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Intermetallic Compounds – Principles and Practice – Volume 3: Progress.

Edited by J. H. Westbrook, R. L. Fleischer

Copyright & 2002 John Wiley & Sons Ltd
ISBNs 0-471-49315-5 (Hardback); 0-470-84585-6 (Electronic)

Chapter 7
Spectroscopic Approaches

Esther Belin-Ferré
Universite´ Pierre et Marie Curie – Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Paris, France

1. Introduction energy distributions for a given intermetallic with

respect to free-electron or d-like metals will underline
The properties of intermetallics may be better under- that the specimen departs from a metallic-like beha-
stood through insight into their electronic as well as viour. Also, shift of the valence and conduction band
their atomic structures. Knowledge of the electronic edges from the Fermi level will end up in the formation
structure and the nature of bonding may also give of a pseudo-gap or a real gap which clearly will imply
general trends, helpful when looking either for new deviation from metallic behaviour.
intermetallics or for improving physical characteristics We are not going to consider here all of the
along definite lines such as enhancing resistance to numerous spectroscopic techniques useful for inves-
corrosion, modifying mechanical properties, etc. There- tigating the electronic structure of solids (visible, UV
fore, numerous theoretical as well as experimental means and infra-red optical spectroscopies, Raman, NMR,
have been developed to analyse the band structure and ellipsometry . . .) but will restrict ourselves to only a
densities of electronic states (DOS) of these solids. For few which we have chosen because they give direct
further background the reader may wish to consult the information on the electronic distributions and can
following chapters from Vol. 1 of this treatise: Turchi, be compared directly with DOS calculations with no
Ch. 2, on electronic theories of phase stability; Singh, further assumptions and do not require sophisticated
Ch. 6, on band structures and their interpretation; and specimen preparation. These are photoemission, soft
Pintschovius, Ch. 7, on phonon dispersion curves and X-ray emission, X-ray photoabsorption, electron
their interpretation. energy loss, and isochromat Bremsstrahlung spectro-
In this chapter a few experimental spectroscopic scopies. The first two techniques allow one to analyse
techniques will be presented. These are interesting as electronic occupied states whereas the last three are
far as electronic structure is concerned because they well adapted to a description of the electronic distri-
investigate transitions between two different quantum butions of normally unoccupied states. For each of
states of the solid, each one characterized by its energy these techniques, the underlying general principles
and lifetime. Accordingly they provide direct relevant will be presented. Their usefulness and main
information on the nature and energy distribution of characteristics will be illustrated with only a few
the electronic states and their interactions, therefore on selected recent examples of their application to
the chemical bonds in the material. Total overlap of intermetallics presented from the large volume of the
partial electronic bands in the valence band of a experimental information published so far.
specimen implies a complete mixing of the correspond-
ing states and suggests metallic or covalent bonding
which is generally found for hard materials. Changes 2. Investigation of Occupied States
of the electronic and physical properties from one
sample to another involve modifications in the electro- As mentioned, the occupied electronic states of a solid can
nic structure, for example, deviation of the electronic be probed by means of photoemission and soft X-ray
Intermetallic Compounds: Vol. 3, Principles and Practice. Edited by J. H. Westbrook and R. L. Fleischer.
B 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
136 Bonding and Stability
photoemission process involves three successive steps:
first, the excitation of the photoelectron, second, its
travel through the solid and third, its ejection into the
vacuum from the very surface. This last step is
governed by the photoelectron transmission probabil-
ity. Accordingly, the binding energy EB of the
photoelectron is related to its kinetic energy by:
EK ¼ hn  EB   ð1Þ

where  denotes the difference between the work

functions of the spectrometer and of the sample
(Figure 1). Usually, it is not necessary to know 
exactly provided the EB scale is properly calibrated,
e.g. by referring to a well-known level such as the 1s
Figure 1 Scheme of the energy levels involved in binding level of contaminating carbon, always present at the
energy measurements. EF is the Fermi level. EK(V) is the kinetic surface of a sample not prepared in a clean, high
energy with respect to the vacuum energy level of the sample, vacuum, or the Au 4f7=2 levels if Au can be evaporated
and EB is the binding energy of the photoelectron created by
the incoming photons. It is measured with a spectrometer
onto the sample itself. It is to be noted that the Fermi
having the work function spectrom levels of the spectrometer and metallic specimens
adjust to each other, whereas this does not hold true
for non-conducting substances for which charging
effects induce shifts that can be as large as several eV.
emission spectroscopies. For a few decades now, since
As to the final energy resolution of PES measurements,
the original work of K. Siegbahn and his group in
it depends upon the natural energy width of the incident
Uppsala (Siegbahn et al., 1967, 1969), so-called ESCA
photon beam and the spectrometer experimental func-
(electron spectroscopy for chemical analysis) or
tion. For XPS it is generally about 0.4–0.8 eV and for
photoemission spectroscopy (PES) has become quite
UPS it may be as good as a few tenths of an eV.
a popular technique, so much so that very efficient and
The binding energies of the inner levels of a specimen
powerful spectrometers are produced and marketed by
are obtained separately. On the contrary, for the OB, the
various companies. On the contrary, for soft X-ray
contributions of all the electrons are summed, modu-
emission spectroscopy, appropriate spectrometers are
lated by the photoelectron cross-sections s:
not commercially available; they mostly have to be
designed and constructed in the laboratories that s / hn jh f jrj i ij ð2Þ
intend to use this technique. However, this situation
will not long prevail for nowadays several groups, all where f and i denote the wave functions of the final
around the world, operate such home-made equip- and initial states, respectively.
ments using the very intense light beams of new During its travel through the solid, the photo-
generation synchrotron facilities. electron is subjected to inelastic interactions with the
electrons of the medium; therefore, the sampled depth
is governed by the mean free path of the photoelec-
2.1 Photoemission Spectroscopies
trons, denoted . Thickness up to 3 are generally
Photoemission spectroscopies (PES) probe the kinetic probed, which makes PES basically a surface-sensitive
energies EK of photoelectrons emitted from inner levels technique. Consequently, it is necessary to use very
of a solid as well as from the outermost occupied band careful preparation and characterization of the surface
(OB) as a consequence of the interaction of the solid under study. In addition, because of the inelastic
with an incoming X-ray (XPS) or ultra-violet (UPS) interactions, the shape of the background on which the
radiation of energy hn. Therefore, the initial state is the photoelectron peaks are superposed is not a simple
ground state of the system whereas in the final state function, and it is necessary to model it. In narrow
there is a hole created by the incoming energetic beam. energy ranges, say for instance for inner level peaks, a
Within the framework of the frozen orbitals (assuming linear background can be subtracted, but this cannot
that the presence of a hole in the final state does not be done for OB states that usually extend over more
affect significantly the remaining orbitals), the than 10–12 eV.
Spectroscopic Approaches 137
The number nðEÞ of the emitted photoelectrons is a
function of several parameters and can be written as

