/o •,:A A-­
. 3/



13 15 19 19

hog (nanure
medium and in fermented
platensis in chemical
bf Spirulina
Fig. 4. The growth

. 131
1.8 Salinity

O--O ; 20%
1:3--0I 0%o
1.5 -

1.4 /


1.2 -

1.1. /

0.8 / ,- 1:

1 43 3
0.6 /

0.5 //
0.4 ./

0.3 •
• // // /

0.1 ,,

1 3 5 7 9 11 13 15 17 19 21 23


Fig. 5. The effect of salinity on the growth of Spirulinaplatenau with fermented hog manure.

- 132 ­

Plan Service. Ames,

Lagoons, Agricultural Engineers Digest 1969. Midwest
1. Anaerobic Manure
2. Cheng, S. H., and C. P. Wang. 1977. Experiment on the Fertilizing Effect of Hcg Manures after
Taiwan Prov.
Treatment of Fermentation in the Methane Generator in Cnm and Sorghum.

Dept. of Agric. and For. (in Chinese).

and C. I. Chang. 1975. Small Methane Generator
3. Chung Po, H. H. Wang, S. K. Chen, C. M. Hong, American
International Symp. on Livestock Wastes.
for Waste Disposal. Proc. of the Third

Society of Agric. Engineers, St. Joseph,

Bull. E-777. Michigan State University.

4. Flusing. 1975. Elevision Level and Quantity of Hog

K. 1977. The Relationship Between the Nutritional
5. Furuhashi, 31: 737-740. (in Japanese).
Excreta (1). Animal Husbandry for Hog Waste
and Y. H. Tsai. 1976. Study on Methane Gas Generators
6. Hong, C. M., M. T. Koh, Res. 9: 29-37. (in Chinese).
Disposal. Jour. of the Taiwan Livestock Swine Excretas
L6e. 1974. Studies on the Pathogenicity of Fermented
7. Huang, T. J., and Y.
C. and For. (in Chinese).
of Bacteria and Viruses. Taiwan Prov. Dept. of Agric.
(II). The Parts The Aerospace
1976. Final Report on Research in Methane Generation.
8. Johnson, Jr. A. L.
Corporation El. Segundo, Calif. Taiwan Prov. Dept. of
of Methane for Generation of Electricity.
9. Koh, M. T. 1979. Utilization
Agric. and For. (in Chinese). Taiwan Livestock
Hong. 1977. Studies on the Applidation of Methane.
and C. M.
10. ___
Res. Inst. (in Chinese). Pathogenicity of Swine Manure.
1974. A Study on the Zoonotic
11. Lee, Y. C., and C. P. Wang. Taiwan Orov. Dept. of Agric.
of Fermentation in the Methane Generator.
After Treatment
and For. (in Chinese). and Micro­
Waste Treatment Fundamentals, Part one.Chemistry
12. McCarty, P. L. 1964. 1964.
biology. Public Works for September, Characterization
O'Donoghue, and K. A.'Pollock. 1971.
O'Callaghan, J. R., V. A. Dodd, P. A. J. Eng. Res. 16:399-419.
13. of Pig Manure. Jour. Agric.
of Waste Treatment Properties Organic Wastes. Azitmal,
1971. Bio-gas Plant: Generating Methane from
14. Singh, R. B. Station.
(U.P.) Indi,, Gobar Gas Research Dept. of Agric. and For. (in
Agriculture Year Book, 1966-1979. Taiwan Prov. the 2nd National
15. Taiwan on
Liu, C. M. Hong arnd M. T. Koh. 1976. Special Report
16. Wang, H. H., T. H.
Conf. on Waste Water Treatment. and Contents of Plant Nutrients
of Hog
On Some Properties
Wang. 1974. and For. (in Chinese).
17. Yen, T. T., and C. P. Taiwan Prov. Dept. of Agric.
Manures After Methane Fermentation.

- 133 ­




The crop-based farming enterprise isintended for a group of 100 farmers with total landholdings
of 100-200 hectares. This project works on the assumption that these farmers utilize low technology
for rice growing and they do not raise fish and own only draft animals and very few head of chicken.
Hence it aims to improve the nutritional status and to increase the averaqe income of these farmers.
ALsuming that majority of the farmers in the rural areas are engaged in rice production, these rural
farmers earn only US$580 average income versus US$1,058 for the urban folks.

