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Write the letter of the CORRECT answer on the answer sheet provided. Strictly NO ERASURE. Crying is allowed but
please do so quietly.

1. In what months of the fetus life that the ridges starts to form in the fingers.
a. 1st and 2nd months c. 3rd to 4th months
nd rd
b. 2 and 3 months d. 4th to 5th months
2. The depressed or canal like structure/ the white space between ridges.
a. Furrow c. Sweat Pores
b. Ridge d. Sweat Glands
3. He is known as a “Man without Fingerprint.”
a. John Dellinger c. Juan Vucetich
b. Robert James Pitts d. Lucila Lalu
4. Herman Welcker took his own fingerprints twice with a lapse of ______ years and show the
ridges formation remain the same.
a. 41 c. 43
b. 40 d. 42
5. Is a 8’’ x 8’’ card designed for recording fingerprint impression.
a. class card c. card holder
b. fingerprint card d. all of the above
6. Sometimes it is also reffered to as “legal”.
a. Science c. Market
b. Public discussion d. Forensic
7. It is an impression design by the first joint of the fingers and thumb on smooth surface
through the media of ink, sweat or any subtance capable of producing visibility.
a. Rolled Impressions c. Plain Impressions
b. Fingerprints d. Impressions
8. Is pattern in which the ridges flows from one side to the other side with a slight raise at the
a. plain arch c. radial loop
b. tented arch d. ulnar loop
9. It is the skeletal finger covered with friction skin. It is made up of three bones.
a. Terminal Phalange c. Phalange
b. Proximal Phalange d. all of the above
10.Is a type of loop pattern in which the slanting or looping ridge flows towards the little finger.
a. ulnar loop c. double loop whorl
b. radial loop d. none of these
11.In the primary division, its focus in __________ pattern only.
a. Loops c. Arches
b. Whorls d. All of these
12.The first scientific method of identification is called ______.
a. Anthropometry c. Odontology
b. Photography d. Poroscopy

13.A fingerprint was first used in ______.

14.Back of the hand.
a. Plantar c. Dorsal
b. Carpal Delta Zone d. Thenar
15.Francis Galton said that the possibility of two prints being alike was ______.
a. 1:64 000 000 000 c. 1:60 000 000 000
b. 1:65 000 000 000 d. 1:6 000 000 000
16.In the Primary Division, what is the sum total if all patterns are WHORLS?
a. 1/1 c. 0/0
b. 32/32 d. 31/31
17.John Dellinger is known US public enemy, number one who attempt to destroy his own prints
using ______.
a. Surgery c. Corrosive acid
b. Nitric acid d. Sufuric acid
18.According to this principle, a person’s fingerprint remains essentially unchanged throughout
their lifetime.
a. Individuality c. Permancy
b. Infallibility d. Reliability
19.A Dogmatic principle which postulates that the fingerprint cannot be forged.
a. Principle of Individuality c. Principle of Constancy
b. Principle of Infallibility d. Principle of Permancy
20.Examination and evaluation of Dental evidence in a criminal justice context.
a. Odontology c. Poroscopy
b. Podoscopy d. Chiroscopy
21.In the Primary Division, what is the sum total if all patterns are ARCH?
a. 1/1 c. 3/3
b. 2/2 d. 4/4
22.The first leading Judicial decision in the Philippines jurisprudence on the science of
fingerprinting was known as.
a. People vs Medina c. People vs Miranda
b. Bilangawa vs Amador d. People vs Dela Cruz
23.The word Forensic was derived from the Latin word “Forum” which means a ______.
a. Public discussion c. Public place
b. Market place d. Market venue
24.What are the numerical values of finger 7 and 8 ( Left Index and Left Middle )?
a. 16 c. 4
b. 8 d. 2
25.In the Primary Division, what is the sum total if all patterns are LOOPS?
c. 1/1 c. 3/3
d. 2/2 d. 4/4
26.He is the Father of Dactyloscopy.
a. Henry Faulds c. J. C. C. Mayer
b. Johannes Purkenjie d. Herman Welcker
27.He is the Father of Personal Identification.
a. Purkenjie c. Alphose Bertillion
b. Marcelo Malpighi d. Henry Faulds
28.In taking fingerprints the subject hand should be completely _________.
a. wet c. hot
b. cold d. dry
29.This principle stated that a fingerprint is a reliable means of identification.
a. Infallibility c. Constancy
b. Permanency d. Individuality
30.Fingerprint pattern that composed of 35% of all prints.
a. Arch c. Whorl
b. Loop d. Double Loop Whorl
31.What are the numerical values of finger 1 and 2 ( Right Thumb and Right Index )?
a. 16 c. 4
b. 8 d. 2
32.Its also called the outer terminus.
a. rod or bar c. delta
b. core d. appendage
33.The first’ person Herschel printed the palm.
a. Govard Bibloo c. Herman
b. Rajadhar Kunai d. Nehemiah Grew
34.It is the science which deals with the study of the prints of the palm of the hands.
a. Palmistry c. Poroscopy
b. Chiroscopy d. Podoscopy
35.Is a metallic or glass plate where the ink is spread for purpose.
a. Ink Slab c. Fingerprint Ink
b. Ink Roller d. none of these
36.He is the professor at the University of Bolognia and the Grandfather of Dactyloscopy.
a. Nehemiah Grew c. Marcelo Malpighi
b. J. C. A. Mayer d. Herman Welcker
37.A fingerprint was first used in China, they called it ______.
a. Hua Cho c. Hua Chi
b. Hau Cho d. Chua Chi
38.Destruction of the Epidermis.
a. permanent damage c. either a or b
b. Temporary d. neither a or b
39.Scientific study of fingerprint for purposes of personality interpretation.
a. Dactyloscopy c. Palmistry
b. Dactylomancy d. Dactylography
40.The greater number of similarities or dissimilarities; the greater is the probability for the
conclusion to be correct.
a. Law of Municipality of Evidence c. Ridge Counting
b. Fingerprint Classification d. Examination of fingerprints
41.In taking fingerprints, what fingers should rolled towards the body.
a. Index finger c. Middle finger
b. Little finger d. Thumb
42.Is the process of placing under each pattern the letter symbols representing their patter
interpretation prior to the actual classification formula.
a. Blocking c. Summing
b. Checking d. Assigning
43.It is the science which deals with the study of the skin pattern.
a. Dermatology c. Dermatography
b. Dermatoglyphics d. Derma
44.Two ridges that spread apart.
a. diverging ridge c. bifurcation
b. converging ridge d. enclosure
45.Refers to a ridge formation in a form of a dot or period.
a. Bifurcation c. Ridge dot
b. Enclosure d. Ending Ridge
46.There were no two fingerprints that are alike unless taken from the same finger. This principle
is called______.
a. Infallibility c. Individuality
b. Permanency d. Reliability
47.Fingerprints left on various surfaces at the crime scene.
a. Plane Impressions c. Visible fingerprins
b. Rolled Impressions d. Latent fingerprints
48.Fingerprint pattern that composed of 5% of all prints.
c. Arch c. Whorl
d. Loop d. Double Loop Whorl
49.Are those prints which are readily visible to the naked eye.
a. Visible Prints c. Either A or B
b. Invisible Prints d. Neither A or B
50.Considered as the simplest and traditional methods used in developing prints at the scene of
the crime. Use of powder and brush.
a. Rolling Method c. Dusting Method
b. Fuming Method d. Laser Method

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