nðEÞ / nðhnÞ.NðEÞi .NðEÞf . fFD .sðEÞ.AðEÞ ð3Þ

where nðhnÞ is the number of incident photons, NðEÞi

and NðEÞf stand for the DOS at initial and final states,
respectively, fFD is the Fermi–Dirac temperature
function, sðEÞ is the photoemission cross-section and
AðEÞ is the detector transmission factor. The contribu-
tion to the total intensity due to an element E at a
depth x in a direction referred to by its angle y with the
surface of the sample is connected to its concentration
and to the electron’s mean free path. Therefore,
accurate measurements of the intensity of a chosen
core level of a given element in a sample make it
possible to determine its concentration by comparing
the same photoelectron peak in the specimen and the
pure element. Also, profile variations in concentration
can be achieved by tuning the angle y.
There are two kinds of PES techniques by which
final states may be explored. In integrated photoemis-
sion all possible final states contribute to the spectra.
As photoemission cross-sections depend on hn, tuning
the energy of the incident photons allows one to
achieve some site selectivity and to distinguish between
the features due to individual contributions to the OB
of an alloy, provided their respective EB values are
different enough to be resolved experimentally. Yet,
the photoemission cross-sections significantly favour d
and f states relative to p or s states (Yeh and Lindau
1985; Yeh, 1993). Accordingly, no features arising
from sp constituents are observed in the OB spectra of
alloys which contain sp as well as d and f elements.
This integrated photoemission technique is mainly
applied to polycrystalline specimens. The experimental
data are usually compared to total DOS calculations
when available. Such comparison is made more mean-
ingful by convoluting the theoretical DOS with
Figure 2 Panel (a) PES spectra for Pt3Mn with partial
appropriate functions to account for the photoemis- contributions of Pt and Mn. In panel (b) the calculated DOS
sion cross-sections and experimental functions. One (Tohyama et al., 1989) (thin solid lines) are properly
example is shown in Figure 2 (Brown et al., 1997). broadened for a meaningful comparison with the
Here, the complete overlap between Pt and Mn d-like experimental data (thick solid line)
sub-bands is indicative of a metallic bond in this
In angle resolved photoemission, the photoelectrons electron final state model; and, when possible, they are
are collected over a small solid angle, and their compared to band structure calculations. This techni-
damping is weak enough that only transitions with k que is labelled ARUPS or ARXPS according to
momentum conservation are involved. Thus, energy whether incident ultraviolet or X-ray photons are
dispersion curves can be probed, which allows one to used; it is applied mainly to single crystals.
investigate band structure topology as well as Fermi In addition to the inner level peaks and to the OB
surfaces. The data are often treated using the free- band, the photoelectron spectra show many satellite
138 Bonding and Stability
radiation emitted by the X-ray tube. It is often difficult
to account exactly for this background in the OB
range, and models are necessary; however, for core
levels, a linear background can generally be subtracted
from the raw data.
The intrinsic shape of the energy distribution of a
core-level peak is a Lorentzian curve whose full width
at half maximum intensity (FWHM), En,l, j , depends
on the life time t of the inner hole through:

En,l, j ¼h t1 ð4Þ

Therefore, core level spectra are usually decomposed

into Lorentzian curves and compared to standards.
Actually, for meaningful decompositions, Voigt func-
tions can also be used, since it is commonly admitted
that the experimental function of the PES spectrometer
is a Gaussian distribution of energy.
The PES core-level spectra bring information from
both qualitative and quantitative standpoints. We
already mentioned that their study may be advanta-
geous for measuring concentration. In addition, they
are very sensitive to the chemical environment; hence
shape modifications (for example, broadenings in
amorphous systems as compared to crystals) as well
as shifts up to a few eV (usually less than 5 eV) with
respect to pure elements can be observed in different
samples. Indeed, the energy of an electron in a core-
level depends on the attractive potential of the nucleus
Figure 3 Ce 3d PES spectra in a series of Ce(Pd1xCux)3 of the atom and the repulsive interaction due to the
intermetallics taken at 1486.6 eV incident energy (Ogawa et other electrons of the surrounding cloud. As during the
al., 1993) photoemission process, all the orbitals of the system
contribute to the screening of the hole; the screening
energy involves two terms, one is due to the intra-
atomic relaxation of the electronic cloud of the
contributions that may carry important information perturbed atom itself and the other term comes from
about the electronic structure and bonding. They arise the relaxation of neighbour atoms. Therefore, core-
from characteristic energy losses, Auger peaks, shake- levels are affected by any change of the potentials to
up and shake-off processes, plasmon excitations, sur- which they are subjected. To account exactly for such
face states, etc. as well as final-state effects. Plasmon core-level shifts requires reference to models. These
excitations are found towards high EB of the peaks, involve relaxation energy terms, electronegativities,
whereas surface states give a contribution to the low formation enthalpies, etc. Accordingly, investigation
EB side. Final-state effects usually do not dominate in of the chemical shifts in an intermetallic compound is
the spectra except for elements with unfilled inner of great interest, as it brings information on the
shells, like the 4f levels of rare earths. Then, the chemical state of the probed element. The example of
photoemission spectra show complex features and/or Figure 4 represents the Al 2p3=2 inner level in fcc Al, an
multiplets involving f n , f nþ1 and f nþ2 final state amorphous intermetallic Al--Cu--Fe and the oxide
configurations (Figure 3) (Ogawa et al., 1993). present at the surface of the samples. Note that the
In addition to the photoemission peaks that are feature towards low kinetic energies (high binding
superimposed on a background which arises from the energies) at about 3 eV from the maximum is due to
inelastic diffusion of the electrons; for XPS there is an the contribution of the Cu 3p level to the spectrum of
additional contribution from the Bremsstrahlung the intermetallic sample.
Spectroscopic Approaches 139

Figure 4 Core-level peak in amorphous Al-Cu-Fe (open

rhombs) and fcc Al (solid line) in the kinetic energy range
around 1404 eV (binding energy around 75 eV). The vertical
bars show the maxima of the Al 2p3/2 peaks in the oxide
(maximum intensity) and the samples and so illustrate
chemical shifts from fcc Al to the amorphous Al-Cu-Fe
alloy (Belin-Ferré, unpublished)

Another interesting piece of information is provided

Figure 5 From bottom to top, experimental Fermi edges
by examination of the shape of the Fermi edge in (dots) and calculated Fermi edges (solid lines) for pure gold,
relation to the metallic character of a sample. This fcc Al and an icosahedral Al-Cu-Fe quasicrystal. For this
comparison requires measurements with a high energy latter, the Fermi edge is calculated assuming a free-electron-
resolution; and, accordingly, UPS experiments are like behaviour. The discrepancies between calculation and
experiment demonstrate that the quasicrystal is by no means a
necessary. Many studies have been dedicated to the free-electron-like system and emphasizes the low DOS at EF,
investigation of the Fermi edge of intermetallics; in therefore establishing the presence of a pseudo-gap
recent years the presence of a pseudo-gap at EF in
quasicrystalline alloys was verified for icosahedral as
well as decagonal phases which gives indication that (Castro et al., 1997). The data are compared to band
the electronic properties of such alloys depart from structure calculations by Mattheis and Hammann
being metal-like. Figure 5 shows the Fermi edges of fcc (1993).
Al and Au and icosahedral Al--Cu--Fe and points out a Topological investigations are based on the fact that
clear deviation of the OB edge of the icosahedral the photoelectrons are diffracted by the crystal lattice
intermetallic with respect to what is expected for a free- and therefore carry structural information. Fermi
electron-like system (Mori et al., 1991). surfaces are analysed in such a way (Aebi et al.,
As mentioned, ARUPS helps to map out the energy 1996) as exemplified in Figure 7, which shows the
bands of a solid. As an example, we show in Figure 6 Fermi surface mappings of Pt (111) and its compar-
the binding energies versus k? for the X direction of ison with theoretical calculations (Pilo et al., 1999a
E-FeSi (100) measured between the third and fourth and b).
Brillouin zones and those calculated using a direct In concluding this section, we note that only in very
transition model with a free-electron final-state band few cases of ordered alloys, have core-level as well as
140 Bonding and Stability
OB PES photo-diffraction patterns been used to
decompose the OB into the partial densities of states
of its components. We present in Figure 8 the total and
partial DOS of AuCu3 (001) (Stuck et al., 1990).
More information on PES techniques can be found
in many textbooks, such as Barr, 1993; Brundle and
Baker, 1978; Cardona and Ley, 1978 and 1979, or in
Hüfner, 1995, etc.

2.2 X-ray Emission Spectroscopy

An ionized or excited system is not stable and evolves
spontaneously. Therefore, a hole in a core-level of a
solid recombines, radiatively or not, from either a
more external level or the OB. The energy implied in
this recombination is the difference between the
energies of the initial and final states. The initial state
presents a hole in an inner level, and there remains a
more external hole in the final state. The radiative
process is the X-ray emission investigated by X-ray
emission spectroscopy (XES). The non-radiative coun-
terpart is the Auger effect, not treated here, which ends
up emitting electrons and leaving two holes in the final
state. Within the one-electron approximation, thus
neglecting relaxation energy terms, X-ray emission
involves two steps: first, creation of the inner hole at
level Lðn, l, j ) and second, reorganization of the
Figure 6 Experimental binding energies (solid dots) versus
k? for the X direction of E-FeSi (100). The solid lines are the
electronic cloud from another level Lðn0 , l 0 , j 0 ) or from
calculated bands taken from Mattheis and Hammann (1993). the OB. This is schematized in Figures 9a and 9b.
These are shifted by 0.1 eV towards low binding energies for a The energy distribution of the emitted radiation is
better adjustment to the experimental results given by