Based on the availability of water and farmers' resources, soil condition and capability of the
farmers four patterns are identified, namely: 1) irrigated rice paddy-fish-livestock, 2) rainfed crops­
fishpondlivestock, 3) upland rainfed crops-livestock, and 4) special case.

Inclusion of fish as part of an enterprise is primarily determined by the availability of water

throughout the year. In irrigated rice paddy, fish can be continuously raised, while for rainfed, it may
be rotated with rice. Livestock can easily fit in any of the patterns.
Considerinq the two general objectives of the project, four criteria in the selection of the most

suitable pattern(s) for the area are set:

1. Technical feasibility

The package of technology should be sound and applicable to the farmers' agro-climdtic and
socio-economic setting to prevent resistance in acceptance.

2. Analyses of production measures

To improve further the yield of rice, species and cultivars, cultural management especially fertilizer
and chemicals, harvesting and storage, by-product utilization for fish and livestock and planting of fruit
trees and/or crops along the side of the fish ponds are considered.

Since fish and livestock will be new introductions, only a small space (e.g., 0.2-0.5 ha) may be
devoted to fish pond with either tilapia or mudfish. The number of livestock such as chicken, ducks,
geese, sows, cattle/carabao and goat will depend on the amount of excreta that will be available for
feeding of the fish in the pond.

3. Marketing situations

Convenient transportation facilities, system of marketing (either cooperative or middleman on


auofl .....
facilities and market
of collection center, storage/containe"
contract basis), presence
to the farmers.
like radio could be made available.

4. Investment estimates
grant from the government in the form of
It is assumed that the farmers can obtain loan and
improvement of roads and prvision of water supply.
the rice
incomes derived from the improvement of
The investment esti,'.tes and the additional
are indicated in Table 1.
technology, and from the ,,cusion of fish and livestock
would have a 44% net return from their invest­
In this feasibility study, the mal1 group of farmers
ments after a year.
Table 1. investment per year for Individual farms and

Grant Loan
(US$) (US$)

Crop 30
Seed 70
Fertilizer 200
Chemicals 50
Equipment implement. oump and engine 50
Land proparation and harvesting
Fish 300
150 350
Fishpond (0.5 ha)
Livestock 5
Feeds (12 ba s), 1 bag/month consumption 13
Chicken (20 hens) 7
Duckling (40) 33
Geese (100 gooselings) 330
Pig (1 gilt) 12
Carabao or cattle 700
She-goats (2)
250 1600
Public Facilites (for 100 farmers)
Water supply (well) 5,000
5,000 5,000'
Communication (road)
5,000 5,000
Storage, drying (controlled drying shed)

.135 ­
Table la. Investment and return per year

Items Per farm 100 farms

Total investments (US$) Grant Loan Grant Loan

Per farm 250 1,600 25,000 160,000

For the group 12,500 5,000

Sub-Total 37,500 165,00')

TOTAL 202,500

Additional Income due to

the project (US$)

Crop 150 15,000

Fish 500 50,000

Livestock 250 25,000

TOTAL 90,000

90,000/202,500 44%*

* Return ate- Total investment x 100

Additional income

Note: Income, from fish may be US$1,000 if production rate of 2,000 kgfha and a market price of US$ 1 per
kg ai assumed.





There was considerable discussion as to exactly how this study should be approachid; whether it
should be general or written in specific detail. It was decided that as the group had little common
knowledge on a specific area, a more generalied approach would be taken. There was general agreement
that the study should be directed at the small family farmer who is in grciter need of help than the
larger, already commercially oriented operator. The long term effects must be considered, for the whole
society as well as for the individual farmer. The system devised should ensure the elevated productivity
of the land in perpetuity with outside inputs carefully regulated. The only inputs in a perfect system
would be sunlight (energy) and water. This approach encourages the ise of recycling systems and
multiple land use rather than unstable monoculture systems which by their nature require large inputs
from outside the system. The point was made that cooperative ventures such as feed mills, 'abattoirs
and nurseries may give rise to effluent or by.products which could and should be used in recycling
systems by the cooperating farmers.

Comment was made on the increasing use of insecticides and pesticides and it was noted that
unless this practice is very carefully controlled it could lead to catastrophic imbalances in the ecosystem
and result in such undesirable effects as the destr'iction of all fish in the fish ponds. There may also be
serious risks to human health if pestcide residues become incorporated in the food chains, e.g. eggs,
meat, milk or fish.

