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Rawat Public School

worksheet -3
class 10th civics chapter 4
Gender, religion and caste
1. What is meant by term “feminist”?
2. Define the term patriarchal?
3. Which act provides that equal wages should be paid for equal work to
both men and women?
4. Which law deal with family related matters such as marriage divorce
adoption inheritance et cetera?
5. Which reason has the highest representation of women in their National
parliaments? (Nordic)
6. Define sexual division of labour?
7. What is occupational mobility?
8. On which factor communalism is based? (Religious)
9. How are caste in inequalities still continuing in India? Explain.
“Caste has not still disappeared from contemporary India” Do you agree
with the statement? justify your answer with suitable argument
10.“Women still lag much behind men in India despite some improvements
since independence” analyse the statement.
Describe any four aspects of life in which women are discriminated in Indian
11.Is caste hierarchy weakening in India?
12.How can can caste take several forms in politics ?explain with examples.
13.Discuss the effects of communalism on Indian politics?
14.State any four provisions of the Indian constitution which makes it’s a
secular state.
“Secularism is not an ideology of some political parties or person but it is one of
the foundation of our country ‘examine the statement.

15.Differentiate between communalism and secularism?

16.Do elections in India just revolve around the concept of caste and vote
bank? Explain
17.How do social divisions affect politics ? explain with examples?
18.What do you understand by vote bank of a caste?
19.How can a relationship between religious and politics be established?
20.What does gender division mean?
21.What are feminist moments?
22.“The problem begin when religious is seen as the basis of nation” explain
the statement with example.
23.What changes can be seen in the caste system in the modern India?
Explain any five social economic changes responsible for breaking down
the old notion of caste hierarchy in India.
24.“In politics the focus on caste can some time give an impression that
elections are all about caste and nothing else” justify the statement
25.“Highlight the positive and negative impact of casteism with regard to
political expression” give any three examples to justify the statement
26.How does cast get politicised? Write few measures to combat
communalism in India?
27.What are the political remands of the feminist movement in India?
28.How does communalism threaten the Indian democracy ?explain
29.How does religion influence the political setup in our country ?explain
Suppose a politician Seeks your vote on the religious ground. why is his
act considered against the norm of democracy ?explain.
30.Define communalism ?explain any three forms of communalism in the
Indian politics.

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