Figure 7 Mapping of the Fermi surface of Pt(111) (left side) from PES measurements at room temperature with an incident
radiation of energy 21.2 eV and its comparison with theoretical calculations (right side). Black dots of the calculation are to be
compared with high intensities in the experiment
Spectroscopic Approaches 141

Figure 8 Partial and total DOS of AuCu3(001) measured in

the (111) direction. Calibration on the DOS scale was made
assuming 10 and 30 electrons/cell for Au and Cu, respectively

IðhnÞ / jMf!i j2 Lðn0 , l 0 , j 0 Þ*Lðn, l, j Þ ð5Þ

Figure 9 Sketch of the principle of X-ray emission. Panel a
IðhnÞ / jMf!i j2 NðEÞ*Lðn, l, j Þ ð6Þ represents an X-ray transition between two core-levels. Panel
b corresponds to an X-ray emission involving the occupied
for two levels, Lðn, l, j Þ and Lðn0 , l 0 , j 0 Þ, equation (5), band
or for one level and the OB (equation (6)) participating
in the transition, respectively. In equation (6), NðEÞ
denotes the probed OB densities of states. Mf!i is the
matrix element of the transition probability; it is probability differs from 0, which is achieved provided
constant or varies slowly with energy depending on the transitions fulfil dipolar selection rules, namely:
jh f jrj i ij where i and f are the wave functions of l ¼ 1, j ¼ 0,  1 ð7Þ
the initial and final states. Therefore, in equation (5),
the initial and final states are highly localized; in As a consequence, if a core hole with symmetry l is
contrast, in equation (6), i is a localized state whereas created in an element A, alone or in a compound, the
f describes a hole in the OB. Spatial overlapping local density-of-states with l  1 symmetry around this
between the initial and final wave functions is required element, denoted by NðEÞl1 will be probed by the XES
for a transition to take place, and this requirement technique, thus giving also a partial character to XES.
implies that only the amplitude of f in the core hole Note that (i) transitions with j 0 ¼ 0 ! j ¼ 0 are not
region will give a significant contribution to the allowed; (ii) transitions to l þ 1 states are favoured
spectrum. Accordingly, XES has a local character. In with respect to those to l  1, therefore, from a p hole,
addition, it is necessary that the radiative transition states with d character will be probed with a higher
142 Bonding and Stability
probability than states with s character. Consequently,
comparison of the experimental XES spectra with
partial densities of states calculations is possible. More
details can be found in many textbooks, as for instance
Agarwal (1979), or in Bonnelle (1987).
The shape of the distribution for a transition
involving two inner levels is a Lorentzian curve
whose FWHM is the sum of the FWHMs correspond-
ing to the two levels involved in the transition. The
shape of the emitted intensity distribution to which the
OB contributes results from the convolution of the
probed partial local DOS and the Lorentzian distribu-
tion Lðn, l, j ).
The initial hole can be created either with impinging
electrons or with photons. Irradiation by electrons
easily produces multiple interactions; hence, satellite
emissions due to the X-ray transition in the multiple-
ionized or excited system may also be observed in the
spectra. The XES technique is straightforward, directly Figure 10 Mg 3p distribution of states in the pure metal
applicable to any kind of material: crystalline, amor- (lower curve) and in NiMg2H4 (upper curve) on the X-ray
phous, insulator, bulk, powder, etc. In addition, transition energy scale
according to the conditions of the experimental set-
up it can inform the investigator either with reference
to the bulk sample or to a thin layer just below its a picture of the OB and have insight into the electronic
surface. OB of deep interfaces in solids may also be interactions that are present, further adjustment of the
investigated with XES induced by electrons by tuning various partial contributions on the energy scale is
the energy of the incident beam so that it reaches the necessary. This can be realized on the binding-energy
depth of the interface in question (Fargues et al., 1985; scale but requires knowing the Fermi energy EF for
Szasz and Kojnok, 1985). The total energy resolution each individual X-ray transition energy scale. To do
in an experiment results from the natural width Eðn, so, it is necessary to determine the binding energy with
l, j ) of the inner level Lðn, l, j ) and the instrumental respect to EF of the inner level participating in each X-
function. Eðn, l, j ) varies from a few meV up to ray transition; this can be achieved thanks to
several eV according to the atomic number and complementary X-ray and (or) inner-level PES mea-
considered level (Krause and Oliver, 1979); and it is surements. An example is shown in Figure 11 for
generally the most important parameter in choosing Al7 Cu2 Fe. It presents the curves corresponding to the
the appropriate transitions to investigate. Despite the Al 3p, Al 3s--d, Cu 3d--4s and Fe 3d--4s contributions
fact that no absolute DOS values are obtained, it to the OB, respectively, as adjusted to the binding
makes sense to compare the DOS of a given element in energy scale from the measurements of Al 2p3=2 , Cu
various materials; because, according to equation (6), 2p3=2 , Fe 2p3=2 inner levels and the X-ray transition Al
any change in the shape and energy of the spectral 2p3=2 ! Al 1s. Each curve is normalized to its own
distribution will give direct insight into modifications maximum intensity. Note that as transition probabil-
of the corresponding N(E). An example is given in ities strongly favour d states, no actual view of the Cu
Figure 10, which shows the Mg 3p distribution in the and Fe 4s states is achieved. The overlap between the
pure metal and in Mg2 CoH5 (Belin et al., 1987). The peaks for Fe 3d and Al 3p curves denotes a mixing of
feature in the low transition energy range, not present the corresponding states and therefore illustrates some
in the Mg 3p band in the lower curve, corresponds to hybridized, covalent character of the Al--Fe bond. The
additional states due to Mg-H bonding in the maximum of the Cu 3d peak is almost at a relative
hydrogenated intermetallic. minimum of the Al 3s--d distribution curve. Here, this
A relevant characteristic of XES is that the can be interpreted as a Fano-like interaction (Ter-
contributions of the various components to the OB akura, 1977) between the localized d states and the
of a solid can be investigated separately, each one extended Al states which splits them into two bonding
obtained in its own transition energy scale. To achieve and non-bonding parts, located on each side of the Cu
Spectroscopic Approaches 143
3d maximum (Belin et al., 1992). There is a decrease of
intensity at EF of the various counterparts as
compared to pure metallic elements, which indicates
the opening of a small pseudo-gap at EF in agreement
with the fact that this alloy is a Hume-Rothery
Comparison between experimental spectra and
partial DOSs is shown in Figure 12 (Trambly de
Laissardière et al., 1995). The agreement is very good
for the Cu and Fe states, but for Al 3p and 3d states
there is a slight discrepancy in the energy range 4 eV
below EF which is still a matter of investigation by
Figure 11 Al 3s-d (dots), Al 3p (solid line), Cu 3d (stars) and theoreticians (Papaconstantopoulos, 1997). Note that
Fe 3d (triangles) electronic distribution curves in OB of the features towards low binding energies from the
crystalline Al7Cu2Fe. The full vertical line at the origin
represents the Fermi level, which is located within 0.1 eV for
maximum in the experimental curves of panels a and b
Al and 0.3 eV for Cu and Fe respectively are satellite contributions to the main peak.
The situation is less simple when the sample contains
elements with open shells. The initial state of XES is
then the same as the final state in PES. Therefore many
features are observed on the emission spectral dis-
tribution curves, which arise from final state effects due
to both ionized and excited configurations. Figure 13
displays the Ce 4f--3d emission spectrum of CeNi2 .
Structures due to transitions involving excited and
ionized 3d 9 4f 1 , 3d 10 4f 0 , 3d 9 4f 2 configurations can be
recognized. In this example, the occurrence in the
spectrum of peaks and bumps (arising from peaks of
smaller intensity) characteristic of both Ce3þ and
Ce4þ established that the CeNi2 intermetallic is
actually a mixed valence alloy (Sonder, 1990).

