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wish i can take bath or shower with you now washing you slowly and
After that have you lay face down on a beach towel on the floor.
than i Start at your feet, and work your way up slowly
Work each toe separately, and give special attention to the insoles
and If your feet are dry, i will work in extra oil to soften them.
than move to your legs, but only below the knee at first.
and Work each leg individually.
One hand on each leg, moving at the same time. Move past her knee to her upper legs
and work them as i did your lower legs... when i finished with the upper legs, i
will do some stroking of the entire leg, from the ankles up, and drift just barely
onto your rear. giving it some extra attention making it good. using mine full
hands and a good deal of pressure on your rear.
As i move up your back When i finish you back, i will give you a few strokes from
the feet all the way to your head Let you relax a moment before i have you turn
over. i will make sure your comfortable. than Part legs slightly, and put the
second pillow under your knees. Again
take my time, let the anticipation grow.
Using a very light amount of oil on your ears and the side of your neck... Move
from the side of your neck to your arms, with a passing brush of the top of your
breasts Work down each arm one at a time, and be sure to work each finger
And then move around to the outside edge and around back to the top
and occasionally do both breasts at the same time..... and Give some special
attention to the nipples am not gonna squeeze the nipple too firmly. Twisting or
tugging may be pleasurable, if done gently.
Hahah then run my hands down to outside of your legs When this is done, move mine
hands, one on each leg, down the outside of the legs... then move my hands to the
inside of your legs and slide them up just barely caressing the edge of your vulva
touching your genitals tends to be jarring keeping massaging your vulva until you
asks or begs for it.. i will suck your pussy to you go so wet.. I will suck it till
you come on my mouth.. and will not stop sucking you honey.. Than make you feel
like a sweet, pretty woman that you are...
I will fuck you and same time sucking your pussy very tight honey.. i will never
let you go honey..

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