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Boatman S.O.

Staff: 1 position
Report to work – 8.30 am

 Before each trip, check current weather, review a pre-departure checklist to make sure
you have everything you need for a safe trip.
 Current Weather
 Check current weather conditions if it is possible to run, postponed or cancelled the trip
(boatman has the right to postponed or cancelled the trip for safety reason due to bad
 He should prepare and make sure the boat is ready to use at any time needed
 Boat should be fully ready 30 minutes before departure
 He should check boat surrounding body, engine related parts are in excellent conditions
End of the day

 Check overall of the boat condition (Hull, stern, navigating light, fog light, main light
 Level of petrol – top up the petrol if required
 Check other equipment on board is in good condition
 Wash the boat from sands and dirt
 Collect any rubbish and dispose at the Resort
 Tidy up the boat
 Check and secure the buoy line/anchor
 Refer to admin crew for the next day booking
Boat Condition

 Check the hull for cracks or other damage

 Look for any slip and trip agents on the boat (clean & clear it up if any)
 Make sure the steering and throttle controls are operating properly.
 Check the electrical system and that all lights are working properly.
 Check for any fuel leaks from the tank, fuel lines, and carburetor.
 Check the propulsion and cooling systems.
 Check the oil level, and inspect the engine compartment for oil leaks.
 Change the oil filter, water filter, and spark plugs (if needed).
 Check hose connections for leaks or cracks, and make sure hose clamps are tight.
 Drain all water from the engine compartment, and be sure the drainage plug is
replaced and secure.
 Make sure you have enough fuel or know where you can refuel. Remember that you
want ⅓ to go out, ⅓ to return, and ⅓ in reserve.
 Check to be sure you have a fully charged engine battery and fire extinguishers.
Run the engine

 Ensure the outboard motors are down and in a sufficient amount of water
 Start the engine by using starter, if hard to start, use the chocks to start
 Let it runs for couple of minutes, check and test the throttle (look at RPM for the
needle movement). Listen to the engine timing and also can check by looking at the
RPM needle
 Listen to any unusual sound of the engine (if there is any unusual sound, check the
fix it or advice the HOD for any action should be taken immediately such as need to
switch boat or repair the engine)
 If the engine is good and ready, test the throttle and steering for smoothness

If no problem then the boat is ready but before move, checks also the following details:


 Make sure that you have the required number of standby lifejackets onboard, that
they are in good condition, and that they are the proper sizes for the persons on
board. Encourage everyone to wear a lifejacket
 Additional snorkel and mask for standby if any mask and snorkel are out of order
during the trip
 Check that all required safety equipment (Fire extinguisher & first aid kit, anchor &
lines, life buoys) is on board, is in good working order, and is easy to reach
 Make sure you have a first-aid kit, basic tools, and spare parts, including plugs for all
through-hull fittings.
 If so equipped, make sure the engine shut-off line is in good order.

Berthing to pick up / drop passengers

 Approach the dock with some space so the dock is not going to be close to the boat
 Approach the dock at slow speeds
 Once you get close to the dock, apply some reversing power to stop the boat
 Allow the wind and/or current to slowly drift you into your parking spot
 Wrap your line around the dock cleat to secure your boat
 Let the passenger get onto the boat one at a time
 Always look around for any hazard around
 Keep your eyes constantly to the passengers while they are getting onto the boat
 Keep instruct the passengers on any boat movement that can caused injury
 Direct the passenger to the seating areas and forbid the passenger from seating on
the bow for safety reason
 Recheck to ensure all passengers put on and secure the life jacket on them
 Provide short safety briefing such as keep secure things that can fly off while cruising
such as hat, towel and spectacles
 Check surrounding before leave the jetty at a slow speeds
While cruising

 Cruising at a moderate speed 40KpH

 Check surrounding for any hazards (boats, fishing nets, float objects)
 Check any unusual engine sound all the time
 Check the passengers’ conditions all the time
 Give instruction to passengers for any safety issues (if the passenger standing to take
photo, etc)
 Slow the boat speed when reaching the snorkeling spot
Reaching the snorkeling spot
Beach area

 Slow down the boat’s speed

 Look for any surrounding hazard
 If safe, then slowly cruise to the beach area
 Put down the stern anchor (no coral area) approximately 10 meters before reach the
beach (secure the line safely on the cleat)
 Secure the boat by placing bow anchor on the beach (secure the line safely on the cleat)
 Secure tips of the anchor on the beach with cover
 Switch off the engine
 Put on and secure the stair on the designated area on the boat
 Direct the passengers one by one to the beach using the stairs
 Make sure everyone is step down to the beach safely
 Keep on eyes to the passengers and guide for any further assistant
 Reverse the above list for leaving the snorkeling spot
Buoy lines

 Slow down the boat’s speed

 Look for any surrounding hazard
 If safe, then slowly cruise to the buoy line area
 Secure the line on the starboard and port side at the stern on to the buoy lines
 Once the lines secured, switch off the engine
 Put on and secure the stair on the designated area on the boat
 Direct the passengers one by one to the sea using the stairs
 Make sure everyone is step down to the sea safely
 Keep on eyes to the passengers and guide for any further assistant
 Reverse the above list for leaving the snorkeling spot
Confirm Trip, Reports & Claims

 All confirmed trip should be recorded and file the booking form accordingly on daily basis
by the admin crew
 Admin crew should pass confirmed trip report on daily basis for further action by FO to
charge the guest either to room or paid immediately by the guest either by cash or credit
card (All payment should be done by FO)
 Any incident should be written in the communication log book and report to HOD if there
is any further action should be taken
 By the end of the month, the admin crew should prepare monthly sales report to submit
to Bubu HQ’s office.
 The claim should be done in a given template, initial by crew admin and approved by
HOD before submit to HQ

Note: Boat need to be maintained by wash and clean thoroughly at least once a month,
to check the engine oil, oil filter, spark plugs, plug cables, etc for efficiency. Send for
engine services once a month or whenever required.

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