Figure 12 Experimental electronic distribution curves

(symbols) and calculated partial DOS’s (solid lines) for
Figure 13 Ce 3d-4f emission spectrum of CeNi2. The two sets
Al7Cu2Fe. From bottom to top, the panels correspond to Cu
of peaks correspond to transitions involving 3d3/2 and 3d5/2
d, Fe d, Al p and Al s-d states, respectively. The thick line of the
inner levels, respectively. The bars show the features
upper panel is for the Al s states whereas the thin one is for d
characteristic of Ce3+ whereas the arrows show those due
to Ce4+
144 Bonding and Stability
2.3 Complementarity of PES and XES Techniques whereas Ru 5d states (triangles in XES curves) are near
the EF . PES shows that the Cu states are dominant and
As PES provides a view of the total OB and XES gives
also that the total DOS at EF is very low. XES
the partial contributions, it may be interesting to
establishes the low intensity at the EF , especially for
combine both techniques for a better understanding of
the Al states, and shows the interactions between the
the electronic structure of a solid. This is exemplified in
Al and the Cu states on the one hand and between the
Figure 14, which presents the PES and XES OB
Al and Ru states on the other hand. For Ru the energy
spectra of icosahedral quasicrystalline Al--Cu--Ru. For
resolution of XES spectroscopy is not very good,
such an intermetallic, no DOS calculations are
which makes the Ru spectrum broad. The high
available due to the lack of translational properties
resistivity of quasicrystalline Al--Cu--Ru (around
of the quasicrystalline atomic structure. Therefore, it is
cm at room temperature (Berger et al.,
advantageous to investigate the electronic structure
1993)), is in line with the reduced density of the
experimentally. Note that it is of particular interest to
extended-like states, namely Al 3p, in the vicinity of EF
have a view of the Al (or Mg) states and of their
which is about 20% of the intensity in fcc Al, and the
interaction with the other components in such inter-
marked pseudo-gap at EF as assessed from the energy
metallics, since the sp states are less localized in
distance of the Al VB edges from EF .
character than the d states and therefore are more
Another example is shown in Figure 15 for FeSi
sensitive to changes in chemical and topological
where the XPS and XES experimental results are
environments. In addition, they can be principally
involved in many physical and electronic properties;
yet, due to cross-sections that noticeably favour d and f
states, they cannot be recognized in PES spectra.
Figure 14 shows as an example PES curves for
Al65 Cu20 Ru15 (top curve) and Al61:5 Cu25 Ru13:5 (lower
curve) icosahedral quasicrystals; taken from Naka-
mura and Mizutani (1994) and the XES curves for
Al65 Cu20 Ru15 from Belin-Ferré et al. (1996). From
both sets of measurements it appears that Cu 3d states
(crosses in XES spectra) are in the middle of the OB