There was final agreement that uppermost in the average small farmer's mind would be self­
sufficiency and only after, that would he be interested in 'cash cropping' to earn income to pay for the
socalled business of life.


The following assumptions were agreed upon for the purpose of this stui

1. Rainfall: 3000 mm per anum with monsoonal distribution

2. Soil type: volcanic soils of a clay-loam type
3. Topography: moderately rolling
4. Size of farm: 1.5ha
5. Availability of labor: 10.*5 man-days per 6-day week
6. Local market situation: village of 5,000 persons
7. Transport facilities: unsealed feeder road to village which is cut during the monsoonal period
8. Credit facilities: Rural Bank loans of up to US$600!available at 129 interest with minimum
collateral requirement

- 137 ­
this very complex problem, It was
Members of the group had considerable difficulty in tackling
t6chniques would be a very appropriate way
agreed that computer modelling and partial budget analysis
This would of course depend upon that model
of looking for the correct solution in any specific area.

specific parameters.

being based on the correct assumptions and containing accurate

The first onn follows a very general
The group produced two reports which are outlined below.
which might be taken.
approach while the second goes into some detail of an approach


Of the total land area

0.9 ha (60%of total) will be used for paddy rice production

0.45 ha (30%of total) will be used for dry land fanning
family subsistence and include
0.15 ha (10% of total) will be used for vegetable garden for
a fish pond.

1. Paddy Cultivation - 2 crops per year

Production would include:

Rice - for commercial sae

St'raw -
for animal feed (cattle) and for composting

Bran - for pigs and poultry

2. Dry Land

Wet season - grow vegetables for sale, and upland rice

Diy season - grow corn for feeds to animals and for sale.

Corn stems to be used for cattle feed.

3. Pig Enterprise

Major livestock enterprise

4. Duck Enterprise

Based on pond production and piggiry effluent

5. Fish Enterprise
as source of water for garden in the
Animal effluent used to fertilize pond. Pond would be used
dry season.
eason, silt from the bottom of the
Small fish unsuitable for sale could be fed to the pigs.
In dry
pond would be used as fertilizer for vegetable garden.

6. Biogas
Animal manure would be anaerobically fermented for gas production
to be used for cooking and


7. Cattle
in this system.
as draught animals, will be used
Buffalo, which would be used


1. Rainfall

Dry November-December

Wet June-October

2. Piggery.rico Farm

3. Resource Requirement

(a) Land
Rice ­ 1.5 ha, 1crop season, wet
Corn - 1.5 (2 crops) ­ 3.0 ha, dry season
Hogs -- 200 m

(b) Labor

Rice - 77 mandays

Corn - 100 mandays

Hogs - 243 mandays

4. Resource Supply

(a) L bor - 546 mandays/year

(b) Land ­ 1.5 ha, absolute

(c) Capital - Own capital - V 5,000
Borrowed capital - F 37,500

5. Farm Privileges

(a) Rice - 167 kg palay

(b) Corn - 170 kg

(c) Pig ­ 43 kg (1 pig)

6. Inputs
commercial feeds

(a) Hog feeds - 23,300 kg (P 000)

23,300 kg (P 7,800) local feed.3

- 139 ­
(d) Hired labor
(b) Fertilizer
Rice - for plowing P 240
Rice - 6 bags N - P 720 120
200 for weeding
2 bags P - 1,200
180 for harvesting
2 bags K- P 1,560
Corn - 25 bags P- -
bags N 200
2 bags K - 180 Corn -for plowing 9 150
- . for weeding 100
P 2,080 for harvesting 500
P 750
(c) Chemicals

Rice ­ P 300
Corn ­ 200

Hogs -

P 800

7. Output
P 7,200
Rice - 120 cavans
Corn- 100 cavans

4 0 0 kg 44,800

Hogs - 80 (80 kg each)-6

P 57,000

8. Financal Analysis

Gross Income

Hogs .......................
P 44,800
Rice ........................
Cor .......................
P 57,000

TOTAL .....................

Cost of Production

Hog feeds ....................

P 35,000
Chemicals ....................

1 .500
Hirod labor ...................

Fixed cost (12% of total cost) .......

Interest ......................

Total cost ....................


NET INCOME .................

