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J$1ser $d5irea SobireD, 1961

.a)L SobireD & u6to)
(,Co$$ro 3 elr6oC)

J31€er Selru

qoc$iryeron SeSXu $o6 S6S>n e$5dp:$6:

1. E"6cpa.r5 *,Cg epe0eSel Sotpalg$f,o 2023 p, 8erorrea cn$ Se$ bOqg\r bdo5e
$na.:S J$lseu ad:b$ub 6$)6.
2. 23 $!i$0 2023 (rbclxrdo) efitD* (,$6raoSs berd16$o s5roa-) €6o$o 11.00 rlo.
$6olD o 3.00 rlo. srds 0€c01o6 ep6s6 $OoID el6${y sbas6 (6D$r5,
bdeS sro",$') gb5r), 35 oo6{u, u{ gn5 au.SJob iuqrs p6etr5
eIo ir3sob 0tl01o6 erQs0 $OoII) er6${9 sbrrs6 (JClsur), 8lrt5Jo5 tlr)p,\
se{eroIoo, 3r6ear5, er6sep sbas6 (olsr.q, bdd $oor:u €e p:rQj, 3$ oottQr,
uE Hp6 a:vs5Job $pqrtr vo[tlo$o, p.6eal5 $o6 eeddB ese rr"$, ds eo$$/era)
08$6o6;10 oso n"5 uSoSeS irg.o eloado$$e$)$:.
3. ps EeDba>e$ foo $gf sroolD er bsro!"oef usoses bgeD iroasts:;s:.
4. 24 i>a$6 2023 (tu$;r6o) 66o$o 11.00$ 00c0\ o6 s6y0 $OoiD er65{9
5bAs6 5ne5 s.,oou g,d, gbs-\), 3s elo6ip, u9 gr5 d:rt5Jo5 Spa>S

seSerdooef uScSeS $gryer$r i:OSerSSrnO rlXuS"Sao aod:rtr6to6.

5 6irXroir6ea SdalS: 6A 27 2023 o 3.00 tlo.
5u) $uoc$n"S bo" (z)ef Sf,?o0$ 5 o6sd;e.rp$ n S eroJr$,zeraJ
s"e5e.roJ.:oef er65$ t5o:lory yS eJS ud5$ O6$6$uef a,SO c5e n",C eod5$
gte3X5rd55orr $o$ioo0,$ J,C1Se.r bAod c5e n"S eroddoJ.:$S)S.
6. J$rso efeJ S6q!ro.3 $t.od, 1,.0o6 66 13 $r0_12023 (R.$;r6o) udr €c3o$o g.00
tlo. 6roC.$oSogo 4.00 r1o. ${l ac6iraxb$0.

iroo: Srdseen5 srciear5
Q fSs eee0eSer $dFac5$fo
Aai 16.02.2023 Oerotrea eil Se$ b0AED-2023 g
CS-gs J515u>
Conduct of Elections Rules, 196l
(Statutory Rules and Order)

IFoRM ll
(See rule 3)

Notice is hereby given that:-
Apthorities, Constituencv. 2023.

(2) Nomination papers may be delivered by a candidate

or by any of his proposers to the Returning

ll:00 A.M. and 3:00 P.M. on any day (other than public
holiday) not rater than the 23d f,.ebruary.

(3) Forms of nomination paper may be obtained

at the prace and time aforesaid.

(a) The nomination papers will be taken up for scrutiny ut th"

(5) Notice of withdrawal of candidature may be delivered either by a candidate

or by any of his proposers or by
his election agent who has been authorised
in witing by the candidate to deliver it to either of the
Specified in paragraph (2) above at her office

hours of 8:00 A.M and 04:00 p.M.

Place: Hyderabad.
Date : 16-02-2023.

Hydera .bad Local Authorities' Constituency,

Biennial Elections to Telangana State Legislative
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