Figure 15 Electronic structure of FeSi. Top panel: the XPS

spectrum is the dotted line and the total DOS calculated with
the LMTO method is the continuous line. Lower panels: from
Figure 14 PES (XPS) (two upper curves) and XES (four top to bottom, the experimental Fe 3d-4s, Fe 4p, Si 3s-d and Si
lower curves) for icosahedral Al–Cu–Ru plotted on the same 3p curves are the dotted and broken lines. The partial
energy scale with the vertical line at the origin showing the calculated DOS are solid lines for Fe 3d, Fe 4p, Si 3s and Si
Fermi level. All measurements were carried out at room 3p, respectively, and the broken line is for Si 3d (Galakov et
temperature al., 1995)
Spectroscopic Approaches 145
compared to total and partial DOS calculations; the equation (7), and its probability depends upon the
good agreement between the data validates the overlap between a final state, which may be of
theoretical model (Galakov et al., 1995). somewhat extended character, and a more localized
initial one. This makes XAS both site and symmetry
selective. Accordingly, the photoabsorption spectrum
3. Investigation of Unoccupied States describes the sum of all the transitions from the core
level towards continuum states of appropriate angular
3.1 X-ray Photoabsorption Spectroscopy momentum. Since the matrix element of the transition
probability is constant or varies very slowly with
An incoming photon can deliver its energy to a core
energy, XAS spectra are directly related to the
electron (n, l, j ) of a solid and promote it to a normally
unoccupied DOSs of the solid; but, similar to XES,
unoccupied level, provided the energy of the incident
no absolute values can be derived from the experi-
photon is equal or higher than the ionization thresh-
ments. Here also, as for XES, the total energy
old. This is schematized in Figure 16. Such a process
resolution in an experiment results from the natural
leaves an inner hole in the core state. Therefore,
width Eðn, l, j ) of the inner level Lðn, l, j ) and the
photoabsorption spectroscopy (XAS) and XES can be
instrumental function.
considered to be complementary in that, whereas one
If I0 is the intensity of the incident photon beam,
spectroscopy refers to occupied states, the other
and I, the intensity after transmission through a
concerns the unoccupied ones. Similar to XES, in the
thickness x of the sample, I and I0 are connected via
one-electron approximation, the energy distribution of
the Beer–Lambert law:
a photoabsorption transition involving the unoccupied
band (UB) results from the convolution between the I ¼ I0 emx ð9Þ
energy distributions of the core-level and the conduc-
m can be taken as the linear photoabsorption coeffi-
tion DOS respectively, weighted by the corresponding
cient since this effect is largely dominant as compared
transition probabilities.
to others such as the Compton and Thomson
The spectral energy distribution associated with the
diffusions, Auger emission, etc. m is a function of the
photoabsorption process is
photoabsorption cross-sections, s, of the different
IðhnÞ / jMf!i j2 NðEÞUB *Lðn, l, j Þ ð8Þ constituents of the solid. Again, the variation of s is
proportional to both i and f , the initial and final
Here also, the photoabsorption transition is expected wave functions. i describes the initial state, here the
to follow the dipole selection rules as expressed in ground state, and f is the final state, namely the
electron ejected into the UB. Measurements of I and
I0 allow one to determine the variation of m. As a
result of the photoabsorption process, the core-level
vacancy can be filled owing to the Auger process.
Consequently a photocurrent, the so-called photoyield
current Y, is associated with the electrons escaping
from the sample. This current can be measured and
gives rise to the so-called yield technique. The fraction
of the photon intensity absorbed in the sample is
ðI0  I Þ=I0 where I is the photon beam intensity at the
depth x. Therefore, the photoyield current Y can be
Y ¼ ðI0  I Þ=I0 ¼ gð1  emx Þ ð10Þ

where g is a constant. Because the penetration depth is

much larger than the electron-escaping depth, Y can be
considered to be  gmx. Hence, Y depends on the
mean-free-path of the escaping electrons, and the yield
technique is basically surface-sensitive in contrast to
the transmission technique, which is mainly related to
Figure 16 Sketch of the principle of X-ray photoabsorption the bulk material. According to the particular sample,
146 Bonding and Stability
the incident photon beam is totally absorbed through a
thickness x that can vary from tens of nm to mm.
However, the yield technique must be selected when
films a few tens of nm thick, which are often required
for a good experimental accuracy in the transmission
mode, are not available.
To summarize, XAS allows one to investigate partial
local densities of unoccupied states; and, therefore,
comparison with theoretical partial DOSs makes sense.
As for XES, further adjustment of an absolute energy
scale is necessary to reveal a picture of the UB
distribution; and again, measurements of inner-level
binding energies allow one to adjust the various
contributions on the binding energy scale. To exem-
plify, Figure 17a displays the unoccupied electronic
distributions of Al p, Fe d--s and p as well as Cu d--s
and p in Al7 Cu2 Fe (Sadoc et al., 1993); and Figure 17b
shows the partial DOS calculations by Trambly de
Laissardière et al. (1995), broadened in order to
account for the core-level life-time as well as instru-
Figure 17a Experimental empty states distributions in
mental broadenings. Al7Cu2Fe. Solid line: Fe d-s, crosses: Fe p, triangles: Cu d-s,
Similar to XES, qualitative changes in spectral diamonds: Cu p, dots: Al p. All sub-bands are normalized to
shapes from pure elements to intermetallics or from their own maxima. In this alloy, Fe d-s states are
one intermetallic to another one reflect differences in predominantly present at the Fermi level, mainly
bonding due to modifications in charge transfer or overlapping Al p states, whereas Cu d-s states are found
about 2 eV above EF
hybridization. For instance, advantage has been taken
of such a peculiarity to investigate mixed valence
intermetallics and evaluate the valency rates.
By combining both XAS and XES spectra, it is then
possible to have a full view of the electronic distribu-
tions in a solid and a complete derivation of the
electronic interactions. This is exemplified in Figure 18
which shows the experimental OB and UB in icosahe-
dral quasicrystalline Al--Pd--Mn. As the shape of the
Mn UB d-like counterpart is similar to that in the pure
metal (not shown in the figure here), this adjustment
points out that localized states, Mn OB and UB states,
essentially, are found on each side of EF . Accordingly,
there is no significant charge transfer from Al to Mn
states and only a small part of the Al 3p states are
hybridized to Mn 3d states (actually 4s states are not
seen due to transition probabilities that favour d
states). The maxima of Mn and Pd UB states
correspond to relative minima of UB Al p; hence,
this confirms the states are not mixed. Pure Al s OB Figure 17b Theoretical partial DOS in Al7Cu2Fe (Trambly
de Laissardière et al., 1995) broadened to account for the
states are found at about 6 eV below EF . Assuming the core-level life-times involved in the XAS experiments and the
transition probabilities are constant in the investigated instrumental functions. Fe d, Fe s, Cu d, Cu s, Al p, Fe p, and
energy range, the Al p distribution is adjusted to be the Cu p curves are shown. Note that in the calculations, the
same intensity at EF as its OB counterpart. The OB energies are counted opposite in sign to those in the
measurements. Good agreement is found in the energy
and UB Al p-like sub-bands show a marked asym- positions between the experimental curves of Figure 17a and
metry with a minimum at EF which points out the the calculations. Analysis of the shapes shows that empty Fe
formation of a pseudo-gap and a low intensity of the and Cu states are of mixed of d and s characters
Spectroscopic Approaches 147