Benefit/cost ratio: 1.23:1

1US$ =? 7.35

- 140




In determining the fish-based tricommodity integrated farming, several factors like production
systems, processes and culture techniques and marketing analysis are considered. The study would
be on a one.hectare farm located in an area with a population typical of rural community. Freshwater
is assumed to be available throughout the year for fishpond operation. Culture methods involved
would be the monoculture and polyculture systems with Nile tilapia and Chinese carps as the predomi­
nating species. Pig pens would be constructed strategically on top of the fishpond. Vegetables such as
Kangkong (Ipomea reptans) and sweet potato (Ipomea batatas) would be grown alongsido of the dikes
for maximum utilization of available space, for added production inputs and for protection of dikes
against erosion.

Basins or tabs would be used for the fishes and fisiL5ng nets would be obtained for seining. Other
standard farm equipment would be bought for garden use such as rake, pork, shovel, etc.


The farm would be near the busy I,arket of the village where all supplies and materials could be
obtained easily without any constraints to the fish farmer. Since fish is the majo:_ enterprise, a stand­
by pump of 2 horsepower is assumed to be available for emergency continuous water supply. In a
monoculture system, the stocking rate of'tilapia is 20,000 to 25,000/ha/year with an 80% survival
rate, while carp is 8,000/ha/year with 60%survival rate. For the polyculture system, the stocking rate
of tilapia and carp would be 17,000/ha/year, and 3,000/ha/year or 85%and 15%, respectively. There is
no problem in the combination of these two species since tilapia are omnivorous species while %arps
feed mainly on benthic organisms. The depth of water in the fishpond would be maintained at 1.0-1.5

Pigs pens made of wooden or bamboo floors would occupy 100 m on top of the pond divided
into four units which are independent of each other. These pens would be sloping towards an outlet
for hog manures and other waste products which would serve as fertilizers for the fish. On the average,
about 5 kg/day/hog or 500 kg/day would be disposed for the 25,000 fish. One kilo of tilapia would
require at least 18 kg of hog manure for growth sustenance. It is assumed that 100 pigs/cropping/year
would be enough for the small-scale farming system. In addition, vegetables would be grown along
the 1.0 m wide dikes to serve as food partly for human consumption and partly for the pigs and fishes.
Disease of the animals and the cultured species is assumed to be minimal so that it is not a problem to
the farmer himself.

Figure 1 presents the flow chart of the various inputs and outputs in an integrated crop-livestock­
fish farming system, At US$ 1.0/m 3 , fishpond construction will cost around US$ 10,000. Pig stalls
2 2
made of bamboo or wood would cost US$ 10,000 at US$ 100/m in a 100 m pig pen area (Fig. 2).

- 141 ­
Inputs Agribusiness System
Stalls/pond Prepn./Infras
Labor Feed
Veg Pig pens
Piglets g Droppings Ma aktbepg
Fishpond Fish Marketable fish

Fig. 1. Flow chart of the production


50 m 50 m

50m 5m 5m
"' 51




50 m
5m 5m 5C

50 m 50 m

Fig. 2. Design of fishpond and location

of pig pens

For operational cost, tilapia fingerlings

would be obtained at US$ 15.0/1000
600 to be incurred for 2 croppings/year. with a total of US$
Piglets could be bought at US$ 30.0/head
6,000 for 2 croppings/year. Vegetables' for a total of US$
cost is assumed to be at US$ 100;
for 300 days would cost around hog feeds at US$ 2 0/pig/day
US$ 6,000. Other operational
miscellaneous expenses estimated costs would include medicine and
at US$ 1,000 and labor inputs at
at US$ 3/mar-day). Assuming a US$ 2,4(60 (US$ 800 man-day/year
10% mortality rate, 0.3 kg of tilapia
gross income of US$ 10,800 would woul6 be sold at US$ 1.0 and a
be realized for 2 croppings. Hogs
live weight of pigs. Thus at 90 kg would be sold at US$ 1.2/kg.
and 98% survival rate, an income
from hogs. Annual cost is assumed of US$21,168 would be obtained
within a 4 -year duration and at 10%
rate of interest. The probable
operation of pigs would be:

1. January - February
2. March 50*

-April 50* + 50
3. 100
May - June 100 + 50 - 50** = 100
4. July - August 100 + 50* - 50** = 100
5. September - October
- do ­
6. November - December
- do ­

Newly-bought piglets
* Pigs for sale

The probable problems that have

been considered are the occurrence
of flood, typhoons, pollution
or fish kills from pesticides and diseases.

