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Dear Seller Performance Team,

• I am the principal of CARRY CART and I am writing to you today

about our account that, it was deactivated in order to code of

conduct and it has been 3 months that my whole balance is
reserved to Amazon.
• I can understand that Amazon must have found something

unusual on my account and I have submitted an appeal for that as

well and I will make sure that to not disturb the Amazon policies.
• It has been more than 90 days that my whole payment is bound

to amazon.
• I am here to request you to please release my funds so I may use

them in my domestic purposes.

• Rather than domestic uses I had lent that amount from a local

bank and I am paying the installment of that loan every month

with interest.
• Now a days as I lent that amount for business purpose and my

amount is stuck and my account is deactivated as well and I was

unable to do anything so I am very worried about disbursement
and writing you to please release my funds as soon as possible.
• I have not earned as much I have spent in the recovery of the loan

due to account deactivation.

• I am selling goods at amazon since I created my account and I was

learning to sell well and to fulfill the orders with my best.

• The period in which I was learning to sell on Amazon I hired a VA

to handle my account and some staff like a prep center services.

• When my account got deactivated I had some open orders and

my VA just confirmed that to ship.

• Than he told me that code of conduct is not resolve able and if I

ship the orders so my amount will be increase in reserved and I

can not get that ever.
• That is why I got afraid and lost all my hopes and got worried

about my loan .
• I am not in the condition to bear any kind of loss as I am a poor

person and this amount means a lot to me.

• With the passage of time I realized that my VA is not much

professional to deal with this all.

• Than I started exploring the terms and conditions of Amazon

policies and came to know that I did wrong that I admit it will
harm to deliver the open orders.
• I immediately started refund to the buyers and tried to apologies

them as well.
• That is why I got some bad feedbacks on my account which is

absolutely right of the customer.

• I apologize for my mistake and now I am aware what to do and

what to not.
• I promise you that I will never let anything happen like this ever as

I know that to disturb the buyer is not good and in any condition
we have to fulfill our order as we committed to do.
• Now I will handle all my work by my self.

• I have submitted a plan of action in the account reactivation

appeal and I have mentioned in that as I am moving to the FBA

model as soon as possible to avoid the uncertainty of any kind.
• After the all what happened it seems like I have fulfilled those

requirements which are necessary to do before the appeal of

funds disbursement like to refund open orders and to fulfill A to Z
claims etc.
• Now I do not have any open order.

• Now I do not have any A to Z claim to fulfill.

• Now I do not have to refund any of my buyer.

• My account have been passed from 90 days period.

• I have the invoices of the products as well which I can show to

• If you want any other document I can provide you that as well.
• Now I am cleared from my side that I have spent the expenses to

deliver the orders and I again request you to please review this
appeal as soon as possible and allow me to disburse the amount
so I could be able to pay my loan back.
• I hope Amazon will co-operate with me

• Please release my funds ASAP.

• I shall be very thankful to you for this kindness.

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