Figure 18 OB and UB contributions in an icosahedral Al-Pd-Mn quasicrystal as obtained from XES and XAS experiments,
respectively. Small dots: Al 3s-d, full line: Al 3p, diamonds: Pd 4d-5s, triangles: Mn 3d-4s, large dots: Pd d-s, open dots: Mn d-s,
broken line: Al p. All the curves are normalized to their maximum intensity except for the Al p distribution which, assuming the
transition probabilities are constant, is adjusted to be the same intensity at EF as its OB counterpart

rather extended UB Al p counterpart above EF is 19). Note that as in XAS, there is a remaining core hole
observed. This is in line with the high resistivity of this in the final state, therefore this spectroscopy is also site
intermetallic alloy (about 1000
cm at room tem- selective.
perature at which the spectroscopic measurements are The energy loss is measured with respect to the
made) (Belin et al., 1994; Belin-Ferré and Dubois, elastic peak in the reflection or the transmission modes
1996). for small scattering angles. The measurements give the
Note that XAS which refers to an energy range of a fraction of the incident electron beam with energy E
few tens of eV above the absorption edges is often which is scattered into a solid angle d
with the energy
labelled as XANES, namely X-ray absorption near- from E1 to E1 þ. If we denote by q the momentum
edge structure in contrast to EXAFS, extended X-ray transferred from the incident to the scattered beam,
absorption fine structures, which is concerned with then the cross-section of EELS is given by:
energy ranges of a few hundreds of eV above the edges
and mainly carries structural information. d2 s=d
dE / ð1=q2 Þ Imð1=EÞ ð11Þ

3.2 Electron Energy Loss Spectroscopy Imð1=EÞ is the so-called energy loss function and E is
A mono-energetic incident electron beam directed into the dielectric constant which is connected to the
a solid is slowed down because of collisions, either photoabsorption coefficient: For energies around
elastic or inelastic, with the core electrons. When the 10 eV, the loss function is mainly determined by the
incident energy is high enough, ionizations and collective excitations of the valence electrons, whereas
excitations of the electrons of the solid can be for higher energies core excitations are taken into
produced, and inner shell electrons can be promoted account. Finally, in the independent particle approx-
to unoccupied states of appropriate symmetry. Thus, imation, and for small momentum transfers,
electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS) allows one to
explore the distribution of unoccupied states (Figure d2 s=d
dE / i,f jh i jqrj f ij2 dðEf  Ei  --
hoÞ ð12Þ
148 Bonding and Stability