- 142 .
Cash Flow (US$)


Inflow 0 1 2 3 4
Loan value 36,100 - -
Production value - 30,300 30,300 30,300 30,300
Total 36,100 30,300 30,300 30,300 30,300


Ponds and dikes 10,000 - - - -
Pens 10,000 - - - -

Feeds 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000

Piglets 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000 6,000
Fingerlings 600 600 600 600 600
Vegetables 100 - - - -

Labor 2,400 2,400 2,400 2,400 2,400

Medicine and misc. Items 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000 1,000
Loan repayment
Principal - 9,025 9,025 9,025 9,025
Interest - 3,610 2,707 1,805 902
Total 36,100 28,635 27,732 26,830 25,327
Net inflow - 1,665 2,568 3,470 4,373

- 143.

Estimated Expenses and Returns (US$)

A. Infrastructure

Fishpond construction - 1.0 x 10,000 m2 x $1.0 = 10,000 (Human labor)

= 5,000 (Machinery)
Pig stalls $100 x 100 m 2 = 10,000
TOTAL CAPITAL COST $ 20,000/15,000

B. Annual Operation

Cost of piglets - $30 x 100 heads x 2 croppings/yr. = 6,000

Cost of fingerlings - $ 15/1000 x 20 x 2 = 600
Cost of vegetables -= 100
Cost of hog feed - $ 20/hog x 300 days = 6,000
Medicine + misc. items - = 1,000
Cost of labor - $800 man-day/yr. x $3.0/man-day = 2,400


C. Sale of Pigs - $1.2/kg x 90 kg x 200 heads x 0.95 = 21,168

Sale of fish - $1.0 x 0.3 kg x 20,000 x 0.90 x 2 = 10,800


D. Net Profit
$ 868


Peter J. Carroll
Animal Production
Hawksbury Agricultural
Richmond College
N.S.W. 2753
Tadashi Tenzna
Department of Agricultural
Obihiro University of
Agriculture and
Veterinary Medicine
lnada.Ch,, Obihiro
City, Hokkaido

Youl-Mo Dong
Office of Rural Development
Ministry of Agriculture
and Fisheries
Ong Kee Bian
Inland Fisheries and
Aquaculture Branch
Agriculture Headquarters
Ali Bin Ismail
Kuching, Sarawak
Fisheries Department

Ministry of Agriculture
Jalan Swettenhan, Kuala
Diosdado Carandang
Department of Soil
University of the Philippines
at Los Banos
Catalino de la Cruz College, Laguna
Central Luzon State
Moises R. de Guzman, Munoz, Nueva Ecija
Jr. Department of Animal
University of the Philippines
at Los Banos
Carlos Fernandez College, Laguna
Development Academy
of the Philippines
P. 0. Box 5160
Makati, Metro Manila

- 145
Joseph C. Mdamba
Asian Institute of Aquaculture/South@t
FIsheries Development Center'
Tigbauan, Iloilo
Felix Maramba, Sr.
Liberty Flour Mills, Inc.
Liberty Bldg., Pasay Road

Makati, Metro Manila

Elvira 0. Tan
Philippine Council for Agriculture

Resources Research

Los Banos, Laguna

Edward Tayengco
Southeast Asian Regional Center
for Graduate Study
in Agriculture
College, Laguna

Huang Chia
Animal Industry Division
Couvcil for Agricultural Planning
and Development
37 Nanhai Road, Taipei
Chia.Mo Hong
Taiwan Livestock Research Institute
Hsinhua, Taman
Meeng.Ter Koh
Taiwan Livestock Research Institute
Hsinhua, Tainan
Chaur.Shyan Lee
Research Institute of Agricultural

National Chung.Hsing University


Somiak Janesirisak
National Inland Fisheries Institute
Kasetsart University Campus

Fisheries Department

Bangkok 9

Reynaldo Lesaca
United Nations Environmental Program
Regional Office
United Nations Bldg., Bangkok

Thunya.Udon Boripat
Kalasin Research and Training Center
UNDP/FAO/74/01 5
P. 0. Box 7
Kalasin, Thailand

. 140


Carson Kung-HsionL Wu Director

Taipei, Taiwan, ROC
Milagros H.Tetangco Information Officer
Taipei, Taiwan, ROC


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