Figure 20 EELS spectra describing Al s empty states in fcc

Al (upper curve) and in icosahedral quasicrystalline
Al65Cu20Ru15 (lower curve), respectively (Terauchi et al., 1996)
Figure 19 Principle of electron energy loss spectroscopy. The
energy losses are measured with respect to the elastic peak
which is taken as the origin
3.3 Bremsstrahlung Isochromat Spectroscopy
An electron beam which penetrates a solid loses energy
Consequently, EELS is subject to fulfilment of dipole due to its interaction with the strong fields of the
selection rules. In the transmission mode, namely using atoms. As a result, photons are emitted continuously
particles of high incident energy, the spectra are up to a limit which corresponds to the very energy of
equivalent to those measured using transmission the incident electron beam. This is the so-called
photoabsorption, whereas for low energy excitations, Bremsstrahlung radiation (from the German word
the spectra obtained in the reflection mode are for braking radiation) which carries information on
dominated by electron mean-free-path effects and the solid itself. Its detection is therefore of high interest
therefore are essentially surface-sensitive, analogous and gives rise to the Bremsstrahlung spectroscopies.
to yield photoabsorption spectra. Note that when the There are two principal ways to detect the Brems-
incident electron energy is close to that of an strahlung radiation, as schematized in Figures 21a and
absorption edge, extra features may appear on the b. In all cases, the incident electron is high in the
spectra due to non-dipolar transitions. Note also that continuum and is thus considered as a free electron. In
as for XAS, no absolute DOS values are achieved
with EELS measurements, but comparisons between
the same element in various samples is possible as the
shapes of the spectral curves are related to the
unoccupied DOSs (Figure 20).
Features due to such energy losses are commonly
observed in electron scanning transmission microscopy
and are also found in XPS spectra where they generally
give rise to broad peaks corresponding to the high
binding energies of the main lines, so-called plasmon
peaks. In UPS spectra, both surface and volume
plasmons can be detected easily. Investigation of such
plasmon features may provide information about the
nature of the solid, in particular about the free-
electron-like character and number of oscillating Figure 21 Principle of Bremsstrahlung spectroscopy a: in the
electrons (Osterwalder et al., 1990). spectral mode and b: in the isochromate mode
Spectroscopic Approaches 149
process a, incoming electrons of constant energy are elements and intensity distributions as well as many-
dumped into the unoccupied states and the photons body effects (Speier et al., 1985; Hoekstra et al., 1986;
emitted are scanned according to their energy. Because Sobczack and Auleytner, 1988; Speir et al., 1988).
of energy conservation, their variation depicts the Experimental investigations have been carried out so
variation of the empty states. This is the ‘spectral’ far mainly at synchrotron facilities but also using
mode. In process b, the detection is performed at home-made equipments. Two examples are shown,
constant photon energy by varying the energy of the Figure 22 (Czyzyk et al., 1992) and Figure 23 (Ogawa
incident electron beam; here also, the incident elec- et al., 1993). In the latter, final-state effects due to Ce 4f
trons populate the initially empty band, and the configurations can be recognized.
description of the variation of empty states is made
in the ‘isochromate’ mode.
The latter process is also often denoted as ‘inverse
photoemission’ (IPES); hence, the spectral mode is
generally labelled inappropriately as Bremsstrahlung
isochromate spectroscopy (BIS). In any case, whatever
the detection procedure is, these BIS and/or IPES
spectroscopies describe the totality of the empty states
and do not provide chemical selectivity. However,
comparison with total DOS calculations is meaningful.
In addition, Bremsstrahlung spectroscopies are sur-
face-sensitive, since the mean-free-path of the electrons
governs the depth sampled. Many studies have been
dedicated to analysis of the role of transition matrix

Figure 22 Bremsstrahlung isochromate spectrum of MoNi3.

The upper curve is the raw experimental data, the dotted
curve below is the experimental curve with the inelastic
contribution to the background subtracted. The lowest solid Figure 23 Bremsstrahlung isochromate spectra of
curve is the calculated DOS. Peaks labelled A, C, D, E and Ce(Pd1–xCux)3. Multiplet structure arising from Ce f 1
features F, G, H correspond to both Mo and Ni d states, Mo and f 2 configurations is observable whatever x. The
and Ni p, Ni s, Ni p and to Mo s states and Mo and Ni p second peak above EF is due to both Ce and Pd d
states, respectively states
150 Bonding and Stability

Figure 25 Occupied and unoccupied densities of states in

Y(Co1–xAlx)2 investigated with XPS (left side of the figure) and
Figure 24 Principle of Bremsstrahlung spectroscopy in the BIS (right side of the figure), respectively, for different x
constant initial state mode concentrations. The vertical line at the origin is set at the
Fermi level, and the curves are each normalized to the total

Another type of spectroscopy that involves Brems-

strahlung radiation is the constant initial state be either bulk or surface-sensitive, whereas BIS
spectroscopy (CIS), in which the initial state is the techniques refer to total empty DOSs and are more
fundamental state þ one electron in the conduction likely applicable to the study of the surface. Note that
band, and the final state is a core-level hole þ two as XAS is both site- and symmetry-selective, the
electrons in the conduction band, as shown in Figure combination of BIS and XAS techniques may give
24. Therefore, the observed spectra result from the insight, for instance, into the role of the core-hole
autoconvolution of the empty DOS. In contrast to effects due to strongly correlated empty levels or to
BIS, CIS can involve a deep inner level and so can be levels close to the Fermi level. It is also possible to
bulk-sensitive. combine PES and BIS techniques using the same
instrument, therefore within the same accuracy, and
have a view of total occupied and empty DOSs (Figure
25) (Son et al., 1999).
4. Conclusion Similarly, in the same spectrometer, under the same
experimental conditions, and hence with the same
The various spectroscopic techniques introduced in broadening, it is possible to analyse selected partial
this paper are only a few among those that can local occupied and empty DOSs that involve the same
investigate DOSs of intermetallics. They have been inner level from both XES and XAS measurements,
chosen because they are straightforward, thus giving provided films of suitable thickness are available for
direct insight into the DOS, although not providing the photoabsorption experiments or the yield techni-
absolute DOS values. They are all complementary, que is used (Figure 18). All parameters that influence
each one revealing a special aspect of DOS. As far as DOS, such as changes due to modifications in atomic
occupied states are concerned, PES gives a total view structure or chemical environments can be investigated
of OB states modulated by cross-sections, but it is and characterized with all these spectroscopic techni-
surface-sensitive and charging effects may occur for ques.
insulators and semiconductors. On the other hand, Note that other spectroscopic techniques, not
XES can investigate all partial local occupied electro- presented here, may also be complementary to one or
nic distributions in a solid whatever they may be, but more of the techniques described above. For instance,
XES is mainly related to the bulk (Figure 14). If one is NMR or Mössbauer spectroscopies can be related to
interested in empty states descriptions, XAS and EELS PES or XES measurements as they both give some
provide partial local electronic distributions that may view of the participation of states at EF . See, for
Spectroscopic Approaches 151
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